------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 4 10:45:54 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller - update to 2023.7: * Fix compatability with Sphinx 7.1 * Enable the slash keypress to focus the search field * Sphinx 6.2 fix: add ``nav.contents`` where ``div.topic`` is used * Dark mode: fix contrast for C++ specific styling (#133) * Don't let long code literals extend beyond the right side of the screen * Test with Python 3.12 * Add a dark theme. * Fix: Remove searchbox id from form. * Update ``python-docs-theme`` to work with Sphinx 5 & 6. * Override font for ``.sig`` for consistency with other code blocks. * Dark mode: add class to invert image brightness. * Skip cache-busting for old Sphinx * Fix problem with monospace rendering in Vivaldi * Fix mobile nav obstructing content * Reduce footer margin only for desktop * Append a hash ?digest to CSS files for cache-busting ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 19 23:41:38 UTC 2022 - Matej Cepl - Update to 2022.1: - Add a configuration for license URL. - Exclude the floating navbar from CHM help. - Make sidebar scrollable and sticky (on modern browsers) - Fix monospace again, on buggy Google Chrome - Add the copyright_url variable in the theme - Improve readability - Remove #searchbox on mobile to fix a layout bug - Fix the appearance of version/language selects - Make the theme responsive - Use default pygments theme - Test Github action to validate the theme against docsbuild scripts. - Add the copy button to pycon3 highlighted code blocks. - Updated the readme, to remind user to install the package in a virtual environment. - Updated the package url, using the GitHub repository instead of docs.python.org - Added license information to the footer of the doc - Fixed typo in the footer - Added information on how to use the package - Fixed code formatting - Fixed code bgcolor and codetextcolor for Sphinx 3.1.0+ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 20 12:50:54 UTC 2020 - pgajdos@suse.com - version update to 2020.1 * no upstream changelog found ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 10 14:04:52 UTC 2019 - Matej Cepl - Initial packaging effort for 2018.7 version.