Sync from SUSE:ALP:Source:Standard:1.0 rubygem-rspec-mocks revision 79927084c961b4c84f23fcce22a00059
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# ---
# ## used by gem2rpm
:summary: RSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :description: |-
# this is a custom description
# it can be multiline
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :license: MIT or Ruby
# ## used by gem2rpm and gem_packages
# :version_suffix: -x_y
# ## used by gem2rpm and gem_packages
# :disable_docs: true
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :disable_automatic_rdoc_dep: true
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :preamble: |-
# BuildRequires: foobar
# Requires: foobar
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :patches:
# foo.patch: -p1
# bar.patch:
# ## used by gem2rpm
# - foo.desktop
# - bar.desktop
# :gem_install_args: '....'
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :pre_install: |-
# %if 0%{?use_system_libev}
# export USE_VENDORED_LIBEV="no"
# %endif
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :post_install: |-
# # delete custom files here or do other fancy stuff
# install -D -m 0644 %{S:1} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/gem2rpm-opensuse
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :testsuite_command: |-
# (pushd %{buildroot}%{gem_base}/gems/%{mod_full_name} && rake test)
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :filelist: |-
# /usr/bin/gem2rpm-opensuse
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :scripts:
# :post: |-
# /bin/echo foo
# ## used by gem_packages
# :main:
# :preamble: |-
# Requires: util-linux
# Recommends: pwgen
# :filelist: |-
# /usr/bin/gem2rpm-opensuse
# ## used by gem_packages
# :custom:
# apache:
# :preamble: |-
# Requires: .....
# :filelist: |-
# /etc/apache2/conf.d/passenger.conf
# :summary: Custom summary is optional
# :description: |-
# Custom description is optional
# bar
# :post: |-
# /bin/echo foo
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Binary file not shown.
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@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
Tue Jan 17 11:04:31 UTC 2023 - Dan Čermák <>
- New upstream release 3.12.3
Bug Fixes:
* Fix keyword delegation in `send` for verifying doubles on Ruby 3.
(Charlie Honig, #1485)
Mon Jan 9 16:05:50 UTC 2023 - Martin Vidner <>
- updated to version 3.12.2
Notable bug fix, for bsc#1206419:
Fix keyword argument assertions when mocking using with on Ruby
3.2.0. (Slava Kardakov, Benoit Tigeot, Phil Pirozhkov, Benoit
Daloze, #1514)
Fri Oct 28 05:05:42 UTC 2022 - Stephan Kulow <>
updated to version 3.12.0
see installed
Thu Apr 28 05:46:28 UTC 2022 - Stephan Kulow <>
updated to version 3.11.1
see installed
Mon Feb 21 11:36:36 UTC 2022 - Stephan Kulow <>
updated to version 3.11.0
see installed
Sat Feb 6 11:35:31 UTC 2021 - Manuel Schnitzer <>
- updated to version 3.10.2
### 3.10.2 / 2021-01-27
[Full Changelog](
Bug Fixes:
* Support keyword arguments with `and_call_original` on Ruby 3.0.
(Bryan Powell, #1385)
* `RSpec::Mocks::Constant#previously_defined?` is now always a boolean.
(Phil Pirozhkov, #1397)
* Support keyword arguments on Ruby 3.0 when used with `expect_any_instance_of`
or `allow_any_instance_of` with `and_call_original`.
(Jess Hottenstein, #1407)
Wed Jan 20 07:52:46 UTC 2021 - Manuel Schnitzer <>
- updated to version 3.10.1
[Full Changelog](
Bug Fixes:
* Issue `ArgumentError` rather than `TypeError` when unsupported methods on
unsupported objects are attempted to be stubbed. (@zhisme, #1357)
Wed Nov 11 08:50:19 UTC 2020 - Manuel Schnitzer <>
- updated to version 3.10.0
[Full Changelog](
* Add the ability to set a custom error generator in `MessageExpectation`.
This will allow rspec-expectations to inject a custom failure message.
(Benoit Tigeot and Nicolas Zermati, #1312)
* Return the result of the block passed to `RSpec::Mocks.with_temporary_scope`
when block run. (@expeehaa, #1329)
Mon Jan 27 11:24:39 UTC 2020 - Manuel Schnitzer <>
- updated to version 3.9.1
# Bug Fixes:
* Trigger RSpec::Mocks.configuration.verifying_double_callbacks when
using allow_any_instance_of or expect_any_instance_of (Daniel Orner, #1309)
Tue Nov 12 14:47:37 UTC 2019 - Manuel Schnitzer <>
- updated to version 3.9.0
[Full Changelog](
* Improve thread safety of message expectations by using Mutex to prevent
deadlocking errors. (Ry Biesemeyer, #1236)
* Add the ability to use `time` as an alias for `times`. For example:
`expect(Class).to receive(:method).exactly(1).time`.
(Pistos, Benoit Tigeot, #1271)
Mon Jul 8 07:52:23 UTC 2019 - Manuel Schnitzer <>
- updated to version 3.8.1
* no changelog entry found
Sun Aug 5 19:01:44 UTC 2018 -
- updated to version 3.8.0
[Full Changelog](
Bug Fixes:
* Issue error when encountering invalid "counted" negative message expectations.
(Sergiy Yarinovskiy, #1212)
* Ensure `allow_any_instance_of` and `expect_any_instance_of` can be temporarily
supressed. (Jon Rowe, #1228)
* Ensure `expect_any_instance_of(double).to_not have_received(:some_method)`
fails gracefully (as its not supported) rather than issuing a `NoMethodError`.
(Maxim Krizhanovsky, #1231)
Thu Oct 26 10:12:42 UTC 2017 -
- updated to version 3.7.0
see installed
### 3.8 Development
[Full Changelog](
### 3.7.0 / 2017-10-17
[Full Changelog](
* Improve compatibility with `--enable-frozen-string-literal` option
on Ruby 2.3+. (Pat Allan, #1165)
Bug Fixes:
* Fix `hash_including` and `hash_excluding` so that they work against
subclasses of `Hash`. (Aaron Rosenberg, #1167)
Tue May 23 10:17:49 UTC 2017 -
- updated to version 3.6.0
see installed
### 3.6.0 / 2017-05-04
[Full Changelog](
Bug Fixes:
* Fix "instance variable @color not initialized" warning when using
rspec-mocks without rspec-core. (Myron Marston, #1142)
* Restore aliased module methods properly when stubbing on 1.8.7.
(Samuel Giddins, #1144)
* Allow a message chain expectation to be constrained by argument(s).
(Jon Rowe, #1156)
### 3.6.0.beta2 / 2016-12-12
[Full Changelog](
* Add new `without_partial_double_verification { }` API that lets you
temporarily turn off partial double verification for an example.
(Jon Rowe, #1104)
### 3.6.0.beta1 / 2016-10-09
[Full Changelog](
Bug Fixes:
* Return the test double instance form `#freeze` (Alessandro Berardi, #1109)
* Allow the special logic for stubbing `new` to work when `<Class>.method` has
been redefined. (Proby, #1119)
Sat Jul 2 05:26:34 UTC 2016 -
- updated to version 3.5.0
see installed
### 3.5.0 / 2016-07-01
[Full Changelog](
* Provides a nice string representation of
`RSpec::Mocks::MessageExpectation` (Myron Marston, #1095)
### 3.5.0.beta4 / 2016-06-05
[Full Changelog](
* Add `and_throw` to any instance handling. (Tobias Bühlmann, #1068)
### 3.5.0.beta3 / 2016-04-02
[Full Changelog](
* Issue warning when attempting to use unsupported
`allow(...).to receive(...).ordered`. (Jon Rowe, #1000)
* Add `rspec/mocks/minitest_integration`, to properly integrate rspec-mocks
with minitest. (Myron Marston, #1065)
### 3.5.0.beta2 / 2016-03-10
[Full Changelog](
* Improve error message displayed when using `and_wrap_original` on pure test
doubles. (betesh, #1063)
Bug Fixes:
* Fix issue that prevented `receive_message_chain(...).with(...)` working
correctly on "any instance" mocks. (Jon Rowe, #1061)
### 3.5.0.beta1 / 2016-02-06
[Full Changelog](
Bug Fixes:
* Allow `any_instance_of(...).to receive(...)` to use `and_yield` multiple
times. (Kilian Cirera Sant, #1054)
* Allow matchers which inherit from `rspec-mocks` matchers to be used for
`allow`. (Andrew Kozin, #1056)
* Prevent stubbing `respond_to?` on partial doubles from causing infinite
recursion. (Jon Rowe, #1013)
* Prevent aliased methods from disapearing after being mocked with
`any_instance` (regression from #1043). (Joe Rafaniello, #1060)
Mon Jan 11 05:50:26 UTC 2016 -
- updated to version 3.4.1
see installed
### 3.4.1 / 2016-01-10
[Full Changelog](
Bug Fixes:
* Fix `any_instance` to work properly on Ruby 2.3. (Joe Rafaniello, #1043)
Fri Nov 13 05:39:04 UTC 2015 -
- updated to version 3.4.0
see installed
### 3.4.0 / 2015-11-11
[Full Changelog](
* Make `expect(...).to have_received` work without relying upon
rspec-expectations. (Myron Marston, #978)
* Add option for failing tests when expectations are set on `nil`.
(Liz Rush, #983)
Bug Fixes:
* Fix `have_received { ... }` so that any block passed when the message
was received is forwarded to the `have_received` block. (Myron Marston, #1006)
* Fix infinite loop in error generator when stubbing `respond_to?`.
(Alex Dowad, #1022)
* Fix issue with using `receive` on subclasses (at a class level) with 1.8.7.
(Alex Dowad, #1026)
Thu Jul 16 04:32:38 UTC 2015 -
- updated to version 3.3.2
see installed
### 3.3.2 / 2015-07-15
[Full Changelog](
Bug Fixes:
* Prevent thread deadlock errors during proxy creation (e.g. when using
`before_verifying_doubles` callbacks). (Jon Rowe, #980, #979)
Sun Jun 21 04:33:06 UTC 2015 -
- updated to version 3.3.1
see installed
### 3.3.1 / 2015-06-19
[Full Changelog](
Bug Fixes:
* Fix bug in `before_verifying_double` callback logic that caused it to be called
once for each class in the ancestor list when mocking or stubbing a class. Now
it is only called for the mocked or stubbed class, as you would expect. (Sam
Phippen, #974)
Sat Jun 13 04:35:08 UTC 2015 -
- updated to version 3.3.0
see installed
### 3.3.0 / 2015-06-12
[Full Changelog](
* When stubbing `new` on `MyClass` or `class_double(MyClass)`, use the
method signature from `MyClass#initialize` to verify arguments.
(Myron Marston, #886)
* Use matcher descriptions when generating description of received arguments
for mock expectation failures. (Tim Wade, #891)
* Avoid loading `stringio` unnecessarily. (Myron Marston, #894)
* Verifying doubles failure messages now distinguish between class and instance
level methods. (Tim Wade, #896, #908)
* Improve mock expectation failure messages so that it combines both
number of times and the received arguments in the output. (John Ceh, #918)
* Improve how test doubles are represented in failure messages.
(Siva Gollapalli, Myron Marston, #932)
* Rename `RSpec::Mocks::Configuration#when_declaring_verifying_double` to
`RSpec::Mocks::Configuration#before_verifying_doubles` and utilise when
verifying partial doubles. (Jon Rowe, #940)
* Use rspec-support's `ObjectFormatter` for improved formatting of
arguments in failure messages so that, for example, full time
precisions is displayed for time objects. (Gavin Miller, Myron Marston, #955)
Bug Fixes:
* Ensure expectations that raise eagerly also raise during RSpec verification.
This means that if exceptions are caught inside test execution the test will
still fail. (Sam Phippen, #884)
* Fix `have_received(msg).with(args).exactly(n).times` and
`receive(msg).with(args).exactly(n).times` failure messages
for when the message was received the wrong number of times with
the specified args, and also received additional times with other
arguments. Previously it confusingly listed the arguments as being
mis-matched (even when the double was allowed to receive with any
args) rather than listing the count. (John Ceh, #918)
* Fix `any_args`/`anything` support so that we avoid calling `obj == anything`
on user objects that may have improperly implemented `==` in a way that
raises errors. (Myron Marston, #924)
* Fix edge case involving stubbing the same method on a class and a subclass
which previously hit a `NoMethodError` internally in RSpec. (Myron Marston #954)
* Fix edge case where the message received count would be incremented multiple
times for one failure. (Myron Marston, #957)
* Fix failure messages for when spies received the expected message with
different arguments and also received another message. (Maurício Linhares, #960)
* Silence whitespace-only diffs. (Myron Marston, #969)
Thu Feb 26 05:33:55 UTC 2015 -
- updated to version 3.2.1
Bug Fixes:
* Add missing `rspec/support/differ` require so that rspec-mocks can be
used w/o rspec-expectations (which also loads the differ and hided the
fact we forgot to require it). (Myron Marston, #893)
* Revert tracking of received arg mutation (added in 3.2.0 to provide an
error in a situation we can't support) as our implementation has side
effects on non-standard objects and there's no solution we could come
up with that always works. (Myron Marston, #900)
Fri Feb 6 20:13:06 UTC 2015 -
- updated to version 3.2.0
* Treat `any_args` as an arg splat, allowing it to match an arbitrary
number of args at any point in an arg list. (Myron Marston, #786)
* Print diffs when arguments in mock expectations are mismatched.
(Sam Phippen, #751)
* Support names for verified doubles (`instance_double`, `instance_spy`,
`class_double`, `class_spy`, `object_double`, `object_spy`). (Cezary
Baginski, #826)
* Make `array_including` and `hash_including` argument matchers composable.
(Sam Phippen, #819)
* Make `allow_any_instance_of(...).to receive(...).and_wrap_original`
work. (Ryan Fitzgerald, #869)
Bug Fixes:
* Provide a clear error when users wrongly combine `no_args` with
additional arguments (e.g. `expect().to receive().with(no_args, 1)`).
(Myron Marston, #786)
* Provide a clear error when users wrongly use `any_args` multiple times in the
same argument list (e.g. `expect().to receive().with(any_args, 1, any_args)`.
(Myron Marston, #786)
* Prevent the error generator from using user object #description methods.
See [#685](
(Sam Phippen, #751)
* Make verified doubles declared as `(instance|class)_double(SomeConst)`
work properly when `SomeConst` has previously been stubbed.
`(instance|class)_double("SomeClass")` already worked properly.
(Myron Marston, #824)
* Add a matcher description for `receive`, `receive_messages` and
`receive_message_chain`. (Myron Marston, #828)
* Validate invocation args for null object verified doubles.
(Myron Marston, #829)
* Fix `RSpec::Mocks::Constant.original` when called with an invalid
constant to return an object indicating the constant name is invalid,
rather than blowing up. (Myron Marston, #833)
Tue Jan 20 10:15:12 UTC 2015 -
- update to 3.1.3:
* Rails 4.1
[too many changes to list here, see
|||| ]
Mon Oct 13 18:41:48 UTC 2014 -
- adapt to new rubygem packaging
Sun Feb 23 09:24:50 UTC 2014 -
- updated to version 2.14.6
Bug Fixes:
* Ensure `any_instance` method stubs and expectations are torn down regardless of
expectation failures. (Sam Phippen)
Thu Feb 6 18:00:19 UTC 2014 -
- updated to version 2.14.5
Bug Fixes:
* Fix regression that caused block implementations to not receive all
args on 1.8.7 if the block also receives a block, due to Proc#arity
reporting `1` no matter how many args the block receives if it
receives a block, too. (Myron Marston)
Sun Oct 20 12:05:39 UTC 2013 -
- updated to version 2.14.4
Bug Fixes:
* Fix issue where unstubing methods on "any instances" would not
remove stubs on existing instances (Jon Rowe)
* Fix issue with receive(:message) do ... end precedence preventing
the usage of modifications (`and_return` etc) (Jon Rowe)
Mon Aug 26 05:05:53 UTC 2013 -
- updated to version 2.14.3
Bug Fixes:
* Fix stubbing some instance methods for classes whose hierarchy includes
a prepended Module (Bradley Schaefer)
Tue Jul 30 18:46:51 UTC 2013 -
- updated to version 2.14.2
Bug Fixes:
* Fix `as_null_object` doubles so that they return `nil` from `to_ary`
(Jon Rowe).
* Fix regression in 2.14 that made `stub!` (with an implicit receiver)
return a test double rather than stub a method (Myron Marston).
### 2.14.1 / 2013-07-07
[full changelog](
Bug Fixes:
* Restore `double.as_null_object` behavior from 2.13 and earlier: a
double's nullness persisted between examples in earlier examples.
While this is not an intended use case (test doubles are meant to live
for only one example), we don't want to break behavior users rely
on in a minor relase. This will be deprecated in 2.99 and removed
in 3.0. (Myron Marston)
### 2.14.0 / 2013-07-06
[full changelog](
* Document test spies in the readme. (Adarsh Pandit)
* Add an `array_including` matcher. (Sam Phippen)
* Add a syntax-agnostic API for mocking or stubbing a method. This is
intended for use by libraries such as rspec-rails that need to mock
or stub a method, and work regardless of the syntax the user has
configured (Paul Annesley, Myron Marston and Sam Phippen).
Bug Fixes:
* Fix `double` so that it sets up passed stubs correctly regardless of
the configured syntax (Paul Annesley).
* Allow a block implementation to be used in combination with
`and_yield`, `and_raise`, `and_return` or `and_throw`. This got fixed
in 2.13.1 but failed to get merged into master for the 2.14.0.rc1
release (Myron Marston).
* `Marshal.dump` does not unnecessarily duplicate objects when rspec-mocks has
not been fully initialized. This could cause errors when using `spork` or
similar preloading gems (Andy Lindeman).
Fri Apr 12 08:45:37 UTC 2013 -
- updated to version 2.13.1
Bug fixes
* Allow a block implementation to be used in combination with
`and_yield`, `and_raise`, `and_return` or `and_throw` (Myron Marston).
Sun Mar 3 09:45:19 UTC 2013 -
- updated to version 2.13.0
Sun Feb 3 17:13:04 UTC 2013 -
- updated to version 2.12.2
[full changelog](
Bug fixes
* Fix `and_call_original` to work properly for methods defined
on a module extended onto an object instance (Myron Marston).
* Fix `stub_const` with an undefined constnat name to work properly
with constant strings that are prefixed with `::` -- and edge case
I missed in the bug fix in the 2.12.1 release (Myron Marston).
* Ensure method visibility on a partial mock is restored after reseting
method stubs, even on a singleton module (created via `extend self`)
when the method visibility differs between the instance and singleton
versions (Andy Lindeman).
Sat Dec 22 07:30:56 UTC 2012 -
- updated to version 2.12.1
Bug fixes
* Fix `any_instance` to support `and_call_original`.
(Myron Marston)
* Properly restore stubbed aliased methods on rubies
that report the incorrect owner (Myron Marston and Andy Lindeman).
Tue Nov 13 14:05:18 UTC 2012 -
- updated to version 2.12.0
* `and_raise` can accept an exception class and message, more closely
matching `Kernel#raise` (e.g., `foo.stub(:bar).and_raise(RuntimeError, "message")`)
(Bas Vodde)
* Add `and_call_original`, which will delegate the message to the
original method (Myron Marston).
* Add deprecation warning when using `and_return` with `should_not_receive`
(Neha Kumari)
Sun Sep 23 09:54:55 UTC 2012 -
- updated to version 2.11.3
[full changelog](
Bug fixes
* Fix `:transfer_nested_constants` option of `stub_const` so that it
doesn't blow up when there are inherited constants. (Myron Marston)
* `any_instance` stubs can be used on classes that override `Object#method`.
(Andy Lindeman)
* Methods stubbed with `any_instance` are unstubbed after the test finishes.
(Andy Lindeman)
* Fix confusing error message when calling a mocked class method an
extra time with the wrong arguments (Myron Marston).
Mon Aug 27 19:48:45 UTC 2012 -
- updated to version 2.11.2
Sun Jul 29 09:15:01 UTC 2012 -
- initial package
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# spec file for package rubygem-rspec-mocks
# Copyright (c) 2023 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
%define mod_name rspec-mocks
%define mod_full_name %{mod_name}-%{version}
# This file was generated with a gem2rpm.yml and not just plain gem2rpm.
# All sections marked as MANUAL, license headers, summaries and descriptions
# can be maintained in that file. Please consult this file before editing any
# of those fields
Name: rubygem-rspec-mocks
Version: 3.12.3
Release: 0
Summary: RSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking
License: MIT
Group: Development/Languages/Ruby
Source1: gem2rpm.yml
BuildRequires: %{ruby >= 1.8.7}
BuildRequires: %{rubygem gem2rpm}
BuildRequires: %{rubygem rdoc > 3.10}
BuildRequires: ruby-macros >= 5
RSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking.
%gem_install \
--doc-files="" \
Reference in New Issue
Block a user