]> &product; Apache Foundation Thomas Schraitle Manpage &product; 1 1.1 http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/1.0/fonts.html#advanced &product; Synopsis Classname: org.apache.fop.tools.fontlist.FontListMain &product; -c CONFIG_FILE -f MIME output-dir output-file font-family Options The following options in alphabetical order are available: an optional FOP configuration file MIME type of the output format for which to create the font list (defaults to application/pdf) creates one sample PDF per font-family writes the list as file (valid file extensions: xml, fo, and pdf) filters to a single font family Examples prints all detected fonts to the console: &product; same as before, but outputs it into a PDF file: &product; system-fonts.pdf Generates a single PDF containing a sample of all configured fonts: &product; -c userconfig.xml all-fonts.pdf