------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 13 09:00:47 UTC 2024 - Nikolay Gueorguiev - Changed the Package Summary (jsc#PED-5445) * from 'Library interface for the IBM Cryptographic Accelerator' * to 'Library interface for the IBM AI Accelerator' ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 11 08:39:25 UTC 2023 - Nikolay Gueorguiev - Upgraded to version 1.0.1 (jsc#PED-3331) - add: pull_request_template.md This commit adds a pullrequest template to the repository to make the PR's more uniform. - add: issue templates Templates to unify issues and descriptions with focus on traceability. - add: CODEOWNERS file Provide a fast trigger for pullrequests and assign the code owners to it. - fix: remove non ASCII characters remove non ASCII characters with focus on disclaimer and comments and licenses call: find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/\xC2\xA0/ /g' {} \; call: find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/[ \t]\+$//g' {} \; - add help target to main Makefile set default target .DEFAULT_GOAL for all - fix error for missing config.make to GNU make syntax ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 13 20:08:16 UTC 2021 - Mark Post - Upgraded to version 0.4.0 (bsc#1191582) * RNN Layer 2 Support * RNN Bi-directional Output Transformation Support * Removal of non-inclusive IT Terms * RNN Pre-check Support * Optimized zTensor reserved space * Transform optimizations * Minor bug fixes - Removed the following obsolete patches * sles15sp4-libzdnn-Fix-initialization-of-CFLAGS_INIT-2.patch * sles15sp4-libzdnn-Limit-symbol-check-to-global-symbols-3.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 21 18:58:18 UTC 2021 - Mark Post - Initial version of the package (jsc#SLE-21645) Includes the following two patches from upstream: sles15sp4-libzdnn-Fix-initialization-of-CFLAGS_INIT-2.patch sles15sp4-libzdnn-Limit-symbol-check-to-global-symbols-3.patch