# # spec file for package busybox-links # # Copyright (c) 2023 SUSE LLC # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/ # Name: busybox-links Version: %(rpm -q busybox --qf '%%{VERSION}') Release: 0 Summary: Links for busybox applets License: GPL-2.0-or-later Source: busybox-links-rpmlintrc Source1: zless Source2: zmore Source3: zgrep Source4: busybox.install Source5: filelist-attr.txt Source6: filelist-bc.txt Source7: filelist-bind-utils.txt Source8: filelist-bzip2.txt Source9: filelist-coreutils.txt Source10: filelist-cpio.txt Source11: filelist-diffutils.txt Source12: filelist-dos2unix.txt Source13: filelist-ed.txt Source14: filelist-findutils.txt Source15: filelist-gawk.txt Source16: filelist-grep.txt Source17: filelist-gzip.txt Source18: filelist-hexedit.txt Source19: filelist-hostname.txt Source20: filelist-iproute2.txt Source21: filelist-iputils.txt Source22: filelist-kbd.txt Source23: filelist-kmod.txt Source24: filelist-less.txt Source25: filelist-man.txt Source26: filelist-misc.txt Source27: filelist-ncurses-utils.txt Source28: filelist-net-tools.txt Source29: filelist-netcat-openbsd.txt Source30: filelist-patch.txt Source31: filelist-policycoreutils.txt Source32: filelist-procps.txt Source33: filelist-psmisc.txt Source34: filelist-sed.txt Source35: filelist-selinux-tools.txt Source36: filelist-sendmail.txt Source37: filelist-sh.txt Source38: filelist-sha3sum.txt Source39: filelist-shadow.txt Source40: filelist-sharutils.txt Source41: filelist-syslogd.txt Source42: filelist-sysvinit-tools.txt Source43: filelist-tar.txt Source44: filelist-telnet.txt Source45: filelist-tftp.txt Source46: filelist-time.txt Source47: filelist-traceroute.txt Source48: filelist-tunctl.txt Source49: filelist-unzip.txt Source50: filelist-util-linux-systemd.txt Source51: filelist-util-linux.txt Source52: filelist-vim.txt Source53: filelist-vlan.txt Source54: filelist-wget.txt Source55: filelist-which.txt Source56: filelist-whois.txt Source57: filelist-xz.txt Source58: filelist-udhcpc.txt # used for creating the above filelists and busybox.install: # build the container locally and then copy filelist-*txt and busybox.install # out ouf WORKDIR into the package directory Source98: create-filelists.sh Source99: Dockerfile Requires: busybox = %{version} Requires: busybox-adduser = %{version} Requires: busybox-attr = %{version} Requires: busybox-bc = %{version} Requires: busybox-bind-utils = %{version} Requires: busybox-bzip2 = %{version} Requires: busybox-coreutils = %{version} Requires: busybox-cpio = %{version} Requires: busybox-diffutils = %{version} Requires: busybox-dos2unix = %{version} Requires: busybox-ed = %{version} Requires: busybox-findutils = %{version} Requires: busybox-gawk = %{version} Requires: busybox-grep = %{version} Requires: busybox-gzip = %{version} Requires: busybox-hexedit = %{version} Requires: busybox-hostname = %{version} Requires: busybox-iproute2 = %{version} Requires: busybox-iputils = %{version} Requires: busybox-kbd = %{version} Requires: busybox-less = %{version} Requires: busybox-man = %{version} Requires: busybox-misc = %{version} Requires: busybox-ncurses-utils = %{version} Requires: busybox-net-tools = %{version} Requires: busybox-netcat = %{version} Requires: busybox-patch = %{version} Requires: busybox-policycoreutils = %{version} Requires: busybox-procps = %{version} Requires: busybox-psmisc = %{version} Requires: busybox-sed = %{version} Requires: busybox-selinux-tools = %{version} Requires: busybox-sendmail = %{version} Requires: busybox-sh = %{version} Requires: busybox-sha3sum = %{version} Requires: busybox-sharutils = %{version} Requires: busybox-syslogd = %{version} Requires: busybox-sysvinit-tools = %{version} Requires: busybox-tar = %{version} Requires: busybox-telnet = %{version} Requires: busybox-tftp = %{version} Requires: busybox-time = %{version} Requires: busybox-traceroute = %{version} Requires: busybox-tunctl = %{version} Requires: busybox-udhcpc = %{version} Requires: busybox-unzip = %{version} Requires: busybox-util-linux = %{version} Requires: busybox-vi = %{version} Requires: busybox-vlan = %{version} Requires: busybox-wget = %{version} Requires: busybox-which = %{version} Requires: busybox-whois = %{version} Requires: busybox-xz = %{version} BuildArch: noarch %description This is a meta package requireing all packages providing busybox applets. %package -n busybox-misc Summary: Busybox applets not fitting anywhere else Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: binutils Conflicts: blog Conflicts: dosfstools Conflicts: e2fsprogs Conflicts: lsof Conflicts: lsscsi Conflicts: lzop Conflicts: nbd Conflicts: sysstat Conflicts: usbutils Conflicts: xterm-bin %description -n busybox-misc This package contains the symlinks to provide various busybox applets which do not fit really to any other package. %package -n busybox-attr Summary: Busybox applets replacing attr Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: attr %description -n busybox-attr This package contains the symlinks to replace attr with busybox. %package -n busybox-sh Summary: Busybox sh, ash and hush Requires: busybox = %{version} Requires(post): busybox Requires(preun):busybox Provides: alternative(sh) Conflicts: alternative(sh) Obsoletes: busybox-ash < %{version} %description -n busybox-sh This package contains the busybox sh, ash and hush. %package -n busybox-bind-utils Summary: Busybox applets replacing bind-utils Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: bind-utils %description -n busybox-bind-utils This package contains the symlinks to replace bind-utils with busybox. %package -n busybox-coreutils Summary: Busybox applets replacing coreutils Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: coreutils Conflicts: coreutils-systemd %description -n busybox-coreutils This package contains the symlinks to replace coreutils with busybox. %package -n busybox-diffutils Summary: Busybox applets replacing diffutils Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: diffutils %description -n busybox-diffutils This package contains the symlinks to replace diffutils with busybox. %package -n busybox-findutils Summary: Busybox applets replacing findutils Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: findutils %description -n busybox-findutils This package contains the symlinks to replace findutils with busybox. %package -n busybox-util-linux Summary: Busybox applets replacing util-linux Requires: busybox = %{version} # wtmpdb contains now /usr/bin/last Conflicts: wtmpdb Conflicts: util-linux Conflicts: util-linux-systemd %description -n busybox-util-linux This package contains the symlinks to replace util-linux with busybox. %package -n busybox-iputils Summary: Busybox applets replacing iputils Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: iputils %description -n busybox-iputils This package contains the symlinks to replace iputils with busybox. %package -n busybox-iproute2 Summary: Busybox applets replacing iproute2 Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: bridge-utils Conflicts: iproute2 Conflicts: wicked-service %description -n busybox-iproute2 This package contains the symlinks to replace iproute2 with busybox. %package -n busybox-gawk Summary: Busybox applets replacing gawk Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: gawk Conflicts: mawk %description -n busybox-gawk This package contains the symlinks to replace gawk with busybox. %package -n busybox-grep Summary: Busybox applets replacing grep Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: grep %description -n busybox-grep This package contains the symlinks to replace grep with busybox. %package -n busybox-gzip Summary: Busybox applets replacing gzip Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: gzip %description -n busybox-gzip This package contains the symlinks to replace gzip with busybox. %package -n busybox-sed Summary: Busybox applets replacing sed Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: sed %description -n busybox-sed This package contains the symlinks to replace sed with busybox. %package -n busybox-cpio Summary: Busybox applets replacing cpio Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: cpio %description -n busybox-cpio This package contains the symlinks to replace cpio with busybox. %package -n busybox-patch Summary: Busybox applets replacing patch Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: patch %description -n busybox-patch This package contains the symlinks to replace patch with busybox. %package -n busybox-procps Summary: Busybox applets replacing procps Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: procps %description -n busybox-procps This package contains the symlinks to replace procps with busybox. %package -n busybox-which Summary: Busybox applets replacing which Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: which %description -n busybox-which This package contains the symlinks to replace which with busybox. %package -n busybox-xz Summary: Busybox applets replacing xz Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: xz %description -n busybox-xz This package contains the symlinks to replace xz with busybox. %package -n busybox-bzip2 Summary: Busybox applets replacing bzip2 Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: bzip2 %description -n busybox-bzip2 This package contains the symlinks to replace bzip2 with busybox. %package -n busybox-psmisc Summary: Busybox applets replacing psmisc Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: psmisc %description -n busybox-psmisc This package contains the symlinks to replace psmisc with busybox. %package -n busybox-kbd Summary: Busybox applets replacing kbd Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: kbd %description -n busybox-kbd This package contains the symlinks to replace kbd with busybox. %package -n busybox-less Summary: Busybox applets replacing less Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: less %description -n busybox-less This package contains the symlinks to replace less with busybox. %package -n busybox-sharutils Summary: Busybox applets replacing sharutils Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: sharutils %description -n busybox-sharutils This package contains the symlinks to replace sharutils with busybox. %package -n busybox-syslogd Summary: Busybox applets providing syslogd Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: syslogd %description -n busybox-syslogd This package contains the symlinks to provide syslogd with busybox. %package -n busybox-hexedit Summary: Busybox applets replacing hexedit Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: hexedit %description -n busybox-hexedit This package contains the symlinks to replace hexedit with busybox. %package -n busybox-hostname Summary: Busybox applets replacing hostname Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: hostname %description -n busybox-hostname This package contains the symlinks to replace hostname with busybox. %package -n busybox-man Summary: Busybox applets replacing man Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: man Conflicts: mandoc %description -n busybox-man This package contains the symlinks to replace man with busybox. %package -n busybox-net-tools Summary: Busybox applets replacing net-tools Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: net-tools Conflicts: net-tools-deprecated %description -n busybox-net-tools This package contains the symlinks to replace net-tools with busybox. %package -n busybox-traceroute Summary: Busybox applets replacing traceroute Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: traceroute %description -n busybox-traceroute This package contains the symlinks to replace traceroute with busybox. %package -n busybox-ncurses-utils Summary: Busybox applets replacing ncurses-utils Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: ncurses-utils %description -n busybox-ncurses-utils This package contains the symlinks to replace ncurses-utils with busybox. %package -n busybox-kmod Summary: Busybox applets replacing kmod Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: kmod %description -n busybox-kmod This package contains the symlinks to replace kmod with busybox. %package -n busybox-tar Summary: Busybox applets replacing tar Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: tar %description -n busybox-tar This package contains the symlinks to replace tar with busybox. %package -n busybox-sendmail Summary: Busybox applets replacing sendmail Requires: busybox = %{version} Provides: smtp_daemon Conflicts: exim Conflicts: msmtp-mta Conflicts: postfix Conflicts: postfix-bdb Conflicts: sendmail %description -n busybox-sendmail This package contains the symlinks to replace sendmail with busybox. %package -n busybox-adduser Summary: Busybox applets containing adduser and some shadow tools Requires: busybox = %{version} Requires: group(nogroup) Conflicts: shadow %description -n busybox-adduser This package contains the symlinks for adduser and some tools from the shadow suite. %package -n busybox-sha3sum Summary: Busybox applets replacing sha3sum Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: perl-Digest-SHA3 Conflicts: sha3sum %description -n busybox-sha3sum This package contains the symlinks to replace sha3sum with busybox. %package -n busybox-whois Summary: Busybox applets replacing whois Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: whois %description -n busybox-whois This package contains the symlinks to replace whois with busybox. %package -n busybox-unzip Summary: Busybox applets replacing unzip Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: unzip %description -n busybox-unzip This package contains the symlinks to replace unzip with busybox. %package -n busybox-wget Summary: Busybox applets replacing wget Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: wget %description -n busybox-wget This package contains the symlinks to replace wget with busybox. %package -n busybox-vi Summary: Busybox applets replacing vim Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: gvim Conflicts: vim Conflicts: vim-nox11 Conflicts: vim-small %description -n busybox-vi This package contains the symlinks to provide vi with busybox. %package -n busybox-ed Summary: Busybox applets replacing ed Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: ed %description -n busybox-ed This package contains the symlinks to provide ed with busybox. %package -n busybox-bc Summary: Busybox applets replacing bc Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: bc %description -n busybox-bc This package contains the symlinks to provide bc with busybox. %package -n busybox-netcat Summary: Busybox applets replacing netcat Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: netcat-openbsd %description -n busybox-netcat This package contains the symlinks to provide nc with busybox. %package -n busybox-dos2unix Summary: Busybox applets replacing dos2unix Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: dos2unix %description -n busybox-dos2unix This package contains the symlinks to provide dos2unix with busybox. %package -n busybox-telnet Summary: Busybox applets replacing telnet Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: telnet %description -n busybox-telnet This package contains the symlinks to provide telnet with busybox. %package -n busybox-tftp Summary: Busybox applets replacing tftp Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: tftp %description -n busybox-tftp This package contains the symlinks to provide tftp with busybox. %package -n busybox-time Summary: Busybox applets replacing time Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: time %description -n busybox-time This package contains the symlinks to provide time with busybox. %package -n busybox-tunctl Summary: Busybox applets replacing tunctl Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: tunctl %description -n busybox-tunctl This package contains the symlinks to provide tunctl with busybox. %package -n busybox-vlan Summary: Busybox applets replacing vlan Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: vlan %description -n busybox-vlan This package contains the symlinks to provide vlan with busybox. %package -n busybox-sysvinit-tools Summary: Busybox applets replacing sysvinit-tools Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: sysvinit-tools %description -n busybox-sysvinit-tools This package contains the symlinks to provide sysvinit-tools with busybox. %package -n busybox-selinux-tools Summary: Busybox applets replacing selinux-tools Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: selinux-tools %description -n busybox-selinux-tools This package contains the symlinks to provide selinux-tools with busybox. %package -n busybox-policycoreutils Summary: Busybox applets replacing policycoreutils Requires: busybox = %{version} Conflicts: policycoreutils %description -n busybox-policycoreutils This package contains the symlinks to provide policycoreutils with busybox. %package -n busybox-udhcpc Summary: Busybox applets providing udhcp client Requires: busybox = %{version} %description -n busybox-udhcpc This package contains the symlinks to provide the udhcp clients with busybox. For using udhcpc scripts to setup the network are required, they are not provided with this package. %prep %setup -q -c -T cp %{_sourcedir}/filelist*.txt . %build %if 0%{?suse_version} < 1550 echo "/bin/sh" >> filelist-sh.txt echo -e "/sbin/loadkmap" >> filelist-kbd.txt %endif cat filelist-*.txt | sort -u > filelist.txt %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir} bash %{_sourcedir}/busybox.install %{buildroot} --symlinks rm %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/busybox ln -sf %{_bindir}/busybox %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sh %if 0%{?suse_version} < 1550 ln -sf %{_bindir}/sh %{buildroot}/bin/sh %endif install -m 755 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/zless install -m 755 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/zmore install -m 755 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/zgrep %files %files -n busybox-adduser -f filelist-shadow.txt %files -n busybox-attr -f filelist-attr.txt %files -n busybox-bc -f filelist-bc.txt %files -n busybox-bind-utils -f filelist-bind-utils.txt %files -n busybox-bzip2 -f filelist-bzip2.txt %files -n busybox-coreutils -f filelist-coreutils.txt %files -n busybox-cpio -f filelist-cpio.txt %files -n busybox-diffutils -f filelist-diffutils.txt %files -n busybox-dos2unix -f filelist-dos2unix.txt %files -n busybox-ed -f filelist-ed.txt %files -n busybox-findutils -f filelist-findutils.txt %files -n busybox-gawk -f filelist-gawk.txt %files -n busybox-grep -f filelist-grep.txt %files -n busybox-gzip -f filelist-gzip.txt %{_bindir}/zgrep %{_bindir}/zless %{_bindir}/zmore %files -n busybox-hexedit -f filelist-hexedit.txt %files -n busybox-hostname -f filelist-hostname.txt %files -n busybox-iproute2 -f filelist-iproute2.txt %files -n busybox-iputils -f filelist-iputils.txt %files -n busybox-kbd -f filelist-kbd.txt %files -n busybox-kmod -f filelist-kmod.txt %files -n busybox-less -f filelist-less.txt %files -n busybox-man -f filelist-man.txt %files -n busybox-misc -f filelist-misc.txt %files -n busybox-ncurses-utils -f filelist-ncurses-utils.txt %files -n busybox-net-tools -f filelist-net-tools.txt %files -n busybox-netcat -f filelist-netcat-openbsd.txt %files -n busybox-patch -f filelist-patch.txt %files -n busybox-policycoreutils -f filelist-policycoreutils.txt %files -n busybox-procps -f filelist-procps.txt %files -n busybox-psmisc -f filelist-psmisc.txt %files -n busybox-sed -f filelist-sed.txt %files -n busybox-selinux-tools -f filelist-selinux-tools.txt %files -n busybox-sendmail -f filelist-sendmail.txt %files -n busybox-sha3sum -f filelist-sha3sum.txt %files -n busybox-sharutils -f filelist-sharutils.txt %files -n busybox-syslogd -f filelist-syslogd.txt %files -n busybox-sysvinit-tools -f filelist-sysvinit-tools.txt %files -n busybox-tar -f filelist-tar.txt %files -n busybox-telnet -f filelist-telnet.txt %files -n busybox-tftp -f filelist-tftp.txt %files -n busybox-time -f filelist-time.txt %files -n busybox-traceroute -f filelist-traceroute.txt %files -n busybox-tunctl -f filelist-tunctl.txt %files -n busybox-udhcpc -f filelist-udhcpc.txt %files -n busybox-unzip -f filelist-unzip.txt %files -n busybox-util-linux -f filelist-util-linux.txt -f filelist-util-linux-systemd.txt %files -n busybox-vi -f filelist-vim.txt %files -n busybox-vlan -f filelist-vlan.txt %files -n busybox-wget -f filelist-wget.txt %files -n busybox-which -f filelist-which.txt %files -n busybox-whois -f filelist-whois.txt %files -n busybox-xz -f filelist-xz.txt %files -n busybox-sh -f filelist-sh.txt %changelog