#!/usr/bin/perl # # (C) 2014 mchang@suse.com # # 2014-02-20 jw@suse.de use strict; my $grub2_dir; my $grub2_reboot; my $grub2_editenv; my $show_mapped; my $id_name; my @menuentry; my @enumentry; my %E; sub dPrint($) { #print( STDERR @_[0]); } sub sh_test($) { my ( $exp ) = @_; dPrint( "?? '$exp' "); # Don't test grub command return status from linux shell, this often results # in command not found error. In such case the expression often has no # opening bracket and just returning false here to signify -ENOCMD error. return 0 if ( $exp =~ m{^\s*[^\[]}); $exp .= " ]" if ( $exp =~ m{^\[.*[^\]]\s*$} ); # gnaaa #my $t = qx{set -x; $exp}; my $t = qx{$exp}; my $ret = $? >> 8; $ret = ($ret == 0) ? 1 : 0; dPrint("=> $ret ($t)\n"); return $ret; } sub read_cfg($$) { my ($dir, $cfg) = @_; my $fh; my $m = ""; my $state = 1; # 1 == normal, 010 == if-false, 011 == if-true, 110 == else-false, 111 == else-true my @State = (); if ($dir) { %E = ( "config_directory" => $dir ); dPrint("# VE: 'cd'='$dir'\n"); $dir .= "/"; if ($> == 0) { open($fh, "$grub2_editenv - list |") || die "cannot read grub2 environment: $!\n"; while (<$fh>) { chomp; if ( m{^([^\s=]+?)=(.*)$} ) { my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2); $v =~ s{^"([^"]*)"$}{$1}; dPrint("# VE: '$k'='$v'\n"); $E{$k} = $v; } } close($fh); } } dPrint("# open($dir$cfg)\n"); open($fh, "<$dir$cfg") || die "cannot read $cfg in $dir: $!\n"; LINE: while ( <$fh> ) { s{^#.*$}{}; # get rid of trailing comments, s{\s+$}{}; # trailing whitespace s{\s*;$}{}; # including semicolons next if (m{^\s*$}); # and empty lines. s{^\s*}{ }; # force leading whitespace to one dPrint(sprintf("#%d: '%s' [%s]%04b\n", $., $_, join(",",@State), $state)); if ( m{^ fi$} ) { $state = pop( @State); $m .= "$_\n"; dPrint(sprintf(">FI: [%s]0b%04b\n", join(",",@State), $state)); next; } if ($state & 0b10) { # {if,else}-* if ( m{^ elif\s+(.*?)\s*; then$} && !($state & 0b1000)) { if ($state & 0b1) { $state = 0b110; # else-false } else { $state = 0b010 + sh_test( $1); # if-? dPrint(sprintf("=EI: 0b%03b\n", $state)); $m .= "$_\n"; next; } } elsif ( m{^ else$} && !($state & 0b1000)) { if (($state & 0b111) == 0b010) { # in 'if' but neither 'else' nor 'true' $state = 0b111; # else-true } else { $state = 0b110; # else-false } $m .= "$_\n"; dPrint(sprintf("=EL: 0b%03b\n", $state)); next; } } if ($state & 0b1) { # *-true or normal dPrint("-I1: $_\n"); } else { # *-false dPrint("-I0: $_\n"); if ( m{^ if (.*?)\s*; then$} ) { push( @State, $state); $state = 0b1000; $m .= "$_\n"; } next; } while ( m'(?:[^\\])(\$(?:{([^}]+?)}|([A-Za-z0-9_]+)))' ) { my ($s, $k1, $k2) = ($1, $2, $3); my $k = (defined($k1)) ? $k1 : $k2; dPrint("# VT: '$k'\n"); if (exists( $E{$k})) { $s =~ s{([\$\{\}\"])}{\\$1}g; dPrint("# VB: '$_'\n"); s{$s}{$E{$k}} || die; dPrint("# VR: '$_'\n"); } else { $s =~ s{([\$\{\}\"])}{\\$1}g; s{$s}{} || die; dPrint("# VR: '$_'\n"); } } if ( m{^ if (.*?)\s*; then$} ) { push( @State, $state); $state = 0b010 + sh_test( $1); dPrint(sprintf("<IF: 0b%03b [%s]\n", $state, join (",", @State))); } elsif ( m{^ (?:set\s+)?([^\s=]+?)=(.*)$} ) { my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2); $v =~ s{^"([^"]*)"$}{$1}; dPrint("# VA: '$k'='$v'\n"); $E{$k} = $v; } elsif ( m{^ source\s+(\S+)$} ) { my $f = $1; $f =~ s{^"([^"]+)"$}{$1} && dPrint("# f='$f'\n"); if ( -r $f ) { $m .= read_cfg("", $f); } next; } $m .= "$_\n"; } close ($fh); return ($m); } sub parse_menuentry($$$) { my ($parent, $pId, $menu) = @_; my $c = 0; my @m = $menu =~ /(submenu|menuentry) \s+ (.*?) ( \{ (?: [^{}]* | (?3))* \} )/sxg; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#m; $i += 3) { my $type = $m[$i]; my $title = `printf "%s\n" $m[$i+1] | head -1 | tr -d '\n'`; my $data = $m[$i+2]; my $name = ($parent) ? "$parent>$title" : "$title"; my $eId = (($pId ne "") ? "$pId>" : "") . $c++; if ($type eq "menuentry") { push @menuentry, $name; push @enumentry, [$name, $eId]; } elsif ($type eq "submenu") { parse_menuentry ($name, $eId, $data); } } } # Enable restore grubenv service (bnc#892358) # Restore grubenv settings for booting default entry to workaround the grub2-once cannot # work and function properly on lvm, md and s390. sub enable_restore_grubenv_service { my $systemctl = "/usr/bin/systemctl"; my $cleanup = "/var/lib/misc/grub2-cleanup-once"; unless (-e $cleanup) { open(my $fh, ">", $cleanup) or die "open: $cleanup $!\n"; close($fh); } return 0 if (system("$systemctl --quiet is-enabled grub2-once") == 0); system "$systemctl --no-reload enable grub2-once >/dev/null 2>&1"; } $id_name = ""; if (@ARGV == 2 && ($ARGV[0] eq "--show-mapped")) { $show_mapped = 1; $id_name = $ARGV[1]; } elsif (@ARGV == 1) { $show_mapped = 0; $id_name = $ARGV[0]; } die "wrong command line options, try --help\n" if ($id_name eq ""); open(SYSCONF, "</etc/sysconfig/bootloader") || die "cannot read bootloader sysconfig: $!\n"; $grub2_dir = ""; while (<SYSCONF>) { chomp; next if ( /^\s*#/ ); if ( /LOADER_TYPE=(\'|\"|)([^\'\"\s]+)\1(\s*|\s+#.*)$/ ) { dPrint("OK : $2\n"); if ($2 eq "grub2" || $2 eq "grub2-efi") { # Found grub2 to be the incumbent loader ... $grub2_dir = "/boot/grub2"; $grub2_reboot = "/usr/sbin/grub2-reboot"; $grub2_editenv = "/usr/bin/grub2-editenv"; # Note : Here we continues rather than exiting the loop, which # results in different behavior than previous "the first wins". Now # the latest defined LOADER_TYPE can be used to override any # previous one, which is identical to the result of regular shell # variable expansion to meet most people's expectation. } } else { next if ( /^\s*$/ ); dPrint("SKIP: <$_>\n"); } } close (SYSCONF); if ($id_name eq "--help" or $id_name eq "-h") { print "Usage: grub2-once [--show-mapped ID | --list | ID | NAME_SUBSTRING ]\n"; system "$grub2_reboot \"--help\""; exit 0; } die "no grub2_dir" if ($grub2_dir eq ""); my $m = read_cfg( $grub2_dir, "grub.cfg"); # Note: only *one* top-level call to parse_menuentry() is possible # or else it will start again with 0 (and no parent)! parse_menuentry ("", "", $m); my $ret = ""; my $name = ""; my $id = -1; if ($id_name eq '--enum') { foreach my $e (@enumentry) { printf "%-7s %s\n", $e->[1], $e->[0]; } exit 0; } if ($id_name eq '--list') { my $c = 0; foreach my $e (@menuentry) { printf "%6d %s\n", $c, $e; $c++; } exit 0; } if ($id_name =~ m!^[0-9]+$!) { if ($id_name < @menuentry) { $id = $id_name; $name = $menuentry[$id]; $ret = $name; } } else { my $i = -1; my $c = 0; $name = $id_name; foreach my $e (@menuentry) { if ($e =~ qr!\Q$name\E!) { $i = $c; last; } } continue { ++$c; } if ($i >= 0) { $id = $i; $name = $menuentry[$id]; $ret = "$id"; } } if ($show_mapped > 0) { print $ret; } else { system "$grub2_reboot \"$name\""; enable_restore_grubenv_service; }