83 lines
3.5 KiB
83 lines
3.5 KiB
Wed Jun 12 09:38:58 UTC 2024 - Fridrich Strba <fstrba@suse.com>
- Update to 82:
* Potentially Breaking Changes
+ mojo.java.target should be set as "8", without "1."; it is
now used for release options
+ spotless plugin must be executed by JDK 11 at least, use
profile if needed
+ ossrh-snapshots repository was removed from parent; if needed
please add in project where it is used
* New features and improvements
+ Do not include tests code in JavaDocs
+ Remove SHA-512 checksum for source release artifact
+ Use only project version as tag for release
+ Add space before close empty elements in poms by spotless
+ Using Checkstyle together with Spotless
+ Introduce spotless for automatic code formatting
+ Introduce enforcer rule for minimal version of Java and Maven
+ Remove jxr from reporting
+ Remove taglist from reporting
+ Remove Surefire from reporting
+ Use new Plugin Tools report - maven-plugin-report-plugin
+ Remove PMD from reporting
+ Remove Checkstyle from reporting
+ Add sisu-maven-plugin
+ Introduce maven.version property - allow projects to override
+ Execute spotless by JDK 11 at least
+ Use release options for m-compiler-p with newer JDKs
+ Allow override of invoker.streamLogsOnFailures
+ Require Maven 3.9.x at least for releases
+ Add maven-wrapper-plugin to pluginManagement
+ Remove ossrh-snapshots repository from MojoHaus parent
+ Add build-helper-maven-plugin to pluginManagement
+ Require Maven 3.6.3+
+ Update palantirJavaFormat for spotless - JDK 21 compatible
+ Add dependencyManagement for maven-shade-plugin
+ Remove dead markmail.org from mailing lists
+ simplify life for using spotless (active per default),
document property to de activate it
+ Drop recommendedJavaBuildVersion property
+ Format Markdown files with Spotless Plugin
* Bug Fixes
+ Restore source release distribution in child projects
+ Rename property maven.version to mavenVersion
+ minimalMavenBuildVersion should not be overriding by
+ Use simple checkstyle rules since spotless is executed by
+ Use old spotless version only for JDK < 11
+ Fix spotless configuration for markdown - exclude generated
Sun Dec 4 14:45:59 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 70:
* Improvement checkstyle configuration
* Add modello-maven-plugin to pluginManagement
* Remove Google search box due to privacy
* Put version for mrm-maven-plugin in property
* Add streamLogsOnFailures to m-invoker-p
* Add property for maven-fluido-skin version
* Setup Apache Matomo analytics
* Downgrade Checkstyle to 9.3. 10.x requires Java 11(ecfb1d1)
* remove requirement to use ssh for github scm devCon
* Require Maven 3.2.5
* [#225] add SHA-512 hashes
* Extract plugin version as variable so child pom can override if needed
* remove issue-tracking as do not exists anymore
* remove cim report as it do not exists anymore
Fri Mar 25 07:56:42 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba <fstrba@suse.com>
- Upgrade to version 60
* Compatible with newer plugins
Sun Mar 17 23:14:57 UTC 2019 - Fridrich Strba <fstrba@suse.com>
- Initial packaging of mojo-parent 40