Sync from SUSE:SLFO:Main python-autocommand revision 43bcb4c72bb083cbaea5d5a4f450b8be

This commit is contained in:
Adrian Schröter 2024-05-03 20:10:58 +02:00
commit 073e6acc9e
5 changed files with 133 additions and 0 deletions

.gitattributes vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
## Default LFS
*.7z filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
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*.jar filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
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*.lzma filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.obscpio filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.oxt filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
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*.xz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text

autocommand-2.2.2.tar.gz (Stored with Git LFS) Normal file

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Fri Dec 22 13:12:16 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner <>
- Add setuptools-dynamic-license.patch gh#Lucretiel/autocommand#31
- Build PEP517
Fri Apr 21 12:22:25 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>
- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
Tue Apr 18 23:24:23 UTC 2023 - Matej Cepl <>
- Switch to single spec version build for PSP
Mon Jan 2 18:37:36 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>
- update to 2.2.2:
* fix reference to old readme
* switch to https in LICENSE
* fix out of date patterns in autocommand
- drop autocommand-fixtests.patch (upstream)
Wed Jul 13 14:36:43 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner <>
- initial specfile for v2.2.1
- Add autocommand-fixtests.patch gh#Lucretiel/autocommand#20
- Required by pip-run

python-autocommand.spec Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# spec file for package python-autocommand
# Copyright (c) 2023 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
Name: python-autocommand
Version: 2.2.2
Release: 0
Summary: A library to create a command-line program from a function
License: LGPL-3.0-only
# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM setuptools-dynamic-license.patch gh#Lucretiel/autocommand#31
Patch0: setuptools-dynamic-license.patch
BuildRequires: %{python_module base >= 3.7}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pip}
BuildRequires: %{python_module pytest}
BuildRequires: %{python_module setuptools}
BuildRequires: %{python_module wheel}
BuildRequires: fdupes
BuildRequires: python-rpm-macros
BuildArch: noarch
Autocommand turns a function into a command-line program. It converts the function's parameter
signature into command-line arguments, and automatically runs the function if the module was
called as __main__. In effect, it lets your create a smart main function.
%autosetup -p1 -n autocommand-%{version}
%python_expand %fdupes %{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib}
%files %{python_files}
%license LICENSE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff -ur autocommand-2.2.2.orig/pyproject.toml autocommand-2.2.2/pyproject.toml
--- autocommand-2.2.2.orig/pyproject.toml 2023-12-22 14:09:47.546319795 +0100
+++ autocommand-2.2.2/pyproject.toml 2023-12-22 14:11:30.299252276 +0100
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
+dynamic = [ "license" ]
"Homepage" = ""