commit af052e27ed2d5e09991e512b2706cb5b1cbc1a3d
Author: Adrian Schröter <>
Date:   Thu Sep 5 11:27:01 2024 +0200

    Sync from SUSE:ALP:Source:Standard:1.0 unbound revision ae59cbc72d99ca268ce1f67684c94b4f

diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
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+## Default LFS
+*.7z filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.bsp filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.bz2 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.gem filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.gz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.jar filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.lz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.lzma filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.obscpio filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.oxt filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.rpm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tbz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tbz2 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tgz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.ttf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.txz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.whl filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.xz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
diff --git a/_multibuild b/_multibuild
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index 0000000..39b58f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_multibuild
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+  <package>libunbound-devel-mini</package>
diff --git a/ b/
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index 0000000..4807448
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+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# entries in this file override toe global DNS
+# Example blocking email going out to
+#	local-data: " 3600 IN MX 5"
+#	local-data: " 3600 IN A"
+# This can also be done dynamically using: unbound-control local-data [...]
+# For more complicated redirection, use conf.d/ with stub-add: or forward-add:
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dea2a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+; or call:   dig dnskey|grep "257 " IN DNSKEY 257 3 5 BEAAAAPHMu/5onzrEE7z1egmhg/WPO0+juoZrW3euWEn4MxDCE1+lLy2 brhQv5rN32RKtMzX6Mj70jdzeND4XknW58dnJNPCxn8+jAGl2FZLK8t+ 1uq4W+nnA3qO2+DL+k6BD4mewMLbIYFwe0PG73Te9fZ2kJb56dhgMde5 ymX4BI/oQ+cAK50/xvJv00Frf8kw6ucMTwFlgPe+jnGxPPEmHAte/URk Y62ZfkLoBAADLHQ9IrS2tryAe7mbBZVcOwIeU/Rw/mRx/vwwMCTgNboM QKtUdvNXDrYJDSHZws3xiRXF1Rf+al9UmZfSav/4NWLKjHzpT59k/VSt TDN0YUuWrBNh
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30f7f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Example of an override of the "public DNS tree" with an "internal view"
+# override, for example to add an internal-only corporate DNS zone.
+# The stub-zone/stub-addr must point to AUTHORITATIVE servers. If you want to
+# point to an internal RECURSIVE server, use forward-zone/forward-addr instead.
+#	name:
+#	stub-prime: no
+#	# if you could trust a lookup, use:
+#	stub-host:
+#	stub-host:
+#	# else specify the IP's using:
+#	stub-addr:
+#	stub-addr: 2001:500:8c::53
+#	stub-addr:
+#	stub-addr: 2001:500:8d::53
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a70c13f
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+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+; // format is BIND trusted-keys format
+; // Ensure to only put KSKs (usually 257) here, not ZSKs (usually 256)
+; // trusted-keys {
+; // "" 257 3 8 "AwEAAawt7HplI5M8GGAsxuyCyjF0l+QlcgVN11CRZ4vP66qbDCX0BnShZ11BGb//4zSG/8mmBHirL2FLg+mVuIIxig+iroZYjh4iTKVOhv2hZftRwyrQHK++qXvCCWN3ki51RG/e8R4kOEV71rZ8OgQvPWx6F91qroqOPpcf7PPxippeHOn+PxnP0hpyLyo1mx1rPs/cMpL3jOMufGP+LJYh+fBU7lt0sP5i09HaJPruzyZML9BPtpv8ZAdQhwtXVG0+MnET2qT/1+TljpxZn6yeegFRCFRHBjMo6iiRJnUWra/klkrgEn2Q+BXGTOMTTKQdYz4OxYEa1z7apu3a09dYNBM="; // key id = 51605
+; // "" 257 3 8 "AwEAAeikvxboZpn9VCxm3YDLHo40SvA9EmRwJHHQyJ0OCzrQSRBSipojrW7yESXWiDDyzflS8rgzDs7M3fIdSduOdyNi55DmXPdkS8HYORTMNyzFsSOg+xx6tUySK2p4WAhlbsJNLz4IkQCek59NoDBOLyQ15npsr7Tgfb/HHU7zmCMvnxh0SqO2lyhnQfk29Thc3nC4KNJNb3drjWKOuCw5mg+2GrEZYc/VqdeGvrOCQ2el8jWZpSU5cxb7EdEy4B9nEeZiBpHXaZ5XJ+ewi4vmcUK5/445mGJqV4rDeicy5/ShC/BJ81v3bIRPWebvDRJmDbjr2d9MnLXUE7yyETrQd18="; // key id = 31589
+; // };
diff --git a/icannbundle.pem b/icannbundle.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff93b4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icannbundle.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+        Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: O=ICANN, OU=ICANN Certification Authority, CN=ICANN Root CA, C=US
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec 23 04:19:12 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 18 04:19:12 2029 GMT
+        Subject: O=ICANN, OU=ICANN Certification Authority, CN=ICANN Root CA, C=US
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+            RSA Public Key: (2048 bit)
+                Modulus (2048 bit):
+                    00:a0:db:70:b8:4f:34:da:9c:d4:d0:7e:bb:ea:15:
+                    bc:e9:c9:11:2a:1f:61:2f:6a:b9:bd:3f:3d:76:a0:
+                    9a:0a:f7:ee:93:6e:6e:55:53:84:8c:f2:2c:f1:82:
+                    27:c8:0f:9a:cf:52:1b:54:da:28:d2:2c:30:8e:dd:
+                    fb:92:20:33:2d:d6:c8:f1:0e:10:21:88:71:fa:84:
+                    22:4b:5d:47:56:16:7c:9b:9f:5d:c3:11:79:9c:14:
+                    e2:ff:c0:74:ac:dd:39:d7:e0:38:d8:b0:73:aa:fb:
+                    d1:db:84:af:52:22:a8:f6:d5:9b:94:f4:e6:5d:5e:
+                    e8:3f:87:90:0b:c7:1a:77:f5:2e:d3:8f:1a:ce:02:
+                    1d:07:69:21:47:32:da:46:ae:00:4c:b6:a5:a2:9c:
+                    39:c1:c0:4a:f6:d3:1c:ae:d3:6d:bb:c7:18:f0:7e:
+                    ed:f6:80:ce:d0:01:2e:89:de:12:ba:ee:11:cb:a6:
+                    7a:d7:0d:7c:f3:08:8d:72:9d:bf:55:75:13:70:bb:
+                    31:22:4a:cb:e8:c0:aa:a4:09:aa:36:68:40:60:74:
+                    9d:e7:19:81:43:22:52:fe:c9:2b:52:0f:41:13:36:
+                    09:72:65:95:cc:89:ae:6f:56:17:16:34:73:52:a3:
+                    04:ed:bd:88:82:8a:eb:d7:dc:82:52:9c:06:e1:52:
+                    85:41
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment, Key Agreement, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                BA:52:E9:49:83:24:86:52:2F:C7:99:CD:FC:8D:6B:69:08:4D:C0:50
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        0f:f1:e9:82:a2:0a:87:9f:2d:94:60:5a:b2:c0:4b:a1:2f:2b:
+        3b:47:d5:0a:99:86:38:b2:ec:c6:3b:89:e4:6e:07:cf:14:c7:
+        c7:e8:cf:99:8f:aa:30:c3:19:70:b9:e6:6d:d6:3f:c8:68:26:
+        b2:a0:a5:37:42:ca:d8:62:80:d1:a2:5a:48:2e:1f:85:3f:0c:
+        7b:c2:c7:94:11:5f:19:2a:95:ac:a0:3a:03:d8:91:5b:2e:0d:
+        9c:7c:1f:2e:fc:e9:44:e1:16:26:73:1c:45:4a:65:c1:83:4c:
+        90:f3:f2:28:42:df:db:c4:e7:04:12:18:62:43:5e:bc:1f:6c:
+        84:e6:bc:49:32:df:61:d7:99:ee:e4:90:52:7b:0a:c2:91:8a:
+        98:62:66:b1:c8:e0:b7:5a:b5:46:7c:76:71:54:8e:cc:a4:81:
+        5c:19:db:d2:6f:66:b5:bb:2b:ae:6b:c9:74:04:a8:24:de:e8:
+        c5:d3:fc:2c:1c:d7:8f:db:6a:8d:c9:53:be:5d:50:73:ac:cf:
+        1f:93:c0:52:50:5b:a2:4f:fe:ad:65:36:17:46:d1:2d:e5:a2:
+        90:66:05:db:29:4e:5d:50:5d:e3:4f:da:a0:8f:f0:6b:e4:16:
+        70:dd:7f:f3:77:7d:b9:4e:f9:ec:c3:33:02:d7:e9:63:2f:31:
+        e7:40:61:a4
diff --git a/libunbound-devel-mini-rpmlintrc b/libunbound-devel-mini-rpmlintrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e5673a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libunbound-devel-mini-rpmlintrc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/libunbound-devel-mini.changes b/libunbound-devel-mini.changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ff2065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libunbound-devel-mini.changes
@@ -0,0 +1,4157 @@
+Thu Aug 15 09:24:29 UTC 2024 - Jorik Cronenberg <>
+- Update to 1.21.0:
+  Security Fixes:
+  * Merge #1073: fix null pointer dereference issue in function
+    ub_ctx_set_fwd.
+    [CVE-2024-43167, bsc#1229068]
+  Features:
+  * Fix #1071: [FR] Clear both in-memory and cachedb module cache
+    with `unbound-control flush*` commands.
+  * Fix #144: Port ipset to BSD pf tables.
+  * Add dnstap-sample-rate that logs only 1/N messages, for high
+    volume server environments. Thanks Dan Luther.
+  * Add root key 38696 from 2024 for DNSSEC validation. It is added
+    to the default root keys in unbound-anchor. The content can be
+    inspected with `unbound-anchor -l`.
+  * Merge #1090: Cookie secret file. Adds `cookie-secret-file:
+    "unbound_cookiesecrets.txt"` option to store cookie secrets for
+    EDNS COOKIE secret rollover. The remote control
+    add_cookie_secret, activate_cookie_secret and
+    drop_cookie_secret commands can be used for rollover, the
+    command print_cookie_secrets shows the values in use.
+  Bug Fixes:
+  * Fix CAMP issues with global quota. Thanks to Huayi
+    Duan, Marco Bearzi, Jodok Vieli, and Cagin Tanir from NetSec
+    group, ETH Zurich.
+  * Fix CacheFlush issues with limit on NS RRs. Thanks to Yehuda
+    Afek, Anat Bremler-Barr, Shoham Danino and Yuval Shavitt
+    (Tel-Aviv University and Reichman University).
+  * Merge #1062: Fix potential overflow bug while parsing port in
+    function cfg_mark_ports.
+  * Fix for #1062: declaration before statement, avoid print of
+    null, and redundant check for array size.
+  * Fix to squelch udp connect errors in the log at low verbosity
+    about invalid argument for IPv6 link local addresses.
+  * Fix when the mesh jostle is exceeded that nameserver targets
+    are marked as resolved, so that the lookup is not stuck on the
+    requestlist.
+  * Add missing common functions to tdir tests.
+  * Merge #1070: Fix rtt assignement for low values of
+    infra-cache-max-rtt.
+  * Merge #1069: Fix unbound-control stdin commands for
+    multi-process Unbounds.
+  * Fix unbound-control commands that read stdin in multi-process
+    operation (local_zones_remove, local_zones, local_datas_remove,
+    local_datas, view_local_datas_remove, view_local_datas). They
+    will be properly distributed to all processes. dump_cache and
+    load_cache are no longer supported in multi-process operation.
+  * Remove testdata/remote-threaded.tdir.
+    testdata/09-unbound-control.tdir now checks both single and
+    multi process/thread operation.
+  * Fix to print a parse error when config is read with no name for
+    a forward-zone, stub-zone or view.
+  * Fix for parse end of forward-zone, stub-zone and view.
+  * Fix for #1064: Fix that cachedb expired messages are considered
+    insecure, and thus can be served to clients when dnssec is
+    enabled.
+  * Fix #1059: Intermittent DNS blocking failure with local-zone
+    and always_nxdomain. Addition of local_zones dynamically via
+    unbound-control was not finding the zone's parent correctly.
+  * Fix #1064: Unbound 1.20 Cachedb broken?
+  * Fix unused variable warning on compilation with no thread
+    support.
+  * unbound-control-setup: check openssl availability before doing
+    anything, patch from Michael Tokarev.
+  * Update patch to remove 'command' shell builtin and update error
+    text.
+  * Fix to enable that SERVFAIL is cached, for a short period, for
+    more cases. In the cases where limits are exceeded.
+  * Fix spelling of tcp-idle-timeout docs, from Michael Tokarev.
+  * Merge #1078: Only check old pid if no username.
+  * Fix #1079: tags from tagged rpz zones are no longer honored
+    after upgrade from 1.19.3 to 1.20.0.
+  * Fix for #1079: fix RPZ taglist in iterator callback that no
+    client info is like no taglist intersection.
+  * Fix to squelch connection reset by peer errors from log. And
+    fix that the tcp read errors are labeled as initial for the
+    first calls.
+  * Merge #1080: AddressSanitizer detection in tdir tests and
+    memory leak fixes.
+  * Fix memory leak when reload_keep_cache is used and num-threads
+    changes.
+  * Fix memory leak on exit for unbound-dnstap-socket; creates
+    false negatives during testing.
+  * Fix memory leak in setup of dsa sig.
+  * Fix typos for 'the the' in text.
+  * Fix validation for repeated use of a DNAME record.
+  * Add unit test for validation of repeated use of a DNAME record.
+  * Fix #1091: Build fails with OpenSSL >= 3.0 built with
+  * Fix #1092: Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy fails to compile unbound 1.20.0;
+    by adding helpful text for the Python interpreter version and
+    allowing the default pkg-config unavailability error message to
+    be shown.
+  * Fix pkg-config availability check in dnstap/dnstap.m4 and
+    systemd.m4.
+  * Explicitly set the RD bit for the mesh query flags when
+    prefetching. These queries have no waiting client but they need
+    to be treated as recursive.
+  * Fix ip-ratelimit-cookie setting, it was not applied.
+  * Fix to remove unused include from the readzone test program.
+  * Fix unused variable warning in do_cache_remove.
+  * Fix compile warning in worker pthread id printout.
+  * Add unit test skip files and bison and flex output to
+    gitignore.
+  * Fix to use modstack_init in zonemd unit test.
+  * Fix to remove unneeded linebreak in fptr_wlist.c.
+  * Fix compile warnings in fptr_wlist.c.
+  * Fix for repeated use of a DNAME record: first overallocate and
+    then move the exact size of the init value to avoid false
+    positive heap overflow reads from address sanitizers.
+  * Fix to print details about the failure to lookup a DNSKEY
+    record when validation fails due to the missing DNSKEY. Also
+    for key prime and DS lookups.
+  * Fix for neater printout for error for missing DS response.
+  * Fix neater printout.
+  * Fix #1099: Unbound core dump on SIGSEGV.
+  * Fix for #1099: Fix to check for deleted RRset when the contents
+    is updated and fetched after it is stored, and also check for a
+    changed RRset.
+  * Don't check for message TTL changes if the RRsets remain the
+    same.
+  * Fix that validation reason failure that uses string print uses
+    separate buffer that is passed, from the scratch validation
+    buffer.
+  * Fixup algo_needs_reason string buffer length.
+  * Fix shadowed error string variable in validator dnskey
+    handling.
+  * Update list of known EDE codes.
+  * For #773: In contrib/ set unbound to start
+    after Also for
+    contrib/
+  * Fix #1103: unbound 1.20.0 segmentation fault with nghttp2.
+  * For #1103: fix to also drop mesh state reference when a h2
+    reply is dropped.
+  * Add RPZ tag tests in acl_interface.tdir.
+  * For #1102: clearer text for using interface-* options for the
+    loopback interface.
+  * For #1103: fix to also drop mesh state reference when the
+    discard limit is reached, when there is an error making a new
+    recursion state and when the connection is dropped with
+    is_drop.
+  * For #1103: Fix to drop mesh state reference for the http2
+    stream associated with the reply, not the currently active
+    stream. And it does not remove it twice on a mesh_send_reply
+    call. The reply h2_stream is NULL when not in use, for more
+    initialisation.
+  * Fix dnstap wakeup, a running wakeup timer is left to expire and
+    not increased, a timer is started when the dtio thread is
+    sleeping, the timer set disabled when the dtio thread goes to
+    sleep, and after sleep the thread checks to see if there are
+    messages to log immediately.
+  * Merge #1110: Make fallthrough explicit for libworker.c.
+  * For #1110: Test for fallthrough attribute in configure and add
+    fallthrough attribute annotations.
+  * Fix compile when the compiler does not support the noreturn
+    attribute.
+  * Fix to have empty definition when not supported for weak
+    attribute.
+  * Fix uninitialized variable warning in create_tcp_accept_sock.
+  * Fix link of dnstap without openssl.
+  * Fix link of unbound-dnstap-socket without openssl.
+  * Fix #1106: ratelimit-below-domain logs the wrong FROM address.
+  * Cleanup ede.tdir test.
+  * For #935 and #1104, clarify RPZ order and semantics.
+  * Fix to document parameters of auth_zone_verify_zonemd_with_key.
+  * Fix for #1114: Fix that cache fill for forward-host names is
+    performed, so that with nonzero target-fetch-policy it fetches
+    forwarder addresses and uses them from cache. Also updated that
+    delegation point cache fill routines use CDflag for AAAA
+    message lookups, so that its negative lookup stops a recursion
+    since the cache uses the bit for disambiguation for dns64 but
+    the recursion uses CDflag for the AAAA target lookups, so the
+    check correctly stops a useless recursion by its cache lookup.
+  * Fix dnstap test program, cleans up to have clean memory on
+    exit, for tap_data_free, does not delete NULL items. Also it
+    does not try to free the tail, specifically in the free of the
+    list since that picked up the next item in the list for its
+    loop causing invalid free. Added internal unit test to
+    unbound-dnstap-socket for that.
+  * Fix that the worker mem report with alloc stats does not
+    attempt to print memory use of forwards and hints if they have
+    been deleted already.
+  * Fix that alloc stats has strdup checks, it stops debuggers from
+    complaining about mismatch at free time.
+  * Fix testbound for alloc stats strdup in util/alloc.c.
+  * Fix that alloc stats for forwards and hints are printed, and
+    when alloc stats is enabled, the unit test for unbound control
+    waits for reloads to complete.
+  * Fix that for windows the module startup is called and sets up
+    the module-config.
+  * Fix spelling for the cache-min-negative-ttl entry in the
+    example.conf.
+Wed May  8 09:15:01 UTC 2024 - Jorik Cronenberg <>
+- Update to 1.20.0:
+  Features:
+  * The config for discard-timeout, wait-limit, wait-limit-cookie,
+    wait-limit-netblock and wait-limit-cookie-netblock was added,
+    for the fix to the DNSBomb issue.
+  * Merge GH#1027: Introduce 'cache-min-negative-ttl' option.
+  * Merge GH#1043 from xiaoxiaoafeifei: Add loongarch support;
+    updates config.guess(2024-01-01) and config.sub(2024-01-01),
+    verified with upstream.
+  * Implement cachedb-check-when-serve-expired: yes option, default
+    is enabled. When serve expired is enabled with cachedb, it
+    first checks cachedb before serving the expired response.
+  * Fix GH#876: [FR] can unbound-checkconf be silenced when
+    configuration is valid?
+  Bug Fixes:
+  * Fix for the DNSBomb vulnerability CVE-2024-33655. Thanks to
+    Xiang Li from the Network and Information Security Lab of
+    Tsinghua University for reporting it.
+  * Update doc/unbound.doxygen with 'doxygen -u'. Fixes option
+    deprecation warnings and updates with newer defaults.
+  * Remove unused portion from iter_dname_ttl unit test.
+  * Fix validator classification of qtype DNAME for positive and
+    redirection answers, and fix validator signature routine for
+    dealing with the synthesized CNAME for a DNAME without
+    previously encountering it and also for when the qtype is
+    DNAME.
+  * Fix qname minimisation for reply with a DNAME for qtype CNAME
+    that answers it.
+  * Fix doc test so it ignores but outputs unsupported doxygen
+    options.
+  * Fix GH#1021 Inconsistent Behavior with Changing
+    rpz-cname-override and doing a unbound-control reload.
+  * Merge GH#1028: Clearer documentation for tcp-idle-timeout and
+    edns-tcp-keepalive-timeout.
+  * Fix GH#1029: rpz trigger clientip and action rpz-passthru not
+    working as expected.
+  * Fix rpz that the rpz override is taken in case of clientip
+    triggers. Fix that the clientip passthru action is logged. Fix
+    that the clientip localdata action is logged. Fix rpz override
+    action cname for the clientip trigger.
+  * Fix to unify codepath for local alias for rpz cname action
+    override.
+  * Fix rpz for cname override action after nsdname and nsip
+    triggers.
+  * Fix that addrinfo is not kept around but copied and freed, so
+    that log-destaddr uses a copy of the information, much like NSD
+    does.
+  * Merge GH#1030: Persist the openssl and expat directories for
+    repeated Windows builds.
+  * Fix that rpz CNAME content is limited to the max number of
+    cnames.
+  * Fix rpz, it follows iterator CNAMEs for nsip and nsdname and
+    sets the reply query_info values, that is better for debug
+    logging.
+  * Fix rpz that copies the cname override completely to the temp
+    region, so there are no references to the rpz region.
+  * Add rpz unit test for nsip action override.
+  * Fix rpz for qtype CNAME after nameserver trigger.
+  * Fix rpz so that rpz CNAME can apply after rpz CNAME. And fix
+    that clientip and nsip can give a CNAME.
+  * Fix localdata and rpz localdata to match CNAME only if no
+    direct type match is available.
+  * Merge GH#831 from Pierre4012: Improve Windows NSIS installer
+    script (setup.nsi).
+  * For GH#831: Format text, use exclamation icon and explicit label
+    names.
+  * Fix name of unit test for subnet cache response.
+  * Fix GH#1032: The size of subnet_msg_cache calculation mistake
+    cause memory usage increased beyond expectations.
+  * Fix for GH#1032, add safeguard to make table space positive.
+  * Fix comment in lruhash space function.
+  * Fix to add unit test for lruhash space that exercises the
+    routines.
+  * Fix that when the server truncates the pidfile, it does not
+    follow symbolic links.
+  * Fix that the server does not chown the pidfile.
+  * Fix GH#1034: DoT forward-zone via unbound-control.
+  * Fix for crypto related failures to have a better error string.
+  * Fix GH#1035: Potential Bug while parsing port from the
+    "stub-host" string; also affected forward-zones and
+    remote-control host directives.
+  * Fix GH#369: dnstap showing extra responses; for client responses
+    right from the cache when replying with expired data or
+    prefetching.
+  * Fix GH#1040: fix heap-buffer-overflow issue in function
+    cfg_mark_ports of file util/config_file.c.
+  * For GH#1040: adjust error text and disallow negative ports in
+    other parts of cfg_mark_ports.
+  * Fix comment syntax for view function views_find_view.
+  * Fix GH#595: unbound-anchor cannot deal with full disk; it will
+    now first write out to a temp file before replacing the
+    original one, like Unbound already does for
+    auto-trust-anchor-file.
+  * Fixup compile without cachedb.
+  * Add test for cachedb serve expired.
+  * Extended test for cachedb serve expired.
+  * Fix makefile dependencies for fake_event.c.
+  * Fix cachedb for serve-expired with serve-expired-reply-ttl.
+  * Fix to not reply serve expired unless enabled for cachedb.
+  * Fix cachedb for serve-expired with
+    serve-expired-client-timeout.
+  * Fixup unit test for cachedb server expired client timeout with
+    a check if response if from upstream or from cachedb.
+  * Fixup cachedb to not refetch when serve-expired-client-timeout
+    is used.
+  * Merge GH#1049 from Petr Menšík: Py_NoSiteFlag is not needed since
+    Python 3.8
+  * Fix GH#1048: Update ax_pkg_swig.m4 and ax_pthread.m4.
+  * Fix configure, autoconf for GH#1048.
+  * Add checklock feature verbose_locking to trace locks and
+    unlocks.
+  * Fix edns subnet to sort rrset references when storing messages
+    in the cache. This fixes a race condition in the rrset locks.
+  * Merge GH#1053: Remove child delegations from cache when
+    grandchild delegations are returned from parent.
+  * Fix ci workflow for macos for moved install locations.
+  * Fix configure flto check error, by finding grep for it.
+  * Merge GH#1041: Stub and Forward unshare. This has one structure
+    for them and fixes GH#1038: fatal error: Could not initialize
+    thread / error: reading root hints.
+  * Fix to disable fragmentation on systems with IP_DONTFRAG, with
+    a nonzero value for the socket option argument.
+  * Fix doc unit test for out of directory build.
+  * Fix cachedb with serve-expired-client-timeout disabled. The
+    edns subnet module deletes global cache and cachedb cache when
+    it stores a result, and serve-expired is enabled, so that the
+    global reply, that is older than the ecs reply, does not return
+    after the ecs reply expires.
+  * Add unit tests for cachedb and subnet cache expired data.
+  * Man page entry for unbound-checkconf -q.
+  * Cleanup unnecessary strdup calls for EDE strings.
+  * Fix doxygen comment for errinf_to_str_bogus.
+Wed Mar 20 13:09:17 UTC 2024 - Jorik Cronenberg <>
+- Update to 1.19.3:
+  * Features:
+    - Merge PR #973: Use the origin (DNAME) TTL for synthesized
+      CNAMEs as per RFC 6672.
+  * Bug Fixes
+    - Fix unit test parse of origin syntax.
+    - Use explicitly in tests to avoid delays and errors
+      on newer systems.
+    - Fix #964: backup file in release tar balls.
+    - Merge #968: Replace the obsolescent fgrep with grep -F in
+      tests.
+    - Merge #971: fix 'WARNING: Message has 41 extra bytes at end'.
+    - Fix #969: [FR] distinguish Do53, DoT and DoH in the logs.
+    - Fix dnstap that assertion failed on logging other than UDP
+      and TCP traffic. It lists it as TCP traffic.
+    - Fix to sync the tests script file
+    - iana portlist update.
+    - Updated IPv4 and IPv6 address for in root
+      hints.
+    - Update test script file
+    - Fix tests to use new functions, wait_logfile and
+      kill_from_pidfile.
+    - Fix #974: doc: default number of outgoing ports without
+      libevent.
+    - Merge #975: Fixed some syntax errors in rpl files.
+    - Fix root_zonemd unit test, it checks that the root ZONEMD
+      verifies, now that the root has a valid ZONEMD.
+    - Update example.conf with cookie options.
+    - Merge #980: DoH: reject non-h2 early. To fix #979: Improve
+      errors for non-HTTP/2 DoH clients.
+    - Merge #985: Add DoH and DoT to dnstap message.
+    - Fix #983: Sha1 runtime insecure change was incomplete.
+    - Remove unneeded newlines and improve indentation in remote
+      control code.
+    - Merge #987: skip edns frag retry if advertised udp payload
+      size is not smaller.
+    - Fix unit test for #987 change in udp1xxx retry packet send.
+    - Merge #988: Fix NLnetLabs#981: dump_cache truncates large
+      records.
+    - Fix to link with -lcrypt32 for OpenSSL 3.2.0 on Windows.
+    - Fix to link with libssp for libcrypto and getaddrinfo check
+      for only header. Also update crosscompile to remove ssp for
+      32bit.
+    - Merge #993: Update also in example config
+      file.
+    - Update workflow for ports to use newer openssl on windows
+      compile.
+    - Fix warning for windres on resource files due to
+      redefinition.
+    - Fix for #997: Print details for SSL certificate failure.
+    - Update error printout for duplicate trust anchors to include
+      the trust anchor name (relates to #920).
+    - Update message TTL when using cached RRSETs. It could result
+      in non-expired messages with expired RRSETs (non-usable
+      messages by Unbound).
+    - Merge #999: Search for protobuf-c with pkg-config.
+    - Fix #1006: Can't find protobuf-c package since #999.
+    - Fix documentation for access-control in the unbound.conf man
+      page.
+    - Merge #1010: Mention REFUSED has the TC bit set with
+      unmatched allow_cookie acl in the manpage. It also fixes the
+      code to match the documentation about clients with a valid
+      cookie that bypass the ratelimit regardless of the
+      allow_cookie acl.
+    - Document the suspend argument for process_ds_response().
+    - Move github workflows to use checkoutv4.
+    - Fix edns subnet replies for scope zero answers to not get
+      stored in the global cache, and in cachedb, when the upstream
+      replies without an EDNS record.
+    - Fix for #1022: Fix ede prohibited in access control refused
+      answers.
+    - Fix unbound-control-setup.cmd to use 3072 bits so that
+      certificates are long enough for newer OpenSSL versions.
+    - Fix TTL of synthesized CNAME when a DNAME is used from cache.
+    - Fix unbound-control-setup.cmd to have CA v3 basicConstraints,
+      like has.
+Fri Mar  8 10:15:41 UTC 2024 - Jorik Cronenberg <>
+- Update to 1.19.2:
+  * Bug Fixes:
+    - Fix CVE-2024-1931, Denial of service when trimming EDE text
+      on positive replies.
+      [bsc#1221164]
+Wed Feb 28 13:35:31 UTC 2024 - Pedro Monreal <>
+- Update to 1.19.1:
+  * Bug Fixes: [bsc#1219823, CVE-2023-50387][bsc#1219826, CVE-2023-50868]
+    - Fix CVE-2023-50387, DNSSEC verification complexity can be
+      exploited to exhaust CPU resources and stall DNS resolvers.
+    - Fix CVE-2023-50868, NSEC3 closest encloser proof can exhaust CPU.
+Tue Feb  6 13:27:06 UTC 2024 - Stefan Seyfried <>
+- as we use --disable-explicit-port-randomisation, also disable
+  outgoing-port-permit and outgoing-port-avoid in config file to
+  suppress the related unbound-checkconf warnings on every start
+Fri Nov 17 09:50:18 UTC 2023 - Pedro Monreal <>
+- Update to 1.19.0:
+  * Features:
+    - Fix #850: [FR] Ability to use specific database in Redis, with
+      new redis-logical-db configuration option.
+    - Merge #944: Disable EDNS DO. Disable the EDNS DO flag in upstream
+      requests. This can be helpful for devices that cannot handle
+      DNSSEC information. But it should not be enabled otherwise, because
+      that would stop DNSSEC validation. The DNSSEC validation would not
+      work for Unbound itself, and also not for downstream users. Default
+      is no. The option is disable-edns-do: no
+    - Expose the script filename in the Python module environment 'mod_env'
+      instead of the config_file structure which includes the linked list
+      of scripts in a multi Python module setup; fixes #79.
+    - Expose the configured listening and outgoing interfaces, if any, as
+      a list of strings in the Python 'config_file' class instead of the
+      current Swig object proxy; fixes #79.
+    - Mailing list patches from Daniel Gröber for DNS64 fallback to plain
+      AAAA when no A record exists for synthesis, and minor DNS64 code
+      refactoring for better readability.
+    - Merge #951: Cachedb no store. The cachedb-no-store: yes option is
+      used to stop cachedb from writing messages to the backend storage.
+      It reads messages when data is available from the backend.
+      The default is no.
+  * Bug Fixes:
+    - Fix for version generation race condition that ignored changes.
+    - Fix #942: 1.18.0 libunbound DNS regression when built without OpenSSL.
+    - Fix for WKS call to getservbyname that creates allocation on exit in
+      unit test by testing numbers first and testing from the services list later.
+    - Fix autoconf 2.69 warnings in configure.
+    - Fix #927: unbound 1.18.0 make test error. Fix make test without SHA1.
+    - Merge #931: Prevent warnings from -Wmissing-prototypes.
+    - Fix to scrub resource records of type A and AAAA that have an
+      inappropriate size. They are removed from responses.
+    - Fix to move msgparse_rrset_remove_rr code to util/msgparse.c.
+    - Fix to add EDE text when RRs have been removed due to length.
+    - Fix to set ede match in unit test for rr length removal.
+    - Fix to print EDE text in readable form in output logs.
+    - Fix send of udp retries when ENOBUFS is returned. It stops looping
+      and also waits for the condition to go away. Reported by Florian Obser.
+    - Fix authority zone answers for obscured DNAMEs and delegations.
+    - Merge #936: Check for c99 with autoconf versions prior to 2.70.
+    - Fix to remove two c99 notations.
+    - Fix rpz tcp-only action with rpz triggers nsdname and nsip.
+    - Fix misplaced comment.
+    - Merge #881: Generalise the proxy protocol code.
+    - Fix #946: Forwarder returns servfail on upstream response noerror no data.
+    - Fix edns subnet so that queries with a source prefix of zero cause the
+      recursor send no edns subnet option to the upstream.
+    - Fix that printout of EDNS options shows the EDNS cookie option by name.
+    - Fix infinite loop when reading multiple lines of input on a broken remote
+      control socket. Addesses #947 and #948.
+    - Fix #949: "could not create control compt".
+    - Fix that cachedb does not warn when serve-expired is disabled about use
+      of serve-expired-reply-ttl and serve-expired-client-timeout.
+    - Fix for #949: Fix pythonmod/ for Python 3.x.
+    - Better fix for infinite loop when reading multiple lines of input on a
+      broken remote control socket, by treating a zero byte line the same as
+      transmission end. Addesses #947 and #948.
+    - For multi Python module setups, clean previously parsed module functions
+      in __main__'s dictionary, if any, so that only current module functions
+      are registered.
+    - Fix #954: Inconsistent RPZ handling for A record returned along with CNAME.
+    - Fixes for the DNS64 patches.
+    - Update the dns64_lookup.rpl test for the DNS64 fallback patch.
+    - Merge #955 from buevsan: fix ipset wrong behavior.
+    - Update testdata/ipset.tdir test for ipset fix.
+    - Fix to print detailed errors when an SSL IO routine fails via SSL_get_error.
+    - Clearer configure text for missing protobuf-c development libraries.
+    - autoconf.
+    - Merge #930 from Stuart Henderson: add void to log_ident_revert_to_default
+      declaration.
+    - Fix #941: dnscrypt doesn't work after upgrade to 1.18 with suggestion by
+      dukeartem to also fix the udp_ancil with dnscrypt.
+    - Fix SSL compile failure for definition in log_crypto_err_io_code_arg.
+    - Fix SSL compile failure for other missing definitions in log_crypto_err_io_code_arg.
+    - Fix compilation without openssl, remove unused function warning.
+    - Mention flex and bison in when building from repository source.
+Thu Sep  7 08:03:33 UTC 2023 - Pedro Monreal <>
+- Update to 1.18.0:
+  * Features:
+    - Аdd a metric about the maximum number of collisions in lrushah.
+    - Set max-udp-size default to 1232. This is the same default value
+      as the default value for edns-buffer-size. It restricts client
+      edns buffer size choices, and makes unbound behave similar to
+      other DNS resolvers.
+    - Add harden-unknown-additional option. It removes unknown records
+      from the authority section and additional section.
+    - Added new static zone type block_a to suppress all A queries for
+      specific zones.
+    - [FR] Ability to use Redis unix sockets.
+    - [FR] Ability to set the Redis password.
+    - Features/dropqueuedpackets, with sock-queue-timeout option that
+      drops packets that have been in the socket queue for too long.
+      Added statistics num.queries_timed_out and query.queue_time_us.max
+      that track the socket queue timeouts.
+    - 'eqvinox' Lamparter: NAT64 support.
+    - [FR] Use kernel timestamps for dnstap.
+    - Add cachedb hit stat. Introduces 'num.query.cachedb' as a new
+      statistical counter.
+    - Add SVCB dohpath support.
+    - Add validation EDEs to queries where the CD bit is set.
+    - Add prefetch support for subnet cache entries.
+    - Add EDE (RFC8914) caching.
+    - Add support for EDE caching in cachedb and subnetcache.
+    - Downstream DNS Server Cookies a la RFC7873 and RFC9018. Create server
+      cookies for clients that send client cookies. This needs to be explicitly
+      turned on in the config file with: `answer-cookie: yes`.
+  * Bug Fixes
+    - Response change to NODATA for some ANY queries since 1.12.
+    - Fix not following cleared RD flags potentially enables
+      amplification DDoS attacks.
+    - Set default for harden-unknown-additional to no. So that it
+      does not hamper future protocol developments.
+    - Fix to ignore entirely empty responses, and try at another authority.
+      This turns completely empty responses, a type of noerror/nodata into
+      a servfail, but they do not conform to RFC2308, and the retry can fetch
+      improved content.
+    - Allow TTL refresh of expired error responses.
+    - Fix: Unexpected behavior with client-subnet-always-forward and serve-expired
+    - Fix unbound-dnstap-socket test program to reply the finish frame over
+      a TLS connection correctly.
+    - Fix: reserved identifier violation
+    - Fix: Unencrypted query is sent when forward-tls-upstream: yes is used
+      without tls-cert-bundle
+    - Extra consistency check to make sure that when TLS is requested,
+      either we set up a TLS connection or we return an error.
+    - Fix: NXDOMAIN instead of NOERROR rcode when asked for existing CNAME record.
+    - Fix: Bad interaction with 0 TTL records and serve-expired
+    - Fix RPZ IP responses with trigger rpz-drop on cache entries.
+    - Fix RPZ removal of client-ip, nsip, nsdname triggers from IXFR.
+    - Fix dereference of NULL variable warning in mesh_do_callback.
+    - Fix ip_ratelimit test to work with dig that enables DNS cookies.
+    - Fix for iter_dec_attempts that could cause a hang, part of capsforid
+      and qname minimisation, depending on the settings.
+    - Fix uninitialized memory passed in padding bytes of cmsg to sendmsg.
+    - Fix stat_values test to work with dig that enables DNS cookies.
+    - unbound.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV.
+      Fixes cachedb configuration handling.
+    - Fix: processQueryResponse() THROWAWAY should be mindful of fail_reply.
+Thu May  4 13:57:54 UTC 2023 - Frederic Crozat <>
+- Add _multibuild to define additional spec files as additional
+  flavors.
+  Eliminates the need for source package links in OBS.
+Thu Feb 23 09:15:48 UTC 2023 - Pedro Monreal <>
+- Update to 1.17.1:
+  * Features:
+    - Expose 'statistics-inhibit-zero' as a configuration option;
+      the default value retains Unbound's behavior.
+    - Expose 'max-sent-count' as a configuration option; the default
+      value retains Unbound's behavior.
+    - Merge #461 from Christian Allred: Add max-query-restarts option.
+      Exposes an internal configuration but the default value retains
+      Unbound's behavior.
+    - Merge #569 from JINMEI Tatuya: add keep-cache option to
+      'unbound-control reload' to keep caches.
+  * Bug Fixes:
+    - Merge #768 from fobser: Arithmetic on a pointer to void is a
+      GNU extension.
+    - In unit test, print python script name list correctly.
+    - testcode/dohclient sets log identity to its name.
+    - Clarify the use of MAX_SENT_COUNT in the iterator code.
+    - Fix that cachedb does not store failures in the external cache.
+    - Merge #767 from jonathangray: consistently use IPv4/IPv6 in
+      unbound.conf.5.
+    - Fix to ignore tcp events for closed comm points.
+    - Fix to make sure to not read again after a tcp comm point is
+      closed.
+    - Fix #775: libunbound: subprocess reap causes parent process
+      reap to hang.
+    - iana portlist update.
+    - Complementary fix for distutils.sysconfig deprecation in
+      Python 3.10 to commit 62c5039ab9da42713e006e840b7578e01d66e7f2.
+    - Fix #779: [doc] Missing documention in ub_resolve_event() for
+      callback parameter was_ratelimited.
+    - Ignore expired error responses.
+    - Merge #720 from jonathangray: fix use after free when
+      WSACreateEvent() fails.
+    - Fix for the ignore of tcp events for closed comm points,
+      preserve the use after free protection features.
+    - Fix #782: Segmentation fault in stats.c:404.
+    - Add SVCB and HTTPS to the types removed by 'unbound-control flush'.
+    - Clear documentation for interactivity between the subnet module
+      and the serve-expired and prefetch configuration options.
+    - Fix #773: When used with systemd-networkd, unbound does not start
+      until systemd-networkd-wait-online.service times out.
+    - Merge #808: Wrap Makefile script's directory variables in quotes.
+    - Fix to wrap Makefile scripts directory in quotes for uninstall.
+    - Fix windows compile for libunbound subprocess reap comm point closes.
+    - Update github workflows to use checkout v3.
+    - Fix wildcard in hyperlocal zone service degradation, reported
+      by Sergey Kacheev.
+  * Add signature and keyring files
+Thu Dec 29 18:12:29 UTC 2022 - Wolfgang Frisch <>
+- Tighten permissions (boo#1173619)
+- Add missing dependency: unbound-control-setup needs /usr/bin/openssl.
+Thu Oct 13 17:08:56 UTC 2022 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.17.0
+  * Features
+    - Merge #753: ACL per interface. (New interface-* configuration
+      options).
+    - Merge #760: PROXYv2 downstream support. (New proxy-protocol-port
+      configuration option).
+  * Bug Fixes
+    - Fix #728: alloc_reg_obtain() core dump. Stop double
+      alloc_reg_release when serviced_create fails.
+    - Fix edns subnet so that scope 0 answers only match sourcemask 0
+      queries for answers from cache if from a query with sourcemask 0.
+    - Fix unittest for edns subnet change.
+    - Merge #730 from luisdallos: Fix startup failure on Windows 8.1 due
+      to unsupported IPV6_USER_MTU socket option being set.
+    - Fix ratelimit inconsistency, for ip-ratelimits the value is the
+      amount allowed, like for ratelimits.
+    - Fix #734 [FR] enable unbound-checkconf to detect more (basic)
+      errors.
+    - Fix to log accept error ENFILE and EMFILE errno, but slowly, once
+      per 10 seconds. Also log accept failures when no slow down is used.
+    - Fix to avoid process wide fcntl calls mixed with nonblocking
+      operations after a blocked write.
+    - Patch from Vadim Fedorenko that adds MSG_DONTWAIT to receive
+      operations, so that instruction reordering does not cause mistakenly
+      blocking socket operations.
+    - Fix to wait for blocked write on UDP sockets, with a timeout if it
+      takes too long the packet is dropped.
+    - Fix for wait for udp send to stop when packet is successfully sent.
+    - Fix #741: systemd socket activation fails on IPv6.
+    - Fix to update config tests to fix checking if nonblocking sockets
+      work on OpenBSD.
+    - Slow down log frequency of write wait failures.
+    - Fix to set out of file descriptor warning to operational verbosity.
+    - Fix to log a verbose message at operational notice level if a
+      thread is not responding, to stats requests. It is logged with
+      thread identifiers.
+    - Remove include that was there for debug purposes.
+    - Fix to check pthread_t size after pthread has been detected.
+    - Convert tdir tests to use the new skip_test functionality.
+    - Remove unused testcode/ file.
+    - Better output for skipped tdir tests.
+    - Fix doxygen warning in respip.h.
+    - Fix to remove erroneous TC flag from TCP upstream.
+    - Fix test tdir skip report printout.
+    - Fix windows compile, the identifier interface is defined in headers.
+    - Fix to close errno block in comm_point_tcp_handle_read outside of
+      ifdef.
+    - Fix static analysis report to remove dead code from the
+      rpz_callback_from_iterator_module function.
+    - Fix to clean up after the acl_interface unit test.
+    - Merge #764: Leniency for target discovery when under load (for
+      NRDelegation changes).
+    - Use DEBUG_TDIR from environment in for debugging.
+    - Fix string comparison in
+    - Make ede.tdir test more predictable by using static data.
+    - Fix checkconf test for dnscrypt and proxy port.
+    - Fix dnscrypt compile for proxy protocol code changes.
+    - Fix to stop responses with TC flag from resulting in partial
+      responses. It retries to fetch the data elsewhere, or fails the
+      query and in depth fix removes the TC flag from the cached item.
+    - Fix proxy length debug output printout typecasts.
+    - Fix to stop possible loops in the tcp reuse code (write_wait list
+      and tcp_wait list). Based on analysis and patch from Prad Seniappan
+      and Karthik Umashankar.
+    - Fix PROXYv2 header read for TCP connections when no proxied addresses
+      are provided.
+Wed Sep 21 18:36:29 UTC 2022 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.16.3
+  fixes Non-Responsive Delegation Attack (CVE-2022-3204)
+Mon Aug  1 13:05:10 UTC 2022 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.16.2 (boo#1202031 boo#1202033)
+  * Features
+    - Merge #718: Introduce infra-cache-max-rtt option to config max
+      retransmit timeout.
+  * Bug Fixes
+    - Fix the novel ghost domain issues CVE-2022-30698 and CVE-2022-30699.
+    - Fix bug introduced in 'improve val_sigcrypt.c::algo_needs_missing for
+      one loop pass'.
+    - Merge PR #668 from Cristian Rodríguez: Set IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT on
+      outbound tcp sockets.
+    - Fix verbose EDE error printout.
+    - Fix dname count in sldns parse type descriptor for SVCB and HTTPS.
+    - For windows crosscompile, fix setting the IPV6_MTU socket option
+      equivalent (IPV6_USER_MTU); allows cross compiling with latest
+      cross-compiler versions.
+    - Merge PR 714: Avoid treat normal hosts as unresponsive servers.
+      And fixup the lock code.
+    - iana portlist update.
+    - Update documentation for 'outbound-msg-retry:'.
+    - Tests for ghost domain fixes.
+Mon Jul 11 10:03:06 UTC 2022 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.16.1
+  * Features
+    - Fix #704: [FR] Statistics counter for number of outgoing UDP queries
+      sent; introduces 'num.query.udpout' to the 'unbound-control stats'
+      command.
+  * Bug Fixes
+    - picks up 32bit libssp-0.dll when 32bit compile.
+    - Fix for edns client subnet to respect not looking in its cache when
+      instructed to do so (e.g., prefetch).
+    - Merge PR #688: Rpz url notify issue.
+    - Note in the unbound.conf text that NOTIFY is allowed from the url:
+      addresses for auth and rpz zones.
+    - Remove unused LDNS function check for GOST Engine unloading.
+    - Fix for loading locally stored zones that have lines with blanks or
+      blanks and comments.
+    - Fix #663: use after free issue with edns options.
+    - Clarify -v flag manpage entry (#705)
+    - Fix test program dohclient close to use portability routine.
+    - Show the output of the exact .rpl run that failed with 'make test'.
+    - Fix for cached 0 TTL records to not trigger prefetching when
+      serve-expired-client-timeout is set.
+    - Add debug option to the test code.
+    - Fix to not count cached NXDOMAIN for MAX_TARGET_NX.
+    - Allow fallback to the parent side when MAX_TARGET_NX is reached.
+      This will also allow MAX_TARGET_NX more NXDOMAINs.
+    - iana portlist update.
+    - Fix detection of libz on windows compile with static option.
+    - Fix compile warning for windows compile.
+    - Merge PR #706: NXNS fallback.
+    - From #706: Cached NXDOMAIN does not increase the target nx
+      responses.
+    - From #706: Don't generate parent side queries if we already
+      have the lame records in cache.
+    - From #706: When a lame address is the best choice, don't try to
+      generate target queries when the missing targets are all lame.
+    - Merge PR #671 from Petr Menšík: Disable ED25519 and ED448 in FIPS
+      mode on openssl3.
+    - Merge PR #660 from Petr Menšík: Sha1 runtime insecure.
+    - For #660: formatting, less verbose logging, add EDE information.
+    - Fix for correct openssl error when adding windows CA certificates to
+      the openssl trust store.
+    - Improve val_sigcrypt.c::algo_needs_missing for one loop pass.
+    - Reintroduce documentation and more EDE support for
+      val_sigcrypt.c::dnskeyset_verify_rrset_sig.
+    - Fix bug introduced in 'improve val_sigcrypt.c::algo_needs_missing for
+      one loop pass'.
+    - Merge PR #668 from Cristian Rodríguez: Set IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT on
+      outbound tcp sockets. 
+Thu Jun  2 11:54:13 UTC 2022 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.16.0
+  * Features
+    - Merge PR #604: Add basic support for EDE (RFC8914).
+  * Bug Fixes
+    - Fix #412: cache invalidation issue with CNAME+A.
+    - Fix that TCP interface does not use TLS when TLS is also configured.
+    - Fix #624: Unable to stop Unbound in Windows console (does not
+      respond to CTRL+C command).
+    - Fix #618: enabling interface-automatic disables DNS-over-TLS.
+      Adds the option to list interface-automatic-ports.
+    - Remove debug info from #618 fix.
+    - Fix #628: A rpz-passthru action is not ending RPZ zone processing.
+    - Fix for #628: fix rpz-passthru for qname trigger by localzone type.
+    - Fix that address not available is squelched from the logs for
+      udp connect failures. It is visible on verbosity 4 and more.
+    - Merge #631 from mollyim: Replace OpenSSL's ERR_PACK with
+    - Fix to detect that no IPv6 support means that IPv6 addresses are
+      useless for delegation point lookups.
+    - update Makefile dependencies.
+    - Fix check interface existence for support detection in remote lookup.
+    - Fix #633: Document unix domain socket support for unbound-control.
+    - Fix for #633: updated fix with new text.
+    - Fix edns client subnet to add the option based on the option list,
+      so that it is not state dependent, after the state fix of #605 for
+      double EDNS options.
+    - Fix for edns client subnet option add fix in removal code, from review.
+    - Fix #630: Unify the RPZ log messages.
+    - Merge #623 from rex4539: Fix typos.
+    - Fix pythonmod for change in iter_dp_is_useless function prototype.
+    - Fix compile warnings for printf ll format on mingw compile.
+    - Merge PR #632 from scottrw93: Match cnames in ipset.
+    - Various fixes for #632: variable initialisation, convert the qinfo
+      to str once, accept trailing dot in the local-zone ipset option.
+    - Fix #637: Integer Overflow in sldns_str2period function.
+    - Fix for #637: fix integer overflow checks in sldns_str2period.
+    - Fix configure for python to use sysutils, because distutils is
+      deprecated. It uses sysutils when available, distutils otherwise.
+    - Merge #644: Make `install-lib` make target install the pkg-config
+      file.
+    - Fix to ensure uniform handling of spaces and tabs when parsing RRs.
+    - Fix to describe auth-zone and other configuration at the local-zone
+      configuration option, to allow for more broadly view of the options.
+    - Merge PR #648 from eaglegai: fix -q doesn't work when use with
+      'unbound-control stats_shm'.
+    - Fix #651: [FR] Better logging for refused queries.
+    - Fix spelling error in comment in sldns_str2wire_svcparam_key_lookup.
+    - Fix zonemd check to allow unsupported algorithms to load.
+      If there are only unsupported algorithms, or unsupported schemes,
+      and no failed or successful other ZONEMD records, or malformed
+      or bad ZONEMD records, the unsupported records allow the zone load.
+    - Fix zonemd unsupported algo check.
+    - Fix zonemd unsupported algo check reason to not copy to next record,
+      and check for success for debug printout.
+    - Fix zonemd unsupported algo check to print unsupported reason before
+      zeroing it.
+    - Fix zonemd unsupported algo check to set reason to NULL before the
+      check routine, but after malformed checks, to get the correct NULL
+      output when the digest matches.
+    - Fix #670: SERVFAIL problems with unbound 1.15.0 running on
+      OpenBSD 7.1.
+    - Fix Python build in non-source directory; based on patch by
+      Michael Tokarev.
+    - Fix #673: DNS over TLS: error: SSL_handshake syscall: No route to
+      host.
+    - Merge #677: Allow using system certificates not only on Windows,
+      from pemensik.
+    - For #677: Added tls-system-cert to config parser and documentation.
+    - Fix #417: prefetch and ECS causing cache corruption when used
+      together.
+    - Fix #678: [FR] modify behaviour of unbound-control rpz_enable zone,
+      by updating unbound-control's documentation.
+    - Fix typos in config_set_option for the 'num-threads' and
+      'ede-serve-expired' options.
+    - Fix to silence test for ede error output to the console from the
+      test setup script.
+    - Fix ede test to not use default pidfile, and use local interface.
+    - Fix some lint type warnings.
+    - Fix #684: [FTBS] configure script error with libmnl on openSUSE 15.3
+      (and possibly other distributions)
+Tue Apr 19 15:46:25 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller <>
+- spec-cleaner
+- update to 1.15.0 
+Thu Feb 10 22:55:23 UTC 2022 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.15.0
+- Fix #596: unset the RA bit when a query is blocked by an unbound
+  RPZ nxdomain reply. The option rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra allows to
+  signal that a domain is externally blocked to clients when it
+  is blocked with NXDOMAIN by unsetting RA.
+- Add rpz: for-downstream: yesno option, where the RPZ zone is
+  authoritatively answered for, so the RPZ zone contents can be
+  checked with DNS queries directed at the RPZ zone.
+- Merge PR #616: Update ratelimit logic. It also introduces
+  ratelimit-backoff and ip-ratelimit-backoff configuration options.
+- Change aggressive-nsec default to yes.
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix compile warning for if_nametoindex on windows 64bit.
+- Merge PR #581 from fobser: Fix -Wmissing-prototypes and -Wshadow
+  warnings in rpz.
+- Fix validator debug output about DS support, print correct algorithm.
+- Add code similar to fix for ldns for tab between strings, for
+  consistency, the test case was not broken.
+- Allow local-data for classes other than IN to inherit a configured
+  local-zone's type if possible, instead of defaulting to type
+  transparent as per the implicit rule.
+- Fix to pick up other class local zone information before unlock.
+- Add missing configure flags for optional features in the
+  documentation.
+- Fix Unbound capitalization in the documentation.
+- Fix #591: Unbound-anchor manpage links to non-existent license file.
+- contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch file renewed diff content to
+  apply cleanly to the current coderepo for the current code version.
+- Fix to add test for rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra.
+- Fix #596: only unset RA when NXDOMAIN is signalled.
+- Fix that RPZ does not set RD flag on replies, it should be copied
+  from the query.
+- Fix for #596: fix that rpz return message is returned and not just
+  the rcode from the iterator return path. This fixes signal unset RA
+  after a CNAME.
+- Fix unit tests for rpz now that the AA flag returns successfully from
+  the iterator loop.
+- Fix for #596: add unit test for nsdname trigger and signal unset RA.
+- Fix for #596: add unit test for nsip trigger and signal unset RA.
+- Fix #598: Fix unbound-checkconf fatal error: module conf
+  'respip dns64 validator iterator' is not known to work.
+- Fix for #596: Fix rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra to work for clientip
+  triggered operation.
+- Merge #600 from pemensik: Change file mode before changing file
+  owner.
+- Fix prematurely terminated TCP queries when a reply has the same ID.
+- For #602: Allow the module-config "subnetcache validator cachedb
+  iterator".
+- Fix EDNS to upstream where the same option could be attached
+  more than once.
+- Add a region to serviced_query for allocations.
+- For dnstap, do not wakeupnow right there. Instead zero the timer to
+  force the wakeup callback asap.
+- Fix #610: Undefine-shift in sldns_str2wire_hip_buf.
+- Fix #588: Unbound 1.13.2 crashes due to p->pc is NULL in
+  serviced_udp_callback.
+- Merge PR #612: TCP race condition.
+- Test for NSID in SERVFAIL response due to DNSSEC bogus.
+- Fix #599: [FR] RFC 9156 (obsoletes RFC 7816), by noting the new RFC
+  document.
+- Fix tls-* and ssl-* documented alternate syntax to also be available
+  through remote-control and unbound-checkconf.
+- Better cleanup on failed DoT/DoH listening socket creation.
+- iana portlist update.
+- Fix review comment for use-after-free when failing to send UDP out.
+- Merge PR #603 from fobser: Use OpenSSL 1.1 API to access DSA and RSA
+  internals.
+- Merge PR #532 from Shchelk: Fix: buffer overflow bug.
+- Merge PR #617: Update stub/forward-host notation to accept port and
+  tls-auth-name.
+- Update stream_ssl.tdir test to also use the new forward-host
+  notation.
+- Fix header comment for doxygen for authextstrtoaddr.
+- please clang analyzer for loop in test code.
+- Fix docker splint test to use more portable uname.
+- Update contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch with diff for current
+  software version.
+- Fix for #611: Integer overflow in sldns_wire2str_pkt_scan.
+Thu Dec  9 11:14:33 UTC 2021 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.14.0
+- Merge #401: RPZ triggers. This add additional RPZ triggers,
+  unbound supports a full set of rpz triggers, and this now
+  includes nsdname, nsip and clientip triggers. Also actions
+  are fully supported, and this now includes the tcp-only action.
+- Merge #519: Support for selective enabling tcp-upstream for
+  stub/forward zones.
+- Merge PR #514, from ziollek: Docker environment for run tests.
+- Support using system-wide crypto policies.
+- Fix that --with-ssl can use "/usr/include/openssl11" to pass the
+  location of a different openssl version.
+- Merged #41 from Moritz Schneider: made outbound-msg-retry
+  configurable.
+- Implement RFC8375: Special-Use Domain ''.
+- Merge PR #555 from fobser: Allow interface names as scope-id in IPv6
+  link-local addresses.
+Bug Fixes
+- Add test tool readzone to .gitignore.
+- Merge #521: Update mini_event.c.
+- Merge #523: fix: free() call more than once with the same pointer.
+- For #519: note stub-tcp-upstream and forward-tcp-upstream in
+  the example configuration file.
+- For #519: yacc and lex. And fix python bindings, and test program
+  unbound-dnstap-socket.
+- For #519: fix comments for doxygen.
+- Fix to print error from unbound-anchor for writing to the key
+  file, also when not verbose.
+- For #514: generate configure.
+- Fix for #431: Squelch permission denied errors for udp connect,
+  and udp send, they are visible at higher verbosity settings.
+- Fix zonemd verification of key that is not in DNS but in the zone
+  and needs a chain of trust.
+- zonemd, fix order of bogus printout string manipulation.
+- Fix to support harden-algo-downgrade for ZONEMD dnssec checks.
+- Merge PR #528 from fobser: Make sldns_str2wire_svcparam_buf()
+  static.
+- Fix #527: not sending quad9 cert to syslog (and may be more).
+- Fix sed script in ssldir split handling.
+- Fix #529: Fix: log_assert does nothing if UNBOUND_DEBUG is
+  undefined.
+- Fix #531: Fix: passed to proc after free.
+- Fix #536: error: RPZ: name of record (
+  to insert into RPZ.
+- Fix the stream wait stream_wait_count_lock and http2 buffer locks
+  setup and desetup from race condition.
+- Fix RPZ locks. Do not unlock zones lock if requested and rpz find
+  zone does not find the zone. Readlock the clientip that is found
+  for ipbased triggers. Unlock the nsdname zone lock when done.
+  Unlock zone and ip in rpz nsip and nsdname callback. Unlock
+  authzone and localzone if clientip found in rpz worker call.
+- Fix compile warning in libunbound for listen desetup routine.
+- Fix asynclook unit test for setup of lockchecks before log.
+- Fix #533: Negative responses get cached even when setting
+  cache-max-negative-ttl: 1
+- Fix tcp fastopen failure when disabled, try normal connect instead.
+- Fix #538: Fix subnetcache statistics.
+- Small fixes for #41: changelog, conflicts resolved,
+  processQueryResponse takes an iterator env argument like other
+  functions in the iterator, no colon in string for set_option,
+  and some whitespace style, to make it similar to the rest.
+- Fix for #41: change outbound retry to int to fix signed comparison
+  warnings.
+- Fix root_anchor test to check with new icannbundle date.
+- Fix initialisation errors reported by gcc sanitizer.
+- Fix lock debug code for gcc sanitizer reports.
+- Fix more initialisation errors reported by gcc sanitizer.
+- Fix crosscompile on windows to work with openssl 3.0.0 the
+  link with ws2_32 needs -l:libssp.a for __strcpy_chk.
+  Also copy results from lib64 directory if needed.
+- For crosscompile on windows, detect 64bit stackprotector library.
+- Fix crosscompile shell syntax.
+- Fix crosscompile windows to use libssp when it exists.
+- For the windows compile script disable gost.
+- Fix that on windows, use BIO_set_callback_ex instead of deprecated
+  BIO_set_callback.
+- Fix crosscompile script for the shared build flags.
+- Fix to add example.conf note for outbound-msg-retry.
+- Fix chaos replies to have truncation for short message lengths,
+  or long reply strings.
+- Fix to protect custom regional create against small values.
+- Fix #552: Unbound assumes index.html exists on RPZ host.
+- Fix that forward-zone name is documented as the full name of the
+  zone. It is not relative but a fully qualified domain name.
+- Fix analyzer review failure in rpz action override code to not
+  crash on unlocking the local zone lock.
+- Fix to remove unused code from rpz resolve client and action
+  function.
+- Merge #565: Disable ProtectKernelTunables again.
+- Fix for #558: fix loop in comm_point->tcp_free when a comm_point is
+  reclaimed more than once during callbacks.
+- Fix for #558: clear the UB_EV_TIMEOUT bit before adding an event.
+- Improve EDNS option handling, now also works for synthesised
+  responses such as local-data and CH TXT responses.
+- Merge PR #570 from rex4539: Fix typos.
+- Fix for #570: regen aclocal.m4, fix for spelling.
+- Fix to make python module opt_list use opt_list_in.
+- Fix #574: unbound-checkconf reports fatal error if interface names
+  are used as value for interfaces:
+- Fix #574: Review fixes for it.
+- Fix #576: [FR] UB_* error codes in unbound.h
+- Fix #574: Review fix for spelling.
+- Fix to remove git tracking and ci information from release tarballs.
+- iana portlist update.
+- Merge PR #511 from yan12125: Reduce unnecessary linking.
+- Merge PR #493 from Jaap: Fix generation of libunbound.pc.
+- Merge PR #562 from Willem: Reset keepalive per new tcp session.
+- Merge PR #522 from sibeream: memory management violations fixed.
+- Merge PR #530 from Shchelk: Fix: dereferencing a null pointer.
+- Fix #454: listen_dnsport.c:825: error: ‘IPV6_TCLASS’ undeclared.
+- Fix #574: Review fixes for size allocation.
+- Fix doc/unbound.doxygen to remove obsolete tag warning.
+Sat Oct 16 10:34:52 UTC 2021 - Togan Muftuoglu <>
+- Fix pidfile location 
+Thu Aug 12 18:02:18 UTC 2021 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.13.2
+- Merge PR #317: ZONEMD Zone Verification, with RFC 8976 support.
+  ZONEMD records are checked for zones loaded as auth-zone,
+  with DNSSEC if available.  There is an added option
+  zonemd-permissive-mode that makes it log but not fail wrong zones.
+  With zonemd-reject-absence for an auth-zone the presence of a
+  zonemd can be mandated for specific zones.
+- Fix: Resolve interface names on control-interface too.
+- Merge #470 from edevil: Allow configuration of persistent TCP
+  connections.
+- Fix #474: always_null and others inside view.
+- Add that log-servfail prints an IP address and more information
+  about one of the last failures for that query.
+- Merge #478: Allow configuration of TCP timeout while waiting for
+  response.
+- Add ./configure --with-deprecate-rsa-1024 that turns off RSA 1024.
+- Move the NSEC3 max iterations count in line with the 150 value
+  used by BIND, Knot and PowerDNS. This sets the default value
+  for it in the configuration to 150 for all key sizes.
+- zonemd-check: yesno option, default no, enables the processing
+  of ZONEMD records for that zone.
+- Merge #486 by fobster: Make VAL_MAX_RESTART_COUNT configurable.
+- Merge PR #491: Add SVCB and HTTPS types and handling according to
+  draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https.
+- Introduce 'http-user-agent:' and 'hide-http-user-agent:' options.
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix for Python 3.9, no longer use deprecated functions of
+  PyEval_CallObject (now PyObject_Call), PyEval_InitThreads (now
+  none), PyParser_SimpleParseFile (now Py_CompileString).
+- Merge PR #420 from dyunwei: DOH not responsing with
+  "http2_query_read_done failure" logged.
+- Fix #422: IPv6 fallback issues when IPv6 is not properly
+  enabled/configured.
+- Fix to make tests work with support indicators set for iterator.
+- Fix build on Python 3.10.
+- Fix doxygen and pydoc warnings.
+- Fix #429: rpz: url: with https: broken (regression in 1.13.1).
+- rpz skip nsec3param records, and nicer log for unsupported actions.
+- Fix #431: Squelch permission denied errors for tcp connect
+  and udp connect from the logs, unless at high verbosity.
+- Fix for zonemd, that nxdomain for the chain of trust is allowed
+  for island zones, it is treated as an insecure zone for verification.
+- Fix for zonemd, that domain-insecure zones work without dnssec.
+- Fix for zonemd, do not reject insecure result from trust anchor
+  validation step in dnssec chain of trust.
+- On startup of unbound it checks if rlimits on memory size look
+  sufficient for the configured cache size, and logs warning if not.
+- Fix function documentation.
+- Fix unit test for added ulimit checks.
+- spelling fix in header.
+- Fix #384: (1) A minor request to improve the log (2) A minor bug in one
+  log message.
+- ipsecmod: Better logging for detecting a cycle when attaching the
+  A/AAAA subquery.
+- Merge PR #367 : DNSTAP log local address.  With code from PR #365
+  and fixes #368 : dnstap does not log the DNS message ID for
+- Fix to allow rpz with wildcard that applies to all TLDs at once.
+- Fix for #367: rc_ports don't have ub_sock; skip cleaning up.
+- Fix spurious errors about "Could not generate request: out of
+  memory".  The mesh detect cycle routine no longer wrongly stops
+  the check when the calling mesh state is unique.
+- Workaround for #439: prevent loops in the reuse rbtree.
+- Debug output for #411 and #439: printout internal error and details.
+- Fix parse of LOC RR type for decimetres.
+- Fix #441: Minimal NSEC range not accepted for top level domains.
+- Fix for #447: squelch connection refused tcp connection failures
+  from the log, unless verbosity is high.
+- Merge #449 from orbea: build: Add missing linker flags.
+- Comment out nonworking OSX and IOS travis tests, vm fails to start.
+- Fix compile error in listen_dnsport on Android.
+- Fix memory leak reported by asan in rpz SOA record query name.
+- Fix unused-function warning when compiling with --enable-dnscrypt.
+- Fix for #367: fix memory leak when cannot bind to listening port.
+- Reformat pythonmod/pythonmod_utils.{c,h}.
+- Travis enable all tests again. Clang analyzer only a couple times,
+  when there is a difference. homebrew updates disabled, so it does
+  not hang. removed trailing slashes from configure paths. Moved iOS
+  tests to allow-failure.
+- travis, analyzer disabled on test without debug, that does not
+  run anway.  Turn off failing tests except one.  Update iOS test
+  to xcode image 12.2.
+- Fix deprecation test to work for iOS TVOS and WatchOS, it uses
+  CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS and also checks if the item is unavailable.
+- Travis, fix script to fail when tasks fail.
+- Travis, fix warning in ubsan compile.
+- Fix configure Targetconfiditionals.h header check, to use compile.
+- Fix that cachedb does not produce empty object files when disabled.
+- Fix #429: Also fix end of transfer for http download of auth zones.
+- Disable the use of stack-protector for cross compiled 32-bit windows
+  builds; relates to #444.
+- Fix stack-protector change to not override other CFLAGS options.
+- Clean
+- Merge #460 from orbea: build: Link with the libtool archive.
+- Fix to stop IPv6 PMTU discovery.
+- Fix for #411: Depth protect for crash on deleted element timeout.
+- rebuild configure to set EXTRALINK to for #460.
+- Fix permission denied sendto log, squelch the log messages
+  unless high verbosity is set.
+- Fix (increase) verbosity level for iterator error log in
+  processQueryTargets().
+- Fix that nxdomain synthesis does not happen above the stub or
+  forward definition.
+- Fix documentation comment for files previously residing in checkconf/.
+- Remove unused functions worker_handle_reply and libworker_handle_reply.
+- Merge #466 from FGasper: Support OpenSSLs that lack
+  SSL_get0_alpn_selected.
+- Fix #468: OpenSSL 1.0.1 can no longer build Unbound.
+- Further fix for #468: detect SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos for build with
+  OpenSSL 1.0.1.
+- Fix that testcode dohclient has OpenSSL initialisation calls.
+- Fix compiler warning for signed/unsigned comparison for
+  max_reuse_tcp_queries.
+- Fix #481: Fix comment in configuration file.
+- Fix to squelch tcp socket bind failures when the interface is gone.
+- Rerun flex and bison.
+- Fix for #367: only attempt to get the interface for queries that are no
+  longer on the tcp_waiting_list.
+- Add more logging for out-of-memory cases.
+- Fix #485: Unbound occasionally reports broken stats.
+- Remove case fallthrough from deprecate-rsa-1024 code.
+- Merge PR #487: ifdef RLIMIT_AS in recently added check.
+- Fix that auth-zone zonefiles use last TTL if no TTL is specified.
+- Fix #489: Compile using MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit.
+- Fix for #411, #439, #469: Reset the DNS message ID when moving queries
+  between TCP streams.
+- Refactor for uniform way to produce random DNS message IDs.
+- Test code has -q option for quiet output.
+- Fix #492: module-config respip missing in man
+  page. Merges #494 from he32.
+- For #492: Fix font highlighting for the man page on emacs.
+- Merge #496 from banburybill: Use build system endianness if
+  available, otherwise try to work it out.
+- Fix test for zonemd-check option.
+- Merge #448 from shoeper: Update, fix
+  rpz_disable typo.
+- Fix #425: Document auth-zone supports communication with DNS
+  primary on nondefault port.
+- Fix unused variable warning when compiling with --enable-dnstap.
+- Generated lexer and parser for #486; updated example.conf.
+- Fix #413 (based on patch by k-ronny): unbound: does not compile
+  on macOS 11.1-x86_64 host.
+- Use host_os instead of target_os in configure for Darwin8 build.
+- Fix #500: SPEC file in version 1.13.1 references version 1.4;
+  unable to build RPM from source.
+- Fix contrib/unbound.spec, fixed url and comment.
+- Fix configure nonblocking test and onmingw test to use host.
+- Merge #440 by kimheino: Various fixes to contrib/unbound_munin_ file.
+- Fix a number of warnings reported by the gcc analyzer.
+- Fix #495: Documentation or implementation of "verbosity" option.
+- Fix #503: DNS over HTTPS response truncated.
+- Fix warnings reported by the gcc analyzer.
+- Add analyzer and port compile github workflow.
+- Fix up permissions on rpl data file in tests.
+- Fix testbound newline treatment in moment_read and tempfile write.
+- Fix configure grep for reuseport default for failure.
+- Fix compat ctime_r return value
+- Fix configure does not require pkg-config if not needed.
+- Fix unit test in the ctime_r calls for autotrust and in testbound.
+- Fix auth zone download on windows to unlink before rename.
+- Fix #506: Python Module Seems to Leak Memory if it Experiences an
+  Unhandled Exception.
+- Fix Wunused-result compile warnings.
+- Fix compiler warnings for #491.
+- Fix clang-analysis warnings for testcode/readzone.c.
+- Merge #510 from ndptech: Don't call a function which hasn't been
+  defined.
+- Fix for #510: in depth, use ifdefs for windows api event calls.
+- Fix spelling in doc/unbound.doxygen comment.
+- Fix spelling in localzone.h comment.
+- Fix unbound-control local_data and local_datas to print detailed
+  syntax errors.
+- review fix to remove duplicate error printout.
+- Insert header into testcode/readzone.c, it was missing.
+- Fix from lint for ignored return value.
+- Fix for older parsers for function call in serve expired get cached.
+- Fix that ldns_zone_new_frm_fp_l counts the line number for an empty
+  line after a comment.
+- Merge #512: upgrade hardening to latest
+  standards.
+- Fix readzone unknown type print for memory resize.
+- Merge #513: Stream reuse, attempt to fix #411, #439, #469. This
+  introduces a couple of fixes for the stream reuse functionality
+  that could result in broken internal structures.
+- Fix #515: Compilation against openssl 3.0.0 beta2 is failing to
+  build unbound.
+- For #515: Fix compilation with openssl 3.0.0 beta2, lib64 dir and
+  SSL_get_peer_certificate.
+- Move acx_nlnetlabs.m4 to version 41, with lib64 openssl dir check.
+- Prepare for OpenSSL 3.0.0 provider API usage, move the sldns
+  keyraw functions to produce EVP_PKEY results.
+- Move RSA and DSA to use OpenSSL 3.0.0 API.
+- Move ECDSA functions to use OpenSSL 3.0.0 API.
+- iana portlist update.
+- Fix verbose printout failure in tcp reuse unit test.
+- Merge PR #517 from dyunwei: #420 breaks the mesh reply list
+  function that need to reuse the dns answer.
+- Annotate assertion into error printout; we think it may be an
+  error, but the situation looks harmless.
+- Fix sign comparison warning on FreeBSD.
+- Listen to read or write events after the SSL handshake.
+  Sticky events on windows would stick on read when write was needed.
+- Merge PR #415 from sibeream: Use
+  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range to determine available outgoing
+  ports. (New --enable-linux-ip-local-port-range configuration option)
+- Bump MAX_RESTART_COUNT to 11 from 8; in relation to #438. This
+  allows longer CNAME chains in Unbound.
+- In unit test use openssl set security level to allow keys in test.
+- Fix static analysis warnings about localzone locks that are unused.
+- Fix missing locks in zonemd unit test.
+- Fix readzone compile under debug config.
+- Fix out of sourcedir run of zonemd unit tests.
+- Fix libnettle zonemd unit test.
+- Fix unit test zonemd_reload for use in run_vm.
+- Fix #520: Unbound 1.13.2rc1 fails to build python module.
+Tue May 11 21:57:51 UTC 2021 - Cristian Rodríguez <>
+- Use --disable-explicit-port-randomisation, the linux kernel
+  has source port randomization by default if port is 0 since ages.
+Tue Feb  9 10:56:09 UTC 2021 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.13.1
+- Merge PR #375 by fhriley: Add rpz_enable and rpz_disable commands
+  to unbound-control.
+- Merge PR #391 from fhriley: Add start_time to reply callbacks so
+  modules can compute the response time.
+- Fix #397: [Feature request] add new type always_null to local-zone
+  similar to always_nxdomain.
+- Support for RFC5001: DNS Name Server Identifier (NSID) Option
+  with the nsid: option in unbound.conf
+- Padding of queries and responses with DNS over TLS as specified in
+  RFC7830 and RFC8467.
+- Merge PR #275 from Roland van Rijswijk-Deij: Add feature to return the
+  original instead of a decrementing TTL ('serve-original-ttl')
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix #358: Squelch udp connect 'no route to host' errors on low
+  verbosity.
+- Fix #360: for the additionally reported TCP Fast Open makes TCP
+  connections fail, in that case we print a hint that this is
+  happening with the error in the logs.
+- Fix #356: deadlock when listening tcp.
+- Fix unbound-dnstap-socket to not use log routine from interrupt
+  handler and not print so frequently when invoked in sequence.
+- Fix on windows to ignore connection failure on UDP, unless verbose.
+- make depend.
+- Fix #371: unbound-control timeout when Unbound is not running.
+- Fix to squelch permission denied and other errors from remote host,
+  they are logged at higher verbosity but not on low verbosity.
+- Merge PR #335 from fobser: Sprinkle in some static to prevent
+  missing prototype warnings.
+- Merge PR #373 from fobser: Warning: arithmetic on a pointer to void
+  is a GNU extension.
+- Fix missing prototypes in the code.
+- Fix error cases when udp-connect is set and send() returns an error
+  (modified patch from Xin Li @delphij).
+- For #376: Fix that comm point event is not double removed or double
+  added to event map.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- Fix #385: autoconf 2.70 impacts unbound build
+- Fix #379: zone loading over HTTP appears to have buffer issues.
+- Merge PR #395 from mptre: add missing null check.
+- Fix #387: client-subnet-always-forward seems to effectively bypass
+  any caching?
+- For #391: use struct timeval* start_time for callback information.
+- For #391: fix indentation.
+- For #391: more double casts in python start time calculation.
+- Add comment documentation.
+- Fix clang analysis warning.
+- Fix so local zone types always_nodata and always_deny can be used
+  from the config file.
+- Merge #399 from xiangbao227: The lock of lruhash table should
+  unlocked after markdel entry.
+- Fix for #93: dynlibmodule link fix for Windows.
+- Fix for #93: dynlibmodule import library is named libunbound.dll.a.
+- Merge #402 from fobser: Implement IPv4-Embedded addresses according
+  to RFC6052.
+- Fix #404: DNS query with small edns bufsize fail.
+- Fix declaration before statement and signed comparison warning in
+  dns64.
+- Fix TTL of SOA record for negative answers (localzone and
+  authzone data) to be the minimum of the SOA TTL and the SOA.MINIMUM.
+- Fix compile of unbound-dnstap-socket without dnstap installed.
+- Merge PR #355 from noloader: Make ICANN Update CA and DS Trust Anchor
+  static data.
+- Ignore cache blacklisting when trying to reply with expired data from
+  cache (#394).
+- Merge PR #408 from fobser: Prevent a few more yacc clashes.
+- Annotate that we ignore the return value of if_indextoname.
+- Fix to use correct type for label count in rpz routine.
+- Fix empty clause warning in config_file nsid parse.
+- Fix to use correct type for label count in ipdnametoaddr rpz routine.
+- Fix empty clause warning in edns pass for padding.
+- Fix for doxygen 1.8.20 compatibility.
+- Attempt to fix NULL keys in the reuse_tcp tree; relates to #411.
+- Fix dynlibmod link on rhel8 for -ldl inclusion.
+- Fix windows dependency on libssp.dll because of default stack
+  protector in mingw.
+- Fix indentation of root anchor for use by windows install script.
+Thu Dec  3 11:26:17 UTC 2020 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.13.0
+- Pass the comm_reply information to the inplace_cb_reply* functions
+  during the mesh state and update the documentation on that.
+- Fix #330: [Feature request] Add unencrypted DNS over HTTPS support.
+  This adds the option http-notls-downstream: yesno to change that,
+  and the dohclient test code has the -n option.
+- Merge PR #228 : infra-keep-probing option to probe hosts that are
+  down.  Add infra-keep-probing: yes option. Hosts that are down are
+  probed more frequently.
+  With the option turned on, it probes about every 120 seconds,
+  eventually after exponential backoff, and that keeps that way. If
+  traffic keeps up for the domain. It probes with one at a time, eg.
+  one query is allowed to probe, other queries within that 120 second
+  interval are turned away.
+- Merge PR #313 from Ralph Dolmans: Replace edns-client-tag with
+  edns-client-string option.
+- Merge PR #283 : Stream reuse.  This implements upstream stream
+  reuse for performing several queries over the same TCP or TLS
+  channel.
+- Fix to connect() to UDP destinations, default turned on,
+  this lowers vulnerability to ICMP side channels.
+  Option to toggle udp-connect, default is enabled.
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix #319: potential memory leak on config failure, in rpz config.
+- Fix dnstap socket and the chroot not applied properly to the dnstap
+  socket path.
+- Fix warning in libnss compile, nss_buf2dsa is not used without DSA.
+- Fix #323: unbound testsuite fails on mock build in systemd-nspawn
+  if systemd support is build.
+- Fix for python reply callback to see mesh state reply_list member,
+  it only removes it briefly for the commpoint call so that it does
+  not drop it and attempt to modify the reply list during reply.
+- Fix that if there are on reply callbacks, those are called per
+  reply and a new message created if that was modified by the call.
+- Free up auth zone parse region after use for lookup of host
+- Merge PR #326 from netblue30: DoH: implement content-length
+  header field.
+- DoH content length, simplify code, remove declaration after
+  statement and fix cast warning.
+- Fix that if there are reply callbacks for the given rcode, those
+  are called per reply and a new message created if that was modified
+  by the call.
+- Fix that the out of order TCP processing does not limit the
+  number of outstanding queries over a connection.
+- Fix python documentation warning on functions.rst inplace_cb_reply.
+- Log ip address when http session recv fails, eg. due to tls fail.
+- Fix to set the tcp handler event toggle flag back to default when
+  the handler structure is reused.
+- Clean the fix for out of order TCP processing limits on number
+  of queries.  It was tested to work.
+- Fix that http settings have colon in set_option, for
+  http-endpoint, http-max-streams, http-query-buffer-size,
+  http-response-buffer-size, and http-nodelay.
+- Fix memory leak of https port string when reading config.
+- local-zone regional allocations outside of chunk
+- Merge PR #324 from James Renken: Add modern X.509v3 extensions to
+  unbound-control TLS certificates.
+- Fix for PR #324 to attach the x509v3 extensions to the client
+  certificate.
+- Fix #327: net/if.h check fails on some darwin versions; contribution
+  by Joshua Root.
+- Fix #320: potential memory corruption due to size miscomputation upton
+  custom region alloc init.
+- Fix #333: Unbound Segmentation Fault w/ log_info Functions From
+  Python Mod.
+- Fix that minimal-responses does not remove addresses from a priming
+  query response.
+- In man page note that tls-cert-bundle is read before permission
+  drop and chroot.
+- Fix #341: fixing a possible memory leak.
+- Fix memory leak after fix for possible memory leak failure.
+- Fix #343: Fail to build --with-libnghttp2 with error: 'SSIZE_MAX'
+  undeclared.
+- Fix for #303 CVE-2020-28935 : Fix that symlink does not interfere
+  with chown of pidfile.
+- Fix #347: IP_DONTFRAG broken on Apple xcode 12.2.
+- Fix #350: with the AF_NETLINK permission, to fix 1.12.0 error:
+  failed to list interfaces: getifaddrs: Address family not
+  supported by protocol.
+- Merge #351 from dvzrv: Add AF_NETLINK to set of allowed socket
+  address families.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- Fix crash when TLS connection is closed prematurely, when
+  reuse tree comparison is not properly identical to insertion.
+- Fix padding of struct regional for 32bit systems.
+- with udp-connect ignore connection refused with UDP timeouts.
+- Fix udp-connect on FreeBSD, do send calls on connected UDP socket.
+- Better fix for reuse tree comparison for is-tls sockets.  Where
+  the tree key identity is preserved after cleanup of the TLS state.
+- Fix memory leak for edns client tag opcode config element.
+- Attempt fix for libevent state in tcp reuse cases after a packet
+  is written.
+- Fix readagain and writeagain callback functions for comm point
+  cleanup.
+- Fix to omit UDP receive errors from log, if verbosity low.
+  These happen because of udp-connect.
+- For #352: contrib/metrics.awk for Prometheus style metrics output.
+- Fix that after failed read, the readagain cannot activate.
+- Clear readagain upon decommission of pending tcp structure.
+- Fix compile warning for type cast in http2_submit_dns_response.
+- Fix when use free buffer to initialize rbtree for stream reuse.
+- Fix compile warnings for windows.
+- Fix compile warnings in rpz initialization.
+- Fix contrib/metrics.awk for FreeBSD awk compatibility.
+- Fix assertion failure on double callback when iterator loses
+  interest in query at head of line that then has the tcp stream
+  not kept for reuse.
+- Fix stream reuse and tcp fast open.
+Thu Oct  8 08:39:40 UTC 2020 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.12.0
+- DNS Flag Day 2020: change edns-buffer-size default to 1232.
+- Merge PR #255: DNS-over-HTTPS support.
+- Use inclusive language in configuration
+- Merge PR #284 and Fix #246: Remove DLV entirely from Unbound.
+  The DLV has been decommisioned and in unbound 1.5.4, in 2015, there
+  was advise to stop using it.  The current code base does not contain
+  DLV code any more.  The use of dlv options displays a warning.
+- Similar to NSD PR#113, implement that interface names can be used,
+  eg. something like interface: eth0 is resolved at server start and
+  uses the IP addresses for that named interface.
+- Merge PR #272: Add EDNS client tag functionality.
+- Add edns-client-tag-opcode option
+Bug Fixes
+- Merge PR #270 from cgzones: munin plugin: always exit 0 in autoconf
+- Merge PR #269, Fix python module len() implementations, by Torbjörn
+  Lönnemark
+- Merge PR #268, draft-ietf-dnsop-serve-stale-10 has become RFC 8767 on
+  March 2020, by and0x000.
+- Fix doxygen comment for no ssl for tls session ticket key callback
+  routine.
+- Fix mini_event.h on OpenBSD cannot find fd_set.
+- Improve error log message when inserting rpz RR.
+- Merge PR #280, Make tvOS & watchOS checks verify truthiness as well as
+  definedness, by Felipe Gasper.
+- contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch file renewed diff content to
+  apply cleanly to the current coderepo for the current code version.
+- Fix #287: doc typo: "Additionaly".
+- Merge (modified) PR #277, use EVP_MAC_CTX_set_params if available,
+  by Vítězslav Čížek.
+- Create and init edns tags data for libunbound.
+- Fix stats double count issue (#289).
+- Fix that dnstap reconnects do not spam the log with the repeated
+  attempts.  Attempts on the timer are only logged on high verbosity,
+  if they produce a connection failure error.
+- Fix to apply chroot to dnstap-socket-path, if chroot is enabled.
+- Change configure to use EVP_sha256 instead of HMAC_Update for
+  openssl-3.0.0.
+- Update documentation in python example code.
+- Review fix interface, doxygen and assign null in case of error free.
+- Merge PR #293: Add missing prototype.  Also refactor to use the new
+  shorthand function to clean up the code.
+- Refactor to use sock_strerr shorthand function.
+- Fix #296: systemd is reached before unbound can
+  successfully answer queries. Changed contrib/
+- Fix num.expired statistics output.
+- Remove x file mode on ipset/ipset.c and h files.
+- Spelling fix.
+- Introduce test for statistics.
+- Fix that prefer-ip4 and prefer-ip6 can be get and set with
+  unbound-control, with libunbound and the unbound-checkconf option
+  output function.
+- Merge PR #311 by luismerino: Dynlibmod leak.
+- Error message is logged for dynlibmod malloc failures.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- Fix #304: dnstap logging not recovering after dnstap process restarts
+- Fix edns-client-tags get_option typo
+- Fix #305: dnstap logging significantly affects unbound performance
+  (regression in 1.11).
+- Fix #305: only wake up thread when threshold reached.
+- Fix to ifdef fptr wlist item for dnstap.
+- Fix memory leak of edns tags at libunbound context delete.
+- Fix double loopexit for unbound-dnstap-socket after sigterm.
+Mon Jul 27 10:48:36 UTC 2020 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.11.0
+- Merge #225 from akhait: KSK-2010 has been revoked. It removes the
+  KSK-2010 from the default list in unbound-anchor, now that the
+  revocation period is over.  KSK-2017 is the only trust anchor in
+  the shipped default now.
+- Merge PR #93: Add dynamic library support.
+- Introduce 'include-toplevel:' configuration option.
+- Change default value for 'rrset-roundrobin' to yes.
+- Add SNI support on more TLS connections (fixes #193).
+- Add SNI support to unbound-anchor.
+- Merge PR #164: Framestreams, this branch implements dnstap
+  connectivity in unbound. This has a number of new features.
+- Fix #165: Add prefer-ip4: yesno config option to prefer ipv4 for
+  using ipv4 filters, because the hosts ip6 netblock /64 is not owned
+  by one operator, and thus reputation is shared.
+Bug Fixes
+- protect X509_CHECK_FLAG_NO_PARTIAL_WILDCARDS with ifdef for
+  different openssl versions.
+- Merge PR #166: Fix typo in, by glitsj16.
+- Fix #169: Fix warning for daemon/remote.c output may be truncated
+  from snprintf.
+- Fix #170: Fix gcc undefined sanitizer signed integer overflow
+  warning in signature expiry RFC1982 serial number arithmetic.
+- Fix more undefined sanitizer issues, in respip copy_rrset null
+  dname, and in the client_info_compare routine for null memcmp.
+- Merge PR #171: Add additional compilers and platforms to Travis
+  testing, by noloader.
+- Merge PR #173: updated for config.guess and
+  config.sub and sha256 digest for gpg, by noloader.
+- Merge PR #172: Add IBM s390x arch for testing, by noloader.
+- Fix #177: dnstap does not build on macOS.
+- Fix compiler warning in dns64/dns64.c
+- Merge PR #174: Add Android to Travis testing, by noloader.
+- Move android build scripts to contrib/ and allow android tests to fail.
+- Fix #175, Merge PR #176: fix link error when OpenSSL is configured
+  with no-engine, thanks noloader.
+- Upgrade config.guess(2020-01-01) and config.sub(2020-01-01).
+- Merge PR #180 from noloader: Avoid calling exit in Travis script.
+- Merge PR #181 from noloader: Fix OpenSSL -pie warning on Android.
+- Update (from PR #179), by Jeffrey Walton.
+- Fix PR #182 from noloader: Add iOS testing to Travis.
+- Merge PR #186, fix #183: Fix unrecognized 'echo -n' option on OS X, by
+  noloader
+- Fix #188: unbound-control.c:882:6: error: 'execlp' is
+  unavailable: not available on tvOS.
+- Fix #189: mini_event.h:142:17: error: field 'ev_timeout' has incomplete
+  type, by noloader.
+- Add check to make sure RPZ records are subdomains of configured
+  zone origin.
+- Fix #192: In the unbound-checkconf tool, the module config of
+  dns64 subnetcache respip validator iterator is whitelisted, it was
+  reported it seems to work.
+- Merge PR#191: Update iOS testing on Travis, by Jeffrey Walton.
+- Fix #158: open tls-session-ticket-keys as binary, for Windows. By
+  Daisuke HIGASHI.
+- Merge PR#134, Allow the kernel to provide random source ports. By
+  Florian Obser.
+- Log warning when using outgoing-port-permit and outgoing-port-avoid
+  while explicit port randomisation is disabled.
+- Merge PR#194: Add libevent testing to Travis, by Jeffrey Walton.
+- Fix .travis.yml error, missing 'env' option.
+- Merge PR #197 from fobser: Make log_ident_revert_to_default() a
+  proper prototype.
+- Merge PR #198 from fobser: Declare lz_enter_rr_into_zone()
+  static, it's only used in this file.
+- Fix compile on Solaris for unbound-checkconf.
+- Fix compile of test tools without protobuf.
+- Merge PR #200 from yarikk: add ip-dscp option to specify the DSCP
+  tag for outgoing packets.
+- Travis fix for ios by omitting tools from install.
+- Merge PR #201 from noloader: Fix OpenSSL cross-compaile warnings.
+- Fix RPZ concurrency issue when using auth_zone_reload.
+- Make unbound-control error returned on missing domain name more user
+  friendly.
+- Merge PR #203 from noloader: Update with current
+  procedures.
+- Merge PR #207: Clarify if-automatic listens on and ::
+- Merge PR #208: Fix uncached CLIENT_RESPONSE'es on stateful
+  transports.
+- Merge PR #206: Redis TTL, by Talkabout.
+- More documentation for redis-expire-records option.
+- Keep track of number of timeouts. Use this counter to determine if
+  capsforid fallback should be started.
+- Merge PR #214 from gearnode: unbound-control-setup recreate
+  certificates.  With the -r option the certificates are created
+  again, without it, only the files that do not exist are created.
+- Fix #220: auth-zone section in config may lead to segfault.
+- Fix help return code in unbound-control-setup script.
+- Fix for posix shell syntax for trap in nsd-control-setup.
+- Fix for posix shell syntax for trap in test script.
+- Add doxygen documentation for DSCP.
+- Fix #222: --enable-rpath, fails to rpath python lib.
+- Fix for count of reply states in the mesh.
+- Remove unneeded was_mesh_reply check.
+- Explicitly use 'rrset-roundrobin: no' for test cases.
+- Cache ECS answers with longest scope of CNAME chain.
+- windows compile warnings removal for ip dscp option code.
+- Fix for integer overflow when printing RDF_TYPE_TIME.
+- Update contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch for the recent
+  generate_sub_request() change and to apply cleanly.
+- Merge PR #241 by Robert Edmonds: contrib/ Do not use
+  "Requires:".
+- Mention tls name possible when tls is enabled for stub-addr in the
+  man page.
+- Fix default explanation in man page for qname-minimisation-strict.
+- Fix display of event loop method with libev.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- Move reply list clean for serve expired mesh callback to after
+  the reply is sent, so that script callbacks have reply_info.
+- Also move reply list clean for mesh callbacks to the scrip callback
+  can see the reply_info.
+- Fix for mesh accounting if the reply list already empty to begin
+  with.
+- Fix for mesh accounting when rpz decides to drop a reply with a
+  tcp stream waiting for it.
+- Review fix for number of detached states due to use of variable
+  after end of loop.
+- Fix tcp req info drop due to size call into mesh accounting
+  removal of mesh state during mesh send reply.
+- Fix #259: Fix unbound-checkconf does not check view existence.
+  unbound-checkconf checks access-control-view, access-control-tags,
+  access-control-tag-actions and access-control-tag-datas.
+- Fix offset of error printout for access-control-tag-datas.
+- Fix add missing DSA header, for compilation without deprecated
+  OpenSSL APIs.
+- Fix to use SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_evp_cb in OpenSSL
+  3.0.0-alpha4.
+- Longer keys for the test set, this avoids weak crypto errors.
+- Add bidirectional frame streams support.
+- Fix check conf test for referencing installation paths.
+- Fix unused variable warning for clang analyzer.
+- Merge PR #234 - Ensure proper alignment of cmsg buffers by Jérémie
+  Courrèges-Anglas.
+- Fix PR #234 log_assert sizeof to use union buffer.
+- Fix libnettle compile for session ticket key callback function
+  changes.
+- Fix lock dependency cycle in rpz zone config setup.
+- Fix streamtcp to print packet data to stdout.  This makes the
+  stdout and stderr not mix together lines, when parsing its output.
+- Fix contrib/fastrpz.patch to apply cleanly.  It fixes for changes
+  due to added libdynmod, but it does not compile, it conflicts with
+  new rpz code.
+Tue May 19 10:45:19 UTC 2020 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.10.1 with security fixes
+  * CVE-2020-12662 Unbound can be tricked into amplifying an incoming
+    query into a large number of queries directed to a target.
+  * CVE-2020-12663 Malformed answers from upstream name servers can be
+    used to make Unbound unresponsive.
+- removed unused unbound-1.10.1.tar.gz.asc for now
+Thu Feb 20 21:40:10 UTC 2020 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.10.0
+- Merge RPZ support into master. Only QNAME and Response IP triggers are
+  supported.
+- Added serve-stale functionality as described in
+  draft-ietf-dnsop-serve-stale-10. `serve-expired-*` options can be used
+  to configure the behavior.
+- Updated cachedb to honor `serve-expired-ttl`; Fixes #107.
+- Renamed statistic `num.zero_ttl` to `num.expired` as expired replies
+  come with a configurable TTL value (`serve-expired-reply-ttl`).
+- Merge #135 from Florian Obser: Use passed in neg and key cache
+  if non-NULL.
+- Fix #153: Disable validation for DSA algorithms.  RFC 8624 compliance.
+- Merge PR#151: Fixes for systemd units, by Maryse47, Edmonds
+  and Frzk.  Updates the unbound.service systemd file and adds a portable
+  systemd service file.
+- Merge PR#154; Allow use of libbsd functions with configure option
+  --with-libbsd. By Robert Edmonds and Steven Chamberlain.
+- Merge PR#148; Add some TLS stats to unbound_munin_. By Fredrik Pettai.
+- Merge PR#156 from Alexander Berkes; Added unbound-control
+  view_local_datas_remove command.
+Bug Fixes:
+- Fix typo to let serve-expired-ttl work with ub_ctx_set_option(), by
+  Florian Obser
+- Update mailing list URL.
+- Fix #140: Document slave not downloading new zonefile upon update.
+- Downgrade compat/getentropy_solaris.c to version 1.4 from OpenBSD.
+  The dl_iterate_phdr() function introduced in newer versions raises
+  compilation errors on solaris 10.
+- Changes to compat/getentropy_solaris.c for,
+  ifdef stdint.h inclusion for older systems.  ifdef sha2.h inclusion
+  for older systems.
+- Fix 'make test' to work for --disable-sha1 configure option.
+- Fix out-of-bounds null-byte write in sldns_bget_token_par while
+  parsing type WKS, reported by Luis Merino from X41 D-Sec.
+- Updated sldns_bget_token_par fix for also space for the zero
+  delimiter after the character.  And update for more spare space.
+- Fix #138: stop binding pidfile inside chroot dir in systemd service
+  file.
+- Fix the relationship between serve-expired and prefetch options,
+  patch from Saksham Manchanda from Secure64.
+- Fix unreachable code in ssl set options code.
+- Removed the dnscrypt_queries and dnscrypt_queries_chacha tests,
+  because dnscrypt-proxy (2.0.36) does not support the test setup
+  any more, and also the config file format does not seem to have the
+  appropriate keys to recreate that setup.
+- Fix crash after reload where a stats lookup could reference old key
+  cache and neg cache structures.
+- Fix for memory leak when edns subnet config options are read when
+  compiled without edns subnet support.
+- Fix auth zone support for NSEC3 records without salt.
+- Merge PR#150 from Frzk: Systemd unit without chroot.  It add
+  contrib/, a systemd file for use with
+  chroot: "", see comments in the file, it uses systemd protections
+  instead.  It was superceded by #151, the unbound_portable.service
+  file.
+- Merge PR#155 from Robert Edmonds: contrib/ Fixes
+  to Libs/Requires for crypto library dependencies.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- Fix to silence the tls handshake errors for broken pipe and reset
+  by peer, unless verbosity is set to 2 or higher.
+- Merge PR#147; change rfc reference for reserved top level dns names.
+- Fix #157: undefined reference to `htobe64'.
+- Fix subnet tests for disabled DSA algorithm by default.
+- Update contrib/fastrpz.patch for clean diff with current code.
+- updated .gitignore for added contrib file.
+- Add build rule for ipset to Makefile
+- Add getentropy_freebsd.o to Makefile dependencies.
+- Fix memory leak in error condition remote.c
+- Fix double free in error condition view.c
+- Fix memory leak in do_auth_zone_transfer on success
+- Stop working on socket when socket() call returns an error.
+- Check malloc return values in TLS session ticket code
+- Fix fclose on error in TLS session ticket code.
+- Add assertion to please static analyzer
+- Fixed stats when replying with cached, cname-aliased records.
+- Added missing default values for redis cachedb backend.
+- Fix num_reply_addr counting in mesh and tcp drop due to size
+  after serve_stale commit.
+- Fix to create and destroy rpz_lock in auth_zones structure.
+- Fix to lock zone before adding rpz qname trigger.
+- Fix to lock and release once in mesh_serve_expired_lookup.
+- Fix to put braces around empty if body when threading is disabled.
+- Fix num_reply_states and num_detached_states counting with
+  serve_expired_callback.
+- Cleaner code in mesh_serve_expired_lookup.
+- Document in unbound.conf manpage that configuration clauses can be
+  repeated in the configuration file.
+- Document 'ub_result.was_ratelimited' in libunbound.
+- Fix use after free on log-identity after a reload; Fixes #163.
+- Fix with libnettle make test with dsa disabled.
+- Fix contrib/fastrpz.patch to apply cleanly.  Fix for serve-stale
+  fixes, but it does not compile, conflicts with new rpz code.
+- Fix to clean memory leak of respip_addr.lock when ip_tree deleted.
+- Fix compile warning when threads disabled.
+- Fix spelling in
+- Stop unbound-checkconf from insisting that auth-zone and rpz
+  zonefiles have to exist.  They can not exist, and download later.
+- contrib/drop2rpz: perl script that converts the Spamhaus DROP-List
+  in RPZ-Format, contributed by Andreas Schulze.
+- Remove unused variable.
+- Add respip to supported module-config options in unbound-checkconf.
+- Updated contrib/unbound_smf23.tar.gz with Solaris SMF service for
+  Unbound from Yuri Voinov.
+Thu Dec 12 21:01:07 UTC 2019 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.9.6
+  This release contains a number of security related fixes found in
+  a security audit
+- The unbound.conf includes are sorted ascending, for include
+  statements with a '*' from glob.
+- drop-tld.diff in contrib/ : adds option drop-tld: yesno that drops 2 label
+  queries, to stop random floods.  Apply with
+  patch -p1 < contrib/drop-tld.diff and compile.
+  From Saksham Manchanda (Secure64).  Please note that we think this
+  will drop DNSKEY and DS lookups for tlds and hence break DNSSEC
+  lookups for downstream clients.
+- Add new configure option `--enable-fully-static` to enable full static
+  build if requested; in relation to #91.
+- Add make distclean that removes everything configure produced,
+  and make maintainer-clean that removes bison and flex output.
+- unbound-fuzzers.tar.bz2 in contrib/ : three programs for fuzzing, that
+  are 1:1 replacements for unbound-fuzzme.c that gets created after applying
+  the contrib/unbound-fuzzme.patch.  They are contributed by
+  Eric Sesterhenn from X41 D-Sec.
+Bug Fixes:
+- Fix that pkg-config is setup before --enable-systemd needs it.
+- Fix contrib/fastrpz.patch asprintf return value checks.
+- ipset module #28: log that an address is added, when verbosity high.
+- ipset: refactor long routine into three smaller ones.
+- updated Makefile dependencies.
+- squelch DNS over TLS errors 'ssl handshake failed crypto error'
+  on low verbosity, they show on verbosity 3 (query details), because
+  there is a high volume and the operator cannot do anything for the
+  remote failure.  Specifically filters the high volume errors.
+- Fix #71: fix openssl error squelch commit compilation error.
+- Fix #72: configure --with-syslog-facility=LOCAL0-7 with default
+  LOG_DAEMON (as before) can set the syslog facility that the server
+  uses to log messages.
+- Use explicit bzero for wiping clear buffer of hash in cachedb,
+  reported by Eric Sesterhenn from X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix #78: Memory leak in outside_network.c.
+- Merge pull request #76 from Maryse47: Improvements and fixes for
+  systemd unbound.service.
+- oss-fuzz badge on
+- Fix fix for #78 to also free service callback struct.
+- Fix for oss-fuzz build warning.
+- Fix wrong response ttl for prepended short CNAME ttls, this would
+  create a wrong zero_ttl response count with serve-expired enabled.
+- Merge #80 from stasic: Improve wording in man page.
+- Merge #82 from hardfalcon: Downgrade CAP_NET_ADMIN to CAP_NET_RAW
+  in unbound.service.
+- Merge #81 from Maryse47: Consistently use /dev/urandom instead
+  of /dev/random in scripts and docs.
+- Merge #83 from Maryse47: contrib/ do not fork
+  into the background.
+- Merge #85 for #84 from sam-lunt: Add kill capability to systemd
+  service file to fix that systemctl reload fails.
+- Merge #87 from hardfalcon: Fix contrib/,
+  Drop CAP_KILL, use + prefix for ExecReload= instead.
+- Merge #90 from vcunat: fix build with nettle-3.5.
+- Fix for CVE-2019-16866.  That fix is also in 1.9.4.
+- Merge #86 from psquarejho: Added -b source address option to
+  smallapp/unbound-anchor.c, from Lukas Wunner.
+- Add doxygen comments to unbound-anchor source address code, in #86.
+- Merge #97: manpage: Add missing word on unbound.conf,
+  from Erethon.
+- Fix #99: Memory leak in ub_ctx (event_base will never be freed).
+- Fix #109: check number of arguments for stdin-pipes in
+  unbound-control and fail if too many arguments.
+- Merge #102 from jrtc27: Add getentropy emulation for FreeBSD.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- contrib/fastrpz.patch updated to apply for current code.
+- fixes for splint cleanliness, long vs int in SSL set_mode.
+- In unbound-host use separate variable for get_option to please
+  code checkers.
+- update to bison output of 3.4.1 in code repository.
+- Provide a prototype for compat malloc to remove compile warning.
+- Portable grep usage for reuseport configure test.
+- Check return type of HMAC_Init_ex for openssl 0.9.8.
+- gitignore .source tempfile used for compatible make.
+- Fix for CVE-2019-18934, shell execution in ipsecmod.
+  This fix is also in 1.9.5.
+- Fix authzone printout buffer length check.
+- Fixes to please lint checks.
+- Fix Integer Overflow in Regional Allocator,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Unchecked NULL Pointer in dns64_inform_super()
+  and ipsecmod_new(), reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out-of-bounds Read in rr_comment_dnskey(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Integer Overflows in Size Calculations,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Integer Overflow to Buffer Overflow in
+  sldns_str2wire_dname_buf_origin(), reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out of Bounds Read in sldns_str2wire_dname(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out of Bounds Write in sldns_bget_token_par(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out of Bounds Read in rrinternal_get_owner(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Race Condition in autr_tp_create(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Shared Memory World Writeable,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Adjust unbound-control to make stats_shm a read only operation.
+- Fix Weak Entropy Used For Nettle,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Randomness Error not Handled Properly,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out-of-Bounds Read in dname_valid(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Config Injection in,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Local Memory Leak in cachedb_init(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Integer Underflow in Regional Allocator,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Upgrade compat/getentropy_linux.c to version 1.46 from OpenBSD.
+- Synchronize compat/getentropy_win.c with version 1.5 from
+  OpenBSD, no changes but makes the file, comments, identical.
+- Upgrade compat/getentropy_solaris.c to version 1.13 from OpenBSD.
+- Upgrade compat/getentropy_osx.c to version 1.12 from OpenBSD.
+- Changes to compat/getentropy files for,
+  no link to openssl if using nettle, and hence config.h for
+  HAVE_NETTLE variable.
+  compat definition of MAP_ANON, for older systems.
+  ifdef stdint.h inclusion for older systems.
+  ifdef sha2.h inclusion for older systems.
+- Fixed Compat Code Diverging from Upstream, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix compile with --enable-alloc-checks, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Terminating Quotes not Written, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Useless memset() in validator, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Unrequired Checks, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Enum Name not Used, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix NULL Pointer Dereference via Control Port,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Bad Randomness in Seed, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix python examples/ for eval, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix comments for doxygen in dns64.
+- Fix dname loop maximum, reported by Eric Sesterhenn from X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix compiler warnings.
+- Merge pull request #122 from he32: In tcp_callback_writer(),
+  don't disable time-out when changing to read.
+- Merge pull request #124 from rmetrich: Changed log lock
+  from 'quick' to 'basic' because this is an I/O lock.
+- Fix text around serial arithmatic used for RRSIG times to refer
+  to correct RFC number.
+- Fix Assert Causing DoS in synth_cname(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix similar code in auth_zone synth cname to add the extra checks.
+- Fix Assert Causing DoS in dname_pkt_copy(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix OOB Read in sldns_wire2str_dname_scan(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out of Bounds Write in sldns_str2wire_str_buf(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out of Bounds Write in sldns_b64_pton(),
+  fixed by check in sldns_str2wire_int16_data_buf(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Insufficient Handling of Compressed Names in dname_pkt_copy(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out of Bound Write Compressed Names in rdata_copy(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Hang in sldns_wire2str_pkt_scan(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+  This further lowers the max to 256.
+- Fix snprintf() supports the n-specifier,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Bad Indentation, in dnscrypt.c,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Client NONCE Generation used for Server NONCE,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix compile error in dnscrypt.
+- Fix _vfixed not Used, removed from sbuffer code,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Hardcoded Constant, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- make depend
+- Fix lock type for memory purify log lock deletion.
+- Fix testbound for alloccheck runs, memory purify and lock checks.
+- update contrib/fastrpz.patch to apply more cleanly.
+- Fix Make Test Fails when Configured With --enable-alloc-nonregional,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix ipsecmod compile
+- Fix for ipset module compile, from Adi Prasaja.
+Tue Nov 19 20:16:14 UTC 2019 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.9.5
+  Fix for CVE-2019-18934
+Thu Oct  3 14:14:06 UTC 2019 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.9.4
+  security fix for CVE-2019-16866 (error in parsing NOTIFY queries)
+Tue Aug 27 18:33:04 UTC 2019 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.9.3
+- PR #28: IPSet module, by Kevin Chou.  Created a module to support
+  the ipset that could add the domain's ip to a list easily.
+  Needs libmnl, and --enable-ipset and config it, doc/
+- Merge PR #6: Python module: support multiple instances
+- Merge PR #5: Python module: define constant MODULE_RESTART_NEXT
+- Merge PR #4: Python module: assign something useful to the
+  per-query data store 'qdata'
+- Introduce `-V` option to print the version number and build options.
+  Previously reported build options like linked libs and linked modules
+  are now moved from `-h` to `-V` as well for consistency.
+- PACKAGE_BUGREPORT now also includes link to GitHub issues.
+Bug Fixes:
+- Fix #39: In libunbound, leftover logfile is close()d unpredictably.
+- Fix for #24: Fix abort due to scan of auth zone masters using old
+  address from previous scan.
+- Fix to omit RRSIGs from addition to the ipset.
+- Fix to make unbound-control with ipset, remove unused variable,
+  use unsigned type because of comparison, and assign null instead
+  of compare with it.  Remade lex and yacc output.
+- make depend
+- Added documentation to the ipset files (for doxygen output).
+- Fix python dict reference and double free in config.
+- Fix memleak in unit test, reported from the clang 8.0 static analyzer.
+- For #45, check that and ::1 are not used in unbound.conf
+  when do-not-query-localhost is turned on, or at default on,
+  unbound-checkconf prints a warning if it is found in forward-addr or
+  stub-addr statements.
+- Fix for possible assertion failure when answering respip CNAME from
+  cache.
+- Fix in respip addrtree selection. Absence of addr_tree_init_parents()
+  call made it impossible to go up the tree when the matching netmask is
+  too specific.
+- Fix #48: Unbound returns additional records on NODATA response,
+  if minimal-responses is enabled, also the additional for negative
+  responses is removed.
+- Fix #49: Set no renegotiation on the SSL context to stop client
+  session renegotiation.
+- Fix question section mismatch in local zone redirect.
+- Add verbose log message when auth zone file is written, at level 4.
+- Add hex print of trust anchor pointer to trust anchor file temp
+  name to make it unique, for libunbound created multiple contexts.
+- For #52 #53, second context does not close logfile override.
+- Fix #52 #53, fix for example fail program.
+- Fix to return after failed auth zone http chunk write.
+- Fix to remove unused test for task_probe existance.
+- Fix to timeval_add for remaining second in microseconds.
+- Check repinfo in worker_handle_request, if null, drop it.
+- Generate configlexer with newer flex.
+- Fix warning for unused variable for compilation without systemd.
+- Fix #59, when compiled with systemd support check that we can properly
+  communicate with systemd through the `NOTIFY_SOCKET`.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- Fix autotrust temp file uniqueness windows compile.
+- avoid warning about upcast on 32bit systems for autotrust.
+- escape commandline contents for -V.
+- Fix character buffer size in ub_ctx_hosts.
+- Option -V prints if TCP fastopen is available.
+- Fix unittest valgrind false positive uninitialised value report,
+  where if gcc 9.1.1 uses -O2 (but not -O1) then valgrind 3.15.0
+  issues an uninitialised value for the token buffer at the str2wire.c
+  rrinternal_get_owner() strcmp with the '@' value.  Rewritten to use
+  straight character comparisons removes the false positive.  Also
+  valgrinds --expensive-definedness-checks=yes can stop this false
+  positive.
+- Please doxygen's parser for "@" occurrence in doxygen comment.
+- Fixup contrib/fastrpz.patch
+- Remove warning about unknown cast-function-type warning pragma.
+- Document limitation of pidfile removal outside of chroot directory.
+- Fix log_dns_msg to log irrespective of minimal responses config.
+- Fix that pkg-config is setup before --enable-systemd needs it.
+Mon Jul 29 11:34:13 UTC 2019 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Update the Conflict in libunbound-devel-mini after the library
+  package name from libunbound2 to libunbond8.
+Mon Jun 17 17:21:10 UTC 2019 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.9.2
+- add type CAA to libpyunbound (accessing libunbound from python).
+- Fix #17: Add python module example from Jan Janak, that is a
+  plugin for the Unbound DNS resolver to resolve DNS records in
+  multicast DNS [RFC 6762] via Avahi.  The plugin communicates
+  with Avahi via DBus. The comment section at the beginning of
+  the file contains detailed documentation.
+- travis build file.
+- PR #16: XoT support, AXFR over TLS, turn it on with
+  master: <ip>#<authname> in unbound.conf.  This uses TLS to
+  download the AXFR (or IXFR).
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix for #4233: guard use of NDEBUG, so that it can be passed in
+  CFLAGS into configure.
+- Add log message, at verbosity 4, that says the query is encrypted
+  with TLS, if that is enabled for the query.
+- Fix #4239: set NOTIMPL when deny-any is enabled, for RFC8482.
+- Fix #4240: Fix whitespace cleanup in example.conf.
+- Fix that tls-session-ticket-keys: "" on its own in unbound.conf
+  disables the tls session ticker key calls into the OpenSSL API.
+- Fix crash if tls-servic-pem not filled in when necessary.
+- Fix auth-zone NSEC3 response for empty nonterminals with exact
+  match nsec3 records.
+- Fix for out of bounds integers, thanks to OSTIF audit.  It is in
+  allocation debug code.
+- Fix for auth zone nsec3 ent fix for wildcard nodata.
+- Move goto label in answer_from_cache to the end of the function
+  where it is more visible.
+- Fix auth-zone NSEC3 response for wildcard nodata answers,
+  include the closest encloser in the answer.
+- Fix spelling error in log output for event method.
+- Fix to reinit event structure for accepted TCP (and TLS) sockets.
+- Fix to use event_assign with libevent for thread-safety.
+- verbose information about auth zone lookup process, also lookup
+  start, timeout and fail.
+- Fix to wipe ssl ticket keys from memory with explicit_bzero,
+  if available.
+- Fix that auth zone uses correct network type for sockets for
+  SOA serial probes.  This fixes that probes fail because earlier
+  probe addresses are unreachable.
+- Fix that auth zone fails over to next master for timeout in tcp.
+- Squelch SSL read and write connection reset by peer and broken pipe
+  messages.  Verbosity 2 and higher enables them.
+- Update python documentation for init_standard().
+- Typos.
+- Fix tls write event for read state change to re-call SSL_write and
+  not resume the TLS handshake.
+- Better braces in if statement in TCP fastopen code.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- Scrub RRs from answer section when reusing NXDOMAIN message for
+  subdomain answers.
+- For harden-below-nxdomain: do not consider a name to be non-exitent
+  when message contains a CNAME record.
+- Fix wrong query name in local zone redirect answers with a CNAME,
+  the copy of the local alias is in unpacked form.
+- contrib/fastrpz.patch updated for code changes, and with git diff.
+- Fix #29: Solaris 11.3 and missing symbols be64toh, htobe64.
+- Fix #30: AddressSanitizer finding in lookup3.c.  This sets the
+  hash function to use a slower but better auditable code that does
+  not read beyond array boundaries.  This makes code better security
+  checkable, and is better for security.  It is fixed to be slower,
+  but not read outside of the array.
+- Fix edns-subnet locks, in error cases the lock was not unlocked.
+- Fix doxygen output error on readme markdown vignettes.
+- Squelch log messages from tcp send about connection reset by peer.
+  They can be enabled with verbosity at higher values for diagnosing
+  network connectivity issues.
+- Attempt to fix malformed tcp response.
+- Fix #31: swig 4.0 and python module.
+- Note that so-reuseport at extreme load is better turned off,
+  otherwise queries are not distributed evenly, on Linux 4.4.x.
+- Fix that spoolbuf is not used to store tcp pipelined response
+  between mesh send and callback end.
+- Fix double file close in tcp pipelined response code.
+- Fix to define _OPENBSD_SOURCE to get reallocarray on NetBSD.
+- Fix to guard _OPENBSD_SOURCE from redefinition.
+- Fix that fixes the Fix that spoolbuf is not used to store tcp
+  pipelined response between mesh send and callback end, this fixes
+  error cases that did not use the correct spoolbuf.
+- Fix that fixes the Fix that spoolbuf is not used to store tcp
+  pipelined response between mesh send and callback end, this fixes
+  error cases that did not use the correct spoolbuf.
+- Fix another spoolbuf storage code point, in prefetch.
+Mon Mar 18 12:16:58 UTC 2019 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.9.1
+- Add local-zone type inform_redirect, which logs like type inform,
+  and redirects like type redirect.
+- Perform canonical sort for 0x20 capsforid compare of replies,
+  this sorts rrsets in the authority and additional section before
+  comparison, so that out of order rrsets do not cause failure.
+- Print query name with ip_ratelimit exceeded log lines.
+  Spaces instead of tabs in that log message.
+- Print query name and IP address when domain rate limit exceeded.
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix #4224: auth_xfr_notify.rpl test broken due to typo
+- Fix locking for libunbound context setup with broken port config.
+- Fix case in which query timeout can result in marking delegation
+  as edns_lame_known.
+- Set ub_ctx_set_tls call signature in ltrace config file for
+  libunbound in contrib/
+- improve documentation for tls-service-key and forward-first.
+- #10: fixed pkg-config operations, PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG moved out of
+  conditional section, fixes systemd builds, from Enrico Scholz.
+- #9: For openssl 1.0.2 use the CRYPTO_THREADID locking callbacks,
+  still supports the set_id_callback previous API.  And for 1.1.0
+  no locking callbacks are needed.
+- #8: Fix OpenSSL without ENGINE support compilation.
+- Wipe TLS session key data from memory on exit.
+- Fix that log-replies prints the correct name for local-alias
+  names, for names that have a CNAME in local-data configuration.
+  It logs the original query name, not the target of the CNAME.
+- Fix #4206: OpenSSL 1.0.2 hostname verification for FreeBSD 11.2.
+- Fix that qname minimisation does not skip a label when missing
+  nameserver targets need to be fetched.
+- Fix #4225: clients seem to erroneously receive no answer with
+  DNS-over-TLS and qname-minimisation.
+- Note default for module-config in man page.
+- Fix #13: Remove left-over requirements on OpenSSL >= 1.1.0 for
+  cert name matching, from man page.
+- Fix capsforid canonical sort qsort callback.
+- Fix pythonmod include and sockaddr_un ifdefs for compile on
+  Windows, and for libunbound.
+- Fix the error for unknown module in module-config is understandable,
+  and explains it was not compiled in and where to see the list.
+- In example.conf explain where to put cachedb module in module-config.
+- In man page and example config explain that most modules have to
+  be listed at the start of module-config.
+- Fix #4227: pair event del and add for libevent for tcp_req_info.
+- Fix #4229: Unbound man pages lack information, about access-control
+  order and local zone tags, and elements in views.
+- Fix #14: contrib/unbound.init: Fix wrong comparison judgment
+  before copying.
+- Fix for python module on Windows, fix fopen.
+- Remove memory leak on pythonmod python2 script file init.
+- Remove swig gcc8 python function cast warnings, they are ignored.
+- Print correct module that failed when module-config is wrong.
+Fri Dec 28 17:16:01 UTC 2018 - Jan Engelhardt <>
+- Reorder scriptlet %if guards so that no empty scriptlets are
+  emitted. Add one missing %if %{with systemd}.
+- Replace %__-type macro indirections.
+Tue Dec 11 19:59:00 UTC 2018 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.8.3 fixes crash bug introduced in 1.8.2
+  in the dns64 processing.
+Wed Dec  5 11:12:42 UTC 2018 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.8.2
+- Add fast-server-permil and fast-server-num options.
+- Deprecate low-rtt and low-rtt-permil options.
+- Change fast-server-num default to 3.
+- Fix #4154: make ECS_MAX_TREESIZE configurable, with
+  the max-ecs-tree-size-ipv4 and max-ecs-tree-size-ipv6 options.
+- Fix #4190: Please create a "ANY" deny option, adds the option
+  deny-any: yes in unbound.conf.  This responds with an empty message
+  to queries of type ANY.
+- Fix #4126: RTT_band too low on VSAT links with 600+ms latency,
+  adds the option unknown-server-time-limit to unbound.conf that
+  can be increased to avoid the problem.
+- Add min-client-subnet-ipv6 and min-client-subnet-ipv4 options.
+- Support SO_REUSEPORT_LB in FreeBSD 12 with the so-reuseport: yes
+  option in unbound.conf.
+- Add unbound-control view_local_datas command, like local_datas.
+Bug Fixes
+- dnscrypt.c removed sizeof to get array bounds.
+- Fix testlock code to set noreturn on error routine.
+- Remove unused variable from contrib fastrpz/rpz.c and
+  remove unused diagnostic pragmas that themselves generate warnings
+- clang analyze test is used only when assertions are enabled.
+- Squelch EADDRNOTAVAIL errors when the interface goes away,
+  this omits 'can't assign requested address' errors unless
+  verbosity is set to a high value.
+- Set default for so-reuseport to no for FreeBSD.  It is enabled
+  by default for Linux and DragonFlyBSD.  The setting can
+  be configured in unbound.conf to override the default.
+- iana port update.
+- Squelch log of failed to tcp initiate after TCP Fastopen failure.
+- Fix #4192: unbound-control-setup generates keys not readable by
+  group.
+- check that the dnstap socket file can be opened and exists, print
+  error if not.
+- Add markdel function to ECS slabhash.
+- Limit ECS scope returned to client to the scope used for caching.
+- Fix #4191: NXDOMAIN vs SERVFAIL during dns64 PTR query.
+- Fix #4141: More randomness to rrset-roundrobin.
+- Fix #4132: Openness/closeness of RANGE intervals in rpl files.
+- remade makefile dependencies.
+- Fix #4152: Logs shows wrong time when using log-time-ascii: yes.
+- Scrub NS records from NXDOMAIN responses to stop fragmentation
+  poisoning of the cache.
+- Scrub NS records from NODATA responses as well.
+- Add patch from Jan Vcelak for pythonmod,
+  add sockaddr_storage getters, add support for query callbacks,
+  allow raw address access via comm_reply and update API documentation.
+- Removed compile warnings in pythonmod sockaddr routines.
+- With ./configure --with-pyunbound --with-pythonmodule
+  PYTHON_VERSION=3.6 or with 2.7 unbound can compile and unit tests
+  succeed for the python module.
+- pythonmod logs the python error and traceback on failure.
+- ignore debug python module for test in doxygen output.
+- review fixes for python module.
+- Fix #4209: Crash in libunbound when called from getdns.
+- auth zone zonefiles can be in a chroot, the chroot directory
+  components are removed before use.
+- Fix that empty zonefile means the zonefile is not set and not used.
+- Fix to not set GLOB_NOSORT so the unbound.conf include: files are
+  sorted and in a predictable order.
+- Fix #4193: Fix that prefetch failure does not overwrite valid cache
+  entry with SERVFAIL.
+- Fix DNS64 to not store intermediate results in cache, this avoids
+  other threads from picking up the wrong data.  The module restores
+  the previous no_cache_store setting when the the module is finished.
+- Fix #4208: 'stub-no-cache' and 'forward-no-cache' not work.
+- New and better fix for Fix #4193: Fix that prefetch failure does
+  not overwrite valid cache entry with SERVFAIL.
+- auth-zone give SERVFAIL when expired, fallback activates when
+  expired, and this is documented in the man page.
+- stat count SERVFAIL downstream auth-zone queries for expired zones.
+- Update contrib fastrpz patch for latest release.
+- Fix chroot auth-zone fix to remove chroot prefix.
+Tue Oct 16 15:01:15 UTC 2018 - Karol Babioch <>
+- Removed intermediate certificates from certificate bundle (bsc#1112033)
+Mon Oct  8 13:42:15 UTC 2018 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.8.1:
+  Number of bug fixes, a list of features added and some defaults changed.
+  - Perform TLS SNI indication of the host that is being contacted
+    for DNS over TLS service.  It sets the configured tls auth name.
+    This is useful for hosts that apart from the DNS over TLS services
+    also provide other (web) services.
+Bug Fixes:
+  - More explicitly mention the type of ratelimit when applying
+    ip-ratelimit.
+  - Fix spelling error in header, from getdns commit by Andreas Gelmini.
+  - iana port update.
+  - Fixed unused return value warnings in contrib/fastrpz.patch for
+    asprintf.
+  - Fix to squelch respip warning in unit test, it is printed at
+    higher verbosity settings.
+  - Fix spelling errors.
+  - Fix initialisation in remote.c
+  - Fix seed for random backup code to use explicit zero when wiped.
+  - exit log routine is annotated as noreturn function.
+  - free memory leaks in config strlist and str2list insert functions.
+  - do not move unused argv variable after getopt.
+  - Remove unused if clause in testcode.
+  - in testcode, free async ids, initialise array, and check for null
+    pointer during test of the test.  And use exit for return to note
+    irregular program stop.
+  - Free memory leak in config strlist append.
+  - make sure nsec3 comparison salt is initialized.
+  - unit test has clang analysis.
+  - remove unused variable assignment from iterator scrub routine.
+  - check for null in delegation point during iterator refetch
+    in forward zone.
+  - neater pointer cast in libunbound context quit routine.
+  - initialize statistics totals for printout.
+  - in authzone check that node exists before adding rrset.
+  - in unbound-anchor, use readwrite memory BIO.
+  - assertion in autotrust that packed rrset is formed correctly.
+  - Fix memory leak when message parse fails partway through copy.
+  - remove unused udpsize assignment in message encode.
+  - nicer bio free code in unbound-anchor.
+  - annotate exit functions with noreturn in unbound-control.
+  - Fix compile on Mac for unbound, provide explicit_bzero when libc
+    does not have it.
+  - Fix unbound for openssl in FIPS mode, it uses the digests with
+    the EVP call contexts.
+  - Fix that with harden-below-nxdomain and qname minisation enabled
+    some iterator states for nonresponsive domains can get into a
+    state where they waited for an empty list.
+  - Stop UDP to TCP failover after timeouts that causes the ping count
+    to be reset by the TCP time measurement (that exists for TLS),
+    because that causes the UDP part to not be measured as timeout.
+  - Fix #4156: Fix systemd service manager state change notification.
+  - Fix #4149: Add SSL cleanup for tcp timeout.
+  - Fix #4188: IPv6 forwarders without ipv6 result in SERVFAIL, fixes
+    qname minimisation with a forwarder when connectivity has issues
+    from rejecting responses.
+  - fastrpz.patch fixed.
+Thu Sep 17 17:00:00 UTC 2018 -
+- update to 1.8.0:
+  Number of bug fixes, a list of features added and some defaults changed.
+- unbound-control auth_zone_reload _zone_ option rereads the zonefile.
+- unbound-control auth_zone_transfer _zone_ option starts the probe
+  sequence for a master to transfer the zone from and transfers when
+  a new zone version is available.
+- num.queries.tls counter for queries over TLS.
+- log port number with err_addr logs.
+- dns64-ignore-aaaa: config option to list domain names for which the
+  existing AAAA is ignored and dns64 processing is used on the A
+  record.
+- Fix #4112: Fix that unbound-anchor -f /etc/resolv.conf will not pass
+  if DNSSEC is not enabled.  New option -R allows fallback from
+  resolv.conf to direct queries.
+- Note RFC8162 support.  SMIMEA record type can be read in by the
+  zone record parser.
+- Patches from Jim Hague (Sinodun) for EDNS KeepAlive.
+- Add config tcp-idle-timeout (default 30s). This applies to
+  client connections only; the timeout on TCP connections upstream
+  is unaffected.
+- Add edns-tcp-keepalive and edns-tcp-keepalive timeout options
+  and implement option in client responses.
+- Add delay parameter to streamtcp, -d secs.
+  To be used when testing idle timeout.
+- Expose if a query (or a subquery) was ratelimited (not src IP
+  ratelimiting) to libunbound under 'ub_result.was_ratelimited'.
+  This also introduces a change to 'ub_event_callback_type' in
+  libunbound/unbound-event.h.
+- Patch to implement tcp-connection-limit from Jim Hague (Sinodun).
+  This limits the number of simultaneous TCP client connections
+  from a nominated netblock.
+- Fix #4142: improvements and fixes.
+  Add unit dependency ordering (based on systemd-resolved).
+  Add 'CAP_SYS_RESOURCE' to 'CapabilityBoundingSet' (fixes warnings
+  about missing privileges during startup). Add 'AF_INET6' to
+  'RestrictAddressFamilies' (without it IPV6 can't work). From
+  Guido Shanahan.
+- unbound-checkconf checks if modules exist and prints if they are
+  not compiled in the name of the wrong module.
+- Patch for stub-no-cache and forward-no-cache options that disable
+  caching for the contents of that stub or forward, for when you
+  want immediate changes visible, from Bjoern A. Zeeb.
+- Upgraded crosscompile script to include libunbound DLL in the
+  zipfile.
+- Set libunbound to increase current, because the libunbound change
+  to the event callback function signature.  That needs programs,
+  that use it, to recompile against the new header definition.
+- log-servfail: yes prints log lines that say why queries are
+  returning SERVFAIL to clients.
+- log-local-actions: yes option for unbound.conf that logs all the
+  local zone actions, a patch from Saksham Manchanda (Secure64).
+- #4146: num.query.subnet and num.query.subnet_cache counters.
+- #4140: Expose repinfo (comm_reply) to the inplace_callbacks. This
+  gives access to reply information for the client's communication
+  point when the callback is called before the mesh state (modules).
+  Changes to C and Python's inplace_callback signatures were also
+  necessary.
+- Set defaults to yes for a number of options to increase speed and
+  resilience of the server.  The so-reuseport, harden-below-nxdomain,
+  and minimal-responses options are enabled by default.  They used
+  to be disabled by default, waiting to make sure they worked.  They
+  are enabled by default now, and can be disabled explicitly by
+  setting them to "no" in the unbound.conf config file.  The reuseport
+  and minimal options increases speed of the server, and should be
+  otherwise harmless.  The harden-below-nxdomain option works well
+  together with the recently default enabled qname minimisation, this
+  causes more fetches to use information from the cache.
+- Added serve-expired-ttl and serve-expired-ttl-reset options.
+Bug Fixes
+- Windows example service.conf edited with more windows specific
+  configuration.
+- #4108: systemd reload hang fix.
+- Fix usage printout for unbound-host, hostname has to be last
+  argument on BSDs and Windows.
+- Partial fix for permission denied on IPv6 address on FreeBSD.
+- Fix that auth-zone master reply with current SOA serial does not
+  stop scan of masters for an updated zone.
+- Fix that auth-zone does not start the wait timer without checking
+  if the wait timer has already been started.
+- #4109: Fix that package config depends on python unconditionally.
+- Patch, do not export python from pkg-config, from Petr Menšík.
+- Fix checking for libhiredis printout in configure output.
+- Fix typo on man page in ip-address description.
+- Update libunbound/python/examples/ example code to
+  also set the 20326 trust anchor for the root in the example code.
+- Better documentation for unblock-lan-zones and insecure-lan-zones
+  config statements.
+- Fix permission denied printed for auth zone probe random port nrs.
+- Fix documentation ambiguity for tls-win-cert in tls-upstream and
+  forward-tls-upstream docs.
+- iana port update.
+- Fix round robin for failed addresses with prefer-ip6: yes
+- Note in documentation that the cert name match code needs
+  OpenSSL 1.1.0 or later to be enabled.
+- Fix to improve systemd socket activation code file descriptor
+  assignment.
+- Fix for 4126 that the #define for UNKNOWN_SERVER_NICENESS can be more
+  easily changed to adjust default rtt assumptions.
+- Fix #4127 unbound -h does not list -p help.
+- Print error if SSL name verification configured but not available
+  in the ssl library.
+- Fix that ratelimit and ip-ratelimit are applied after reload of
+  changed config file.
+- Resize ratelimit and ip-ratelimit caches if changed on reload.
+- Fix #4129 unbound-control error message with wrong cert permissions
+  is too cryptic.
+- Fix #4130: print text describing -dd and unbound-checkconf on
+  config file read error at startup, the errors may have been moved
+  away by the startup process.
+- Fix #4131: for solaris, error YY_CURRENT_BUFFER undeclared.
+- Fix use-systemd readiness signalling, only when use-systemd is yes
+  and not in signal handler.
+- Fix #4135: 64-bit Windows Installer Creates Entries Under The
+  Wrong Registry Key, reported by Brian White.
+- Fix man page, say that chroot is enabled by default.
+- Sort out test runs when the build directory isn't the project
+  root directory.
+- Error if EDNS Keepalive received over UDP.
+- Correct and expand manual page entries for keepalive and idle timeout.
+- Implement progressive backoff of TCP idle/keepalive timeout.
+- Fix 'make depend' to work when build dir is not project root.
+- Fix #4139: Fix unbound-host leaks memory on ANY.
+- Fix to remove systemd sockaddr function check, that is not
+  always present.  Make socket activation more lenient.  But not
+  different when socket activation is not used.
+- Fix #4136: insufficiency from mismatch of FLEX capability between
+  released tarball and build host.  Fix to unconditionally call
+  destroy in daemon.c.
+- Make capsforid fallback QNAME minimisation aware.
+- document --enable-subnet in doc/README.
+- Fix #4144: dns64 module caches wrong (negative) information.
+- Fix that printout of error for cycle targets is a verbosity 4
+  printout and does not wrongly print it is a memory error.
+- Fix segfault in auth-zone read and reorder of RRSIGs.
+- Fix contrib/fastrpz.patch.
+- Fix warning on compile without threads.
+- print servfail info to log as error.
+- added more servfail printout statements, to the iterator.
+- Fix classification for QTYPE=CNAME queries when QNAME minimisation is
+  enabled.
+- Fix only misc failure from log-servfail when val-log-level is not
+  enabled.
+- Fix lintflags for lint on FreeBSD.
+- Fix that a local-zone with a local-zone-type that is transparent
+  in a view with view-first, makes queries check for answers from the
+  local-zones defined outside of views.
+Thu Jun 21 09:19:02 UTC 2018 -
+- update to 1.7.3
+- #4102 for NSD, but for Unbound.  Named unix pipes do not use
+  certificate and key files, access can be restricted with file and
+  directory permissions.  The option control-use-cert is no longer
+  used, and ignored if found in unbound.conf.
+- Rename tls-additional-ports to tls-additional-port, because every
+  line adds one port.
+Bug Fixes
+- Don't count CNAME response types received during qname minimisation
+  as query restart.
+- #4100: Fix stub reprime when it becomes useless.
+- Fix crash if ratelimit taken into use with unbound-control
+  instead of with unbound.conf.
+- Patch to fix openwrt for mac os build darwin detection in configure.
+- #4103: Fix that auth-zone does not insist on SOA record first in
+  file for url downloads.
+- Fix that first control-interface determines if TLS is used.  Warn
+  when IP address interfaces are used without TLS.
+- Fix that control-use-cert: no works for to disable certs.
+- Fix unbound-checkconf for control-use-cert.
+- Fix for unbound-control on Windows and set TCP socket parameters
+  more closely.
+- Fix windows unbound-control no cert bad file descriptor error.
+Mon Jun 11 13:05:51 UTC 2018 -
+- update to 1.7.2
+  * This release fixes bugs in DNS-over-TLS for windows, and adds the option
+    for windows users to use the CA certificates from the Windows cert
+    stores, tls-win-cert: yes in unbound.conf.
+  * The code has been updated with a speed up that improves performance for
+    large numbers of incoming TCP and TLS connections.
+  * There is an option to allow to ignore an unset RD bit for access control
+    subnets and always allow recursion to the request.
+Thu May  3 16:38:07 UTC 2018 -
+- update to 1.7.1
+- Add --with-libhiredis, unbound support for a new cachedb
+  backend that uses a Redis server as the storage.  This
+  implementation depends on the hiredis client library
+  (
+  And unbound should be built with both --enable-cachedb and
+  --with-libhiredis[=PATH] (where $PATH/include/hiredis/hiredis.h
+  should exist).  Patch from Jinmei Tatuya (Infoblox).
+- Create additional tls service interfaces by opening them on other
+  portnumbers and listing the portnumbers as additional-tls-port: nr.
+- ED448 support.
+- num.query.authzone.up and num.query.authzone.down statistics counters.
+- Accept both option names with and without colon for get_option
+  and set_option.
+- low-rtt and low-rtt-pct in unbound.conf enable the server selection
+  of fast servers for some percentage of the time.
+- num.query.aggressive.NOERROR and num.query.aggressive.NXDOMAIN
+  statistics counters.
+- allow-notify: config statement for auth-zones.
+- Can set tls authentication with forward-addr:
+  And put the public cert bundle in tls-cert-bundle: "ca-bundle.pem".
+  such as forward-addr: or
+- list_auth_zones unbound-control command.
+- Added root-key-sentinel support
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix #3727: Protocol name is TLS, options have been renamed but
+  documentation is not consistent.
+- Check IXFR start serial.
+- Fix typo in documentation.
+- Fix #3736: Fix 0 TTL domains stuck on SERVFAIL unless manually
+  flushed with serve-expired on.
+- Fix #3817: core dump happens in libunbound delete, when queued
+  servfail hits deleted message queue.
+- corrected a minor typo in the changelog.
+- move htobe64/be64toh portability code to cachedb.c.
+- iana port update.
+- Do not use cached NSEC records to generate negative answers for
+  domains under DNSSEC Negative Trust Anchors.
+- Fix unbound-control get_option aggressive-nsec
+- Check "result" in dup_all(), by Florian Obser.
+- Fix #4043: make test fails due to v6 presentation issue in macOS.
+- Fix unable to resolve after new WLAN connection, due to auth-zone
+  failing with a forwarder set.  Now, auth-zone is only used for
+  answers (not referrals) when a forwarder is set.
+- Combine write of tcp length and tcp query for dns over tls.
+- nitpick fixes in example.conf.
+- Fix above stub queries for type NS and useless delegation point.
+- Fix unbound-control over pipe with openssl 1.1.1, the TLSv1.3
+  tls_choose_sigalg routine does not allow the ciphers for the pipe,
+  so use TLSv1.2.
+- Fix that flush_zone sets prefetch ttl expired, so that with
+  serve-expired enabled it'll start prefetching those entries.
+- Fix downstream auth zone, only fallback when auth zone fails to
+  answer and fallback is enabled.
+- Fix for max include depth for authzones.
+- Fix memory free on fail for $INCLUDE in authzone.
+- Fix that an internal error to look up the wrong rr type for
+  auth zone gets stopped, before trying to send there.
+- Fix auth zone target lookup iterator.
+- Fix auth-zone retry timer to be on schedule with retry timeout,
+  with backoff.  Also time a refresh at the zone expiry.
+- Fix #658: unbound using TLS in a forwarding configuration does not
+  verify the server's certificate (RFC 8310 support).
+- For addr with #authname and no @port notation, the default is 853.
+- man page documentation for dns-over-tls forward-addr '#' notation.
+- removed free from failed parse case.
+- Fix #4091: Fix that reload of auth-zone does not merge the zonefile
+  with the previous contents.
+- Delete auth zone when removed from config.
+- makedist uses bz2 for expat code, instead of tar.gz.
+- Fix #4092: libunbound: use-caps-for-id lacks colon in
+  config_set_option.
+- auth zone http download stores exact copy of downloaded file,
+  including comments in the file.
+- Fix sldns parse failure for CDS alternate delete syntax empty hex.
+- Attempt for auth zone fix; add of callback in mesh gets from
+  callback does not skip callback of result.
+- Fix cname classification with qname minimisation enabled.
+- Fix contrib/fastrpz.patch for this release.
+- Fix auth https for libev.
+- Fix memory leak when caching wildcard records for aggressive NSEC use
+- Fix for crash in daemon_cleanup with dnstap during reload,
+  from Saksham Manchanda.
+- Also that for dnscrypt.
+Sun Apr 22 19:26:03 UTC 2018 -
+- Commented configuration directive dlv-anchor-file: in unbound.conf
+  (see bsc#1055060). The DLV key file is deliberately still
+  shipped in the package so users could easily re-enable this.
+Wed Apr  4 11:54:01 UTC 2018 -
+- update to 1.7.0
+- auth-zone provides a way to configure RFC7706 from unbound.conf,
+  eg. with auth-zone: name: "." for-downstream: no for-upstream: yes
+  fallback-enabled: yes and masters or a zonefile with data.
+- Aggressive use of NSEC implementation. Use cached NSEC records to
+  generate NXDOMAIN, NODATA and positive wildcard answers.
+- Accept tls-upstream in unbound.conf, the ssl-upstream keyword is
+  also recognized and means the same.  Also for tls-port,
+  tls-service-key, tls-service-pem, stub-tls-upstream and
+  forward-tls-upstream.
+- [dnscrypt] introduce dnscrypt-provider-cert-rotated option,
+  from Manu Bretelle.
+  This option allows handling multiple cert/key pairs while only
+  distributing some of them.
+  In order to reliably match a client magic with a given key without
+  strong assumption as to how those were generated, we need both key and
+  cert. Likewise, in order to know which ES version should be used.
+  On the other hand, when rotating a cert, it can be desirable to only
+  serve the new cert but still be able to handle clients that are still
+  using the old certs's public key.
+  The `dnscrypt-provider-cert-rotated` allow to instruct unbound to not
+  publish the cert as part of the DNS's provider_name's TXT answer.
+- Update B root ipv4 address.
+- make ip-transparent option work on OpenBSD.
+- Fix #2801: Install libunbound.pc.
+- ltrace.conf file for libunbound in contrib.
+- Fix #3598: Fix swig build issue on rhel6 based system.
+  configure --disable-swig-version-check stops the swig version check.
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix #1749: With harden-referral-path: performance drops, due to
+  circular dependency in NS and DS lookups.
+- [dnscrypt] prevent dnscrypt-secret-key, dnscrypt-provider-cert
+  duplicates
+- Better documentation for cache-max-negative-ttl.
+- Fixed libunbound manual typo.
+- Fix #1949: [dnscrypt] make provider name mismatch more obvious.
+- Fix #2031: Double included headers
+- Document that errno is left informative on libunbound config read
+  fail.
+- iana port update.
+- Fix #1913: ub_ctx_config is under circumstances thread-safe.
+- Fix #2362: TLS1.3/openssl-1.1.1 not working.
+- Fix #2034 - Autoconf and -flto.
+- Fix #2141 - for libsodium detect lack of entropy in chroot, print
+  a message and exit.
+- Fix #2492: Documentation libunbound.
+- Fix #2882: Unbound behaviour changes (wrong) when domain-insecure is
+  set for stub zone.  It no longer searches for DNSSEC information.
+- Fix #3299 - forward CNAME daisy chain is not working
+- Fix link failure on OmniOS.
+- Check whether --with-libunbound-only is set when using --with-nettle
+  or --with-nss.
+- Fix qname-minimisation documentation (A QTYPE, not NS)
+- Fix that DS queries with referral replies are answered straight
+  away, without a repeat query picking the DS from cache.
+  The correct reply should have been an answer, the reply is fixed
+  by the scrubber to have the answer in the answer section.
+- Fix that expiration date checks don't fail with clang -O2.
+- Fix queries being leaked above stub when refetching glue.
+- Copy query and correctly set flags on REFUSED answers when cache
+  snooping is not allowed.
+- make depend: code dependencies updated in Makefile.
+- Fix #3397: Fix that cachedb could return a partial CNAME chain.
+- Fix #3397: Fix that when the cache contains an unsigned DNAME in
+  the middle of a cname chain, a result without the DNAME could
+  be returned.
+- Fix that unbound-checkconf -f flag works with auto-trust-anchor-file
+  for startup scripts to get the full pathname(s) of anchor file(s).
+- Print fatal errors about remote control setup before log init,
+  so that it is printed to console.
+- Use NSEC with longest ce to prove wildcard absence.
+- Only use *.ce to prove wildcard absence, no longer names.
+- Fix unfreed locks in log and arc4random at exit of unbound.
+- Fix lock race condition in dns cache dname synthesis.
+- Fix #3451: dnstap not building when you have a separate build dir.
+  And removed protoc warning, set dnstap.proto syntax to proto2.
+- Added tests with wildcard expanded NSEC records (CVE-2017-15105 test)
+- Unit test for auth zone https url download.
+- tls-cert-bundle option in unbound.conf enables TLS authentication.
+- Fixes for clang static analyzer, the missing ; in
+  edns-subnet/addrtree.c after the assert made clang analyzer
+  produce a failure to analyze it.
+- Fix #3505: Documentation for default local zones references
+  wrong RFC.
+- Fix #3494: local-zone noview can be used to break out of the view
+  to the global local zone contents, for queries for that zone.
+- Fix for more maintainable code in localzone.
+- more robust cachedump rrset routine.
+- Save wildcard RRset from answer with original owner for use in
+  aggressive NSEC.
+- Fixup contrib/fastrpz.patch so that it applies.
+- Fix compile without threads, and remove unused variable.
+- Fix compile with staticexe and python module.
+- Fix nettle compile.
+- Fix to check define of DSA for when openssl is without deprecated.
+- iana port update.
+- Fix #3582: Squelch address already in use log when reuseaddr option
+  causes same port to be used twice for tcp connections.
+- Reverted fix for #3512, this may not be the best way forward;
+  although it could be changed at a later time, to stay similar to
+  other implementations.
+- Fix for windows compile.
+- Fixed contrib/fastrpz.patch, even though this already applied
+  cleanly for me, now also for others.
+- patch to log creates keytag queries, from A. Schulze.
+- patch suggested by Debian lintian: allow to -> allow one to, from
+  A. Schulze.
+- Attempt to remove warning about trailing whitespace.
+- Added documentation for aggressive-nsec: yes.
+Fri Jan 19 10:34:41 UTC 2018 -
+- update to 1.6.8
+  patch for CVE-2017-15105: vulnerability in the processing of
+  wildcard synthesized NSEC records.
+Tue Oct 10 08:20:16 UTC 2017 -
+- update to 1.6.7
+- Set trust-anchor-signaling default to yes
+- Fix #1440: [dnscrypt] client nonce cache.
+- Fix #1435: Please allow UDP to be disabled separately upstream and
+  downstream.
+Bug fixes:
+- Fix that looping modules always stop the query, and don't pass
+  control.
+- Fix unbound-host to report error for DNSSEC state of failed lookups.
+- Spelling fixes, from Josh Soref.
+- Fix #1400: allowing use of global cache on ECS-forwarding unless
+  always-forward.
+- use a cachedb answer even if it's "expired" when serve-expired is yes
+  (patch from Jinmei Tatuya).
+- trigger refetching of the answer in that case (this will bypass
+  cachedb lookup)
+- allow storing a 0-TTL answer from cachedb in the in-memory message
+  cache when serve-expired is yes
+- Fix DNSCACHE_STORE_ZEROTTL to be bigger than 0xffff.
+- Log name of looping module
+- Fix #1450: Generate again patch contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch
+   (by Danilo G. Baio).
+- Fix param unused warning for windows exportsymbol compile.
+- Use RCODE from A query on DNS64 synthesized answer.
+- Fix trust-anchor-signaling works in libunbound.
+- Fix spelling in unbound-control man page.
+Mon Sep  4 16:17:44 UTC 2017 -
+- update to 1.6.6
+- unbound-control dump_infra prints port number for address if not 53.
+- Fix #1344: RFC6761-reserved domains: test. and invalid.
+- Fix #1349: allow suppression of pidfiles (from Daniel Kahn Gillmor).
+  With the -p option unbound does not create a pidfile.
+- Added stats for queries that have been ratelimited by domain
+  recursion.
+- Patch to show DNSCrypt status in help output, from Carsten
+  Strotmann.
+- Fix #1407: Add ECS options check to unbound-checkconf.
+- Fix #1415: [dnscrypt] shared secret cache, patch from
+  Manu Bretelle.
+Bug Fixes:
+- fixup of dnscrypt_cert_chacha test (from Manu Bretelle).
+- First fix for zero b64 and hex text zone format in sldns.
+- Better fixup of dnscrypt_cert_chacha test for different escapes.
+- Fix that infra cache host hash does not change after reconfig.
+- Fix python example0 return module wait instead of error for pass.
+- enhancement for hardened-tls for DNS over TLS.  Removed duplicated
+  security settings.
+- Fix for unbound-checkconf, check ipsecmod-hook if ipsecmod is turned
+  on.
+- Fix #1331: libunbound segfault in threaded mode when context is
+  deleted.
+- Fix pythonmod link line option flag.
+- Fix openssl 1.1.0 load of ssl error strings from ssl init.
+- Fix 1332: Bump verbosity of failed chown'ing of the control socket.
+- Redirect all localhost names to localhost address for RFC6761.
+- Fix #1350: make cachedb backend configurable (from JINMEI Tatuya).
+- Fix tests to use .tdir (from Manu Bretelle) instead of .tpkg.
+- upgrade aclocal(pkg.m4 0.29.1), config.guess(2016-10-02),
+  config.sub(2016-09-05).
+- annotate case statement fallthrough for gcc 7.1.1.
+- flex output from flex 2.6.1.
+- snprintf of thread number does not warn about truncated string.
+- squelch TCP fast open error on FreeBSD when kernel has it disabled,
+  unless verbosity is high.
+- remove warning from windows compile.
+- Fix compile with libnettle
+- Fix DSA configure switch (--disable dsa) for libnettle and libnss.
+- Fix #1365: Add Ed25519 support using libnettle.
+- Fix #1394: mix of serve-expired and response-ip could cause a crash.
+- Remove unused iter_env member (ip6arpa_dname)
+- Do not reset rrset.bogus stats when called using stats_noreset.
+- Do not add rrset_bogus and query ratelimiting stats per thread, these
+  module stats are global.
+- Fix #1397: Recursive DS lookups for AS112 zones names should recurse.
+- Fix #1398: make cachedb secret configurable.
+- Remove spaces from Makefile.
+- Fix issue on macOX 10.10 where TCP fast open is detected but not
+  implemented causing TCP to fail. The fix allows fallback to regular
+  TCP in this case and is also more robust for cases where connectx()
+  fails for some reason.
+- Fix #1402: squelch invalid argument error for fd_set_block on windows.
+- Fix to reclaim tcp handler when it is closed due to dnscrypt buffer
+  allocation failure.
+- Fix #1415: patch to free dnscrypt environment on reload.
+- iana portlist update
+- Small fixes for the shared secret cache patch.
+- Fix WKS records on kvm autobuild host, with default protobyname
+  entries for udp and tcp.
+- Fix #1414: fix segfault on parse failure and log_replies.
+- zero qinfo in handle_request, this zeroes local_alias and also the
+  qname member.
+- new keys and certs for dnscrypt tests.
+- fixup WKS test on buildhost without servicebyname.
+- updated contrib/fastrpz.patch to apply with configparser changes.
+- Fix 1416: qname-minimisation breaks TLSA lookups with CNAMEs.
+- Fix #1424: cachedb:testframe is not thread safe.
+- Fix #1417: [dnscrypt] shared secret cache counters, and works when
+  dnscrypt is not enabled.  And cache size configuration option.
+- Fix #1418: [ip ratelimit] initialize slabhash using
+  ip-ratelimit-slabs.
+- Recommend 1472 buffer size in unbound.conf
+Mon Aug 21 10:38:49 UTC 2017 -
+- update to 1.6.5
+  * Fix install of trust anchor when two anchors are present, makes both
+    valid.  Checks hash of DS but not signature of new key.  This fixes
+    installs between sep11 and oct11 2017.
+Tue Aug  8 19:02:38 UTC 2017 -
+- RPM group fix. Do not suppress user/group creation problems.
+  Replace %__ type macro indirections.
+Tue Jun 27 11:13:31 UTC 2017 -
+- update to 1.6.4
+- Implemented trust anchor signaling using key tag query.
+- unbound-checkconf -o allows query of dnstap config variables.
+  Also unbound-control get_option.  Also for dnscrypt.
+- unbound.h exports the shm stats structures.  They use
+  type long long and no ifdefs, and ub_ before the typenames.
+- Implemented opportunistic IPsec support module (ipsecmod).
+- Added redirect-bogus.patch to contrib directory.
+- Support for the ED25519 algorithm with openssl (from openssl 1.1.1).
+- renumbering B-Root's IPv6 address to 2001:500:200::b.
+- Fix #1276: [dnscrypt] add XChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher.
+- Fix #1277: disable domain ratelimit by setting value to 0.
+- Added fastrpz patch to contrib
+Bug Fixes:
+- Added ECS unit test (from Manu Bretelle).
+- ECS documentation fix (from Manu Bretelle).
+- Fix #1252: more indentation inconsistencies.
+- Fix #1253: unused variable in edns-subnet/addrtree.c:getbit().
+- Fix #1254: clarify ratelimit-{for,below}-domain (from Manu Bretelle).
+- iana portlist update
+- Based on #1257: check parse limit before t increment in sldns RR
+  string parse routine.
+- Fix #1258: Windows 10 X64 unbound 1.6.2 service will not start.
+  and fix that 64bit getting installed in C:\Program Files (x86).
+- Fix #1259: "--disable-ecdsa" argument overwritten
+  by "#ifdef SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH@daemon/remote.c".
+- iana portlist update
+- Added test for leak of stub information.
+- Fix sldns wire2str printout of RR type CAA tags.
+- Fix sldns int16_data parse.
+- Fix sldns parse and printout of TSIG RRs.
+- sldns SMIMEA and AVC definitions, same as getdns definitions.
+- Fix tcp-mss failure printout text.
+- Set SO_REUSEADDR on outgoing tcp connections to fix the bind before
+  connect limited tcp connections.  With the option tcp connections
+  can share the same source port (for different destinations).
+- Add 'c' to getopt() in testbound.
+- Adjust servfail by iterator to not store in cache when serve-expired
+  is enabled, to avoid overwriting useful information there.
+- Fix queries for nameservers under a stub leaking to the internet.
+- document trust-anchor-signaling in example config file.
+- updated configure, dependencies and flex output.
+- better module memory lookup, fix of unbound-control shm names for
+  module memory printout of statistics.
+- Fix type AVC sldns rrdef.
+- Some whitespace fixup.
+- Fix #1265: contrib/unbound.service contains hardcoded path.
+- Fix #1265 to use /bin/kill.
+- Fix #1267: Libunbound validator/val_secalgo.c uses obsolete APIs,
+  and compatibility with BoringSSL.
+- Fix #1268: SIGSEGV after log_reopen.
+- exec_prefix is by default equal to prefix.
+- printout localzone for duplicate local-zone warnings.
+- Fix assertion for low buffer size and big edns payload when worker
+  overrides udpsize.
+- Support for openssl EVP_DigestVerify.
+- Fix #1269: inconsistent use of built-in local zones with views.
+- Add defaults for new local-zone trees added to views using
+  unbound-control.
+- Fix #1273: cachedb.c doesn't compile with -Wextra.
+- If MSG_FASTOPEN gives EPIPE fallthrough to try normal tcp write.
+- Also use global local-zones when there is a matching view that does
+  not have any local-zone specified.
+- Fix fastopen EPIPE fallthrough to perform connect.
+- Fix #1274: automatically trim chroot path from dnscrypt key/cert paths
+  (from Manu Bretelle).
+- Fix #1275: cached data in cachedb is never used.
+- Fix that unbound-control can set val_clean_additional and
+  val_permissive_mode.
+- Add dnscrypt XChaCha20 tests.
+- Detect chacha for dnscrypt at configure time.
+- dnscrypt unit tests with chacha.
+- Added domain name based ECS whitelist.
+- Fix #1278: Incomplete wildcard proof.
+- Fix #1279: Memory leak on reload when python module is enabled.
+- Fix #1280: Unbound fails assert when response from authoritative
+  contains malformed qname.  When 0x20 caps-for-id is enabled, when
+  assertions are not enabled the malformed qname is handled correctly.
+- More fixes in depth for buffer checks in 0x20 qname checks.
+- Fix stub zone queries leaking to the internet for
+  harden-referral-path ns checks.
+- Fix query for refetch_glue of stub leaking to internet.
+- Fix #1301: memory leak in respip and tests.
+- Free callback in edns-subnetmod on exit and restart.
+- Fix memory leak in sldns_buffer_new_frm_data.
+- Fix memory leak in dnscrypt config read.
+- Fix dnscrypt chacha cert support ifdefs.
+- Fix dnscrypt chacha cert unit test escapes in grep.
+- Fix to unlock view in view test.
+- Fix warning in pythonmod under clang compiler.
+- Fix lintian typo.
+- Fix #1316: heap read buffer overflow in parse_edns_options.
+Wed Jun 14 10:22:38 UTC 2017 -
+- update to 1.6.3
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix #1280: Unbound fails assert when response from authoritative
+  contains malformed qname. When 0x20 caps-for-id is enabled, when
+  assertions are not enabled the malformed qname is handled correctly.
+Mon Apr 24 15:54:02 UTC 2017 -
+- update to 1.6.2
+- Add trustanchor.unbound CH TXT that gets a response with a number
+  of TXT RRs with a string like " 2345 1234" with
+  the trust anchors and their keytags.
+- Patch for view functionality for local-data-ptr from Björn Ketelaars.
+- Response actions based on IP address from Jinmei Tatuya (Infoblox).
+- Patch from Luiz Fernando Softov for Stats Shared Memory.
+- unbound-control stats_shm command prints stats using shared memory,
+  which uses less cpu.
+- --disable-sha1 disables SHA1 support in RRSIG, so from DNSKEY and
+  DS records.  NSEC3 is not disabled.
+- #1217. DNSCrypt support, with --enable-dnscrypt, libsodium and then
+  enabled in the config file from Manu Bretelle.
+- Merge EDNS Client subnet implementation from feature branch into main
+  branch, using new EDNS processing framework.
+- harden-algo-downgrade: no also makes unbound more lenient about
+  digest algorithms in DS records.
+Bug fixes
+- sldns has ED25519 and ED448 algorithm number and name for display.
+- sldns updated for vfixed and buffer resize indication from getdns.
+- iana portlist update
+- Fix #1224: Fix that defaults should not fall back to "Program Files
+  (x86) if Unbound is 64bit by default on windows.
+- Fix doc/CNAME-basedRedirectionDesignNotes.pdf zone static to
+  redirect.
+- make depend, autoconf, doxygen and lint fixed up.
+- include sys/time.h for new shm code on NetBSD.
+- Fix #1227: Fix that Unbound control allows weak ciphersuits.
+- Fix #1226: provide official 32bit binary for windows.
+- For #1227: if we have sha256, set the cipher list to have no
+  known vulns.
+- Fix testpkts.c, check if DO bit is set, not only if there is an OPT
+  record.
+- Fix #1229: Systemd service sandboxing in contrib/unbound.service.
+- Fix #1230: swig version 2.0.1 is required for pythonmod, with
+  1.3.40 it crashes when running repeatly unbound-control reload.
+- fix enum conversion warnings
+- fake-sha1 test option; print warning if used.  To make unit tests.
+- unbound-control list local zone and data commands listed in the
+  help output.
+- Fix #1234: shortening DNAME loop produces duplicate DNAME records
+  in ANSWER section.
+- testbound understands Deckard MATCH rcode question answer commands.
+- Fix #1235: Fix too long DNAME expansion produces SERVFAIL instead
+  of YXDOMAIN + query loop, reported by Petr Spacek.
+- Fix that SHM is not inited if not enabled.
+- Fix that looped DNAMEs do not cause unbound to spend effort.
+- trustanchor tags are sorted.  reusable routine to fetch taglist.
+- Fix #1237 - Wrong resolving in chain, for norec queries that get
+  SERVFAIL returned.
+- make depend, autoconf, remove warnings about statement before var.
+- lru_demote and lruhash_insert_or_retrieve functions for getdns.
+- fixup for lruhash (whitespace and header file comment).
+- dnscrypt tests.
+- Fix doxygen for dnscrypt files.
+- Fix #1238: segmentation fault when adding through the remote
+  interface a per-view local zone to a view with no previous
+  (configured) local zones.
+- Fix #1229: Systemd service sandboxing, options in wrong sections.
+- Fix #1239: configure fails to find python distutils if python
+  prints warning.
+- Fix to prevent non-referal query from being cached as referal when the
+  no_cache_store flag was set.
+- Remove (now unused) event2 include from dnscrypt code.
+- Fix #1217: Add metrics to unbound-control interface showing
+  crypted, cert request, plaintext and malformed queries (from
+  Manu Bretelle).
+- Do not add current time twice to TTL before ECS cache store.
+- Do not touch rrset cache after ECS cache message generation.
+- Use LDNS_EDNS_CLIENT_SUBNET as default ECS opcode.
+- Fix #1244: document that use of chroot requires trust anchor file to
+  be under chroot.
+- Small fixup for documentation.
+- Fix respip for braces when locks arent used.
+- Fix pythonmod for cb changes.
+- Generalise inplace callback (de)registration
+- (de)register inplace callbacks for module id
+- No unbound-control set_option for ECS options
+- Deprecated client-subnet-opcode config option
+- Introduced client-subnet-always-forward config option
+- Changed max-client-subnet-ipv6 default to 56 (as in RFC)
+- Removed extern ECS config options
+- module_restart_next now calls clear on all following modules
+- Also create ECS module qstate on module_event_pass event
+- remove malloc from inplace_cb_register
+- Unlock view in respip unit test
+- Some whitespace fixup.
+- Remove ECS option after REFUSED answer.
+- Fix small memory leak in edns_opt_copy_alloc.
+- Respip dereference after NULL check.
+- Zero initialize addrtree allocation.
+- Use correct identifier for SHM destroy.
+- Display ECS module memory usage.
+- Fix #1247: unbound does not shorten source prefix length when
+  forwarding ECS.
+- Properly check for allocation failure in local_data_find_tag_datas.
+- Fix #1249: unbound doesn't return FORMERR to bogus ECS.
+- Set SHM ECS memory usage to 0 when module not loaded.
+- subnet mem value is available in shm, also when not enabled,
+  to make the struct easier to memmap by other applications,
+  independent of the configuration of unbound.
+- Fix #1250: inconsistent indentation in services/listen_dnsport.c.
+Tue Feb 21 21:34:22 UTC 2017 -
+- update to 1.6.1
+  * configure --enable-systemd and lets unbound use systemd sockets if you
+    enable use-systemd: yes in unbound.conf. Also there are
+    contrib/unbound.socket and contrib/unbound.service: systemd files for
+    unbound, install them in /usr/lib/systemd/system. Contributed by Sami
+    Kerola and Pavel Odintsov.
+  * [bugzilla: 1185 ]
+    Source IP rate limiting, patch from Larissa Feng.
+  * [bugzilla: 1184 ]
+    Log DNS replies. This includes the same logging information that DNS
+    queries and response code and response size, patch from Larissa Feng.
+  * Include root trust anchor id 20326 in unbound-anchor.
+  * 64bit is default for windows builds.
+Bug Fixes
+  * [bugzilla: 1176 ]
+    Fix stack size too small for Alpine Linux.
+  * Fix unbound-control and ipv6 only.
+    [bugzilla: 1182 ]
+  * Fix Resource leak (socket), at startup.
+    [bugzilla: 1178 ]
+  * Fix attempt to fix setup error at end, pop result values at end of
+    install.
+  * iana portlist update
+  * Fix inet_ntop and inet_pton warnings in windows compile.
+  * [bugzilla: 1191 ]
+    Fix remove comment about view deletion.
+  * [bugzilla: 1188 ]
+    Fix unresolved symbol 'fake_dsa' in when built with Nettle
+  * [bugzilla: 1190 ]
+    Fix to not echo back EDNS options in local-zone error response.
+  * [bugzilla: 1194 ]
+    Fix if cross build fails when $host isn't `uname` for getentropy.
+  * Fix reload chdir failure when also chrooted to that directory.
+  * Fix to return formerr for queries for meta-types, to avoid packet
+    amplification if this meta-type is sent on to upstream.
+  * [bugzilla: 1201 ]
+    Fix missing unlock in answer_from_cache error condition.
+  * [bugzilla: 1202 ]
+    Fix code comment that packed_rrset_data is not always 'packed'.
+  * Fix to also block meta types 128 through to 248 with formerr.
+  * [bugzilla: 1206 ]
+    Fix that some view-related commands are missing from 'unbound-control -h'
+  * Fix to rename ub_callback_t to ub_callback_type, because POSIX
+    reserves _t typedefs.
+  * Fix to rename internally used types from _t to _type, because _t type
+    names are reserved by POSIX.
+  * Increase MAX_MODULE to 16.
+  * [bugzilla: 1211 ]
+    Fix can't enable interface-automatic if no IPv6 with more helpful
+    error message.
+  * fix root_anchor test for updated icannbundle.pem lower certificates.
+  * Fix compile on solaris of the fix to use $host detect.
+  * Fix for type name change and fix warning on windows compile.
+  * Fix pythonmod for typedef changes.
+  * Fix dnstap for warning of set but not used.
+  * Fix autoconf of systemd check for lack of pkg-config.
+Thu Dec 15 16:28:44 UTC 2016 -
+- update to 1.6.0
+  * Added generic EDNS code for registering known EDNS option codes,
+    bypassing the cache response stage and uniquifying mesh states. Four
+    EDNS option lists were added to module_qstate
+    (module_qstate.edns_opts_*) to store EDNS options from/to front/back side.
+  * Added two flags to module_qstate (no_cache_lookup, no_cache_store)
+    that control the modules' cache interactions.
+  * Added code for registering inplace callback functions. The registered
+    functions can be called just before replying with local data or Chaos,
+    replying from cache, replying with SERVFAIL, replying with a resolved
+    query, sending a query to a nameserver. The functions can inspect the
+    available data and maybe change response/query related data (i.e. append
+    EDNS options).
+  * Updated Python module for the above.
+  * Updated Python documentation.
+  * Added views functionality.
+  * Added qname-minimisation-strict config option.
+  * Patch that resolves CNAMEs entered in local-data conf statements that
+    point to data on the internet, from Jinmei Tatuya (Infoblox).
+  * serve-expired config option: serve expired responses with TTL 0.
+  * .gitattributes line for githubs code language display.
+  * log-identity: config option to set sys log identity, patch from "Robin
+    H. Johnson" (
+  * Added stub-ssl-upstream and forward-ssl-upstream options.
+  * Added local-zones and local-data bulk addition and removal
+    functionality in unbound-control (local_zones, local_zones_remove,
+    local_datas and local_datas_remove).
+  * has AAAA address.
+  Bug Fixes
+  * Fix #836: unbound could echo back EDNS options in an error response.
+  * Fix #838: 1.5.10 cannot be built on Solaris, undefined PATH_MAX.
+  * Fix #839: Memory grows unexpectedly with large RPZ files.
+  * Fix #840: infinite loop in unbound_munin_ plugin on unowned lockfile.
+  * Fix #841: big local-zone's make it consume large amounts of memory.
+  * Fix dnstap relaying "random" messages instead of resolver/forwarder
+    responses, from Nikolay Edigaryev.
+  * Fix Nits for 1.5.10 reported by Dag-Erling Smorgrav.
+  * Fix #1117: spelling errors, from Robert Edmonds.
+  * iana portlist update.
+  * fix memoryleak logfile when in debug mode.
+  * Re-fix #839 from view commit overwrite.
+  * Fixup const void cast warning.
+  * Removed patch comments from acllist.c and msgencode.c
+  * Added documentation doc/CNAME-basedRedirectionDesignNotes.pdf, from
+    Jinmei Tatuya (Infoblox).
+  * Fix #1125: unbound could reuse an answer packet incorrectly for
+    clients with different EDNS parameters, from Jinmei Tatuya.
+  * Fix #1118: libunbound.pc sets strange Libs, Libs.private values.
+  * Added Requires line to libunbound.pc
+  * Fix #1130: whitespace in more consistent.
+  * suppress compile warning in lex files.
+  * init lzt variable, for older gcc compiler warnings.
+  * fix --enable-dsa to work, instead of copying ecdsa enable.
+  * Fix DNSSEC validation of query type ANY with DNAME answers.
+  * Fixup query_info local_alias init.
+  * Ported tests for local_cname unit test to testbound framework.
+  * Fix #1134: unbound-control set_option -- val-override-date: -1 works
+    immediately to ignore datetime, or back to 0 to enable it again. The --
+    is to ignore the '-1' as an option flag.
+  * Patch for server.num.zero_ttl stats for count of expired replies, from
+    Pavel Odintsov.
+  * Fix failure to build on arm64 with no sbrk.
+  * Set OpenSSL security level to 0 when using aNULL ciphers.
+  * configure detects ssl security level API function in the autoconf
+    manner. Every function on its own, so that other libraries (eg.
+    LibreSSL) can develop their API without hindrance.
+  * Fix #1154: segfault when reading config with duplicate zones.
+  * Note that for harden-below-nxdomain the nxdomain must be secure, this
+    means nsec3 with optout is insufficient.
+  * Fix #1155: test status code of unbound-control in 04-checkconf, not
+    the status code from the tee command.
+  * Fix #1158: reference RFC 8020 "NXDOMAIN: There Really Is Nothing
+    Underneath" for the harden-below-nxdomain option.
+  * patch from Dag-Erling Smorgrav that removes code that relies on sbrk().
+  * Make access-control-tag-data RDATA absolute. This makes the RDATA
+    origin consistent between local-data and access-control-tag-data.
+  * Fix NSEC ENT wildcard check. Matching wildcard does not have to be a
+    subdomain of the NSEC owner.
+  * QNAME minimisation uses QTYPE=A, therefore always check cache for this
+    type in harden-below-nxdomain functionality.
+  * Added unit test for QNAME minimisation + harden below nxdomain synergy.
+  * Fix that with openssl 1.1 control-use-cert: no uses less cpu, by using
+    no encryption over the unix socket.
+  * hyphen as minus fix, by Andreas Schulze
+  * Fix #1170: document that 'inform' local-zone uses local-data.
+  * Fix #1173: differ local-zone type deny from unset tag_actions element.
+  * Add DSA support for OpenSSL 1.1.0
+  * Fix remote control without cert for LibreSSL
+  * Fix downcast warnings from visual studio in sldns code.
+Tue Sep 27 12:41:57 UTC 2016 -
+- update to 1.5.10
+  * Create a pkg-config file for libunbound in contrib.
+  * TCP Fast open patch from Sara Dickinson.
+  * Finegrained localzone control with define-tag, access-control-tag,
+    access-control-tag-action, access-control-tag-data, local-zone-tag, and
+    local-zone-override. And added types always_transparent, always_refuse,
+    always_nxdomain with that.
+  * If more than half of tcp connections are in use, a shorter timeout
+    is used (200 msec, vs 2 minutes) to pressure tcp for new connects.
+  * [bugzilla: 787 ] Fix #787: outgoing-interface netblock/64 ipv6
+    option to use linux freebind to use 64bits of entropy for every query
+    with random local part.
+  * For #787: prefer-ip6 option for unbound.conf prefers to send
+    upstream queries to ipv6 servers.
+  * Add default root hints for IPv6 E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET, 2001:500:a8::e.
+  * keep debug symbols in windows build.
+Bug Fixes
+  * [bugzilla: 778 ] Fix unbound 1.5.9: -h segfault (null deref).
+  * Fix unbound-anchor.exe file location defaults to Program Files with
+    (x86) appended.
+  * Fix to not ignore return value of chown() in daemon startup.
+  * Better help text from -h (from Ray Griffith).
+  * [bugzilla: 773 ] Fix Non-standard Python location build failure with
+    pyunbound.
+  * Improve threadsafety for openssl 0.9.8 ecdsa dnssec signatures.
+  * Revert fix for NetworkService account on windows due to breakage it
+    causes.
+  * Fix that windows install will not overwrite existing service.conf
+    file (and ignore gui config choices if it exists).
+  * And delete service.conf.shipped on uninstall.
+  * In unbound.conf directory: dir immediately changes to that
+    directory, so that include: file below that is relative to that
+    directory. With chroot, make the directory an absolute path inside chroot.
+  * do not delete service.conf on windows uninstall.
+  * document directory immediate fix and allow EXECUTABLE syntax in it
+    on windows.
+  * Fix directory: fix for unbound-checkconf, it restores cwd.
+  * Use QTYPE=A for QNAME minimisation.
+  * Keep track of number of time-outs when performing QNAME
+    minimisation. Stop minimising when number of time-outs for a QNAME/QTYPE
+    pair is more than three.
+  * [bugzilla: 775 ] Fix unbound-host and unbound-anchor crash on
+    windows, ignore null delete for wsaevent.
+  * Fix spelling in freebind option man page text.
+  * Fix windows link of ssl with crypt32.
+  * [bugzilla: 779 ] Fix Union casting is non-portable.
+  * [bugzilla: 780 ] Fix MAP_ANON not defined in HP-UX 11.31.
+  * [bugzilla: 781 ] Fix prealloc() is an HP-UX system library call.
+  * Decrease dp attempts at each QNAME minimisation iteration
+  * [bugzilla: 784 ] Fix Build configure assumess that having getpwnam
+    means there is endpwent function available.
+  * Updated repository with newer flex and bison output.
+  * Fix static compile on windows missing gdi32.
+  * Fix dynamic link of anchor-update.exe on windows.
+  * Fix detect of mingw for MXE package build.
+  * Fixes for 64bit windows compile.
+  * [bugzilla: 788 ] Fix for nettle 3.0: Failed to build with Nettle >=
+    3.0 and --with-libunbound-only --with-nettle.
+  * Fixed unbound.doxygen for 1.8.11.
+  * [bugzilla: 798 ] Fix Client-side TCP fast open fails (Linux).
+  * [bugzilla: 801 ] Fix missing error condition handling in
+    daemon_create_workers().
+  * [bugzilla: 802 ] Fix workaround for function parameters that are
+    "unused" without log_assert.
+  * [bugzilla: 803 ] Fix confusing (and incorrect) code comment in
+    daemon_cleanup().
+  * [bugzilla: 806 ] Fix wrong comment removed.
+  * use sendmsg instead of sendto for TFO.
+  * [bugzilla: 807 ] Fix workaround for possible some "unused" function
+    parameters in test code, from Jinmei Tatuya.
+  * Note that OPENPGPKEY type is RFC 7929.
+  * [bugzilla: 804 ] Fix #804: unbound stops responding after outage.
+    Fixes queries that attempt to wait for an empty list of subqueries.
+  * Fix for #804: lower num_target_queries for iterator also for failed
+    lookups.
+  * [bugzilla: 820 ] Fix set sldns_str2wire_rr_buf() dual meaning len
+    parameter in each iteration in find_tag_datas().
+  * [bugzilla: 777 ] Fix OpenSSL 1.1.0 compatibility, patch from
+    Sebastian A. Siewior.
+  * RFC 7958 is now out, updated docs for unbound-anchor.
+  * Fix for compile without warnings with openssl 1.1.0.
+  * [bugzilla: 826 ] Fix refuse_non_local could result in a broken response.
+  * iana portlist update.
+  * Fix compile with openssl 1.1.0 with api=1.1.0.
+  * [bugzilla: 829 ] Fix doc of sldns_wire2str_rdata_buf() return value
+    has an off-by-one typo, from Jinmei Tatuya (Infoblox).
+  * Fix incomplete prototypes reported by Dag-Erling Smørgrav.
+  * [bugzilla: 828 ] Fix missing type in access-control-tag-action
+    redirect results in NXDOMAIN.
+  * Take configured minimum TTL into consideration when reducing TTL to
+    original TTL from RRSIG.
+  * [bugzilla: 831 ] Fix workaround for spurious fread_chk warning
+    against petal.c
+  * Silenced flex-generated sign-unsigned warning print with gcc
+    diagnostic pragma.
+  * Fix for new splint on FreeBSD. Fix cast for sockaddr_un.sun_len.
+  * fix potential memory leak in daemon/remote.c and nullpointer
+    dereference in validator/autotrust.
+  * [bugzilla: 883 ] Fix error for duplicate local zone entry.
+  * [bugzilla: 835 ] Fix --disable-dsa with nettle verify.
+Sat Jun  4 14:26:35 UTC 2016 -
+- update to 1.5.9
+  * generic edns option parse and store code.
+  * Updated L root IPv6 address.
+  * User defined pluggable event API for libunbound
+  * ip_freebind: yesno option in unbound.conf sets IP_FREEBIND for binding 
+    to an IP address while the interface or address is down.
+  * OpenSSL 1.1.0 portability, --disable-dsa configure option.
+  * disable-dnssec-lame-check config option from Charles Walker.
+Bug Fixes
+  * [bugzilla: 745 ]
+  * Fix - idn2dname throws UnicodeError when idnname contains
+    trailing dot.
+  * configure tests for the weak attribute support by the compiler.
+  * [bugzilla: 747 ]
+  * Fix assert in outnet_serviced_query_stop.
+  * Updated configure and
+  * Fixup of compile fix for pluggable event API from P.Y. Adi Prasaja.
+  * Fixup backend2str for libev.
+  * Fix libev usage of dispatch return value.
+  * No side effects in tolower() call, in case it is a macro.
+  * Fix warnings in ifdef corner case, older or unknown libevent.
+  * Fix ip-transparent for ipv6 on FreeBSD, thanks to Nick Hibma.
+  * Fix ip-transparent for tcp on freebsd.
+  * [bugzilla: 746 ]
+  * Fix unbound sets CD bit on all forwards. If no trust anchors, it'll not 
+    set CD bit when forwarding to another server. If a trust anchor, no CD 
+    bit on the first attempt to a forwarder, but CD bit thereafter on 
+    repeated attempts to get DNSSEC.
+  * Limit number of QNAME minimisation iterations.
+  * Validate QNAME minimised NXDOMAIN responses.
+  * If QNAME minimisation is enabled, do cache lookup for QTYPE NS in 
+    harden-below-nxdomain.
+  * Fix compile of getentropy_linux for SLES11 servicepack 4.
+  * Fix dnstap-log-resolver-response-messages, from Nikolay Edigaryev.
+  * Fix test for openssl to use HMAC_Update for 1.1.0.
+  * ERR_remove_state deprecated since openssl 1.0.0.
+  * OPENSSL_config is deprecated, removing.
+  * Document permit-small-holddown for 5011 debug.
+  * [bugzilla: 749 ]
+  * Fix unbound-checkconf gets SIGSEGV when use against a malformatted
+    conf file.
+  * [bugzilla: 753 ]
+  * Fix document dump_requestlist is for first thread.
+  * Fix some malformed reponses to edns queries get fallback to nonedns.
+  * [bugzilla: 759 ]
+  * Fix 0x20 capsforid no longer checks type PTR, for compatibility with 
+    cisco dns guard. This lowers false positives.
+  * Fix sldns with static checking fixes copied from getdns.
+  * Fix memory leak in out-of-memory conditions of local zone add.
+  * [bugzilla: 761 ]
+  * Fix DNSSEC LAME false positive resolving
+  * [bugzilla: 766 ]
+  * Fix dns64 should synthesize results on timeout/errors.
+  * No QNAME minimisation fall-back for NXDOMAIN answers from
+    DNSSEC signed zones.
+  * [bugzilla: 767 ]
+  * Fix Reference to an expired Internet-Draft in harden-below-nxdomain 
+    documentation.
+  * remove memory leak from lame-check patch.
+  * [bugzilla: 770 ]
+  * Fix Small subgroup attack on DH used in unix pipe on localhost if 
+    unbound control uses a unix local named pipe.
+  * Document write permission to directory of trust anchor needed.
+  * [bugzilla: 768 ]
+  * Fix Unbound Service Sometimes Can Not Shutdown Completely, WER Report 
+    Shown Up. Close handle before closing WSA.
+  * Fix time in case answer comes from cache in ub_resolve_event().
+  * Fix windows service to be created run with limited rights, as a network 
+    service account, from Mario Turschmann.
+  * [bugzilla: 752 ]
+  * Fix retry resource temporarily unavailable on control pipe.
+  * iana ports fetched via https.
+  * iana portlist update.
+Thu Feb 25 10:07:47 UTC 2016 -
+- update to 1.5.8
+  * ip-transparent option for FreeBSD with IP_BINDANY socket option.
+  * insecure-lan-zones: yesno config option, patch from Dag-Erling
+    Smørgrav.
+  * RR Type CSYNC support RFC 7477, in debug printout and config input.
+  * RR Type OPENPGPKEY support (draft-ietf-dane-openpgpkey-07).
+  * [bugzilla: 731 ] tcp-mss, outgoing-tcp-mss options for unbound.conf,
+      patch from Daisuke Higashi.
+  * Support RFC7686: handle ".onion" Special-Use Domain. It is blocked
+      by default, and can be unblocked with "nodefault" localzone config.
+  * ub_ctx_set_stub() function for libunbound to config stub zones.
+Bug Fixes
+  * Fix that NSEC3 negative cache is used when there is no salt.
+  * sorted ubsyms.def file with exported libunbound functions.
+  * Print understandable debug log when unusable DS record is seen.
+  * load gost algorithm if digest is seen before key algorithm.
+  * Fix that "make install" fails due to "text file busy" error.
+  * Set IPPROTO_IP6 for ipv6 sockets otherwise invalid argument error.
+  * wait for sendto to drain socket buffers when they are full.
+  * Neater cmdline_verbose increment patch from Edgar Pettijohn.
+  * Made netbsd sendmsg test nonfatal, in case of false positives.
+  * [bugzilla: 741 ] Fix: log message for dnstap socket connection is
+      more clear.
+  * [bugzilla: 734 ] Fix: chown the pidfile if it resides inside the
+      chroot.
+  * Fix cmsg alignment for argument to sendmsg on NetBSD.
+  * Fix that unbound complains about unimplemented IP_PKTINFO for
+      sendmsg on NetBSD (for interface-automatic).
+  * [bugzilla: 738 ] Fix: Swig should not be invoked with CPPFLAGS.
+  * Squelch 'cannot assign requested address' log messages unless
+      verbosity is high, it was spammed after network down.
+  * Fix to simplify empty string checking from Michael McConville.
+  * [bugzilla: 734 ] Fix: Do not log an error when the PID file cannot
+      be chown'ed. Patch from Simon Deziel.
+  * Fix test if -pthreads unused to use better grep for portability.
+  * Fix mingw crosscompile for recent mingw.
+  * Update aclocal, autoconf output with new versions (1.15, 2.4.6).
+  * Define DEFAULT_SOURCE together with BSD_SOURCE when that is defined,
+      for Linux glibc 2.20.
+  * Fixup contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch for moved contents in the
+      source code, so it applies cleanly again. Removed unused variable
+      warnings.
+  * [bugzilla: 729 ] Fix: omit use of escape sequences in echo since
+      they are not portable (unbound-control-setup).
+  * remove NULL-checks before free, patch from Michael McConville.
+  * updated ax_pthread.m4 to version 21 with clang support, this removes
+      a warning from compilation.
+  * OSX portability, detect if sbrk is deprecated.
+  * OSX clang, stop -pthread unused during link stage warnings.
+  * OSX clang new flto check.
+  * iana portlist update.
+Tue Feb 23 16:03:46 UTC 2016 -
+- also conflict the shlib package
+Mon Feb 22 15:22:05 UTC 2016 -
+- add libunbound-devel-mini-rpmlintrc as source
+Wed Feb 17 15:55:34 UTC 2016 -
+- revert the previous change which would not solve the problem as
+  the library package requires the unbound-anchor package
+  instead introduce a libunbound-devel-mini package which holds the
+  shared library and devel files with a minimal build requires.
+Thu Feb  4 13:01:35 UTC 2016 -
+- split off a libunbound package with less buildrequires to
+  allow shorter buildcycles when built by gnutls. bsc#964346
+Thu Dec 10 11:48:46 UTC 2015 -
+- update to 1.5.7
+  * Fix #594. libunbound: optionally use libnettle for crypto.
+  Contributed by Luca Bruno.  Added --with-nettle for use with
+  --with-libunbound-only.
+  * Implemented qname minimisation
+Bug Fixes
+  * Fix #712: unbound-anchor appears to not fsync root.key.
+  * Fix #714: Document config to block private-address for IPv4
+    mapped IPv6 addresses.
+  * portability, replace snprintf if return value broken
+  * portability fixes.
+  * detect libexpat without xml_StopParser function.
+  * isblank() compat implementation.
+  * patch from Doug Hogan for SSL_OP_NO_SSLvx options.
+  * Fix #716: nodata proof with empty non-terminals and wildcards.
+  * Fix #718: Fix unbound-control-setup with support for env
+    without HEREDOC bash support.
+  * ACX_SSL_CHECKS no longer adds -ldl needlessly.
+  * Change example.conf: to
+  * Fix for lenient accept of reverse order DNAME and CNAME.
+  * spelling fixes from Igor Sobrado Delgado.
+  * Fix that malformed EDNS query gets a response without malformed EDNS.
+  * Added assert on rrset cache correctness.
+  * Fix #720: add windows scripts to zip bundle,
+    and fix unbound-control-setup windows batch file.
+  * Fix for #724: conf syntax to read files from run dir (on Windows).
+    And fix PCA prompt for unbound-service-install.exe.
+    And add Changelog to windows binary dist.
+  * .gitignore for git users.
+  * iana portlist update.
+  * Removed unneeded whitespace from example.conf.
+  * Do not minimise forwarded requests.
+Thu Oct 15 19:31:43 UTC 2015 -
+- update to 1.5.6
+  Features
+  - Default for ssl-port is port 853, the temporary port assignment for
+    secure domain name system traffic. If you used to rely on the older
+    default of port 443, you have to put a clause in unbound.conf for
+    that. The new value is likely going to be the standardised port number
+    for this traffic.
+  - ANY responses include DNAME records if present, as per Evan Hunt's
+    remark in dnsop.
+  Bug Fixes
+  - Fix segfault in the dns64 module in the formaterror error path.
+  - Fix manpage to suggest using SIGTERM to terminate the server.
+  - iana portlist update.
+Sat Oct 10 09:31:40 UTC 2015 -
+- ignore absence of the systemd-tmpfiles command
+Tue Oct  6 14:21:00 UTC 2015 -
+- update to 1.5.5
+  Features
+  - Change default of harden-algo-downgrade to off. This is lenient
+    for algorithm rollover.
+  - Added permit-small-holddown config to debug fast 5011 rollover.
+  - Allow certificate chain files to allow for intermediate
+    certificates. (thanks Daniel Kahn Gillmor)
+  - Enable ECDHE for servers. Where available, use
+    SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto() for TLS-wrapped server configurations
+    to enable ECDHE. Otherwise, manually offer curve p256. Client
+    connections should automatically use ECDHE when available.
+    (thanks Daniel Kahn Gillmor)
+  - Feature --enable-pie option to that builds PIE binary.
+    [bugzilla: 699 ]
+  - Feature --enable-relro-now option that enables full read-only
+    relocation.  [bugzilla: 700 ]
+  - New IPs for for  [bugzilla: 702 ]
+  Bug Fixes
+  - Fix setting forwarders with unbound-control forward implicitly
+    turns on forward-first.  [bugzilla: 681 ]
+  - Fix that reload fails when so-reuseport is yes after changing
+    num-threads.  [bugzilla: 690 ]
+  - please afl-gcc (llvm) for uninitialised variable warning.
+  - Fix mktime in unbound-anchor not using UTC.
+  - Fix 5011 anchor update timer after reload.
+  - 5011 implementation does not insist on all algorithms, when
+    harden-algo-downgrade is turned off.
+  - Document in the manual more text about configuring locally
+    served zones.
+  - Document that local-zone nodefault matches exactly and
+    transparent can be used to release a subzone.
+  - Fix that configure script does not detect LibreSSL 2.2.2
+    [bugzilla: 694 ]
+  - Fix deadlock for local data add and zone add when
+    unbound-control list_local_data printout is interrupted.
+  - Fix get PY_MAJOR_VERSION failure at configure for python 2.4 to
+    2.6.  [bugzilla: 697 ]
+  - changed windows setup compression to be more transparent.
+  - Fix config globbed include chroot treatment, this fixes reload
+    of globs (patch from Dag-Erling Smørgrav).
+  - Fix ub_ctx_set_fwd() return value mishandled on windows.
+    [bugzilla: 705 ]
+  - Fix minor error in
+  - Fix unbound.conf(5) access-control description for precedence
+    and default.
+  - Fix unbound-control flush that does not succeed in removing
+    data.
+  - MAX_TARGET_COUNT increased to 64, to fix up sporadic resolution
+    failures.
+  - iana portlist update.
+- remove manual hacks for relro,now and pie and replace them with
+  official configure options.
+Fri Sep  4 13:37:38 UTC 2015 -
+- enable event api
+- enable dnstap support
+Thu Jul  9 10:16:32 UTC 2015 -
+- update to 1.5.4
+  - [bugzilla: 644 ] harden-algo-downgrade option, if turned off,
+    fixes the reported excessive validation failure when multiple
+    algorithms are present. If set to 'no', it allows the weakest
+    algorithm to validate the zone.
+  - stats reports tcp usage, of incoming-num-tcp buffers.
+  - contrib/unbound_smf22.tar.gz: Solaris SMF installation/removal
+    scripts. Contributed by Yuri Voinov.
+  - Add ip-transparent config option for bind to non-local addresses.
+  - Synthesize ANY responses from cache. Does not search exhaustively,
+    but MX,A,AAAA,SOA,NS also CNAME.
+  - unbound-control list_insecure command shows the negative trust
+    anchors currently configured, patch from Jelte Jansen.
+  - ratelimit feature, ratelimit: 1000, can be used to turn it on. It
+    ratelimits recursion effort per zone. For particular names you can
+    configure exceptions in unbound.conf.
+  - Ratelimit does not apply to prefetched queries, and
+    ratelimit-factor is default 10. Repeated normal queries get resolved
+    and with prefetch stay in the cache.
+  - unbound-control ratelimit_list lists high rate domains.
+  - caps-whitelist in unbound.conf allows whitelist of loadbalancers
+    that cannot work with caps-for-id or its fallback.
+  - RFC 7553 RR type URI support, is now enabled by default.
+  - cache-max-negative-ttl config option, default 3600.
+  - Add local-zone type inform_deny, that logs query and drops answer.
+Bug Fixes
+  - Unbound exits with a fatal error when the auto-trust-anchor-file
+    fails to be writable. This is seconds after startup. You can load a
+    readonly auto-trust-anchor-file with trust-anchor-file. The file has
+    to be writable to notice the trust anchor change, without it, a trust
+    anchor change will be unnoticed and the system will then become
+    inoperable.
+  - DLV is going to be decommissioned. Advice to stop using it, and
+    put text in the example configuration and man page to that effect.
+  - Patch from Brad Smith that syncs compat/getentropy_linux with
+    OpenBSD's version (2015-03-04).
+  - 0x20 fallback improved: servfail responses do not count as missing
+    comparisons (except if all responses are errors), inability to find
+    nameservers does not fail equality comparisons, many nameservers does
+    not try to compare more than max-sent-count, parse failures start 0x20
+    fallback procedure.
+  - store caps_response with best response in case downgrade response
+    happens to be the last one.
+  - Document that incoming-num-tcp increase is good for large servers.
+  - Fix lintian warning in unbound-checkconf man page (from Andreas
+    Schulze).
+  - Updated default keylength in unbound-control-setup to 3k.
+  - Fixup compile on cygwin, more portable openssl thread id.
+  - Use reallocarray for integer overflow protection, patch submitted
+    by Loganaden Velvindron.
+  - Fixed to add integer overflow checks on allocation (defense in depth).
+  - Fix segfault on user not found at startup (from Maciej Soltysiak).
+  - [bugzilla: 657 ] Fix that libunbound(3) recommends deprecated
+    CRYPTO_set_id_callback.
+  - If unknown trust anchor algorithm, and libressl is used, error
+    message encourages upgrade of the libressl package.
+  - rename ldns subdirectory to sldns to avoid name collision.
+  - [bugzilla: 660 ] Fix interface-automatic broken in the presence of
+    asymmetric routing.
+  - Libunbound skips dos-line-endings from etc/hosts.
+  - Fix crash in dnstap: Do not try to log TCP responses after timeout.
+  - Fix that get_option for cache-sizes does not print double newline.
+  - [bugzilla: 663 ] Fix that ssl handshake fails when using unix
+    socket because dh size is too small.
+  - [bugzilla: 664 ] libunbound python3 related fixes (from Tomas
+    Hozza); Use print_function also for Python2. libunbound examples:
+    produce sorted output. libunbound-Python: libldns is not used anymore.
+    Fix issue with Python 3 mapping of FILE* using file_py3.i from ldns.
+  - Fix leaked dns64prefix configuration string.
+  - Removed contrib/unbound_unixsock.diff, because it has been
+    integrated, use control-interface: /path in unbound.conf.
+  - Change syntax of particular validator error to be easier for
+    machine parse, swap rrset and ip adres info so it looks like:
+    validation failure < TXT IN>: signature crypto failed
+    from 2001:DB8:7:bba4::53 for <* NSEC IN>
+  - Fix that unparseable error responses are ratelimited.
+  - SOA negative TTL is capped at minimumttl in its rdata section.
+  - [bugzilla: 674 ] Do not free pointers given by getenv.
+  - [bugzilla: 677 ] Fix CNAME corresponding to a DNAME was checked
+    incorrectly and was therefore always synthesized (thanks to Valentin
+    Dietrich). And fix DNAME responses from cache that failed internal
+    chain test.
+  - iana portlist update.
+Fri Apr 24 13:53:53 UTC 2015 -
+- update to 1.5.3
+- Bug Fixes
+    [bugzilla: 647 ]
+    Fix #647 crash in 1.5.2 because pwd.db no longer accessible after reload.
+    [bugzilla: 645 ]
+    Fix #645 Portability to Solaris 10, use AF_LOCAL.
+    [bugzilla: 646 ]
+    Fix #646 Portability to Solaris, -lrt for getentropy_solaris.
+    Use the getrandom syscall introduced in Linux 3.17 (from Heiner Kallweit).
+Thu Feb 19 23:35:58 UTC 2015 -
+- update to 1.5.2
+  - Features
+    - local-zone: inform makes unbound log a message
+      with client IP for queries in that zone. Eg. for finding
+      infected hosts.
+    - patch from Stephane Lapie that adds to the python API, that
+      exposes struct delegpt, and adds the find_delegation
+      function.
+    - Updated contrib warmup.cmd/sh to support two modes - load
+      from pre-defined list of domains or (with filename as
+      argument) load from user-specified list of domains, and
+      updated contrib to support
+      loading/save/reload cache to/from default path or (with
+      secondary argument) arbitrary path/filename, from Yuri
+      Voinov.
+    - patch for remote control over local sockets, from Dag-Erling
+      Smorgrav, Ilya Bakulin. Use control-interface: /path/sock and
+      control-use-cert: no.
+    - unbound-checkconf -f prints chroot with pidfile path.
+    - infra-cache-min-rtt patch from Florian Riehm, for expected
+      long uplink roundtrip times.
+  - Bug Fixes
+    - config.guess and config.sub update from libtoolize.
+    - getauxval test for ppc64 linux compatibility.
+    - make strip works for unbound-host and unbound-anchor.
+    - print query name when max target count is exceeded.
+    - patch from Stuart Henderson that fixes DESTDIR in
+      unbound-control-setup for installs where config is not in the
+      prefix location.
+    - [bugzilla: 634 ] Fix #634: fix fail to start on Linux LTS
+      3.14.X, ignores missing IP_MTU_DISCOVER OMIT option (fix from
+      Remi Gacogne).
+    - Patch from Philip Paeps to contrib/unbound_munin_ that uses
+      type ABSOLUTE. Allows munin.conf: []
+      unbound_munin_hits.graph_period minute
+    - Fix pyunbound ord call, portable for python 2 and 3.
+    - Fix unintended use of gcc extension for incomplete enum
+      types, compile with pedantic c99 compliance (from Daniel
+      Dickman).
+    - Fix pyunbound byte string representation for python3.
+    - Fix 0x20 capsforid fallback to omit gratuitous NS and
+      additional section changes.
+    - Fix validation failure in case upstream forwarder (ISC BIND)
+      does not have the same trust anchors and decides to insert
+      unsigned NS record in authority section.
+    - Fix scrubber with harden-glue turned off to reject NS (and
+      other not-address) records.
+    - iana portlist update.
+    - [bugzilla: 643 ] Fix doc/ unnecessary
+      whitespace.
+Mon Dec  8 16:12:23 UTC 2014 -
+- update to 1.5.1 (boo# 908990)
+  Features
+  - Patch from Stephane Lapie for ASAHI Net that implements
+    aaaa-filter, added to contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch.
+  Bug Fixes
+  - Fix that CD flag disables DNS64 processing, returning the
+    DNSSEC signed AAAA denial.
+  - Fix compat/getentropy_win.c check if CryptGenRandom works and
+    no immediate exit on windows.
+  - Fix crash on multiple thread random usage on systems without
+    arc4random.
+  - Fix log at high verbosity and memory allocation failure.
+  - Fix libunbound undefined symbol errors for main.
+  - Patch from Robert Edmonds to build pyunbound python module
+    differently. No versioninfo, with -shared and without $(LIBS).
+  - Patch from Robert Edmonds fixes hyphens in unbound-anchor man
+    page.
+  - Removed 'increased limit open files' log message that is
+    written to console. It is only written on verbosity 4 and
+    higher. This keeps system bootup console cleaner.
+  - Patch from James Raftery, always print stats for rcodes 0..5.
+  - [bugzilla: 627 ] Fix SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations return code
+    not properly checked.
+  - Fix makefile for build from noexec source tree.
+  - Add include to getentropy_linux.c, fixing debian build.
+  - [bugzilla: 632 ] Fix that unbound fails to build on AArch64,
+    protects getentropy compat code from calling sysctl if it is
+    has been removed.
+  - Fix CVE-2014-8602: denial of service by making resolver chase
+    endless series of delegations.
+- changes in 1.5.0
+  Features
+  - This release has DNS64, DNSTAP, better random numbers and
+    ub_ctx_add_ta_autr(), num.query.tcpout=value, flush_negative,
+    unblock-lan-zones conf.
+  - C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET has an IPv6 address, and we updated the root
+    hints (patch from Anand Buddhdev).
+  - Patch from Hannes Frederic Sowa for Linux 3.15 fragmentation
+    option for DNS fragmentation defense.
+  - unbound-control stats prints num.query.tcpout with number of
+    TCP outgoing queries made in the previous statistics interval.
+  - Patch from Jeremie Courreges-Anglas to use arc4random_uniform
+    if available on the OS, it gets entropy from the OS.
+  - Add unbound-control flush_negative that flushed nxdomains,
+    nodata, and errors from the cache. For dnssec-trigger and
+    NetworkManager, fixes cases where network changes have
+    localdata that was already negatively cached from the previous
+    network.
+  - Contrib windows scripts from Yuri Voinov added to src/contrib:
+    create_unbound_ad_servers.cmd: enters anti-ad server lists.
+    unbound_cache.cmd: saves and loads the cache. Also warmup.cmd
+    (and .sh): warm up the DNS cache with your MRU domains.
+  - Added unbound-control-setup.cmd from Yuri Voinov to the windows
+    unbound distribution set. It requires openssl installed in
+    %PATH%.
+  - Implement draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc6598-rfc6303-01.
+  - Feature, unblock-lan-zones: yesno that you can use to make
+    unbound perform and other reverse lookups normally,
+    for use if unbound is running service for localhost on localhost.
+  - unbound-host -D enabled dnssec and reads root trust anchor from
+    the default root key file that was compiled in.
+  - Add AAAA for B root server to default root hints.
+  - unbound-control status reports if so-reuseport was successful.
+  - so-reuseport is available on BSDs(such as FreeBSD 10) and OS/X.
+  - arc4random in compat/ and getentropy, explicit_bzero, chacha
+    for dependencies, from OpenBSD. arc4_lock and sha512 in compat.
+    This makes arc4random available on all platforms, except when
+    compiled with LIBNSS (it uses libNSS crypto random).
+  - Patch from Dag-Erling Smorgrav that implements that: unbound
+    -dd does not fork in the background and also logs to stderr.
+  - DNS64 from Viagenie (BSD Licensed), written by Simon Perrault.
+    Initial commit of the patch from the FreeBSD base (with its
+    fixes). This adds a module (for module-config in unbound.conf)
+    dns64 that performs DNS64 processing, see README.DNS64.
+  - Patch add msg, rrset, infra and key cache sizes to stats
+    command from Maciej Soltysiak.
+  - DNSTAP support, with a patch from Farsight Security, written by
+    Robert Edmonds. The --enable-dnstap needs libfstrm and
+    protobuf-c. It is BSD licensed (see dnstap/dnstap.c). Also
+    --with-libfstrm and --with-protobuf-c configure options.
+  - type CDS and CDNSKEY types.
+  - Updated the TCP_BACLOG from 5 to 256, so that the tcp accept
+    queue is longer and more tcp connections can be handled.
+  - Add ub_ctx_add_ta_autr function to add a RFC5011 automatically
+    tracked trust anchor to libunbound.
+  Bug Fixes
+  - Fix print filename of encompassing config file on read failure.
+  - Patch from Stuart Henderson to build unbound-host man from
+  - [bugzilla: 569] Fix do_tcp is do-tcp in unbound.conf man page.
+  - [bugzilla: 572] Fix unit test failure for systems with
+    different /etc/ services.
+  - iana portlist updated.
+  - [bugzilla: 574] Fix make test fails on Ubuntu 14.04. Disabled
+    remote-control in testbound scripts.
+  - Documented that dump_requestlist only prints queries from
+    thread 0.
+  - [bugzilla: 567] Fix unbound lists if forward zone is secure or
+    insecure with +i annotation in output of list_forwards, also
+    for list_stubs (for NetworkManager integration). And remove ':'
+    from output of stub and forward lists, this is easier to parse.
+  - [bugzilla: 554] Fix use unsigned long to print 64bit statistics
+    counters on 64bit systems.
+  - [bugzilla: 558] Fix failed prefetch lookup does not remove
+    cached response but delays next prefetch (in lieu of caching a
+  - [bugzilla: 545] Fix improved logging, the ip address of the
+    error is printed on the same log-line as the error.
+  - [bugzilla: 502] Fix explain that do-ip6 disable does not stop
+    AAAA lookups, but it stops the use of the ipv6 transport layer
+    for DNS traffic.
+  - Fix compile with libevent2 on FreeBSD.
+  - Change MAX_SENT_COUNT from 16 to 32 to resolve some cases easier.
+  - Fixup out-of-directory compile with
+  - Code cleanup patch from Dag-Erling Smorgrav, with compiler
+    issue fixes from FreeBSD's copy of Unbound, he notes: Generate
+ at build time so it respects prefix
+    and sysconfdir from the configure script.  Also fix the umask
+    to match the comment, and the comment to match the umask. Add
+    const and static where needed. Use unions instead of playing
+    pointer poker. Move declarations that are needed in multiple
+    source files into a shared header. Move sldns_bgetc() from
+    parse.c to buffer.c where it belongs. Introduce a new header
+    file, worker.h, which declares the callbacks that all workers
+    must define. Remove those declarations from libworker.h.
+    Include the correct headers in the correct places. Fix a few
+    dummy callbacks that don't match their prototype. Fix some
+    casts. Hide the sbrk madness behind #ifdef HAVE_SBRK. Remove a
+    useless printf which breaks reproducible builds. Get rid of
+    CONFIGURE_{TARGET,DATE,BUILD_WITH} now that they're no longer
+    used. Add to the list of generated
+    files. The prototype for libworker_event_done_cb() needs to be
+    moved from libunbound/libworker.h to libunbound/worker.h.
+  - Fix caps-for-id fallback, and added fallback attempt when
+    servers drop 0x20 perturbed queries.
+  - [bugzilla: 593] Fix segfault or crash upon rotating logfile.
+  - fake-rfc2553 patch (thanks Benjamin Baier).
+  - LibreSSL provides compat items, check for that in configure.
+  - [bugzilla: 596] Bail out of unbound-control list_local_zones
+    when ssl write fails.
+  - Fix endian.h include for OpenBSD.
+  - [bugzilla: 603] Fix unbound-checkconf -o option should skip
+    verification checks.
+  - Fixup doc/unbound.doxygen to remove obsolete 1.8.7 settings.
+  - Update unbound manpage with more explanation (from Florian Obser).
+  - Fix tcp timer waiting list removal code.
+  - patches to also build with Python 3.x (from Pavel Simerda).
+  - improve python configuration detection to build on Fedora 22.
+  - Fix swig and python examples for Python 3.x.
+  - Fix for mingw compile with openssl-1.0.1i.
+  - [bugzilla: 612] Fix create service with service.conf in present
+    directory and auto load it.
+  - [bugzilla: 613] Allow tab ws in var length last rdfs (in ldns
+    str2wire).
+  - [bugzilla: 614] Fix man page variable substitution bug.
+  - Whitespaces after $ORIGIN are not part of the origin dname
+    (ldns).
+  - $TTL's value starts at position 5 (ldns).
+  - Fix unbound-checkconf check for module config with dns64
+    module.
+  - Fix unbound capsforid fallback, it ignores TTLs in comparison.
+  - [bugzilla: 617] Fix in ldns in unbound, lowercase WKS services.
+  - Fix ctype invocation casts.
+  - Disabled use of SSLv3 in remote-control and ssl-upstream.
+  - Redefine internal minievent symbols to unique symbols that
+    helps linking on platforms where the linker leaks names across
+    modules.
+  - Fix bug where forward or stub addresses with same address but
+    different port number were not tried.
+Mon Nov 10 00:45:00 UTC 2014 - Led <>
+- fix bashisms in pre script
+Fri Sep  5 13:32:55 UTC 2014 -
+- cleanup .spec
+- removed unused packes 
+Tue Sep  2 13:21:55 UTC 2014 -
+- disable %check until is fixed
+Wed Aug 20 13:34:00 UTC 2014 -
+- Added firewall service file 
+Wed Aug 13 20:00:21 UTC 2014 -
+- upadte to 1.4.22
+- use /run for pid to clear dir-or-file-in-var-run in factory
+Sat Dec 28 13:32:06 UTC 2013 -
+- fixed the execstartpre for unbound so we actually call
+  unbound-anchor now.
+Sat Dec 28 13:29:56 UTC 2013 -
+- fixed a few rpmlint warnings
+  - added unbound-rpmlintrc: files duplicate on those man page
+    links
+  - changed symlink to /usr/sbin/service
+  - improved descriptions
+Sat Dec 28 04:02:56 UTC 2013 -
+- update to 1.4.21
+  merged lots of stuff from the fedora package
+  - added python/munin/shlib/anchor subpackages
+- currently the package only supports systemd
+Wed May 21 03:50:15 CEST 2008 -
+- initial package
diff --git a/libunbound-devel-mini.spec b/libunbound-devel-mini.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a98a532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libunbound-devel-mini.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# spec file for package libunbound-devel-mini
+# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
+# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
+# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
+# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
+# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
+# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
+# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
+# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
+# published by the Open Source Initiative.
+# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
+%define ldns_version 1.6.16
+%bcond_without python
+%bcond_without munin
+%bcond_without hardened_build
+Name:           libunbound-devel-mini
+Version:        1.21.0
+#!BcntSyncTag: unbound
+Release:        0
+Summary:        Just a devel package for build loops
+License:        BSD-3-Clause
+Group:          Productivity/Networking/DNS/Servers
+Source101:      unbound.keyring
+Source1:        libunbound-devel-mini-rpmlintrc
+Source5:        root.key
+# From
+Source12:       icannbundle.pem
+Source13:       root.anchor
+BuildRequires:  flex
+BuildRequires:  ldns-devel >= %{ldns_version}
+BuildRequires:  libevent-devel
+BuildRequires:  libexpat-devel
+BuildRequires:  libsodium-devel
+BuildRequires:  openssl-devel
+Requires:       this-is-only-for-build-envs
+Conflicts:      libunbound8
+Conflicts:      unbound-devel
+Provides:       libunbound-devel = %{version}-%{release}
+Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS(SEC) resolver.
+The C implementation of Unbound is developed and maintained by NLnet
+Labs. It is based on ideas and algorithms taken from a java prototype
+developed by Verisign labs, Nominet, Kirei and
+Unbound is designed as a set of modular components, so that also
+DNSSEC (secure DNS) validation and stub-resolvers (that do not run
+as a server, but are linked into an application) are easily possible.
+%setup -q -n unbound-%{version}
+export CFLAGS="%{optflags}"
+export CXXFLAGS="%{optflags}"
+%configure \
+  --disable-rpath \
+  --with-libevent \
+  --with-pthreads \
+  --disable-static \
+  --with-ldns=%{_prefix} \
+  --enable-sha2 \
+  --enable-gost \
+  --enable-ecdsa \
+  --enable-event-api \
+  --enable-pie \
+  --enable-relro-now \
+  --enable-dnscrypt \
+  --with-conf-file=%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/unbound.conf \
+  --with-pidfile=%{piddir}/%{name}/%{name}.pid \
+  --without-pythonmodule --without-pyunbound \
+  --with-libunbound-only \
+  --with-rootkey-file=%{_sharedstatedir}/unbound/root.key \
+  --disable-explicit-port-randomisation
+rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_mandir} %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.la
+# it currently fails in the ldns unit test. which is weird as both come from the same project
+%make_build check ||:
+%post   -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
diff --git a/root.anchor b/root.anchor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edfc762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/root.anchor
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+.	172800	IN	DNSKEY	257 3 8 AwEAAaz/tAm8yTn4Mfeh5eyI96WSVexTBAvkMgJzkKTOiW1vkIbzxeF3+/4RgWOq7HrxRixHlFlExOLAJr5emLvN7SWXgnLh4+B5xQlNVz8Og8kvArMtNROxVQuCaSnIDdD5LKyWbRd2n9WGe2R8PzgCmr3EgVLrjyBxWezF0jLHwVN8efS3rCj/EWgvIWgb9tarpVUDK/b58Da+sqqls3eNbuv7pr+eoZG+SrDK6nWeL3c6H5Apxz7LjVc1uTIdsIXxuOLYA4/ilBmSVIzuDWfdRUfhHdY6+cn8HFRm+2hM8AnXGXws9555KrUB5qihylGa8subX2Nn6UwNR1AkUTV74bU= ;{id = 20326 (ksk), size = 2048b}
diff --git a/root.key b/root.key
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7a0314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/root.key
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+; // The root key in bind format. This can be read by most tools, including
+; // named, unbound, et. For libunbound, use ub_ctx_trustedkeys() to load this
+; // key 20326 (key-rollover 2017/2018)
+trusted-keys {
+"." 257 3 8 "AwEAAaz/tAm8yTn4Mfeh5eyI96WSVexTBAvkMgJzkKTOiW1vkIbzxeF3+/4RgWOq7HrxRixHlFlExOLAJr5emLvN7SWXgnLh4+B5xQlNVz8Og8kvArMtNROxVQuCaSnIDdD5LKyWbRd2n9WGe2R8PzgCmr3EgVLrjyBxWezF0jLHwVN8efS3rCj/EWgvIWgb9tarpVUDK/b58Da+sqqls3eNbuv7pr+eoZG+SrDK6nWeL3c6H5Apxz7LjVc1uTIdsIXxuOLYA4/ilBmSVIzuDWfdRUfhHdY6+cn8HFRm+2hM8AnXGXws9555KrUB5qihylGa8subX2Nn6UwNR1AkUTV74bU="; // key id = 20326
diff --git a/tmpfiles-unbound.conf b/tmpfiles-unbound.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb88f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tmpfiles-unbound.conf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+D /run/unbound 0755 unbound unbound -
diff --git a/unbound-1.21.0.tar.gz b/unbound-1.21.0.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c78141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound-1.21.0.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+oid sha256:e7dca7d6b0f81bdfa6fa64ebf1053b5a999a5ae9278a87ef182425067ea14521
+size 6575675
diff --git a/unbound-1.21.0.tar.gz.asc b/unbound-1.21.0.tar.gz.asc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8fe72d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound-1.21.0.tar.gz.asc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/unbound-anchor.service b/unbound-anchor.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26656b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound-anchor.service
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Description=update of the root trust anchor for DNSSEC validation in unbound
+ExecStart=/usr/sbin/unbound-anchor -a /var/lib/unbound/root.key -c /etc/unbound/icannbundle.pem
diff --git a/unbound-anchor.timer b/unbound-anchor.timer
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52cea43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound-anchor.timer
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Description=daily update of the root trust anchor for DNSSEC
+# Current DNSKEY TTL in root zone is 172800 seconds, i.e. 172800/60/60/24 = 2 days.
+# It means that unboud-anchor should be run at least once a day.
diff --git a/unbound-keygen.service b/unbound-keygen.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccb2376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound-keygen.service
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Description=Unbound Control Key And Certificate Generator 
+ExecStart=/usr/sbin/unbound-control-setup -d /etc/unbound/
+ExecStart=/sbin/restorecon /etc/unbound/*
diff --git a/unbound-munin.README b/unbound-munin.README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fa4329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound-munin.README
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+To activate the munin plugins, run (as root):
+cd /etc/munin/plugins
+for i in /usr/share/munin/plugins/unbound_*; do ln -s $i; done
diff --git a/unbound.changes b/unbound.changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55e5091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound.changes
@@ -0,0 +1,4338 @@
+Thu Aug 15 09:24:29 UTC 2024 - Jorik Cronenberg <>
+- Update to 1.21.0:
+  Security Fixes:
+  * Merge #1073: fix null pointer dereference issue in function
+    ub_ctx_set_fwd.
+    [CVE-2024-43167, bsc#1229068]
+  Features:
+  * Fix #1071: [FR] Clear both in-memory and cachedb module cache
+    with `unbound-control flush*` commands.
+  * Fix #144: Port ipset to BSD pf tables.
+  * Add dnstap-sample-rate that logs only 1/N messages, for high
+    volume server environments. Thanks Dan Luther.
+  * Add root key 38696 from 2024 for DNSSEC validation. It is added
+    to the default root keys in unbound-anchor. The content can be
+    inspected with `unbound-anchor -l`.
+  * Merge #1090: Cookie secret file. Adds `cookie-secret-file:
+    "unbound_cookiesecrets.txt"` option to store cookie secrets for
+    EDNS COOKIE secret rollover. The remote control
+    add_cookie_secret, activate_cookie_secret and
+    drop_cookie_secret commands can be used for rollover, the
+    command print_cookie_secrets shows the values in use.
+  Bug Fixes:
+  * Fix CAMP issues with global quota. Thanks to Huayi
+    Duan, Marco Bearzi, Jodok Vieli, and Cagin Tanir from NetSec
+    group, ETH Zurich.
+  * Fix CacheFlush issues with limit on NS RRs. Thanks to Yehuda
+    Afek, Anat Bremler-Barr, Shoham Danino and Yuval Shavitt
+    (Tel-Aviv University and Reichman University).
+  * Merge #1062: Fix potential overflow bug while parsing port in
+    function cfg_mark_ports.
+  * Fix for #1062: declaration before statement, avoid print of
+    null, and redundant check for array size.
+  * Fix to squelch udp connect errors in the log at low verbosity
+    about invalid argument for IPv6 link local addresses.
+  * Fix when the mesh jostle is exceeded that nameserver targets
+    are marked as resolved, so that the lookup is not stuck on the
+    requestlist.
+  * Add missing common functions to tdir tests.
+  * Merge #1070: Fix rtt assignement for low values of
+    infra-cache-max-rtt.
+  * Merge #1069: Fix unbound-control stdin commands for
+    multi-process Unbounds.
+  * Fix unbound-control commands that read stdin in multi-process
+    operation (local_zones_remove, local_zones, local_datas_remove,
+    local_datas, view_local_datas_remove, view_local_datas). They
+    will be properly distributed to all processes. dump_cache and
+    load_cache are no longer supported in multi-process operation.
+  * Remove testdata/remote-threaded.tdir.
+    testdata/09-unbound-control.tdir now checks both single and
+    multi process/thread operation.
+  * Fix to print a parse error when config is read with no name for
+    a forward-zone, stub-zone or view.
+  * Fix for parse end of forward-zone, stub-zone and view.
+  * Fix for #1064: Fix that cachedb expired messages are considered
+    insecure, and thus can be served to clients when dnssec is
+    enabled.
+  * Fix #1059: Intermittent DNS blocking failure with local-zone
+    and always_nxdomain. Addition of local_zones dynamically via
+    unbound-control was not finding the zone's parent correctly.
+  * Fix #1064: Unbound 1.20 Cachedb broken?
+  * Fix unused variable warning on compilation with no thread
+    support.
+  * unbound-control-setup: check openssl availability before doing
+    anything, patch from Michael Tokarev.
+  * Update patch to remove 'command' shell builtin and update error
+    text.
+  * Fix to enable that SERVFAIL is cached, for a short period, for
+    more cases. In the cases where limits are exceeded.
+  * Fix spelling of tcp-idle-timeout docs, from Michael Tokarev.
+  * Merge #1078: Only check old pid if no username.
+  * Fix #1079: tags from tagged rpz zones are no longer honored
+    after upgrade from 1.19.3 to 1.20.0.
+  * Fix for #1079: fix RPZ taglist in iterator callback that no
+    client info is like no taglist intersection.
+  * Fix to squelch connection reset by peer errors from log. And
+    fix that the tcp read errors are labeled as initial for the
+    first calls.
+  * Merge #1080: AddressSanitizer detection in tdir tests and
+    memory leak fixes.
+  * Fix memory leak when reload_keep_cache is used and num-threads
+    changes.
+  * Fix memory leak on exit for unbound-dnstap-socket; creates
+    false negatives during testing.
+  * Fix memory leak in setup of dsa sig.
+  * Fix typos for 'the the' in text.
+  * Fix validation for repeated use of a DNAME record.
+  * Add unit test for validation of repeated use of a DNAME record.
+  * Fix #1091: Build fails with OpenSSL >= 3.0 built with
+  * Fix #1092: Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy fails to compile unbound 1.20.0;
+    by adding helpful text for the Python interpreter version and
+    allowing the default pkg-config unavailability error message to
+    be shown.
+  * Fix pkg-config availability check in dnstap/dnstap.m4 and
+    systemd.m4.
+  * Explicitly set the RD bit for the mesh query flags when
+    prefetching. These queries have no waiting client but they need
+    to be treated as recursive.
+  * Fix ip-ratelimit-cookie setting, it was not applied.
+  * Fix to remove unused include from the readzone test program.
+  * Fix unused variable warning in do_cache_remove.
+  * Fix compile warning in worker pthread id printout.
+  * Add unit test skip files and bison and flex output to
+    gitignore.
+  * Fix to use modstack_init in zonemd unit test.
+  * Fix to remove unneeded linebreak in fptr_wlist.c.
+  * Fix compile warnings in fptr_wlist.c.
+  * Fix for repeated use of a DNAME record: first overallocate and
+    then move the exact size of the init value to avoid false
+    positive heap overflow reads from address sanitizers.
+  * Fix to print details about the failure to lookup a DNSKEY
+    record when validation fails due to the missing DNSKEY. Also
+    for key prime and DS lookups.
+  * Fix for neater printout for error for missing DS response.
+  * Fix neater printout.
+  * Fix #1099: Unbound core dump on SIGSEGV.
+  * Fix for #1099: Fix to check for deleted RRset when the contents
+    is updated and fetched after it is stored, and also check for a
+    changed RRset.
+  * Don't check for message TTL changes if the RRsets remain the
+    same.
+  * Fix that validation reason failure that uses string print uses
+    separate buffer that is passed, from the scratch validation
+    buffer.
+  * Fixup algo_needs_reason string buffer length.
+  * Fix shadowed error string variable in validator dnskey
+    handling.
+  * Update list of known EDE codes.
+  * For #773: In contrib/ set unbound to start
+    after Also for
+    contrib/
+  * Fix #1103: unbound 1.20.0 segmentation fault with nghttp2.
+  * For #1103: fix to also drop mesh state reference when a h2
+    reply is dropped.
+  * Add RPZ tag tests in acl_interface.tdir.
+  * For #1102: clearer text for using interface-* options for the
+    loopback interface.
+  * For #1103: fix to also drop mesh state reference when the
+    discard limit is reached, when there is an error making a new
+    recursion state and when the connection is dropped with
+    is_drop.
+  * For #1103: Fix to drop mesh state reference for the http2
+    stream associated with the reply, not the currently active
+    stream. And it does not remove it twice on a mesh_send_reply
+    call. The reply h2_stream is NULL when not in use, for more
+    initialisation.
+  * Fix dnstap wakeup, a running wakeup timer is left to expire and
+    not increased, a timer is started when the dtio thread is
+    sleeping, the timer set disabled when the dtio thread goes to
+    sleep, and after sleep the thread checks to see if there are
+    messages to log immediately.
+  * Merge #1110: Make fallthrough explicit for libworker.c.
+  * For #1110: Test for fallthrough attribute in configure and add
+    fallthrough attribute annotations.
+  * Fix compile when the compiler does not support the noreturn
+    attribute.
+  * Fix to have empty definition when not supported for weak
+    attribute.
+  * Fix uninitialized variable warning in create_tcp_accept_sock.
+  * Fix link of dnstap without openssl.
+  * Fix link of unbound-dnstap-socket without openssl.
+  * Fix #1106: ratelimit-below-domain logs the wrong FROM address.
+  * Cleanup ede.tdir test.
+  * For #935 and #1104, clarify RPZ order and semantics.
+  * Fix to document parameters of auth_zone_verify_zonemd_with_key.
+  * Fix for #1114: Fix that cache fill for forward-host names is
+    performed, so that with nonzero target-fetch-policy it fetches
+    forwarder addresses and uses them from cache. Also updated that
+    delegation point cache fill routines use CDflag for AAAA
+    message lookups, so that its negative lookup stops a recursion
+    since the cache uses the bit for disambiguation for dns64 but
+    the recursion uses CDflag for the AAAA target lookups, so the
+    check correctly stops a useless recursion by its cache lookup.
+  * Fix dnstap test program, cleans up to have clean memory on
+    exit, for tap_data_free, does not delete NULL items. Also it
+    does not try to free the tail, specifically in the free of the
+    list since that picked up the next item in the list for its
+    loop causing invalid free. Added internal unit test to
+    unbound-dnstap-socket for that.
+  * Fix that the worker mem report with alloc stats does not
+    attempt to print memory use of forwards and hints if they have
+    been deleted already.
+  * Fix that alloc stats has strdup checks, it stops debuggers from
+    complaining about mismatch at free time.
+  * Fix testbound for alloc stats strdup in util/alloc.c.
+  * Fix that alloc stats for forwards and hints are printed, and
+    when alloc stats is enabled, the unit test for unbound control
+    waits for reloads to complete.
+  * Fix that for windows the module startup is called and sets up
+    the module-config.
+  * Fix spelling for the cache-min-negative-ttl entry in the
+    example.conf.
+Wed May  8 09:15:01 UTC 2024 - Jorik Cronenberg <>
+- Update to 1.20.0:
+  Features:
+  * The config for discard-timeout, wait-limit, wait-limit-cookie,
+    wait-limit-netblock and wait-limit-cookie-netblock was added,
+    for the fix to the DNSBomb issue.
+  * Merge GH#1027: Introduce 'cache-min-negative-ttl' option.
+  * Merge GH#1043 from xiaoxiaoafeifei: Add loongarch support;
+    updates config.guess(2024-01-01) and config.sub(2024-01-01),
+    verified with upstream.
+  * Implement cachedb-check-when-serve-expired: yes option, default
+    is enabled. When serve expired is enabled with cachedb, it
+    first checks cachedb before serving the expired response.
+  * Fix GH#876: [FR] can unbound-checkconf be silenced when
+    configuration is valid?
+  Bug Fixes:
+  * Fix for the DNSBomb vulnerability CVE-2024-33655. Thanks to
+    Xiang Li from the Network and Information Security Lab of
+    Tsinghua University for reporting it.
+  * Update doc/unbound.doxygen with 'doxygen -u'. Fixes option
+    deprecation warnings and updates with newer defaults.
+  * Remove unused portion from iter_dname_ttl unit test.
+  * Fix validator classification of qtype DNAME for positive and
+    redirection answers, and fix validator signature routine for
+    dealing with the synthesized CNAME for a DNAME without
+    previously encountering it and also for when the qtype is
+    DNAME.
+  * Fix qname minimisation for reply with a DNAME for qtype CNAME
+    that answers it.
+  * Fix doc test so it ignores but outputs unsupported doxygen
+    options.
+  * Fix GH#1021 Inconsistent Behavior with Changing
+    rpz-cname-override and doing a unbound-control reload.
+  * Merge GH#1028: Clearer documentation for tcp-idle-timeout and
+    edns-tcp-keepalive-timeout.
+  * Fix GH#1029: rpz trigger clientip and action rpz-passthru not
+    working as expected.
+  * Fix rpz that the rpz override is taken in case of clientip
+    triggers. Fix that the clientip passthru action is logged. Fix
+    that the clientip localdata action is logged. Fix rpz override
+    action cname for the clientip trigger.
+  * Fix to unify codepath for local alias for rpz cname action
+    override.
+  * Fix rpz for cname override action after nsdname and nsip
+    triggers.
+  * Fix that addrinfo is not kept around but copied and freed, so
+    that log-destaddr uses a copy of the information, much like NSD
+    does.
+  * Merge GH#1030: Persist the openssl and expat directories for
+    repeated Windows builds.
+  * Fix that rpz CNAME content is limited to the max number of
+    cnames.
+  * Fix rpz, it follows iterator CNAMEs for nsip and nsdname and
+    sets the reply query_info values, that is better for debug
+    logging.
+  * Fix rpz that copies the cname override completely to the temp
+    region, so there are no references to the rpz region.
+  * Add rpz unit test for nsip action override.
+  * Fix rpz for qtype CNAME after nameserver trigger.
+  * Fix rpz so that rpz CNAME can apply after rpz CNAME. And fix
+    that clientip and nsip can give a CNAME.
+  * Fix localdata and rpz localdata to match CNAME only if no
+    direct type match is available.
+  * Merge GH#831 from Pierre4012: Improve Windows NSIS installer
+    script (setup.nsi).
+  * For GH#831: Format text, use exclamation icon and explicit label
+    names.
+  * Fix name of unit test for subnet cache response.
+  * Fix GH#1032: The size of subnet_msg_cache calculation mistake
+    cause memory usage increased beyond expectations.
+  * Fix for GH#1032, add safeguard to make table space positive.
+  * Fix comment in lruhash space function.
+  * Fix to add unit test for lruhash space that exercises the
+    routines.
+  * Fix that when the server truncates the pidfile, it does not
+    follow symbolic links.
+  * Fix that the server does not chown the pidfile.
+  * Fix GH#1034: DoT forward-zone via unbound-control.
+  * Fix for crypto related failures to have a better error string.
+  * Fix GH#1035: Potential Bug while parsing port from the
+    "stub-host" string; also affected forward-zones and
+    remote-control host directives.
+  * Fix GH#369: dnstap showing extra responses; for client responses
+    right from the cache when replying with expired data or
+    prefetching.
+  * Fix GH#1040: fix heap-buffer-overflow issue in function
+    cfg_mark_ports of file util/config_file.c.
+  * For GH#1040: adjust error text and disallow negative ports in
+    other parts of cfg_mark_ports.
+  * Fix comment syntax for view function views_find_view.
+  * Fix GH#595: unbound-anchor cannot deal with full disk; it will
+    now first write out to a temp file before replacing the
+    original one, like Unbound already does for
+    auto-trust-anchor-file.
+  * Fixup compile without cachedb.
+  * Add test for cachedb serve expired.
+  * Extended test for cachedb serve expired.
+  * Fix makefile dependencies for fake_event.c.
+  * Fix cachedb for serve-expired with serve-expired-reply-ttl.
+  * Fix to not reply serve expired unless enabled for cachedb.
+  * Fix cachedb for serve-expired with
+    serve-expired-client-timeout.
+  * Fixup unit test for cachedb server expired client timeout with
+    a check if response if from upstream or from cachedb.
+  * Fixup cachedb to not refetch when serve-expired-client-timeout
+    is used.
+  * Merge GH#1049 from Petr Menšík: Py_NoSiteFlag is not needed since
+    Python 3.8
+  * Fix GH#1048: Update ax_pkg_swig.m4 and ax_pthread.m4.
+  * Fix configure, autoconf for GH#1048.
+  * Add checklock feature verbose_locking to trace locks and
+    unlocks.
+  * Fix edns subnet to sort rrset references when storing messages
+    in the cache. This fixes a race condition in the rrset locks.
+  * Merge GH#1053: Remove child delegations from cache when
+    grandchild delegations are returned from parent.
+  * Fix ci workflow for macos for moved install locations.
+  * Fix configure flto check error, by finding grep for it.
+  * Merge GH#1041: Stub and Forward unshare. This has one structure
+    for them and fixes GH#1038: fatal error: Could not initialize
+    thread / error: reading root hints.
+  * Fix to disable fragmentation on systems with IP_DONTFRAG, with
+    a nonzero value for the socket option argument.
+  * Fix doc unit test for out of directory build.
+  * Fix cachedb with serve-expired-client-timeout disabled. The
+    edns subnet module deletes global cache and cachedb cache when
+    it stores a result, and serve-expired is enabled, so that the
+    global reply, that is older than the ecs reply, does not return
+    after the ecs reply expires.
+  * Add unit tests for cachedb and subnet cache expired data.
+  * Man page entry for unbound-checkconf -q.
+  * Cleanup unnecessary strdup calls for EDE strings.
+  * Fix doxygen comment for errinf_to_str_bogus.
+Wed Mar 20 13:09:17 UTC 2024 - Jorik Cronenberg <>
+- Update to 1.19.3:
+  * Features:
+    - Merge PR #973: Use the origin (DNAME) TTL for synthesized
+      CNAMEs as per RFC 6672.
+  * Bug Fixes
+    - Fix unit test parse of origin syntax.
+    - Use explicitly in tests to avoid delays and errors
+      on newer systems.
+    - Fix #964: backup file in release tar balls.
+    - Merge #968: Replace the obsolescent fgrep with grep -F in
+      tests.
+    - Merge #971: fix 'WARNING: Message has 41 extra bytes at end'.
+    - Fix #969: [FR] distinguish Do53, DoT and DoH in the logs.
+    - Fix dnstap that assertion failed on logging other than UDP
+      and TCP traffic. It lists it as TCP traffic.
+    - Fix to sync the tests script file
+    - iana portlist update.
+    - Updated IPv4 and IPv6 address for in root
+      hints.
+    - Update test script file
+    - Fix tests to use new functions, wait_logfile and
+      kill_from_pidfile.
+    - Fix #974: doc: default number of outgoing ports without
+      libevent.
+    - Merge #975: Fixed some syntax errors in rpl files.
+    - Fix root_zonemd unit test, it checks that the root ZONEMD
+      verifies, now that the root has a valid ZONEMD.
+    - Update example.conf with cookie options.
+    - Merge #980: DoH: reject non-h2 early. To fix #979: Improve
+      errors for non-HTTP/2 DoH clients.
+    - Merge #985: Add DoH and DoT to dnstap message.
+    - Fix #983: Sha1 runtime insecure change was incomplete.
+    - Remove unneeded newlines and improve indentation in remote
+      control code.
+    - Merge #987: skip edns frag retry if advertised udp payload
+      size is not smaller.
+    - Fix unit test for #987 change in udp1xxx retry packet send.
+    - Merge #988: Fix NLnetLabs#981: dump_cache truncates large
+      records.
+    - Fix to link with -lcrypt32 for OpenSSL 3.2.0 on Windows.
+    - Fix to link with libssp for libcrypto and getaddrinfo check
+      for only header. Also update crosscompile to remove ssp for
+      32bit.
+    - Merge #993: Update also in example config
+      file.
+    - Update workflow for ports to use newer openssl on windows
+      compile.
+    - Fix warning for windres on resource files due to
+      redefinition.
+    - Fix for #997: Print details for SSL certificate failure.
+    - Update error printout for duplicate trust anchors to include
+      the trust anchor name (relates to #920).
+    - Update message TTL when using cached RRSETs. It could result
+      in non-expired messages with expired RRSETs (non-usable
+      messages by Unbound).
+    - Merge #999: Search for protobuf-c with pkg-config.
+    - Fix #1006: Can't find protobuf-c package since #999.
+    - Fix documentation for access-control in the unbound.conf man
+      page.
+    - Merge #1010: Mention REFUSED has the TC bit set with
+      unmatched allow_cookie acl in the manpage. It also fixes the
+      code to match the documentation about clients with a valid
+      cookie that bypass the ratelimit regardless of the
+      allow_cookie acl.
+    - Document the suspend argument for process_ds_response().
+    - Move github workflows to use checkoutv4.
+    - Fix edns subnet replies for scope zero answers to not get
+      stored in the global cache, and in cachedb, when the upstream
+      replies without an EDNS record.
+    - Fix for #1022: Fix ede prohibited in access control refused
+      answers.
+    - Fix unbound-control-setup.cmd to use 3072 bits so that
+      certificates are long enough for newer OpenSSL versions.
+    - Fix TTL of synthesized CNAME when a DNAME is used from cache.
+    - Fix unbound-control-setup.cmd to have CA v3 basicConstraints,
+      like has.
+Fri Mar  8 10:12:30 UTC 2024 - Jorik Cronenberg <>
+- Update to 1.19.2:
+  * Bug Fixes:
+    - Fix CVE-2024-1931, Denial of service when trimming EDE text
+      on positive replies.
+      [bsc#1221164]
+Wed Feb 28 13:35:31 UTC 2024 - Pedro Monreal <>
+- Update to 1.19.1:
+  * Bug Fixes: [bsc#1219823, CVE-2023-50387][bsc#1219826, CVE-2023-50868]
+    - Fix CVE-2023-50387, DNSSEC verification complexity can be
+      exploited to exhaust CPU resources and stall DNS resolvers.
+    - Fix CVE-2023-50868, NSEC3 closest encloser proof can exhaust CPU.
+Tue Feb  6 13:27:06 UTC 2024 - Stefan Seyfried <>
+- as we use --disable-explicit-port-randomisation, also disable
+  outgoing-port-permit and outgoing-port-avoid in config file to
+  suppress the related unbound-checkconf warnings on every start
+Tue Jan 23 09:32:21 UTC 2024 - Jakob Lorenz <>
+- Use prefixes instead of sudo in unbound.service (boo#1215628)
+Fri Nov 17 09:50:18 UTC 2023 - Pedro Monreal <>
+- Update to 1.19.0:
+  * Features:
+    - Fix #850: [FR] Ability to use specific database in Redis, with
+      new redis-logical-db configuration option.
+    - Merge #944: Disable EDNS DO. Disable the EDNS DO flag in upstream
+      requests. This can be helpful for devices that cannot handle
+      DNSSEC information. But it should not be enabled otherwise, because
+      that would stop DNSSEC validation. The DNSSEC validation would not
+      work for Unbound itself, and also not for downstream users. Default
+      is no. The option is disable-edns-do: no
+    - Expose the script filename in the Python module environment 'mod_env'
+      instead of the config_file structure which includes the linked list
+      of scripts in a multi Python module setup; fixes #79.
+    - Expose the configured listening and outgoing interfaces, if any, as
+      a list of strings in the Python 'config_file' class instead of the
+      current Swig object proxy; fixes #79.
+    - Mailing list patches from Daniel Gröber for DNS64 fallback to plain
+      AAAA when no A record exists for synthesis, and minor DNS64 code
+      refactoring for better readability.
+    - Merge #951: Cachedb no store. The cachedb-no-store: yes option is
+      used to stop cachedb from writing messages to the backend storage.
+      It reads messages when data is available from the backend.
+      The default is no.
+  * Bug Fixes:
+    - Fix for version generation race condition that ignored changes.
+    - Fix #942: 1.18.0 libunbound DNS regression when built without OpenSSL.
+    - Fix for WKS call to getservbyname that creates allocation on exit in
+      unit test by testing numbers first and testing from the services list later.
+    - Fix autoconf 2.69 warnings in configure.
+    - Fix #927: unbound 1.18.0 make test error. Fix make test without SHA1.
+    - Merge #931: Prevent warnings from -Wmissing-prototypes.
+    - Fix to scrub resource records of type A and AAAA that have an
+      inappropriate size. They are removed from responses.
+    - Fix to move msgparse_rrset_remove_rr code to util/msgparse.c.
+    - Fix to add EDE text when RRs have been removed due to length.
+    - Fix to set ede match in unit test for rr length removal.
+    - Fix to print EDE text in readable form in output logs.
+    - Fix send of udp retries when ENOBUFS is returned. It stops looping
+      and also waits for the condition to go away. Reported by Florian Obser.
+    - Fix authority zone answers for obscured DNAMEs and delegations.
+    - Merge #936: Check for c99 with autoconf versions prior to 2.70.
+    - Fix to remove two c99 notations.
+    - Fix rpz tcp-only action with rpz triggers nsdname and nsip.
+    - Fix misplaced comment.
+    - Merge #881: Generalise the proxy protocol code.
+    - Fix #946: Forwarder returns servfail on upstream response noerror no data.
+    - Fix edns subnet so that queries with a source prefix of zero cause the
+      recursor send no edns subnet option to the upstream.
+    - Fix that printout of EDNS options shows the EDNS cookie option by name.
+    - Fix infinite loop when reading multiple lines of input on a broken remote
+      control socket. Addesses #947 and #948.
+    - Fix #949: "could not create control compt".
+    - Fix that cachedb does not warn when serve-expired is disabled about use
+      of serve-expired-reply-ttl and serve-expired-client-timeout.
+    - Fix for #949: Fix pythonmod/ for Python 3.x.
+    - Better fix for infinite loop when reading multiple lines of input on a
+      broken remote control socket, by treating a zero byte line the same as
+      transmission end. Addesses #947 and #948.
+    - For multi Python module setups, clean previously parsed module functions
+      in __main__'s dictionary, if any, so that only current module functions
+      are registered.
+    - Fix #954: Inconsistent RPZ handling for A record returned along with CNAME.
+    - Fixes for the DNS64 patches.
+    - Update the dns64_lookup.rpl test for the DNS64 fallback patch.
+    - Merge #955 from buevsan: fix ipset wrong behavior.
+    - Update testdata/ipset.tdir test for ipset fix.
+    - Fix to print detailed errors when an SSL IO routine fails via SSL_get_error.
+    - Clearer configure text for missing protobuf-c development libraries.
+    - autoconf.
+    - Merge #930 from Stuart Henderson: add void to log_ident_revert_to_default
+      declaration.
+    - Fix #941: dnscrypt doesn't work after upgrade to 1.18 with suggestion by
+      dukeartem to also fix the udp_ancil with dnscrypt.
+    - Fix SSL compile failure for definition in log_crypto_err_io_code_arg.
+    - Fix SSL compile failure for other missing definitions in log_crypto_err_io_code_arg.
+    - Fix compilation without openssl, remove unused function warning.
+    - Mention flex and bison in when building from repository source.
+Thu Sep  7 08:03:33 UTC 2023 - Pedro Monreal <>
+- Update to 1.18.0:
+  * Features:
+    - Аdd a metric about the maximum number of collisions in lrushah.
+    - Set max-udp-size default to 1232. This is the same default value
+      as the default value for edns-buffer-size. It restricts client
+      edns buffer size choices, and makes unbound behave similar to
+      other DNS resolvers.
+    - Add harden-unknown-additional option. It removes unknown records
+      from the authority section and additional section.
+    - Added new static zone type block_a to suppress all A queries for
+      specific zones.
+    - [FR] Ability to use Redis unix sockets.
+    - [FR] Ability to set the Redis password.
+    - Features/dropqueuedpackets, with sock-queue-timeout option that
+      drops packets that have been in the socket queue for too long.
+      Added statistics num.queries_timed_out and query.queue_time_us.max
+      that track the socket queue timeouts.
+    - 'eqvinox' Lamparter: NAT64 support.
+    - [FR] Use kernel timestamps for dnstap.
+    - Add cachedb hit stat. Introduces 'num.query.cachedb' as a new
+      statistical counter.
+    - Add SVCB dohpath support.
+    - Add validation EDEs to queries where the CD bit is set.
+    - Add prefetch support for subnet cache entries.
+    - Add EDE (RFC8914) caching.
+    - Add support for EDE caching in cachedb and subnetcache.
+    - Downstream DNS Server Cookies a la RFC7873 and RFC9018. Create server
+      cookies for clients that send client cookies. This needs to be explicitly
+      turned on in the config file with: `answer-cookie: yes`.
+  * Bug Fixes
+    - Response change to NODATA for some ANY queries since 1.12.
+    - Fix not following cleared RD flags potentially enables
+      amplification DDoS attacks.
+    - Set default for harden-unknown-additional to no. So that it
+      does not hamper future protocol developments.
+    - Fix to ignore entirely empty responses, and try at another authority.
+      This turns completely empty responses, a type of noerror/nodata into
+      a servfail, but they do not conform to RFC2308, and the retry can fetch
+      improved content.
+    - Allow TTL refresh of expired error responses.
+    - Fix: Unexpected behavior with client-subnet-always-forward and serve-expired
+    - Fix unbound-dnstap-socket test program to reply the finish frame over
+      a TLS connection correctly.
+    - Fix: reserved identifier violation
+    - Fix: Unencrypted query is sent when forward-tls-upstream: yes is used
+      without tls-cert-bundle
+    - Extra consistency check to make sure that when TLS is requested,
+      either we set up a TLS connection or we return an error.
+    - Fix: NXDOMAIN instead of NOERROR rcode when asked for existing CNAME record.
+    - Fix: Bad interaction with 0 TTL records and serve-expired
+    - Fix RPZ IP responses with trigger rpz-drop on cache entries.
+    - Fix RPZ removal of client-ip, nsip, nsdname triggers from IXFR.
+    - Fix dereference of NULL variable warning in mesh_do_callback.
+    - Fix ip_ratelimit test to work with dig that enables DNS cookies.
+    - Fix for iter_dec_attempts that could cause a hang, part of capsforid
+      and qname minimisation, depending on the settings.
+    - Fix uninitialized memory passed in padding bytes of cmsg to sendmsg.
+    - Fix stat_values test to work with dig that enables DNS cookies.
+    - unbound.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV.
+      Fixes cachedb configuration handling.
+    - Fix: processQueryResponse() THROWAWAY should be mindful of fail_reply.
+Thu Aug 24 10:07:02 UTC 2023 - Marcus Rueckert <>
+- openSUSE:Factory libunbound-devel-mini flavor is configured to
+  sync build counter with unbound package. This means it always
+  triggers a bootstrap no matter which of the packages got
+  initially triggered.
+  I am not sure if this is needed at all, if yes, please accept
+  this request and forward with an explenation.
+  If not, just decline it and we will remove the build counter
+  syncing in factory as well.
+  This adds the !BcntSyncTag: unbound to the mini spec file
+  Details:
+Thu May  4 13:57:54 UTC 2023 - Frederic Crozat <>
+- Add _multibuild to define additional spec files as additional
+  flavors.
+  Eliminates the need for source package links in OBS.
+Thu Feb 23 09:15:48 UTC 2023 - Pedro Monreal <>
+- Update to 1.17.1:
+  * Features:
+    - Expose 'statistics-inhibit-zero' as a configuration option;
+      the default value retains Unbound's behavior.
+    - Expose 'max-sent-count' as a configuration option; the default
+      value retains Unbound's behavior.
+    - Merge #461 from Christian Allred: Add max-query-restarts option.
+      Exposes an internal configuration but the default value retains
+      Unbound's behavior.
+    - Merge #569 from JINMEI Tatuya: add keep-cache option to
+      'unbound-control reload' to keep caches.
+  * Bug Fixes:
+    - Merge #768 from fobser: Arithmetic on a pointer to void is a
+      GNU extension.
+    - In unit test, print python script name list correctly.
+    - testcode/dohclient sets log identity to its name.
+    - Clarify the use of MAX_SENT_COUNT in the iterator code.
+    - Fix that cachedb does not store failures in the external cache.
+    - Merge #767 from jonathangray: consistently use IPv4/IPv6 in
+      unbound.conf.5.
+    - Fix to ignore tcp events for closed comm points.
+    - Fix to make sure to not read again after a tcp comm point is
+      closed.
+    - Fix #775: libunbound: subprocess reap causes parent process
+      reap to hang.
+    - iana portlist update.
+    - Complementary fix for distutils.sysconfig deprecation in
+      Python 3.10 to commit 62c5039ab9da42713e006e840b7578e01d66e7f2.
+    - Fix #779: [doc] Missing documention in ub_resolve_event() for
+      callback parameter was_ratelimited.
+    - Ignore expired error responses.
+    - Merge #720 from jonathangray: fix use after free when
+      WSACreateEvent() fails.
+    - Fix for the ignore of tcp events for closed comm points,
+      preserve the use after free protection features.
+    - Fix #782: Segmentation fault in stats.c:404.
+    - Add SVCB and HTTPS to the types removed by 'unbound-control flush'.
+    - Clear documentation for interactivity between the subnet module
+      and the serve-expired and prefetch configuration options.
+    - Fix #773: When used with systemd-networkd, unbound does not start
+      until systemd-networkd-wait-online.service times out.
+    - Merge #808: Wrap Makefile script's directory variables in quotes.
+    - Fix to wrap Makefile scripts directory in quotes for uninstall.
+    - Fix windows compile for libunbound subprocess reap comm point closes.
+    - Update github workflows to use checkout v3.
+    - Fix wildcard in hyperlocal zone service degradation, reported
+      by Sergey Kacheev.
+  * Add signature and keyring files
+Thu Dec 29 18:10:37 UTC 2022 - Wolfgang Frisch <>
+- Tighten permissions (boo#1173619)
+- Add missing dependency: unbound-control-setup needs /usr/bin/openssl.
+Thu Oct 13 17:08:56 UTC 2022 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.17.0
+  * Features
+    - Merge #753: ACL per interface. (New interface-* configuration
+      options).
+    - Merge #760: PROXYv2 downstream support. (New proxy-protocol-port
+      configuration option).
+  * Bug Fixes
+    - Fix #728: alloc_reg_obtain() core dump. Stop double
+      alloc_reg_release when serviced_create fails.
+    - Fix edns subnet so that scope 0 answers only match sourcemask 0
+      queries for answers from cache if from a query with sourcemask 0.
+    - Fix unittest for edns subnet change.
+    - Merge #730 from luisdallos: Fix startup failure on Windows 8.1 due
+      to unsupported IPV6_USER_MTU socket option being set.
+    - Fix ratelimit inconsistency, for ip-ratelimits the value is the
+      amount allowed, like for ratelimits.
+    - Fix #734 [FR] enable unbound-checkconf to detect more (basic)
+      errors.
+    - Fix to log accept error ENFILE and EMFILE errno, but slowly, once
+      per 10 seconds. Also log accept failures when no slow down is used.
+    - Fix to avoid process wide fcntl calls mixed with nonblocking
+      operations after a blocked write.
+    - Patch from Vadim Fedorenko that adds MSG_DONTWAIT to receive
+      operations, so that instruction reordering does not cause mistakenly
+      blocking socket operations.
+    - Fix to wait for blocked write on UDP sockets, with a timeout if it
+      takes too long the packet is dropped.
+    - Fix for wait for udp send to stop when packet is successfully sent.
+    - Fix #741: systemd socket activation fails on IPv6.
+    - Fix to update config tests to fix checking if nonblocking sockets
+      work on OpenBSD.
+    - Slow down log frequency of write wait failures.
+    - Fix to set out of file descriptor warning to operational verbosity.
+    - Fix to log a verbose message at operational notice level if a
+      thread is not responding, to stats requests. It is logged with
+      thread identifiers.
+    - Remove include that was there for debug purposes.
+    - Fix to check pthread_t size after pthread has been detected.
+    - Convert tdir tests to use the new skip_test functionality.
+    - Remove unused testcode/ file.
+    - Better output for skipped tdir tests.
+    - Fix doxygen warning in respip.h.
+    - Fix to remove erroneous TC flag from TCP upstream.
+    - Fix test tdir skip report printout.
+    - Fix windows compile, the identifier interface is defined in headers.
+    - Fix to close errno block in comm_point_tcp_handle_read outside of
+      ifdef.
+    - Fix static analysis report to remove dead code from the
+      rpz_callback_from_iterator_module function.
+    - Fix to clean up after the acl_interface unit test.
+    - Merge #764: Leniency for target discovery when under load (for
+      NRDelegation changes).
+    - Use DEBUG_TDIR from environment in for debugging.
+    - Fix string comparison in
+    - Make ede.tdir test more predictable by using static data.
+    - Fix checkconf test for dnscrypt and proxy port.
+    - Fix dnscrypt compile for proxy protocol code changes.
+    - Fix to stop responses with TC flag from resulting in partial
+      responses. It retries to fetch the data elsewhere, or fails the
+      query and in depth fix removes the TC flag from the cached item.
+    - Fix proxy length debug output printout typecasts.
+    - Fix to stop possible loops in the tcp reuse code (write_wait list
+      and tcp_wait list). Based on analysis and patch from Prad Seniappan
+      and Karthik Umashankar.
+    - Fix PROXYv2 header read for TCP connections when no proxied addresses
+      are provided.
+Wed Sep 21 18:36:29 UTC 2022 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.16.3
+  fixes Non-Responsive Delegation Attack (CVE-2022-3204)
+Mon Aug  1 13:05:10 UTC 2022 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.16.2 (boo#1202031 boo#1202033)
+  * Features
+    - Merge #718: Introduce infra-cache-max-rtt option to config max
+      retransmit timeout.
+  * Bug Fixes
+    - Fix the novel ghost domain issues CVE-2022-30698 and CVE-2022-30699.
+    - Fix bug introduced in 'improve val_sigcrypt.c::algo_needs_missing for
+      one loop pass'.
+    - Merge PR #668 from Cristian Rodríguez: Set IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT on
+      outbound tcp sockets.
+    - Fix verbose EDE error printout.
+    - Fix dname count in sldns parse type descriptor for SVCB and HTTPS.
+    - For windows crosscompile, fix setting the IPV6_MTU socket option
+      equivalent (IPV6_USER_MTU); allows cross compiling with latest
+      cross-compiler versions.
+    - Merge PR 714: Avoid treat normal hosts as unresponsive servers.
+      And fixup the lock code.
+    - iana portlist update.
+    - Update documentation for 'outbound-msg-retry:'.
+    - Tests for ghost domain fixes.
+Mon Jul 11 10:03:06 UTC 2022 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.16.1
+  * Features
+    - Fix #704: [FR] Statistics counter for number of outgoing UDP queries
+      sent; introduces 'num.query.udpout' to the 'unbound-control stats'
+      command.
+  * Bug Fixes
+    - picks up 32bit libssp-0.dll when 32bit compile.
+    - Fix for edns client subnet to respect not looking in its cache when
+      instructed to do so (e.g., prefetch).
+    - Merge PR #688: Rpz url notify issue.
+    - Note in the unbound.conf text that NOTIFY is allowed from the url:
+      addresses for auth and rpz zones.
+    - Remove unused LDNS function check for GOST Engine unloading.
+    - Fix for loading locally stored zones that have lines with blanks or
+      blanks and comments.
+    - Fix #663: use after free issue with edns options.
+    - Clarify -v flag manpage entry (#705)
+    - Fix test program dohclient close to use portability routine.
+    - Show the output of the exact .rpl run that failed with 'make test'.
+    - Fix for cached 0 TTL records to not trigger prefetching when
+      serve-expired-client-timeout is set.
+    - Add debug option to the test code.
+    - Fix to not count cached NXDOMAIN for MAX_TARGET_NX.
+    - Allow fallback to the parent side when MAX_TARGET_NX is reached.
+      This will also allow MAX_TARGET_NX more NXDOMAINs.
+    - iana portlist update.
+    - Fix detection of libz on windows compile with static option.
+    - Fix compile warning for windows compile.
+    - Merge PR #706: NXNS fallback.
+    - From #706: Cached NXDOMAIN does not increase the target nx
+      responses.
+    - From #706: Don't generate parent side queries if we already
+      have the lame records in cache.
+    - From #706: When a lame address is the best choice, don't try to
+      generate target queries when the missing targets are all lame.
+    - Merge PR #671 from Petr Menšík: Disable ED25519 and ED448 in FIPS
+      mode on openssl3.
+    - Merge PR #660 from Petr Menšík: Sha1 runtime insecure.
+    - For #660: formatting, less verbose logging, add EDE information.
+    - Fix for correct openssl error when adding windows CA certificates to
+      the openssl trust store.
+    - Improve val_sigcrypt.c::algo_needs_missing for one loop pass.
+    - Reintroduce documentation and more EDE support for
+      val_sigcrypt.c::dnskeyset_verify_rrset_sig.
+    - Fix bug introduced in 'improve val_sigcrypt.c::algo_needs_missing for
+      one loop pass'.
+    - Merge PR #668 from Cristian Rodríguez: Set IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT on
+      outbound tcp sockets. 
+Thu Jun  2 11:54:13 UTC 2022 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.16.0
+  * Features
+    - Merge PR #604: Add basic support for EDE (RFC8914).
+  * Bug Fixes
+    - Fix #412: cache invalidation issue with CNAME+A.
+    - Fix that TCP interface does not use TLS when TLS is also configured.
+    - Fix #624: Unable to stop Unbound in Windows console (does not
+      respond to CTRL+C command).
+    - Fix #618: enabling interface-automatic disables DNS-over-TLS.
+      Adds the option to list interface-automatic-ports.
+    - Remove debug info from #618 fix.
+    - Fix #628: A rpz-passthru action is not ending RPZ zone processing.
+    - Fix for #628: fix rpz-passthru for qname trigger by localzone type.
+    - Fix that address not available is squelched from the logs for
+      udp connect failures. It is visible on verbosity 4 and more.
+    - Merge #631 from mollyim: Replace OpenSSL's ERR_PACK with
+    - Fix to detect that no IPv6 support means that IPv6 addresses are
+      useless for delegation point lookups.
+    - update Makefile dependencies.
+    - Fix check interface existence for support detection in remote lookup.
+    - Fix #633: Document unix domain socket support for unbound-control.
+    - Fix for #633: updated fix with new text.
+    - Fix edns client subnet to add the option based on the option list,
+      so that it is not state dependent, after the state fix of #605 for
+      double EDNS options.
+    - Fix for edns client subnet option add fix in removal code, from review.
+    - Fix #630: Unify the RPZ log messages.
+    - Merge #623 from rex4539: Fix typos.
+    - Fix pythonmod for change in iter_dp_is_useless function prototype.
+    - Fix compile warnings for printf ll format on mingw compile.
+    - Merge PR #632 from scottrw93: Match cnames in ipset.
+    - Various fixes for #632: variable initialisation, convert the qinfo
+      to str once, accept trailing dot in the local-zone ipset option.
+    - Fix #637: Integer Overflow in sldns_str2period function.
+    - Fix for #637: fix integer overflow checks in sldns_str2period.
+    - Fix configure for python to use sysutils, because distutils is
+      deprecated. It uses sysutils when available, distutils otherwise.
+    - Merge #644: Make `install-lib` make target install the pkg-config
+      file.
+    - Fix to ensure uniform handling of spaces and tabs when parsing RRs.
+    - Fix to describe auth-zone and other configuration at the local-zone
+      configuration option, to allow for more broadly view of the options.
+    - Merge PR #648 from eaglegai: fix -q doesn't work when use with
+      'unbound-control stats_shm'.
+    - Fix #651: [FR] Better logging for refused queries.
+    - Fix spelling error in comment in sldns_str2wire_svcparam_key_lookup.
+    - Fix zonemd check to allow unsupported algorithms to load.
+      If there are only unsupported algorithms, or unsupported schemes,
+      and no failed or successful other ZONEMD records, or malformed
+      or bad ZONEMD records, the unsupported records allow the zone load.
+    - Fix zonemd unsupported algo check.
+    - Fix zonemd unsupported algo check reason to not copy to next record,
+      and check for success for debug printout.
+    - Fix zonemd unsupported algo check to print unsupported reason before
+      zeroing it.
+    - Fix zonemd unsupported algo check to set reason to NULL before the
+      check routine, but after malformed checks, to get the correct NULL
+      output when the digest matches.
+    - Fix #670: SERVFAIL problems with unbound 1.15.0 running on
+      OpenBSD 7.1.
+    - Fix Python build in non-source directory; based on patch by
+      Michael Tokarev.
+    - Fix #673: DNS over TLS: error: SSL_handshake syscall: No route to
+      host.
+    - Merge #677: Allow using system certificates not only on Windows,
+      from pemensik.
+    - For #677: Added tls-system-cert to config parser and documentation.
+    - Fix #417: prefetch and ECS causing cache corruption when used
+      together.
+    - Fix #678: [FR] modify behaviour of unbound-control rpz_enable zone,
+      by updating unbound-control's documentation.
+    - Fix typos in config_set_option for the 'num-threads' and
+      'ede-serve-expired' options.
+    - Fix to silence test for ede error output to the console from the
+      test setup script.
+    - Fix ede test to not use default pidfile, and use local interface.
+    - Fix some lint type warnings.
+    - Fix #684: [FTBS] configure script error with libmnl on openSUSE 15.3
+      (and possibly other distributions)
+Tue Apr 19 15:41:37 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller <>
+- drop python2 packages
+- update to 1.15.0:
+  This release has bug fixes for crashes that happened on heavy network
+  usage. The default for the aggressive-nsec option has changed, it is now
+  enabled.
+  The ratelimit logic had to be reworked for the crash fixes. As a result,
+  there are new options to control the behaviour of ratelimiting.
+  The ratelimit-backoff and ip-ratelimit-backoff options can be used to
+  control how severe the backoff is when the ratelimit is exceeded.
+  The rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra option can be used to unset the RA flag, for
+  NXDOMAIN answers from RPZ. That is used by some clients to detect that
+  the domain is externally blocked. The RPZ option for-downstream can be
+  used like for auth zones, this allows the RPZ zone information to be queried.
+  That can be useful for monitoring scripts.
+  Features
+  - Fix #596: unset the RA bit when a query is blocked by an unbound
+    RPZ nxdomain reply. The option rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra allows to
+    signal that a domain is externally blocked to clients when it
+    is blocked with NXDOMAIN by unsetting RA.
+  - Add rpz: for-downstream: yesno option, where the RPZ zone is
+    authoritatively answered for, so the RPZ zone contents can be
+    checked with DNS queries directed at the RPZ zone.
+  - Merge PR #616: Update ratelimit logic. It also introduces
+    ratelimit-backoff and ip-ratelimit-backoff configuration options.
+  - Change aggressive-nsec default to yes.
+  Bug Fixes
+  - Fix compile warning for if_nametoindex on windows 64bit.
+  - Merge PR #581 from fobser: Fix -Wmissing-prototypes and -Wshadow
+    warnings in rpz.
+  - Fix validator debug output about DS support, print correct algorithm.
+  - Add code similar to fix for ldns for tab between strings, for
+    consistency, the test case was not broken.
+  - Allow local-data for classes other than IN to inherit a configured
+    local-zone's type if possible, instead of defaulting to type
+    transparent as per the implicit rule.
+  - Fix to pick up other class local zone information before unlock.
+  - Add missing configure flags for optional features in the
+    documentation.
+  - Fix Unbound capitalization in the documentation.
+  - Fix #591: Unbound-anchor manpage links to non-existent license file.
+  - contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch file renewed diff content to
+    apply cleanly to the current coderepo for the current code version.
+  - Fix to add test for rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra.
+  - Fix #596: only unset RA when NXDOMAIN is signalled.
+  - Fix that RPZ does not set RD flag on replies, it should be copied
+    from the query.
+  - Fix for #596: fix that rpz return message is returned and not just
+    the rcode from the iterator return path. This fixes signal unset RA
+    after a CNAME.
+  - Fix unit tests for rpz now that the AA flag returns successfully from
+    the iterator loop.
+  - Fix for #596: add unit test for nsdname trigger and signal unset RA.
+  - Fix for #596: add unit test for nsip trigger and signal unset RA.
+  - Fix #598: Fix unbound-checkconf fatal error: module conf
+    'respip dns64 validator iterator' is not known to work.
+  - Fix for #596: Fix rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra to work for clientip
+    triggered operation.
+  - Merge #600 from pemensik: Change file mode before changing file
+    owner.
+  - Fix prematurely terminated TCP queries when a reply has the same ID.
+  - For #602: Allow the module-config "subnetcache validator cachedb
+    iterator".
+  - Fix EDNS to upstream where the same option could be attached
+    more than once.
+  - Add a region to serviced_query for allocations.
+  - For dnstap, do not wakeupnow right there. Instead zero the timer to
+    force the wakeup callback asap.
+  - Fix #610: Undefine-shift in sldns_str2wire_hip_buf.
+  - Fix #588: Unbound 1.13.2 crashes due to p->pc is NULL in
+    serviced_udp_callback.
+  - Merge PR #612: TCP race condition.
+  - Test for NSID in SERVFAIL response due to DNSSEC bogus.
+  - Fix #599: [FR] RFC 9156 (obsoletes RFC 7816), by noting the new RFC
+    document.
+  - Fix tls-* and ssl-* documented alternate syntax to also be available
+    through remote-control and unbound-checkconf.
+  - Better cleanup on failed DoT/DoH listening socket creation.
+  - iana portlist update.
+  - Fix review comment for use-after-free when failing to send UDP out.
+  - Merge PR #603 from fobser: Use OpenSSL 1.1 API to access DSA and RSA
+    internals.
+  - Merge PR #532 from Shchelk: Fix: buffer overflow bug.
+  - Merge PR #617: Update stub/forward-host notation to accept port and
+    tls-auth-name.
+  - Update stream_ssl.tdir test to also use the new forward-host
+    notation.
+  - Fix header comment for doxygen for authextstrtoaddr.
+  - please clang analyzer for loop in test code.
+  - Fix docker splint test to use more portable uname.
+  - Update contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch with diff for current
+    software version.
+  - Fix for #611: Integer overflow in sldns_wire2str_pkt_scan. 
+Thu Feb 10 22:55:23 UTC 2022 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.15.0
+- Fix #596: unset the RA bit when a query is blocked by an unbound
+  RPZ nxdomain reply. The option rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra allows to
+  signal that a domain is externally blocked to clients when it
+  is blocked with NXDOMAIN by unsetting RA.
+- Add rpz: for-downstream: yesno option, where the RPZ zone is
+  authoritatively answered for, so the RPZ zone contents can be
+  checked with DNS queries directed at the RPZ zone.
+- Merge PR #616: Update ratelimit logic. It also introduces
+  ratelimit-backoff and ip-ratelimit-backoff configuration options.
+- Change aggressive-nsec default to yes.
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix compile warning for if_nametoindex on windows 64bit.
+- Merge PR #581 from fobser: Fix -Wmissing-prototypes and -Wshadow
+  warnings in rpz.
+- Fix validator debug output about DS support, print correct algorithm.
+- Add code similar to fix for ldns for tab between strings, for
+  consistency, the test case was not broken.
+- Allow local-data for classes other than IN to inherit a configured
+  local-zone's type if possible, instead of defaulting to type
+  transparent as per the implicit rule.
+- Fix to pick up other class local zone information before unlock.
+- Add missing configure flags for optional features in the
+  documentation.
+- Fix Unbound capitalization in the documentation.
+- Fix #591: Unbound-anchor manpage links to non-existent license file.
+- contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch file renewed diff content to
+  apply cleanly to the current coderepo for the current code version.
+- Fix to add test for rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra.
+- Fix #596: only unset RA when NXDOMAIN is signalled.
+- Fix that RPZ does not set RD flag on replies, it should be copied
+  from the query.
+- Fix for #596: fix that rpz return message is returned and not just
+  the rcode from the iterator return path. This fixes signal unset RA
+  after a CNAME.
+- Fix unit tests for rpz now that the AA flag returns successfully from
+  the iterator loop.
+- Fix for #596: add unit test for nsdname trigger and signal unset RA.
+- Fix for #596: add unit test for nsip trigger and signal unset RA.
+- Fix #598: Fix unbound-checkconf fatal error: module conf
+  'respip dns64 validator iterator' is not known to work.
+- Fix for #596: Fix rpz-signal-nxdomain-ra to work for clientip
+  triggered operation.
+- Merge #600 from pemensik: Change file mode before changing file
+  owner.
+- Fix prematurely terminated TCP queries when a reply has the same ID.
+- For #602: Allow the module-config "subnetcache validator cachedb
+  iterator".
+- Fix EDNS to upstream where the same option could be attached
+  more than once.
+- Add a region to serviced_query for allocations.
+- For dnstap, do not wakeupnow right there. Instead zero the timer to
+  force the wakeup callback asap.
+- Fix #610: Undefine-shift in sldns_str2wire_hip_buf.
+- Fix #588: Unbound 1.13.2 crashes due to p->pc is NULL in
+  serviced_udp_callback.
+- Merge PR #612: TCP race condition.
+- Test for NSID in SERVFAIL response due to DNSSEC bogus.
+- Fix #599: [FR] RFC 9156 (obsoletes RFC 7816), by noting the new RFC
+  document.
+- Fix tls-* and ssl-* documented alternate syntax to also be available
+  through remote-control and unbound-checkconf.
+- Better cleanup on failed DoT/DoH listening socket creation.
+- iana portlist update.
+- Fix review comment for use-after-free when failing to send UDP out.
+- Merge PR #603 from fobser: Use OpenSSL 1.1 API to access DSA and RSA
+  internals.
+- Merge PR #532 from Shchelk: Fix: buffer overflow bug.
+- Merge PR #617: Update stub/forward-host notation to accept port and
+  tls-auth-name.
+- Update stream_ssl.tdir test to also use the new forward-host
+  notation.
+- Fix header comment for doxygen for authextstrtoaddr.
+- please clang analyzer for loop in test code.
+- Fix docker splint test to use more portable uname.
+- Update contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch with diff for current
+  software version.
+- Fix for #611: Integer overflow in sldns_wire2str_pkt_scan.
+Fri Dec 31 23:18:09 UTC 2021 - Callum Farmer <>
+- Change to systemd-sysusers
+Thu Dec  9 11:14:33 UTC 2021 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.14.0
+- Merge #401: RPZ triggers. This add additional RPZ triggers,
+  unbound supports a full set of rpz triggers, and this now
+  includes nsdname, nsip and clientip triggers. Also actions
+  are fully supported, and this now includes the tcp-only action.
+- Merge #519: Support for selective enabling tcp-upstream for
+  stub/forward zones.
+- Merge PR #514, from ziollek: Docker environment for run tests.
+- Support using system-wide crypto policies.
+- Fix that --with-ssl can use "/usr/include/openssl11" to pass the
+  location of a different openssl version.
+- Merged #41 from Moritz Schneider: made outbound-msg-retry
+  configurable.
+- Implement RFC8375: Special-Use Domain ''.
+- Merge PR #555 from fobser: Allow interface names as scope-id in IPv6
+  link-local addresses.
+Bug Fixes
+- Add test tool readzone to .gitignore.
+- Merge #521: Update mini_event.c.
+- Merge #523: fix: free() call more than once with the same pointer.
+- For #519: note stub-tcp-upstream and forward-tcp-upstream in
+  the example configuration file.
+- For #519: yacc and lex. And fix python bindings, and test program
+  unbound-dnstap-socket.
+- For #519: fix comments for doxygen.
+- Fix to print error from unbound-anchor for writing to the key
+  file, also when not verbose.
+- For #514: generate configure.
+- Fix for #431: Squelch permission denied errors for udp connect,
+  and udp send, they are visible at higher verbosity settings.
+- Fix zonemd verification of key that is not in DNS but in the zone
+  and needs a chain of trust.
+- zonemd, fix order of bogus printout string manipulation.
+- Fix to support harden-algo-downgrade for ZONEMD dnssec checks.
+- Merge PR #528 from fobser: Make sldns_str2wire_svcparam_buf()
+  static.
+- Fix #527: not sending quad9 cert to syslog (and may be more).
+- Fix sed script in ssldir split handling.
+- Fix #529: Fix: log_assert does nothing if UNBOUND_DEBUG is
+  undefined.
+- Fix #531: Fix: passed to proc after free.
+- Fix #536: error: RPZ: name of record (
+  to insert into RPZ.
+- Fix the stream wait stream_wait_count_lock and http2 buffer locks
+  setup and desetup from race condition.
+- Fix RPZ locks. Do not unlock zones lock if requested and rpz find
+  zone does not find the zone. Readlock the clientip that is found
+  for ipbased triggers. Unlock the nsdname zone lock when done.
+  Unlock zone and ip in rpz nsip and nsdname callback. Unlock
+  authzone and localzone if clientip found in rpz worker call.
+- Fix compile warning in libunbound for listen desetup routine.
+- Fix asynclook unit test for setup of lockchecks before log.
+- Fix #533: Negative responses get cached even when setting
+  cache-max-negative-ttl: 1
+- Fix tcp fastopen failure when disabled, try normal connect instead.
+- Fix #538: Fix subnetcache statistics.
+- Small fixes for #41: changelog, conflicts resolved,
+  processQueryResponse takes an iterator env argument like other
+  functions in the iterator, no colon in string for set_option,
+  and some whitespace style, to make it similar to the rest.
+- Fix for #41: change outbound retry to int to fix signed comparison
+  warnings.
+- Fix root_anchor test to check with new icannbundle date.
+- Fix initialisation errors reported by gcc sanitizer.
+- Fix lock debug code for gcc sanitizer reports.
+- Fix more initialisation errors reported by gcc sanitizer.
+- Fix crosscompile on windows to work with openssl 3.0.0 the
+  link with ws2_32 needs -l:libssp.a for __strcpy_chk.
+  Also copy results from lib64 directory if needed.
+- For crosscompile on windows, detect 64bit stackprotector library.
+- Fix crosscompile shell syntax.
+- Fix crosscompile windows to use libssp when it exists.
+- For the windows compile script disable gost.
+- Fix that on windows, use BIO_set_callback_ex instead of deprecated
+  BIO_set_callback.
+- Fix crosscompile script for the shared build flags.
+- Fix to add example.conf note for outbound-msg-retry.
+- Fix chaos replies to have truncation for short message lengths,
+  or long reply strings.
+- Fix to protect custom regional create against small values.
+- Fix #552: Unbound assumes index.html exists on RPZ host.
+- Fix that forward-zone name is documented as the full name of the
+  zone. It is not relative but a fully qualified domain name.
+- Fix analyzer review failure in rpz action override code to not
+  crash on unlocking the local zone lock.
+- Fix to remove unused code from rpz resolve client and action
+  function.
+- Merge #565: Disable ProtectKernelTunables again.
+- Fix for #558: fix loop in comm_point->tcp_free when a comm_point is
+  reclaimed more than once during callbacks.
+- Fix for #558: clear the UB_EV_TIMEOUT bit before adding an event.
+- Improve EDNS option handling, now also works for synthesised
+  responses such as local-data and CH TXT responses.
+- Merge PR #570 from rex4539: Fix typos.
+- Fix for #570: regen aclocal.m4, fix for spelling.
+- Fix to make python module opt_list use opt_list_in.
+- Fix #574: unbound-checkconf reports fatal error if interface names
+  are used as value for interfaces:
+- Fix #574: Review fixes for it.
+- Fix #576: [FR] UB_* error codes in unbound.h
+- Fix #574: Review fix for spelling.
+- Fix to remove git tracking and ci information from release tarballs.
+- iana portlist update.
+- Merge PR #511 from yan12125: Reduce unnecessary linking.
+- Merge PR #493 from Jaap: Fix generation of libunbound.pc.
+- Merge PR #562 from Willem: Reset keepalive per new tcp session.
+- Merge PR #522 from sibeream: memory management violations fixed.
+- Merge PR #530 from Shchelk: Fix: dereferencing a null pointer.
+- Fix #454: listen_dnsport.c:825: error: ‘IPV6_TCLASS’ undeclared.
+- Fix #574: Review fixes for size allocation.
+- Fix doc/unbound.doxygen to remove obsolete tag warning.
+Sat Oct 16 10:35:18 UTC 2021 - Togan Muftuoglu <>
+- Fix pidfile location 
+Thu Aug 12 18:02:18 UTC 2021 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.13.2
+- Merge PR #317: ZONEMD Zone Verification, with RFC 8976 support.
+  ZONEMD records are checked for zones loaded as auth-zone,
+  with DNSSEC if available.  There is an added option
+  zonemd-permissive-mode that makes it log but not fail wrong zones.
+  With zonemd-reject-absence for an auth-zone the presence of a
+  zonemd can be mandated for specific zones.
+- Fix: Resolve interface names on control-interface too.
+- Merge #470 from edevil: Allow configuration of persistent TCP
+  connections.
+- Fix #474: always_null and others inside view.
+- Add that log-servfail prints an IP address and more information
+  about one of the last failures for that query.
+- Merge #478: Allow configuration of TCP timeout while waiting for
+  response.
+- Add ./configure --with-deprecate-rsa-1024 that turns off RSA 1024.
+- Move the NSEC3 max iterations count in line with the 150 value
+  used by BIND, Knot and PowerDNS. This sets the default value
+  for it in the configuration to 150 for all key sizes.
+- zonemd-check: yesno option, default no, enables the processing
+  of ZONEMD records for that zone.
+- Merge #486 by fobster: Make VAL_MAX_RESTART_COUNT configurable.
+- Merge PR #491: Add SVCB and HTTPS types and handling according to
+  draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https.
+- Introduce 'http-user-agent:' and 'hide-http-user-agent:' options.
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix for Python 3.9, no longer use deprecated functions of
+  PyEval_CallObject (now PyObject_Call), PyEval_InitThreads (now
+  none), PyParser_SimpleParseFile (now Py_CompileString).
+- Merge PR #420 from dyunwei: DOH not responsing with
+  "http2_query_read_done failure" logged.
+- Fix #422: IPv6 fallback issues when IPv6 is not properly
+  enabled/configured.
+- Fix to make tests work with support indicators set for iterator.
+- Fix build on Python 3.10.
+- Fix doxygen and pydoc warnings.
+- Fix #429: rpz: url: with https: broken (regression in 1.13.1).
+- rpz skip nsec3param records, and nicer log for unsupported actions.
+- Fix #431: Squelch permission denied errors for tcp connect
+  and udp connect from the logs, unless at high verbosity.
+- Fix for zonemd, that nxdomain for the chain of trust is allowed
+  for island zones, it is treated as an insecure zone for verification.
+- Fix for zonemd, that domain-insecure zones work without dnssec.
+- Fix for zonemd, do not reject insecure result from trust anchor
+  validation step in dnssec chain of trust.
+- On startup of unbound it checks if rlimits on memory size look
+  sufficient for the configured cache size, and logs warning if not.
+- Fix function documentation.
+- Fix unit test for added ulimit checks.
+- spelling fix in header.
+- Fix #384: (1) A minor request to improve the log (2) A minor bug in one
+  log message.
+- ipsecmod: Better logging for detecting a cycle when attaching the
+  A/AAAA subquery.
+- Merge PR #367 : DNSTAP log local address.  With code from PR #365
+  and fixes #368 : dnstap does not log the DNS message ID for
+- Fix to allow rpz with wildcard that applies to all TLDs at once.
+- Fix for #367: rc_ports don't have ub_sock; skip cleaning up.
+- Fix spurious errors about "Could not generate request: out of
+  memory".  The mesh detect cycle routine no longer wrongly stops
+  the check when the calling mesh state is unique.
+- Workaround for #439: prevent loops in the reuse rbtree.
+- Debug output for #411 and #439: printout internal error and details.
+- Fix parse of LOC RR type for decimetres.
+- Fix #441: Minimal NSEC range not accepted for top level domains.
+- Fix for #447: squelch connection refused tcp connection failures
+  from the log, unless verbosity is high.
+- Merge #449 from orbea: build: Add missing linker flags.
+- Comment out nonworking OSX and IOS travis tests, vm fails to start.
+- Fix compile error in listen_dnsport on Android.
+- Fix memory leak reported by asan in rpz SOA record query name.
+- Fix unused-function warning when compiling with --enable-dnscrypt.
+- Fix for #367: fix memory leak when cannot bind to listening port.
+- Reformat pythonmod/pythonmod_utils.{c,h}.
+- Travis enable all tests again. Clang analyzer only a couple times,
+  when there is a difference. homebrew updates disabled, so it does
+  not hang. removed trailing slashes from configure paths. Moved iOS
+  tests to allow-failure.
+- travis, analyzer disabled on test without debug, that does not
+  run anway.  Turn off failing tests except one.  Update iOS test
+  to xcode image 12.2.
+- Fix deprecation test to work for iOS TVOS and WatchOS, it uses
+  CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS and also checks if the item is unavailable.
+- Travis, fix script to fail when tasks fail.
+- Travis, fix warning in ubsan compile.
+- Fix configure Targetconfiditionals.h header check, to use compile.
+- Fix that cachedb does not produce empty object files when disabled.
+- Fix #429: Also fix end of transfer for http download of auth zones.
+- Disable the use of stack-protector for cross compiled 32-bit windows
+  builds; relates to #444.
+- Fix stack-protector change to not override other CFLAGS options.
+- Clean
+- Merge #460 from orbea: build: Link with the libtool archive.
+- Fix to stop IPv6 PMTU discovery.
+- Fix for #411: Depth protect for crash on deleted element timeout.
+- rebuild configure to set EXTRALINK to for #460.
+- Fix permission denied sendto log, squelch the log messages
+  unless high verbosity is set.
+- Fix (increase) verbosity level for iterator error log in
+  processQueryTargets().
+- Fix that nxdomain synthesis does not happen above the stub or
+  forward definition.
+- Fix documentation comment for files previously residing in checkconf/.
+- Remove unused functions worker_handle_reply and libworker_handle_reply.
+- Merge #466 from FGasper: Support OpenSSLs that lack
+  SSL_get0_alpn_selected.
+- Fix #468: OpenSSL 1.0.1 can no longer build Unbound.
+- Further fix for #468: detect SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos for build with
+  OpenSSL 1.0.1.
+- Fix that testcode dohclient has OpenSSL initialisation calls.
+- Fix compiler warning for signed/unsigned comparison for
+  max_reuse_tcp_queries.
+- Fix #481: Fix comment in configuration file.
+- Fix to squelch tcp socket bind failures when the interface is gone.
+- Rerun flex and bison.
+- Fix for #367: only attempt to get the interface for queries that are no
+  longer on the tcp_waiting_list.
+- Add more logging for out-of-memory cases.
+- Fix #485: Unbound occasionally reports broken stats.
+- Remove case fallthrough from deprecate-rsa-1024 code.
+- Merge PR #487: ifdef RLIMIT_AS in recently added check.
+- Fix that auth-zone zonefiles use last TTL if no TTL is specified.
+- Fix #489: Compile using MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit.
+- Fix for #411, #439, #469: Reset the DNS message ID when moving queries
+  between TCP streams.
+- Refactor for uniform way to produce random DNS message IDs.
+- Test code has -q option for quiet output.
+- Fix #492: module-config respip missing in man
+  page. Merges #494 from he32.
+- For #492: Fix font highlighting for the man page on emacs.
+- Merge #496 from banburybill: Use build system endianness if
+  available, otherwise try to work it out.
+- Fix test for zonemd-check option.
+- Merge #448 from shoeper: Update, fix
+  rpz_disable typo.
+- Fix #425: Document auth-zone supports communication with DNS
+  primary on nondefault port.
+- Fix unused variable warning when compiling with --enable-dnstap.
+- Generated lexer and parser for #486; updated example.conf.
+- Fix #413 (based on patch by k-ronny): unbound: does not compile
+  on macOS 11.1-x86_64 host.
+- Use host_os instead of target_os in configure for Darwin8 build.
+- Fix #500: SPEC file in version 1.13.1 references version 1.4;
+  unable to build RPM from source.
+- Fix contrib/unbound.spec, fixed url and comment.
+- Fix configure nonblocking test and onmingw test to use host.
+- Merge #440 by kimheino: Various fixes to contrib/unbound_munin_ file.
+- Fix a number of warnings reported by the gcc analyzer.
+- Fix #495: Documentation or implementation of "verbosity" option.
+- Fix #503: DNS over HTTPS response truncated.
+- Fix warnings reported by the gcc analyzer.
+- Add analyzer and port compile github workflow.
+- Fix up permissions on rpl data file in tests.
+- Fix testbound newline treatment in moment_read and tempfile write.
+- Fix configure grep for reuseport default for failure.
+- Fix compat ctime_r return value
+- Fix configure does not require pkg-config if not needed.
+- Fix unit test in the ctime_r calls for autotrust and in testbound.
+- Fix auth zone download on windows to unlink before rename.
+- Fix #506: Python Module Seems to Leak Memory if it Experiences an
+  Unhandled Exception.
+- Fix Wunused-result compile warnings.
+- Fix compiler warnings for #491.
+- Fix clang-analysis warnings for testcode/readzone.c.
+- Merge #510 from ndptech: Don't call a function which hasn't been
+  defined.
+- Fix for #510: in depth, use ifdefs for windows api event calls.
+- Fix spelling in doc/unbound.doxygen comment.
+- Fix spelling in localzone.h comment.
+- Fix unbound-control local_data and local_datas to print detailed
+  syntax errors.
+- review fix to remove duplicate error printout.
+- Insert header into testcode/readzone.c, it was missing.
+- Fix from lint for ignored return value.
+- Fix for older parsers for function call in serve expired get cached.
+- Fix that ldns_zone_new_frm_fp_l counts the line number for an empty
+  line after a comment.
+- Merge #512: upgrade hardening to latest
+  standards.
+- Fix readzone unknown type print for memory resize.
+- Merge #513: Stream reuse, attempt to fix #411, #439, #469. This
+  introduces a couple of fixes for the stream reuse functionality
+  that could result in broken internal structures.
+- Fix #515: Compilation against openssl 3.0.0 beta2 is failing to
+  build unbound.
+- For #515: Fix compilation with openssl 3.0.0 beta2, lib64 dir and
+  SSL_get_peer_certificate.
+- Move acx_nlnetlabs.m4 to version 41, with lib64 openssl dir check.
+- Prepare for OpenSSL 3.0.0 provider API usage, move the sldns
+  keyraw functions to produce EVP_PKEY results.
+- Move RSA and DSA to use OpenSSL 3.0.0 API.
+- Move ECDSA functions to use OpenSSL 3.0.0 API.
+- iana portlist update.
+- Fix verbose printout failure in tcp reuse unit test.
+- Merge PR #517 from dyunwei: #420 breaks the mesh reply list
+  function that need to reuse the dns answer.
+- Annotate assertion into error printout; we think it may be an
+  error, but the situation looks harmless.
+- Fix sign comparison warning on FreeBSD.
+- Listen to read or write events after the SSL handshake.
+  Sticky events on windows would stick on read when write was needed.
+- Merge PR #415 from sibeream: Use
+  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range to determine available outgoing
+  ports. (New --enable-linux-ip-local-port-range configuration option)
+- Bump MAX_RESTART_COUNT to 11 from 8; in relation to #438. This
+  allows longer CNAME chains in Unbound.
+- In unit test use openssl set security level to allow keys in test.
+- Fix static analysis warnings about localzone locks that are unused.
+- Fix missing locks in zonemd unit test.
+- Fix readzone compile under debug config.
+- Fix out of sourcedir run of zonemd unit tests.
+- Fix libnettle zonemd unit test.
+- Fix unit test zonemd_reload for use in run_vm.
+- Fix #520: Unbound 1.13.2rc1 fails to build python module.
+Sun May 30 19:28:48 UTC 2021 - Togan Muftuoglu <>
+- Enable DNS-over-HTTPS support
+Tue May 11 21:56:07 UTC 2021 - Cristian Rodríguez <>
+- Use --disable-explicit-port-randomisation, the linux kernel
+  has source port randomization by default if port is 0 since ages.
+Tue Feb  9 10:56:09 UTC 2021 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.13.1
+- Merge PR #375 by fhriley: Add rpz_enable and rpz_disable commands
+  to unbound-control.
+- Merge PR #391 from fhriley: Add start_time to reply callbacks so
+  modules can compute the response time.
+- Fix #397: [Feature request] add new type always_null to local-zone
+  similar to always_nxdomain.
+- Support for RFC5001: DNS Name Server Identifier (NSID) Option
+  with the nsid: option in unbound.conf
+- Padding of queries and responses with DNS over TLS as specified in
+  RFC7830 and RFC8467.
+- Merge PR #275 from Roland van Rijswijk-Deij: Add feature to return the
+  original instead of a decrementing TTL ('serve-original-ttl')
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix #358: Squelch udp connect 'no route to host' errors on low
+  verbosity.
+- Fix #360: for the additionally reported TCP Fast Open makes TCP
+  connections fail, in that case we print a hint that this is
+  happening with the error in the logs.
+- Fix #356: deadlock when listening tcp.
+- Fix unbound-dnstap-socket to not use log routine from interrupt
+  handler and not print so frequently when invoked in sequence.
+- Fix on windows to ignore connection failure on UDP, unless verbose.
+- make depend.
+- Fix #371: unbound-control timeout when Unbound is not running.
+- Fix to squelch permission denied and other errors from remote host,
+  they are logged at higher verbosity but not on low verbosity.
+- Merge PR #335 from fobser: Sprinkle in some static to prevent
+  missing prototype warnings.
+- Merge PR #373 from fobser: Warning: arithmetic on a pointer to void
+  is a GNU extension.
+- Fix missing prototypes in the code.
+- Fix error cases when udp-connect is set and send() returns an error
+  (modified patch from Xin Li @delphij).
+- For #376: Fix that comm point event is not double removed or double
+  added to event map.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- Fix #385: autoconf 2.70 impacts unbound build
+- Fix #379: zone loading over HTTP appears to have buffer issues.
+- Merge PR #395 from mptre: add missing null check.
+- Fix #387: client-subnet-always-forward seems to effectively bypass
+  any caching?
+- For #391: use struct timeval* start_time for callback information.
+- For #391: fix indentation.
+- For #391: more double casts in python start time calculation.
+- Add comment documentation.
+- Fix clang analysis warning.
+- Fix so local zone types always_nodata and always_deny can be used
+  from the config file.
+- Merge #399 from xiangbao227: The lock of lruhash table should
+  unlocked after markdel entry.
+- Fix for #93: dynlibmodule link fix for Windows.
+- Fix for #93: dynlibmodule import library is named libunbound.dll.a.
+- Merge #402 from fobser: Implement IPv4-Embedded addresses according
+  to RFC6052.
+- Fix #404: DNS query with small edns bufsize fail.
+- Fix declaration before statement and signed comparison warning in
+  dns64.
+- Fix TTL of SOA record for negative answers (localzone and
+  authzone data) to be the minimum of the SOA TTL and the SOA.MINIMUM.
+- Fix compile of unbound-dnstap-socket without dnstap installed.
+- Merge PR #355 from noloader: Make ICANN Update CA and DS Trust Anchor
+  static data.
+- Ignore cache blacklisting when trying to reply with expired data from
+  cache (#394).
+- Merge PR #408 from fobser: Prevent a few more yacc clashes.
+- Annotate that we ignore the return value of if_indextoname.
+- Fix to use correct type for label count in rpz routine.
+- Fix empty clause warning in config_file nsid parse.
+- Fix to use correct type for label count in ipdnametoaddr rpz routine.
+- Fix empty clause warning in edns pass for padding.
+- Fix for doxygen 1.8.20 compatibility.
+- Attempt to fix NULL keys in the reuse_tcp tree; relates to #411.
+- Fix dynlibmod link on rhel8 for -ldl inclusion.
+- Fix windows dependency on libssp.dll because of default stack
+  protector in mingw.
+- Fix indentation of root anchor for use by windows install script.
+Thu Dec  3 11:26:17 UTC 2020 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.13.0
+- Pass the comm_reply information to the inplace_cb_reply* functions
+  during the mesh state and update the documentation on that.
+- Fix #330: [Feature request] Add unencrypted DNS over HTTPS support.
+  This adds the option http-notls-downstream: yesno to change that,
+  and the dohclient test code has the -n option.
+- Merge PR #228 : infra-keep-probing option to probe hosts that are
+  down.  Add infra-keep-probing: yes option. Hosts that are down are
+  probed more frequently.
+  With the option turned on, it probes about every 120 seconds,
+  eventually after exponential backoff, and that keeps that way. If
+  traffic keeps up for the domain. It probes with one at a time, eg.
+  one query is allowed to probe, other queries within that 120 second
+  interval are turned away.
+- Merge PR #313 from Ralph Dolmans: Replace edns-client-tag with
+  edns-client-string option.
+- Merge PR #283 : Stream reuse.  This implements upstream stream
+  reuse for performing several queries over the same TCP or TLS
+  channel.
+- Fix to connect() to UDP destinations, default turned on,
+  this lowers vulnerability to ICMP side channels.
+  Option to toggle udp-connect, default is enabled.
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix #319: potential memory leak on config failure, in rpz config.
+- Fix dnstap socket and the chroot not applied properly to the dnstap
+  socket path.
+- Fix warning in libnss compile, nss_buf2dsa is not used without DSA.
+- Fix #323: unbound testsuite fails on mock build in systemd-nspawn
+  if systemd support is build.
+- Fix for python reply callback to see mesh state reply_list member,
+  it only removes it briefly for the commpoint call so that it does
+  not drop it and attempt to modify the reply list during reply.
+- Fix that if there are on reply callbacks, those are called per
+  reply and a new message created if that was modified by the call.
+- Free up auth zone parse region after use for lookup of host
+- Merge PR #326 from netblue30: DoH: implement content-length
+  header field.
+- DoH content length, simplify code, remove declaration after
+  statement and fix cast warning.
+- Fix that if there are reply callbacks for the given rcode, those
+  are called per reply and a new message created if that was modified
+  by the call.
+- Fix that the out of order TCP processing does not limit the
+  number of outstanding queries over a connection.
+- Fix python documentation warning on functions.rst inplace_cb_reply.
+- Log ip address when http session recv fails, eg. due to tls fail.
+- Fix to set the tcp handler event toggle flag back to default when
+  the handler structure is reused.
+- Clean the fix for out of order TCP processing limits on number
+  of queries.  It was tested to work.
+- Fix that http settings have colon in set_option, for
+  http-endpoint, http-max-streams, http-query-buffer-size,
+  http-response-buffer-size, and http-nodelay.
+- Fix memory leak of https port string when reading config.
+- local-zone regional allocations outside of chunk
+- Merge PR #324 from James Renken: Add modern X.509v3 extensions to
+  unbound-control TLS certificates.
+- Fix for PR #324 to attach the x509v3 extensions to the client
+  certificate.
+- Fix #327: net/if.h check fails on some darwin versions; contribution
+  by Joshua Root.
+- Fix #320: potential memory corruption due to size miscomputation upton
+  custom region alloc init.
+- Fix #333: Unbound Segmentation Fault w/ log_info Functions From
+  Python Mod.
+- Fix that minimal-responses does not remove addresses from a priming
+  query response.
+- In man page note that tls-cert-bundle is read before permission
+  drop and chroot.
+- Fix #341: fixing a possible memory leak.
+- Fix memory leak after fix for possible memory leak failure.
+- Fix #343: Fail to build --with-libnghttp2 with error: 'SSIZE_MAX'
+  undeclared.
+- Fix for #303 CVE-2020-28935 : Fix that symlink does not interfere
+  with chown of pidfile.
+- Fix #347: IP_DONTFRAG broken on Apple xcode 12.2.
+- Fix #350: with the AF_NETLINK permission, to fix 1.12.0 error:
+  failed to list interfaces: getifaddrs: Address family not
+  supported by protocol.
+- Merge #351 from dvzrv: Add AF_NETLINK to set of allowed socket
+  address families.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- Fix crash when TLS connection is closed prematurely, when
+  reuse tree comparison is not properly identical to insertion.
+- Fix padding of struct regional for 32bit systems.
+- with udp-connect ignore connection refused with UDP timeouts.
+- Fix udp-connect on FreeBSD, do send calls on connected UDP socket.
+- Better fix for reuse tree comparison for is-tls sockets.  Where
+  the tree key identity is preserved after cleanup of the TLS state.
+- Fix memory leak for edns client tag opcode config element.
+- Attempt fix for libevent state in tcp reuse cases after a packet
+  is written.
+- Fix readagain and writeagain callback functions for comm point
+  cleanup.
+- Fix to omit UDP receive errors from log, if verbosity low.
+  These happen because of udp-connect.
+- For #352: contrib/metrics.awk for Prometheus style metrics output.
+- Fix that after failed read, the readagain cannot activate.
+- Clear readagain upon decommission of pending tcp structure.
+- Fix compile warning for type cast in http2_submit_dns_response.
+- Fix when use free buffer to initialize rbtree for stream reuse.
+- Fix compile warnings for windows.
+- Fix compile warnings in rpz initialization.
+- Fix contrib/metrics.awk for FreeBSD awk compatibility.
+- Fix assertion failure on double callback when iterator loses
+  interest in query at head of line that then has the tcp stream
+  not kept for reuse.
+- Fix stream reuse and tcp fast open.
+Thu Oct  8 08:39:40 UTC 2020 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.12.0
+- DNS Flag Day 2020: change edns-buffer-size default to 1232.
+- Merge PR #255: DNS-over-HTTPS support.
+- Use inclusive language in configuration
+- Merge PR #284 and Fix #246: Remove DLV entirely from Unbound.
+  The DLV has been decommisioned and in unbound 1.5.4, in 2015, there
+  was advise to stop using it.  The current code base does not contain
+  DLV code any more.  The use of dlv options displays a warning.
+- Similar to NSD PR#113, implement that interface names can be used,
+  eg. something like interface: eth0 is resolved at server start and
+  uses the IP addresses for that named interface.
+- Merge PR #272: Add EDNS client tag functionality.
+- Add edns-client-tag-opcode option
+Bug Fixes
+- Merge PR #270 from cgzones: munin plugin: always exit 0 in autoconf
+- Merge PR #269, Fix python module len() implementations, by Torbjörn
+  Lönnemark
+- Merge PR #268, draft-ietf-dnsop-serve-stale-10 has become RFC 8767 on
+  March 2020, by and0x000.
+- Fix doxygen comment for no ssl for tls session ticket key callback
+  routine.
+- Fix mini_event.h on OpenBSD cannot find fd_set.
+- Improve error log message when inserting rpz RR.
+- Merge PR #280, Make tvOS & watchOS checks verify truthiness as well as
+  definedness, by Felipe Gasper.
+- contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch file renewed diff content to
+  apply cleanly to the current coderepo for the current code version.
+- Fix #287: doc typo: "Additionaly".
+- Merge (modified) PR #277, use EVP_MAC_CTX_set_params if available,
+  by Vítězslav Čížek.
+- Create and init edns tags data for libunbound.
+- Fix stats double count issue (#289).
+- Fix that dnstap reconnects do not spam the log with the repeated
+  attempts.  Attempts on the timer are only logged on high verbosity,
+  if they produce a connection failure error.
+- Fix to apply chroot to dnstap-socket-path, if chroot is enabled.
+- Change configure to use EVP_sha256 instead of HMAC_Update for
+  openssl-3.0.0.
+- Update documentation in python example code.
+- Review fix interface, doxygen and assign null in case of error free.
+- Merge PR #293: Add missing prototype.  Also refactor to use the new
+  shorthand function to clean up the code.
+- Refactor to use sock_strerr shorthand function.
+- Fix #296: systemd is reached before unbound can
+  successfully answer queries. Changed contrib/
+- Fix num.expired statistics output.
+- Remove x file mode on ipset/ipset.c and h files.
+- Spelling fix.
+- Introduce test for statistics.
+- Fix that prefer-ip4 and prefer-ip6 can be get and set with
+  unbound-control, with libunbound and the unbound-checkconf option
+  output function.
+- Merge PR #311 by luismerino: Dynlibmod leak.
+- Error message is logged for dynlibmod malloc failures.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- Fix #304: dnstap logging not recovering after dnstap process restarts
+- Fix edns-client-tags get_option typo
+- Fix #305: dnstap logging significantly affects unbound performance
+  (regression in 1.11).
+- Fix #305: only wake up thread when threshold reached.
+- Fix to ifdef fptr wlist item for dnstap.
+- Fix memory leak of edns tags at libunbound context delete.
+- Fix double loopexit for unbound-dnstap-socket after sigterm.
+Mon Jul 27 10:48:36 UTC 2020 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.11.0
+- Merge #225 from akhait: KSK-2010 has been revoked. It removes the
+  KSK-2010 from the default list in unbound-anchor, now that the
+  revocation period is over.  KSK-2017 is the only trust anchor in
+  the shipped default now.
+- Merge PR #93: Add dynamic library support.
+- Introduce 'include-toplevel:' configuration option.
+- Change default value for 'rrset-roundrobin' to yes.
+- Add SNI support on more TLS connections (fixes #193).
+- Add SNI support to unbound-anchor.
+- Merge PR #164: Framestreams, this branch implements dnstap
+  connectivity in unbound. This has a number of new features.
+- Fix #165: Add prefer-ip4: yesno config option to prefer ipv4 for
+  using ipv4 filters, because the hosts ip6 netblock /64 is not owned
+  by one operator, and thus reputation is shared.
+Bug Fixes
+- protect X509_CHECK_FLAG_NO_PARTIAL_WILDCARDS with ifdef for
+  different openssl versions.
+- Merge PR #166: Fix typo in, by glitsj16.
+- Fix #169: Fix warning for daemon/remote.c output may be truncated
+  from snprintf.
+- Fix #170: Fix gcc undefined sanitizer signed integer overflow
+  warning in signature expiry RFC1982 serial number arithmetic.
+- Fix more undefined sanitizer issues, in respip copy_rrset null
+  dname, and in the client_info_compare routine for null memcmp.
+- Merge PR #171: Add additional compilers and platforms to Travis
+  testing, by noloader.
+- Merge PR #173: updated for config.guess and
+  config.sub and sha256 digest for gpg, by noloader.
+- Merge PR #172: Add IBM s390x arch for testing, by noloader.
+- Fix #177: dnstap does not build on macOS.
+- Fix compiler warning in dns64/dns64.c
+- Merge PR #174: Add Android to Travis testing, by noloader.
+- Move android build scripts to contrib/ and allow android tests to fail.
+- Fix #175, Merge PR #176: fix link error when OpenSSL is configured
+  with no-engine, thanks noloader.
+- Upgrade config.guess(2020-01-01) and config.sub(2020-01-01).
+- Merge PR #180 from noloader: Avoid calling exit in Travis script.
+- Merge PR #181 from noloader: Fix OpenSSL -pie warning on Android.
+- Update (from PR #179), by Jeffrey Walton.
+- Fix PR #182 from noloader: Add iOS testing to Travis.
+- Merge PR #186, fix #183: Fix unrecognized 'echo -n' option on OS X, by
+  noloader
+- Fix #188: unbound-control.c:882:6: error: 'execlp' is
+  unavailable: not available on tvOS.
+- Fix #189: mini_event.h:142:17: error: field 'ev_timeout' has incomplete
+  type, by noloader.
+- Add check to make sure RPZ records are subdomains of configured
+  zone origin.
+- Fix #192: In the unbound-checkconf tool, the module config of
+  dns64 subnetcache respip validator iterator is whitelisted, it was
+  reported it seems to work.
+- Merge PR#191: Update iOS testing on Travis, by Jeffrey Walton.
+- Fix #158: open tls-session-ticket-keys as binary, for Windows. By
+  Daisuke HIGASHI.
+- Merge PR#134, Allow the kernel to provide random source ports. By
+  Florian Obser.
+- Log warning when using outgoing-port-permit and outgoing-port-avoid
+  while explicit port randomisation is disabled.
+- Merge PR#194: Add libevent testing to Travis, by Jeffrey Walton.
+- Fix .travis.yml error, missing 'env' option.
+- Merge PR #197 from fobser: Make log_ident_revert_to_default() a
+  proper prototype.
+- Merge PR #198 from fobser: Declare lz_enter_rr_into_zone()
+  static, it's only used in this file.
+- Fix compile on Solaris for unbound-checkconf.
+- Fix compile of test tools without protobuf.
+- Merge PR #200 from yarikk: add ip-dscp option to specify the DSCP
+  tag for outgoing packets.
+- Travis fix for ios by omitting tools from install.
+- Merge PR #201 from noloader: Fix OpenSSL cross-compaile warnings.
+- Fix RPZ concurrency issue when using auth_zone_reload.
+- Make unbound-control error returned on missing domain name more user
+  friendly.
+- Merge PR #203 from noloader: Update with current
+  procedures.
+- Merge PR #207: Clarify if-automatic listens on and ::
+- Merge PR #208: Fix uncached CLIENT_RESPONSE'es on stateful
+  transports.
+- Merge PR #206: Redis TTL, by Talkabout.
+- More documentation for redis-expire-records option.
+- Keep track of number of timeouts. Use this counter to determine if
+  capsforid fallback should be started.
+- Merge PR #214 from gearnode: unbound-control-setup recreate
+  certificates.  With the -r option the certificates are created
+  again, without it, only the files that do not exist are created.
+- Fix #220: auth-zone section in config may lead to segfault.
+- Fix help return code in unbound-control-setup script.
+- Fix for posix shell syntax for trap in nsd-control-setup.
+- Fix for posix shell syntax for trap in test script.
+- Add doxygen documentation for DSCP.
+- Fix #222: --enable-rpath, fails to rpath python lib.
+- Fix for count of reply states in the mesh.
+- Remove unneeded was_mesh_reply check.
+- Explicitly use 'rrset-roundrobin: no' for test cases.
+- Cache ECS answers with longest scope of CNAME chain.
+- windows compile warnings removal for ip dscp option code.
+- Fix for integer overflow when printing RDF_TYPE_TIME.
+- Update contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch for the recent
+  generate_sub_request() change and to apply cleanly.
+- Merge PR #241 by Robert Edmonds: contrib/ Do not use
+  "Requires:".
+- Mention tls name possible when tls is enabled for stub-addr in the
+  man page.
+- Fix default explanation in man page for qname-minimisation-strict.
+- Fix display of event loop method with libev.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- Move reply list clean for serve expired mesh callback to after
+  the reply is sent, so that script callbacks have reply_info.
+- Also move reply list clean for mesh callbacks to the scrip callback
+  can see the reply_info.
+- Fix for mesh accounting if the reply list already empty to begin
+  with.
+- Fix for mesh accounting when rpz decides to drop a reply with a
+  tcp stream waiting for it.
+- Review fix for number of detached states due to use of variable
+  after end of loop.
+- Fix tcp req info drop due to size call into mesh accounting
+  removal of mesh state during mesh send reply.
+- Fix #259: Fix unbound-checkconf does not check view existence.
+  unbound-checkconf checks access-control-view, access-control-tags,
+  access-control-tag-actions and access-control-tag-datas.
+- Fix offset of error printout for access-control-tag-datas.
+- Fix add missing DSA header, for compilation without deprecated
+  OpenSSL APIs.
+- Fix to use SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_evp_cb in OpenSSL
+  3.0.0-alpha4.
+- Longer keys for the test set, this avoids weak crypto errors.
+- Add bidirectional frame streams support.
+- Fix check conf test for referencing installation paths.
+- Fix unused variable warning for clang analyzer.
+- Merge PR #234 - Ensure proper alignment of cmsg buffers by Jérémie
+  Courrèges-Anglas.
+- Fix PR #234 log_assert sizeof to use union buffer.
+- Fix libnettle compile for session ticket key callback function
+  changes.
+- Fix lock dependency cycle in rpz zone config setup.
+- Fix streamtcp to print packet data to stdout.  This makes the
+  stdout and stderr not mix together lines, when parsing its output.
+- Fix contrib/fastrpz.patch to apply cleanly.  It fixes for changes
+  due to added libdynmod, but it does not compile, it conflicts with
+  new rpz code.
+Tue May 19 10:45:19 UTC 2020 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.10.1 with security fixes
+  * CVE-2020-12662 Unbound can be tricked into amplifying an incoming
+    query into a large number of queries directed to a target.
+  * CVE-2020-12663 Malformed answers from upstream name servers can be
+    used to make Unbound unresponsive.
+- removed unused unbound-1.10.1.tar.gz.asc for now
+Thu Feb 20 21:40:10 UTC 2020 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.10.0
+- Merge RPZ support into master. Only QNAME and Response IP triggers are
+  supported.
+- Added serve-stale functionality as described in
+  draft-ietf-dnsop-serve-stale-10. `serve-expired-*` options can be used
+  to configure the behavior.
+- Updated cachedb to honor `serve-expired-ttl`; Fixes #107.
+- Renamed statistic `num.zero_ttl` to `num.expired` as expired replies
+  come with a configurable TTL value (`serve-expired-reply-ttl`).
+- Merge #135 from Florian Obser: Use passed in neg and key cache
+  if non-NULL.
+- Fix #153: Disable validation for DSA algorithms.  RFC 8624 compliance.
+- Merge PR#151: Fixes for systemd units, by Maryse47, Edmonds
+  and Frzk.  Updates the unbound.service systemd file and adds a portable
+  systemd service file.
+- Merge PR#154; Allow use of libbsd functions with configure option
+  --with-libbsd. By Robert Edmonds and Steven Chamberlain.
+- Merge PR#148; Add some TLS stats to unbound_munin_. By Fredrik Pettai.
+- Merge PR#156 from Alexander Berkes; Added unbound-control
+  view_local_datas_remove command.
+Bug Fixes:
+- Fix typo to let serve-expired-ttl work with ub_ctx_set_option(), by
+  Florian Obser
+- Update mailing list URL.
+- Fix #140: Document slave not downloading new zonefile upon update.
+- Downgrade compat/getentropy_solaris.c to version 1.4 from OpenBSD.
+  The dl_iterate_phdr() function introduced in newer versions raises
+  compilation errors on solaris 10.
+- Changes to compat/getentropy_solaris.c for,
+  ifdef stdint.h inclusion for older systems.  ifdef sha2.h inclusion
+  for older systems.
+- Fix 'make test' to work for --disable-sha1 configure option.
+- Fix out-of-bounds null-byte write in sldns_bget_token_par while
+  parsing type WKS, reported by Luis Merino from X41 D-Sec.
+- Updated sldns_bget_token_par fix for also space for the zero
+  delimiter after the character.  And update for more spare space.
+- Fix #138: stop binding pidfile inside chroot dir in systemd service
+  file.
+- Fix the relationship between serve-expired and prefetch options,
+  patch from Saksham Manchanda from Secure64.
+- Fix unreachable code in ssl set options code.
+- Removed the dnscrypt_queries and dnscrypt_queries_chacha tests,
+  because dnscrypt-proxy (2.0.36) does not support the test setup
+  any more, and also the config file format does not seem to have the
+  appropriate keys to recreate that setup.
+- Fix crash after reload where a stats lookup could reference old key
+  cache and neg cache structures.
+- Fix for memory leak when edns subnet config options are read when
+  compiled without edns subnet support.
+- Fix auth zone support for NSEC3 records without salt.
+- Merge PR#150 from Frzk: Systemd unit without chroot.  It add
+  contrib/, a systemd file for use with
+  chroot: "", see comments in the file, it uses systemd protections
+  instead.  It was superceded by #151, the unbound_portable.service
+  file.
+- Merge PR#155 from Robert Edmonds: contrib/ Fixes
+  to Libs/Requires for crypto library dependencies.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- Fix to silence the tls handshake errors for broken pipe and reset
+  by peer, unless verbosity is set to 2 or higher.
+- Merge PR#147; change rfc reference for reserved top level dns names.
+- Fix #157: undefined reference to `htobe64'.
+- Fix subnet tests for disabled DSA algorithm by default.
+- Update contrib/fastrpz.patch for clean diff with current code.
+- updated .gitignore for added contrib file.
+- Add build rule for ipset to Makefile
+- Add getentropy_freebsd.o to Makefile dependencies.
+- Fix memory leak in error condition remote.c
+- Fix double free in error condition view.c
+- Fix memory leak in do_auth_zone_transfer on success
+- Stop working on socket when socket() call returns an error.
+- Check malloc return values in TLS session ticket code
+- Fix fclose on error in TLS session ticket code.
+- Add assertion to please static analyzer
+- Fixed stats when replying with cached, cname-aliased records.
+- Added missing default values for redis cachedb backend.
+- Fix num_reply_addr counting in mesh and tcp drop due to size
+  after serve_stale commit.
+- Fix to create and destroy rpz_lock in auth_zones structure.
+- Fix to lock zone before adding rpz qname trigger.
+- Fix to lock and release once in mesh_serve_expired_lookup.
+- Fix to put braces around empty if body when threading is disabled.
+- Fix num_reply_states and num_detached_states counting with
+  serve_expired_callback.
+- Cleaner code in mesh_serve_expired_lookup.
+- Document in unbound.conf manpage that configuration clauses can be
+  repeated in the configuration file.
+- Document 'ub_result.was_ratelimited' in libunbound.
+- Fix use after free on log-identity after a reload; Fixes #163.
+- Fix with libnettle make test with dsa disabled.
+- Fix contrib/fastrpz.patch to apply cleanly.  Fix for serve-stale
+  fixes, but it does not compile, conflicts with new rpz code.
+- Fix to clean memory leak of respip_addr.lock when ip_tree deleted.
+- Fix compile warning when threads disabled.
+- Fix spelling in
+- Stop unbound-checkconf from insisting that auth-zone and rpz
+  zonefiles have to exist.  They can not exist, and download later.
+- contrib/drop2rpz: perl script that converts the Spamhaus DROP-List
+  in RPZ-Format, contributed by Andreas Schulze.
+- Remove unused variable.
+- Add respip to supported module-config options in unbound-checkconf.
+- Updated contrib/unbound_smf23.tar.gz with Solaris SMF service for
+  Unbound from Yuri Voinov.
+Thu Dec 19 15:33:17 UTC 2019 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libsystemd) instead of systemd-devel:
+  Allow OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors.
+Thu Dec 12 21:01:07 UTC 2019 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.9.6
+  This release contains a number of security related fixes found in
+  a security audit
+- The unbound.conf includes are sorted ascending, for include
+  statements with a '*' from glob.
+- drop-tld.diff in contrib/ : adds option drop-tld: yesno that drops 2 label
+  queries, to stop random floods.  Apply with
+  patch -p1 < contrib/drop-tld.diff and compile.
+  From Saksham Manchanda (Secure64).  Please note that we think this
+  will drop DNSKEY and DS lookups for tlds and hence break DNSSEC
+  lookups for downstream clients.
+- Add new configure option `--enable-fully-static` to enable full static
+  build if requested; in relation to #91.
+- Add make distclean that removes everything configure produced,
+  and make maintainer-clean that removes bison and flex output.
+- unbound-fuzzers.tar.bz2 in contrib/ : three programs for fuzzing, that
+  are 1:1 replacements for unbound-fuzzme.c that gets created after applying
+  the contrib/unbound-fuzzme.patch.  They are contributed by
+  Eric Sesterhenn from X41 D-Sec.
+Bug Fixes:
+- Fix that pkg-config is setup before --enable-systemd needs it.
+- Fix contrib/fastrpz.patch asprintf return value checks.
+- ipset module #28: log that an address is added, when verbosity high.
+- ipset: refactor long routine into three smaller ones.
+- updated Makefile dependencies.
+- squelch DNS over TLS errors 'ssl handshake failed crypto error'
+  on low verbosity, they show on verbosity 3 (query details), because
+  there is a high volume and the operator cannot do anything for the
+  remote failure.  Specifically filters the high volume errors.
+- Fix #71: fix openssl error squelch commit compilation error.
+- Fix #72: configure --with-syslog-facility=LOCAL0-7 with default
+  LOG_DAEMON (as before) can set the syslog facility that the server
+  uses to log messages.
+- Use explicit bzero for wiping clear buffer of hash in cachedb,
+  reported by Eric Sesterhenn from X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix #78: Memory leak in outside_network.c.
+- Merge pull request #76 from Maryse47: Improvements and fixes for
+  systemd unbound.service.
+- oss-fuzz badge on
+- Fix fix for #78 to also free service callback struct.
+- Fix for oss-fuzz build warning.
+- Fix wrong response ttl for prepended short CNAME ttls, this would
+  create a wrong zero_ttl response count with serve-expired enabled.
+- Merge #80 from stasic: Improve wording in man page.
+- Merge #82 from hardfalcon: Downgrade CAP_NET_ADMIN to CAP_NET_RAW
+  in unbound.service.
+- Merge #81 from Maryse47: Consistently use /dev/urandom instead
+  of /dev/random in scripts and docs.
+- Merge #83 from Maryse47: contrib/ do not fork
+  into the background.
+- Merge #85 for #84 from sam-lunt: Add kill capability to systemd
+  service file to fix that systemctl reload fails.
+- Merge #87 from hardfalcon: Fix contrib/,
+  Drop CAP_KILL, use + prefix for ExecReload= instead.
+- Merge #90 from vcunat: fix build with nettle-3.5.
+- Fix for CVE-2019-16866.  That fix is also in 1.9.4.
+- Merge #86 from psquarejho: Added -b source address option to
+  smallapp/unbound-anchor.c, from Lukas Wunner.
+- Add doxygen comments to unbound-anchor source address code, in #86.
+- Merge #97: manpage: Add missing word on unbound.conf,
+  from Erethon.
+- Fix #99: Memory leak in ub_ctx (event_base will never be freed).
+- Fix #109: check number of arguments for stdin-pipes in
+  unbound-control and fail if too many arguments.
+- Merge #102 from jrtc27: Add getentropy emulation for FreeBSD.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- contrib/fastrpz.patch updated to apply for current code.
+- fixes for splint cleanliness, long vs int in SSL set_mode.
+- In unbound-host use separate variable for get_option to please
+  code checkers.
+- update to bison output of 3.4.1 in code repository.
+- Provide a prototype for compat malloc to remove compile warning.
+- Portable grep usage for reuseport configure test.
+- Check return type of HMAC_Init_ex for openssl 0.9.8.
+- gitignore .source tempfile used for compatible make.
+- Fix for CVE-2019-18934, shell execution in ipsecmod.
+  This fix is also in 1.9.5.
+- Fix authzone printout buffer length check.
+- Fixes to please lint checks.
+- Fix Integer Overflow in Regional Allocator,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Unchecked NULL Pointer in dns64_inform_super()
+  and ipsecmod_new(), reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out-of-bounds Read in rr_comment_dnskey(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Integer Overflows in Size Calculations,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Integer Overflow to Buffer Overflow in
+  sldns_str2wire_dname_buf_origin(), reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out of Bounds Read in sldns_str2wire_dname(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out of Bounds Write in sldns_bget_token_par(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out of Bounds Read in rrinternal_get_owner(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Race Condition in autr_tp_create(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Shared Memory World Writeable,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Adjust unbound-control to make stats_shm a read only operation.
+- Fix Weak Entropy Used For Nettle,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Randomness Error not Handled Properly,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out-of-Bounds Read in dname_valid(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Config Injection in,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Local Memory Leak in cachedb_init(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Integer Underflow in Regional Allocator,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Upgrade compat/getentropy_linux.c to version 1.46 from OpenBSD.
+- Synchronize compat/getentropy_win.c with version 1.5 from
+  OpenBSD, no changes but makes the file, comments, identical.
+- Upgrade compat/getentropy_solaris.c to version 1.13 from OpenBSD.
+- Upgrade compat/getentropy_osx.c to version 1.12 from OpenBSD.
+- Changes to compat/getentropy files for,
+  no link to openssl if using nettle, and hence config.h for
+  HAVE_NETTLE variable.
+  compat definition of MAP_ANON, for older systems.
+  ifdef stdint.h inclusion for older systems.
+  ifdef sha2.h inclusion for older systems.
+- Fixed Compat Code Diverging from Upstream, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix compile with --enable-alloc-checks, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Terminating Quotes not Written, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Useless memset() in validator, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Unrequired Checks, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Enum Name not Used, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix NULL Pointer Dereference via Control Port,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Bad Randomness in Seed, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix python examples/ for eval, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix comments for doxygen in dns64.
+- Fix dname loop maximum, reported by Eric Sesterhenn from X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix compiler warnings.
+- Merge pull request #122 from he32: In tcp_callback_writer(),
+  don't disable time-out when changing to read.
+- Merge pull request #124 from rmetrich: Changed log lock
+  from 'quick' to 'basic' because this is an I/O lock.
+- Fix text around serial arithmatic used for RRSIG times to refer
+  to correct RFC number.
+- Fix Assert Causing DoS in synth_cname(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix similar code in auth_zone synth cname to add the extra checks.
+- Fix Assert Causing DoS in dname_pkt_copy(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix OOB Read in sldns_wire2str_dname_scan(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out of Bounds Write in sldns_str2wire_str_buf(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out of Bounds Write in sldns_b64_pton(),
+  fixed by check in sldns_str2wire_int16_data_buf(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Insufficient Handling of Compressed Names in dname_pkt_copy(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Out of Bound Write Compressed Names in rdata_copy(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Hang in sldns_wire2str_pkt_scan(),
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+  This further lowers the max to 256.
+- Fix snprintf() supports the n-specifier,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Bad Indentation, in dnscrypt.c,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Client NONCE Generation used for Server NONCE,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix compile error in dnscrypt.
+- Fix _vfixed not Used, removed from sbuffer code,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix Hardcoded Constant, reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- make depend
+- Fix lock type for memory purify log lock deletion.
+- Fix testbound for alloccheck runs, memory purify and lock checks.
+- update contrib/fastrpz.patch to apply more cleanly.
+- Fix Make Test Fails when Configured With --enable-alloc-nonregional,
+  reported by X41 D-Sec.
+- Fix ipsecmod compile
+- Fix for ipset module compile, from Adi Prasaja.
+Tue Nov 19 20:16:14 UTC 2019 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.9.5
+  Fix for CVE-2019-18934
+Thu Oct  3 14:14:06 UTC 2019 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.9.4
+  security fix for CVE-2019-16866 (error in parsing NOTIFY queries)
+Tue Aug 27 18:33:04 UTC 2019 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.9.3
+- PR #28: IPSet module, by Kevin Chou.  Created a module to support
+  the ipset that could add the domain's ip to a list easily.
+  Needs libmnl, and --enable-ipset and config it, doc/
+- Merge PR #6: Python module: support multiple instances
+- Merge PR #5: Python module: define constant MODULE_RESTART_NEXT
+- Merge PR #4: Python module: assign something useful to the
+  per-query data store 'qdata'
+- Introduce `-V` option to print the version number and build options.
+  Previously reported build options like linked libs and linked modules
+  are now moved from `-h` to `-V` as well for consistency.
+- PACKAGE_BUGREPORT now also includes link to GitHub issues.
+Bug Fixes:
+- Fix #39: In libunbound, leftover logfile is close()d unpredictably.
+- Fix for #24: Fix abort due to scan of auth zone masters using old
+  address from previous scan.
+- Fix to omit RRSIGs from addition to the ipset.
+- Fix to make unbound-control with ipset, remove unused variable,
+  use unsigned type because of comparison, and assign null instead
+  of compare with it.  Remade lex and yacc output.
+- make depend
+- Added documentation to the ipset files (for doxygen output).
+- Fix python dict reference and double free in config.
+- Fix memleak in unit test, reported from the clang 8.0 static analyzer.
+- For #45, check that and ::1 are not used in unbound.conf
+  when do-not-query-localhost is turned on, or at default on,
+  unbound-checkconf prints a warning if it is found in forward-addr or
+  stub-addr statements.
+- Fix for possible assertion failure when answering respip CNAME from
+  cache.
+- Fix in respip addrtree selection. Absence of addr_tree_init_parents()
+  call made it impossible to go up the tree when the matching netmask is
+  too specific.
+- Fix #48: Unbound returns additional records on NODATA response,
+  if minimal-responses is enabled, also the additional for negative
+  responses is removed.
+- Fix #49: Set no renegotiation on the SSL context to stop client
+  session renegotiation.
+- Fix question section mismatch in local zone redirect.
+- Add verbose log message when auth zone file is written, at level 4.
+- Add hex print of trust anchor pointer to trust anchor file temp
+  name to make it unique, for libunbound created multiple contexts.
+- For #52 #53, second context does not close logfile override.
+- Fix #52 #53, fix for example fail program.
+- Fix to return after failed auth zone http chunk write.
+- Fix to remove unused test for task_probe existance.
+- Fix to timeval_add for remaining second in microseconds.
+- Check repinfo in worker_handle_request, if null, drop it.
+- Generate configlexer with newer flex.
+- Fix warning for unused variable for compilation without systemd.
+- Fix #59, when compiled with systemd support check that we can properly
+  communicate with systemd through the `NOTIFY_SOCKET`.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- Fix autotrust temp file uniqueness windows compile.
+- avoid warning about upcast on 32bit systems for autotrust.
+- escape commandline contents for -V.
+- Fix character buffer size in ub_ctx_hosts.
+- Option -V prints if TCP fastopen is available.
+- Fix unittest valgrind false positive uninitialised value report,
+  where if gcc 9.1.1 uses -O2 (but not -O1) then valgrind 3.15.0
+  issues an uninitialised value for the token buffer at the str2wire.c
+  rrinternal_get_owner() strcmp with the '@' value.  Rewritten to use
+  straight character comparisons removes the false positive.  Also
+  valgrinds --expensive-definedness-checks=yes can stop this false
+  positive.
+- Please doxygen's parser for "@" occurrence in doxygen comment.
+- Fixup contrib/fastrpz.patch
+- Remove warning about unknown cast-function-type warning pragma.
+- Document limitation of pidfile removal outside of chroot directory.
+- Fix log_dns_msg to log irrespective of minimal responses config.
+- Fix that pkg-config is setup before --enable-systemd needs it.
+Sun Aug 25 18:47:37 UTC 2019 - Christian Boltz <>
+- change tmpfiles-unbound.conf from /var/run/ to /run/ to silence
+  systemd-tmpfiles warning
+Mon Jul 29 08:38:32 UTC 2019 - Dirk Stoecker <>
+- Correct library version from 2 to 8
+Fri Jul 26 12:29:06 UTC 2019 -
+- removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by
+  firewalld, see [1].
+  [1]:
+Mon Jun 17 17:21:10 UTC 2019 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.9.2
+- add type CAA to libpyunbound (accessing libunbound from python).
+- Fix #17: Add python module example from Jan Janak, that is a
+  plugin for the Unbound DNS resolver to resolve DNS records in
+  multicast DNS [RFC 6762] via Avahi.  The plugin communicates
+  with Avahi via DBus. The comment section at the beginning of
+  the file contains detailed documentation.
+- travis build file.
+- PR #16: XoT support, AXFR over TLS, turn it on with
+  master: <ip>#<authname> in unbound.conf.  This uses TLS to
+  download the AXFR (or IXFR).
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix for #4233: guard use of NDEBUG, so that it can be passed in
+  CFLAGS into configure.
+- Add log message, at verbosity 4, that says the query is encrypted
+  with TLS, if that is enabled for the query.
+- Fix #4239: set NOTIMPL when deny-any is enabled, for RFC8482.
+- Fix #4240: Fix whitespace cleanup in example.conf.
+- Fix that tls-session-ticket-keys: "" on its own in unbound.conf
+  disables the tls session ticker key calls into the OpenSSL API.
+- Fix crash if tls-servic-pem not filled in when necessary.
+- Fix auth-zone NSEC3 response for empty nonterminals with exact
+  match nsec3 records.
+- Fix for out of bounds integers, thanks to OSTIF audit.  It is in
+  allocation debug code.
+- Fix for auth zone nsec3 ent fix for wildcard nodata.
+- Move goto label in answer_from_cache to the end of the function
+  where it is more visible.
+- Fix auth-zone NSEC3 response for wildcard nodata answers,
+  include the closest encloser in the answer.
+- Fix spelling error in log output for event method.
+- Fix to reinit event structure for accepted TCP (and TLS) sockets.
+- Fix to use event_assign with libevent for thread-safety.
+- verbose information about auth zone lookup process, also lookup
+  start, timeout and fail.
+- Fix to wipe ssl ticket keys from memory with explicit_bzero,
+  if available.
+- Fix that auth zone uses correct network type for sockets for
+  SOA serial probes.  This fixes that probes fail because earlier
+  probe addresses are unreachable.
+- Fix that auth zone fails over to next master for timeout in tcp.
+- Squelch SSL read and write connection reset by peer and broken pipe
+  messages.  Verbosity 2 and higher enables them.
+- Update python documentation for init_standard().
+- Typos.
+- Fix tls write event for read state change to re-call SSL_write and
+  not resume the TLS handshake.
+- Better braces in if statement in TCP fastopen code.
+- iana portlist updated.
+- Scrub RRs from answer section when reusing NXDOMAIN message for
+  subdomain answers.
+- For harden-below-nxdomain: do not consider a name to be non-exitent
+  when message contains a CNAME record.
+- Fix wrong query name in local zone redirect answers with a CNAME,
+  the copy of the local alias is in unpacked form.
+- contrib/fastrpz.patch updated for code changes, and with git diff.
+- Fix #29: Solaris 11.3 and missing symbols be64toh, htobe64.
+- Fix #30: AddressSanitizer finding in lookup3.c.  This sets the
+  hash function to use a slower but better auditable code that does
+  not read beyond array boundaries.  This makes code better security
+  checkable, and is better for security.  It is fixed to be slower,
+  but not read outside of the array.
+- Fix edns-subnet locks, in error cases the lock was not unlocked.
+- Fix doxygen output error on readme markdown vignettes.
+- Squelch log messages from tcp send about connection reset by peer.
+  They can be enabled with verbosity at higher values for diagnosing
+  network connectivity issues.
+- Attempt to fix malformed tcp response.
+- Fix #31: swig 4.0 and python module.
+- Note that so-reuseport at extreme load is better turned off,
+  otherwise queries are not distributed evenly, on Linux 4.4.x.
+- Fix that spoolbuf is not used to store tcp pipelined response
+  between mesh send and callback end.
+- Fix double file close in tcp pipelined response code.
+- Fix to define _OPENBSD_SOURCE to get reallocarray on NetBSD.
+- Fix to guard _OPENBSD_SOURCE from redefinition.
+- Fix that fixes the Fix that spoolbuf is not used to store tcp
+  pipelined response between mesh send and callback end, this fixes
+  error cases that did not use the correct spoolbuf.
+- Fix that fixes the Fix that spoolbuf is not used to store tcp
+  pipelined response between mesh send and callback end, this fixes
+  error cases that did not use the correct spoolbuf.
+- Fix another spoolbuf storage code point, in prefetch.
+Sat Apr 13 18:51:31 UTC 2019 - Dirk Stoecker <>
+- build python2 and python3 packages with proper name
+Mon Mar 18 12:16:58 UTC 2019 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.9.1
+- Add local-zone type inform_redirect, which logs like type inform,
+  and redirects like type redirect.
+- Perform canonical sort for 0x20 capsforid compare of replies,
+  this sorts rrsets in the authority and additional section before
+  comparison, so that out of order rrsets do not cause failure.
+- Print query name with ip_ratelimit exceeded log lines.
+  Spaces instead of tabs in that log message.
+- Print query name and IP address when domain rate limit exceeded.
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix #4224: auth_xfr_notify.rpl test broken due to typo
+- Fix locking for libunbound context setup with broken port config.
+- Fix case in which query timeout can result in marking delegation
+  as edns_lame_known.
+- Set ub_ctx_set_tls call signature in ltrace config file for
+  libunbound in contrib/
+- improve documentation for tls-service-key and forward-first.
+- #10: fixed pkg-config operations, PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG moved out of
+  conditional section, fixes systemd builds, from Enrico Scholz.
+- #9: For openssl 1.0.2 use the CRYPTO_THREADID locking callbacks,
+  still supports the set_id_callback previous API.  And for 1.1.0
+  no locking callbacks are needed.
+- #8: Fix OpenSSL without ENGINE support compilation.
+- Wipe TLS session key data from memory on exit.
+- Fix that log-replies prints the correct name for local-alias
+  names, for names that have a CNAME in local-data configuration.
+  It logs the original query name, not the target of the CNAME.
+- Fix #4206: OpenSSL 1.0.2 hostname verification for FreeBSD 11.2.
+- Fix that qname minimisation does not skip a label when missing
+  nameserver targets need to be fetched.
+- Fix #4225: clients seem to erroneously receive no answer with
+  DNS-over-TLS and qname-minimisation.
+- Note default for module-config in man page.
+- Fix #13: Remove left-over requirements on OpenSSL >= 1.1.0 for
+  cert name matching, from man page.
+- Fix capsforid canonical sort qsort callback.
+- Fix pythonmod include and sockaddr_un ifdefs for compile on
+  Windows, and for libunbound.
+- Fix the error for unknown module in module-config is understandable,
+  and explains it was not compiled in and where to see the list.
+- In example.conf explain where to put cachedb module in module-config.
+- In man page and example config explain that most modules have to
+  be listed at the start of module-config.
+- Fix #4227: pair event del and add for libevent for tcp_req_info.
+- Fix #4229: Unbound man pages lack information, about access-control
+  order and local zone tags, and elements in views.
+- Fix #14: contrib/unbound.init: Fix wrong comparison judgment
+  before copying.
+- Fix for python module on Windows, fix fopen.
+- Remove memory leak on pythonmod python2 script file init.
+- Remove swig gcc8 python function cast warnings, they are ignored.
+- Print correct module that failed when module-config is wrong.
+Thu Feb 28 14:33:05 UTC 2019 - Rubén Torrero Marijnissen <>
+- Remove old pwdutils dependency and add shadow to cover both useradd 
+  and groupadd as suggested in (bsc#1126757)
+Wed Jan  9 12:11:47 UTC 2019 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
+- Require /usr/sbin/useradd to be present before installation, as
+  we run it in the %pre script.
+Fri Dec 28 17:16:01 UTC 2018 - Jan Engelhardt <>
+- Reorder scriptlet %if guards so that no empty scriptlets are
+  emitted. Add one missing %if %{with systemd}.
+- Replace %__-type macro indirections.
+Tue Dec 11 19:59:00 UTC 2018 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.8.3 fixes crash bug introduced in 1.8.2
+  in the dns64 processing.
+Tue Dec 11 17:44:56 UTC 2018 - Rubén Torrero Marijnissen <>
+- Migrate from cron to systemd timers (bsc#1115417) 
+Wed Dec  5 11:12:42 UTC 2018 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.8.2
+- Add fast-server-permil and fast-server-num options.
+- Deprecate low-rtt and low-rtt-permil options.
+- Change fast-server-num default to 3.
+- Fix #4154: make ECS_MAX_TREESIZE configurable, with
+  the max-ecs-tree-size-ipv4 and max-ecs-tree-size-ipv6 options.
+- Fix #4190: Please create a "ANY" deny option, adds the option
+  deny-any: yes in unbound.conf.  This responds with an empty message
+  to queries of type ANY.
+- Fix #4126: RTT_band too low on VSAT links with 600+ms latency,
+  adds the option unknown-server-time-limit to unbound.conf that
+  can be increased to avoid the problem.
+- Add min-client-subnet-ipv6 and min-client-subnet-ipv4 options.
+- Support SO_REUSEPORT_LB in FreeBSD 12 with the so-reuseport: yes
+  option in unbound.conf.
+- Add unbound-control view_local_datas command, like local_datas.
+Bug Fixes
+- dnscrypt.c removed sizeof to get array bounds.
+- Fix testlock code to set noreturn on error routine.
+- Remove unused variable from contrib fastrpz/rpz.c and
+  remove unused diagnostic pragmas that themselves generate warnings
+- clang analyze test is used only when assertions are enabled.
+- Squelch EADDRNOTAVAIL errors when the interface goes away,
+  this omits 'can't assign requested address' errors unless
+  verbosity is set to a high value.
+- Set default for so-reuseport to no for FreeBSD.  It is enabled
+  by default for Linux and DragonFlyBSD.  The setting can
+  be configured in unbound.conf to override the default.
+- iana port update.
+- Squelch log of failed to tcp initiate after TCP Fastopen failure.
+- Fix #4192: unbound-control-setup generates keys not readable by
+  group.
+- check that the dnstap socket file can be opened and exists, print
+  error if not.
+- Add markdel function to ECS slabhash.
+- Limit ECS scope returned to client to the scope used for caching.
+- Fix #4191: NXDOMAIN vs SERVFAIL during dns64 PTR query.
+- Fix #4141: More randomness to rrset-roundrobin.
+- Fix #4132: Openness/closeness of RANGE intervals in rpl files.
+- remade makefile dependencies.
+- Fix #4152: Logs shows wrong time when using log-time-ascii: yes.
+- Scrub NS records from NXDOMAIN responses to stop fragmentation
+  poisoning of the cache.
+- Scrub NS records from NODATA responses as well.
+- Add patch from Jan Vcelak for pythonmod,
+  add sockaddr_storage getters, add support for query callbacks,
+  allow raw address access via comm_reply and update API documentation.
+- Removed compile warnings in pythonmod sockaddr routines.
+- With ./configure --with-pyunbound --with-pythonmodule
+  PYTHON_VERSION=3.6 or with 2.7 unbound can compile and unit tests
+  succeed for the python module.
+- pythonmod logs the python error and traceback on failure.
+- ignore debug python module for test in doxygen output.
+- review fixes for python module.
+- Fix #4209: Crash in libunbound when called from getdns.
+- auth zone zonefiles can be in a chroot, the chroot directory
+  components are removed before use.
+- Fix that empty zonefile means the zonefile is not set and not used.
+- Fix to not set GLOB_NOSORT so the unbound.conf include: files are
+  sorted and in a predictable order.
+- Fix #4193: Fix that prefetch failure does not overwrite valid cache
+  entry with SERVFAIL.
+- Fix DNS64 to not store intermediate results in cache, this avoids
+  other threads from picking up the wrong data.  The module restores
+  the previous no_cache_store setting when the the module is finished.
+- Fix #4208: 'stub-no-cache' and 'forward-no-cache' not work.
+- New and better fix for Fix #4193: Fix that prefetch failure does
+  not overwrite valid cache entry with SERVFAIL.
+- auth-zone give SERVFAIL when expired, fallback activates when
+  expired, and this is documented in the man page.
+- stat count SERVFAIL downstream auth-zone queries for expired zones.
+- Update contrib fastrpz patch for latest release.
+- Fix chroot auth-zone fix to remove chroot prefix.
+Tue Oct 16 17:47:13 UTC 2018 - Dirk Stoecker <>
+- Drop pre-rollover key 19036 from 2010, only leave 2017/2018 rollover
+  key 20326 (bsc#1112009, bsc#1004165)
+Tue Oct 16 15:01:15 UTC 2018 - Karol Babioch <>
+- Removed intermediate certificates from certificate bundle (bsc#1112033)
+Mon Oct  8 13:42:15 UTC 2018 - Michael Ströder <>
+- update to 1.8.1:
+  Number of bug fixes, a list of features added and some defaults changed.
+  - Perform TLS SNI indication of the host that is being contacted
+    for DNS over TLS service.  It sets the configured tls auth name.
+    This is useful for hosts that apart from the DNS over TLS services
+    also provide other (web) services.
+Bug Fixes:
+  - More explicitly mention the type of ratelimit when applying
+    ip-ratelimit.
+  - Fix spelling error in header, from getdns commit by Andreas Gelmini.
+  - iana port update.
+  - Fixed unused return value warnings in contrib/fastrpz.patch for
+    asprintf.
+  - Fix to squelch respip warning in unit test, it is printed at
+    higher verbosity settings.
+  - Fix spelling errors.
+  - Fix initialisation in remote.c
+  - Fix seed for random backup code to use explicit zero when wiped.
+  - exit log routine is annotated as noreturn function.
+  - free memory leaks in config strlist and str2list insert functions.
+  - do not move unused argv variable after getopt.
+  - Remove unused if clause in testcode.
+  - in testcode, free async ids, initialise array, and check for null
+    pointer during test of the test.  And use exit for return to note
+    irregular program stop.
+  - Free memory leak in config strlist append.
+  - make sure nsec3 comparison salt is initialized.
+  - unit test has clang analysis.
+  - remove unused variable assignment from iterator scrub routine.
+  - check for null in delegation point during iterator refetch
+    in forward zone.
+  - neater pointer cast in libunbound context quit routine.
+  - initialize statistics totals for printout.
+  - in authzone check that node exists before adding rrset.
+  - in unbound-anchor, use readwrite memory BIO.
+  - assertion in autotrust that packed rrset is formed correctly.
+  - Fix memory leak when message parse fails partway through copy.
+  - remove unused udpsize assignment in message encode.
+  - nicer bio free code in unbound-anchor.
+  - annotate exit functions with noreturn in unbound-control.
+  - Fix compile on Mac for unbound, provide explicit_bzero when libc
+    does not have it.
+  - Fix unbound for openssl in FIPS mode, it uses the digests with
+    the EVP call contexts.
+  - Fix that with harden-below-nxdomain and qname minisation enabled
+    some iterator states for nonresponsive domains can get into a
+    state where they waited for an empty list.
+  - Stop UDP to TCP failover after timeouts that causes the ping count
+    to be reset by the TCP time measurement (that exists for TLS),
+    because that causes the UDP part to not be measured as timeout.
+  - Fix #4156: Fix systemd service manager state change notification.
+  - Fix #4149: Add SSL cleanup for tcp timeout.
+  - Fix #4188: IPv6 forwarders without ipv6 result in SERVFAIL, fixes
+    qname minimisation with a forwarder when connectivity has issues
+    from rejecting responses.
+  - fastrpz.patch fixed.
+Thu Sep 17 17:00:00 UTC 2018 -
+- update to 1.8.0:
+  Number of bug fixes, a list of features added and some defaults changed.
+- unbound-control auth_zone_reload _zone_ option rereads the zonefile.
+- unbound-control auth_zone_transfer _zone_ option starts the probe
+  sequence for a master to transfer the zone from and transfers when
+  a new zone version is available.
+- num.queries.tls counter for queries over TLS.
+- log port number with err_addr logs.
+- dns64-ignore-aaaa: config option to list domain names for which the
+  existing AAAA is ignored and dns64 processing is used on the A
+  record.
+- Fix #4112: Fix that unbound-anchor -f /etc/resolv.conf will not pass
+  if DNSSEC is not enabled.  New option -R allows fallback from
+  resolv.conf to direct queries.
+- Note RFC8162 support.  SMIMEA record type can be read in by the
+  zone record parser.
+- Patches from Jim Hague (Sinodun) for EDNS KeepAlive.
+- Add config tcp-idle-timeout (default 30s). This applies to
+  client connections only; the timeout on TCP connections upstream
+  is unaffected.
+- Add edns-tcp-keepalive and edns-tcp-keepalive timeout options
+  and implement option in client responses.
+- Add delay parameter to streamtcp, -d secs.
+  To be used when testing idle timeout.
+- Expose if a query (or a subquery) was ratelimited (not src IP
+  ratelimiting) to libunbound under 'ub_result.was_ratelimited'.
+  This also introduces a change to 'ub_event_callback_type' in
+  libunbound/unbound-event.h.
+- Patch to implement tcp-connection-limit from Jim Hague (Sinodun).
+  This limits the number of simultaneous TCP client connections
+  from a nominated netblock.
+- Fix #4142: improvements and fixes.
+  Add unit dependency ordering (based on systemd-resolved).
+  Add 'CAP_SYS_RESOURCE' to 'CapabilityBoundingSet' (fixes warnings
+  about missing privileges during startup). Add 'AF_INET6' to
+  'RestrictAddressFamilies' (without it IPV6 can't work). From
+  Guido Shanahan.
+- unbound-checkconf checks if modules exist and prints if they are
+  not compiled in the name of the wrong module.
+- Patch for stub-no-cache and forward-no-cache options that disable
+  caching for the contents of that stub or forward, for when you
+  want immediate changes visible, from Bjoern A. Zeeb.
+- Upgraded crosscompile script to include libunbound DLL in the
+  zipfile.
+- Set libunbound to increase current, because the libunbound change
+  to the event callback function signature.  That needs programs,
+  that use it, to recompile against the new header definition.
+- log-servfail: yes prints log lines that say why queries are
+  returning SERVFAIL to clients.
+- log-local-actions: yes option for unbound.conf that logs all the
+  local zone actions, a patch from Saksham Manchanda (Secure64).
+- #4146: num.query.subnet and num.query.subnet_cache counters.
+- #4140: Expose repinfo (comm_reply) to the inplace_callbacks. This
+  gives access to reply information for the client's communication
+  point when the callback is called before the mesh state (modules).
+  Changes to C and Python's inplace_callback signatures were also
+  necessary.
+- Set defaults to yes for a number of options to increase speed and
+  resilience of the server.  The so-reuseport, harden-below-nxdomain,
+  and minimal-responses options are enabled by default.  They used
+  to be disabled by default, waiting to make sure they worked.  They
+  are enabled by default now, and can be disabled explicitly by
+  setting them to "no" in the unbound.conf config file.  The reuseport
+  and minimal options increases speed of the server, and should be
+  otherwise harmless.  The harden-below-nxdomain option works well
+  together with the recently default enabled qname minimisation, this
+  causes more fetches to use information from the cache.
+- Added serve-expired-ttl and serve-expired-ttl-reset options.
+Bug Fixes
+- Windows example service.conf edited with more windows specific
+  configuration.
+- #4108: systemd reload hang fix.
+- Fix usage printout for unbound-host, hostname has to be last
+  argument on BSDs and Windows.
+- Partial fix for permission denied on IPv6 address on FreeBSD.
+- Fix that auth-zone master reply with current SOA serial does not
+  stop scan of masters for an updated zone.
+- Fix that auth-zone does not start the wait timer without checking
+  if the wait timer has already been started.
+- #4109: Fix that package config depends on python unconditionally.
+- Patch, do not export python from pkg-config, from Petr Menšík.
+- Fix checking for libhiredis printout in configure output.
+- Fix typo on man page in ip-address description.
+- Update libunbound/python/examples/ example code to
+  also set the 20326 trust anchor for the root in the example code.
+- Better documentation for unblock-lan-zones and insecure-lan-zones
+  config statements.
+- Fix permission denied printed for auth zone probe random port nrs.
+- Fix documentation ambiguity for tls-win-cert in tls-upstream and
+  forward-tls-upstream docs.
+- iana port update.
+- Fix round robin for failed addresses with prefer-ip6: yes
+- Note in documentation that the cert name match code needs
+  OpenSSL 1.1.0 or later to be enabled.
+- Fix to improve systemd socket activation code file descriptor
+  assignment.
+- Fix for 4126 that the #define for UNKNOWN_SERVER_NICENESS can be more
+  easily changed to adjust default rtt assumptions.
+- Fix #4127 unbound -h does not list -p help.
+- Print error if SSL name verification configured but not available
+  in the ssl library.
+- Fix that ratelimit and ip-ratelimit are applied after reload of
+  changed config file.
+- Resize ratelimit and ip-ratelimit caches if changed on reload.
+- Fix #4129 unbound-control error message with wrong cert permissions
+  is too cryptic.
+- Fix #4130: print text describing -dd and unbound-checkconf on
+  config file read error at startup, the errors may have been moved
+  away by the startup process.
+- Fix #4131: for solaris, error YY_CURRENT_BUFFER undeclared.
+- Fix use-systemd readiness signalling, only when use-systemd is yes
+  and not in signal handler.
+- Fix #4135: 64-bit Windows Installer Creates Entries Under The
+  Wrong Registry Key, reported by Brian White.
+- Fix man page, say that chroot is enabled by default.
+- Sort out test runs when the build directory isn't the project
+  root directory.
+- Error if EDNS Keepalive received over UDP.
+- Correct and expand manual page entries for keepalive and idle timeout.
+- Implement progressive backoff of TCP idle/keepalive timeout.
+- Fix 'make depend' to work when build dir is not project root.
+- Fix #4139: Fix unbound-host leaks memory on ANY.
+- Fix to remove systemd sockaddr function check, that is not
+  always present.  Make socket activation more lenient.  But not
+  different when socket activation is not used.
+- Fix #4136: insufficiency from mismatch of FLEX capability between
+  released tarball and build host.  Fix to unconditionally call
+  destroy in daemon.c.
+- Make capsforid fallback QNAME minimisation aware.
+- document --enable-subnet in doc/README.
+- Fix #4144: dns64 module caches wrong (negative) information.
+- Fix that printout of error for cycle targets is a verbosity 4
+  printout and does not wrongly print it is a memory error.
+- Fix segfault in auth-zone read and reorder of RRSIGs.
+- Fix contrib/fastrpz.patch.
+- Fix warning on compile without threads.
+- print servfail info to log as error.
+- added more servfail printout statements, to the iterator.
+- Fix classification for QTYPE=CNAME queries when QNAME minimisation is
+  enabled.
+- Fix only misc failure from log-servfail when val-log-level is not
+  enabled.
+- Fix lintflags for lint on FreeBSD.
+- Fix that a local-zone with a local-zone-type that is transparent
+  in a view with view-first, makes queries check for answers from the
+  local-zones defined outside of views.
+Thu Jun 21 09:19:02 UTC 2018 -
+- update to 1.7.3
+- #4102 for NSD, but for Unbound.  Named unix pipes do not use
+  certificate and key files, access can be restricted with file and
+  directory permissions.  The option control-use-cert is no longer
+  used, and ignored if found in unbound.conf.
+- Rename tls-additional-ports to tls-additional-port, because every
+  line adds one port.
+Bug Fixes
+- Don't count CNAME response types received during qname minimisation
+  as query restart.
+- #4100: Fix stub reprime when it becomes useless.
+- Fix crash if ratelimit taken into use with unbound-control
+  instead of with unbound.conf.
+- Patch to fix openwrt for mac os build darwin detection in configure.
+- #4103: Fix that auth-zone does not insist on SOA record first in
+  file for url downloads.
+- Fix that first control-interface determines if TLS is used.  Warn
+  when IP address interfaces are used without TLS.
+- Fix that control-use-cert: no works for to disable certs.
+- Fix unbound-checkconf for control-use-cert.
+- Fix for unbound-control on Windows and set TCP socket parameters
+  more closely.
+- Fix windows unbound-control no cert bad file descriptor error.
+Mon May 28 16:44:10 UTC 2018 -
+- add upcomming key rollover trust anchor
+- make trust anchor files world readable - these files are open
+  knowledge and will be used by other software packages
+Thu May  3 16:38:07 UTC 2018 -
+- update to 1.7.1
+- Add --with-libhiredis, unbound support for a new cachedb
+  backend that uses a Redis server as the storage.  This
+  implementation depends on the hiredis client library
+  (
+  And unbound should be built with both --enable-cachedb and
+  --with-libhiredis[=PATH] (where $PATH/include/hiredis/hiredis.h
+  should exist).  Patch from Jinmei Tatuya (Infoblox).
+- Create additional tls service interfaces by opening them on other
+  portnumbers and listing the portnumbers as additional-tls-port: nr.
+- ED448 support.
+- num.query.authzone.up and num.query.authzone.down statistics counters.
+- Accept both option names with and without colon for get_option
+  and set_option.
+- low-rtt and low-rtt-pct in unbound.conf enable the server selection
+  of fast servers for some percentage of the time.
+- num.query.aggressive.NOERROR and num.query.aggressive.NXDOMAIN
+  statistics counters.
+- allow-notify: config statement for auth-zones.
+- Can set tls authentication with forward-addr:
+  And put the public cert bundle in tls-cert-bundle: "ca-bundle.pem".
+  such as forward-addr: or
+- list_auth_zones unbound-control command.
+- Added root-key-sentinel support
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix #3727: Protocol name is TLS, options have been renamed but
+  documentation is not consistent.
+- Check IXFR start serial.
+- Fix typo in documentation.
+- Fix #3736: Fix 0 TTL domains stuck on SERVFAIL unless manually
+  flushed with serve-expired on.
+- Fix #3817: core dump happens in libunbound delete, when queued
+  servfail hits deleted message queue.
+- corrected a minor typo in the changelog.
+- move htobe64/be64toh portability code to cachedb.c.
+- iana port update.
+- Do not use cached NSEC records to generate negative answers for
+  domains under DNSSEC Negative Trust Anchors.
+- Fix unbound-control get_option aggressive-nsec
+- Check "result" in dup_all(), by Florian Obser.
+- Fix #4043: make test fails due to v6 presentation issue in macOS.
+- Fix unable to resolve after new WLAN connection, due to auth-zone
+  failing with a forwarder set.  Now, auth-zone is only used for
+  answers (not referrals) when a forwarder is set.
+- Combine write of tcp length and tcp query for dns over tls.
+- nitpick fixes in example.conf.
+- Fix above stub queries for type NS and useless delegation point.
+- Fix unbound-control over pipe with openssl 1.1.1, the TLSv1.3
+  tls_choose_sigalg routine does not allow the ciphers for the pipe,
+  so use TLSv1.2.
+- Fix that flush_zone sets prefetch ttl expired, so that with
+  serve-expired enabled it'll start prefetching those entries.
+- Fix downstream auth zone, only fallback when auth zone fails to
+  answer and fallback is enabled.
+- Fix for max include depth for authzones.
+- Fix memory free on fail for $INCLUDE in authzone.
+- Fix that an internal error to look up the wrong rr type for
+  auth zone gets stopped, before trying to send there.
+- Fix auth zone target lookup iterator.
+- Fix auth-zone retry timer to be on schedule with retry timeout,
+  with backoff.  Also time a refresh at the zone expiry.
+- Fix #658: unbound using TLS in a forwarding configuration does not
+  verify the server's certificate (RFC 8310 support).
+- For addr with #authname and no @port notation, the default is 853.
+- man page documentation for dns-over-tls forward-addr '#' notation.
+- removed free from failed parse case.
+- Fix #4091: Fix that reload of auth-zone does not merge the zonefile
+  with the previous contents.
+- Delete auth zone when removed from config.
+- makedist uses bz2 for expat code, instead of tar.gz.
+- Fix #4092: libunbound: use-caps-for-id lacks colon in
+  config_set_option.
+- auth zone http download stores exact copy of downloaded file,
+  including comments in the file.
+- Fix sldns parse failure for CDS alternate delete syntax empty hex.
+- Attempt for auth zone fix; add of callback in mesh gets from
+  callback does not skip callback of result.
+- Fix cname classification with qname minimisation enabled.
+- Fix contrib/fastrpz.patch for this release.
+- Fix auth https for libev.
+- Fix memory leak when caching wildcard records for aggressive NSEC use
+- Fix for crash in daemon_cleanup with dnstap during reload,
+  from Saksham Manchanda.
+- Also that for dnscrypt.
+Sun Apr 22 19:26:03 UTC 2018 -
+- Commented configuration directive dlv-anchor-file: in unbound.conf
+  (see bsc#1055060). The DLV key file is deliberately still
+  shipped in the package so users could easily re-enable this.
+Wed Apr  4 11:54:01 UTC 2018 -
+- update to 1.7.0
+- auth-zone provides a way to configure RFC7706 from unbound.conf,
+  eg. with auth-zone: name: "." for-downstream: no for-upstream: yes
+  fallback-enabled: yes and masters or a zonefile with data.
+- Aggressive use of NSEC implementation. Use cached NSEC records to
+  generate NXDOMAIN, NODATA and positive wildcard answers.
+- Accept tls-upstream in unbound.conf, the ssl-upstream keyword is
+  also recognized and means the same.  Also for tls-port,
+  tls-service-key, tls-service-pem, stub-tls-upstream and
+  forward-tls-upstream.
+- [dnscrypt] introduce dnscrypt-provider-cert-rotated option,
+  from Manu Bretelle.
+  This option allows handling multiple cert/key pairs while only
+  distributing some of them.
+  In order to reliably match a client magic with a given key without
+  strong assumption as to how those were generated, we need both key and
+  cert. Likewise, in order to know which ES version should be used.
+  On the other hand, when rotating a cert, it can be desirable to only
+  serve the new cert but still be able to handle clients that are still
+  using the old certs's public key.
+  The `dnscrypt-provider-cert-rotated` allow to instruct unbound to not
+  publish the cert as part of the DNS's provider_name's TXT answer.
+- Update B root ipv4 address.
+- make ip-transparent option work on OpenBSD.
+- Fix #2801: Install libunbound.pc.
+- ltrace.conf file for libunbound in contrib.
+- Fix #3598: Fix swig build issue on rhel6 based system.
+  configure --disable-swig-version-check stops the swig version check.
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix #1749: With harden-referral-path: performance drops, due to
+  circular dependency in NS and DS lookups.
+- [dnscrypt] prevent dnscrypt-secret-key, dnscrypt-provider-cert
+  duplicates
+- Better documentation for cache-max-negative-ttl.
+- Fixed libunbound manual typo.
+- Fix #1949: [dnscrypt] make provider name mismatch more obvious.
+- Fix #2031: Double included headers
+- Document that errno is left informative on libunbound config read
+  fail.
+- iana port update.
+- Fix #1913: ub_ctx_config is under circumstances thread-safe.
+- Fix #2362: TLS1.3/openssl-1.1.1 not working.
+- Fix #2034 - Autoconf and -flto.
+- Fix #2141 - for libsodium detect lack of entropy in chroot, print
+  a message and exit.
+- Fix #2492: Documentation libunbound.
+- Fix #2882: Unbound behaviour changes (wrong) when domain-insecure is
+  set for stub zone.  It no longer searches for DNSSEC information.
+- Fix #3299 - forward CNAME daisy chain is not working
+- Fix link failure on OmniOS.
+- Check whether --with-libunbound-only is set when using --with-nettle
+  or --with-nss.
+- Fix qname-minimisation documentation (A QTYPE, not NS)
+- Fix that DS queries with referral replies are answered straight
+  away, without a repeat query picking the DS from cache.
+  The correct reply should have been an answer, the reply is fixed
+  by the scrubber to have the answer in the answer section.
+- Fix that expiration date checks don't fail with clang -O2.
+- Fix queries being leaked above stub when refetching glue.
+- Copy query and correctly set flags on REFUSED answers when cache
+  snooping is not allowed.
+- make depend: code dependencies updated in Makefile.
+- Fix #3397: Fix that cachedb could return a partial CNAME chain.
+- Fix #3397: Fix that when the cache contains an unsigned DNAME in
+  the middle of a cname chain, a result without the DNAME could
+  be returned.
+- Fix that unbound-checkconf -f flag works with auto-trust-anchor-file
+  for startup scripts to get the full pathname(s) of anchor file(s).
+- Print fatal errors about remote control setup before log init,
+  so that it is printed to console.
+- Use NSEC with longest ce to prove wildcard absence.
+- Only use *.ce to prove wildcard absence, no longer names.
+- Fix unfreed locks in log and arc4random at exit of unbound.
+- Fix lock race condition in dns cache dname synthesis.
+- Fix #3451: dnstap not building when you have a separate build dir.
+  And removed protoc warning, set dnstap.proto syntax to proto2.
+- Added tests with wildcard expanded NSEC records (CVE-2017-15105 test)
+- Unit test for auth zone https url download.
+- tls-cert-bundle option in unbound.conf enables TLS authentication.
+- Fixes for clang static analyzer, the missing ; in
+  edns-subnet/addrtree.c after the assert made clang analyzer
+  produce a failure to analyze it.
+- Fix #3505: Documentation for default local zones references
+  wrong RFC.
+- Fix #3494: local-zone noview can be used to break out of the view
+  to the global local zone contents, for queries for that zone.
+- Fix for more maintainable code in localzone.
+- more robust cachedump rrset routine.
+- Save wildcard RRset from answer with original owner for use in
+  aggressive NSEC.
+- Fixup contrib/fastrpz.patch so that it applies.
+- Fix compile without threads, and remove unused variable.
+- Fix compile with staticexe and python module.
+- Fix nettle compile.
+- Fix to check define of DSA for when openssl is without deprecated.
+- iana port update.
+- Fix #3582: Squelch address already in use log when reuseaddr option
+  causes same port to be used twice for tcp connections.
+- Reverted fix for #3512, this may not be the best way forward;
+  although it could be changed at a later time, to stay similar to
+  other implementations.
+- Fix for windows compile.
+- Fixed contrib/fastrpz.patch, even though this already applied
+  cleanly for me, now also for others.
+- patch to log creates keytag queries, from A. Schulze.
+- patch suggested by Debian lintian: allow to -> allow one to, from
+  A. Schulze.
+- Attempt to remove warning about trailing whitespace.
+- Added documentation for aggressive-nsec: yes.
+Fri Jan 19 10:34:41 UTC 2018 -
+- update to 1.6.8
+  patch for CVE-2017-15105: vulnerability in the processing of
+  wildcard synthesized NSEC records.
+Fri Dec  1 09:31:03 UTC 2017 -
+- Use python3 instead of python2 (fate#323526)
+Thu Nov 23 13:49:02 UTC 2017 -
+- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new 
+  %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)
+Tue Oct 10 08:20:16 UTC 2017 -
+- update to 1.6.7
+- Set trust-anchor-signaling default to yes
+- Fix #1440: [dnscrypt] client nonce cache.
+- Fix #1435: Please allow UDP to be disabled separately upstream and
+  downstream.
+Bug fixes:
+- Fix that looping modules always stop the query, and don't pass
+  control.
+- Fix unbound-host to report error for DNSSEC state of failed lookups.
+- Spelling fixes, from Josh Soref.
+- Fix #1400: allowing use of global cache on ECS-forwarding unless
+  always-forward.
+- use a cachedb answer even if it's "expired" when serve-expired is yes
+  (patch from Jinmei Tatuya).
+- trigger refetching of the answer in that case (this will bypass
+  cachedb lookup)
+- allow storing a 0-TTL answer from cachedb in the in-memory message
+  cache when serve-expired is yes
+- Fix DNSCACHE_STORE_ZEROTTL to be bigger than 0xffff.
+- Log name of looping module
+- Fix #1450: Generate again patch contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch
+   (by Danilo G. Baio).
+- Fix param unused warning for windows exportsymbol compile.
+- Use RCODE from A query on DNS64 synthesized answer.
+- Fix trust-anchor-signaling works in libunbound.
+- Fix spelling in unbound-control man page.
+Mon Sep  4 16:17:44 UTC 2017 -
+- update to 1.6.6
+- unbound-control dump_infra prints port number for address if not 53.
+- Fix #1344: RFC6761-reserved domains: test. and invalid.
+- Fix #1349: allow suppression of pidfiles (from Daniel Kahn Gillmor).
+  With the -p option unbound does not create a pidfile.
+- Added stats for queries that have been ratelimited by domain
+  recursion.
+- Patch to show DNSCrypt status in help output, from Carsten
+  Strotmann.
+- Fix #1407: Add ECS options check to unbound-checkconf.
+- Fix #1415: [dnscrypt] shared secret cache, patch from
+  Manu Bretelle.
+Bug Fixes:
+- fixup of dnscrypt_cert_chacha test (from Manu Bretelle).
+- First fix for zero b64 and hex text zone format in sldns.
+- Better fixup of dnscrypt_cert_chacha test for different escapes.
+- Fix that infra cache host hash does not change after reconfig.
+- Fix python example0 return module wait instead of error for pass.
+- enhancement for hardened-tls for DNS over TLS.  Removed duplicated
+  security settings.
+- Fix for unbound-checkconf, check ipsecmod-hook if ipsecmod is turned
+  on.
+- Fix #1331: libunbound segfault in threaded mode when context is
+  deleted.
+- Fix pythonmod link line option flag.
+- Fix openssl 1.1.0 load of ssl error strings from ssl init.
+- Fix 1332: Bump verbosity of failed chown'ing of the control socket.
+- Redirect all localhost names to localhost address for RFC6761.
+- Fix #1350: make cachedb backend configurable (from JINMEI Tatuya).
+- Fix tests to use .tdir (from Manu Bretelle) instead of .tpkg.
+- upgrade aclocal(pkg.m4 0.29.1), config.guess(2016-10-02),
+  config.sub(2016-09-05).
+- annotate case statement fallthrough for gcc 7.1.1.
+- flex output from flex 2.6.1.
+- snprintf of thread number does not warn about truncated string.
+- squelch TCP fast open error on FreeBSD when kernel has it disabled,
+  unless verbosity is high.
+- remove warning from windows compile.
+- Fix compile with libnettle
+- Fix DSA configure switch (--disable dsa) for libnettle and libnss.
+- Fix #1365: Add Ed25519 support using libnettle.
+- Fix #1394: mix of serve-expired and response-ip could cause a crash.
+- Remove unused iter_env member (ip6arpa_dname)
+- Do not reset rrset.bogus stats when called using stats_noreset.
+- Do not add rrset_bogus and query ratelimiting stats per thread, these
+  module stats are global.
+- Fix #1397: Recursive DS lookups for AS112 zones names should recurse.
+- Fix #1398: make cachedb secret configurable.
+- Remove spaces from Makefile.
+- Fix issue on macOX 10.10 where TCP fast open is detected but not
+  implemented causing TCP to fail. The fix allows fallback to regular
+  TCP in this case and is also more robust for cases where connectx()
+  fails for some reason.
+- Fix #1402: squelch invalid argument error for fd_set_block on windows.
+- Fix to reclaim tcp handler when it is closed due to dnscrypt buffer
+  allocation failure.
+- Fix #1415: patch to free dnscrypt environment on reload.
+- iana portlist update
+- Small fixes for the shared secret cache patch.
+- Fix WKS records on kvm autobuild host, with default protobyname
+  entries for udp and tcp.
+- Fix #1414: fix segfault on parse failure and log_replies.
+- zero qinfo in handle_request, this zeroes local_alias and also the
+  qname member.
+- new keys and certs for dnscrypt tests.
+- fixup WKS test on buildhost without servicebyname.
+- updated contrib/fastrpz.patch to apply with configparser changes.
+- Fix 1416: qname-minimisation breaks TLSA lookups with CNAMEs.
+- Fix #1424: cachedb:testframe is not thread safe.
+- Fix #1417: [dnscrypt] shared secret cache counters, and works when
+  dnscrypt is not enabled.  And cache size configuration option.
+- Fix #1418: [ip ratelimit] initialize slabhash using
+  ip-ratelimit-slabs.
+- Recommend 1472 buffer size in unbound.conf
+Mon Aug 21 10:38:49 UTC 2017 -
+- update to 1.6.5
+  * Fix install of trust anchor when two anchors are present, makes both
+    valid.  Checks hash of DS but not signature of new key.  This fixes
+    installs between sep11 and oct11 2017.
+Tue Aug  8 19:02:38 UTC 2017 -
+- RPM group fix. Do not suppress user/group creation problems.
+  Replace %__ type macro indirections.
+Tue Jun 27 11:13:31 UTC 2017 -
+- update to 1.6.4
+- Implemented trust anchor signaling using key tag query.
+- unbound-checkconf -o allows query of dnstap config variables.
+  Also unbound-control get_option.  Also for dnscrypt.
+- unbound.h exports the shm stats structures.  They use
+  type long long and no ifdefs, and ub_ before the typenames.
+- Implemented opportunistic IPsec support module (ipsecmod).
+- Added redirect-bogus.patch to contrib directory.
+- Support for the ED25519 algorithm with openssl (from openssl 1.1.1).
+- renumbering B-Root's IPv6 address to 2001:500:200::b.
+- Fix #1276: [dnscrypt] add XChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher.
+- Fix #1277: disable domain ratelimit by setting value to 0.
+- Added fastrpz patch to contrib
+Bug Fixes:
+- Added ECS unit test (from Manu Bretelle).
+- ECS documentation fix (from Manu Bretelle).
+- Fix #1252: more indentation inconsistencies.
+- Fix #1253: unused variable in edns-subnet/addrtree.c:getbit().
+- Fix #1254: clarify ratelimit-{for,below}-domain (from Manu Bretelle).
+- iana portlist update
+- Based on #1257: check parse limit before t increment in sldns RR
+  string parse routine.
+- Fix #1258: Windows 10 X64 unbound 1.6.2 service will not start.
+  and fix that 64bit getting installed in C:\Program Files (x86).
+- Fix #1259: "--disable-ecdsa" argument overwritten
+  by "#ifdef SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH@daemon/remote.c".
+- iana portlist update
+- Added test for leak of stub information.
+- Fix sldns wire2str printout of RR type CAA tags.
+- Fix sldns int16_data parse.
+- Fix sldns parse and printout of TSIG RRs.
+- sldns SMIMEA and AVC definitions, same as getdns definitions.
+- Fix tcp-mss failure printout text.
+- Set SO_REUSEADDR on outgoing tcp connections to fix the bind before
+  connect limited tcp connections.  With the option tcp connections
+  can share the same source port (for different destinations).
+- Add 'c' to getopt() in testbound.
+- Adjust servfail by iterator to not store in cache when serve-expired
+  is enabled, to avoid overwriting useful information there.
+- Fix queries for nameservers under a stub leaking to the internet.
+- document trust-anchor-signaling in example config file.
+- updated configure, dependencies and flex output.
+- better module memory lookup, fix of unbound-control shm names for
+  module memory printout of statistics.
+- Fix type AVC sldns rrdef.
+- Some whitespace fixup.
+- Fix #1265: contrib/unbound.service contains hardcoded path.
+- Fix #1265 to use /bin/kill.
+- Fix #1267: Libunbound validator/val_secalgo.c uses obsolete APIs,
+  and compatibility with BoringSSL.
+- Fix #1268: SIGSEGV after log_reopen.
+- exec_prefix is by default equal to prefix.
+- printout localzone for duplicate local-zone warnings.
+- Fix assertion for low buffer size and big edns payload when worker
+  overrides udpsize.
+- Support for openssl EVP_DigestVerify.
+- Fix #1269: inconsistent use of built-in local zones with views.
+- Add defaults for new local-zone trees added to views using
+  unbound-control.
+- Fix #1273: cachedb.c doesn't compile with -Wextra.
+- If MSG_FASTOPEN gives EPIPE fallthrough to try normal tcp write.
+- Also use global local-zones when there is a matching view that does
+  not have any local-zone specified.
+- Fix fastopen EPIPE fallthrough to perform connect.
+- Fix #1274: automatically trim chroot path from dnscrypt key/cert paths
+  (from Manu Bretelle).
+- Fix #1275: cached data in cachedb is never used.
+- Fix that unbound-control can set val_clean_additional and
+  val_permissive_mode.
+- Add dnscrypt XChaCha20 tests.
+- Detect chacha for dnscrypt at configure time.
+- dnscrypt unit tests with chacha.
+- Added domain name based ECS whitelist.
+- Fix #1278: Incomplete wildcard proof.
+- Fix #1279: Memory leak on reload when python module is enabled.
+- Fix #1280: Unbound fails assert when response from authoritative
+  contains malformed qname.  When 0x20 caps-for-id is enabled, when
+  assertions are not enabled the malformed qname is handled correctly.
+- More fixes in depth for buffer checks in 0x20 qname checks.
+- Fix stub zone queries leaking to the internet for
+  harden-referral-path ns checks.
+- Fix query for refetch_glue of stub leaking to internet.
+- Fix #1301: memory leak in respip and tests.
+- Free callback in edns-subnetmod on exit and restart.
+- Fix memory leak in sldns_buffer_new_frm_data.
+- Fix memory leak in dnscrypt config read.
+- Fix dnscrypt chacha cert support ifdefs.
+- Fix dnscrypt chacha cert unit test escapes in grep.
+- Fix to unlock view in view test.
+- Fix warning in pythonmod under clang compiler.
+- Fix lintian typo.
+- Fix #1316: heap read buffer overflow in parse_edns_options.
+Wed Jun 14 10:22:38 UTC 2017 -
+- update to 1.6.3
+Bug Fixes
+- Fix #1280: Unbound fails assert when response from authoritative
+  contains malformed qname. When 0x20 caps-for-id is enabled, when
+  assertions are not enabled the malformed qname is handled correctly.
+Mon Apr 24 15:54:02 UTC 2017 -
+- update to 1.6.2
+- Add trustanchor.unbound CH TXT that gets a response with a number
+  of TXT RRs with a string like " 2345 1234" with
+  the trust anchors and their keytags.
+- Patch for view functionality for local-data-ptr from Björn Ketelaars.
+- Response actions based on IP address from Jinmei Tatuya (Infoblox).
+- Patch from Luiz Fernando Softov for Stats Shared Memory.
+- unbound-control stats_shm command prints stats using shared memory,
+  which uses less cpu.
+- --disable-sha1 disables SHA1 support in RRSIG, so from DNSKEY and
+  DS records.  NSEC3 is not disabled.
+- #1217. DNSCrypt support, with --enable-dnscrypt, libsodium and then
+  enabled in the config file from Manu Bretelle.
+- Merge EDNS Client subnet implementation from feature branch into main
+  branch, using new EDNS processing framework.
+- harden-algo-downgrade: no also makes unbound more lenient about
+  digest algorithms in DS records.
+Bug fixes
+- sldns has ED25519 and ED448 algorithm number and name for display.
+- sldns updated for vfixed and buffer resize indication from getdns.
+- iana portlist update
+- Fix #1224: Fix that defaults should not fall back to "Program Files
+  (x86) if Unbound is 64bit by default on windows.
+- Fix doc/CNAME-basedRedirectionDesignNotes.pdf zone static to
+  redirect.
+- make depend, autoconf, doxygen and lint fixed up.
+- include sys/time.h for new shm code on NetBSD.
+- Fix #1227: Fix that Unbound control allows weak ciphersuits.
+- Fix #1226: provide official 32bit binary for windows.
+- For #1227: if we have sha256, set the cipher list to have no
+  known vulns.
+- Fix testpkts.c, check if DO bit is set, not only if there is an OPT
+  record.
+- Fix #1229: Systemd service sandboxing in contrib/unbound.service.
+- Fix #1230: swig version 2.0.1 is required for pythonmod, with
+  1.3.40 it crashes when running repeatly unbound-control reload.
+- fix enum conversion warnings
+- fake-sha1 test option; print warning if used.  To make unit tests.
+- unbound-control list local zone and data commands listed in the
+  help output.
+- Fix #1234: shortening DNAME loop produces duplicate DNAME records
+  in ANSWER section.
+- testbound understands Deckard MATCH rcode question answer commands.
+- Fix #1235: Fix too long DNAME expansion produces SERVFAIL instead
+  of YXDOMAIN + query loop, reported by Petr Spacek.
+- Fix that SHM is not inited if not enabled.
+- Fix that looped DNAMEs do not cause unbound to spend effort.
+- trustanchor tags are sorted.  reusable routine to fetch taglist.
+- Fix #1237 - Wrong resolving in chain, for norec queries that get
+  SERVFAIL returned.
+- make depend, autoconf, remove warnings about statement before var.
+- lru_demote and lruhash_insert_or_retrieve functions for getdns.
+- fixup for lruhash (whitespace and header file comment).
+- dnscrypt tests.
+- Fix doxygen for dnscrypt files.
+- Fix #1238: segmentation fault when adding through the remote
+  interface a per-view local zone to a view with no previous
+  (configured) local zones.
+- Fix #1229: Systemd service sandboxing, options in wrong sections.
+- Fix #1239: configure fails to find python distutils if python
+  prints warning.
+- Fix to prevent non-referal query from being cached as referal when the
+  no_cache_store flag was set.
+- Remove (now unused) event2 include from dnscrypt code.
+- Fix #1217: Add metrics to unbound-control interface showing
+  crypted, cert request, plaintext and malformed queries (from
+  Manu Bretelle).
+- Do not add current time twice to TTL before ECS cache store.
+- Do not touch rrset cache after ECS cache message generation.
+- Use LDNS_EDNS_CLIENT_SUBNET as default ECS opcode.
+- Fix #1244: document that use of chroot requires trust anchor file to
+  be under chroot.
+- Small fixup for documentation.
+- Fix respip for braces when locks arent used.
+- Fix pythonmod for cb changes.
+- Generalise inplace callback (de)registration
+- (de)register inplace callbacks for module id
+- No unbound-control set_option for ECS options
+- Deprecated client-subnet-opcode config option
+- Introduced client-subnet-always-forward config option
+- Changed max-client-subnet-ipv6 default to 56 (as in RFC)
+- Removed extern ECS config options
+- module_restart_next now calls clear on all following modules
+- Also create ECS module qstate on module_event_pass event
+- remove malloc from inplace_cb_register
+- Unlock view in respip unit test
+- Some whitespace fixup.
+- Remove ECS option after REFUSED answer.
+- Fix small memory leak in edns_opt_copy_alloc.
+- Respip dereference after NULL check.
+- Zero initialize addrtree allocation.
+- Use correct identifier for SHM destroy.
+- Display ECS module memory usage.
+- Fix #1247: unbound does not shorten source prefix length when
+  forwarding ECS.
+- Properly check for allocation failure in local_data_find_tag_datas.
+- Fix #1249: unbound doesn't return FORMERR to bogus ECS.
+- Set SHM ECS memory usage to 0 when module not loaded.
+- subnet mem value is available in shm, also when not enabled,
+  to make the struct easier to memmap by other applications,
+  independent of the configuration of unbound.
+- Fix #1250: inconsistent indentation in services/listen_dnsport.c.
+Tue Feb 21 21:34:22 UTC 2017 -
+- update to 1.6.1
+  * configure --enable-systemd and lets unbound use systemd sockets if you
+    enable use-systemd: yes in unbound.conf. Also there are
+    contrib/unbound.socket and contrib/unbound.service: systemd files for
+    unbound, install them in /usr/lib/systemd/system. Contributed by Sami
+    Kerola and Pavel Odintsov.
+  * [bugzilla: 1185 ]
+    Source IP rate limiting, patch from Larissa Feng.
+  * [bugzilla: 1184 ]
+    Log DNS replies. This includes the same logging information that DNS
+    queries and response code and response size, patch from Larissa Feng.
+  * Include root trust anchor id 20326 in unbound-anchor.
+  * 64bit is default for windows builds.
+Bug Fixes
+  * [bugzilla: 1176 ]
+    Fix stack size too small for Alpine Linux.
+  * Fix unbound-control and ipv6 only.
+    [bugzilla: 1182 ]
+  * Fix Resource leak (socket), at startup.
+    [bugzilla: 1178 ]
+  * Fix attempt to fix setup error at end, pop result values at end of
+    install.
+  * iana portlist update
+  * Fix inet_ntop and inet_pton warnings in windows compile.
+  * [bugzilla: 1191 ]
+    Fix remove comment about view deletion.
+  * [bugzilla: 1188 ]
+    Fix unresolved symbol 'fake_dsa' in when built with Nettle
+  * [bugzilla: 1190 ]
+    Fix to not echo back EDNS options in local-zone error response.
+  * [bugzilla: 1194 ]
+    Fix if cross build fails when $host isn't `uname` for getentropy.
+  * Fix reload chdir failure when also chrooted to that directory.
+  * Fix to return formerr for queries for meta-types, to avoid packet
+    amplification if this meta-type is sent on to upstream.
+  * [bugzilla: 1201 ]
+    Fix missing unlock in answer_from_cache error condition.
+  * [bugzilla: 1202 ]
+    Fix code comment that packed_rrset_data is not always 'packed'.
+  * Fix to also block meta types 128 through to 248 with formerr.
+  * [bugzilla: 1206 ]
+    Fix that some view-related commands are missing from 'unbound-control -h'
+  * Fix to rename ub_callback_t to ub_callback_type, because POSIX
+    reserves _t typedefs.
+  * Fix to rename internally used types from _t to _type, because _t type
+    names are reserved by POSIX.
+  * Increase MAX_MODULE to 16.
+  * [bugzilla: 1211 ]
+    Fix can't enable interface-automatic if no IPv6 with more helpful
+    error message.
+  * fix root_anchor test for updated icannbundle.pem lower certificates.
+  * Fix compile on solaris of the fix to use $host detect.
+  * Fix for type name change and fix warning on windows compile.
+  * Fix pythonmod for typedef changes.
+  * Fix dnstap for warning of set but not used.
+  * Fix autoconf of systemd check for lack of pkg-config.
+Thu Dec 15 16:28:44 UTC 2016 -
+- update to 1.6.0
+  * Added generic EDNS code for registering known EDNS option codes,
+    bypassing the cache response stage and uniquifying mesh states. Four
+    EDNS option lists were added to module_qstate
+    (module_qstate.edns_opts_*) to store EDNS options from/to front/back side.
+  * Added two flags to module_qstate (no_cache_lookup, no_cache_store)
+    that control the modules' cache interactions.
+  * Added code for registering inplace callback functions. The registered
+    functions can be called just before replying with local data or Chaos,
+    replying from cache, replying with SERVFAIL, replying with a resolved
+    query, sending a query to a nameserver. The functions can inspect the
+    available data and maybe change response/query related data (i.e. append
+    EDNS options).
+  * Updated Python module for the above.
+  * Updated Python documentation.
+  * Added views functionality.
+  * Added qname-minimisation-strict config option.
+  * Patch that resolves CNAMEs entered in local-data conf statements that
+    point to data on the internet, from Jinmei Tatuya (Infoblox).
+  * serve-expired config option: serve expired responses with TTL 0.
+  * .gitattributes line for githubs code language display.
+  * log-identity: config option to set sys log identity, patch from "Robin
+    H. Johnson" (
+  * Added stub-ssl-upstream and forward-ssl-upstream options.
+  * Added local-zones and local-data bulk addition and removal
+    functionality in unbound-control (local_zones, local_zones_remove,
+    local_datas and local_datas_remove).
+  * has AAAA address.
+  Bug Fixes
+  * Fix #836: unbound could echo back EDNS options in an error response.
+  * Fix #838: 1.5.10 cannot be built on Solaris, undefined PATH_MAX.
+  * Fix #839: Memory grows unexpectedly with large RPZ files.
+  * Fix #840: infinite loop in unbound_munin_ plugin on unowned lockfile.
+  * Fix #841: big local-zone's make it consume large amounts of memory.
+  * Fix dnstap relaying "random" messages instead of resolver/forwarder
+    responses, from Nikolay Edigaryev.
+  * Fix Nits for 1.5.10 reported by Dag-Erling Smorgrav.
+  * Fix #1117: spelling errors, from Robert Edmonds.
+  * iana portlist update.
+  * fix memoryleak logfile when in debug mode.
+  * Re-fix #839 from view commit overwrite.
+  * Fixup const void cast warning.
+  * Removed patch comments from acllist.c and msgencode.c
+  * Added documentation doc/CNAME-basedRedirectionDesignNotes.pdf, from
+    Jinmei Tatuya (Infoblox).
+  * Fix #1125: unbound could reuse an answer packet incorrectly for
+    clients with different EDNS parameters, from Jinmei Tatuya.
+  * Fix #1118: libunbound.pc sets strange Libs, Libs.private values.
+  * Added Requires line to libunbound.pc
+  * Fix #1130: whitespace in more consistent.
+  * suppress compile warning in lex files.
+  * init lzt variable, for older gcc compiler warnings.
+  * fix --enable-dsa to work, instead of copying ecdsa enable.
+  * Fix DNSSEC validation of query type ANY with DNAME answers.
+  * Fixup query_info local_alias init.
+  * Ported tests for local_cname unit test to testbound framework.
+  * Fix #1134: unbound-control set_option -- val-override-date: -1 works
+    immediately to ignore datetime, or back to 0 to enable it again. The --
+    is to ignore the '-1' as an option flag.
+  * Patch for server.num.zero_ttl stats for count of expired replies, from
+    Pavel Odintsov.
+  * Fix failure to build on arm64 with no sbrk.
+  * Set OpenSSL security level to 0 when using aNULL ciphers.
+  * configure detects ssl security level API function in the autoconf
+    manner. Every function on its own, so that other libraries (eg.
+    LibreSSL) can develop their API without hindrance.
+  * Fix #1154: segfault when reading config with duplicate zones.
+  * Note that for harden-below-nxdomain the nxdomain must be secure, this
+    means nsec3 with optout is insufficient.
+  * Fix #1155: test status code of unbound-control in 04-checkconf, not
+    the status code from the tee command.
+  * Fix #1158: reference RFC 8020 "NXDOMAIN: There Really Is Nothing
+    Underneath" for the harden-below-nxdomain option.
+  * patch from Dag-Erling Smorgrav that removes code that relies on sbrk().
+  * Make access-control-tag-data RDATA absolute. This makes the RDATA
+    origin consistent between local-data and access-control-tag-data.
+  * Fix NSEC ENT wildcard check. Matching wildcard does not have to be a
+    subdomain of the NSEC owner.
+  * QNAME minimisation uses QTYPE=A, therefore always check cache for this
+    type in harden-below-nxdomain functionality.
+  * Added unit test for QNAME minimisation + harden below nxdomain synergy.
+  * Fix that with openssl 1.1 control-use-cert: no uses less cpu, by using
+    no encryption over the unix socket.
+  * hyphen as minus fix, by Andreas Schulze
+  * Fix #1170: document that 'inform' local-zone uses local-data.
+  * Fix #1173: differ local-zone type deny from unset tag_actions element.
+  * Add DSA support for OpenSSL 1.1.0
+  * Fix remote control without cert for LibreSSL
+  * Fix downcast warnings from visual studio in sldns code.
+Tue Sep 27 12:41:57 UTC 2016 -
+- update to 1.5.10
+  * Create a pkg-config file for libunbound in contrib.
+  * TCP Fast open patch from Sara Dickinson.
+  * Finegrained localzone control with define-tag, access-control-tag,
+    access-control-tag-action, access-control-tag-data, local-zone-tag, and
+    local-zone-override. And added types always_transparent, always_refuse,
+    always_nxdomain with that.
+  * If more than half of tcp connections are in use, a shorter timeout
+    is used (200 msec, vs 2 minutes) to pressure tcp for new connects.
+  * [bugzilla: 787 ] Fix #787: outgoing-interface netblock/64 ipv6
+    option to use linux freebind to use 64bits of entropy for every query
+    with random local part.
+  * For #787: prefer-ip6 option for unbound.conf prefers to send
+    upstream queries to ipv6 servers.
+  * Add default root hints for IPv6 E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET, 2001:500:a8::e.
+  * keep debug symbols in windows build.
+Bug Fixes
+  * [bugzilla: 778 ] Fix unbound 1.5.9: -h segfault (null deref).
+  * Fix unbound-anchor.exe file location defaults to Program Files with
+    (x86) appended.
+  * Fix to not ignore return value of chown() in daemon startup.
+  * Better help text from -h (from Ray Griffith).
+  * [bugzilla: 773 ] Fix Non-standard Python location build failure with
+    pyunbound.
+  * Improve threadsafety for openssl 0.9.8 ecdsa dnssec signatures.
+  * Revert fix for NetworkService account on windows due to breakage it
+    causes.
+  * Fix that windows install will not overwrite existing service.conf
+    file (and ignore gui config choices if it exists).
+  * And delete service.conf.shipped on uninstall.
+  * In unbound.conf directory: dir immediately changes to that
+    directory, so that include: file below that is relative to that
+    directory. With chroot, make the directory an absolute path inside chroot.
+  * do not delete service.conf on windows uninstall.
+  * document directory immediate fix and allow EXECUTABLE syntax in it
+    on windows.
+  * Fix directory: fix for unbound-checkconf, it restores cwd.
+  * Use QTYPE=A for QNAME minimisation.
+  * Keep track of number of time-outs when performing QNAME
+    minimisation. Stop minimising when number of time-outs for a QNAME/QTYPE
+    pair is more than three.
+  * [bugzilla: 775 ] Fix unbound-host and unbound-anchor crash on
+    windows, ignore null delete for wsaevent.
+  * Fix spelling in freebind option man page text.
+  * Fix windows link of ssl with crypt32.
+  * [bugzilla: 779 ] Fix Union casting is non-portable.
+  * [bugzilla: 780 ] Fix MAP_ANON not defined in HP-UX 11.31.
+  * [bugzilla: 781 ] Fix prealloc() is an HP-UX system library call.
+  * Decrease dp attempts at each QNAME minimisation iteration
+  * [bugzilla: 784 ] Fix Build configure assumess that having getpwnam
+    means there is endpwent function available.
+  * Updated repository with newer flex and bison output.
+  * Fix static compile on windows missing gdi32.
+  * Fix dynamic link of anchor-update.exe on windows.
+  * Fix detect of mingw for MXE package build.
+  * Fixes for 64bit windows compile.
+  * [bugzilla: 788 ] Fix for nettle 3.0: Failed to build with Nettle >=
+    3.0 and --with-libunbound-only --with-nettle.
+  * Fixed unbound.doxygen for 1.8.11.
+  * [bugzilla: 798 ] Fix Client-side TCP fast open fails (Linux).
+  * [bugzilla: 801 ] Fix missing error condition handling in
+    daemon_create_workers().
+  * [bugzilla: 802 ] Fix workaround for function parameters that are
+    "unused" without log_assert.
+  * [bugzilla: 803 ] Fix confusing (and incorrect) code comment in
+    daemon_cleanup().
+  * [bugzilla: 806 ] Fix wrong comment removed.
+  * use sendmsg instead of sendto for TFO.
+  * [bugzilla: 807 ] Fix workaround for possible some "unused" function
+    parameters in test code, from Jinmei Tatuya.
+  * Note that OPENPGPKEY type is RFC 7929.
+  * [bugzilla: 804 ] Fix #804: unbound stops responding after outage.
+    Fixes queries that attempt to wait for an empty list of subqueries.
+  * Fix for #804: lower num_target_queries for iterator also for failed
+    lookups.
+  * [bugzilla: 820 ] Fix set sldns_str2wire_rr_buf() dual meaning len
+    parameter in each iteration in find_tag_datas().
+  * [bugzilla: 777 ] Fix OpenSSL 1.1.0 compatibility, patch from
+    Sebastian A. Siewior.
+  * RFC 7958 is now out, updated docs for unbound-anchor.
+  * Fix for compile without warnings with openssl 1.1.0.
+  * [bugzilla: 826 ] Fix refuse_non_local could result in a broken response.
+  * iana portlist update.
+  * Fix compile with openssl 1.1.0 with api=1.1.0.
+  * [bugzilla: 829 ] Fix doc of sldns_wire2str_rdata_buf() return value
+    has an off-by-one typo, from Jinmei Tatuya (Infoblox).
+  * Fix incomplete prototypes reported by Dag-Erling Smørgrav.
+  * [bugzilla: 828 ] Fix missing type in access-control-tag-action
+    redirect results in NXDOMAIN.
+  * Take configured minimum TTL into consideration when reducing TTL to
+    original TTL from RRSIG.
+  * [bugzilla: 831 ] Fix workaround for spurious fread_chk warning
+    against petal.c
+  * Silenced flex-generated sign-unsigned warning print with gcc
+    diagnostic pragma.
+  * Fix for new splint on FreeBSD. Fix cast for sockaddr_un.sun_len.
+  * fix potential memory leak in daemon/remote.c and nullpointer
+    dereference in validator/autotrust.
+  * [bugzilla: 883 ] Fix error for duplicate local zone entry.
+  * [bugzilla: 835 ] Fix --disable-dsa with nettle verify.
+Sat Jun  4 14:26:35 UTC 2016 -
+- update to 1.5.9
+  * generic edns option parse and store code.
+  * Updated L root IPv6 address.
+  * User defined pluggable event API for libunbound
+  * ip_freebind: yesno option in unbound.conf sets IP_FREEBIND for binding 
+    to an IP address while the interface or address is down.
+  * OpenSSL 1.1.0 portability, --disable-dsa configure option.
+  * disable-dnssec-lame-check config option from Charles Walker.
+Bug Fixes
+  * [bugzilla: 745 ]
+  * Fix - idn2dname throws UnicodeError when idnname contains
+    trailing dot.
+  * configure tests for the weak attribute support by the compiler.
+  * [bugzilla: 747 ]
+  * Fix assert in outnet_serviced_query_stop.
+  * Updated configure and
+  * Fixup of compile fix for pluggable event API from P.Y. Adi Prasaja.
+  * Fixup backend2str for libev.
+  * Fix libev usage of dispatch return value.
+  * No side effects in tolower() call, in case it is a macro.
+  * Fix warnings in ifdef corner case, older or unknown libevent.
+  * Fix ip-transparent for ipv6 on FreeBSD, thanks to Nick Hibma.
+  * Fix ip-transparent for tcp on freebsd.
+  * [bugzilla: 746 ]
+  * Fix unbound sets CD bit on all forwards. If no trust anchors, it'll not 
+    set CD bit when forwarding to another server. If a trust anchor, no CD 
+    bit on the first attempt to a forwarder, but CD bit thereafter on 
+    repeated attempts to get DNSSEC.
+  * Limit number of QNAME minimisation iterations.
+  * Validate QNAME minimised NXDOMAIN responses.
+  * If QNAME minimisation is enabled, do cache lookup for QTYPE NS in 
+    harden-below-nxdomain.
+  * Fix compile of getentropy_linux for SLES11 servicepack 4.
+  * Fix dnstap-log-resolver-response-messages, from Nikolay Edigaryev.
+  * Fix test for openssl to use HMAC_Update for 1.1.0.
+  * ERR_remove_state deprecated since openssl 1.0.0.
+  * OPENSSL_config is deprecated, removing.
+  * Document permit-small-holddown for 5011 debug.
+  * [bugzilla: 749 ]
+  * Fix unbound-checkconf gets SIGSEGV when use against a malformatted
+    conf file.
+  * [bugzilla: 753 ]
+  * Fix document dump_requestlist is for first thread.
+  * Fix some malformed reponses to edns queries get fallback to nonedns.
+  * [bugzilla: 759 ]
+  * Fix 0x20 capsforid no longer checks type PTR, for compatibility with 
+    cisco dns guard. This lowers false positives.
+  * Fix sldns with static checking fixes copied from getdns.
+  * Fix memory leak in out-of-memory conditions of local zone add.
+  * [bugzilla: 761 ]
+  * Fix DNSSEC LAME false positive resolving
+  * [bugzilla: 766 ]
+  * Fix dns64 should synthesize results on timeout/errors.
+  * No QNAME minimisation fall-back for NXDOMAIN answers from
+    DNSSEC signed zones.
+  * [bugzilla: 767 ]
+  * Fix Reference to an expired Internet-Draft in harden-below-nxdomain 
+    documentation.
+  * remove memory leak from lame-check patch.
+  * [bugzilla: 770 ]
+  * Fix Small subgroup attack on DH used in unix pipe on localhost if 
+    unbound control uses a unix local named pipe.
+  * Document write permission to directory of trust anchor needed.
+  * [bugzilla: 768 ]
+  * Fix Unbound Service Sometimes Can Not Shutdown Completely, WER Report 
+    Shown Up. Close handle before closing WSA.
+  * Fix time in case answer comes from cache in ub_resolve_event().
+  * Fix windows service to be created run with limited rights, as a network 
+    service account, from Mario Turschmann.
+  * [bugzilla: 752 ]
+  * Fix retry resource temporarily unavailable on control pipe.
+  * iana ports fetched via https.
+  * iana portlist update.
+Thu Feb 25 10:07:47 UTC 2016 -
+- update to 1.5.8
+  * ip-transparent option for FreeBSD with IP_BINDANY socket option.
+  * insecure-lan-zones: yesno config option, patch from Dag-Erling
+    Smørgrav.
+  * RR Type CSYNC support RFC 7477, in debug printout and config input.
+  * RR Type OPENPGPKEY support (draft-ietf-dane-openpgpkey-07).
+  * [bugzilla: 731 ] tcp-mss, outgoing-tcp-mss options for unbound.conf,
+      patch from Daisuke Higashi.
+  * Support RFC7686: handle ".onion" Special-Use Domain. It is blocked
+      by default, and can be unblocked with "nodefault" localzone config.
+  * ub_ctx_set_stub() function for libunbound to config stub zones.
+Bug Fixes
+  * Fix that NSEC3 negative cache is used when there is no salt.
+  * sorted ubsyms.def file with exported libunbound functions.
+  * Print understandable debug log when unusable DS record is seen.
+  * load gost algorithm if digest is seen before key algorithm.
+  * Fix that "make install" fails due to "text file busy" error.
+  * Set IPPROTO_IP6 for ipv6 sockets otherwise invalid argument error.
+  * wait for sendto to drain socket buffers when they are full.
+  * Neater cmdline_verbose increment patch from Edgar Pettijohn.
+  * Made netbsd sendmsg test nonfatal, in case of false positives.
+  * [bugzilla: 741 ] Fix: log message for dnstap socket connection is
+      more clear.
+  * [bugzilla: 734 ] Fix: chown the pidfile if it resides inside the
+      chroot.
+  * Fix cmsg alignment for argument to sendmsg on NetBSD.
+  * Fix that unbound complains about unimplemented IP_PKTINFO for
+      sendmsg on NetBSD (for interface-automatic).
+  * [bugzilla: 738 ] Fix: Swig should not be invoked with CPPFLAGS.
+  * Squelch 'cannot assign requested address' log messages unless
+      verbosity is high, it was spammed after network down.
+  * Fix to simplify empty string checking from Michael McConville.
+  * [bugzilla: 734 ] Fix: Do not log an error when the PID file cannot
+      be chown'ed. Patch from Simon Deziel.
+  * Fix test if -pthreads unused to use better grep for portability.
+  * Fix mingw crosscompile for recent mingw.
+  * Update aclocal, autoconf output with new versions (1.15, 2.4.6).
+  * Define DEFAULT_SOURCE together with BSD_SOURCE when that is defined,
+      for Linux glibc 2.20.
+  * Fixup contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch for moved contents in the
+      source code, so it applies cleanly again. Removed unused variable
+      warnings.
+  * [bugzilla: 729 ] Fix: omit use of escape sequences in echo since
+      they are not portable (unbound-control-setup).
+  * remove NULL-checks before free, patch from Michael McConville.
+  * updated ax_pthread.m4 to version 21 with clang support, this removes
+      a warning from compilation.
+  * OSX portability, detect if sbrk is deprecated.
+  * OSX clang, stop -pthread unused during link stage warnings.
+  * OSX clang new flto check.
+  * iana portlist update.
+Tue Feb 23 16:03:46 UTC 2016 -
+- also conflict the shlib package
+Mon Feb 22 15:22:05 UTC 2016 -
+- add libunbound-devel-mini-rpmlintrc as source
+Wed Feb 17 15:55:34 UTC 2016 -
+- revert the previous change which would not solve the problem as
+  the library package requires the unbound-anchor package
+  instead introduce a libunbound-devel-mini package which holds the
+  shared library and devel files with a minimal build requires.
+Thu Feb  4 13:01:35 UTC 2016 -
+- split off a libunbound package with less buildrequires to
+  allow shorter buildcycles when built by gnutls. bsc#964346
+Thu Dec 10 11:48:46 UTC 2015 -
+- update to 1.5.7
+  * Fix #594. libunbound: optionally use libnettle for crypto.
+  Contributed by Luca Bruno.  Added --with-nettle for use with
+  --with-libunbound-only.
+  * Implemented qname minimisation
+Bug Fixes
+  * Fix #712: unbound-anchor appears to not fsync root.key.
+  * Fix #714: Document config to block private-address for IPv4
+    mapped IPv6 addresses.
+  * portability, replace snprintf if return value broken
+  * portability fixes.
+  * detect libexpat without xml_StopParser function.
+  * isblank() compat implementation.
+  * patch from Doug Hogan for SSL_OP_NO_SSLvx options.
+  * Fix #716: nodata proof with empty non-terminals and wildcards.
+  * Fix #718: Fix unbound-control-setup with support for env
+    without HEREDOC bash support.
+  * ACX_SSL_CHECKS no longer adds -ldl needlessly.
+  * Change example.conf: to
+  * Fix for lenient accept of reverse order DNAME and CNAME.
+  * spelling fixes from Igor Sobrado Delgado.
+  * Fix that malformed EDNS query gets a response without malformed EDNS.
+  * Added assert on rrset cache correctness.
+  * Fix #720: add windows scripts to zip bundle,
+    and fix unbound-control-setup windows batch file.
+  * Fix for #724: conf syntax to read files from run dir (on Windows).
+    And fix PCA prompt for unbound-service-install.exe.
+    And add Changelog to windows binary dist.
+  * .gitignore for git users.
+  * iana portlist update.
+  * Removed unneeded whitespace from example.conf.
+  * Do not minimise forwarded requests.
+Thu Oct 15 19:31:43 UTC 2015 -
+- update to 1.5.6
+  Features
+  - Default for ssl-port is port 853, the temporary port assignment for
+    secure domain name system traffic. If you used to rely on the older
+    default of port 443, you have to put a clause in unbound.conf for
+    that. The new value is likely going to be the standardised port number
+    for this traffic.
+  - ANY responses include DNAME records if present, as per Evan Hunt's
+    remark in dnsop.
+  Bug Fixes
+  - Fix segfault in the dns64 module in the formaterror error path.
+  - Fix manpage to suggest using SIGTERM to terminate the server.
+  - iana portlist update.
+Sat Oct 10 09:31:40 UTC 2015 -
+- ignore absence of the systemd-tmpfiles command
+Tue Oct  6 14:21:00 UTC 2015 -
+- update to 1.5.5
+  Features
+  - Change default of harden-algo-downgrade to off. This is lenient
+    for algorithm rollover.
+  - Added permit-small-holddown config to debug fast 5011 rollover.
+  - Allow certificate chain files to allow for intermediate
+    certificates. (thanks Daniel Kahn Gillmor)
+  - Enable ECDHE for servers. Where available, use
+    SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto() for TLS-wrapped server configurations
+    to enable ECDHE. Otherwise, manually offer curve p256. Client
+    connections should automatically use ECDHE when available.
+    (thanks Daniel Kahn Gillmor)
+  - Feature --enable-pie option to that builds PIE binary.
+    [bugzilla: 699 ]
+  - Feature --enable-relro-now option that enables full read-only
+    relocation.  [bugzilla: 700 ]
+  - New IPs for for  [bugzilla: 702 ]
+  Bug Fixes
+  - Fix setting forwarders with unbound-control forward implicitly
+    turns on forward-first.  [bugzilla: 681 ]
+  - Fix that reload fails when so-reuseport is yes after changing
+    num-threads.  [bugzilla: 690 ]
+  - please afl-gcc (llvm) for uninitialised variable warning.
+  - Fix mktime in unbound-anchor not using UTC.
+  - Fix 5011 anchor update timer after reload.
+  - 5011 implementation does not insist on all algorithms, when
+    harden-algo-downgrade is turned off.
+  - Document in the manual more text about configuring locally
+    served zones.
+  - Document that local-zone nodefault matches exactly and
+    transparent can be used to release a subzone.
+  - Fix that configure script does not detect LibreSSL 2.2.2
+    [bugzilla: 694 ]
+  - Fix deadlock for local data add and zone add when
+    unbound-control list_local_data printout is interrupted.
+  - Fix get PY_MAJOR_VERSION failure at configure for python 2.4 to
+    2.6.  [bugzilla: 697 ]
+  - changed windows setup compression to be more transparent.
+  - Fix config globbed include chroot treatment, this fixes reload
+    of globs (patch from Dag-Erling Smørgrav).
+  - Fix ub_ctx_set_fwd() return value mishandled on windows.
+    [bugzilla: 705 ]
+  - Fix minor error in
+  - Fix unbound.conf(5) access-control description for precedence
+    and default.
+  - Fix unbound-control flush that does not succeed in removing
+    data.
+  - MAX_TARGET_COUNT increased to 64, to fix up sporadic resolution
+    failures.
+  - iana portlist update.
+- remove manual hacks for relro,now and pie and replace them with
+  official configure options.
+Fri Sep  4 13:37:38 UTC 2015 -
+- enable event api
+- enable dnstap support
+Thu Jul  9 10:16:32 UTC 2015 -
+- update to 1.5.4
+  - [bugzilla: 644 ] harden-algo-downgrade option, if turned off,
+    fixes the reported excessive validation failure when multiple
+    algorithms are present. If set to 'no', it allows the weakest
+    algorithm to validate the zone.
+  - stats reports tcp usage, of incoming-num-tcp buffers.
+  - contrib/unbound_smf22.tar.gz: Solaris SMF installation/removal
+    scripts. Contributed by Yuri Voinov.
+  - Add ip-transparent config option for bind to non-local addresses.
+  - Synthesize ANY responses from cache. Does not search exhaustively,
+    but MX,A,AAAA,SOA,NS also CNAME.
+  - unbound-control list_insecure command shows the negative trust
+    anchors currently configured, patch from Jelte Jansen.
+  - ratelimit feature, ratelimit: 1000, can be used to turn it on. It
+    ratelimits recursion effort per zone. For particular names you can
+    configure exceptions in unbound.conf.
+  - Ratelimit does not apply to prefetched queries, and
+    ratelimit-factor is default 10. Repeated normal queries get resolved
+    and with prefetch stay in the cache.
+  - unbound-control ratelimit_list lists high rate domains.
+  - caps-whitelist in unbound.conf allows whitelist of loadbalancers
+    that cannot work with caps-for-id or its fallback.
+  - RFC 7553 RR type URI support, is now enabled by default.
+  - cache-max-negative-ttl config option, default 3600.
+  - Add local-zone type inform_deny, that logs query and drops answer.
+Bug Fixes
+  - Unbound exits with a fatal error when the auto-trust-anchor-file
+    fails to be writable. This is seconds after startup. You can load a
+    readonly auto-trust-anchor-file with trust-anchor-file. The file has
+    to be writable to notice the trust anchor change, without it, a trust
+    anchor change will be unnoticed and the system will then become
+    inoperable.
+  - DLV is going to be decommissioned. Advice to stop using it, and
+    put text in the example configuration and man page to that effect.
+  - Patch from Brad Smith that syncs compat/getentropy_linux with
+    OpenBSD's version (2015-03-04).
+  - 0x20 fallback improved: servfail responses do not count as missing
+    comparisons (except if all responses are errors), inability to find
+    nameservers does not fail equality comparisons, many nameservers does
+    not try to compare more than max-sent-count, parse failures start 0x20
+    fallback procedure.
+  - store caps_response with best response in case downgrade response
+    happens to be the last one.
+  - Document that incoming-num-tcp increase is good for large servers.
+  - Fix lintian warning in unbound-checkconf man page (from Andreas
+    Schulze).
+  - Updated default keylength in unbound-control-setup to 3k.
+  - Fixup compile on cygwin, more portable openssl thread id.
+  - Use reallocarray for integer overflow protection, patch submitted
+    by Loganaden Velvindron.
+  - Fixed to add integer overflow checks on allocation (defense in depth).
+  - Fix segfault on user not found at startup (from Maciej Soltysiak).
+  - [bugzilla: 657 ] Fix that libunbound(3) recommends deprecated
+    CRYPTO_set_id_callback.
+  - If unknown trust anchor algorithm, and libressl is used, error
+    message encourages upgrade of the libressl package.
+  - rename ldns subdirectory to sldns to avoid name collision.
+  - [bugzilla: 660 ] Fix interface-automatic broken in the presence of
+    asymmetric routing.
+  - Libunbound skips dos-line-endings from etc/hosts.
+  - Fix crash in dnstap: Do not try to log TCP responses after timeout.
+  - Fix that get_option for cache-sizes does not print double newline.
+  - [bugzilla: 663 ] Fix that ssl handshake fails when using unix
+    socket because dh size is too small.
+  - [bugzilla: 664 ] libunbound python3 related fixes (from Tomas
+    Hozza); Use print_function also for Python2. libunbound examples:
+    produce sorted output. libunbound-Python: libldns is not used anymore.
+    Fix issue with Python 3 mapping of FILE* using file_py3.i from ldns.
+  - Fix leaked dns64prefix configuration string.
+  - Removed contrib/unbound_unixsock.diff, because it has been
+    integrated, use control-interface: /path in unbound.conf.
+  - Change syntax of particular validator error to be easier for
+    machine parse, swap rrset and ip adres info so it looks like:
+    validation failure < TXT IN>: signature crypto failed
+    from 2001:DB8:7:bba4::53 for <* NSEC IN>
+  - Fix that unparseable error responses are ratelimited.
+  - SOA negative TTL is capped at minimumttl in its rdata section.
+  - [bugzilla: 674 ] Do not free pointers given by getenv.
+  - [bugzilla: 677 ] Fix CNAME corresponding to a DNAME was checked
+    incorrectly and was therefore always synthesized (thanks to Valentin
+    Dietrich). And fix DNAME responses from cache that failed internal
+    chain test.
+  - iana portlist update.
+Fri Apr 24 13:53:53 UTC 2015 -
+- update to 1.5.3
+- Bug Fixes
+    [bugzilla: 647 ]
+    Fix #647 crash in 1.5.2 because pwd.db no longer accessible after reload.
+    [bugzilla: 645 ]
+    Fix #645 Portability to Solaris 10, use AF_LOCAL.
+    [bugzilla: 646 ]
+    Fix #646 Portability to Solaris, -lrt for getentropy_solaris.
+    Use the getrandom syscall introduced in Linux 3.17 (from Heiner Kallweit).
+Thu Feb 19 23:35:58 UTC 2015 -
+- update to 1.5.2
+  - Features
+    - local-zone: inform makes unbound log a message
+      with client IP for queries in that zone. Eg. for finding
+      infected hosts.
+    - patch from Stephane Lapie that adds to the python API, that
+      exposes struct delegpt, and adds the find_delegation
+      function.
+    - Updated contrib warmup.cmd/sh to support two modes - load
+      from pre-defined list of domains or (with filename as
+      argument) load from user-specified list of domains, and
+      updated contrib to support
+      loading/save/reload cache to/from default path or (with
+      secondary argument) arbitrary path/filename, from Yuri
+      Voinov.
+    - patch for remote control over local sockets, from Dag-Erling
+      Smorgrav, Ilya Bakulin. Use control-interface: /path/sock and
+      control-use-cert: no.
+    - unbound-checkconf -f prints chroot with pidfile path.
+    - infra-cache-min-rtt patch from Florian Riehm, for expected
+      long uplink roundtrip times.
+  - Bug Fixes
+    - config.guess and config.sub update from libtoolize.
+    - getauxval test for ppc64 linux compatibility.
+    - make strip works for unbound-host and unbound-anchor.
+    - print query name when max target count is exceeded.
+    - patch from Stuart Henderson that fixes DESTDIR in
+      unbound-control-setup for installs where config is not in the
+      prefix location.
+    - [bugzilla: 634 ] Fix #634: fix fail to start on Linux LTS
+      3.14.X, ignores missing IP_MTU_DISCOVER OMIT option (fix from
+      Remi Gacogne).
+    - Patch from Philip Paeps to contrib/unbound_munin_ that uses
+      type ABSOLUTE. Allows munin.conf: []
+      unbound_munin_hits.graph_period minute
+    - Fix pyunbound ord call, portable for python 2 and 3.
+    - Fix unintended use of gcc extension for incomplete enum
+      types, compile with pedantic c99 compliance (from Daniel
+      Dickman).
+    - Fix pyunbound byte string representation for python3.
+    - Fix 0x20 capsforid fallback to omit gratuitous NS and
+      additional section changes.
+    - Fix validation failure in case upstream forwarder (ISC BIND)
+      does not have the same trust anchors and decides to insert
+      unsigned NS record in authority section.
+    - Fix scrubber with harden-glue turned off to reject NS (and
+      other not-address) records.
+    - iana portlist update.
+    - [bugzilla: 643 ] Fix doc/ unnecessary
+      whitespace.
+Mon Dec  8 16:12:23 UTC 2014 -
+- update to 1.5.1 (boo# 908990)
+  Features
+  - Patch from Stephane Lapie for ASAHI Net that implements
+    aaaa-filter, added to contrib/aaaa-filter-iterator.patch.
+  Bug Fixes
+  - Fix that CD flag disables DNS64 processing, returning the
+    DNSSEC signed AAAA denial.
+  - Fix compat/getentropy_win.c check if CryptGenRandom works and
+    no immediate exit on windows.
+  - Fix crash on multiple thread random usage on systems without
+    arc4random.
+  - Fix log at high verbosity and memory allocation failure.
+  - Fix libunbound undefined symbol errors for main.
+  - Patch from Robert Edmonds to build pyunbound python module
+    differently. No versioninfo, with -shared and without $(LIBS).
+  - Patch from Robert Edmonds fixes hyphens in unbound-anchor man
+    page.
+  - Removed 'increased limit open files' log message that is
+    written to console. It is only written on verbosity 4 and
+    higher. This keeps system bootup console cleaner.
+  - Patch from James Raftery, always print stats for rcodes 0..5.
+  - [bugzilla: 627 ] Fix SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations return code
+    not properly checked.
+  - Fix makefile for build from noexec source tree.
+  - Add include to getentropy_linux.c, fixing debian build.
+  - [bugzilla: 632 ] Fix that unbound fails to build on AArch64,
+    protects getentropy compat code from calling sysctl if it is
+    has been removed.
+  - Fix CVE-2014-8602: denial of service by making resolver chase
+    endless series of delegations.
+- changes in 1.5.0
+  Features
+  - This release has DNS64, DNSTAP, better random numbers and
+    ub_ctx_add_ta_autr(), num.query.tcpout=value, flush_negative,
+    unblock-lan-zones conf.
+  - C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET has an IPv6 address, and we updated the root
+    hints (patch from Anand Buddhdev).
+  - Patch from Hannes Frederic Sowa for Linux 3.15 fragmentation
+    option for DNS fragmentation defense.
+  - unbound-control stats prints num.query.tcpout with number of
+    TCP outgoing queries made in the previous statistics interval.
+  - Patch from Jeremie Courreges-Anglas to use arc4random_uniform
+    if available on the OS, it gets entropy from the OS.
+  - Add unbound-control flush_negative that flushed nxdomains,
+    nodata, and errors from the cache. For dnssec-trigger and
+    NetworkManager, fixes cases where network changes have
+    localdata that was already negatively cached from the previous
+    network.
+  - Contrib windows scripts from Yuri Voinov added to src/contrib:
+    create_unbound_ad_servers.cmd: enters anti-ad server lists.
+    unbound_cache.cmd: saves and loads the cache. Also warmup.cmd
+    (and .sh): warm up the DNS cache with your MRU domains.
+  - Added unbound-control-setup.cmd from Yuri Voinov to the windows
+    unbound distribution set. It requires openssl installed in
+    %PATH%.
+  - Implement draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc6598-rfc6303-01.
+  - Feature, unblock-lan-zones: yesno that you can use to make
+    unbound perform and other reverse lookups normally,
+    for use if unbound is running service for localhost on localhost.
+  - unbound-host -D enabled dnssec and reads root trust anchor from
+    the default root key file that was compiled in.
+  - Add AAAA for B root server to default root hints.
+  - unbound-control status reports if so-reuseport was successful.
+  - so-reuseport is available on BSDs(such as FreeBSD 10) and OS/X.
+  - arc4random in compat/ and getentropy, explicit_bzero, chacha
+    for dependencies, from OpenBSD. arc4_lock and sha512 in compat.
+    This makes arc4random available on all platforms, except when
+    compiled with LIBNSS (it uses libNSS crypto random).
+  - Patch from Dag-Erling Smorgrav that implements that: unbound
+    -dd does not fork in the background and also logs to stderr.
+  - DNS64 from Viagenie (BSD Licensed), written by Simon Perrault.
+    Initial commit of the patch from the FreeBSD base (with its
+    fixes). This adds a module (for module-config in unbound.conf)
+    dns64 that performs DNS64 processing, see README.DNS64.
+  - Patch add msg, rrset, infra and key cache sizes to stats
+    command from Maciej Soltysiak.
+  - DNSTAP support, with a patch from Farsight Security, written by
+    Robert Edmonds. The --enable-dnstap needs libfstrm and
+    protobuf-c. It is BSD licensed (see dnstap/dnstap.c). Also
+    --with-libfstrm and --with-protobuf-c configure options.
+  - type CDS and CDNSKEY types.
+  - Updated the TCP_BACLOG from 5 to 256, so that the tcp accept
+    queue is longer and more tcp connections can be handled.
+  - Add ub_ctx_add_ta_autr function to add a RFC5011 automatically
+    tracked trust anchor to libunbound.
+  Bug Fixes
+  - Fix print filename of encompassing config file on read failure.
+  - Patch from Stuart Henderson to build unbound-host man from
+  - [bugzilla: 569] Fix do_tcp is do-tcp in unbound.conf man page.
+  - [bugzilla: 572] Fix unit test failure for systems with
+    different /etc/ services.
+  - iana portlist updated.
+  - [bugzilla: 574] Fix make test fails on Ubuntu 14.04. Disabled
+    remote-control in testbound scripts.
+  - Documented that dump_requestlist only prints queries from
+    thread 0.
+  - [bugzilla: 567] Fix unbound lists if forward zone is secure or
+    insecure with +i annotation in output of list_forwards, also
+    for list_stubs (for NetworkManager integration). And remove ':'
+    from output of stub and forward lists, this is easier to parse.
+  - [bugzilla: 554] Fix use unsigned long to print 64bit statistics
+    counters on 64bit systems.
+  - [bugzilla: 558] Fix failed prefetch lookup does not remove
+    cached response but delays next prefetch (in lieu of caching a
+  - [bugzilla: 545] Fix improved logging, the ip address of the
+    error is printed on the same log-line as the error.
+  - [bugzilla: 502] Fix explain that do-ip6 disable does not stop
+    AAAA lookups, but it stops the use of the ipv6 transport layer
+    for DNS traffic.
+  - Fix compile with libevent2 on FreeBSD.
+  - Change MAX_SENT_COUNT from 16 to 32 to resolve some cases easier.
+  - Fixup out-of-directory compile with
+  - Code cleanup patch from Dag-Erling Smorgrav, with compiler
+    issue fixes from FreeBSD's copy of Unbound, he notes: Generate
+ at build time so it respects prefix
+    and sysconfdir from the configure script.  Also fix the umask
+    to match the comment, and the comment to match the umask. Add
+    const and static where needed. Use unions instead of playing
+    pointer poker. Move declarations that are needed in multiple
+    source files into a shared header. Move sldns_bgetc() from
+    parse.c to buffer.c where it belongs. Introduce a new header
+    file, worker.h, which declares the callbacks that all workers
+    must define. Remove those declarations from libworker.h.
+    Include the correct headers in the correct places. Fix a few
+    dummy callbacks that don't match their prototype. Fix some
+    casts. Hide the sbrk madness behind #ifdef HAVE_SBRK. Remove a
+    useless printf which breaks reproducible builds. Get rid of
+    CONFIGURE_{TARGET,DATE,BUILD_WITH} now that they're no longer
+    used. Add to the list of generated
+    files. The prototype for libworker_event_done_cb() needs to be
+    moved from libunbound/libworker.h to libunbound/worker.h.
+  - Fix caps-for-id fallback, and added fallback attempt when
+    servers drop 0x20 perturbed queries.
+  - [bugzilla: 593] Fix segfault or crash upon rotating logfile.
+  - fake-rfc2553 patch (thanks Benjamin Baier).
+  - LibreSSL provides compat items, check for that in configure.
+  - [bugzilla: 596] Bail out of unbound-control list_local_zones
+    when ssl write fails.
+  - Fix endian.h include for OpenBSD.
+  - [bugzilla: 603] Fix unbound-checkconf -o option should skip
+    verification checks.
+  - Fixup doc/unbound.doxygen to remove obsolete 1.8.7 settings.
+  - Update unbound manpage with more explanation (from Florian Obser).
+  - Fix tcp timer waiting list removal code.
+  - patches to also build with Python 3.x (from Pavel Simerda).
+  - improve python configuration detection to build on Fedora 22.
+  - Fix swig and python examples for Python 3.x.
+  - Fix for mingw compile with openssl-1.0.1i.
+  - [bugzilla: 612] Fix create service with service.conf in present
+    directory and auto load it.
+  - [bugzilla: 613] Allow tab ws in var length last rdfs (in ldns
+    str2wire).
+  - [bugzilla: 614] Fix man page variable substitution bug.
+  - Whitespaces after $ORIGIN are not part of the origin dname
+    (ldns).
+  - $TTL's value starts at position 5 (ldns).
+  - Fix unbound-checkconf check for module config with dns64
+    module.
+  - Fix unbound capsforid fallback, it ignores TTLs in comparison.
+  - [bugzilla: 617] Fix in ldns in unbound, lowercase WKS services.
+  - Fix ctype invocation casts.
+  - Disabled use of SSLv3 in remote-control and ssl-upstream.
+  - Redefine internal minievent symbols to unique symbols that
+    helps linking on platforms where the linker leaks names across
+    modules.
+  - Fix bug where forward or stub addresses with same address but
+    different port number were not tried.
+Mon Nov 10 00:45:00 UTC 2014 - Led <>
+- fix bashisms in pre script
+Fri Sep  5 13:32:55 UTC 2014 -
+- cleanup .spec
+- removed unused packes 
+Tue Sep  2 13:21:55 UTC 2014 -
+- disable %check until is fixed
+Wed Aug 20 13:34:00 UTC 2014 -
+- Added firewall service file 
+Wed Aug 13 20:00:21 UTC 2014 -
+- upadte to 1.4.22
+- use /run for pid to clear dir-or-file-in-var-run in factory
+Sat Dec 28 13:32:06 UTC 2013 -
+- fixed the execstartpre for unbound so we actually call
+  unbound-anchor now.
+Sat Dec 28 13:29:56 UTC 2013 -
+- fixed a few rpmlint warnings
+  - added unbound-rpmlintrc: files duplicate on those man page
+    links
+  - changed symlink to /usr/sbin/service
+  - improved descriptions
+Sat Dec 28 04:02:56 UTC 2013 -
+- update to 1.4.21
+  merged lots of stuff from the fedora package
+  - added python/munin/shlib/anchor subpackages
+- currently the package only supports systemd
+Wed May 21 03:50:15 CEST 2008 -
+- initial package
diff --git a/unbound.conf b/unbound.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88e4d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+# See unbound.conf(5) man page.
+# this is a comment.
+#Use this to include other text into the file.
+#include: "otherfile.conf"
+# The server clause sets the main parameters.
+	# whitespace is not necessary, but looks cleaner.
+	# verbosity number, 0 is least verbose. 1 is default.
+	verbosity: 1
+	# print statistics to the log (for every thread) every N seconds.
+	# Set to "" or 0 to disable. Default is disabled.
+	# Needed for munin plugin
+	statistics-interval: 0
+	# enable cumulative statistics, without clearing them after printing.
+	# Needed for munin plugin
+	statistics-cumulative: yes
+	# enable extended statistics (query types, answer codes, status)
+	# printed from unbound-control. default off, because of speed.
+	# Needed for munin plugin
+	extended-statistics: yes
+	# number of threads to create. 1 disables threading.
+	num-threads: 2
+	# specify the interfaces to answer queries from by ip-address.
+	# The default is to listen to localhost ( and ::1).
+	# specify and ::0 to bind to all available interfaces.
+	# specify every interface on a new 'interface:' labelled line.
+	# The listen interfaces are not changed on reload, only on restart.
+	# interface:
+	# interface: ::0
+	# interface:
+	# interface:
+	# interface: 2001:DB8::5
+	#
+	# for dns over tls and raw dns over port 80
+	# interface:
+	# interface: ::0@443
+	# interface:
+	# interface: ::0@80
+	# enable this feature to copy the source address of queries to reply.
+	# Socket options are not supported on all platforms. experimental.
+	# interface-automatic: yes
+	#
+	# NOTE: Enable this option when specifying interface or ::0
+	# NOTE: Disabled per Fedora policy not to listen to * on default install
+	# NOTE: If deploying on non-default port, eg 80/443, this needs to be disabled
+	interface-automatic: no
+	# port to answer queries from
+	# port: 53
+	# specify the interfaces to send outgoing queries to authoritative
+	# server from by ip-address. If none, the default (all) interface
+	# is used. Specify every interface on a 'outgoing-interface:' line.
+	# outgoing-interface:
+	# outgoing-interface: 2001:DB8::5
+	# outgoing-interface: 2001:DB8::6
+	# number of ports to allocate per thread, determines the size of the
+	# port range that can be open simultaneously.
+	# outgoing-range: 4096
+	# number of outgoing simultaneous tcp buffers to hold per thread.
+	# outgoing-num-tcp: 10
+	# number of incoming simultaneous tcp buffers to hold per thread.
+	# incoming-num-tcp: 10
+	# buffer size for UDP port 53 incoming (SO_RCVBUF socket option).
+	# 0 is system default.  Use 4m to catch query spikes for busy servers.
+	# so-rcvbuf: 0
+	# buffer size for UDP port 53 outgoing (SO_SNDBUF socket option).
+	# 0 is system default.  Use 4m to handle spikes on very busy servers.
+	# so-sndbuf: 0
+	# EDNS reassembly buffer to advertise to UDP peers (the actual buffer
+	# is set with msg-buffer-size). 1480 can solve fragmentation (timeouts).
+	# edns-buffer-size: 4096
+	# Maximum UDP response size (not applied to TCP response).
+	# Suggested values are 512 to 4096. Default is 4096. 65536 disables it.
+	# 3072 causes +dnssec any queries to need TC=1. Helps mitigating DDOS
+	max-udp-size: 3072
+	# buffer size for handling DNS data. No messages larger than this
+	# size can be sent or received, by UDP or TCP. In bytes.
+	# msg-buffer-size: 65552
+	# the amount of memory to use for the message cache.
+	# plain value in bytes or you can append k, m or G. default is "4Mb".
+	# msg-cache-size: 4m
+	# the number of slabs to use for the message cache.
+	# the number of slabs must be a power of 2.
+	# more slabs reduce lock contention, but fragment memory usage.
+	# msg-cache-slabs: 4
+	# the number of queries that a thread gets to service.
+	# num-queries-per-thread: 1024
+	# if very busy, 50% queries run to completion, 50% get timeout in msec
+	# jostle-timeout: 200
+	# the amount of memory to use for the RRset cache.
+	# plain value in bytes or you can append k, m or G. default is "4Mb".
+	# rrset-cache-size: 4m
+	# the number of slabs to use for the RRset cache.
+	# the number of slabs must be a power of 2.
+	# more slabs reduce lock contention, but fragment memory usage.
+	# rrset-cache-slabs: 4
+	# the time to live (TTL) value lower bound, in seconds. Default 0.
+	# If more than an hour could easily give trouble due to stale data.
+	# cache-min-ttl: 0
+	# the time to live (TTL) value cap for RRsets and messages in the
+	# cache. Items are not cached for longer. In seconds.
+	# cache-max-ttl: 86400
+	# the time to live (TTL) value for cached roundtrip times, lameness
+	# and EDNS version information for hosts. In seconds.
+	# infra-host-ttl: 900
+	# the number of slabs to use for the Infrastructure cache.
+	# the number of slabs must be a power of 2.
+	# more slabs reduce lock contention, but fragment memory usage.
+	# infra-cache-slabs: 4
+	# the maximum number of hosts that are cached (roundtrip, EDNS, lame).
+	# infra-cache-numhosts: 10000
+	# Enable IPv4, "yes" or "no".
+	# do-ip4: yes
+	# Enable IPv6, "yes" or "no".
+	# do-ip6: yes
+	# Enable UDP, "yes" or "no".
+	# NOTE: if setting up an unbound on tls443 for public use, you might want to
+	# disable UDP to avoid being used in DNS amplification attacks.
+	# do-udp: yes
+	# Enable TCP, "yes" or "no".
+	# do-tcp: yes
+	# upstream connections use TCP only (and no UDP), "yes" or "no"
+	# useful for tunneling scenarios, default no.
+	# tcp-upstream: no
+	# Detach from the terminal, run in background, "yes" or "no".
+	# do-daemonize: yes
+	# control which clients are allowed to make (recursive) queries
+	# to this server. Specify classless netblocks with /size and action.
+	# By default everything is refused, except for localhost.
+	# Choose deny (drop message), refuse (polite error reply),
+	# allow (recursive ok), allow_snoop (recursive and nonrecursive ok)
+	# access-control: refuse
+	# access-control: allow
+	# access-control: ::0/0 refuse
+	# access-control: ::1 allow
+	# access-control: ::ffff: allow
+	# if given, a chroot(2) is done to the given directory.
+	# i.e. you can chroot to the working directory, for example,
+	# for extra security, but make sure all files are in that directory.
+	#
+	# If chroot is enabled, you should pass the configfile (from the
+	# commandline) as a full path from the original root. After the
+	# chroot has been performed the now defunct portion of the config
+	# file path is removed to be able to reread the config after a reload.
+	#
+	# All other file paths (working dir, logfile, roothints, and
+	# key files) can be specified in several ways:
+	# 	o as an absolute path relative to the new root.
+	# 	o as a relative path to the working directory.
+	# 	o as an absolute path relative to the original root.
+	# In the last case the path is adjusted to remove the unused portion.
+	#
+	# The pid file can be absolute and outside of the chroot, it is
+	# written just prior to performing the chroot and dropping permissions.
+	#
+	# Additionally, unbound may need to access /dev/random (for entropy).
+	# How to do this is specific to your OS.
+	#
+	# If you give "" no chroot is performed. The path must not end in a /.
+	# chroot: "/var/lib/unbound"
+	chroot: ""
+	# if given, user privileges are dropped (after binding port),
+	# and the given username is assumed. Default is user "unbound".
+	# If you give "" no privileges are dropped.
+	username: "unbound"
+	# the working directory. The relative files in this config are
+	# relative to this directory. If you give "" the working directory
+	# is not changed.
+	directory: "/etc/unbound"
+	# the log file, "" means log to stderr.
+	# Use of this option sets use-syslog to "no".
+	# logfile: ""
+	# Log to syslog(3) if yes. The log facility LOG_DAEMON is used to
+	# log to, with identity "unbound". If yes, it overrides the logfile.
+	# use-syslog: yes
+	# print UTC timestamp in ascii to logfile, default is epoch in seconds.
+	log-time-ascii: yes
+	# print one line with time, IP, name, type, class for every query.
+	# log-queries: no
+	# the pid file. Can be an absolute path outside of chroot/work dir.
+	pidfile: "/var/run/unbound/"
+	# file to read root hints from.
+	# get one from ftp://FTP.INTERNIC.NET/domain/named.cache
+	# root-hints: ""
+	# enable to not answer id.server and hostname.bind queries.
+	# hide-identity: no
+	# enable to not answer version.server and version.bind queries.
+	# hide-version: no
+	# the identity to report. Leave "" or default to return hostname.
+	# identity: ""
+	# the version to report. Leave "" or default to return package version.
+	# version: ""
+	# the target fetch policy.
+	# series of integers describing the policy per dependency depth.
+	# The number of values in the list determines the maximum dependency
+	# depth the recursor will pursue before giving up. Each integer means:
+	# 	-1 : fetch all targets opportunistically,
+	# 	0: fetch on demand,
+	#	positive value: fetch that many targets opportunistically.
+	# Enclose the list of numbers between quotes ("").
+	# target-fetch-policy: "3 2 1 0 0"
+	# Harden against very small EDNS buffer sizes.
+	# harden-short-bufsize: no
+	# Harden against unseemly large queries.
+	# harden-large-queries: no
+	# Harden against out of zone rrsets, to avoid spoofing attempts.
+	harden-glue: yes
+	# Harden against receiving dnssec-stripped data. If you turn it
+	# off, failing to validate dnskey data for a trustanchor will
+	# trigger insecure mode for that zone (like without a trustanchor).
+	# Default on, which insists on dnssec data for trust-anchored zones.
+	harden-dnssec-stripped: yes
+	# Harden against queries that fall under dnssec-signed nxdomain names.
+	harden-below-nxdomain: yes
+	# Harden the referral path by performing additional queries for
+	# infrastructure data.  Validates the replies (if possible).
+	# Default off, because the lookups burden the server.  Experimental
+	# implementation of draft-wijngaards-dnsext-resolver-side-mitigation.
+	harden-referral-path: yes
+	# Use 0x20-encoded random bits in the query to foil spoof attempts.
+	# This feature is an experimental implementation of draft dns-0x20.
+	# (this now fails on all GoDaddy customer domains, so disabled)
+	use-caps-for-id: no
+	# Enforce privacy of these addresses. Strips them away from answers.
+	# It may cause DNSSEC validation to additionally mark it as bogus.
+	# Protects against 'DNS Rebinding' (uses browser as network proxy).
+	# Only 'private-domain' and 'local-data' names are allowed to have
+	# these private addresses. No default.
+	# private-address:
+	# private-address:
+	# private-address:
+	# private-address:
+	# private-address: fd00::/8
+	# private-address: fe80::/10
+	# Allow the domain (and its subdomains) to contain private addresses.
+	# local-data statements are allowed to contain private addresses too.
+	# private-domain: ""
+	# If nonzero, unwanted replies are not only reported in statistics,
+	# but also a running total is kept per thread. If it reaches the
+	# threshold, a warning is printed and a defensive action is taken,
+	# the cache is cleared to flush potential poison out of it.
+	# A suggested value is 10000000, the default is 0 (turned off).
+	unwanted-reply-threshold: 10000000
+	# Do not query the following addresses. No DNS queries are sent there.
+	# List one address per entry. List classless netblocks with /size,
+	# do-not-query-address:
+	# do-not-query-address: ::1
+	# if yes, the above default do-not-query-address entries are present.
+	# if no, localhost can be queried (for testing and debugging).
+	# do-not-query-localhost: yes
+	# if yes, perform prefetching of almost expired message cache entries.
+	prefetch: yes
+	# if yes, perform key lookups adjacent to normal lookups.
+	prefetch-key: yes
+	# if yes, Unbound rotates RRSet order in response.
+	rrset-roundrobin: yes
+	# if yes, Unbound doesn't insert authority/additional sections
+	# into response messages when those sections are not required.
+	minimal-responses: yes
+	# module configuration of the server. A string with identifiers
+	# separated by spaces. "iterator" or "validator iterator"
+	# module-config: "validator iterator"
+	# File with DLV trusted keys. Same format as trust-anchor-file.
+	# There can be only one DLV configured, it is trusted from root down.
+	# Downloaded from
+	# dlv-anchor-file: "/etc/unbound/"
+	# File with trusted keys for validation. Specify more than one file
+	# with several entries, one file per entry.
+	# Zone file format, with DS and DNSKEY entries.
+	# trust-anchor-file: ""
+	# File with trusted keys, kept uptodate using RFC5011 probes,
+	# initial file like trust-anchor-file, then it stores metadata.
+	# Use several entries, one per domain name, to track multiple zones.
+	# auto-trust-anchor-file: ""
+	# Trusted key for validation. DS or DNSKEY. specify the RR on a
+	# single line, surrounded by "". TTL is ignored. class is IN default.
+	# (These examples are from August 2007 and may not be valid anymore).
+	# trust-anchor: " DNSKEY 257 3 5 AQPzzTWMz8qSWIQlfRnPckx2BiVmkVN6LPupO3mbz7FhLSnm26n6iG9N Lby97Ji453aWZY3M5/xJBSOS2vWtco2t8C0+xeO1bc/d6ZTy32DHchpW 6rDH1vp86Ll+ha0tmwyy9QP7y2bVw5zSbFCrefk8qCUBgfHm9bHzMG1U BYtEIQ=="
+	# trust-anchor: " DS 42860 5 1 14D739EB566D2B1A5E216A0BA4D17FA9B038BE4A"
+	# File with trusted keys for validation. Specify more than one file
+	# with several entries, one file per entry. Like trust-anchor-file
+	# but has a different file format. Format is BIND-9 style format,
+	# the trusted-keys { name flag proto algo "key"; }; clauses are read.
+	# trusted-keys-file: ""
+	#
+	# trusted-keys-file: /etc/unbound/rootkey.bind
+	trusted-keys-file: /etc/unbound/keys.d/*.key
+	auto-trust-anchor-file: "/var/lib/unbound/root.key"
+	# Ignore chain of trust. Domain is treated as insecure.
+	# domain-insecure: ""
+	# Override the date for validation with a specific fixed date.
+	# Do not set this unless you are debugging signature inception
+	# and expiration. "" or "0" turns the feature off.
+	# val-override-date: ""
+	# The time to live for bogus data, rrsets and messages. This avoids
+	# some of the revalidation, until the time interval expires. in secs.
+	# val-bogus-ttl: 60
+	# The signature inception and expiration dates are allowed to be off
+	# by 10% of the lifetime of the signature from our local clock.
+	# This leeway is capped with a minimum and a maximum.  In seconds.
+	# val-sig-skew-min: 3600
+	# val-sig-skew-max: 86400
+	# Should additional section of secure message also be kept clean of
+	# unsecure data. Useful to shield the users of this validator from
+	# potential bogus data in the additional section. All unsigned data
+	# in the additional section is removed from secure messages.
+	val-clean-additional: yes
+	# Turn permissive mode on to permit bogus messages. Thus, messages
+	# for which security checks failed will be returned to clients,
+	# instead of SERVFAIL. It still performs the security checks, which
+	# result in interesting log files and possibly the AD bit in
+	# replies if the message is found secure. The default is off.
+	val-permissive-mode: no
+	# Have the validator log failed validations for your diagnosis.
+	# 0: off. 1: A line per failed user query. 2: With reason and bad IP.
+	val-log-level: 1
+	# It is possible to configure NSEC3 maximum iteration counts per
+	# keysize. Keep this table very short, as linear search is done.
+	# A message with an NSEC3 with larger count is marked insecure.
+	# List in ascending order the keysize and count values.
+	# val-nsec3-keysize-iterations: "1024 150 2048 500 4096 2500"
+	# instruct the auto-trust-anchor-file probing to add anchors after ttl.
+	# add-holddown: 2592000 # 30 days
+	# instruct the auto-trust-anchor-file probing to del anchors after ttl.
+	# del-holddown: 2592000 # 30 days
+	# auto-trust-anchor-file probing removes missing anchors after ttl.
+	# If the value 0 is given, missing anchors are not removed.
+	# keep-missing: 31622400 # 366 days
+	# the amount of memory to use for the key cache.
+	# plain value in bytes or you can append k, m or G. default is "4Mb".
+	# key-cache-size: 4m
+	# the number of slabs to use for the key cache.
+	# the number of slabs must be a power of 2.
+	# more slabs reduce lock contention, but fragment memory usage.
+	# key-cache-slabs: 4
+	# the amount of memory to use for the negative cache (used for DLV).
+	# plain value in bytes or you can append k, m or G. default is "1Mb".
+	# neg-cache-size: 1m
+	# a number of locally served zones can be configured.
+	# 	local-zone: <zone> <type>
+	# 	local-data: "<resource record string>"
+	# o deny serves local data (if any), else, drops queries.
+	# o refuse serves local data (if any), else, replies with error.
+	# o static serves local data, else, nxdomain or nodata answer.
+	# o transparent serves local data, but resolves normally for other names
+	# o redirect serves the zone data for any subdomain in the zone.
+	# o nodefault can be used to normally resolve AS112 zones.
+	# o typetransparent resolves normally for other types and other names
+	#
+	# defaults are localhost address, reverse for and ::1
+	# and nxdomain for AS112 zones. If you configure one of these zones
+	# the default content is omitted, or you can omit it with 'nodefault'.
+	#
+	# If you configure local-data without specifying local-zone, by
+	# default a transparent local-zone is created for the data.
+	#
+	# You can add locally served data with
+	# local-zone: "local." static
+	# local-data: "mycomputer.local. IN A"
+	# local-data: 'mytext.local TXT "content of text record"'
+	#
+	# You can override certain queries with
+	# local-data: " A"
+	#
+	# You can redirect a domain to a fixed address with
+	# (this makes,, etc, all go to
+	# local-zone: "" redirect
+	# local-data: " A"
+	#
+	# Shorthand to make PTR records, "IPv4 name" or "IPv6 name".
+	# You can also add PTR records using local-data directly, but then
+	# you need to do the reverse notation yourself.
+	# local-data-ptr: ""
+	include: /etc/unbound/local.d/*.conf
+	# service clients over SSL (on the TCP sockets), with plain DNS inside
+	# the SSL stream.  Give the certificate to use and private key.
+	# default is "" (disabled).  requires restart to take effect.
+	# ssl-service-key: "/etc/unbound/unbound_server.key"
+	# ssl-service-pem: "/etc/unbound/unbound_server.pem"
+	# ssl-port: 443
+	# request upstream over SSL (with plain DNS inside the SSL stream).
+	# Default is no.  Can be turned on and off with unbound-control.
+	# ssl-upstream: no
+## Python config section. To enable:
+## o use --with-pythonmodule to configure before compiling.
+## o list python in the module-config string (above) to enable.
+## o and give a python-script to run.
+#	# Script file to load
+#	# python-script: "/etc/unbound/"
+# Remote control config section.
+	# Enable remote control with unbound-control(8) here.
+	# set up the keys and certificates with unbound-control-setup.
+	# Note: required for unbound-munin package
+	control-enable: yes
+	# what interfaces are listened to for remote control.
+	# give and ::0 to listen to all interfaces.
+	# control-interface:
+	# control-interface: ::1
+	# port number for remote control operations.
+	# control-port: 953
+	# unbound server key file.
+	server-key-file: "/etc/unbound/unbound_server.key"
+	# unbound server certificate file.
+	server-cert-file: "/etc/unbound/unbound_server.pem"
+	# unbound-control key file.
+	control-key-file: "/etc/unbound/unbound_control.key"
+	# unbound-control certificate file.
+	control-cert-file: "/etc/unbound/unbound_control.pem"
+# Stub and Forward zones
+include: /etc/unbound/conf.d/*.conf
+# Stub zones.
+# Create entries like below, to make all queries for '' and
+# '' go to the given list of nameservers. list zero or more
+# nameservers by hostname or by ipaddress. If you set stub-prime to yes,
+# the list is treated as priming hints (default is no).
+# stub-zone:
+#	name: ""
+#	stub-addr:
+#	stub-prime: "no"
+# stub-zone:
+#	name: ""
+#	stub-host:
+# You can now also dynamically create and delete stub-zone's using
+# unbound-control stub_add
+# unbound-control stub_remove
+# Forward zones
+# Create entries like below, to make all queries for '' and
+# '' go to the given list of servers. These servers have to handle
+# recursion to other nameservers. List zero or more nameservers by hostname
+# or by ipaddress. Use an entry with name "." to forward all queries.
+# If you enable forward-first, it attempts without the forward if it fails.
+# forward-zone:
+# 	name: ""
+# 	forward-addr:
+# 	forward-addr:  # forward to port 5355.
+# 	forward-first: no
+# forward-zone:
+# 	name: ""
+# 	forward-host:
+# You can now also dynamically create and delete forward-zone's using
+# unbound-control forward_add
+# unbound-control forward_remove
diff --git a/unbound.keyring b/unbound.keyring
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c467dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound.keyring
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+pub   rsa4096 2011-04-21 [SCA] [expires: 2024-12-07]
+      EDFAA3F2CA4E6EB05681AF8E9F6F1C2D7E045F8D
+uid           W.C.A. Wijngaards <>
+sub   rsa4096 2011-04-21 [E] [expires: 2024-12-07]
diff --git a/unbound.munin b/unbound.munin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9056575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound.munin
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# For this plugin to work, unbound.conf needs to have:
+# remote-control:	control-enable: yes
+user root
+env.statefile /var/lib/munin/plugin-state/unbound-state
+env.unbound_conf /etc/unbound/unbound.conf
+env.unbound_control /usr/sbin/unbound-control
+env.spoof_warn 1000
+env.spoof_crit 100000
diff --git a/unbound.service b/unbound.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7db2265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound.service
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Description=Unbound recursive Domain Name Server
+#ExecStartPre=/sbin/runuser --shell /bin/sh -c "/usr/sbin/unbound-anchor -a /var/lib/unbound/root.key -c /etc/unbound/icannbundle.pem" unbound
+ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/unbound-anchor -a /var/lib/unbound/root.key -c /etc/unbound/icannbundle.pem
+ExecStart=!/usr/sbin/unbound -d $UNBOUND_OPTIONS
diff --git a/unbound.spec b/unbound.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55e0236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+# spec file for package unbound
+# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
+# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
+# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
+# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
+# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
+# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
+# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
+# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
+# published by the Open Source Initiative.
+# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
+#Compat macro for new _fillupdir macro introduced in Nov 2017
+%if ! %{defined _fillupdir}
+  %define _fillupdir /var/adm/fillup-templates
+%bcond_without python3
+%bcond_without munin
+%bcond_without hardened_build
+%bcond_without dnstap
+%bcond_without systemd
+%define _sharedstatedir /var/lib/
+%define ldns_version 1.6.16
+%define piddir /run
+Name:           unbound
+Version:        1.21.0
+Release:        0
+BuildRequires:  flex
+BuildRequires:  ldns-devel >= %{ldns_version}
+BuildRequires:  libevent-devel
+BuildRequires:  libexpat-devel
+BuildRequires:  libsodium-devel
+BuildRequires:  openssl-devel
+BuildRequires:  sysuser-tools
+%if %{with dnstap}
+BuildRequires:  libfstrm-devel
+BuildRequires:  libprotobuf-c-devel >= 1.0.0
+BuildRequires:  protobuf-c >= 1.0.0
+%if %{with python3}
+BuildRequires:  python-rpm-macros
+BuildRequires:  python3-devel
+BuildRequires:  swig
+# needed for dns over https
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libnghttp2)
+Requires:       ldns >= %{ldns_version}
+# until we figured something else out for the unbound-anchor part in the systemd unit file
+Requires:       sudo
+# unbound-control-setup depends on /usr/bin/openssl
+Requires:       openssl
+%if %{with systemd}
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libsystemd)
+Source101:      unbound.keyring
+Source1:        unbound.service
+Source2:        unbound.conf
+Source3:        unbound.munin
+Source4:        unbound_munin_
+Source5:        root.key
+Source7:        unbound-keygen.service
+Source8:        tmpfiles-unbound.conf
+# From
+Source12:       icannbundle.pem
+Source13:       root.anchor
+Source14:       unbound.sysconfig
+Source15:       unbound-anchor.timer
+Source16:       unbound-munin.README
+Source18:       unbound-anchor.service
+Source19:       unbound.sysusers
+Summary:        Validating, recursive, and caching DNS(SEC) resolver
+License:        BSD-3-Clause
+Group:          Productivity/Networking/DNS/Servers
+Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS(SEC) resolver.
+The C implementation of Unbound is developed and maintained by NLnet
+Labs. It is based on ideas and algorithms taken from a java prototype
+developed by Verisign labs, Nominet, Kirei and
+Unbound is designed as a set of modular components, so that also
+DNSSEC (secure DNS) validation and stub-resolvers (that do not run
+as a server, but are linked into an application) are easily possible.
+%define libname libunbound8
+%package -n %{libname}
+Requires:       %{name}-anchor >= %{version}
+Summary:        Shared library from unbound
+Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
+%description -n %{libname}
+Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS(SEC) resolver.
+This package holds the shared library from unbound.
+%if %{with_munin}
+%package munin
+Summary:        Plugin for the munin / munin-node monitoring package
+Group:          System/Daemons
+Requires:       %{name} = %{version}
+Requires:       bc
+Requires:       munin-node
+BuildArch:      noarch
+%description munin
+Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS(SEC) resolver.
+This package holds the plugin for the munin / munin-node monitoring package
+%package devel
+Requires:       %{libname} = %{version}
+Requires:       ldns-devel >= %{ldns_version}
+Requires:       openssl-devel
+Provides:       libunbound-devel = %{version}-%{release}
+Summary:        Development files for libunbound
+Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
+%description devel
+Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS(SEC) resolver.
+This package holds the development files to work with libunbound.
+%package anchor
+Summary:        Unbound Anchor cert management tools
+Group:          Productivity/Networking/DNS/Servers
+%description anchor
+Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS(SEC) resolver.
+This package contains the tools to manage the anchor certs.
+%if %{with python3}
+%package -n python3-unbound
+Summary:        Python modules and extensions for unbound
+Group:          Applications/System
+Requires:       %{libname} = %{version}
+Obsoletes:      unbound-python
+Provides:       unbound-python
+%description -n python3-unbound
+Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS(SEC) resolver.
+This package holds the Python modules and extensions for unbound.
+%sysusers_generate_pre %{SOURCE19} anchor unbound.conf
+export CFLAGS="%{optflags}"
+export CXXFLAGS="%{optflags}"
+%if %{with python2}
+pushd ../p2
+%configure \
+  --disable-rpath \
+  --with-libevent \
+  --with-pthreads \
+  --disable-static \
+  --with-ldns=%{_prefix} \
+  --with-libnghttp2 \
+  --enable-sha2 \
+  --enable-gost \
+  --enable-ecdsa \
+  --enable-event-api \
+  --enable-pie \
+  --enable-relro-now \
+  --enable-dnscrypt \
+%if %{with dnstap}
+  --enable-dnstap \
+  --with-conf-file=%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/unbound.conf \
+  --with-pidfile=%{piddir}/%{name}/%{name}.pid \
+  --with-pythonmodule --with-pyunbound PYTHON=%{__python2}\
+  --with-rootkey-file=%{_sharedstatedir}/unbound/root.key \
+  --disable-explicit-port-randomisation
+make %{?_smp_mflags} all streamtcp
+%configure \
+  --disable-rpath \
+  --with-libevent \
+  --with-pthreads \
+  --disable-static \
+  --with-ldns=%{_prefix} \
+  --with-libnghttp2 \
+  --enable-sha2 \
+  --enable-gost \
+  --enable-ecdsa \
+  --enable-event-api \
+  --enable-pie \
+  --enable-relro-now \
+  --enable-dnscrypt \
+%if %{with dnstap}
+  --enable-dnstap \
+  --with-conf-file=%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/unbound.conf \
+  --with-pidfile=%{piddir}/%{name}/%{name}.pid \
+%if %{with python3}
+  --with-pythonmodule --with-pyunbound PYTHON=%{__python3}\
+  --with-rootkey-file=%{_sharedstatedir}/unbound/root.key \
+  --disable-explicit-port-randomisation
+make %{?_smp_mflags} all streamtcp
+install -d -m 0750                %{buildroot}/var/lib/unbound
+install -d 0755                   %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}
+install -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE1}     %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/unbound.service
+install -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE7}     %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/unbound-keygen.service
+install -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE2}     %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/unbound
+install -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE12}    %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/unbound
+install -D -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE14} %{buildroot}%{_fillupdir}/sysconfig.%{name}
+ln -sf /usr/sbin/service          %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rcunbound
+ln -sf /usr/sbin/service          %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rcunbound-keygen
+install -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE15}    %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/unbound-anchor.timer
+install -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE18}    %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/unbound-anchor.service
+install -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE16}  .
+%if %{with munin}
+# Install munin plugin and its softlinks
+install -d 0755                   %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/munin/plugin-conf.d
+install -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE3}     %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/munin/plugin-conf.d/unbound
+install -d 0755                   %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/munin/plugins/
+install -p -m 0755 %{SOURCE4}     %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/munin/plugins/unbound
+for plugin in unbound_munin_hits unbound_munin_queue unbound_munin_memory unbound_munin_by_type unbound_munin_by_class unbound_munin_by_opcode unbound_munin_by_rcode unbound_munin_by_flags unbound_munin_histogram; do
+    ln -s unbound %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/munin/plugins/$plugin
+# install streamtcp used for monitoring / debugging unbound's port 80/443 modes
+install -m 0755 streamtcp %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/unbound-streamtcp
+# install streamtcp man page
+install -m 0644 testcode/streamtcp.1 %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1/unbound-streamtcp.1
+# Install tmpfiles.d config
+install -d -m 0755         %{buildroot}%{_tmpfilesdir}/ \
+                           %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/unbound
+install -m 0644 %{SOURCE8} %{buildroot}%{_tmpfilesdir}/unbound.conf
+# install root and DLV key - we keep a copy of the root key in old location,
+# in case user has changed the configuration and we wouldn't update it there
+install -m 0644 %{SOURCE5} %{SOURCE6} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/unbound/
+install -m 0644 %{SOURCE13}           %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/unbound/root.key
+# create softlink for all functions of libunbound man pages
+for mpage in ub_ctx ub_result ub_ctx_create ub_ctx_delete ub_ctx_set_option ub_ctx_get_option ub_ctx_config ub_ctx_set_fwd ub_ctx_resolvconf ub_ctx_hosts ub_ctx_add_ta ub_ctx_add_ta_file ub_ctx_trustedkeys ub_ctx_debugout ub_ctx_debuglevel ub_ctx_async ub_poll ub_wait ub_fd ub_process ub_resolve ub_resolve_async ub_cancel ub_resolve_free ub_strerror ub_ctx_print_local_zones ub_ctx_zone_add ub_ctx_zone_remove ub_ctx_data_add ub_ctx_data_remove;
+  echo ".so man3/libunbound.3" > %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man3/${mpage}.3 ;
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{piddir}/%{name}
+# Install directories for easier config file drop in
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/unbound/{keys.d,conf.d,local.d}
+install -m 0640 -p %{SOURCE9} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/unbound/keys.d/
+install -m 0640 -p %{SOURCE10} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/unbound/conf.d/
+install -m 0640 -p %{SOURCE11} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/unbound/local.d/
+# Link unbound-control-setup.8 manpage to unbound-control.8
+echo ".so man8/unbound-control.8" > %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man8/unbound-control-setup.8
+# sysusers.d
+install -Dm0644 %{SOURCE19} %{buildroot}%{_sysusersdir}/unbound.conf
+# it currently fails in the ldns unit test. which is weird as both come from the same project
+make check ||:
+%pre anchor -f anchor.pre
+%service_add_pre  unbound-anchor.service unbound-anchor.timer
+%if %{with systemd}
+%service_add_pre    unbound-keygen.service unbound.service
+%if %{with systemd}
+%post anchor
+%service_add_post   unbound-anchor.service unbound-anchor.timer
+%fillup_only %{name}
+%if %{with systemd}
+systemd-tmpfiles --create  %{_tmpfilesdir}/unbound.conf  || :
+%service_add_post   unbound-keygen.service unbound.service
+%if %{with systemd}
+%preun anchor
+%service_del_preun  unbound-anchor.service unbound-anchor.timer
+%if %{with systemd}
+%service_del_preun  unbound-keygen.service unbound.service
+%stop_on_removal %{name}
+%postun anchor
+%if %{with systemd}
+%service_del_postun unbound-anchor.service unbound-anchor.timer
+%if %{with systemd}
+%service_del_postun unbound-keygen.service unbound.service
+%restart_on_update %{name}
+%post   -n %{libname} -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun -n %{libname} -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%license doc/LICENSE
+%attr(0755,unbound,unbound) %ghost %dir %{piddir}/%{name}
+%attr(0640,root,unbound)    %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/unbound.conf
+%dir %attr(-,root,unbound)                     %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/keys.d
+%attr(0640,root,unbound)    %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/keys.d/*.key
+%dir %attr(-,root,unbound)                     %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/conf.d
+%attr(0640,root,unbound)    %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/conf.d/*.conf
+%dir %attr(-,root,unbound)                     %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/local.d
+%attr(0640,root,unbound)    %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/local.d/*.conf
+%if %{with systemd}
+%files -n %{libname}
+%if %{with python3}
+%files -n python3-unbound
+%doc libunbound/python/examples/*
+%doc pythonmod/examples/*
+%if %{with munin}
+%files munin
+%dir               %{_sysconfdir}/munin/
+%dir               %{_sysconfdir}/munin/plugin-conf.d/
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/munin/plugin-conf.d/unbound
+%dir %{_datadir}/munin/
+%dir %{_datadir}/munin/plugins/
+     %{_datadir}/munin/plugins/unbound*
+%doc unbound-munin.README
+%files devel
+%exclude %{_libdir}/
+%files anchor
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/
+%config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/icannbundle.pem
+%dir %attr(-,unbound,unbound) %{_sharedstatedir}/%{name}
+%attr(0644,unbound,unbound) %config(noreplace) %{_sharedstatedir}/%{name}/root.key
+%attr(0644,root,unbound)    %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/
+# just left for backwards compat with user changed unbound.conf files - format is different!
+%attr(0644,root,unbound)    %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/root.key
+%doc doc/README doc/LICENSE
diff --git a/unbound.sysconfig b/unbound.sysconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fae3306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound.sysconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# for extra debug, add "-v -v" or change verbosity: in unbound.conf
diff --git a/unbound.sysusers b/unbound.sysusers
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c098cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound.sysusers
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#Type Name    ID GECOS                        Home directory   Shell
+u     unbound -  "unbound caching DNS server" /var/lib/unbound -
diff --git a/unbound_munin_ b/unbound_munin_
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..779532d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unbound_munin_
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+# plugin for munin to monitor usage of unbound servers.
+# (C) 2008 W.C.A. Wijngaards.  BSD Licensed.
+# To install; enable statistics and unbound-control in unbound.conf
+#	server:		extended-statistics: yes
+#			statistics-cumulative: no
+#			statistics-interval: 0
+#	remote-control:	control-enable: yes
+# Run the command unbound-control-setup to generate the key files.
+# Environment variables for this script
+#	statefile	- where to put temporary statefile.
+#	unbound_conf	- where the unbound.conf file is located.
+#	unbound_control	- where to find unbound-control executable.
+#	spoof_warn	- what level to warn about spoofing
+#	spoof_crit	- what level to crit about spoofing
+# You can set them in your munin/plugin-conf.d/plugins.conf file
+# with:
+# [unbound*]
+# user root
+# env.statefile /usr/local/var/munin/plugin-state/unbound-state
+# env.unbound_conf /usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound.conf
+# env.unbound_control /usr/local/sbin/unbound-control
+# env.spoof_warn 1000
+# env.spoof_crit 100000
+# This plugin can create different graphs depending on what name
+# you link it as (with ln -s) into the plugins directory
+# You can link it multiple times.
+# If you are only a casual user, the _hits and _by_type are most interesting,
+# possibly followed by _by_rcode.
+#	unbound_munin_hits	- base volume, cache hits, unwanted traffic
+#	unbound_munin_queue	- to monitor the internal requestlist
+#	unbound_munin_memory	- memory usage
+#	unbound_munin_by_type	- incoming queries by type
+#	unbound_munin_by_class	- incoming queries by class
+#	unbound_munin_by_opcode	- incoming queries by opcode
+#	unbound_munin_by_rcode	- answers by rcode, validation status
+#	unbound_munin_by_flags	- incoming queries by flags
+#	unbound_munin_histogram	- histogram of query resolving times
+# Magic markers - optional - used by installation scripts and
+# munin-config:
+#%# family=contrib
+#%# capabilities=autoconf suggest
+# POD documentation
+: <<=cut
+=head1 NAME
+unbound_munin_ - Munin plugin to monitor the Unbound DNS resolver.
+System with unbound daemon.
+  [unbound*]
+  user root
+  env.statefile /var/lib/munin/plugin-state/unbound-state
+  env.unbound_conf /etc/unbound/unbound.conf
+  env.unbound_control /usr/sbin/unbound-control
+  env.spoof_warn 1000
+  env.spoof_crit 100000
+Use the .env settings to override the defaults.
+=head1 USAGE
+Can be used to present different graphs. Use ln -s for that name in
+the plugins directory to enable the graph.
+unbound_munin_hits	- base volume, cache hits, unwanted traffic
+unbound_munin_queue	- to monitor the internal requestlist
+unbound_munin_memory	- memory usage
+unbound_munin_by_type	- incoming queries by type
+unbound_munin_by_class	- incoming queries by class
+unbound_munin_by_opcode	- incoming queries by opcode
+unbound_munin_by_rcode	- answers by rcode, validation status
+unbound_munin_by_flags	- incoming queries by flags
+unbound_munin_histogram - histogram of query resolving times
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright 2008 W.C.A. Wijngaards
+=head1 LICENSE
+# number of seconds between polling attempts.
+# makes the statefile hang around for at least this many seconds,
+# so that multiple links of this script can share the results.
+# to keep things within 19 characters
+ABBREV="-e s/total/t/ -e s/thread/t/ -e s/num/n/ -e s/query/q/ -e s/answer/a/ -e s/unwanted/u/ -e s/requestlist/ql/ -e s/type/t/ -e s/class/c/ -e s/opcode/o/ -e s/rcode/r/ -e s/edns/e/ -e s/mem/m/ -e s/cache/c/ -e s/mod/m/"
+# get value from $1 into return variable $value
+get_value ( ) {
+	value="`grep '^'$1'=' $state | sed -e 's/^.*=//'`"
+	if test "$value"x = ""x; then
+		value="0"
+	fi
+# download the state from the unbound server.
+get_state ( ) {
+	# obtain lock for fetching the state
+	# because there is a race condition in fetching and writing to file
+	# see if the lock is stale, if so, take it 
+	if test -f $lock ; then
+		pid="`cat $lock 2>&1`"
+		kill -0 "$pid" >/dev/null 2>&1
+		if test $? -ne 0 -a "$pid" != $$ ; then
+			echo $$ >$lock
+		fi
+	fi
+	i=0
+	while test ! -f $lock || test "`cat $lock 2>&1`" != $$; do
+		while test -f $lock; do
+			# wait
+			i=`expr $i + 1`
+			if test $i -gt 1000; then
+				sleep 1;
+			fi
+			if test $i -gt 1500; then
+				echo "error locking $lock" "=" `cat $lock`
+				rm -f $lock
+				exit 1
+			fi
+		done
+		# try to get it
+		echo $$ >$lock
+	done
+	# do not refetch if the file exists and only LEE seconds old
+	if test -f $state; then
+		now=`date +%s`
+		get_value ""
+		value="`echo $value | sed -e 's/\..*$//'`"
+		if test $now -lt `expr $value + $lee`; then
+			rm -f $lock
+			return
+		fi
+	fi
+	$ctrl -c $conf stats > $state
+	if test $? -ne 0; then
+		echo "error retrieving data from unbound server"
+		rm -f $lock
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -f $lock
+if test "$1" = "autoconf" ; then
+	if test ! -f $conf; then
+		echo no "($conf does not exist)"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	if test ! -d `dirname $state`; then
+		echo no "($state directory does not exist)"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	echo yes
+	exit 0
+if test "$1" = "suggest" ; then
+	echo "hits"
+	echo "queue"
+	echo "memory"
+	echo "by_type"
+	echo "by_class"
+	echo "by_opcode"
+	echo "by_rcode"
+	echo "by_flags"
+	echo "histogram"
+	exit 0
+# determine my type, by name
+id=`echo $0 | sed -e 's/^.*unbound_munin_//'`
+if test "$id"x = ""x; then
+	# some default to keep people sane.
+	id="hits"
+# if $1 exists in statefile, config is echoed with label $2
+exist_config ( ) {
+	mn=`echo $1 | sed $ABBREV | tr . _`
+	if grep '^'$1'=' $state >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+		echo "$mn.label $2"
+		echo "$mn.min 0"
+	fi
+# print label and min 0 for a name $1 in unbound format
+p_config ( ) {
+	mn=`echo $1 | sed $ABBREV | tr . _`
+	echo $mn.label "$2"
+	echo $mn.min 0
+if test "$1" = "config" ; then
+	if test ! -f $state; then
+		get_state
+	fi
+	case $id in
+	hits)
+		echo "graph_title Unbound DNS traffic and cache hits"
+		echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0"
+		echo "graph_vlabel queries / second"
+		echo "graph_category DNS"
+		for x in thread0.num.queries thread1.num.queries \
+		thread2.num.queries thread3.num.queries thread4.num.queries \
+		thread5.num.queries thread6.num.queries thread7.num.queries; do
+			exist_config $x "queries handled by `basename $x .num.queries`"
+		done
+		p_config "total.num.queries" "total queries from clients"
+		p_config "total.num.cachehits" "cache hits"
+		p_config "total.num.prefetch" "cache prefetch"
+		p_config "num.query.tcp" "TCP queries"
+		p_config "num.query.ipv6" "IPv6 queries"
+		p_config "unwanted.queries" "queries that failed acl"
+		p_config "unwanted.replies" "unwanted or unsolicited replies"
+		echo "u_replies.warning $warn"
+		echo "u_replies.critical $crit"
+		echo "graph_info DNS queries to the recursive resolver. The unwanted replies could be innocent duplicate packets, late replies, or spoof threats."
+		;;
+	queue)
+		echo "graph_title Unbound requestlist size"
+		echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0"
+		echo "graph_vlabel number of queries"
+		echo "graph_category DNS"
+		p_config "total.requestlist.avg" "Average size of queue on insert"
+		p_config "total.requestlist.max" "Max size of queue (in 5 min)"
+		p_config "total.requestlist.overwritten" "Number of queries replaced by new ones"
+		p_config "total.requestlist.exceeded" "Number of queries dropped due to lack of space"
+		echo "graph_info The queries that did not hit the cache and need recursion service take up space in the requestlist. If there are too many queries, first queries get overwritten, and at last resort dropped."
+		;;
+	memory)
+		echo "graph_title Unbound memory usage"
+		echo "graph_args --base 1024 -l 0"
+		echo "graph_vlabel memory used in bytes"
+		echo "graph_category DNS"
+		p_config "" "Total memory"
+		p_config "mem.cache.rrset" "RRset cache memory"
+		p_config "mem.cache.message" "Message cache memory"
+		p_config "mem.mod.iterator" "Iterator module memory"
+		p_config "mem.mod.validator" "Validator module and key cache memory"
+		echo "graph_info The memory used by unbound."
+		;;
+	by_type)
+		echo "graph_title Unbound DNS queries by type"
+		echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0"
+		echo "graph_vlabel queries / second"
+		echo "graph_category DNS"
+		for x in `grep "^num.query.type" $state`; do
+			nm=`echo $x | sed -e 's/=.*$//'`
+			tp=`echo $nm | sed -e s/num.query.type.//`
+			p_config "$nm" "$tp"
+		done
+		echo "graph_info queries by DNS RR type queried for"
+		;;
+	by_class)
+		echo "graph_title Unbound DNS queries by class"
+		echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0"
+		echo "graph_vlabel queries / second"
+		echo "graph_category DNS"
+		for x in `grep "^num.query.class" $state`; do
+			nm=`echo $x | sed -e 's/=.*$//'`
+			tp=`echo $nm | sed -e s/num.query.class.//`
+			p_config "$nm" "$tp"
+		done
+		echo "graph_info queries by DNS RR class queried for."
+		;;
+	by_opcode)
+		echo "graph_title Unbound DNS queries by opcode"
+		echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0"
+		echo "graph_vlabel queries / second"
+		echo "graph_category DNS"
+		for x in `grep "^num.query.opcode" $state`; do
+			nm=`echo $x | sed -e 's/=.*$//'`
+			tp=`echo $nm | sed -e s/num.query.opcode.//`
+			p_config "$nm" "$tp"
+		done
+		echo "graph_info queries by opcode in the query packet."
+		;;
+	by_rcode)
+		echo "graph_title Unbound DNS answers by return code"
+		echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0"
+		echo "graph_vlabel answer packets / second"
+		echo "graph_category DNS"
+		for x in `grep "^num.answer.rcode" $state`; do
+			nm=`echo $x | sed -e 's/=.*$//'`
+			tp=`echo $nm | sed -e s/num.answer.rcode.//`
+			p_config "$nm" "$tp"
+		done
+		p_config "" "answer secure"
+		p_config "num.answer.bogus" "answer bogus"
+		p_config "num.rrset.bogus" "num rrsets marked bogus"
+		echo "graph_info answers sorted by return value. rrsets bogus is the number of rrsets marked bogus per second by the validator"
+		;;
+	by_flags)
+		echo "graph_title Unbound DNS incoming queries by flags"
+		echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0"
+		echo "graph_vlabel queries / second"
+		echo "graph_category DNS"
+		p_config "num.query.flags.QR" "QR (query reply) flag"
+		p_config "num.query.flags.AA" "AA (auth answer) flag"
+		p_config "num.query.flags.TC" "TC (truncated) flag"
+		p_config "num.query.flags.RD" "RD (recursion desired) flag"
+		p_config "num.query.flags.RA" "RA (rec avail) flag"
+		p_config "num.query.flags.Z" "Z (zero) flag"
+		p_config "num.query.flags.AD" "AD (auth data) flag"
+		p_config "num.query.flags.CD" "CD (check disabled) flag"
+		p_config "num.query.edns.present" "EDNS OPT present"
+		p_config "num.query.edns.DO" "DO (DNSSEC OK) flag"
+		echo "graph_info This graphs plots the flags inside incoming queries. For example, if QR, AA, TC, RA, Z flags are set, the query can be rejected. RD, AD, CD and DO are legitimately set by some software."
+		;;
+	histogram)
+		echo "graph_title Unbound DNS histogram of reply time"
+		echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0"
+		echo "graph_vlabel queries / second"
+		echo "graph_category DNS"
+		echo hcache.label "cache hits"
+		echo hcache.min 0
+		echo hcache.draw AREA
+		echo hcache.colour 999999
+		echo h64ms.label "0 msec - 66 msec"
+		echo h64ms.min 0
+		echo h64ms.draw STACK
+		echo h64ms.colour 0000FF
+		echo h128ms.label "66 msec - 131 msec"
+		echo h128ms.min 0
+		echo h128ms.colour 1F00DF
+		echo h128ms.draw STACK
+		echo h256ms.label "131 msec - 262 msec"
+		echo h256ms.min 0
+		echo h256ms.draw STACK
+		echo h256ms.colour 3F00BF
+		echo h512ms.label "262 msec - 524 msec"
+		echo h512ms.min 0
+		echo h512ms.draw STACK
+		echo h512ms.colour 5F009F
+		echo h1s.label "524 msec - 1 sec"
+		echo h1s.min 0
+		echo h1s.draw STACK
+		echo h1s.colour 7F007F
+		echo h2s.label "1 sec - 2 sec"
+		echo h2s.min 0
+		echo h2s.draw STACK
+		echo h2s.colour 9F005F
+		echo h4s.label "2 sec - 4 sec"
+		echo h4s.min 0
+		echo h4s.draw STACK
+		echo h4s.colour BF003F
+		echo h8s.label "4 sec - 8 sec"
+		echo h8s.min 0
+		echo h8s.draw STACK
+		echo h8s.colour DF001F
+		echo h16s.label "8 sec - ..."
+		echo h16s.min 0
+		echo h16s.draw STACK
+		echo h16s.colour FF0000
+		echo "graph_info Histogram of the reply times for queries."
+		;;
+	esac
+	exit 0
+# do the stats itself
+# get the time elapsed
+get_value "time.elapsed"
+if test $value = 0 || test $value = "0.000000"; then
+	echo "error: time elapsed 0 or could not retrieve data"
+	exit 1
+# print value for $1 / elapsed
+print_qps ( ) {
+	mn=`echo $1 | sed $ABBREV | tr . _`
+	get_value $1
+	echo "$mn.value" `echo scale=6';' $value / $elapsed | bc `
+# print qps if line already found in $2
+print_qps_line ( ) {
+	mn=`echo $1 | sed $ABBREV | tr . _`
+	value="`echo $2 | sed -e 's/^.*=//'`"
+	echo "$mn.value" `echo scale=6';' $value / $elapsed | bc `
+# print value for $1
+print_value ( ) {
+	mn=`echo $1 | sed $ABBREV | tr . _`
+	get_value $1
+	echo "$mn.value" $value
+case $id in
+	for x in thread0.num.queries thread1.num.queries thread2.num.queries \
+		thread3.num.queries thread4.num.queries thread5.num.queries \
+		thread6.num.queries thread7.num.queries total.num.queries \
+		total.num.cachehits total.num.prefetch num.query.tcp \
+		num.query.ipv6 unwanted.queries unwanted.replies; do
+		if grep "^"$x"=" $state >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+			print_qps $x
+		fi
+	done
+	;;
+	for x in total.requestlist.avg total.requestlist.max \
+		total.requestlist.overwritten total.requestlist.exceeded; do
+		print_value $x
+	done
+	;;
+	mn=`echo | sed $ABBREV | tr . _`
+	get_value ''
+	if test $value -eq 0; then
+		chk=`echo $ctrl | sed -e 's/-control$/-checkconf/'`
+		pidf=`$chk -o pidfile $conf 2>&1`
+		pid=`cat $pidf 2>&1`
+		value=`ps -p "$pid" -o rss= 2>&1`
+		if test "`expr $value + 1 - 1 2>&1`" -eq "$value" 2>&1; then
+			value=`expr $value \* 1024` 
+		else
+			value=0
+		fi
+	fi
+	echo "$mn.value" $value
+	for x in mem.cache.rrset mem.cache.message \
+		mem.mod.iterator mem.mod.validator; do
+		print_value $x
+	done
+	;;
+	for x in `grep "^num.query.type" $state`; do
+		nm=`echo $x | sed -e 's/=.*$//'`
+		print_qps_line $nm $x
+	done
+	;;
+	for x in `grep "^num.query.class" $state`; do
+		nm=`echo $x | sed -e 's/=.*$//'`
+		print_qps_line $nm $x
+	done
+	;;
+	for x in `grep "^num.query.opcode" $state`; do
+		nm=`echo $x | sed -e 's/=.*$//'`
+		print_qps_line $nm $x
+	done
+	;;
+	for x in `grep "^num.answer.rcode" $state`; do
+		nm=`echo $x | sed -e 's/=.*$//'`
+		print_qps_line $nm $x
+	done
+	print_qps ""
+	print_qps "num.answer.bogus"
+	print_qps "num.rrset.bogus"
+	;;
+	for x in num.query.flags.QR num.query.flags.AA num.query.flags.TC num.query.flags.RD num.query.flags.RA num.query.flags.Z num.query.flags.AD num.query.flags.CD num.query.edns.present num.query.edns.DO; do
+		print_qps $x
+	done
+	;;
+	get_value total.num.cachehits
+	echo hcache.value `echo scale=6';' $value / $elapsed | bc `
+	r=0
+	for x in \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+; do
+		get_value $x
+		r=`expr $r + $value`
+	done
+	echo h64ms.value `echo scale=6';' $r / $elapsed | bc `
+	get_value
+	echo h128ms.value `echo scale=6';' $value / $elapsed | bc `
+	get_value
+	echo h256ms.value `echo scale=6';' $value / $elapsed | bc `
+	get_value
+	echo h512ms.value `echo scale=6';' $value / $elapsed | bc `
+	get_value
+	echo h1s.value `echo scale=6';' $value / $elapsed | bc `
+	get_value
+	echo h2s.value `echo scale=6';' $value / $elapsed | bc `
+	get_value
+	echo h4s.value `echo scale=6';' $value / $elapsed | bc `
+	get_value
+	echo h8s.value `echo scale=6';' $value / $elapsed | bc `
+	r=0
+	for x in \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+; do
+		get_value $x
+		r=`expr $r + $value`
+	done
+	echo h16s.value `echo scale=6';' $r / $elapsed | bc `
+	;;