Sync from SUSE:ALP:Source:Standard:1.0 python-FontTools revision a0eb3e8fe2f803548e452580f1a101d8

This commit is contained in:
Adrian Schröter 2024-03-01 16:57:55 +01:00
parent 2b34fbda8e
commit 614e16d7e4
4 changed files with 236 additions and 24 deletions

fonttools-4.39.4.tar.gz (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

fonttools-4.47.2.tar.gz (Stored with Git LFS) Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,3 +1,214 @@
Sun Jan 28 11:00:57 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <>
- update to 4.47.2:
* [merge] Improve help message and add standard command line
* [otlLib] Pass ttFont to name.addName in buildStatTable
* [featureVars] Re-use FeatureVariationRecord's when possible
Thu Jan 25 08:49:56 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <>
- always obsolete fonttools. We have switched to python311 stack
in SLE15 and need to get the obsoletes back
Thu Jan 4 12:29:41 UTC 2024 - ecsos <>
- Update to 4.47.0
- [varLib.models] New API for VariationModel: getMasterScalars and interpolateFromValuesAndScalars.
- [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and rendering improvements.
In particular, add a Summary page in the front, and an Index and Table-of-Contents in the back.
Change the page size to Letter.
- [Docs/designspaceLib] Defined a new public.fontInfo lib key, not used anywhere yet (#3358).
- Changes from 4.46.0
- [featureVars] Allow to register the same set of substitution rules to multiple features.
The addFeatureVariations function can now take a list of featureTags; similarly, the lib key 'com.github.fonttools.varLib.featureVarsFeatureTag' can now take a comma-separateed string
of feature tags (e.g. "salt,ss01") instead of a single tag (#3360).
- [featureVars] Don't overwrite GSUB FeatureVariations, but append new records to it
for features which are not already there. But raise VarLibError if the feature tag
already has feature variations associated with it (#3363).
- [varLib] Added addGSUBFeatureVariations function to add GSUB Feature Variations to
an existing variable font from rules defined in a DesignSpace document (#3362).
- [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and rendering improvements. In particular,
a new test for "underweight" glyphs. The new test reports quite a few false-positives though.
Please send feedback.
- Changes from 4.45.1
- [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and improvements, better reporting, reduced false positives.
- [ttGlyphSet] Added option to not recalculate glyf bounds (#3348).
- Changes from 4.45.0
- [varLib.interpolator] Vastly improved algorithms. Also available now is --pdf and
--html options to generate a PDF or HTML report of the interpolation issues.
- The PDF/HTML report showcases the problematic masters, the interpolated broken glyph,
as well as the proposed fixed version.
- Changes from 4.44.3
- [subset] Only prune codepage ranges for OS/2.version >= 1, ignore otherwise (#3334).
- [instancer] Ensure hhea vertical metrics stay in sync with OS/2 ones after
instancing MVAR table containing 'hasc', 'hdsc' or 'hlgp' tags (#3297).
- Changes from 4.44.2
- [glyf] Have Glyph.recalcBounds skip empty components (base glyph with no contours)
when computing the bounding box of composite glyphs. This simply restores the existing behavior
before some changes were introduced in fonttools 4.44.0 (#3333).
- Changes from 4.44.1
- [feaLib] Ensure variable mark anchors are deep-copied while building
since they get modified in-place and later reused (#3330).
- [OS/2|subset] Added method to recalcCodePageRanges to OS/2 table class;
added --prune-codepage-ranges to fonttools subset command (#3328, #2607).
NOTE: this release was "yanked" from PyPI because it introduced a regression: #3334
- Changes from 4.44.0
- [instancer] Recalc OS/2 AvgCharWidth after instancing if default changes (#3317).
- [otlLib] Make ClassDefBuilder class order match varLib.merger's, i.e. large classes first,
then glyph lexicographic order (#3321, #3324).
- [instancer] Allow not specifying any of min:default:max values and let be filled up with fvar's values (#3322, #3323).
- [instancer] When running --update-name-table ignore axes that have no STAT axis values (#3318, #3319).
- [Debg] When dumping to ttx, write the embedded JSON as multi-line string with indentation (92cbfee).
- [varStore] Handle > 65535 items per encoding by splitting VarData subtable (#3310).
- [subset] Handle null-offsets in MarkLigPos subtables.
- [subset] Keep East Asian spacing fatures vhal, halt, chws, vchw by default (#3305).
- [instancer.solver] Fixed case where axisDef < lower and upper < axisMax (#3304).
- [glyf] Speed up compilation, mostly around recalcBounds (#3301).
- [varLib.interpolatable] Speed it up when working on variable fonts, plus various micro-optimizations (#3300).
- Require unicodedata2 >= 15.1.0 when installed with 'unicode' extra, contains UCD 15.1.
- Changes from 4.43.1
- [EBDT] Fixed TypeError exception in _reverseBytes method triggered
when dumping some bitmap fonts with ttx -z bitwise option (#3162).
- [v/hhea] Fixed UnboundLocalError exception in recalc method when no vmtx or hmtx tables are present (#3290).
- [bezierTools] Fixed incorrectly typed cython local variable leading to TypeError
when calling calcQuadraticArcLength (#3288).
- [feaLib/otlLib] Better error message when building Coverage table with missing glyph (#3286).
- Changes from 4.43.0
- [subset] Set up lxml XMLParser(resolve_entities=False) when parsing OT-SVG documents
to prevent XML External Entity (XXE) attacks (9f61271, CVE-2023-45139, bsc#1218748):
- [varLib.iup] Added workaround for a Cython bug in iup_delta_optimize
that was leading to IUP tolerance being incorrectly initialised,
resulting in sub-optimal deltas (6012643, cython/cython#5732).
- [varLib] Added new command-line entry point fonttools varLib.avar to add an avar table
to an existing VF from axes mappings in a .designspace file (0a3360e).
- [instancer] Fixed bug whereby no longer used variation regions were not correctly pruned after VarData optimization (#3268).
- Added support for Python 3.12 (#3283).
- Changes from 4.42.1
- [t1Lib] Fixed several Type 1 issues (#3238, #3240).
- [otBase/packer] Allow sharing tables reached by different offset sizes (#3241, #3236, 457f11c).
- [varLib/merger] Fix Cursive attachment merging error when all anchors are NULL (#3248, #3247).
- [ttLib] Fixed warning when calling addMultilingualName and ttFont parameter
was not passed on to findMultilingualName (#3253).
- Changes from 4.42.0
- [varLib] Use sentinel value 0xFFFF to mark a glyph advance in hmtx/vmtx as non participating,
allowing sparse masters to contain glyphs for variation purposes other than {H,V}VAR (#3235).
- [varLib/cff] Treat empty glyphs in non-default masters as missing,
thus not participating in CFF2 delta computation, similarly to how
varLib already treats them for gvar (#3234).
- Added varLib.avarPlanner script to deduce 'correct' avar v1 axis mappings based on glyph average weights (#3223).
- Changes from 4.41.1
- [subset] Fixed perf regression in v4.41.0 by making NameRecordVisitor
only visit tables that do contain nameID references (#3213, #3214).
- [varLib.instancer] Support instancing fonts containing null ConditionSet offsets
in FeatureVariationRecords (#3211, #3212).
- [statisticsPen] Report font glyph-average weight/width and font-wide slant.
- [fontBuilder] Fixed head.created date incorrectly set to 0 instead of the current timestamp,
regression introduced in v4.40.0 (#3210).
- [varLib.merger] Support sparse CursivePos masters (#3209).
- Changes from 4.41.0
- [fontBuilder] Fixed bug in setupOS2 with default panose attribute
incorrectly being set to a dict instead of a Panose object (#3201).
- [name] Added method to removeUnusedNameRecords in the user range (#3185).
- [varLib.instancer] Fixed issue with L4 instancing (moving default) (#3179).
- [cffLib] Use latin1 so we can roundtrip non-ASCII in {Full,Font,Family}Name (#3202).
- [designspaceLib] Mark as optional in docs (as it is in the code).
- [glyf-1] Fixed drawPoints() bug whereby last cubic segment becomes quadratic (#3189, #3190).
- [fontBuilder] Propagate the 'hidden' flag to the fvar Axis instance (#3184).
- [fontBuilder] Update setupAvar() to also support avar 2, fixing _add_avar() call site (#3183).
- Added new voltLib.voltToFea submodule (originally Tiro Typeworks' "Volto")
for converting VOLT OpenType Layout sources to FEA format (#3164).
- Changes from 4.40.0
- Published native binary wheels to PyPI for all the python minor versions
and platform and architectures currently supported that would benefit from this.
They will include precompiled Cython-accelerated modules (e.g. cu2qu) without
requiring to compile them from source. The pure-python wheel and source distribution
will continue to be published as always (pip will automatically chose them when no
binary wheel is available for the given platform, e.g. pypy).
Use pip install --no-binary=fonttools fonttools to expliclity request pip to install from the pure-python source.
- [designspaceLib|varLib] Add initial support for specifying axis mappings and build avar2 table from those (#3123).
- [feaLib] Support variable ligature caret position (#3130).
- [varLib|glyf] Added option to --drop-implied-oncurves; test for impliable oncurve points either before or after rounding
(#3146, #3147, #3155, #3156).
- [TTGlyphPointPen] Don't error with empty contours, simply ignore them (#3145).
- [sfnt] Fixed str vs bytes remnant of py3 transition in code dealing with de/compiling WOFF metadata (#3129).
- [instancer-solver] Fixed bug when moving default instance with sparse masters (#3139, #3140).
- [feaLib] Simplify variable scalars that dont vary (#3132).
- [pens] Added filter pen that explicitly emits closing line when lastPt != movePt (#3100).
- [varStore] Improve optimize algorithm and better document the algorithm (#3124, #3127).
- Added quantization option (#3126).
- Added CI workflow config file for building native binary wheels (#3121).
- [fontBuilder] Added glyphDataFormat=0 option; raise error when glyphs contain cubic outlines
but glyphDataFormat was not explicitly set to 1 (#3113, #3119).
- [subset] Prune emptied GDEF.MarkGlyphSetsDef and remap indices; ensure GDEF is subsetted before GSUB and GPOS (#3114, #3118).
- [xmlReader] Fixed issue whereby DSIG table data was incorrectly parsed (#3115, #2614).
- [varLib/merger] Fixed merging of SinglePos with pos=0 (#3111, #3112).
- [feaLib] Demote "Feature has not been defined" error to a warning when building aalt and referenced feature is empty (#3110).
- [feaLib] Dedupe multiple substitutions with classes (#3105).
- Add mssing recommends.
Thu Jan 4 11:15:34 UTC 2024 - ecsos <>
- Add missing setuptools to fix build error under Leap.
Sat Dec 30 11:28:31 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>
- update to 4.47.0:
* [varLib.models] New API for VariationModel: ``getMasterScalars``
and ``interpolateFromValuesAndScalars``.
* [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and rendering
improvements. In particular, add a Summary page in the front,
and an Index and Table-of-Contents in the back. Change the
page size to Letter.
* [Docs/designspaceLib] Defined a new ``public.fontInfo`` lib key,
not used anywhere yet (#3358).
* [featureVars] Allow to register the same set of substitution
rules to multiple features. The ``addFeatureVariations``
function can now take a list of featureTags; similarly, the
lib key 'com.github.fonttools.varLib.featureVarsFeatureTag' can
now take a comma-separateed string of feature tags (e.g.
"salt,ss01") instead of a single tag (#3360).
* [featureVars] Don't overwrite GSUB FeatureVariations, but append
new records to it for features which are not already there. But
raise ``VarLibError`` if the feature tag already has feature
variations associated with it (#3363).
* [varLib] Added ``addGSUBFeatureVariations`` function to add GSUB
Feature Variations to an existing variable font from rules
defined in a DesignSpace document (#3362).
* [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and rendering
improvements. In particular, a new test for "underweight" glyphs.
The new test reports quite a few false-positives though. Please
send feedback.
* [varLib.interpolatable] Various bugfixes and improvements, better
reporting, reduced false positives.
* [ttGlyphSet] Added option to not recalculate glyf bounds (#3348).
* [varLib.interpolatable] Vastly improved algorithms. Also
available now is ``--pdf`` and ``--html`` options to generate a
PDF or HTML report of the interpolation issues.
The PDF/HTML report showcases the problematic masters, the
interpolated broken glyph, as well as the proposed fixed version.
* [subset] Only prune codepage ranges for OS/2.version >= 1, ignore
otherwise (#3334).
* [instancer] Ensure hhea vertical metrics stay in sync with OS/2
ones after instancing MVAR table containing 'hasc', 'hdsc' or
'hlgp' tags (#3297).
* [glyf] Have ``Glyph.recalcBounds`` skip empty components (base
glyph with no contours) when computing the bounding box of
composite glyphs. This simply restores the existing
behavior before some changes were introduced in fonttools
4.44.0 (#3333).
* [feaLib] Ensure variable mark anchors are deep-copied while
building since they get modified in-place and later reused
* [OS/2|subset] Added method to ``recalcCodePageRanges`` to OS/2
table class; added ``--prune-codepage-ranges`` to `fonttools
subset` command (#3328, #2607).
Sat Oct 14 00:19:08 UTC 2023 - Matej Cepl <>
@ -34,10 +245,10 @@ Thu Mar 30 18:53:56 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>
* SpooledTemporaryFile, seekable method only added on python
3.11 (#3052).
* [varLib] Fixed regression introduced in 4.39.1 whereby an
incomplete 'STAT' table would be built even though a
incomplete 'STAT' table would be built even though a
DesignSpace v5 did contain 'STAT' definitions (#3045, #3046).
* [avar2] Added experimental support for reading/writing avar
version 2 as specified in this draft proposal:
version 2 as specified in this draft proposal:
* [glifLib] Wrap underlying XML library exceptions with
GlifLibError when parsing GLIFs, and also print the name
@ -268,7 +479,7 @@ Tue Apr 12 09:46:15 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner <>
* [cffLib] Remove leftover GlobalState class and fix calls to
TopDictIndex() (#2569, #2570).
* [instancer] Clear AxisValueArray if it is empty after
instantiating (#2563).
instantiating (#2563).
- Release 4.31.2
* [varLib] fix instantiation of GPOS SinglePos values (#2555).
- Release 4.31.1
@ -330,7 +541,7 @@ Sat Jan 15 15:11:24 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller <>
* Merge GDEF marksets in Lookups properly
* Have fontTools feaLib script exit with error code when build fails
* Added ntos option to customize number formatting
* Speed up subsetting of large CFF fonts
* Speed up subsetting of large CFF fonts
* Speculatively promote lookups to extension to speed up compilation
@ -557,7 +768,7 @@ Sun Dec 12 18:18:46 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>
* [cffLib] Add missing CFF2 dict operators LanguageGroup and
ExpansionFactor (#2249) ATTENTION: This will change your TTX
- Support for python36 has been dropped
- Use Github archive instead of zipfile from PyPI because it has
the test fonts.
@ -798,7 +1009,7 @@ Tue Sep 4 20:41:54 UTC 2018 - Matěj Cepl <>
Thu Mar 15 08:53:18 CET 2018 -
- add fonttools-disable_failing_tests_bigendian.patch
disable two tests currently failing on bigendian archs
disable two tests currently failing on bigendian archs
Thu Mar 8 16:02:24 UTC 2018 -

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# spec file
# spec file for package python-FontTools
# Copyright (c) 2023 SUSE LLC
# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@ -24,10 +24,9 @@
%define psuffix %{nil}
%bcond_with test
%define skip_python2 1
Name: python-FontTools%{psuffix}
Version: 4.39.4
Version: 4.47.2
Release: 0
Summary: Suite of Tools and Libraries for Manipulating Fonts
License: MIT AND OFL-1.1
@ -37,6 +36,7 @@ URL:
BuildRequires: %{python_module devel >= 3.7}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pip}
BuildRequires: %{python_module setuptools}
BuildRequires: %{python_module wheel}
BuildRequires: fdupes
BuildRequires: python-rpm-macros
@ -44,25 +44,26 @@ BuildRequires: unzip
# some packages should require fonttools[ufo] but expect fs to be pulled in by default.
Requires: python-fs >= 2.2.0
Requires(post): update-alternatives
Recommends: python-Brotli >= 1.0.1
Recommends: python-lxml >= 4.0
Requires(postun): update-alternatives
Recommends: python-Brotli >= 1.1.0
Recommends: python-freetype-py >= 2.4.0
Recommends: python-lxml >= 4.9.3
Recommends: python-munkres >= 1.1.4
Recommends: python-reportlab
Recommends: python-sympy
Recommends: python-unicodedata2 >= 14.0.0
Recommends: python-zopfli >= 0.1.6
Recommends: python-scipy >= 1.11.4
Recommends: python-sympy >= 1.12
Recommends: python-ufoLib2 >= 0.16.0
Recommends: python-unicodedata2 >= 15.1.0
Recommends: python-zopfli >= 0.2.3
Provides: python-fonttools = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch: noarch
%if %{with test}
BuildRequires: %{python_module Brotli >= 1.0.1}
BuildRequires: %{python_module fs >= 2.2.0}
BuildRequires: %{python_module Brotli >= 1.1.0}
BuildRequires: %{python_module fs >= 2.4.16}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pytest}
%if "%{python_flavor}" == "python3" || "%{python_provides}" == "python3"
Obsoletes: fonttools < %{version}-%{release}
Provides: fonttools = %{version}-%{release}
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ rm -r %{buildroot}%{_mandir}
%python_alternative %{_bindir}/fonttools
%python_alternative %{_mandir}/man1/ttx.1%{?ext_man}