Sync from SUSE:SLFO:Main aopalliance revision 7de4f396ee06c6333abd9c34651e8d30

This commit is contained in:
Adrian Schröter 2024-05-03 10:57:10 +02:00
commit 0d117651e8
5 changed files with 155 additions and 0 deletions

.gitattributes vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
## Default LFS
*.7z filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
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*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
--- aopalliance/build.xml 2023-05-16 22:26:45.498861470 +0200
+++ aopalliance/build.xml 2023-05-16 22:29:50.811283305 +0200
@@ -27,6 +27,15 @@
<jar jarfile="build/aopalliance.jar">
<fileset dir="build/classes">
+ <manifest>
+ <attribute name="Bundle-ManifestVersion" value="2"/>
+ <attribute name="Bundle-Name" value="AOP Alliance"/>
+ <attribute name="Bundle-SymbolicName" value="aopalliance"/>
+ <attribute name="Bundle-Vendor" value="AOP Alliance"/>
+ <attribute name="Bundle-Version" value="1.0"/>
+ <attribute name="Eclipse-BuddyPolicy" value="registered"/>
+ <attribute name="Export-Package" value="org.aopalliance.aop,org.aopalliance.instrument,org.aopalliance.intercept,org.aopalliance.reflect"/>
+ </manifest>

aopalliance-src.tar.gz (Stored with Git LFS) Normal file

Binary file not shown.

aopalliance.changes Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Tue May 16 20:33:41 UTC 2023 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Register artifact by coordinates, since an artifact without
dependencies does not need a pom
- Added patch:
* aopalliance-manifest.patch
+ add OSGi manifest during the jar packaging
Mon May 15 12:26:14 UTC 2023 - Frederic Crozat <>
- Update url to use https
Sat Mar 19 13:03:25 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Build with source/target levels 8
Thu Feb 7 16:11:13 UTC 2019 - Jan Engelhardt <>
- Actually say what's included.
Fri Oct 26 09:24:55 UTC 2018 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Initial packaging of aopalliance adapted from Fedora package

aopalliance.spec Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
# spec file for package aopalliance
# Copyright (c) 2023 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
Name: aopalliance
Version: 1.0
Release: 0
Summary: Java/J2EE AOP standards
License: SUSE-Public-Domain
Group: Development/Libraries/Java
# cvs login
# password empty
# cvs -z3 export -r HEAD aopalliance
Source0: aopalliance-src.tar.gz
Patch0: aopalliance-manifest.patch
BuildRequires: ant
BuildRequires: fdupes
BuildRequires: javapackages-local
BuildArch: noarch
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) offers a better solution to many
problems than do existing technologies, such as EJB. AOP Alliance
facilitates and standardizes the use of AOP.
This package contains APIs for program instrumentation, interception
mechanisms, and a set of interfaces for implementing a generic
reflection API.
%package javadoc
Summary: API documentation for %{name}
Group: Documentation/HTML
%description javadoc
This package contains the API documentation for %{name}.
%setup -q -n %{name}
# Inject OSGi manifest required by Eclipse.
%patch0 -p1
export OPT_JAR_LIST=:
%{ant} \ \ \
jar javadoc
# jar
install -dm 0755 %{buildroot}%{_javadir}
install -pm 0644 build/%{name}.jar %{buildroot}%{_javadir}/%{name}.jar
# maven metadata
%add_maven_depmap aopalliance:aopalliance:%{version} %{name}.jar
# javadoc
install -dm 0755 %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/%{name}
cp -pr build/javadoc/* %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}/%{name}/
%fdupes -s %{buildroot}%{_javadocdir}
%files -f .mfiles
%files javadoc