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Wed Jun 12 10:14:08 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Upgrade to guava 33.2.1
* Changes of version 33.2.1
+ net: Changed InetAddress-String conversion methods to preserve
the IPv6 scope ID if present. The scope ID can be necessary
for IPv6-capable devices with multiple network interfaces.
However, preserving it can also lead to problems for callers
that rely on the returned values not to include the scope ID:
- Callers might compensate for the old behavior of the methods
by appending the scope ID to a returned string themselves.
If so, you can update your code to stop doing so at the same
time as you upgrade Guava. Of, if your code might run
against multiple versions of Guava, you can check whether
Guava has included a scope ID before you add one yourself.
- Callers might pass the returned string to another system
that does not understand scope IDs. If so, you can strip the
scope ID off, whether by truncating the string form at a %
character (leaving behind any trailing ] character in the
case of forUriString) or by replacing the returned
InetAddress with a new instance constructed by calling
- validates any provided scope ID against
the interfaces available on the machine. As a result,
methods in InetAddresses may now fail if the scope ID fails
* Notable cases in which this may happen include:
- if the code runs in an Android app without networking
- if code passes InetAddress instances or strings across
* If this is not the behavior that you want, then you can
strip off the scope ID from the input string before
passing it to Guava, as discussed above.
* Changes of version 33.2.0
+ Dropped testing for Android versions before Lollipop (API
Level 21). Guava may stop working under older versions in
the future, or it may have done so already.
+ Fixed a GWT compilation breakage under Gradle.
+ collect: Made our Collector APIs (e.g.,
ImmutableList.toImmutableList()) available in guava-android.
More Java 8 APIs will follow in future releases.
- As always, streams are available to Android code only when
that code enables library desugaring or targets a new enough
API Level (24 (Nougat) for many stream APIs). (But note that
we test only with library desugaring, so we don't currently
know if API Level 24 is high enough to use our Collector
APIs unless you have also enabled library desugaring.) Guava
users who avoid the Collector APIs do not need to meet this
+ collect: Fixed a potential NullPointerException in
ImmutableMap.Builder on a rare code path.
+ net: Added HttpHeaders constants Ad-Auction-Allowed,
Permissions-Policy-Report-Only, and Sec-GPC.
Wed Apr 17 16:34:39 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Upgrade to guava 33.1.0
* Changes of version 33.1.0:
+ Updated our Error Prone dependency to 2.26.1, which includes
a JPMS-ready jar of annotations. If you use the Error Prone
annotations in a modular build of your own code, you may need
to add a requires line for them.
+ base: Added a Duration overload for
+ base: Deprecated the remaining two overloads of
Throwables.propagateIfPossible. They won't be deleted, but we
recommend migrating off them.
+ cache: Fixed a bug that could cause false "recursive load"
reports during refresh.
+ graph: Changed the return types of transitiveClosure() and
reachableNodes() to Immutable* types. reachableNodes() already
returned an immutable object (even though that was not
reflected in the declared return type); transitiveClosure()
used to return a mutable object. The old signatures remain
available, so this change does not break binary compatibility.
+ graph: Changed the behavior of views returned by graph
accessor methods that take a graph element as input: They now
throw IllegalStateException when that element is removed from
the graph.
+ hash: Optimized Checksum-based hash functions for Java 9+.
+ testing: Exposed FakeTicker Duration methods to Android users.
+ util.concurrent: Deprecated the constructors of
UncheckedExecutionException and ExecutionError that don't
accept a cause. We won't remove these constructors, but we
recommend migrating off them, as users of those classes often
assume that instances will contain a cause.
+ util.concurrent: Improved the correctness of racy accesses for
J2ObjC users.
* Changes of version 33.0.0:
+ This version of guava-android contains some package-private
methods whose signature includes the Java 8 Collector API.
This is a test to identify any problems before we expose those
methods publicly to users. Please report any problems that you
+ Changed various classes to catch Exception instead of
RuntimeException even when only RuntimeException is
theoretically possible. This can help code that throws
undeclared exceptions, as some bytecode rewriters (e.g.,
Robolectric) and languages (e.g., Kotlin) do.
+ Added an Automatic-Module-Name to failureaccess, Guava's one
strong runtime dependency.
+ reflect: In guava-android only, removed
Invokable.getAnnotatedReturnType() and
Parameter.getAnnotatedType(). These methods never worked in an
Android VM, and to reflect that, they were born @Deprecated,
@Beta, and @DoNotCall. They're now preventing us from rolling
out some new Android compatibility testing. This is the only
binary-incompatible change in this release, and it should have
no effect in practice. Still, we bump the major version number
to follow Semantic Versioning.
+ util.concurrent: Changed our implementations to avoid eagerly
initializing loggers during class loading. This can help
performance, especially under Android.
* Changes of version 32.1.3:
+ Changed Gradle Metadata to include dependency versions
directly. This may address "Could not find some-dependency"
errors that some users have reported (which might be a result
of users' excluding guava-parent).
+ collect: Changed Multisets.unmodifiableMultiset(set)
.removeIf(predicate) to throw an exception always, even if
nothing matches predicate.
+ graph: Fixed the behavior of Graph/ValueGraph views for a node
when that node is removed from the graph.
+ io: Fixed Files.createTempDir and FileBackedOutputStream under
Windows services, a rare use case. (The fix actually covers
only Java 9+ because Java 8 would require an additional
approach. Let us know if you need support under Java 8.)
+ net: Made MediaType.parse allow and skip over whitespace
around the / and = separator tokens in addition to the ;
separator, for which it was already being allowed.
+ util.concurrent: Tweaked Futures.getChecked
constructor-selection behavior: The method continues to prefer
to call constructors with a String parameter, but now it
breaks ties based on whether the constructor has a Throwable
parameter. Beyond that, the choice of constructor remains
undefined. (For this and other reasons, we discourage the use
of getChecked.)
* Changes of version 32.1.2:
+ Removed the section of our Gradle metadata that caused Gradle
to report conflicts with listenablefuture.
+ Changed our Maven project to avoid affecting which version of
Mockito our Gradle users see.
+ collect: Under J2CL, exposed ImmutableList and ImmutableSet
methods copyOf and of for JavaScript usage.
+ net: Optimized InternetDomainName construction.
* Changes of version 32.1.1:
+ Fixed our broken Gradle metadata from 32.1.0. Sorry again for
the trouble. If you use Gradle, please still read the release
notes from that version: You may still see errors from the new
checking that the metadata enables, and the release notes
discuss how to fix those errors.
* Changes of version 32.1.0:
+ collect: Tweaked more nullness annotations.
+ hash: Enhanced crc32c() to use Java's hardware-accelerated
implementation where available.
+ util.concurrent: Added Duration-based default methods to
+ Began updating Javadoc to focus less on APIs that have been
superseded by additions to the JDK. We're also looking to add
more documentation that directs users to JDK equivalents for
our APIs. Further PRs welcome!
+ Fixed some problems with using Guava from a Java Agent.
(But we don't test that configuration, and we don't know how
well we'll be able to keep it working.)
+ Fixed BootstrapMethodError when using CacheBuilder from a
custom system class loader. (As with the previous item,
we're not sure how well we'll be able to keep this use case
+ Suppressed a harmless unusable-by-js warning seen by users of
Tue Mar 12 18:57:05 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Fix version mismatch in the ant build files.
Wed Feb 21 22:05:15 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Clean the spec file and simplify it a bit
Thu Jun 15 13:20:35 UTC 2023 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Upgrade to guava 32.0.1
* Security fixes:
+ Reimplemented Files.createTempDir and FileBackedOutputStream
to further address CVE-2020-8908 (#4011, bsc#1179926) and
CVE-2023-2976 (#2575, bsc#1212401)
* Fixes:
+ io: Fixed Files.createTempDir and FileBackedOutputStream under
Windows, which broke as part of the security fix in release
+ Removed @Beta from almost all APIs. Most of the remaining
@Beta APIs are in graph and hash.
+ Enhanced the Guava jar to include Proguard configurations that
are picked up automatically by the Android Gradle Plugin. This
should help with warnings that were promoted to errors in
Android Gradle Plugin 8.x.
+ Enhanced the Guava jar to include information about method
parameters in its class files. If you use static analyzers
that look at method-parameter names, you may see new warnings
or errors if they are now able to detect mismatches. But
mostly, you may see better tooltips and autocompletion in
+ Improved nullness annotations on a few classes.
+ Modified classes with "serial proxies" to declare
exception-throwing readObject methods, in accordance with best
+ collect: Fixed Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize to stop
allocating maps that were larger than they needed to be.
+ collect: Made various APIs work J2CL:
Maps.immutableEnumMap+toImmutableEnumMap, EnumMultiset,
CollectorTester. Previously, the APIs were present but failed
at runtime.
+ collect: Optimized memory usage for Interner and MapMaker.
+ graph: Changed directed graphs to reject attempts to add
undirected edges.
+ io: Added BaseEncoding.ignoreCase() to support
case-insensitive decoding.
+ net: Added HttpHeaders constants:
~ No-Vary-Search
~ Sec-CH-DPR
~ Sec-CH-UA-Wow64
~ Sec-CH-Viewport-Width and Sec-CH-Viewport-Height
~ Supports-Loading-Mode
+ net: Added the MediaType constant for JWT.
+ primitives: Added rotate() for arrays of all primitive types.
+ util.concurrent: Changed AbstractFuture to run
interruptTask() just before afterDone(). Until this change, it
ran slightly earlier than that: We used to run it before
unblocking any pending get() calls, and now we run it after.
+ util.concurrent: Fixed some cases in which we could catch
InterruptedException but fail to restore the interrupt bit.
Wed May 18 17:26:01 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Upgrade to guava 31.1
* Fixes:
+ base: Deprecated the Throwables methods lazyStackTrace and
lazyStackTraceIsLazy. They are no longer useful on any current
+ collect: Added a new method
ImmutableMap.Builder.buildKeepingLast(), which keeps the last
value for any given key rather than throwing an exception when
a key appears more than once.
+ collect: As a side-effect of the buildKeepingLast() change,
the idiom
ImmutableList.copyOf(Maps.transformValues(map, function))
may produce different results if function has side-effects.
+ hash: Added Hashing.fingerprint2011().
+ io: Changed ByteStreams.nullOutputStream() to follow the
contract of OutputStream.write by throwing an exception if
the range of bytes is out of bounds.
+ net: Added @CheckReturnValue to the package (with a few
+ net: Added HttpHeaders constant for
+ util.concurrent: Added accumulate/update methods for
AtomicDouble and AtomicDoubleArray.
* APIs promoted from @Beta:
+ base: Throwables methods getCausalChain and getCauseAs
+ collect: Streams methods mapWithIndex and findLast
+ collect: the remaining methods in Comparators: min, max,
lexicographical, emptiesFirst, emptiesLast, isInOrder,
+ escape: various APIs
+ io: various APIs in Files
+ net: various APIs
+ reflect: various APIs
+ testlib: various APIs
+ util.concurrent: AsyncCallable, ListenableScheduledFuture,
and ClosingFuture
+ util.concurrent: ExecutionSequencer,
MoreExecutors.newSequentialExecutor, and Monitor
+ util.concurrent: Futures methods: submit, submitAsync,
scheduleAsync, nonCancellationPropagating, inCompletionOrder
+ util.concurrent: Uninterruptibles:
awaitTerminationUninterruptibly and the Duration overloads in
the class
+ util.concurrent: the FluentFuture type, its factory methods,
and addCallback
* Remove the hack of removing annotations, since we have now
all the required dependencies packaged
- Removed patch:
* donotmock.patch
+ hack not needed any more
Fri Mar 11 12:13:02 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Remove parent reference from ALL distributed pom files
Mon May 10 14:59:41 UTC 2021 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Upgrade to guava 30.1.1
* Fixes:
+ cache: Fixed compatibility between asMap().compute(...)
and a load.
+ cache: Added @CheckReturnValue to some APIs.
+ collect: Added @DoNotCall to the mutator methods on immutable
+ hash: Removed @Beta from HashCode.
+ io: Removed @Beta from CountingOutputStream.
* fixes bsc#1179926, CVE-2020-8908: temp directory creation
vulnerability in Guava versions prior to 30.0
- Removed patch:
* guava-25.0-java8compat.patch
+ the compatibility is handled in the upstream code
- Added patch:
* donotmock.patch
+ patch @DoNotMock annotation occurrences in order to put them
in a format that our regex is able to identify and kill
Wed Dec 4 17:32:18 UTC 2019 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Avoid version-less dependencies that can cause problems with
some tools
Fri Nov 22 04:52:39 UTC 2019 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Build the package with ant in order to prevent build cycles
* using a generated and customized ant build system
Thu Oct 10 21:00:22 UTC 2019 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Added patch:
* guava-25.0-java8compat.patch
+ Avoid callingoverridden methods with covariant return types
for java.nio.ByteBuffer and java.nio.CharBuffer, which were
introduced in Java 9
+ This allows us to produce with Java >= 9 binaries that are
compatible with Java 8
Fri Apr 12 10:05:01 UTC 2019 - Fridrich Strba <>
- Initial packaging of guava 25.0