README.SUSE for monitoring-plugins-ide_smart == Special privileges == To be "safe per default", SUSE doesn't install this plugin with the suid bit set. There are two recommended ways about overriding this on your system: === Set the suid bit === Copy the prepared permissions file from this directory to the right place in your file system: ~ # cp /usr/share/doc/packages/monitoring-plugins/example/permissions.d/monitoring-plugins \ /etc/permissions.d/monitoring-plugins ...afterwards adapt the file /etc/permissions.d/monitoring-plugins to your needs (see comments in the file) and run: ~ # SuSEconfig --module permissions or (on newer openSUSE distributions without SuSEconfig): ~ # chkstat --system --set This will set the correct permissions (from now on also during an update). === Alternative: Use sudo to grant the permission and modify your plugin config === This way you just need an entry like: nagios ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ide_smart in ''/etc/sudoers'' and an adapted command definition like the following: define command{ command_name check_ide_smart command_line /usr/bin/sudo $USER1$/check_ide_smart } == Apparmor profile == Please check /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.nagios.plugins.check_ide_smart if you are using the --extra-opts option. The Apparmor profile allows to open every file below the /etc/monitoring-plugins/ directory read only for this. All files in other directories are not allowed.