------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 15 16:29:05 UTC 2023 - Victor Zhestkov - Update to 2.0.1: * More uniform error messages * Raise a friendly TypeError for wrong file mode * Allow parse_float to return objects having the append attr * Eagerly raise an error if parse_float returns an illegal type * Tests ported to unittest - Upgrade to 2.0.0: * Removed Python 3.6 support * Support for text file objects as load input. Use binary file objects instead. * First argument of load and loads can no longer be passed by keyword. * Allow lower case "t" and "z" in datetimes * Raise an error when dotted keys define values outside the "current table". Technically speaking TOML v1.0.0 does allow such assignments but that isn't intended by specification writers, and will change in a future specification version (see the pull request). * Illegal characters in error messages were surrounded by two pairs of quotation marks * TOMLDecodeError.__module__ is now the public import path (tomli) instead of private import path (tomli._parser) * Eliminated an import cycle when typing.TYPE_CHECKING is True. This allows sphinx-autodoc-typehints to resolve type annotations. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 27 07:52:25 UTC 2023 - Victor Zhestkov - Initial pakage submission bases on python3-tomli 1.2.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 24 20:22:17 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller - Rename package to avoid conflicts with the new Python Stack Proposal (jsc#PED-68) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 27 09:23:38 UTC 2023 - Antonio Larrosa - Update(back) to 1.2.3 (from 2.0.1) since 2.0.1 needs python 3.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 25 11:15:48 UTC 2022 - Ferdinand Thiessen - Merge base and -test package, there is no extra dependency any more, tests just need the python interpreter ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 15 19:03:22 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner - Yet another dependency cycle to break: tomli - flit_core - tomli https://flit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/bootstrap.html ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 15 08:49:47 UTC 2021 - Dominique Leuenberger - BuildIgnore ca-certificates: python-pip brings it in for regular operation, but as we do not ever do https:// connections during a build we do not depend on certificates. Allows us to break up a build cycle. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 13 19:20:13 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner - Split build and tests in _multibuild in order to avoid depcycle ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Oct 3 19:30:44 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner - initial specfile for version 1.2.1 - required by setuptools_scm