Sync from SUSE:ALP:Source:Standard:1.0 jackson-databind revision c8f180ad265f41902c831578f0a19b32
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@ -0,0 +1,837 @@
Mon Aug 21 13:38:28 UTC 2023 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Update to 2.15.2
* 2.15.2 (30-May-2023)
+ #3938: Record setter not included from interface
(2.15 regression)
* 2.15.1 (16-May-2023)
+ #3882: Error in creating nested 'ArrayNode's with
+ #3894: Only avoid Records fields detection for deserialization
+ #3895: 2.15.0 breaking behaviour change for records and Getter
+ #3897: 2.15.0 breaks deserialization when POJO/Record only has
a single field and is marked 'Access.WRITE_ONLY'
+ #3913: Issue with deserialization when there are unexpected
properties (due to null 'StreamReadConstraints')
+ #3914: Fix TypeId serialization for
'JsonTypeInfo.Id.DEDUCTION', native type ids
* 2.15.0 (23-Apr-2023)
+ #2536: Add 'EnumFeature.READ_ENUM_KEYS_USING_INDEX' to work
+ #2667: Add '@EnumNaming', 'EnumNamingStrategy' to allow use of
naming strategies for Enums
+ #2968: Deserialization of '@JsonTypeInfo' annotated type fails
with missing type id even for explicit concrete subtypes
+ #2974: Null coercion with '@JsonSetter' does not work with
+ #2992: Properties naming strategy do not work with Record
+ #3053: Allow serializing enums to lowercase
+ #3180: Support '@JsonCreator' annotation on record classes
+ #3262: InvalidDefinitionException when calling
+ #3297: '@JsonDeserialize(converter = ...)' does not work with
+ #3342: 'JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY' does not work with
record wrappers
+ #3352: Do not require the usage of opens in a modular app when
using records
+ #3566: Cannot use both 'JsonCreator.Mode.DELEGATING' and
'JsonCreator.Mode.PROPERTIES' static creator factory methods
for Enums
+ #3637: Add enum features into '@JsonFormat.Feature'
+ #3638: Case-insensitive and number-based enum deserialization
are (unnecessarily) mutually exclusive
+ #3651: Deprecate "exact values" setting from 'JsonNodeFactory',
replace with
+ #3654: Infer '@JsonCreator(mode = Mode.DELEGATING)' from use
of '@JsonValue')
+ #3676: Allow use of '@JsonCreator(mode = Mode.PROPERTIES)'
creator for POJOs with"empty String" coercion
+ #3680: Timestamp in classes inside jar showing 02/01/1980
+ #3682: Transient 'Field's are not ignored as Mutators if there
is visible Getter
+ #3690: Incorrect target type for arrays when disabling
+ #3708: Seems like 'java.nio.file.Path' is safe for Android API
level 26
+ #3730: Add support in 'TokenBuffer' for lazily decoded (big)
+ #3736: Try to avoid auto-detecting Fields for Record types
+ #3742: schemaType of 'LongSerializer' is wrong
+ #3745: Deprecate classes in package
+ #3748: 'DelegatingDeserializer' missing override of
'getAbsentValue()' (and couple of other methods)
+ #3771: Classloader leak: DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_INTROSPECTOR holds
annotation reference
+ #3791: Flush readonly map together with shared on
+ #3796: Enum Deserialisation Failing with Polymorphic type
+ #3809: Add Stream-friendly alternative to
'ObjectNode.fields()': 'Set<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>>
+ #3814: Enhance 'StdNodeBasedDeserializer' to support
+ #3816: TokenBuffer does not implement writeString(Reader
reader, int len)
+ #3819: Add convenience method
'SimpleBeanPropertyFilter.filterOutAll()' as counterpart of
+ #3836: 'Optional<Boolean>' is not recognized as boolean field
+ #3853: Add 'MapperFeature.REQUIRE_TYPE_ID_FOR_SUBTYPES' to
enable/disable strict subtype Type Id handling
+ #3876: 'TypeFactory' cache performance degradation with
* 2.14.3 (05-May-2023)
+ #3784: 'PrimitiveArrayDeserializers$ByteDeser.deserialize'
ignores 'DeserializationProblemHandler' for invalid Base64
+ #3837: Set transformer factory attributes to improve
protection against XXE
* 2.14.2 (28-Jan-2023)
+ #1751: '@JsonTypeInfo' does not work if the Type Id is an
Integer value
+ #3063: '@JsonValue' fails for Java Record
+ #3699: Allow custom 'JsonNode' implementations
+ #3711: Enum polymorphism not working correctly with DEDUCTION
+ #3741: 'StdDelegatingDeserializer' ignores 'nullValue' of
* 2.14.1 (21-Nov-2022)
+ #3655: 'Enum' values can not be read from single-element array
even with 'DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS'
+ #3665: 'ObjectMapper' default heap consumption increased
significantly from 2.13.x to 2.14.0
* 2.14.0 (05-Nov-2022)
+ #1980: Add method(s) in 'JsonNode' that works like combination
of 'at()' and 'with()': 'withObject(...)' and 'withArray(...)'
+ #2541: Cannot merge polymorphic objects
+ #3013: Allow disabling Integer to String coercion via
+ #3212: Add method 'ObjectMapper.copyWith(JsonFactory)'
+ #3311: Add serializer-cache size limit to avoid Metaspace
issues from caching Serializers
+ #3338: 'configOverride.setMergeable(false)' not supported by
+ #3357: '@JsonIgnore' does not if together with '@JsonProperty'
or '@JsonFormat'
+ #3373: Change 'TypeSerializerBase' to skip
'generator.writeTypePrefix()' for 'null' typeId
+ #3394: Allow use of 'JsonNode' field for '@JsonAnySetter'
+ #3405: Create DataTypeFeature abstraction (for JSTEP-7) with
placeholder features
+ #3417: Allow (de)serializing records using
Bean(De)SerializerModifier even when reflection is unavailable
+ #3419: Improve performance of 'UnresolvedForwardReference' for
forward reference resolution
+ #3421: Implement 'JsonNodeFeature.READ_NULL_PROPERTIES' to
allow skipping of JSON 'null' values on reading
+ #3443: Do not strip generic type from 'Class<C>' when
resolving 'JavaType'
+ #3447: Deeply nested JsonNode throws StackOverflowError for
+ #3475: Support use of fast double parse
+ #3476: Implement 'JsonNodeFeature.WRITE_NULL_PROPERTIES' to
allow skipping JSON 'null' values on writing
+ #3481: Filter method only got called once if the field is null
when using '@JsonInclude(value = JsonInclude.Include.CUSTOM,
valueFilter = SomeFieldFilter.class)'
+ #3484: Update 'MapDeserializer' to support
+ #3497: Deserialization of Throwables with
PropertyNamingStrategy does not work
+ #3500: Add optional explicit 'JsonSubTypes' repeated names
+ #3503: 'StdDeserializer' coerces ints to floats even if
configured to fail
+ #3505: Fix deduction deserializer with
+ #3528: 'TokenBuffer' defaults for parser/stream-read features
neither passed from parser nor use real defaults
+ #3530: Change LRUMap to just evict one entry when maxEntries
+ #3533: Deserialize missing value of 'EXTERNAL_PROPERTY' type
using custom 'NullValueProvider'
+ #3535: Replace 'JsonNode.with()' with 'JsonNode.withObject()'
+ #3559: Support 'null'-valued 'Map' fields with "any setter"
+ #3568: Change 'JsonNode.with(String)' and 'withArray(String)'
to consider argument as 'JsonPointer' if valid expression
+ #3590: Add check in primitive value deserializers to avoid
deep wrapper array nesting wrt 'UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS'
[CVE-2022-42003, bsc#1204370]
+ #3609: Allow non-boolean return type for "is-getters" with
+ #3613: Implement 'float' and 'boolean' to 'String' coercion
+ #3624: Legacy 'ALLOW_COERCION_OF_SCALARS' interacts poorly
with Integer to Float coercion
+ #3633: Expose 'translate()' method of standard
'PropertyNamingStrategy' implementations
* 2.13.5 (23-Jan-2023)
+ #3659: Improve testing (likely via CI) to try to ensure
compatibility with specific Android SDKs
+ #3661: Jackson 2.13 uses Class.getTypeName() that is only
available on Android SDK 26 (with fix works on ASDK 24)
Mon Oct 17 11:36:57 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Update to
* (13-Oct-2022)
+ #3627: Gradle module metadata for '' references
non-existent jackson-bom '' (instead of
* (12-Oct-2022)
+ #3590: Add check in primitive value deserializers to avoid
deep wrapper array nesting wrt 'UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS'
[bsc#1204370, CVE-2022-42003]
* 2.13.4 (03-Sep-2022)
+ #3275: JDK 16 Illegal reflective access for
'Throwable.setCause()' with
+ #3565: 'Arrays.asList()' value deserialization has changed
from mutable to immutable in 2.13
+ #3582: Add check in 'BeanDeserializer._deserializeFromArray()'
to prevent use of deeply nested arrays [bsc#1204369,
Wed Jun 15 07:11:21 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Update to 2.13.3
* 2.13.3 (14-May-2022)
+ #3412: Version 2.13.2 uses 'Method.getParameterCount()' which
is not supported on Android before API 26
+ #3419: Improve performance of 'UnresolvedForwardReference' for
forward reference resolution
+ #3446: 'java.lang.StringBuffer' cannot be deserialized
+ #3450: DeserializationProblemHandler is not working with
wrapper type when returning null
* (28-Mar-2022)
+ No changes since but fixed Gradle Module Metadata
* (24-Mar-2022)
+ #2816: Optimize UntypedObjectDeserializer wrt recursion
+ #3412: Version 2.13.2 uses 'Method.getParameterCount()' which
is not supported on Android before API 26
* 2.13.2 (06-Mar-2022)
+ #3293: Use Method.getParameterCount() where possible
+ #3344: 'Set.of()' (Java 9) cannot be deserialized with
polymorphic handling
+ #3368: 'SnakeCaseStrategy' causes unexpected
'MismatchedInputException' during deserialization
+ #3369: Deserialization ignores other Object fields when Object
or Array value used for enum
+ #3380: '' is in 'META-INF/versions/11' instead
of 'META-INF/versions/9'
* 2.13.1 (19-Dec-2021)
+ #3006: Argument type mismatch for 'enum' with '@JsonCreator'
that takes String, gets JSON Number
+ #3299: Do not automatically trim trailing whitespace from
'java.util.regex.Pattern' values
+ #3305: ObjectMapper serializes 'CharSequence' subtypes as POJO
instead of as String (JDK 15+)
+ #3308: 'ObjectMapper.valueToTree()' fails when
'DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_TRAILING_TOKENS' is enabled
+ #3328: Possible DoS if using JDK serialization to serialize
Wed Oct 20 08:12:34 UTC 2021 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Update to 2.13.0 (CVE-2020-36518, bsc#1197132)
* 2.13.0 (30-Sep-2021)
+ #1850: '@JsonValue' with integer for enum does not deserialize
+ #2509: 'AnnotatedMethod.getValue()/setValue()' doesn't have
useful exception message
+ #2828: Add 'DatabindException' as intermediate subtype of
+ #2900: Jackson does not support deserializing new Java 9
unmodifiable collections
+ #2989: Allocate TokenBuffer instance via context objects (to
allow format-specific buffer types)
+ #3001: Add mechanism for setting default 'ContextAttributes'
for 'ObjectMapper'
+ #3002: Add 'DeserializationContext.readTreeAsValue()' methods
for more convenient conversions for deserializers to use
+ #3011: Clean up support of typed "unmodifiable", "singleton"
+ #3033: Extend internal bitfield of 'MapperFeature' to be
+ #3035: Add 'removeMixIn()' method in 'MapperBuilder'
+ #3036: Backport 'MapperBuilder' lambda-taking methods:
'withConfigOverride()', 'withCoercionConfig()',
+ #3080: configOverrides(boolean.class) silently ignored,
whereas .configOverride(Boolean.class) works for both
primitives and boxed boolean values
+ #3082: Dont track unknown props in buffer if
'ignoreAllUnknown' is true
+ #3091: Should allow deserialization of java.time types via
+ #3099: Optimize "" case by passing
explicit null
+ #3101: Add AnnotationIntrospector.XmlExtensions interface for
decoupling javax dependencies
+ #3110: Custom SimpleModule not included in list returned by
ObjectMapper.getRegisteredModuleIds() after registration
+ #3117: Use more limiting default visibility settings for JDK
types (java.*, javax.*)
+ #3122: Deep merge for 'JsonNode' using
+ #3125: IllegalArgumentException: Conflicting setter
definitions for property with more than 2 setters
+ #3130: Serializing java.lang.Thread fails on JDK 11 and above
(should suppress serialization of ClassLoader)
+ #3143: String-based 'Map' key deserializer is not
deterministic when there is no single arg constructor
+ #3154: Add ArrayNode#set(int index, primitive_type value)
+ #3160: JsonStreamContext "currentValue" wrongly references to
@JsonTypeInfo annotated object
+ #3174: DOM 'Node' serialization omits the default namespace
+ #3177: Support 'suppressed' property when deserializing
+ #3187: 'AnnotatedMember.equals()' does not work reliably
+ #3193: Add 'MapperFeature.APPLY_DEFAULT_VALUES', initially for
Scala module
+ #3214: For an absent property Jackson injects 'NullNode'
instead of 'null' to a JsonNode-typed constructor argument of
a '@ConstructorProperties'-annotated constructor
+ #3217: 'XMLGregorianCalendar' doesn't work with default typing
+ #3227: Content 'null' handling not working for root values
+ #3234: StdDeserializer rejects blank (all-whitespace) strings
for ints
+ #3235: 'USE_BASE_TYPE_AS_DEFAULT_IMPL' not working with
+ #3238: Add PropertyNamingStrategies.UpperSnakeCaseStrategy
(and UPPER_SNAKE_CASE constant)
+ #3244: StackOverflowError when serializing
+ #3259: Support for BCP 47 'java.util.Locale'
+ #3271: String property deserializes null as "null" for
+ #3280: Can not deserialize json to enum value with
Object-/Array-valued input, '@JsonCreator'
+ Fix to avoid problem with 'BigDecimalNode', scale of
+ Extend handling of 'FAIL_ON_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES' to cover
coercion from (Empty) String via 'AsNull'
+ Add 'mvnw' wrapper
* 2.12.5 (27-Aug-2021)
+ #3220: (regression) Factory method generic type resolution
does not use Class-bound type parameter
* 2.12.4 (06-Jul-2021)
+ #3139: Deserialization of "empty" subtype with DEDUCTION
+ #3146: Merge findInjectableValues() results in
work with empty strings
* 2.12.3 (12-Apr-2021)
+ #3108: 'TypeFactory' cannot convert 'Collection' sub-type
without type parameters
to canonical form and back
+ Fix for [modules-java8#207]: prevent fail on secondary Java 8
date/time types
* 2.12.2 (03-Mar-2021)
+ #754: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY does not work well with '@JsonCreator'
+ #3008: String property deserializes null as "null" for
+ #3022: Property ignorals cause 'BeanDeserializer 'to forget
how to read from arrays (not copying
+ #3025: UntypedObjectDeserializer' mixes multiple unwrapped
collections (related to #2733)
+ #3038: Two cases of incorrect error reporting about
+ #3045: Bug in polymorphic deserialization with '@JsonCreator',
'@JsonAnySetter', 'JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY'
+ #3055: Polymorphic subtype deduction ignores 'defaultImpl'
+ #3056: MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize instance
of 'com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode' out of
+ #3060: Missing override for 'hasAsKey()' in
+ #3062: Creator lookup fails with 'InvalidDefinitionException'
for conflict between single-double/single-Double arg
+ #3068: 'MapDeserializer' forcing 'JsonMappingException'
wrapping even if WRAP_EXCEPTIONS set to false
* 2.12.1 (08-Jan-2021)
+ #2962: Auto-detection of constructor-based creator method
skipped if there is an annotated factory-based creator method
(regression from 2.11)
+ #2972: 'ObjectMapper.treeToValue()' no longer invokes
+ #2973: DeserializationProblemHandler is not invoked when
trying to deserialize String
+ #2978: Fix failing 'double' JsonCreators in jackson 2.12.0
+ #2979: Conflicting in POJOPropertiesCollector when having
+ #2990: Breaking API change in 'BasicClassIntrospector'
+ #3005: 'JsonNode.requiredAt()' does NOT fail on some path
+ #3009: Exception thrown when 'Collections.synchronizedList()'
is serialized with type info, deserialized
* 2.12.0 (29-Nov-2020)
+ #43: Add option to resolve type from multiple existing
properties, '@JsonTypeInfo(use=DEDUCTION)'
+ #426: '@JsonIgnoreProperties' does not prevent Exception
Conflicting getter/setter definitions for property
+ #921: Deserialization Not Working Right with Generic Types and
+ #1296: Add '@JsonIncludeProperties(propertyNames)' (reverse of
+ #1458: '@JsonAnyGetter' should be allowed on a field
+ #1498: Allow handling of single-arg constructor as property
based by default
+ #1852: Allow case insensitive deserialization of String value
into 'boolean'/'Boolean' (esp for Excel)
+ #1886: Allow use of '@JsonFormat(with=JsonFormat.Feature
+ #1919: Abstract class included as part of known type ids for
error message when using JsonSubTypes
+ #2066: Distinguish null from empty string for UUID
+ #2091: 'ReferenceType' does not expose valid containedType
+ #2113: Add 'CoercionConfig[s]' mechanism for configuring
allowed coercions
+ #2118: 'JsonProperty.Access.READ_ONLY' does not work with
"getter-as-setter" 'Collection's
+ #2215: Support 'BigInteger' and 'BigDecimal' creators in
+ #2283: 'JsonProperty.Access.READ_ONLY' fails with collections
when a property name is specified
+ #2644: 'BigDecimal' precision not retained for polymorphic
+ #2675: Support use of 'Void' valued properties
+ #2683: Explicitly fail (de)serialization of 'java.time.*'
types in absence of registered custom (de)serializers
+ #2707: Improve description included in by
+ #2709: Support for JDK 14 record types ('java.lang.Record')
+ #2715: 'PropertyNamingStrategy' class initialization depends
on its subclass, this can lead to class loading deadlock
+ #2719: 'FAIL_ON_IGNORED_PROPERTIES' does not throw on
'READONLY' properties with an explicit name
+ #2726: Add Gradle Module Metadata for version alignment with
Gradle 6
+ #2732: Allow 'JsonNode' auto-convert into 'ArrayNode' if
duplicates found (for XML)
+ #2733: Allow values of "untyped" auto-convert into 'List' if
duplicates found (for XML)
+ #2751: Add 'ValueInstantiator.createContextual(...)
+ #2761: Support multiple names in 'JsonSubType.Type'
+ #2775: Disabling 'FAIL_ON_INVALID_SUBTYPE' breaks polymorphic
deserialization of Enums
+ #2776: Explicitly fail (de)serialization of 'org.joda.time.*'
types in absence of registered custom (de)serializers
+ #2784: Trailing zeros are stripped when deserializing
BigDecimal values inside a @JsonUnwrapped property
+ #2800: Extract getter/setter/field name mangling from
'BeanUtil' into pluggable 'AccessorNamingStrategy'
+ #2804: Throw 'InvalidFormatException' instead of
'MismatchedInputException' for ACCEPT_FLOAT_AS_INT coercion
+ #2871: Add '@JsonKey' annotation (similar to '@JsonValue') for
customizable serialization of Map keys
+ #2873: 'MapperFeature.ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_ENUMS' should
work for enum as keys
+ #2879: Add support for disabling special handling of "Creator
properties" wrt alphabetic property ordering
+ #2885: Add 'JsonNode.canConvertToExactIntegral()' to indicate
whether floating-point/BigDecimal values could be converted to
integers losslessly
+ #2895: Improve static factory method generic type resolution
+ #2903: Allow preventing "Enum from integer" coercion using new
'CoercionConfig' system
+ #2909: '@JsonValue' not considered when evaluating inclusion
+ #2910: Make some java platform modules optional
+ #2925: Add support for serializing 'java.sql.Blob'
+ #2928: 'AnnotatedCreatorCollector' should avoid processing
synthetic static (factory) methods
+ #2931: Add errorprone static analysis profile to detect bugs
at build time
+ #2932: Problem with implicit creator name detection for
constructor detection
+ Add 'BeanDeserializerBase.isCaseInsensitive()'
+ Some refactoring of 'CollectionDeserializer' to solve CSV
array handling issues
+ Full "LICENSE" included in jar for easier access by compliancy
* 2.11.4 (12-Dec-2020)
+ #2894: Fix type resolution for static methods (regression in
2.11.3 due to #2821 fix)
+ #2944: '@JsonCreator' on constructor not compatible with
'@JsonIdentityInfo', 'PropertyGenerator'
+ Add debug improvements wrt
#2807 ('ClassUtil.getClassMethods()')
* 2.11.3 (02-Oct-2020)
+ #2795: Cannot detect creator arguments of mixins for JDK types
+ #2815: Add 'JsonFormat.Shape' awareness for UUID serialization
+ #2821: Json serialization fails or a specific case that
contains generics and static methods with generic parameters
(2.11.1 -> 2.11.2 regression)
+ #2822: Using JsonValue and JsonFormat on one field does not
work as expected
+ #2840: 'ObjectMapper.activateDefaultTypingAsProperty()' is not
using parameter 'PolymorphicTypeValidator'
+ #2846: Problem deserialization "raw generic" fields
(like 'Map') in 2.11.2
+ Fix issues with 'MapLikeType.isTrueMapType()',
* 2.11.2 (02-Aug-2020)
+ #2783: Parser/Generator features not set when using
'ObjectMapper.createParser()', 'createGenerator()'
+ #2785: Polymorphic subtypes not registering on copied
ObjectMapper (2.11.1)
+ #2789: Failure to read AnnotatedField value in Jackson 2.11
+ #2796: 'TypeFactory.constructType()' does not take
'TypeBindings' correctly
* 2.11.1 (25-Jun-2020)
+ #2486: Builder Deserialization with JsonCreator Value vs Array
+ #2725: JsonCreator on static method in Enum and Enum used as
key in map fails randomly
+ #2755: 'StdSubtypeResolver' is not thread safe (possibly due
to copy not being made with 'ObjectMapper.copy()')
+ #2757: "Conflicting setter definitions for property" exception
for 'Map' subtype during deserialization
+ #2758: Fail to deserialize local Records
+ #2759: Rearranging of props when property-based generator is
in use leads to incorrect output
+ #2760: Jackson doesn't respect
'CAN_OVERRIDE_ACCESS_MODIFIERS=false' for deserializer
+ #2767: 'DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS'
don't support 'Map' type field
+ #2770: JsonParser from MismatchedInputException cannot
getText() for floating-point value
* 2.11.0 (26-Apr-2020)
+ #953: i-I case conversion problem in Turkish locale with
case-insensitive deserialization
+ #962: '@JsonInject' fails on trying to find deserializer even
if inject-only
+ #1983: Polymorphic deserialization should handle
case-insensitive Type Id property name if
+ #2049: TreeTraversingParser and UTF8StreamJsonParser create
contexts differently
+ #2352: Support use of '@JsonAlias' for enum values
+ #2365: 'declaringClass' of "enum-as-POJO" not removed for
'ObjectMapper' with a naming strategy
+ #2480: Fix 'JavaType.isEnumType()' to support sub-classes
+ #2487: BeanDeserializerBuilder Protected Factory Method for
+ #2503: Support '@JsonSerialize(keyUsing)' and
'@JsonDeserialize(keyUsing)' on Key class
+ #2511: Add 'SerializationFeature.WRITE_SELF_REFERENCES_AS_NULL'
+ #2515: 'ObjectMapper.registerSubtypes(NamedType...)' doesn't
allow registering same POJO for two different type ids
+ #2522: 'DeserializationContext.handleMissingInstantiator()'
throws 'MismatchedInputException' for non-static inner classes
+ #2525: Incorrect 'JsonStreamContext' for 'TokenBuffer' and
+ #2527: Add 'AnnotationIntrospector.findRenameByField()' to
support Kotlin's "is-getter" naming convention
+ #2555: Use '@JsonProperty(index)' for sorting properties on
+ #2565: Java 8 'Optional' not working with '@JsonUnwrapped' on
unwrappable type
to allow blocking use of unsafe base type for polymorphic
+ #2589: 'DOMDeserializer': setExpandEntityReferences(false) may
not prevent external entity expansion in all cases
+ #2592: 'ObjectMapper.setSerializationInclusion()' is ignored
for 'JsonAnyGetter'
+ #2608: 'ValueInstantiationException' when deserializing using
+ #2627: JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) does not
work on field and method level
+ #2632: Failure to resolve generic type parameters on
+ #2635: JsonParser cannot getText() for input stream on
+ #2636: ObjectReader readValue lacks Class<T> argument
+ #2643: Change default textual serialization of
'java.util.Date'/'Calendar' to include colon in timezone
+ #2647: Add 'ObjectMapper.createParser()' and
'createGenerator()' methods
+ #2657: Allow serialization of 'Properties' with
non-String values
+ #2663: Add new factory method for creating custom 'EnumValues'
to pass to 'EnumDeserializer
+ #2668: 'IllegalArgumentException' thrown for mismatched
subclass deserialization
+ #2693: Add convenience methods for creating 'List', 'Map'
valued 'ObjectReader's (ObjectMapper.readerForListOf())
+ Add 'SerializerProvider.findContentValueSerializer()' methods
Mon Apr 26 08:01:24 UTC 2021 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Rewrite to use ant for building in order to be able to use it
in packages that have to be built before maven
Mon Jan 25 08:07:41 UTC 2021 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Update to
* #2589: 'DOMDeserializer': setExpandEntityReferences(false) may
not prevent external entity expansion in all cases
(CVE-2020-25649, bsc#1177616)
* #2787 (partial fix): NPE after add mixin for enum
* #2679: 'ObjectMapper.readValue("123", Void.TYPE)' throws
"should never occur"
- Vulnerabilities not affecting this version:
* CVE-2020-35728, bsc#1180391
* CVE-2021-20190, bsc#1181118
Thu Mar 26 07:36:52 UTC 2020 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Update to 2.10.3
* #2482: JSONMappingException Location column number is one line
Behind the actual location
* #2599: NoClassDefFoundError at DeserializationContext. on
Android 4.1.2 and Jackson 2.10.0
* #2602: ByteBufferSerializer produces unexpected results with a
duplicated ByteBuffer and a position > 0
* #2605: Failure to deserialize polymorphic subtypes of base
type Enum
* #2610: EXTERNAL_PROPERTY doesn't work with
Tue Jan 7 10:41:52 UTC 2020 - Pedro Monreal Gonzalez <>
- Update to 2.10.2 [bsc#1160113, CVE-2019-20330]
#2101: 'FAIL_ON_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES' failure does not indicate field name in exception message
#2544: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Thrown for compact profile1
#2553: JsonDeserialize(contentAs=...) broken with raw collections
#2556: Contention in 'TypeNameIdResolver.idFromClass()'
#2560: Check 'WRAP_EXCEPTIONS' in 'CollectionDeserializer.handleNonArray()'
#2564: Fix 'IllegalArgumentException' on empty input collection for 'ArrayBlockingQueue'
#2566: 'MissingNode.toString()' returns 'null' (4 character token) instead of empty string
#2567: Incorrect target type for arrays when providing nulls and nulls are disabled
#2573: Problem with 'JsonInclude' config overrides for 'java.util.Map'
#2576: Fail to serialize 'Enum' instance which includes a method override
as POJO (shape = Shape.OBJECT)
Fix an issue with 'ObjectReader.with(JsonParser.Feature)' (and related) not working
Tue Nov 19 15:24:49 UTC 2019 - Pedro Monreal Gonzalez <>
- Update to 2.10.1 [bsc#1157186, CVE-2019-14893]
* 2.10.1 (09-Nov-2019)
#2457: Extended enum values are not handled as enums when used as Map keys
#2473: Array index missing in path of 'JsonMappingException' for 'Collection<String>',
with custom deserializer
#2475: 'StringCollectionSerializer' calls 'JsonGenerator.setCurrentValue(value)',
which messes up current value for sibling properties
#2485: Add 'uses' for 'Module' in module-info
#2513: BigDecimalAsStringSerializer in NumberSerializer throws IllegalStateException in 2.10
#2519: Serializing 'BigDecimal' values inside containers ignores shape override
#2520: Sub-optimal exception message when failing to deserialize non-static inner classes
#2529: Add tests to ensure 'EnumSet' and 'EnumMap' work correctly with "null-as-empty"
#2534: Add 'BasicPolymorphicTypeValidator.Builder.allowIfSubTypeIsArray()'
#2535: Allow String-to-byte[] coercion for String-value collections
* 2.10.0 (26-Sep-2019)
#18: Make 'JsonNode' serializable
#1093: Default typing does not work with 'writerFor(Object.class)'
#1675: Remove "impossible" 'IOException' in 'readTree()' and 'readValue()' 'ObjectMapper'
methods which accept Strings
#1954: Add Builder pattern for creating configured 'ObjectMapper' instances
#1995: Limit size of 'DeserializerCache', auto-flush on exceeding
#2059: Remove 'final' modifier for 'TypeFactory'
#2077: 'JsonTypeInfo' with a subtype having 'JsonFormat.Shape.ARRAY' and
no fields generates '{}' not '[]'
#2115: Support naive deserialization of 'Serializable' values as "untyped", same
as 'java.lang.Object'
#2116: Make NumberSerializers.Base public and its inherited classes not final
#2126: 'DeserializationContext.instantiationException()' throws 'InvalidDefinitionException'
#2129: Add 'SerializationFeature.WRITE_ENUM_KEYS_USING_INDEX', separate from value setting
#2133: Improve 'DeserializationProblemHandler.handleUnexpectedToken()' to allow handling of
Collection problems
#2153: Add 'JsonMapper' to replace generic 'ObjectMapper' usage
#2164: 'FactoryBasedEnumDeserializer' does not respect
#2187: Make 'JsonNode.toString()' use shared 'ObjectMapper' to produce valid json
#2189: 'TreeTraversingParser' does not check int bounds
#2195: Add abstraction 'PolymorphicTypeValidator', for limiting subtypes allowed by
default typing, '@JsonTypeInfo'
#2196: Type safety for 'readValue()' with 'TypeReference'
#2204: Add 'JsonNode.isEmpty()' as convenience alias
#2211: Change of behavior (2.8 -> 2.9) with 'ObjectMapper.readTree(input)' with no content
#2217: Suboptimal memory allocation in 'TextNode.getBinaryValue()'
#2220: Force serialization always for 'convertValue()'; avoid short-cuts
#2223: Add 'missingNode()' method in 'JsonNodeFactory'
#2227: Minor cleanup of exception message for 'Enum' binding failure
#2230: 'WRITE_BIGDECIMAL_AS_PLAIN' is ignored if '@JsonFormat' is used
#2236: Type id not provided on 'Double.NaN', 'Infinity' with '@JsonTypeInfo'
#2237: Add "required" methods in 'JsonNode': 'required(String | int)',
#2241: Add 'PropertyNamingStrategy.LOWER_DOT_CASE' for dot-delimited names
#2251: Getter that returns an abstract collection breaks a delegating '@JsonCreator'
#2265: Inconsistent handling of Collections$UnmodifiableList vs
#2273: Add basic Java 9+ module info
#2280: JsonMerge not work with constructor args
#2309: READ_ENUMS_USING_TO_STRING doesn't support null values
#2311: Unnecessary MultiView creation for property writers
#2331: 'JsonMappingException' through nested getter with generic wildcard return type
#2336: 'MapDeserializer' can not merge 'Map's with polymorphic values
#2338: Suboptimal return type for 'JsonNode.withArray()'
#2339: Suboptimal return type for 'ObjectNode.set()'
#2348: Add sanity checks for 'ObjectMapper.readXXX()' methods
#2349: Add option 'DefaultTyping.EVERYTHING' to support Kotlin data classes
#2357: Lack of path on MismatchedInputException
#2378: '@JsonAlias' doesn't work with AutoValue
#2390: 'Iterable' serialization breaks when adding '@JsonFilter' annotation
#2392: 'BeanDeserializerModifier.modifyDeserializer()' not applied to custom bean
#2393: 'TreeTraversingParser.getLongValue()' incorrectly checks 'canConvertToInt()'
#2398: Replace recursion in 'TokenBuffer.copyCurrentStructure()' with iteration
#2415: Builder-based POJO deserializer should pass builder instance, not type,
to 'handleUnknownVanilla()'
#2416: Optimize 'ValueInstantiator' construction for default 'Collection', 'Map' types
#2422: 'scala.collection.immutable.ListMap' fails to serialize since 2.9.3
#2424: Add global config override setting for '@JsonFormat.lenient()'
#2428: Use "activateDefaultTyping" over "enableDefaultTyping" in 2.10 with new methods
#2430: Change 'ObjectMapper.valueToTree()' to convert 'null' to 'NullNode'
#2432: Add support for module bundles
#2433: Improve 'NullNode.equals()'
#2442: 'ArrayNode.addAll()' adds raw 'null' values which cause NPE on 'deepCopy()'
and 'toString()'
#2446: Java 11: Unable to load JDK7 types (annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
#2451: Add new 'JsonValueFormat' value, 'UUID'
#2453: Add 'DeserializationContext.readTree(JsonParser)' convenience method
#2458: 'Nulls' property metadata ignored for creators
#2466: Didn't find class "java.nio.file.Path" below Android api 26
#2467: Accept 'JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_ARRAY' with no second argument to
deserialize as "null value"
* (20-Oct-2019)
#2478: Block two more gadget types (commons-dbcp, p6spy, CVE-2019-16942 / CVE-2019-16943)
#2498: Block one more gadget type (log4j-extras/1.2, CVE-2019-17531)
* 2.9.10 (21-Sep-2019)
#2331: 'JsonMappingException' through nested getter with generic wildcard return type
#2334: Block one more gadget type (CVE-2019-12384)
#2341: Block one more gadget type (CVE-2019-12814)
#2374: 'ObjectMapper. getRegisteredModuleIds()' throws NPE if no modules registered
#2387: Block yet another deserialization gadget (CVE-2019-14379)
#2389: Block yet another deserialization gadget (CVE-2019-14439)
creator properties are buffered
#2410: Block one more gadget type (CVE-2019-14540)
#2420: Block one more gadget type (no CVE allocated yet)
#2449: Block one more gadget type (CVE-2019-14540)
#2460: Block one more gadget type (ehcache, CVE-2019-17267)
#2462: Block two more gadget types (commons-configuration)
#2469: Block one more gadget type (xalan2)
* 2.9.9 (16-May-2019)
#1408: Call to 'TypeVariable.getBounds()' without synchronization unsafe on some platforms
#2221: 'DeserializationProblemHandler.handleUnknownTypeId()' returning 'Void.class',
enableDefaultTyping causing NPE
#2251: Getter that returns an abstract collection breaks a delegating '@JsonCreator'
#2265: Inconsistent handling of Collections$UnmodifiableList vs Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList
#2299: Fix for using jackson-databind in an OSGi environment under Android
#2303: Deserialize null, when java type is "TypeRef of TypeRef of T", does not provide "Type(Type(null))"
#2324: 'StringCollectionDeserializer' fails with custom collection
#2326: Block one more gadget type (CVE-2019-12086)
- Prevent String coercion of 'null' in 'WritableObjectId' when calling 'JsonGenerator.writeObjectId()',
mostly relevant for formats like YAML that have native Object Ids
* 2.9.8 (15-Dec-2018)
#1662: 'ByteBuffer' serialization is broken if offset is not 0
#2155: Type parameters are checked for equality while isAssignableFrom expected
#2167: Large ISO-8601 Dates are formatted/serialized incorrectly
#2181: Don't re-use dynamic serializers for property-updating copy constructors
#2183: Base64 JsonMappingException: Unexpected end-of-input
#2186: Block more classes from polymorphic deserialization (CVE-2018-19360,
CVE-2018-19361, CVE-2018-19362)
#2197: Illegal reflective access operation warning when using 'java.lang.Void'
as value type
#2202: StdKeyDeserializer Class method _getToStringResolver is slow causing Thread Block
* 2.9.7 (19-Sep-2018)
#2060: 'UnwrappingBeanPropertyWriter' incorrectly assumes the found serializer is
of type 'UnwrappingBeanSerializer'
#2064: Cannot set custom format for 'SqlDateSerializer' globally
#2079: NPE when visiting StaticListSerializerBase
#2082: 'FactoryBasedEnumDeserializer' should be cachable
#2088: '@JsonUnwrapped' fields are skipped when using 'PropertyBasedCreator' if
they appear after the last creator property
#2096: 'TreeTraversingParser' does not take base64 variant into account
#2097: Block more classes from polymorphic deserialization (CVE-2018-14718
- CVE-2018-14721)
#2109: Canonical string for reference type is built incorrectly
#2120: 'NioPathDeserializer' improvement
#2128: Location information included twice for some 'JsonMappingException's
* 2.9.6 (12-Jun-2018)
#955: Add 'MapperFeature.USE_BASE_TYPE_AS_DEFAULT_IMPL' to use declared base type
as 'defaultImpl' for polymorphic deserialization
#1328: External property polymorphic deserialization does not work with enums
#1565: Deserialization failure with Polymorphism using JsonTypeInfo 'defaultImpl',
subtype as target
#1964: Failed to specialize 'Map' type during serialization where key type
incompatibility overidden via "raw" types
#1990: MixIn '@JsonProperty' for 'Object.hashCode()' is ignored
#1991: Context attributes are not passed/available to custom serializer if object is in POJO
#1998: Removing "type" attribute with Mixin not taken in account if
using ObjectMapper.copy()
#1999: "Duplicate property" issue should mention which class it complains about
#2001: Deserialization issue with '@JsonIgnore' and '@JsonCreator' + '@JsonProperty'
for same property name
#2015: '@Jsonsetter with Nulls.SKIP' collides with
'DeserializationFeature.READ_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUES_AS_NULL' when parsing enum
#2016: Delegating JsonCreator disregards JsonDeserialize info
#2019: Abstract Type mapping in 2.9 fails when multiple modules are registered
#2021: Delegating JsonCreator disregards 'JsonDeserialize.using' annotation
#2023: 'JsonFormat.Feature.ACCEPT_EMPTY_STRING_AS_NULL_OBJECT' not working
with 'null' coercion with '@JsonSetter'
#2027: Concurrency error causes 'IllegalStateException' on 'BeanPropertyMap'
#2032: CVE-2018-11307: Potential information exfiltration with default typing,
serialization gadget from MyBatis
#2034: Serialization problem with type specialization of nested generic types
#2038: JDK Serializing and using Deserialized 'ObjectMapper' loses linkage
back from 'JsonParser.getCodec()'
#2051: Implicit constructor property names are not renamed properly with
#2052: CVE-2018-12022: Block polymorphic deserialization of types from Jodd-db library
#2058: CVE-2018-12023: Block polymorphic deserialization of types from Oracle JDBC driver
* 2.9.5 (26-Mar-2018)
#1911: Allow serialization of 'BigDecimal' as String, using
'@JsonFormat(shape=Shape.String)', config overrides
#1912: 'BeanDeserializerModifier.updateBuilder()' not work to set custom
deserializer on a property (since 2.9.0)
#1931: Two more 'c3p0' gadgets to exploit default typing issue
#1932: 'EnumMap' cannot deserialize with type inclusion as property
#1940: 'Float' values with integer value beyond 'int' lose precision if
bound to 'long'
#1941: 'TypeFactory.constructFromCanonical()' throws NPE for Unparameterized
generic canonical strings
#1947: 'MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_XXX' do not work if all disabled
#1977: Serializing an Iterator with multiple sub-types fails after upgrading to 2.9.x
#1978: Using @JsonUnwrapped annotation in builderdeserializer hangs in infinite loop
- Remove patch fixed upstream:
* CVE-2018-7489.patch
Tue Oct 1 13:59:49 UTC 2019 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Initial packaging of jackson-databind 2.9.4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# spec file for package jackson-databind
# Copyright (c) 2023 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
Name: jackson-databind
Version: 2.15.2
Release: 0
Summary: General data-binding package for Jackson (2.x)
License: Apache-2.0 AND LGPL-2.1-or-later
Source1: %{name}-build.xml
BuildRequires: ant
BuildRequires: fdupes
BuildRequires: jackson-annotations
BuildRequires: jackson-core
BuildRequires: java-devel >= 1.8
BuildRequires: javapackages-local >= 6
BuildArch: noarch
The general-purpose data-binding functionality and tree-model for Jackson Data
Processor. It builds on core streaming parser/generator package, and uses
Jackson Annotations for configuration.
%package javadoc
Summary: Javadoc for %{name}
%description javadoc
This package contains API documentation for %{name}.
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{name}-%{version}
cp %{SOURCE1} build.xml
mkdir -p lib
cp -p src/main/resources/META-INF/NOTICE .
sed -i 's/\r//' LICENSE NOTICE
build-jar-repository -s lib jackson-annotations jackson-core
%{ant} -Dtest.skip=true jar javadoc
install -dm 0755 %{buildroot}%{_javadir}
install -pm 0644 target/%{name}-%{version}.jar %{buildroot}%{_javadir}/%{name}.jar
install -dm 0755 %{buildroot}%{_mavenpomdir}
%{mvn_install_pom} pom.xml %{buildroot}%{_mavenpomdir}/%{name}.pom
%add_maven_depmap %{name}.pom %{name}.jar
install -dm 0755 %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}
cp -r target/site/apidocs %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/%{name}
%fdupes -s %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}
%files -f .mfiles
%doc release-notes/*
%license LICENSE
%files javadoc
%license LICENSE
Reference in New Issue
Block a user