Sync from SUSE:ALP:Source:Standard:1.0 python-peewee revision 6d87bd4af59167e04d9230e1265848c5
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Wed Aug 16 14:40:36 UTC 2023 - ecsos <>
- Update to 3.16.3
- Support for Cython 3.0.
- Add flag to ManyToManyField to prevent setting/getting values
on unsaved instances. This is worthwhile, since reading or
writing a many-to-many has no meaning when the instance is unsaved.
- Adds a star() helper to Source base-class for selecting all columns.
- Fix missing binary types for mysql-connector and mariadb-connector.
- Add extract() method to MySQL JSONField for extracting a jsonpath.
- Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
- unbind to cython < 3
Sun Aug 13 19:59:10 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>
- bind to cython < 3
Thu Jun 1 20:04:58 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>
- update to 3.16.2:
* Fixes a longstanding issue with thread-safety of various
decorators, including `atomic()`, `transaction()`,
`savepoint()`. The context-managers are unaffected.
* Add changes required for building against Cython 3.0 and set
Cython language-level to 3.
* Ensure indexes aren't added to unindexed fields during
introspection, #2691.
* Ensure we don't redundantly select same PK in prefetch when
* In Sqlite migrator, use Sqlite's builtin DROP and RENAME
column facilities when possible. This can be overridden
by passing `legacy=True` flag.
* This release contains backwards-incompatible changes in the
way Peewee initializes connections to the underlying
database driver. Previously, peewee implemented autocommit
semantics *on-top* of the existing DB-API transactional
workflow. Going forward, Peewee instead places the DB-API
driver into autocommit mode directly.
Fri Dec 2 21:43:51 UTC 2022 - Yogalakshmi Arunachalam <>
- Update to 3.15.4
Raise an exception in ReconnectMixin if connection is lost while inside a transaction (if the transaction was interrupted presumably some changes were lost and explicit intervention is needed).
Add db.Model property to reduce boilerplate.
Add support for running prefetch() queries with joins instead of subqueries (this helps overcome a MySQL limitation about applying LIMITs to a subquery).
Add SQL AVG to whitelist to avoid coercing by default.
Allow arbitrary keywords in metaclass constructor, #2627
Add a pyproject.toml to silence warnings from newer pips when wheel package is not available.
This release has a small helper for reducing boilerplate in some cases by exposing a base model class as an attribute of the database instance.
# old:
db = SqliteDatabase('...')
class BaseModel(Model):
class Meta:
database = db
class MyModel(BaseModel):
# new:
db = SqliteDatabase('...')
class MyModel(db.Model):
Fri Oct 28 19:52:59 UTC 2022 - Yogalakshmi Arunachalam <>
- Update to 3.15.3
Add scalars() query method (complements scalar()), roughly equivalent to writing [t[0] for t in query.tuples()].
Small doc improvements
Fix and remove some flaky test assertions with Sqlite INSERT + RETURNING.
Fix innocuous failing Sqlite test on big-endian machines.
View commits
Tue Oct 4 22:59:19 UTC 2022 - Yogalakshmi Arunachalam <>
- Update to 3.15.2
Fix bug where field-specific conversions were being applied to the pattern used for LIKE / ILIKE operations. Refs #2609
Fix possible infinite loop when accidentally invoking the __iter__ method on certain Column subclasses. Refs #2606
Add new helper for specifying which Model a particular selected column-like should be bound to, in queries with joins that select from multiple sources.
View commits
- Update to 3.15.1
Fix issue introduced in Sqlite 3.39.0 regarding the propagation of column subtypes in subqueries.
Fix bug where cockroachdb server version was not set when beginning a transaction on an unopened database.
View commits
- Update to 3.15.0
Rollback behavior change in commit ab43376697 (GH #2026). Peewee will no longer automatically return the cursor rowcount for certain bulk-inserts.
This should only affect users of MySQL and Sqlite who relied on a bulk INSERT returning the rowcount (as opposed to the cursor's lastrowid).
The rowcount behavior is still available chaining the as_rowcount() method:
# NOTE: this change only affects MySQL or Sqlite.
db = MySQLDatabase(...)
# Previously, bulk inserts of the following forms would return the rowcount.
query = User.insert_many(...) # Bulk insert.
query = User.insert_from(...) # Bulk insert (INSERT INTO .. SELECT FROM).
# Previous behavior (peewee 3.12 - 3.14.10):
# rows_inserted = query.execute()
# New behavior:
last_id = query.execute()
# To get the old behavior back:
rows_inserted = query.as_rowcount().execute()
This release contains a fix for a long-standing request to allow data-modifying queries to support CTEs.
CTEs are now supported for use with INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE queries - see #2152.
Additionally, this release adds better support for using the new RETURNING syntax with Sqlite automatically. Specify returing_clause=True when
initializing your SqliteDatabase and all bulk inserts will automatically specify a RETURNING clause, returning the newly-inserted primary keys.
This functionality requires Sqlite 3.35 or newer.
Smaller changes:
Add shortcuts.insert_where() helper for generating conditional INSERT with a bit less boilerplate.
Fix bug in test_utils.count_queres() which could erroneously include pool events such as connect/disconnect, etc.
Sat Apr 16 15:24:55 UTC 2022 - Matej Cepl <>
- Update to 3.14.10:
- Add shortcut for conditional insert using sub-select
- Add convenience left_outer_join() method to query.
- Add selected_columns property to Select queries.
- Add name property to Alias instances.
- Fix regression in tests introduced by change to DataSet in
- Allow calling table_exists() with a model-class, refs
- Improve is_connection_usable() method of MySQLDatabase class.
- Better support for VIEWs with playhouse.dataset.DataSet and
- Support INSERT / ON CONFLICT in playhosue.kv for newer
- Add ArrayField.contained_by() method, a corollary to
contains() and the contains_any() methods.
- Support cyclical foreign-key relationships in
reflection/introspection, and also for sqlite-web.
- Add magic methods for FTS5 field to optimize, rebuild and
integrity check the full-text index.
- Add fallbacks in in the event distutils is not
Sat Nov 13 20:29:16 UTC 2021 - Dirk Müller <>
- update to 3.14.8:
* Returning clause can still be specified for Sqlite, however it just needs
to be done so manually rather than having it applied automatically.
* Fix bug in APSW extension with Sqlite 3.35 and newer, due to handling of
last insert rowid with RETURNING. Refs #2479.
* Fix pesky bug in new `last_insert_id()` on the `SqliteExtDatabase`.
* Only raise `DoesNotExist` when `lazy_load` is enabled on ForeignKeyField
* Add missing convenience method `ModelSelect.get_or_none()`
* Allow `ForeignKeyField` to specify a custom `BackrefAccessorClass`
* Ensure foreign-key-specific conversions are applied on INSERT and UPDATE
* Add handling of MySQL error 4031 (inactivity timeout) to the `ReconnectMixin`
helper class.
* Support specification of conflict target for ON CONFLICT/DO NOTHING.
* Add `encoding` parameter to the DataSet `freeze()` and `thaw()` methods
* Fix bug which prevented `DeferredForeignKey` from being used as a model's
primary key
* Ensure foreign key's related object cache is cleared when the foreign-key is
set to `None`.
* Allow specification of `(schema, table)` to be used with CREATE TABLE AS...
* Allow reusing open connections with DataSet
* Add `highlight()` and `snippet()` helpers to Sqlite `SearchField`, for use
with full-text search extension.
* Preserve user-provided aliases in column names.
* Add support for Sqlite 3.37 strict tables.
* Ensure database is inherited when using `ThreadSafeDatabaseMetadata`, and
also adds an implementation in `playhouse.shortcuts` along with basic unit
* Better handling of Model's dirty fields when saving, fixes #2466.
* Add basic support for MariaDB connector driver in `playhouse.mysql_ext`
* Begin a basic implementation for a psycopg3-compatible pg database
* Add provisional support for RETURNING when using the appropriate versions of
Sqlite or MariaDB.
Mon Sep 6 13:42:49 UTC 2021 - Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 3.14.4
* Bugfix release
- Update to version 3.14.3
* This release contains a single fix for ensuring NULL values
are inserted when issuing a bulk-insert of heterogeneous
dictionaries which may be missing explicit NULL values.
- Update to version 3.14.2
* Support for named Check and foreign-key constraints.
* Better foreign-key introspection for CockroachDB (and Postgres)
* Register UUID adapter for Postgres.
* Add fn.array_agg() to blacklist for automatic value coercion.
- Update to version 3.14.1
* Properly delegate to a foreign-key field's db_value() function
when converting model instances.
* Strip quote marks and parentheses from column names returned
by sqlite cursor when a function-call is projected without an
* Fix DataSet.create_index() method.
* Fix column-to-model mapping in model-select from subquery
with joins.
* Improvements to foreign-key lazy-loading.
* Preserve and handle CHECK() constraints in Sqlite migrator.
* Add stddev aggregate function to collection of sqlite
user-defined funcs.
- Update to version 3.14.0
* Add an experimental helper,
for resolving multiple models used in a compound select query.
* Add a lateral() method to select query for use with lateral
joins, refs issue #2205.
* Added support for nested transactions (savepoints) in
cockroach-db (requires 20.1 or newer).
* Automatically escape wildcards passed to string-matching
methods, refs #2224.
* Allow index-type to be specified on MySQL, refs #2242.
* Added a new API, converter() to be used for specifying a
function to use to convert a row-value pulled off the cursor.
* Add set() and clear() method to the bitfield flag descriptor.
* Add support for range types with IN and other expressions.
* Support CTEs bound to compound select queries, refs #2289.
* Fix to return related object id when accessing via the
object-id descriptor, when the related object is not populated.
* Fix to ensure we do not insert a NULL value for a primary key.
* Fix to conditionally set the field/column on an added column
in a migration.
* Apply field conversion logic to model-class values. Relocates
the logic from issue #2131 and fixes #2185.
* Clone node before modifying it to be flat in an enclosed
nodelist expr, fixes issue #2200.
* Fix an invalid item assignment in nodelist, refs #2220.
* Fix an incorrect truthiness check used with save() and only=.
* Fix regression in filter() where using both *args and **kwargs
caused the expressions passed as args to be discarded. #2293.
Wed May 20 07:26:11 UTC 2020 - Petr Gajdos <>
- %python3_only -> %python_alternative
Wed Mar 18 16:01:40 UTC 2020 - Dirk Mueller <>
- switch to PyMSQL instead of mysql-connector-python, which is the
default since 3.12.x and doesn't have vulnerabilities (bsc#1122204)
Wed Mar 11 15:56:45 UTC 2020 - Marketa Calabkova <>
- update to 3.13.1
* This will be a notable release as it adds support for CockroachDB,
a distributed, horizontally-scalable SQL database.
* Allow FOR UPDATE clause to specify one or more tables (FOR UPDATE OF...).
* Support for Postgres LATERAL join.
* Fix non-deterministic join ordering issue when using the filter()
API across several tables
* Bulk insert (insert_many() and insert_from()) will now return
the row count instead of the last insert ID.
* Migration extension now supports altering a column's data-type,
via the new alter_column_type() method.
* Added BloomFilter.from_buffer() method for populating a bloom-filter
from the output of a previous call to the to_buffer() method.
Wed Dec 11 08:07:29 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>
- Pull in the full python for sqlite
Fri Oct 18 10:19:07 UTC 2019 - Marketa Calabkova <>
- Update to 3.11.2
* Implement hash interface for Alias instances, allowing them to be used in multi-source queries.
* Workaround for MySQL prior to 8 and MariaDB handling of union queries inside of parenthesized expressions (like IN).
* Be more permissive in letting invalid values be stored in a field whose type is INTEGER or REAL, since Sqlite allows this.
* Fix for issue #1991 regarding setting intervening models to None.
* Fixes the Model._pk and get_id() interfaces so they no longer introduce the possibility of accidentally resolving the FK.
Wed Sep 11 08:24:43 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>
- Update to 3.10.0:
* Many bugfixes to enumerate, see
Tue Jul 23 11:32:26 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>
- Update to 3.9.6:
* Support nesting the Database instance as a context-manager. The outermost block will handle opening and closing the connection along with wrapping everything in a transaction. Nested blocks will use savepoints.
* Add new session_start(), session_commit() and session_rollback() interfaces to the Database object to support using transactional controls in situations where a context-manager or decorator is awkward.
* Fix error that would arise when attempting to do an empty bulk-insert.
* Set isolation_level=None in SQLite connection constructor rather than afterwards using the setter.
* Add create_table() method to Select query to implement CREATE TABLE AS.
* Cleanup some declarations in the Sqlite C extension.
* Add new example showing how to implement Reddit's ranking algorithm in SQL.
Sun May 12 20:41:48 UTC 2019 - Alexei Podvalsky <>
- Update to 3.9.5:
* Added small helper for setting timezone when using Postgres.
* Improved SQL generation for VALUES clause.
* Support passing resolution to TimestampField as a power-of-10.
* Small improvements to INSERT queries when the primary-key is not
an auto-incrementing integer, but is generated by the database server (eg uuid).
* Cleanups to virtual table implementation and python-to-sqlite value conversions.
* Fixed bug related to binding previously-unbound models to a database using a
context manager, #1913.
- Change in 3.9.4:
* Add Model.bulk_update() method for bulk-updating fields across multiple
model instances. Docs.
* Add lazy_load parameter to ForeignKeyField. When initialized with lazy_load=False,
the foreign-key will not use an additional query to resolve the related model instance.
* Added Model.truncate_table() method.
* The reflection and pwiz extensions now attempt to be smarter about converting
database table and column names into snake-case.
* Bulk insert via insert_many() no longer require specification of the fields
argument when the inserted rows are lists/tuples. In that case, the fields
will be inferred to be all model fields except any auto-increment id.
* Add DatabaseProxy, which implements several of the Database class context managers.
* Add support for window function frame exclusion and added built-in support for the GROUPS frame type.
* Add support for chaining window functions by extending a previously-declared window function.
* Playhouse Postgresql extension TSVectorField.match() method supports an additional argument plain,
which can be used to control the parsing of the TS query.
* Added very minimal JSONField to the playhouse MySQL extension.
Sun Mar 24 05:54:34 UTC 2019 - Alexei Podvalsky <>
- Update to 3.9.3:
* Added cross-database support for NULLS FIRST/LAST when specifying
the ordering for a query. Previously this was only supported for
* Added EXCLUDED helper for referring to the EXCLUDED namespace
used with INSERT...ON CONFLICT queries, when referencing values in
the conflicting row data.
* Added helper method to the model Metadata class for setting the
table name at run-time. Setting the Model._meta.table_name directly
may have appeared to work in some situations, but could lead to
subtle bugs. The new API is Model._meta.set_table_name().
* Enhanced helpers for working with Peewee interactively, see doc.
* Fix cache invalidation bug in DataSet that was originally reported
on the sqlite-web project.
* New example script implementing a hexastore.
Fri Jan 18 22:09:07 UTC 2019 - Alexei Podvalsky <>
- Update to 3.8.2:
* The default row-type for INSERT queries executed with a non-default
RETURNING clause has changed from tuple to Model instances. This
makes INSERT behavior consistent with UPDATE and DELETE queries
that specify a RETURNING clause.
* Removing support for the table_alias model Meta option.
* Added playhouse.shortcuts.ReconnectMixin, which can be used to
implement automatic reconnect under certain error conditions.
* Fix SQL generation bug when using an inline window function in
the ORDER BY clause of a query.
* Fix possible zero-division in user-defined implementation of
BM25 ranking algorithm for SQLite full-text search.
Mon Oct 8 20:05:48 UTC 2018 - Alexei Podvalsky <>
- Update to 3.7.1:
* Added table_settings model Meta option, which should be a list
of strings specifying additional options for CREATE TABLE, which
are placed after the closing parentheses.
* Allow specification of on_update and on_delete behavior for
many-to-many relationships when using ManyToManyField.
* Fixed incorrect SQL generation for Postgresql ON CONFLICT clause
when the conflict_target is a named constraint (rather than an
index expression). This introduces a new keyword-argument to the
on_conflict() method: conflict_constraint, which is currently only
supported by Postgresql. Refs issue #1737.
* Fixed incorrect SQL for sub-selects used on the right side of IN
expressions. Previously the query would be assigned an alias, even
though an alias was not needed.
* Fixed incorrect SQL generation for Model indexes which contain SQL
functions as indexed columns.
* Fixed bug in the generation of special queries used to perform
operations on SQLite FTS5 virtual tables.
* Allow frozenset to be correctly parameterized as a list of values.
* Allow multi-value INSERT queries to specify columns as a list of
* Support CROSS JOIN for model select queries.
Sat Jul 28 18:06:40 UTC 2018 -
- Add missing "that".
Thu Jul 19 15:38:58 UTC 2018 -
- Update to 3.6.4:
- bugfixes
- works with python 3.7.0
- Support for specifying ROWS or RANGE window frame types.
- Add APIs for user-defined window functions if using
pysqlite3 and sqlite 3.25.0 or newer.
- TimestampField now uses 64-bit integer data-type for
- Added support to pwiz and playhouse.reflection to enable
generating models from VIEWs.
- Added lower-level database API for introspecting VIEWs.
- Revamped continuous integration setup for better coverage,
including 3.7 and 3.8-dev.
- Allow building C extensions even if Cython is not
installed, by distributing pre-generated C source files.
- Fixes tests
Wed Jul 4 13:37:37 UTC 2018 -
- Update to 3.5.2:
* New guide to using window functions in Peewee.
* New and improved table name auto-generation.
* Allow passing single fields/columns to window function
order_by and partition_by arguments.
* Support for FILTER (WHERE...) clauses with window functions
and aggregates.
* Added IdentityField class suitable for use with Postgres 10's
new identity column type.
* Fixed bug creating indexes on tables that are in attached
databases (SQLite).
* Fixed obscure bug when using prefetch() and ModelAlias to
populate a back-reference related model.
- Change in 3.5.1:
* New documentation for working with relationships in Peewee.
* Improved tests and documentation for MySQL upsert functionality.
* Allow database parameter to be specified with ModelSelect.get()
method. For discussion, see #1620.
* Add QualifiedNames helper to peewee module exports.
* Add temporary= meta option to support temporary tables.
* Allow a Database object to be passed to constructor of
DataSet helper.
Sat Jun 23 19:32:23 UTC 2018 -
- Update to 3.5.0:
* see: /usr/share/package/python-peewee/
- Build with dependencies: sqlite3, cython
- Build with python3 and python2 (singlespec)
- Drop the noarch package (arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object)
- Spec file cleanup
Fri Aug 14 15:11:22 UTC 2015 -
- update version 2.6.3
* read
Mon Apr 28 12:41:04 UTC 2014 -
- update version 2.2.3
* New migrations module
* Added a return value to indicating number of rows
* Added a date_trunc() method that works for Sqlite.
* Added a Model.sqlall() class-method to return all the SQL to
generate the model/indices.
* bugfixes
Sun Apr 20 16:21:08 UTC 2014 -
- initial version 2.2.2
* see for details
Normal file
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# spec file for package python-peewee
# Copyright (c) 2023 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
Name: python-peewee
Version: 3.16.3
Release: 0
Summary: An expressive ORM that supports multiple SQL backends
License: BSD-3-Clause
BuildRequires: %{python_module Cython}
BuildRequires: %{python_module Flask}
BuildRequires: %{python_module PyMySQL}
BuildRequires: %{python_module apsw}
BuildRequires: %{python_module devel}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pip}
BuildRequires: %{python_module psycopg2}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pytest}
BuildRequires: %{python_module wheel}
BuildRequires: %{pythons}
BuildRequires: fdupes
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
BuildRequires: python-rpm-macros
BuildRequires: unzip
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(sqlite3)
Requires(post): update-alternatives
An expressive ORM that supports PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite.
%setup -q -n peewee-%{version}
%python_clone -a %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/
%python_expand %fdupes %{buildroot}%{$python_sitearch}
%pytest_arch tests
%files %{python_files}
%license LICENSE
%doc README.rst TODO.rst
%python_alternative %{_bindir}/
Reference in New Issue
Block a user