#!/bin/bash : ${QUILT_DIR=/usr/share/quilt} if ! [ -r $QUILT_DIR/scripts/patchfns ] then echo "Cannot read library $QUILT_DIR/scripts/patchfns" >&2 exit 1 fi . $QUILT_DIR/scripts/patchfns cd ${SUBDIR:-.} usage() { echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [--fuzz=N] specfile" exit 1 } options=$(getopt -o v --long sourcedir:,fuzz: -n "${0##*/}" -- "$@") || exit eval set -- "$options" sourcedir= while true do case "$1" in -v) verbose=1 shift ;; --sourcedir) sourcedir=${2%/}/ shift 2 ;; --fuzz) # Only works with rpm 4.6 and later DEFINE_FUZZ="%define _default_patch_fuzz $2" shift 2 ;; --) shift break ;; esac done [ "${sourcedir:0:1}" = / ] || sourcedir=$PWD/$sourcedir specfile=$1 if [ $# -ne 1 -o ! -f "$specfile" ] then usage fi if [ "${specfile:0:1}" = / ] then specdir=$(dirname "$specfile") specfile=${specfile##*/} else specdir=$PWD fi tmpdir="$(gen_tempfile -d ${VARTMPDIR:-/var/tmp}/${0##*/})" mkdir -p $tmpdir || exit 1 add_exit_handler "rm -rf $tmpdir" mkdir -p $tmpdir/build mkdir -p $tmpdir/bin # Older versions of Suse packages have a symbolic release number, and rpmbuild # won't like that, so change it to something compliant. if grep -q '^Release:.*[<>]' "$specdir/$specfile" then sed -e '/^Release:/s/[<>]//g' < "$specdir/$specfile" > $tmpdir/"$specfile" specdir=$tmpdir fi # Redirect file descriptors # 5 is used in verbose mode, 4 in non-verbose mode, and 2 for both (real errors) if [ -n "$verbose" ] then exec 3>&1 5>&2 4>/dev/null else exec 3>&1 4>&2 5>/dev/null fi # wrapper script for patch and tar cat <<-'EOF' > $tmpdir/bin/wrapper #! /bin/bash # find original data file by md5sum original_file() { local file=$1 md5sum set -- $(md5sum < $file) md5sum=$1 while read md5sum_ file_ do if [ "$md5sum" = "$md5sum_" ] then echo ${file_#\*} return 0 fi done < $tmpdir/md5sums # Try harder if ! [ -e $tmpdir/more-md5sums ] then ( cd $RPM_BUILD_DIR find . -type f \ | sed -e 's:^.\/::' \ | xargs md5sum \ ) > $tmpdir/more-md5sums fi while read md5sum_ file_ do if [ "$md5sum" = "$md5sum_" ] then echo ${file_#\*} return 0 fi done < $tmpdir/more-md5sums return 1 } # Extract a command line option with or without argument cmdline_option() { local letter=$1 no_arg=$2 shift while [ $# -ne 0 ] do if [ "${1:0:2}" = -$letter ] then if [ -z "$no_arg" ] then [ "$1" = -$letter ] && set -- "$1$2" fi echo $1 break fi shift done } strip_option() { set -- $(cmdline_option p "$@") [ "$1" != -p1 ] && echo $1 } # Extract the -p option from the command line strip_option() { set -- $(cmdline_option p "$@") [ "$1" != -p1 ] && echo $1 } # Extract the -R option from the command line reverse_option() { set -- $(cmdline_option R no_arg "$@") echo $1 } patch_opt_d() { local subdir=$(cmdline_option d "$@") [ -z "$subdir" ] || echo "${subdir:2}" } patch_input_file() { while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -i|--input) if [ $# -ge 2 ]; then echo "$2" return fi ;; -i*) echo "${1#-i}" return ;; --input=*) echo "${1#--input=}" return ;; esac shift done return } tar_input_file() { case "$1" in *C*f*) echo "$3" ;; *f*) echo "$2" ;; esac } tar_opt_C() { case "$1" in *C*f*) echo "$2" return ;; esac } tmpdir=${RPM_BUILD_DIR%/*} rm -f $tmpdir/data case "${0##*/}" in patch) inputfile=$(patch_input_file "$@") ;; tar) inputfile=$(tar_input_file "$@") # For tar, file - means read from stdin [ "$inputfile" = "-" ] && inputfile= ;; esac if [ -z "$inputfile" ]; then # put data from stdin into tmpfile cat > $tmpdir/data fi unpackfile="$(original_file ${inputfile:-$tmpdir/data})" if [ -n "$unpackfile" ] then case "${0##*/}" in patch) echo -n p >&4 subdir=$(patch_opt_d "$@") if [ -n "$subdir" ] then dir=$(cd "$subdir" && echo $PWD) else dir=$PWD fi dir=${dir/$RPM_BUILD_DIR} dir=${dir##/} dir=${dir// /\\ } echo "${0##*/} ${dir:-.} $unpackfile" \ $(strip_option "$@") $(reverse_option "$@") >&3 ;; tar) echo -n t >&4 subdir=$(tar_opt_C "$@") if [ -n "$subdir" ] then dir=$(cd "$subdir" && echo $PWD) else dir=$PWD fi dir=${dir/$RPM_BUILD_DIR} dir=${dir##/} dir=${dir// /\\ } echo "${0##*/} ${dir:-.} $unpackfile" >&3 ;; esac fi PATH=${PATH#*:} if [ -n "$inputfile" ]; then ${0##*/} "$@" else ${0##*/} "$@" < $tmpdir/data fi EOF chmod 755 $tmpdir/bin/wrapper # If $TMPDIR is mounted with noexec, rpmbuild won't be able to execute # our wrapper script if [ ! -x $tmpdir/bin/wrapper ] then printf "Cannot execute %s; filesystem mounted with noexec?\n" \ $tmpdir/bin/wrapper >&2 printf "Setting %s in ~/.quiltrc may help\n" "VARTMPDIR" >&2 exit 1 fi ln -s wrapper $tmpdir/bin/patch ln -s wrapper $tmpdir/bin/tar # let rpm do all the dirty specfile stuff ... echo -n "### rpmbuild: " >&4 export PATH="$tmpdir/bin:$PATH" rpmbuild --eval "%define _sourcedir $sourcedir" \ --eval "%define _specdir $specdir" \ --eval "%define _builddir $tmpdir/build" \ --eval "%define __patch $tmpdir/bin/patch" \ --eval "%define __tar $tmpdir/bin/tar" \ --eval "$DEFINE_FUZZ" \ --nodeps \ -bp "$specdir/$specfile" < /dev/null >&5 2>&5 status=$? echo >&4 exit $status ### Local Variables: ### mode: shell-script ### End: # vim:filetype=sh