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--- html/index.html
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+ <head>
+ <title>The DocBook Documentation</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+The official DocBook documentation, version 2.4.1 resp. 3.0.
+<li><a href="user/index.html">User's Guide for the DocBook DTD</a> by Terry
+Allen, Fujitsu Software Corporation, and Eve Maler, ArborText, Inc., Release
+2.4.1, January 1997.
+<li><a href="ref/index.html">Reference for the DocBook DTD</a> by Terry Allen,
+Fujitsu Software Corporation, Eve Maler, ArborText, Inc., and Norman Walsh,
+O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc., Release 3.0, January 1997.
+<li><a href="over/index.html">Overview of the DocBook DTD</a> by Terry Allen,
+Fujitsu Software Corporation, and Eve Maler, ArborText, Inc., Release 2.4.1,
+January 1997.
+<li><a href="maint/index.html">Customizer's Guide for the DocBook DTD</a> by
+Terry Allen, Fujitsu Software Corporation, and Eve Maler, ArborText, Inc.,
+Release 2.4.1, January 1997.
*** element-list.txt Thu Mar 5 00:46:33 1998
--- element-list.txt Tue Jun 16 08:35:38 1998
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+ List by Cris Maden:
+ > Here are the common character elements that a paragraph, and things
+ > like it, can contain, with notes. Some things say "presentation
+ > unknown" or "P.U." because they haven't been implemented yet, but
+ > they may vary depending on the type of book.
+ >
+ > Acronym Use this for any all-caps thing; it will be
+ > all-caps in HTML, and small-caps in Frame.
+ > Citation Title of a referenced work; italicized unless
+ > role="article", in which case it's quoted.
+ > CiteTitle Also title of a referenced work; I prefer
+ > <citation>.
+ > ClassName Object-oriented programming class names.
+ > Presentation unknown.
+ > CmdSynopsis Not usually used in a paragraph.
+ > Command Something to enter on a command-line. Bold or
+ > italic, depending on book type.
+ > Comment Note from author to editor or vice versa.
+ > ComputerOutput Response from a computer to a command.
+ > Monospaced.
+ > Database Name of a database. Presentation unknown.
+ > Email Email address. Italic.
+ > Emphasis Stressed word; usually italic, unless
+ > role="bold".
+ > EnVar Environment variable.
+ > ErrorCode An error code. Monospaced, usually.
+ > ErrorName The name of an error.
+ > ErrorType The kind of error.
+ > Filename The name of a file. Italic in current style.
+ > FirstTerm The first mention of a term or concept.
+ > Italicized.
+ > ForeignPhrase What it says; I'm not sure whether O'Reilly
+ > house style marks Latin (e.g., i.e.) as
+ > foreign. Italicized.
+ > FuncSynopsis Not usually used in a paragraph.
+ > Function The name of a function. Presentation unknown.
+ > GUIButton A button to press, like "OK" or "Cancel".
+ > Presentation unknown.
+ > GUIIcon The name of an icon. Presentation unknown.
+ > GUILabel A label for a GUI object (like a window).
+ > Presentation unknown.
+ > GUIMenu The name of a menu. P.U.
+ > GUIMenuItem An item in a menu. P.U.
+ > GUISubmenu A submenu name. P.U.
+ > GlossTerm A term defined in the glossary. P.U.
+ > Interface The name of an interface to a class (object-
+ > oriented programming). P.U.
+ > InterfaceDefinition The definition of an interface. P.U.
+ > Link A link to another object; the <link> element
+ > contains text, unlike <xref>s which generate
+ > the title of the thing they point to.
+ > Literal Computer strings or input. Monospaced.
+ > Markup SGML, HTML, XML, or other text markup.
+ > Monospaced.
+ > MenuChoice For interactive programs (different from
+ > GUI*). P.U.
+ > MouseButton For discussing GUIs; button 1, button 2, etc.
+ > P.U.
+ > MsgText Return string from a program or a dialog box.
+ > P.U.
+ > Option One of a choice in command-line syntax. P.U.
+ > Optional A section of command-line syntax that is
+ > optional. P.U.
+ > Parameter A parameter to a function. P.U.
+ > Prompt A prompt from the computer. Monospaced.
+ > Property Meaning "property" in computational terms - a
+ > quality attached to an object. Exact meaning
+ > varies with computational domain (OOP,
+ > database). P.U.
+ > Quote A quoted phrase or string. Linguistically
+ > appropriate quotation marks generated
+ > automatically.
+ > Replaceable Placeholder in a sample literal string.
+ > Monospaced italic.
+ > ReturnValue Return from a function. P.U.
+ > SGMLTag Discussion of SGML markup. Various
+ > arrangements of pointy-brackets or other
+ > punctuation around literal text generated
+ > automatically based on class attribute.
+ > StructField I think these are for databases. P.U.
+ > StructName I think these are for databases. P.U.
+ > Subscript What it says.
+ > Superscript What it says.
+ > Symbol Unsure.
+ > Synopsis Not used often in paragraphs.
+ > SystemItem Computational object like a URL, a newsgroup
+ > name, FTP site, Internet host. Use a more
+ > specific element type if available; use class
+ > attribute if one of the values (constant,
+ > macro, osname, resource, systemname) is
+ > appropriate; use role attribute otherwise with
+ > value of "url" for *real* URLs only; "example"
+ > for fake URLs; "ftp" for FTP host; "sitename"
+ > for mention of a host; "newsgroup" for a
+ > single newsgroup; "hierarchy" for a set of
+ > newsgroups (like comp.text.*). Careful use of
+ > this element is very important for efficient
+ > production of on-line books. Italicized in
+ > most books.
+ > Token In the computational sense. P.U.
+ > Trademark If you use this, do so *instead* of placing
+ > &trade; or &reg; after a term. It's not
+ > useful now, but if used consistently, would
+ > enable us to build accurate trademark use
+ > lists for copyright pages. Use class
+ > attribute if you use it: "service", "trade",
+ > "registered", or "copyright".
+ > UserInput Text entered by a user to a program or
+ > command-line, usually in response to a
+ > <prompt>. Monospaced.
+ > WordAsWord Mention of a word, as opposed to use. Used
+ > for talking about the name of something, when
+ > <firstterm> isn't appropriate.
+ > XRef Softcoded references to chapters, sections,
+ > tables, examples, figures, equations, etc.