------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 27 12:49:05 UTC 2019 - Tina Mueller - Add custom CC0 license to cpanspec.yml ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 3 11:18:33 UTC 2019 - - updated to 12.0 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth/Changes [Changes for 12.0 - 2018-11-24] * Update to Unicode v12.0.0. [Changes for 1.40 - 2018-11-24] * Fix installation compatibility with Perl 5.26+. * Update to Unicode v11.0.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 17 10:54:15 UTC 2014 - ncutler@suse.com - check license (CC0-1.0 should be OK) - take maintainership