Sync from SUSE:SLFO:Main cepces revision b8c0dce7e8f074bca3083121d6cc2caf

This commit is contained in:
Adrian Schröter 2024-05-03 11:32:44 +02:00
commit fb4ce885ef
5 changed files with 348 additions and 0 deletions

.gitattributes vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
## Default LFS
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_service Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<service name="tar_scm" mode="disabled">
<param name="url"></param>
<param name="scm">git</param>
<param name="revision">master</param>
<param name="versionformat">@PARENT_TAG@</param>
<param name="versionrewrite-pattern">v(.*)</param>
<param name="versionrewrite-replacement">\1</param>
<param name="filename">cepces</param>
<param name="exclude">.git</param>
<service name="set_version" mode="disabled">
<param name="basename">cepces</param>
<param name="regex">^cepces-([^/]+)</param>
<param name="file">cepces.spec</param>
<service name="set_version" mode="disabled">
<param name="basename">cepces</param>
<param name="regex">^cepces-([^/]+)</param>
<param name="file">cepces.changes</param>
<service name="recompress" mode="disabled">
<param name="file">*.tar</param>
<param name="compression">bz2</param>

cepces-0.3.7.tar.bz2 (Stored with Git LFS) Normal file

Binary file not shown.

cepces.changes Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
Thu Dec 1 14:44:33 UTC 2022 - David Mulder <>
Release v0.3.7:
- Make the openssl security level configurable
Thu Oct 20 12:15:15 UTC 2022 - David Mulder <>
Release v0.3.6:
- Fix Bug #15 cepces.conf.dist: server should be pointed to actual CEP host
- Replace old requests_kerberos with requests_gssapi
- setup: Do not install example configs
- setup: Respect the prefix the user specifies
- Delete the spec file
- Make Kerberos delegation configurable
- Fix Bug #24 cepces-submit 'TypeError: option values must be strings'
- Removed b755b56d25f3e54f8f15d9985fd0597b21c1051d.patch because
it is now upstream.
Wed Jun 01 18:58:29 UTC 2022 - David Mulder <>
Release v0.3.5:
- Added polling_interval which tells certmonger how long to wait in seconds before retrying.
- Implemented Certificate authentication method.
- Python 3.10 compatible.
Tue May 10 19:19:56 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller <>
- add b755b56d25f3e54f8f15d9985fd0597b21c1051d.patch
Wed Oct 6 09:03:40 UTC 2021 - Fabian Vogt <>
- Only install the selinux policy if necessary
- Add missing dependency on the main package to the certmonger
- Use %license and move it to the common subpackage
- Avoid bashisms
- Fix file list for the python subpackage for 3.10+
Tue Oct 5 14:28:05 UTC 2021 - David Mulder <>
- Also disable selinux in 15.4, since it is still not supported.
Thu Aug 19 14:39:17 UTC 2021 - David Mulder <>
- Disable selinux where not supported; (jsc#SLE-18456).
Mon Jul 19 14:32:34 UTC 2021 - David Mulder <>
- Fix configuration missing global section.
- Add a test runner for executing unittests, and github CI.
Mon Jul 12 16:24:51 UTC 2021 - David Mulder <>
- v0.3.4: Allow overriding of parameters from the command line
- Removed upstreamed patch 0001-Added-Kerberos-delegation.patch
- Removed upstreamed patch 0001-Allow-overriding-of-server-auth-from-the-command-lin.patch
- Removed upstreamed patch 0001-add-SELinux-permissions-for-RHEL-6.patch
Tue Jun 29 16:31:16 UTC 2021 - David Mulder <>
- v0.3.3: Initial submission of sources; (jsc#SLE-18457).
Mon Jul 29 2019 - Daniel Uvehag <> - 0.3.3-2
- Add missing log directory
Mon Jul 29 2019 - Daniel Uvehag <> - 0.3.3-1
- Update to version 0.3.3-1
Mon Feb 05 2018 - Daniel Uvehag <> - 0.3.0-1
- Update to version 0.3.0-1
Thu Feb 01 2018 - Daniel Uvehag <> - 0.2.1-1
- Update to version 0.2.1-1
Mon Jun 27 2016 - Daniel Uvehag <> - 0.1.0-1
- Initial package.

cepces.spec Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
# spec file
# Copyright (c) 2022 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
%global app_name cepces
%global selinux_variants targeted
%global logdir %{_localstatedir}/log/%{app_name}
Name: %{app_name}
Version: 0.3.7
Release: 0%{?dist}
Summary: Certificate Enrollment through CEP/CES
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: %{app_name}-certmonger == %{version}
Requires: python3-%{app_name} == %{version}
%if 0%{?sle_version} > 150400 || 0%{?suse_version} > 1500
Requires: (%{app_name}-selinux == %{version} if selinux-policy)
%{app_name} is an application for enrolling certificates through CEP and CES.
It currently only operates through certmonger.
%package -n python3-%{app_name}
Summary: Python part of %{app_name}
BuildRequires: python3-cryptography >= 1.2
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-requests
BuildRequires: python3-requests-gssapi
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
Requires: python3-cryptography >= 1.2
Requires: python3-requests
Requires: python3-requests-gssapi
%description -n python3-%{app_name}
%{app_name} is an application for enrolling certificates through CEP and CES.
This package provides the Python part for CEP and CES interaction.
%package certmonger
Summary: certmonger integration for %{app_name}
Requires: %{name} == %{version}
Requires: certmonger
%description certmonger
%{app_name} is an application for enrolling certificates through CEP and CES.
This package provides the certmonger integration.
%if 0%{?sle_version} > 150400 || 0%{?suse_version} > 1500
%package selinux
Summary: SELinux support for %{app_name}
BuildRequires: selinux-policy-devel
Requires: selinux-policy
Requires(post): selinux-policy-targeted
%description selinux
SELinux support for %{app_name}
%setup -q -n %{app_name}-%{version}
%if 0%{?sle_version} > 150400 || 0%{?suse_version} > 1500
# Build the SELinux module(s).
for SELINUXVARIANT in %{selinux_variants}; do
make -C selinux clean all
mv -v selinux/%{app_name}.pp selinux/%{app_name}-${SELINUXVARIANT}.pp
install -d -m 0700 %{buildroot}%{logdir}
%if 0%{?sle_version} > 150400 || 0%{?suse_version} > 1500
# Install the SELinux module(s).
rm -fv selinux-files.txt
for SELINUXVARIANT in %{selinux_variants}; do
install -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/selinux/${SELINUXVARIANT}
install -p -m 644 selinux/%{app_name}-${SELINUXVARIANT}.pp \
echo %{_datadir}/selinux/${SELINUXVARIANT}/%{app_name}.pp >> \
# Install configuration files.
install -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{app_name}
install -p -m 644 conf/cepces.conf.dist \
install -p -m 644 conf/logging.conf.dist \
install -d %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/certmonger
install -p -m 755 bin/%{app_name}-submit \
# Remove unused executables and configuration files.
%{__rm} -rfv %{buildroot}/usr/local/etc
%{__rm} -rfv %{buildroot}/usr/local/libexec/certmonger
sed -i 's/\/usr\/bin\/env python3/\/usr\/bin\/python3/g' %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/certmonger/%{app_name}-submit
%if 0%{?sle_version} > 150400 || 0%{?suse_version} > 1500
%post selinux
for SELINUXVARIANT in %{selinux_variants}; do
%{_sbindir}/semodule -n -s ${SELINUXVARIANT} \
-i %{_datadir}/selinux/${SELINUXVARIANT}/%{app_name}.pp
if %{_sbindir}/selinuxenabled; then
%postun selinux
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]
for SELINUXVARIANT in %{selinux_variants}; do
%{_sbindir}/semodule -n -s ${SELINUXVARIANT} -r %{app_name} > /dev/null || :
if %{_sbindir}/selinuxenabled; then
%post certmonger
# Install the CA into certmonger.
if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then
getcert add-ca -c %{app_name} \
-e %{_libexecdir}/certmonger/%{app_name}-submit >/dev/null || :
%preun certmonger
# Remove the CA from certmonger, unless it's an upgrade.
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
getcert remove-ca -c %{app_name} >/dev/null || :
pushd tests
%{__python3} ./
%doc README.rst
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{app_name}/
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{app_name}/%{app_name}.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{app_name}/logging.conf
%dir %{logdir}
%files -n python3-%{app_name}
%license LICENSE
%files certmonger
%dir %{_libexecdir}/certmonger
%if 0%{?sle_version} > 150400 || 0%{?suse_version} > 1500
%files selinux -f selinux-files.txt