------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Dec 17 02:23:35 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller - update to 0.7.1: * Move to jsonschema-path package #292 * Validator accepts any schema (schema dictionary or SchemaPath) #293 * `validate` and `validate_url` shortcuts #294 * `validate_spec` shortcut in deprecated. Use`validate` instead. * `validate_spec_url` shortcut is deprecated. Use `validate_url` instead. - update to 0.7.0: * Allow validate multiple files (also with pre-commit hook) * Validators and keywords refactor #286 * Python 3.12 support #290 * Bump docker image python from 3.11.5-alpine to 3.12.0-alpine * `openapi_*_spec_validator` objects are deprecated. Use `*SpecValidator` classes instead. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jul 29 21:54:21 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner - Update requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 25 06:08:29 UTC 2023 - Steve Kowalik - Update to 0.6.0: * Compatibility with jsonschema 4.18, jsonschema-spec 0.2 and openapi-schema-validator 0.6 #202 * spec_url parameter of spec validator is deprecated. Use base_uri instead. #202 * Drop python 3.7 support #226 * Update SupportsValidation protocol #232 * allow path item ref fix #210 * openapi 3.1 schema update #213 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 13 12:11:25 UTC 2023 - ecsos - Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 9 19:10:07 UTC 2023 - Ben Greiner - Update to 0.5.6 * Fix typo in server variables schema for OpenAPI 3.1.0 #198 * Include tests in sdist archives #199 * jsonschema 4.17 dependency limit #203 * add python 3.11 support #204 - Release 0.5.5 * update openapi-schema-validator dependecy #194 - Release 0.5.4 * schema properties validation recursion fix #193 - Release 0.5.3 * fix custom format checker not found test #190 * fix property missing reference validation #191 - Release 0.5.2 * Use stdlib importlib.resources on python >= 3.9 #174 * mypy typing module version fix #181 * Drop no longer used runtime dependency on PyYAML #180 * allow openapi-schema-validator 0.4 #187 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 25 20:05:16 UTC 2022 - Matej Cepl - Remove conditional definition of python_module. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 5 05:23:42 UTC 2022 - Steve Kowalik - Update to 0.5.1: * Responses schema validation #177 * detect spec schema version #167 * static types and Mypy static type check #168 * tests mark network #169 * schemas and validators lazy loading proxy #170 - Drop patch openapi-spec-validator-skip-urls.patch, fixed by upstream by markers. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 28 15:10:50 UTC 2022 - pgajdos@suse.com - version update to 0.4.0 * Drop Python 2.7, 3.5 and 3.6 support #137 * Add Python 3.10 support #137 * Bump dependency upper bounds #137 * Drop pyrsistent direct dependency #142 * Use valid licence registry identifier for Apache-2.0 licence #139 * add setuptools dependency for pkg_resources, sort deps #141 * On validation error: add cause and context. #129 * Switch to poetry and update dependencies #136 * File handler Windows compatibility fix (#122) * Recurse references in validation (#125) * A $ref may be a property name fix (#124) * Latest spec 3.0 schema (#110) * Switched to using requests rather than direct use of urllib3 (#93) * Handlers timeout param fix (#107) * Detect duplicate operationId fix (#109) * Repair default and $ref issue (#91) - python-mock is not required for build - modified patches % openapi-spec-validator-skip-urls.patch (refreshed) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 21 11:31:22 UTC 2020 - John Vandenberg - Update to v0.2.9: * Added description to setup.py ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 23 10:32:07 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal - Fix build without python2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 11 08:33:01 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 0.2.8: * no upstream changelog ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 3 11:11:08 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 0.2.7: * Replace pathlib with pathlib2 (#68) * Bump PyYAML to 5.1 for CVE-2017-18342 (#69) * Support jsonschema 3 (#72) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 10 14:31:25 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal - Fix fdupes call ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 8 14:52:28 UTC 2018 - jengelh@inai.de - Use noun phrase in summary. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 8 11:31:08 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Add patch to disable tests that poke live URL: * openapi-spec-validator-skip-urls.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 8 11:15:20 UTC 2018 - tchvatal@suse.com - Switch to github tarball to run tests - Fix runtime deps ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 30 16:24:46 UTC 2018 - sean.marlow@suse.com - Initial release v0.2.4