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Wed Jan 8 08:59:00 UTC 2025 - Daniel Garcia <daniel.garcia@suse.com>
- Add patch to do not depend on pyarrow for tests: 0001-Make-pyarrow-dependency-optional-for-tests.patch
- Update to 8.17.0:
* Allow simsimd again on Python 3.13 (#2722)
* Update APIs:
- Mark all Inference APIs as stable.
- Add allow_partial_search_results to the Open Point in Time API
- Add keep_alive to the Get async search status API
- Remove the keep_alive, pre_filter_shard_size and scroll parameters from the Submit async search API. They were never supported.
- Add master_timeout and timeout to all autoscaling policy APIs
- Add master_timeout to the Alias exists and Get alias APIs
- Add list_executed_pipelines and require_data_stream to Bulk API
- Add include_model_definition to Get trained models API
- Add meta to Create data frame analytics API
- Add aggs to Create datafeeds API
- Add allow_no_indices, expand_wildcards, ignore_throttled and ignore_unavailable to Create anomaly detection jobs API
- 8.16.0:
* Support Python 3.13 (#2680)
* Emit Python warnings for beta and tech preview APIs (#2675).
* Vectorstore: use a retriever query for hybrid search (#2666)
* Allow retries for statuses other than 429 in streaming bulk (#2071, contributed by @ayayron)
* Make BulkIndexError and ScanError serializable (#2669, contributed by @seagrine)
* Fix import when trace is missing from opentelemetry package (#2694, contributed by @nicoloboschi)
* Update APIs:
- Fix nodes parameter in Task management API (contributed by @margaretpearce)
- Add Test query rule API
- Add Create Cross-Cluster API key and Update Cross-Cluster API key APIs
- Add experimental Verify snapshot repository API
- Add data_stream_name and settings to Delete auto-follow pattern API
- Add max_samples_per_key to Get async EQL status API
- Add lifecycle and remove unused data_retention and downsampling parameters from Put data stream lifecycle API
- Add include_remotes and remove flat_settings from Cluster stats API
- Add remote_indices to Create or update application privileges and Create or update roles APIs
- 8.15.1:
* Fix OTel context loss in parallel bulk helper (#2616)
* Use request converter to generate python examples (#2645)
* Add Geoip database configuration APIs: Create or update, Get and Delete
* Add q parameter to Update by Query API
* Add allow_no_indices and ignore_unavailable parameters to Resolve index API
- 8.15.0:
* Added the Connector API (#2623)
* Added support for semantic_text and semantic query.
* Added support for sequences of job id, model id and tags where applicable in ML APIs
* Added dry_run and force parameters to the Perform inference API
* Added optional Arrow deserialization support (#2632)
* Merged Query Ruleset API into new Query Rules API (#2607)
* Added mapping code examples (#2596)
* Fixed reference docs (#2629)
* Dropped Python 3.7 support (#2618)
- 8.14.0:
* Fixed node_pool_class override (#2581, contributed by @tallakh)
* Added retriever to the Search API
* Added deprecated and removed allow_auto_create from the Create or update component template API
* Added allow_auto_create, cause, deprecated, ignore_missing_component_templates and master_timeout to the Create or update index template API
* Added cause, removed flat_settings and timeout from the Create or update index template legacy API
* Removed various unsupported parameters from the Simulate index API
* Added various supported paramters to the Simulate index template API
* Added the completion and rerank task types to the Inference APIs
* Added the query and timeout parameters to the Perform inference API
* Added typed_keys to the Search Application Search API
* Added with_profile_uid to the Get API key information and Query API key information APIs
- 8.13.2:
* Added the ml.update_trained_model_deployment API
* Marked Requests 2.32.2 as incompatible with the Elasticsearch client
- 8.13.1:
* Added force_synthetic_source to the Get API
* Added wait_for_completion to the Create trained model API
* Added typed_keys to the Query API key information API
- 8.13.0:
* Added native OpenTelemetry support (#2435)
* Added optional orjson (a fast, correct JSON library) serialization support (#2493)
* Added the text_structure.test_grok_pattern API
* Added the indices.resolve_cluster API
* Renamed the model_id parameter to inference_id in the inference APIs
* Changed all synonyms APIs from experimental to stable.
* Fixed API key documentation (#2477, contributed by @iuliaferoli)
- 8.12.1:
* Fixed but deprecated parameter aliases in body parameter (#2427)
* Added mappings and bulk to quickstart page (#2417)
Wed Jan 8 08:55:50 UTC 2025 - Daniel Garcia <daniel.garcia@suse.com>
- Skip some flaky tests that fails in OBS build
Sat Jan 20 12:38:49 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 8.12.0:
* Dropped support for Python 3.6
* Allowed unrestricted `body` parameter again (see #2383 for
* Added the Inference APIs
* Added the ES|QL API
* Added `active_only` parameter to `security.get_api_key` API
* Added `expiration` parameter to `security.update_api_key` API
Wed Dec 27 10:02:59 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 8.11.1:
* Added missing `role_templates` to `security.put_role_mapping`
* Added interactive examples page to documentation
* Changed API reference to have one page per sub-client
Mon Nov 27 18:55:59 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 8.11.0:
* Added support for Python 3.12
* Added missing `scores` parameter to create trained model
vocabulary API
* Added missing `delete_dest_index` parameter to delete
transform API
* Removed deprecation warnings when using `body` parameter
* Fixed some type hints to use covariant Sequence instead of
invariant List (#2324, #2325)
Mon Oct 2 10:27:22 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 8.10.0:
* Add the Query rules APIs
* Add the Synonyms APIs
Fri Sep 1 16:36:50 UTC 2023 - Matej Cepl <mcepl@suse.com>
- Update to 8.9.0:
Number of changes is so large, that I suggest looking at it at
- Remove upstreamed python-elasticsearch-no-nose.patch and
Fri Apr 21 12:24:36 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
- Remove upstreamed python-elasticsearch-no-mock.patch.
Thu Apr 13 22:41:05 UTC 2023 - Matej Cepl <mcepl@suse.com>
- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
Tue Oct 18 10:04:37 UTC 2022 - Matej Cepl <mcepl@suse.com>
- Revert back to 7.6.0. elasticsearch-dsl is not compatible with
8.* releases (gh#elastic/elasticsearch-dsl-py#1569).
- Add python-elasticsearch-no-nose.patch to replace sed call in
SPEC file.
Thu Aug 18 16:35:28 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner <code@bnavigator.de>
- Update to 8.3.3
* Client is compatible with Elasticsearch 8.3.3
- Release 8.3.2
+ Security
* Added the refresh parameter to the
security.create_service_token API.
- Release 8.3.1
+ Security
* Added the experimental security.has_privileges_user_profile
* Added the hint parameter to the experimental
security.suggest_user_profiles API
- Release 8.3.0
* Client is compatible with Elasticsearch 8.3.0
- Release 8.2.3
+ Documents
* Added the routing parameter to the msearch API.
* Added the cat.component_templates API.
+ Ingest
* Added the if_version parameter to the ingest.put_pipeline
+ Security
* Changed the name parameter for the
security.create_service_token API from required to optional.
* Added the refresh parameter to the
security.create_service_token API.
* Changed the name of access parameter to the labels parameter
in the security.update_user_profile_data API.
+ Shutdown
* Added the timeout and master_timeout parameters to the
shutdown.get_node, shutdown.delete_node, and
shutdown.put_node APIs.
* Added the reason, type, allocation_delay, and
target_node_name parameters to the shutdown.put_node API.
- Release 8.2.2
* Client is compatible with Elasticsearch 8.2.2
- Release 8.2.1
+ Machine Learning
* Added the inference_config parameter to the
ml.infer_trained_model_deployment API
- Release 8.2.0
+ Client
* Re-introduced support for passing requests.auth.BaseAuth
objects to the http_auth parameter which was available in
+ Search
* Added the filter parameter to the experimental knn_search API
+ Documents
* Changed the source and dest parameters for the reindex API
from optional to required
+ Indices
* Added the indices.field_usage_stats API
* Added the indices.modify_data_stream API
* Added the fields and types parameters to the field_caps API
* Added the ignore_unvailable parameter to the
open_point_in_time API
* Added the master_timeout and timeout parameters to the
indices.delete API
* Added the features parameter to the indices.get API
+ Machine Learning
* Added the ml.get_memory_stats API
+ Migrations
* Added the migrations.get_feature_upgrade_status API
* Added the migrations.post_feature_upgrade API
+ Nodes
* Added the nodes.clear_repositories_metering_archive API
* Added the nodes.get_repositories_metering_info API
+ Security
* Added the beta security.activate_user_profile API
* Added the beta security.disable_user_profile API
* Added the beta security.enable_user_profile API
* Added the beta security.get_user_profile API
* Added the beta security.suggest_user_profiles API
* Added the beta security.update_user_profile_data API
* Added the catalog, index_using_frozen, keep_alive,
keep_on_completion, runtime_mappings, and
wait_for_completion_timeout parameters to the sql.query API
- Release 8.1.2
* Client is compatible with Elasticsearch 8.1.2
- Release 8.1.1
+ Documents
* Changed the source and dest parameters of the reindex API to
be required.
+ Mappings
* Changed the fields parameter of the field_caps API to be
- Release 8.1.0
+ Transforms
* Added the transform.reset_transform API
- Release 8.0.0
+ Added
* Added the top-level .options() method to Elasticsearch and
AsyncElasticsearch for modifying transport options.
* Added parameters corresponding to JSON request body fields
for all APIs
* Added basic_auth parameter for specifying username and
password authentication
* Added bearer_auth parameter for specifying an HTTP bearer
token or service token
* Added the meta property to ApiError to access the HTTP
response metadata of an error.
* Added a check that a compatible version of the
elastic-transport package is installed.
* Changed
* Changed the transport layer to use the elastic-transport
* Changed user-defined body parameters to have semantic names
(e.g index(document={...}) instead of index(body={...})).
* Changed responses to be objects with two properties, meta for
response metadata (HTTP status, headers, node, etc) and body
for a typed body.
* Changed AsyncElasticsearch to always be available, regardless
of whether aiohttp is installed
* Changed exception hierarchy, the major change is a new
exception ApiError which differentiates between an error
that’s raised from the transport layer (previously
elasticsearch.exceptions.TransportError, now
elastic_transport.TransportError) and one raised from the API
* Changed the name of JSONSerializer to JsonSerializer for
consistency with other serializer names. Added an alias to
the old name for backwards compatibility
* Changed the default mimetypes (application/json) to instead
use compatibility mimetypes
(application/vnd.elasticsearch+json) which always request for
responses compatibility with version 8.x.
+ Removed
* Removed support for Python 2.7 and Python 3.5, the library
now supports only Python 3.6+
* Removed the elasticsearch.connection module as all
functionality has been moved to the elastic-transport package
* Removed the default URL of http://localhost:9200 due to
Elasticsearch 8.0 default configuration being
https://localhost:9200. The client’s connection to
Elasticsearch now must be specified with scheme, host, and
port or with the cloud_id parameter
* Removed the ability to use positional arguments with API
methods. Going forward all API parameters must be
keyword-only parameters
* Removed the doc_type, include_type_name, and copy_settings
parameters from many document and index APIs
+ Deprecated
* Deprecated the body and params parameters on all APIs
* Deprecated setting transport options http_auth, api_key,
ignore, request_timeout, headers, and opaque_id All of these
settings should instead be set via the .options() method
* Deprecated the elasticsearch.transport and
elasticsearch.client modules. These modules will be removed
in a future version
* Removed the deprecated local parameter from the cat.indices,
cat.nodes, cat.shards API
* Removed the deprecated allow_no_datafeeds parameter from the
cat.ml_datafeeds API
* Removed the deprecated allow_no_jobs parameter from the
cat.ml_jobs API
* Removed the deprecated size parameter from the
cat.thread_pool API
* Added the time parameter to the cat.thread_pool API
+ Documents
* Removed the deprecated size parameter from the
delete_by_query API
* Removed the deprecated size parameter from the
update_by_query API
+ Indices
* Removed the deprecated indices.flush_synced API
* Removed the deprecated indices.freeze API
* Removed the deprecated indices.get_upgrade API
* Removed the deprecated indices.upgrade API
* Removed the deprecated indices.exist_type API
* Removed the deprecated parameter copy_settings from the
indices.shrink API
* Deprecated the verbose parameter of the indices.segments API
+ License / X-Pack
* Deprecated the accept_enterprise parameter of the license.get
* Deprecated the accept_enterprise parameter of the xpack.info
+ Machine Learning
* Added the experimental ml.infer_trained_model_deployment API
* Added the experimental ml.put_trained_model_definition_part
* Added the experimental ml.put_trained_model_vocabulary API
* Added the experimental ml.start_trained_model_deployment API
* Added the experimental ml.stop_trained_model_deployment API
* Added the timeout parameter to the ml.delete_trained_model
* Removed the deprecated allow_no_jobs parameter from the
ml.close_job API
* Removed the deprecated ml.find_text_structure API
* Removed the deprecated allow_no_datafeeds parameter from the
ml.get_datafeed_stats API
* Removed the deprecated allow_no_datafeeds parameter from the
ml.get_datafeeds API
* Removed the deprecated allow_no_jobs parameter from the
ml.get_job_stats API
* Removed the deprecated allow_no_jobs parameter from the
ml.get_jobs API
* Removed the deprecated allow_no_jobs parameter from the
ml.get_overall_buckets API
+ Search
* Added the experimental knn_search API
* Searchable Snapshots
* Removed the deprecated searchable_snapshots.repository_stats
+ Snapshots
* Changed the snapshot.delete API to accept multiple snapshots
+ Security
* Added the security.enroll_kibana API
* Added the security.enroll_node API
Mon May 23 12:08:05 UTC 2022 - pgajdos@suse.com
- do not require python-mock for build
- added patches
fix https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-py/issues/1983
+ python-elasticsearch-no-mock.patch
Sun Aug 16 12:33:29 UTC 2020 - John Vandenberg <jayvdb@gmail.com>
- Replace nose with pytest
- Remove %bcond_without test
- Tidy spec
Mon Apr 6 07:52:26 UTC 2020 - Marketa Calabkova <mcalabkova@suse.com>
- Update to 7.6.0
* Added support for ES 7.6 APIs
* Added support for `X-Opaque-Id`_ to identify long-running tasks
* Added support for HTTP compression to ``RequestsHttpConnection``
* Updated default setting of ``http_compress`` when using ``cloud_id`` to ``True``
* Updated default setting of ``sniffing`` when using ``cloud_id`` to ``False``
* Updated default port to ``443`` if ``cloud_id`` and no other port is defined
on the client or within ``cloud_id``
* Fix regression of ``client.cluster.state()`` where the default ``metric``
should be set to ``"_all"`` if an index is given (See `#1143`_)
* Fix regression of ``client.tasks.get()`` without a ``task_id``
having similar functionality to ``client.tasks.list()`` This will
be removed in ``v8.0`` of ``elasticsearch-py`` (See `#1157`_)
Mon Mar 2 15:39:59 UTC 2020 - Marketa Calabkova <mcalabkova@suse.com>
- Update to 7.5.1
* All API is now auto generated
* deprecated the .xpack namespace
* Update client to support ES 7.5 APIs
* Fix sniffing with http.publish_host
* Fix request_timeout for indices APIs
* Allow access to x-pack features without xpack namespace
* Fix verify_certs=False
Fri Sep 13 08:03:22 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <tchvatal@suse.com>
- Update to 7.0.4:
* remove sleep in retries
* pass scroll_id through body in scroll
* add user-agent
Fri Jun 7 09:21:34 UTC 2019 - Marketa Calabkova <mcalabkova@suse.com>
- update to 7.0.2
* Add connection parameter for Elastic Cloud cloud_id
* ML client uses client object for _bulk_body requests
* Blocking pool must fit thread_count
* Update client to support missing ES 7 API's and query params.
* Removed deprecated option update_all_types
* Using insecure SSL configuration (verify_cert=False) raises a
warning, this can be not showed with ssl_show_warn=False
* Add support for 7.x api's in Elasticsearch
Thu Jan 10 13:18:55 UTC 2019 - Thomas Bechtold <tbechtold@suse.com>
- update to 6.3.1:
* Removed deprecated option ``update_all_types``.
* Pass retry object instead of False in urllib3
* Add support for `allow_partial_search_results`
* Deprecate `update_all_types`
* Add an exponential wait on delays
* Fix issues with dependencies
* Adding X-pack Docs
* Adding forecast to x-pack ML client
* cleanup for SSL Context
* Add X-Pack clients to -py
* Adding Gzip support for capacity constrained networks
* ``_routing`` in bulk action has been deprecated in ES. Introduces a breaking change
if you use ``routing`` as a field in your documents.
* Updates to SSLContext logic to make it easier to use and have saner defaults.
* Doc updates
* bad release
Tue Dec 4 12:47:36 UTC 2018 - Matej Cepl <mcepl@suse.com>
- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
Thu Nov 23 15:32:45 UTC 2017 - mimi.vx@gmail.com
- fix Source url, use pypi package
Thu Nov 23 13:27:11 UTC 2017 - kkaempf@suse.com
- Update to 6.0.0
* compatibility with Elasticsearch 6.0.0
Thu Oct 19 00:43:55 UTC 2017 - toddrme2178@gmail.com
- Implement single-spec version
- Update to version 5.4.0
* see changelog at https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-py/blob/5.4.0/Changelog.rst
Tue Feb 14 20:34:21 UTC 2017 - jengelh@inai.de
- Remove hypothetical wording from description
Mon Feb 13 08:47:46 UTC 2017 - tbechtold@suse.com
- update to 5.2.0:
* The client now automatically sends ``Content-Type`` http header set to
``application/json``. If you are explicitly passing in other encoding than
``json`` you need to set the header manually.
* Fixed sniffing
* Fixed performance regression in ``scan`` helper
* when using SSL certificate validation is now on by default. Install
``certifi`` or supply root certificate bundle.
* ``elasticsearch.trace`` logger now also logs failed requests, signature of
internal logging method ``log_request_fail`` has changed, all custom
connection classes need to be updated
* added ``headers`` arg to connections to support custom http headers
* passing in a keyword parameter with ``None`` as value will cause that param
to be ignored
Thu Jan 19 23:36:29 UTC 2017 - dmueller@suse.com
- update to 2.4.0:
* increase default size for ``scan`` helper to 1000
* added ``client_key`` argument to configure client certificates
* debug logging now includes response body even for failed requests
* Elasticsearch 2.0 compatibility release
* removed thrift and memcached connections, if you wish to continue using
those, extract the classes and use them separately.
* added a new, parallel version of the bulk helper using thread pools
* In helpers, removed ``bulk_index`` as an alias for ``bulk``. Use ``bulk``
* thrift now deprecated, to be removed in future version
* make sure urllib3 always uses keep-alive
Wed Apr 29 13:15:43 UTC 2015 - tbechtold@suse.com
- Initial packaging