Sync from SUSE:ALP:Source:Standard:1.0 python-debugpy revision 353bde817b58ce6dc67736e1f6e0a3c2

This commit is contained in:
Adrian Schröter 2024-02-09 15:29:12 +01:00
commit d073fe3e20
5 changed files with 277 additions and 0 deletions

.gitattributes vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
## Default LFS
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_multibuild Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

debugpy-1.8.0.tar.gz (Stored with Git LFS) Normal file

Binary file not shown.

python-debugpy.changes Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
Mon Jan 29 12:57:18 UTC 2024 - Daniel Garcia <>
- Disable broken tests in s390x, bsc#1217019
Tue Dec 5 17:14:47 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>
- remove python 3.6 support as the version update to 1.8.0 dropped
Mon Nov 20 09:17:20 UTC 2023 - Daniel Garcia <>
- Increase timeouts for tests, bsc#1217019
Fri Nov 17 17:44:21 UTC 2023 - Matej Cepl <>
- Update to 1.8.0:
- Error while enumerating installed packages.
- Drops Python 3.7 support. Please use debugpy v1.7.0 if you
need to debug Python 3.7.
- Remove DeprecationWarning: Deprecated call to
- Fix invalid file hashes in RECORD of wheels
- Support "restart" in "terminated" event for "attach"{"listen"}
- Use "startDebugging" request for subprocesses
- Remove upstreamed patch setuptools-67.3.0.patch
- Skip test test_attach_pid_client (gh#microsoft/debugpy#1462)
Fri May 19 09:32:55 UTC 2023 - Jiri Srain <>
- refresh the tarball from upstream
Thu Mar 16 10:39:58 UTC 2023 - Daniel Garcia <>
- Add setuptools-67.3.0.patch to fix test issues with new setuptools.
Thu Feb 2 12:58:38 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>
- skip more tests for python 3.11
Mon Jan 23 20:39:40 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>
- update to v1.6.6:
* Disable optimization causing issues when debugging Python 3.10 and 3.11.
Fri Jan 20 10:26:11 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>
- update to v1.6.5:
* Fixes: #1078, #1129, #1138, #1142, #1146, #1148, #1154
Thu Dec 1 11:18:40 UTC 2022 - Daniel Garcia <>
- Update to version 1.6.4
Fixes: #985, #1003, #1005, #1018, #1024, #1025, #1030, #1031, #1042, #1064,
#1081, #1100, #1104, #1111, #1126
Improvements: #532, #989, #1022, #1056, #1099
Wed Oct 12 03:02:27 UTC 2022 - Yogalakshmi Arunachalam <>
- Update to version 1.6.3
Fixes: #869, #973, #987, #995, #1008
Improvements: #951, #1001
Mon Dec 20 23:00:44 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>
- Update to 1.5.1
* no release notes other than a bunch of github PR and issue
* Python 3.10 is now fully supported
- Drop pydevd-openSUSE-attach-autoarch.patch, upstream changed
architecture support logic
- Drop correct-pthread-library-name.patch merged upstream
- Remove performance tweak not compatible with older gdb
* gh#microsoft/debugpy#762
Thu Sep 2 09:01:19 UTC 2021 - Steve Kowalik <>
- Add correct-pthread-library-name.patch:
* Look for the correct pthread library.
Tue Jun 29 13:04:38 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>
- Update to 1.3.0
* no release notes.
- new requirement for ipykernel 6
- enable testsuite (multibuild)
- defer debundling pydevd
- add pydevd-openSUSE-attach-autoarch.patch for support of
non-intel architectures when injecting the debug library
- skip python36 in order to save resources
Fri Dec 4 14:41:13 UTC 2020 - Matej Cepl <>
- Initial packaging of debugpy 1.2.0

python-debugpy.spec Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
# spec file for package python-debugpy
# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
%global flavor @BUILD_FLAVOR@%{nil}
%if "%{flavor}" == "test"
# multibuild: some tests fail to find modules in a custom PYTHONPATH, test installed instead
%define psuffix -test
%bcond_without test
%define psuffix %{nil}
%bcond_with test
Name: python-debugpy%{psuffix}
Version: 1.8.0
Release: 0
Summary: An implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python
License: MIT
BuildRequires: %{python_module Cython}
BuildRequires: %{python_module devel >= 3.8}
BuildRequires: %{python_module setuptools}
BuildRequires: fdupes
BuildRequires: gcc-c++
BuildRequires: python-rpm-macros
%if %{with test}
BuildRequires: %{python_module Django}
BuildRequires: %{python_module Flask}
BuildRequires: %{python_module debugpy = %{version}}
BuildRequires: %{python_module gevent}
BuildRequires: %{python_module greenlet}
BuildRequires: %{python_module psutil}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pytest-timeout}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pytest-xdist}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pytest}
BuildRequires: %{python_module requests}
BuildRequires: gdb
debugpy is an implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python.
%autosetup -p1 -n debugpy-%{version}
# don't remove vendored pydevd: upstream's intention is to always bundle it. Development happens in debugpy anyway
# remove precompiled libs
rm src/debugpy/_vendored/pydevd/pydevd_attach_to_process/*.{so,dll,dylib,exe,pdb}
# remove script interpreter lines
sed -i '1 {/^#!/ d}' \
# remove gitignore file
find src/debugpy/_vendored/pydevd/ -name .gitignore -delete
# remove a performance tweak not compatible with older gdb:
sed -i '/set auto-solib-add off/d' src/debugpy/_vendored/pydevd/pydevd_attach_to_process/
%if ! %{with test}
export CFLAGS='%{optflags}'
cp -r src/debugpy/_vendored src/debugpy/_vendored_clean
%{python_expand # cythonize and the attach library are compile in-place
# TODO: find out how to do it not-in-place
rm -r src/debugpy/_vendored
cp -r src/debugpy/_vendored_clean src/debugpy/_vendored
pushd src/debugpy/_vendored/pydevd/pydevd_attach_to_process/linux_and_mac/
# see /src/debugpy/_vendored/pydevd/pydevd_attach_to_process/
pyarch=$(python3 -c 'import platform; print(platform.machine())')
g++ %{optflags} -shared -o ../attach_${pyarch}.so -fPIC -nostartfiles attach.cpp
# if on intel architectures, use the default upstream names
%ifarch x86_64
mv ../attach_${pyarch}.so ../
%ifarch %ix86
mv ../attach_${pyarch}.so ../
%if !%{with test}
# Dont compile pydevd again
%{python_expand # remove source files
rm -r %{buildroot}%{$python_sitearch}/debugpy/_vendored/pydevd/pydevd_attach_to_process/{common,linux_and_mac,windows}/
rm %{buildroot}%{$python_sitearch}/debugpy/_vendored/pydevd/_*/*.{c,h,pxd,pyx}
%fdupes %{buildroot}%{$python_sitearch}
%if %{with test}
# extra flags are not added
# python 3.11 failures
donttest="$donttest or test_redirect_output or test_with_no_output or test_systemexit or test_exceptions_and_partial_exclude_rules or test_exception_stack or test_flask_template_exception_no_multiproc or test_flask_exception_no_multiproc or test_gevent"
rm -v tests/debugpy/ tests/debugpy/
# gh#microsoft/debugpy#1462
donttest="$donttest or test_attach_pid_client"
# Disable broken tests in s390x, bsc#1217019
%ifarch s390x
sed -i "s/timeout=30/timeout=60/g" pytest.ini
donttest+=" or test_attach_api or test_reattach or test_break_api or test_set_variable or test_unicode or test_debugpySystemInfo or test_debug_this_thread or test_tracing"
%pytest_arch -k "not ($donttest)"
%if ! %{with test}
%files %{python_files}