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# Macros for Qt6 packages
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Provides the following macros:
# %%cmake_qt6
# Runs CMake using the default paths for Qt6 packages
# %%qt6_build
# Builds the project with the selected build tool
# %%qt6_install
# Installs the project once built
# %%qt6_use_make
# Use 'make' instead of 'ninja' for building
# Alternatively, you can add the following line in your spec file:
# %%global %%__qt6_build_tool make
# %%qt6_build_docs
# Build the documentation for the package
# %%qt6_install_docs
# Install the generated documentation
# %%qt6_doc_packages
# Creates documentation packages.
# When using this macro, two subpackages will be defined for
# qch and html docs.
# See below for details about documentation packages
# %%qt6_examples_package
# If the package you're building contains examples, this macro
# will create a -examples subpackages and handle the installed
# files.
# %%qt6_link_executables
# Executables are installed in %%{_qt6_bindir}.
# To avoid conflicts with older versions, symlinks are created
# in %%{_bindir} with the '6' suffix.
# You may call this macro in your %install section to create the
# links.
# %%qmake6
# Configure a project using qmake
# %%qmake6_build
# Builds a project configured using the %%qmake6 macro
# %%qmake6_install
# Installs a project configured using the %%qmake6 macro
# Notes about documentation packages:
# There are different ways to create documentation packages.
# NOTE: all methods described below need a 'BuildRequires: qt6-tools'
# line.
# Method #1: Build flavors (recommended)
# The build service allows building different packages with a
# single spec file.
# Create a _multibuild file containing:
# <multibuild>
# <flavor>docs</flavor>
# </multibuild>
# Add this to the spec file header, add:
# %global qt6_flavor @BUILD_FLAVOR@%{nil}
# The following code shall be added after the other build requirements:
# %if "%qt6_flavor" == "docs"
# BuildRequires: qt6-tools
# %{qt6_doc_packages}
# %endif
# This will ensure the 'qt6-tools' package is installed for building
# documentation and also define and populate the two documentation
# subpackages.
# Two commands are available to disable parts of the spec file that are
# not needed when building the 'docs' flavor:
# %if %{qt6_docs_flavor} : true if the docs flavor is built
# %if !%{qt6_docs_flavor} : true if the docs flavor is not built
# (note the position of the '!' sign)
# They shall be used to ignore:
# - non-docs packages descriptions
# - post-install actions
# - %files sections
# Method #2: doc subpackage
# Create a spec file for the documentation package.
# The %%qt6_doc_packages macro will create the %%package and
# %%files sections for both the QCH and HTML documentation
# packages.
# The %%qt6_build_docs and %%qt6_install_docs macros will
# respectively replace the %%qt6_build and %%qt6_install
# invokations.
# When using a documentation subpackage, it is recommended to copy
# the 'BuildRequires' and '%%bcond' lines from the main package
# spec file.
# Example:
# In qt6-svg-docs.spec, use %%qt6_doc_packages, %%qt6_build_docs
# and %%qt6_install_docs.
# 2 subpackages will be defined (qt6-svg-docs-html and qt6-svg-docs-qch)
# and the respective %files sections will be populated automatically.
%qt6_docs_flavor ("%qt6_flavor" == "docs")
# Default paths
%__qt6_sourcedir .
%__qt6_builddir build
# Use 'ninja' by default.
# Alternative: Use the %%qt6_use_make macro
%__qt6_build_tool %__ninja
# Default build type
%__qt6_build_type RelWithDebInfo
# Module name (without the 'qt6-' prefix)
%__qt6_module_name %(echo %{name} | cut -d'-' -f2)
# _qt6_<variable> shall be used in files sections
%_qt6_prefix %{_prefix}
%_qt6_libdir %{_libdir}
%_qt6_libexecdir %{_libexecdir}/qt6
%_qt6_includedir %{_includedir}/qt6
%_qt6_sharedir %{_datadir}
%_qt6_archdatadir %{_qt6_libdir}/qt6
%_qt6_bindir %{_qt6_archdatadir}/bin
%_qt6_examplesdir %{_qt6_archdatadir}/examples
%_qt6_importsdir %{_qt6_archdatadir}/imports
%_qt6_mkspecsdir %{_qt6_archdatadir}/mkspecs
%_qt6_pluginsdir %{_qt6_archdatadir}/plugins
%_qt6_qmldir %{_qt6_archdatadir}/qml
%_qt6_testsdir %{_qt6_archdatadir}/tests
%_qt6_datadir %{_qt6_sharedir}/qt6
%_qt6_docdir %{_qt6_sharedir}/doc/qt6
%_qt6_descriptionsdir %{_qt6_datadir}/modules
%_qt6_translationsdir %{_qt6_datadir}/translations
# Use %%{_sysconfdir}/xdg if %%{_distconfdir} is undefined
%_qt6_sysconfdir %{?_distconfdir:%{_distconfdir}/xdg}%{!?_distconfdir:%{_sysconfdir}/xdg}
# Variables only used for packaging
%_qt6_cmakedir %{_qt6_libdir}/cmake
%_qt6_metatypesdir %{_qt6_archdatadir}/metatypes
%_qt6_pkgconfigdir %{_qt6_libdir}/pkgconfig
%qt6_use_make %global __qt6_build_tool %__make
# Due to how gcc-pie is packaged, the PIE flags are only
# recognized by the default compiler (boo#1195628)
# We can't rely on the check_pie_supported() function. That's
%cmake_qt6 \
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=%{__qt6_build_type} \\\
-S %__qt6_sourcedir \\\
-B %__qt6_builddir \\\
%if "%__qt6_build_tool" == "%__ninja" \
-GNinja \\\
%else \
-G"Unix Makefiles" \\\
%endif \
%if 0%{?suse_version} == 1500 \
%endif \
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING="%{optflags}" \\\
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING="%{optflags}" \\\
-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS:STRING="-Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-undefined" \\\
-DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS:STRING="-Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-undefined" \\\
-DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS:STRING="-Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-undefined"
%__qt6_build_options %__qt6_builddir %{?_smp_mflags}
%qt6_build \
%if %{qt6_docs_flavor} \
%{qt6_build_docs} \
%else \
cmake --build %{__qt6_build_options} -v \
# The tools used to build building qch docs need to find
# the 'minimal' QPA plugin and the path to the sqlite plugin location
%qt6_build_docs \
export QT_QPA_PLUGIN_PATH="%{_qt6_pluginsdir}/platforms" \
export QT_PLUGIN_PATH="%{_qt6_pluginsdir}" \
cmake --build %{__qt6_build_options} -t docs \
# Note: The 'ninja' generator doesn't create 'install/fast' targets.
%qt6_install \
%if %{qt6_docs_flavor} \
%{qt6_install_docs} \
%else \
DESTDIR=%{buildroot} cmake --build %{__qt6_build_options} -v \\\
%if "%__qt6_build_tool" == "%__make" \
-t install/fast \
%else \
-t install \
%endif \
%qt6_install_docs \
DESTDIR=%{buildroot} cmake --build %{__qt6_build_options} -t install_docs \
# in Qt 6.0.0, %%{_qt6_docdir}/*.qch are folders which contain \
# files with the same name. \
# Starting with 6.0.1, the file is installed in %%{_qt6_docdir} directly. \
# We need a %%pre scriptlet to remove the old folder before upgrading. \
_current_dir=`pwd` \
pushd %{buildroot}%{_qt6_docdir} \
for qch_file in *.qch ; do \
echo "if [ -d %{_qt6_docdir}/${qch_file} ] ; then rm -r %{_qt6_docdir}/${qch_file} ; fi" >> ${_current_dir}/qch.pre \
done \
popd \
%qt6_link_executables \
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir} \
pushd %{buildroot}%{_qt6_bindir} \
for i in * ; do \
ln -s %{_qt6_bindir}/$i %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/${i}6 \
done \
popd \
# The %%qt6_doc_packages macro shall produce packages with
# correct names if invoked in qt6-foo-docs.spec but also if
# called from qt6-foo.spec
%__qt6_doc_package_name qt6-%{__qt6_module_name}-docs
%qt6_doc_packages \
%package -n %{__qt6_doc_package_name}-html \
Summary: Documentation for qt6-%{__qt6_module_name} in HTML format \
License: GFDL-1.3-or-later \
%description -n %{__qt6_doc_package_name}-html \
This package contains documentation for qt6-%{__qt6_module_name} in HTML format. \
%package -n %{__qt6_doc_package_name}-qch \
Summary: Documentation for qt6-%{__qt6_module_name} in QCH format \
License: GFDL-1.3-or-later \
%description -n %{__qt6_doc_package_name}-qch \
This package contains documentation for qt6-%{__qt6_module_name} in QCH format. \
%pre -n %{__qt6_doc_package_name}-qch -f qch.pre \
%files -n %{__qt6_doc_package_name}-html \
%dir %{_qt6_docdir} \
%{_qt6_docdir}/* \
%exclude %{_qt6_docdir}/*.qch \
%files -n %{__qt6_doc_package_name}-qch \
%dir %{_qt6_docdir} \
%{_qt6_docdir}/*.qch \
%qt6_examples_package \
%package examples \
Summary: Examples for the %{name} modules \
%description examples \
Examples for the %{name} modules. \
%files examples \
%{_qt6_examplesdir}/* \
# qmake still exists in Qt6
%__qt6_qmake %{_qt6_bindir}/qmake
%qmake6 \
%__qt6_qmake \\\
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS %{optflags}" \\\
QMAKE_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS %{optflags}" \\\
QMAKE_LFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-undefined"
%qmake6_build \
%{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} VERBOSE=1
%qmake6_install \
%{__make} INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot} install