------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 31 22:45:47 UTC 2023 - Fridrich Strba - Modified patch: * opa-fmgui-fix-build-for-JDK9-Gradle-3.2.patch + Build with java source/target levels 8 + Fixes building with JDK21 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 11 13:00:04 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba - Do not use the vulnerable log4j-1.2.14, but use the maintained fork reaload4j-1.2.20 that receives security updates ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 11 12:46:41 UTC 2022 - Fridrich Strba - Fix building with JDK17 * This fixes build in Factory and still allows building on other distributions * Do not use gradle for build, but build gritty using simple javac/jar combo and the rest using the ant build.xml file * Add jaxb-api-2.3.1.jar and javax.activation-api-1.2.0.jar to allow building with JDK versions that do not include the JavaEE modules * Remove swingx-testsupport-1.6.5.jar, since that one is only meant to be used for testing the swingx itself and not for distribution - Removed patches: * gradle-use_local_repo.patch + not needed when gradle is not used for building * opa-fmgui-force-loading-java.xml.bind-for-JDK9.patch + not needed since the relevant JavaEE modules are on the classpath ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 10 07:56:00 UTC 2018 - nmoreychaisemartin@suse.com - Update gradle to 4.10.2 for JDK11 support ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 27 13:16:49 UTC 2018 - nmoreychaisemartin@suse.com - Add opa-fmgui-force-loading-java.xml.bind-for-JDK9.patch to allow opa-fmgui to run with JDK9+ (bsc#1090589) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 22 15:07:26 UTC 2017 - mgorse@suse.com - Remove libgnome from BuildRequires; appears to be unused (boo#1067727). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 13 10:14:30 UTC 2017 - nmoreychaisemartin@suse.com - Upgrade gradle to 4.3.1 to support JDK 9.0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 25 14:41:13 UTC 2017 - nmoreychaisemartin@suse.com - Update embedded gradle binaries to 3.2 to support JDK9 - Add opa-fmgui-fix-build-for-JDK9-Gradle-3.2.patch to fix compilation with JDK9 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Sep 10 23:38:22 UTC 2017 - jengelh@inai.de - Replace old $RPM_* shell vars by macros. Fix RPM group. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 5 14:32:45 UTC 2017 - nmoreychaisemartin@suse.com - Update _service to allow auto updates from github ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 8 10:08:04 UTC 2017 - nmoreychaisemartin@suse.com - Add _service - Auto extract patch from upstream tar - Add manifest-version.patch from upstream to fix internal version number. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 17 09:28:18 UTC 2017 - nmoreychaisemartin@suse.com - Add BuildRequires to hicolor-icon-theme in order to enable %icon_theme_cache_post/postun macros ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 5 08:46:46 UTC 2017 - josef.moellers@suse.com - Upgrade to Version This obsoletes Patches 2:opa-fmgui-desktopfile-without-binary.patch and 4:opa-fmgui-fix-detection-of-OpenJDK.patch Added pre-built gradle-2.9 for build phase. Replaced wrong Sun licence by GPLv2-CE as given on https://javahelp.java.net/license.txt [FATE#321477, bsc#989769] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 4 18:35:02 CEST 2016 - ndas@suse.de - Applied patch from Intel to search for 'version' instead of 'java version' so the openJDK can be detected at runtime(bsc#989769). [+ opa-fmgui-fix-detection-of-OpenJDK.patch] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 27 12:39:49 CEST 2016 - ndas@suse.de - Applied patch from Intel and modified the spec file as required(bsc#989769). [+opa-fmgui-intel-manifest-license.patch] * opa-fmgui/opa-fmgui.spec -------------------------- - Updated Version/Release numbers to match opa-fmgui - Changed app folder and name to match installed application name "opa-fmgui" - Removed references to /usr/local/bin; only using /usr/bin - Installed jar files in lib/ folder with correct permissions for all users, not just root - Added reference to patch file to make corrections * opa-fmgui/install/fmgui.sh ---------------------------- - Updated to reference the new folder /usr/share/java/opa-fmgui where the fmgui.jar is stored * opa-fmgui/src/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF ------------------------------------ - Updated to correct reference to Gritty library (gritty.jar not gritty-0.02.jar) * opa-fmgui/util/postsetup.sh ----------------------------- - Fabric.directory was copied from /usr/local/share/desktop-directories, which doesn't exist. Now copying from /usr/share/desktop-directories * License Files --------------- - Added all 3rd party license files since their jar files are being packaged as required by Intel Legal gritty_license.txt hibernate_license.txt hsqldb_license.txt javahelp_license.html javamail_license.txt jfreechart_license.txt jgraphx_license.txt jsch_license.txt logback_license.txt mbassador_license.txt slf4j_license.txt swingx_license.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 21 13:50:53 CEST 2016 - ndas@suse.de - Corrected the version in spec file(bsc#989769). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 1 15:42:13 CEST 2016 - ndas@suse.de - Added mlocate and jre as depended package(bsc#982579). - Fixed desktopfile-without-binary rpm warning. [+opa-fmgui-desktopfile-without-binary.patch] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 12 15:17:02 UTC 2016 - nirmoy.das@suse.com - Initial package version 10_0_0_0_2) for fate#319231