2025-01-21 17:19:18 +01:00

84 lines
2.8 KiB

package main
import (
func prGitBranchNameForPR(req *common.PullRequestWebhookEvent) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("PR_%s#%d", req.Repository.Name, req.Pull_Request.Number)
func updateSubmoduleInPR(req *common.PullRequestWebhookEvent, git common.Git) {
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(common.DefaultGitPrj, "submodule", "update", "--init", "--checkout", "--depth", "1", req.Repository.Name))
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(path.Join(common.DefaultGitPrj, req.Repository.Name), "fetch", "--depth", "1", "origin", req.Pull_Request.Head.Sha))
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(path.Join(common.DefaultGitPrj, req.Repository.Name), "checkout", req.Pull_Request.Head.Sha))
func processPrjGitPullRequestSync(req *common.PullRequestWebhookEvent) error {
// req := h.Data.(*common.PullRequestAction)
return nil
type PullRequestSynced struct {
gitea common.Gitea
func (o *PullRequestSynced) Process(req *common.PullRequestWebhookEvent, git common.Git, config *common.AutogitConfig) error {
if req.Repository.Name == config.GitProjectName {
return processPrjGitPullRequestSync(req)
// need to verify that submodule in the PR for prjgit
// is still pointing to the HEAD of the PR
pr, err := o.gitea.GetPullRequest(req.Repository.Owner.Username, req.Repository.Name, req.Number)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot fetch PR data from gitea: %w", err)
_, prs := common.ExtractDescriptionAndPRs(bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(pr.Body)))
if len(prs) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Package update associated with invalid number of projects. Expected 1. Got %d", len(prs))
prjPr, err := o.gitea.GetPullRequest(prs[0].Org, prs[0].Repo, prs[0].Num)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot get PrjGit PR in processPullRequestSync. Err: %w", err)
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec("", "clone", "--branch", prjPr.Head.Name, "--depth", "1", prjPr.Head.Repo.SSHURL, common.DefaultGitPrj))
commitId, ok := git.GitSubmoduleCommitId(common.DefaultGitPrj, req.Repository.Name, prjPr.Head.Sha)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot fetch submodule commit id in prjgit for '%s'", req.Repository.Name)
// nothing changed, still in sync
if commitId == req.Pull_Request.Head.Sha {
log.Println("commitID already match - nothing to do")
return nil
log.Printf("different ids: '%s' vs. '%s'\n", req.Pull_Request.Head.Sha, commitId)
commitMsg := fmt.Sprintf(`Sync PR
Update to %s`, req.Pull_Request.Head.Sha)
log.Println("will create new commit msg:", commitMsg)
// we need to update prjgit PR with the new head hash
branchName := prGitBranchNameForPR(req)
updateSubmoduleInPR(req, git)
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(common.DefaultGitPrj, "commit", "-a", "-m", commitMsg))
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(common.DefaultGitPrj, "push", "origin", "+HEAD:"+branchName))
return nil