Sync from SUSE:SLFO:Main perl-Test-Warnings revision 04c02b64fcd95aaabe0aaa0a0cdb6f28

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Adrian Schröter 2024-05-03 18:56:42 +02:00
commit 2b21ce1980
5 changed files with 313 additions and 0 deletions

.gitattributes vendored Normal file
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## Default LFS
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Test-Warnings-0.031.tar.gz (Stored with Git LFS) Normal file

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#description_paragraphs: 3
#description: |-
# override description from CPAN
#summary: override summary from CPAN
#no_testing: broken upstream
# - source1
# - source2
# foo.patch: -p1
# bar.patch:
#preamble: |-
# BuildRequires: gcc-c++
#post_prep: |-
# hunspell=`pkg-config --libs hunspell | sed -e 's,-l,,; s, *,,g'`
# sed -i -e "s,hunspell-X,$hunspell," t/00-prereq.t Makefile.PL
#post_build: |-
# rm unused.files
#post_install: |-
# sed on %{name}.files
#license: SUSE-NonFree
#skip_noarch: 1
#custom_build: |-
#./Build build flags=%{?_smp_mflags} --myflag
#custom_test: |-
#startserver && make test
#ignore_requires: Bizarre::Module

perl-Test-Warnings.changes Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
Wed Jul 14 03:06:57 UTC 2021 - Tina Müller <>
- updated to 0.031
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Warnings/Changes
0.031 2021-07-13 22:13:48Z
- remove unneeded develop prereqs that caused metacpan to unduly
raise the river position of some dependent modules
Sun Mar 22 03:11:38 UTC 2020 - <>
- updated to 0.030
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Warnings/Changes
0.030 2020-03-21 16:56:30Z
- fix tests that can fail when there is already an installed module
named Foo::Bar::Baz (RT#132140)
Sun Mar 15 03:15:09 UTC 2020 - <>
- updated to 0.029
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Warnings/Changes
0.029 2020-03-14 05:27:59Z
- new :report_warnings feature, for printing all of the (unexpected)
warning content when had_no_warnings() is called (Tina Mueller, PR#10)
Sun Dec 22 03:12:43 UTC 2019 - <>
- updated to 0.028
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Warnings/Changes
0.028 2019-12-21 20:16:01Z
- allow for calling warnings->import being called after importing
the "warnings" sub
Mon Sep 30 10:47:24 UTC 2019 - <>
- updated to 0.027
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Warnings/Changes
0.027 2019-09-28 03:54:47Z
- new :fail_on_warning feature, for more easily seeing where the
surprising warning appeared during testing
Wed Jan 27 10:43:06 UTC 2016 -
- updated to 0.026
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Warnings/Changes
0.026 2016-01-27 03:13:25Z
- fixed use of modules loaded by t/zzz-check-breaks.t
- fix stderr suppression on perl 5.6
Tue Jan 26 11:01:02 UTC 2016 -
- updated to 0.025
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Warnings/Changes
0.025 2016-01-24 02:59:28Z
- prereqs lowered from required to suggested:
- CPAN::Meta::Check
- CPAN::Meta::Requirements
- tests are now quieter to avoid causing confusion, by suppressing
the printing of stderr in tests
Sat Dec 26 10:18:59 UTC 2015 -
- updated to 0.024
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Warnings/Changes
0.024 2015-12-24 18:44:29Z
- remove diagnostics accidentally left in new test
0.023 2015-12-22 06:44:24Z
- properly handle propagating warnings to previously declared
handlers that are not coderefs (i.e. a sub name, or the magic
0.022 2015-12-19 00:32:42Z
- propagate all warnings to any previously-declared __WARN__
handlers (unlike with __DIE__, merely calling warn() is not
Wed Apr 15 14:53:05 UTC 2015 -
- updated to 0.021
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Warnings/Changes
0.021 2015-03-21 18:48:27Z
- add a x_breaks entry for conflicting versions of File::pushd which
inadvertently call our exported warnings() rather than invoking, and documented this undesired interaction
0.020 2015-01-03 20:32:21Z
- re-release to fix problematic $VERSION declaration (RT#101239)
0.019 2014-12-18 20:07:02Z
- fix test to allow for special characters (e.g. MSWin32 file
separators) in filenames (A. Sinan Unur, PR#7)
0.018 2014-12-17 18:17:30Z
- fix test to not depend on message formatting changes in newer Carp
0.017 2014-12-16 20:17:22Z
- handle other warning handlers passing us partial warning messages
by re-adding the source file and line number
Mon Jul 28 05:30:44 UTC 2014 -
- updated to 0.016
- fix prereq problem with last release - now no longer testing the
example scripts for user installs
0.015 2014-06-20 03:36:33Z
- adjusted packaging and tests to become perl-5.6 friendly,
including only using core or dual-lifed prerequisites
0.014 2014-03-01 22:08:26Z
- fix test that was failing when FOO or BAR environment variables
were set (RT#93447)
0.013 2013-12-14 21:26:06Z
- update configure_requires checking in Makefile.PL
Mon Nov 25 07:38:08 UTC 2013 -
- updated to 0.012
- re-release to fix t/00-report-prereqs.t use of
- unnecessary tests removed; CONTRIBUTING file added
Fri Oct 4 09:14:24 UTC 2013 -
- updated to 0.010
- re-release with fixed compile test
- fixed error in synopsis (we do not export anything by default)
- a caveat added to the documentation regarding embedding warning
checks inside another sub (this is for you, ribasushi!!!)
- ':no_end_test' now also covers side effects of done_testing, as
well as END blocks, making it possible to use the warning(s) subs
without having an end warning test while using done_testing
(necessary when combining with the 'if' pragma)
Mon Aug 5 13:17:56 UTC 2013 -
- fix usage of Module::Build::Tiny
Sat Jul 27 11:58:35 UTC 2013 -
- updated to 0.008
- compile test updated, to hopefully fix mswin32 parsing issues
- fix subtest tests to work on Test::More before 0.95_01
- remove use of Class::Method::Modifiers
- new feature: warnings { code } and warning { code }, for capturing
the contents of warnings for subsequent testing
Tue Jun 4 11:10:31 UTC 2013 -
- initial package 0.004
* created by cpanspec 1.78.06

perl-Test-Warnings.spec Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# spec file for package perl-Test-Warnings
# Copyright (c) 2021 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
%define cpan_name Test-Warnings
Name: perl-Test-Warnings
Version: 0.031
Release: 0
Summary: Test for warnings and the lack of them
License: Artistic-1.0 OR GPL-1.0-or-later
Source1: cpanspec.yml
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: perl
BuildRequires: perl-macros
BuildRequires: perl(Test::More) >= 0.94
BuildRequires: perl(parent)
Requires: perl(parent)
If you've ever tried to use Test::NoWarnings to confirm there are no
warnings generated by your tests, combined with the convenience of
'done_testing' to not have to declare a test count, you'll have discovered
that these two features do not play well together, as the test count will
be calculated _before_ the warnings test is run, resulting in a TAP error.
(See 'examples/' in this distribution for a
This module is intended to be used as a drop-in replacement for
Test::NoWarnings: it also adds an extra test, but runs this test _before_
'done_testing' calculates the test count, rather than after. It does this
by hooking into 'done_testing' as well as via an 'END' block. You can
declare a plan, or not, and things will still Just Work.
It is actually equivalent to:
use Test::NoWarnings 1.04 ':early';
as warnings are still printed normally as they occur. You are safe, and
enthusiastically encouraged, to perform a global search-replace of the
above with 'use Test::Warnings;' whether or not your tests have a plan.
It can also be used as a replacement for Test::Warn, if you wish to test
the content of expected warnings; read on to find out how.
%autosetup -n %{cpan_name}-%{version}
perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor
make test
%files -f %{name}.files
%doc Changes CONTRIBUTING examples README
%license LICENCE