.TH cputype 1 "April 2014" "s390-tools" .SH NAME cputype \- Based on the IBM machine model, returns a (hopefully) human understandable string that identifies the processor. .SH SYNOPSIS .B cputype .SH DESCRIPTION .B cputype is intended to make it easy to find out the type of the mainframe system in use, by examining /proc/cpuinfo and converting that to the name typically known by people familiar with the IBM mainframe. .SH PARAMETERS .IP None .SH FILES .I /proc/cpuinfo .RS Read to determine the IBM machine model for the running system. .RE .SH DIAGNOSTICS The following messages may be issued on stderr: .IP .B This command is only useful on IBM mainframes. .RS The command was executed on a system that is running on a non-IBM mainframe architecture. Return code 1 is set. .RE .IP .B I couldn't find the machine type. Please report a bug with this output: .RS The contents of /proc/cpuinfo are printed as well as the output from the grep command used. Return code 2 is set. .RE .IP .B The machine type came out null. Please report a bug with this output: .RS The contents of /proc/cpuinfo are printed. Return code 3 is set. .RE .IP .B An unknown machine type was reported: mmmm .RS .B Please file a bug report with this output: .RE .RS This is most likely seen because the command was run on a newer generation processor and the script has not been updated with the new model number. The contents of /proc/cpuinfo are printed. Return code 4 is set. .RE .SH Author Mark Post (mpost@suse.com) .SH Copyright Copyright (c) 2014 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. .SH BUGS Gotta be some, I'm sure. If you find one, please open a bug report.