108 lines
3.5 KiB
108 lines
3.5 KiB
Index: zipp-3.15.0/newsfragments/119.bugfix.rst
--- /dev/null
+++ zipp-3.15.0/newsfragments/119.bugfix.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Improved handling of malformed zip files.
\ No newline at end of file
Index: zipp-3.15.0/zipp/__init__.py
--- zipp-3.15.0.orig/zipp/__init__.py
+++ zipp-3.15.0/zipp/__init__.py
@@ -84,7 +84,69 @@ class InitializedState:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-class CompleteDirs(InitializedState, zipfile.ZipFile):
+class SanitizedNames:
+ """
+ ZipFile mix-in to ensure names are sanitized.
+ """
+ def namelist(self):
+ return list(map(self._sanitize, super().namelist()))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _sanitize(name):
+ r"""
+ Ensure a relative path with posix separators and no dot names.
+ Modeled after
+ https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/bcc1be39cb1d04ad9fc0bd1b9193d3972835a57c/Lib/zipfile/__init__.py#L1799-L1813
+ but provides consistent cross-platform behavior.
+ >>> san = SanitizedNames._sanitize
+ >>> san('/foo/bar')
+ 'foo/bar'
+ >>> san('//foo.txt')
+ 'foo.txt'
+ >>> san('foo/.././bar.txt')
+ 'foo/bar.txt'
+ >>> san('foo../.bar.txt')
+ 'foo../.bar.txt'
+ >>> san('\\foo\\bar.txt')
+ 'foo/bar.txt'
+ >>> san('D:\\foo.txt')
+ 'D/foo.txt'
+ >>> san('\\\\server\\share\\file.txt')
+ 'server/share/file.txt'
+ >>> san('\\\\?\\GLOBALROOT\\Volume3')
+ '?/GLOBALROOT/Volume3'
+ >>> san('\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive1\\root')
+ 'PhysicalDrive1/root'
+ Retain any trailing slash.
+ >>> san('abc/')
+ 'abc/'
+ Raises a ValueError if the result is empty.
+ >>> san('../..')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: Empty filename
+ """
+ def allowed(part):
+ return part and part not in {'..', '.'}
+ # Remove the drive letter.
+ # Don't use ntpath.splitdrive, because that also strips UNC paths
+ bare = re.sub('^([A-Z]):', r'\1', name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ clean = bare.replace('\\', '/')
+ parts = clean.split('/')
+ joined = '/'.join(filter(allowed, parts))
+ if not joined:
+ raise ValueError("Empty filename")
+ return joined + '/' * name.endswith('/')
+class CompleteDirs(InitializedState, SanitizedNames, zipfile.ZipFile):
A ZipFile subclass that ensures that implied directories
are always included in the namelist.
Index: zipp-3.15.0/tests/test_zipp.py
--- zipp-3.15.0.orig/tests/test_zipp.py
+++ zipp-3.15.0/tests/test_zipp.py
@@ -529,3 +529,20 @@ class TestPath(unittest.TestCase):
with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+ def test_malformed_paths(self):
+ """
+ Path should handle malformed paths.
+ """
+ data = io.BytesIO()
+ zf = zipfile.ZipFile(data, "w")
+ zf.writestr("/one-slash.txt", b"content")
+ zf.writestr("//two-slash.txt", b"content")
+ zf.writestr("../parent.txt", b"content")
+ zf.filename = ''
+ root = zipp.Path(zf)
+ assert list(map(str, root.iterdir())) == [
+ 'one-slash.txt',
+ 'two-slash.txt',
+ 'parent.txt',
+ ]