Adrian Schröter
Sync from SUSE:ALP:Source:Standard:1.0 cargo-c revision bc8763a912aa1202c4cde36d049d2c50
# How to update the cargo-c package ## Prerequisites: You need the download_files and cargo_vendor obs services installed: zypper in obs-service-download_files obs-service-cargo_vendor ## Updating to a new version from upstream Edit the spec file and update the version variable. Download the new source file by running: osc service ra download_files Uncompress the cargo-c-%{version}.tar.gz file: tar xvfz cargo-c-%{version}.tar.gz This will create a cargo-c-%{version} directory Edit the _service file and set the srcdir param to the extracted directory. Run the cargo_vendor service with: osc service disabledrun Update the changelog file with the upstream release notes.