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#!/usr/bin/perl -w -- # -*- Perl -*-
# xslns-build - generate a parallel set of DocBook5 namespaced
# stylesheet directories from a directory of
# non-namespaced stylesheets.
my $Usage = "
$0 input-dir output-dir
input-dir is the directory containing namespaced stylesheets
output-dir is the destination for the non-namespaced stylesheets
Note: an existing output-dir will be completely removed
before creating new output.
# Modules to use
use strict;
use IO::File;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use File::Copy;
# Global variables
my $srcdir;
my $destdir;
my @dirlist;
my @passthru;
my @xslfiles;
# Regular expressions
# namespace name regexp
my $ns = "[A-Za-z]+";
# other names
my $n = "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]+";
# xml names
my $w = "[A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9._#]+";
# docbook element names (lowercase and numbers)
my $dbname = "[a-z][a-z0-9]+";
# Don't delete namespace to any xsl files in these directories
my @PassthruDirs = (
# Don't remove namespace to these particular files
my @PassthruFiles = (
umask 002;
# main
# Get the source and output directories
$srcdir = $ARGV[0];
$destdir = $ARGV[1];
unless ( $srcdir ) {
print "ERROR: must specify input directory of non-namespaced "
. " stylesheets. Exiting.\n";
die "$Usage\n";
unless ( -d $srcdir ) {
print "ERROR: specified input directory does not exist. Exiting.\n";
die "$Usage\n";
unless ( $destdir ) {
print "ERROR: must specify output directory. Exiting.\n";
die "$Usage\n";
# Remove any previous output completely
if ( -d $destdir) {
print "Removing old output directory $destdir.\n";
unless ( rmtree($destdir) ) {
die "ERROR: cannot remove previous output directory. Exiting.\n";
# Create new output directory.
print "Creating the output directory $destdir.\n";
unless ( mkpath($destdir) ) {
die "ERROR: cannot create output directory $destdir.\n";
# copyDirectories - create the output directories
sub copyDirectories {
my ($src) = @_;
# populate @dirlist
find(\&dirlist, $src );
foreach my $d (@dirlist) {
$d =~ s/$srcdir/$destdir/;
print "$d\n";
mkdir $d;
# dirlist - list directories (used by find)
sub dirlist {
if ( -d $_ ) {
push(@dirlist, $File::Find::name);
# copyPassthru - copy non-XSL files to output
sub copyPassthru {
# populate @passthru
find(\&passthruFiles, $srcdir );
foreach my $f (@passthru) {
my $dest = $f;
$dest =~ s/$srcdir/$destdir/;
print STDOUT "$f\n";
copy ($f, $dest);
# passthruFiles - list non-xsl files to copy
sub passthruFiles {
if ( -f $_ ) {
unless ( /\.xsl$/ or /\.ent$/ ) {
push(@passthru, $File::Find::name);
# copyXsl - copy XSL files to output, possibly filtering
sub copyXsl {
# populate @xslfiles
find(\&xslFiles, $srcdir );
foreach my $f (@xslfiles) {
my $dest = $f;
$dest =~ s/$srcdir/$destdir/;
print STDOUT "$f\n";
my $basename = basename $f;
my $dirname = dirname $f;
$dest =~ m|^$destdir/(.*?)/|;
my $dir = $1;
if ( grep /^$basename$/,@PassthruFiles ) {
copy($f, $dest);
elsif ( grep /^$dir$/, @PassthruDirs ) {
copy($f, $dest);
else {
nsfilter($f, $dest);
# xslFiles - list xsl files to process
sub xslFiles {
if ( -f $_ ) {
if ( /\.xsl$/ or /\.ent$/ ) {
push(@xslfiles, $File::Find::name);
# nsfilter - delete namespace prefix to element names
sub nsfilter {
my ($infile, $outfile) = @_;
# Open and read the whole file into $_ variable for parsing
my $Filehandle = IO::File->new($infile)
or die "Can't open file $infile $!\n";
read ($Filehandle, $_, -s $infile);
my $Output = IO::File->new("> $outfile")
or die "Cannot write to output file $outfile.\n";
# Set to autoflush
select($Output); $| = 1;
# delete the docbook5 namespace declaration in root element
# remove namespace d from exclude-result-prefixes
# This version if only "d"
s|\s*exclude-result-prefixes\s*=\s*"d"\s*| |s;
# This version if d added to others at end
# This version if d added at beginning
# This version if d added in middle
s|(exclude-result-prefixes\s*=\s*".*?)\s+d\s+(.*?")|$1 $2|s;
# Convert addNS to stripNS
s|added namespace before|stripped namespace before|sg;
s|(Unable to )add( the namespace from )DB4( document)|$1strip$2DB5$3|sg;
# change namespace test from != to =
# Set the db.prefix for template/titlepage.xsl
s|(<xsl:variable name="db.prefix">)d:(</xsl:variable>)|$1$2|sg;
# remove d: prefix to literal tocentry in maketoc.xsl
if ($infile =~ /maketoc/) {
# Process certain XSL attributes to remove d: namespace if needed
# and output everything using this while loop.
while ( /^(.*?)((match|select|test|count|from|use|elements)(\s*=\s*("|'))(.*?)(\5)|(select)(\s*=\s*("|'))(.*?)(\5))/sg ) {
my $notname = $1;
my $attname = $3;
my $prefix = $4;
my $attvalue = $6;
my $post = $7;
my $rest = $';
&filter($notname, $Output);
print $Output $attname . $prefix;
# parse the attribute value
while ( $attvalue =~ /^(.*?)($ns:)($n)(.*$)/sg ) {
# process the leading content which is not pass through
&fixnamespace($1, $Output);
if ( $2 eq 'd:' ) {
print $Output $3;
else {
print $Output $2;
print $Output $3;
$attvalue = $4; # and recurse
&fixnamespace($attvalue, $Output);
print $Output $post;
$_ = $rest;
# print the leftovers
&filter($_, $Output);
close $Output;
# fix any special case params like certain manpage params
# that put element names inside param string
sub filter {
my ($string, $Output) = @_;
# Fix up index ENTITY declarations
$string = &indexentitydecl($string);
while ( $string =~ m|^(.*?)(<xsl:param([^>]+[^/])>)(.*?)(</xsl:param>)|sg ) {
my $before = $1;
my $starttag = $2;
my $startstuff = $3;
my $value = $4;
my $endtag = $5;
my $rest = $';
$startstuff =~ /name="(.*?)"/;
my $pname = $1;
print $Output $before;
print $Output $starttag;
# add namespace to elements inside these params
if ( $pname =~ /(^refentry.manual.fallback.profile$|^refentry.source.fallback.profile$|^refentry.version.profile$|^$)/ ) {
# while ( $value =~ /^(.*?)(\$$w|$w\(|$ns:$n|$w:|db:$n|\@$n:$n|'.*?'|&$w;|\@$w|not \(|stringlength \(|normalize-space \()(.*$)/sg ) {
while ( $value =~ /^(.*?)($ns:)($n)(.*$)/sg ) {
# process the leading content which is not pass through
&fixnamespace($1, $Output);
if ( $2 eq 'd:' ) {
print $Output $3;
else {
print $Output $2;
print $Output $3;
$value = $4; # and recurse
&fixnamespace($value, $Output);
else {
print $Output $value;
print $Output $endtag;
$string = $rest;
print $Output $string;
sub indexentitydecl {
my ($string) = @_;
my $newstring = '';
while ( $string =~ m@^(.*?)(<!ENTITY\s+([\w.]+)\s+('|"))(.*?)(\4\s*>)@sg ) {
my $before = $1;
my $entitystart = $2;
my $entityname = $3;
my $value = $5;
my $entityend = $6;
my $rest = $';
$newstring .= $before;
$newstring .= $entitystart;
while ( $value =~ /^(.*?)($ns:)($n)(.*$)/sg ) {
# process the leading content which is not pass through
$newstring .= &namespacefilter($1);
if ( $2 eq 'd:' ) {
$newstring .= $3;
else {
$newstring .= $2;
$newstring .= $3;
$value = $4; # and recurse
$newstring .= &namespacefilter($value);
$newstring .= $entityend;
$string = $rest;
$newstring .= $string;
return $newstring;
# prints a filtered string to the designated output
sub fixnamespace {
my ($string, $Output) = @_;
my $newstring = &namespacefilter($string);
print $Output $newstring;
# Returns a new string with namespace prefixes added
sub namespacefilter {
my ($string) = @_;
my $newstring = '';
while ( $string =~ /^(.*?)d:($dbname)(.*$)/s ) {
my $pre = $1;
my $name = $2;
my $rest = $3;
$newstring .= $pre;
# pass through XSL key words and mixed case names and olink elements
if ( $name =~ /(^mod$|^div$|^and$|^or$|^ttl$|^xreftext$|^dir$|^id$|^sitemap$|^obj$|^document$|^exsl$|^.*[A-Z].*$)/ ) {
# pass this name through
$newstring .= $name;
# pass through man template temporary elements
elsif ( $name =~ /(^cell$|^notesource$|^bold$|^italic$|^div$|^p$|^substitution$)/ ) {
# pass this name through
$newstring .= $name;
# pass through references to man temporary elements
elsif ( $name =~ /(^date$|^title$|^manual$|^source$)/ and $pre =~ /refentry\.metadata/ ) {
# pass this name through
$newstring .= $name;
# Pass through if preceded or followed by uppercase letters
elsif ($pre =~ /[-._A-Z]$/ || $rest =~ /^[-._A-Z]/) {
$newstring .= "d:" . $name;
else {
# remove the namespace prefix
$newstring .= $name;
$string = $rest;
# print any leftovers
$newstring .= $string;
return $newstring;
# addFiles - add some new files to db5xsl
sub addFiles {
my $miscdir = dirname $0;
$miscdir .= '/xslnsfiles';
print STDOUT "miscdir is $miscdir" . "\n";
# copy("$miscdir/manpages.table.xsl", "$destdir/manpages/table.xsl");
# copy("$miscdir/titlepage.xsl", "$destdir/template/titlepage.xsl");
# Copy the ns VERSION file, not the copy from non-ns
copy("$destdir/VERSION", "$destdir/VERSION.xsl");
# delete these obsolete files.
# Replace stripns.xsl with addns.xsl in profiling module
&nsfilter("$srcdir/profiling/profile.xsl", "$destdir/profiling/profile.xsl");