2025-02-24 18:55:37 +01:00

469 lines
15 KiB

package main
* This file is part of Autogits.
* Copyright © 2024 SUSE LLC
* Autogits is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* Autogits is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* Foobar. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import (
const (
AppName = "direct_workflow"
GitAuthor = "AutoGits prjgit-updater"
GitEmail = "adam+autogits-direct@zombino.com"
var configuredRepos map[string][]*common.AutogitConfig
var gitea common.Gitea
func isConfiguredOrg(org *common.Organization) bool {
_, found := configuredRepos[org.Username]
return found
func concatenateErrors(err1, err2 error) error {
if err1 == nil {
return err2
if err2 == nil {
return err1
return fmt.Errorf("%w\n%w", err1, err2)
type RepositoryActionProcessor struct{}
func (*RepositoryActionProcessor) ProcessFunc(request *common.Request) error {
action := request.Data.(*common.RepositoryWebhookEvent)
configs, configFound := configuredRepos[action.Organization.Username]
if !configFound {
log.Printf("Repository event for %s. Not configured. Ignoring.\n", action.Organization.Username)
return nil
for _, config := range configs {
if config.GitProjectName == action.Repository.Name {
log.Println("+ ignoring repo event for PrjGit repository", config.GitProjectName)
return nil
var err error
for _, config := range configs {
err = concatenateErrors(err, processConfiguredRepositoryAction(action, config))
return err
func processConfiguredRepositoryAction(action *common.RepositoryWebhookEvent, config *common.AutogitConfig) error {
prjgit := config.GitProjectName
ghi := common.GitHandlerGeneratorImpl{}
git, err := ghi.CreateGitHandler(GitAuthor, GitEmail, AppName)
if !DebugMode {
defer git.Close()
if len(config.Branch) == 0 {
config.Branch = action.Repository.Default_Branch
prjGitRepo, err := gitea.CreateRepositoryIfNotExist(git, action.Organization.Username, prjgit)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error accessing/creating prjgit: %s err: %w", prjgit, err)
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec("", "clone", "--depth", "1", prjGitRepo.SSHURL, prjgit))
switch action.Action {
case "created":
if action.Repository.Object_Format_Name != "sha256" {
return fmt.Errorf(" - '%s' repo is not sha256. Ignoring.", action.Repository.Name)
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(prjgit, "submodule", "--quiet", "add", "--depth", "1", action.Repository.Clone_Url, action.Repository.Name))
branch := strings.TrimSpace(git.GitExecWithOutputOrPanic(path.Join(prjgit, action.Repository.Name), "branch", "--show-current"))
if branch != config.Branch {
if err := git.GitExec(path.Join(prjgit, action.Repository.Name), "fetch", "--depth", "1", "origin", config.Branch+":"+config.Branch); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error fetching branch %s. ignoring as non-existent. err: %w", config.Branch, err) // no branch? so ignore repo here
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(path.Join(prjgit, action.Repository.Name), "checkout", config.Branch))
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(prjgit, "commit", "-m", "Automatic package inclusion via Direct Workflow"))
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(prjgit, "push"))
case "deleted":
if stat, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(git.GetPath(), prjgit, action.Repository.Name)); err != nil || !stat.IsDir() {
if DebugMode {
log.Println("delete event for", action.Repository.Name, "-- not in project. Ignoring")
return nil
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(prjgit, "rm", action.Repository.Name))
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(prjgit, "commit", "-m", "Automatic package removal via Direct Workflow"))
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(prjgit, "push"))
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", "Unknown action type", action.Action)
return nil
type PushActionProcessor struct{}
func (*PushActionProcessor) ProcessFunc(request *common.Request) error {
action := request.Data.(*common.PushWebhookEvent)
configs, configFound := configuredRepos[action.Repository.Owner.Username]
if !configFound {
log.Printf("Repository event for %s. Not configured. Ignoring.\n", action.Repository.Owner.Username)
return nil
for _, config := range configs {
if config.GitProjectName == action.Repository.Name {
log.Println("+ ignoring push to PrjGit repository", config.GitProjectName)
return nil
var err error
for _, config := range configs {
err = concatenateErrors(err, processConfiguredPushAction(action, config))
return err
func processConfiguredPushAction(action *common.PushWebhookEvent, config *common.AutogitConfig) error {
prjgit := config.GitProjectName
ghi := common.GitHandlerGeneratorImpl{}
git, err := ghi.CreateGitHandler(GitAuthor, GitEmail, AppName)
if !DebugMode {
defer git.Close()
if len(config.Branch) == 0 {
config.Branch = action.Repository.Default_Branch
log.Println(" + default branch", action.Repository.Default_Branch)
prjGitRepo, err := gitea.CreateRepositoryIfNotExist(git, action.Repository.Owner.Username, prjgit)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error accessing/creating prjgit: %s err: %w", prjgit, err)
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec("", "clone", "--depth", "1", prjGitRepo.SSHURL, prjgit))
if stat, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(git.GetPath(), prjgit, action.Repository.Name)); err != nil || !stat.IsDir() {
if DebugMode {
log.Println("Pushed to package that is not part of the project. Ignoring:", err)
return nil
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(prjgit, "submodule", "update", "--init", "--depth", "1", "--checkout", action.Repository.Name))
if err := git.GitExec(filepath.Join(prjgit, action.Repository.Name), "fetch", "--depth", "1", "origin", config.Branch+":"+config.Branch); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error fetching branch %s. ignoring as non-existent. err: %w", config.Branch, err) // no branch? so ignore repo here
id, err := git.GitBranchHead(filepath.Join(prjgit, action.Repository.Name), config.Branch)
for _, commitId := range action.Commits {
if commitId.Id == id {
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(filepath.Join(prjgit, action.Repository.Name), "fetch", "--depth", "1", "origin", id))
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(filepath.Join(prjgit, action.Repository.Name), "checkout", id))
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(prjgit, "commit", "-a", "-m", "Automatic update via push via Direct Workflow"))
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(prjgit, "push"))
return nil
log.Println("push of refs not on the configured branch", config.Branch, ". ignoring.")
return nil
func verifyProjectState(git common.Git, org string, config *common.AutogitConfig, configs []*common.AutogitConfig) (err error) {
defer func() {
e := recover()
if e != nil {
errCast, ok := e.(error)
if ok {
err = errCast
repo, err := gitea.CreateRepositoryIfNotExist(git, org, config.GitProjectName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error fetching or creating '%s/%s' -- aborting verifyProjectState(). Err: %w", org, config.GitProjectName, err)
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec("", "clone", "--depth", "1", repo.SSHURL, config.GitProjectName))
log.Println("getting submodule list")
sub, err := git.GitSubmoduleList(config.GitProjectName, "HEAD")
isGitUpdated := false
for filename, commitId := range sub {
// ignore project gits
for _, c := range configs {
if c.GitProjectName == filename {
log.Println(" prjgit as package? ignoring project git:", filename)
continue next_package
log.Println(" verifying package:", filename, commitId, config.Branch)
commits, err := gitea.GetRecentCommits(org, filename, config.Branch, 10)
if err != nil {
// assumption that package does not exist, remove from project
// https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/31976
if err := git.GitExec(config.GitProjectName, "rm", filename); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to remove deleted submodule. Err: %w", err)
isGitUpdated = true
// if err != nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("Failed to fetch recent commits for package: '%s'. Err: %w", filename, err)
// }
idx := 1000
for i, c := range commits {
if c.SHA == commitId {
idx = i
if idx == 0 {
// up-to-date
} else if idx < len(commits) { // update
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(config.GitProjectName, "submodule", "update", "--init", "--depth", "1", "--checkout", filename))
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(filepath.Join(config.GitProjectName, filename), "fetch", "--depth", "1", "origin", commits[0].SHA))
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(filepath.Join(config.GitProjectName, filename), "checkout", commits[0].SHA))
isGitUpdated = true
} else {
// probably need `merge-base` or `rev-list` here instead, or the project updated already
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot find SHA of last matching update for package: '%s'. idx: %d", filename, idx)
// find all missing repositories, and add them
if DebugMode {
log.Println("checking for missing repositories...")
repos, err := gitea.GetOrganizationRepositories(org)
if err != nil {
return err
if DebugMode {
log.Println(" nRepos:", len(repos))
for _, r := range repos {
if DebugMode {
log.Println(" -- checking", r.Name)
if r.ObjectFormatName != "sha256" {
if DebugMode {
log.Println(" + ", r.ObjectFormatName, ". Needs to be sha256. Ignoring")
continue next_repo
for _, c := range configs {
if c.Organization == org && c.GitProjectName == r.Name {
// ignore project gits
continue next_repo
for repo := range sub {
if repo == r.Name {
// not missing
continue next_repo
if DebugMode {
log.Println(" -- checking repository:", r.Name)
if _, err := gitea.GetRecentCommits(org, r.Name, config.Branch, 1); err != nil {
// assumption that package does not exist, so not part of project
// https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/31976
// add repository to git project
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(config.GitProjectName, "submodule", "--quiet", "add", "--depth", "1", r.CloneURL, r.Name))
if len(config.Branch) > 0 {
branch := strings.TrimSpace(git.GitExecWithOutputOrPanic(path.Join(config.GitProjectName, r.Name), "branch", "--show-current"))
if branch != config.Branch {
if err := git.GitExec(path.Join(config.GitProjectName, r.Name), "fetch", "--depth", "1", "origin", config.Branch+":"+config.Branch); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Fetching branch %s for %s/%s failed. Ignoring.", config.Branch, repo.Owner.UserName, r.Name)
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(path.Join(config.GitProjectName, r.Name), "checkout", config.Branch))
isGitUpdated = true
if isGitUpdated {
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(config.GitProjectName, "commit", "-a", "-m", "Automatic update via push via Direct Workflow -- SYNC"))
common.PanicOnError(git.GitExec(config.GitProjectName, "push"))
if DebugMode {
log.Println("Verification finished for ", org, ", config", config.GitProjectName)
return nil
var checkOnStart bool
var checkInterval time.Duration
func checkRepos() {
for org, configs := range configuredRepos {
for _, config := range configs {
if checkInterval > 0 {
sleepInterval := checkInterval - checkInterval/2 + time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(checkInterval)))
log.Println(" - sleep interval", sleepInterval, "until next check")
log.Printf(" ++ starting verification, org: `%s` config: `%s`\n", org, config.GitProjectName)
ghi := common.GitHandlerGeneratorImpl{}
git, err := ghi.CreateGitHandler(GitAuthor, GitEmail, AppName)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Faield to allocate GitHandler:", err)
if err := verifyProjectState(git, org, config, configs); err != nil {
log.Printf(" *** verification failed, org: `%s`, err: %#v\n", org, err)
log.Printf(" ++ verification complete, org: `%s` config: `%s`\n", org, config.GitProjectName)
func consistencyCheckProcess() {
if checkOnStart {
savedCheckInterval := checkInterval
checkInterval = 0
log.Println("== Startup consistency check begin...")
log.Println("== Startup consistency check done...")
checkInterval = savedCheckInterval
for {
var DebugMode bool
func main() {
if err := common.RequireGiteaSecretToken(); err != nil {
if err := common.RequireRabbitSecrets(); err != nil {
workflowConfig := flag.String("config", "", "Repository and workflow definition file")
giteaHost := flag.String("gitea", "src.opensuse.org", "Gitea instance")
rabbitUrl := flag.String("url", "amqps://rabbit.opensuse.org", "URL for RabbitMQ instance")
flag.BoolVar(&DebugMode, "debug", false, "Extra debugging information")
flag.BoolVar(&checkOnStart, "check-on-start", false, "Check all repositories for consistency on start, without delays")
checkIntervalHours := flag.Float64("check-interval", 5, "Check interval (+-random delay) for repositories for consitency, in hours")
checkInterval = time.Duration(*checkIntervalHours) * time.Hour
if len(*workflowConfig) == 0 {
log.Fatalln("No configuratio file specified. Aborting")
configs, err := common.ReadWorkflowConfigsFile(*workflowConfig)
if err != nil {
configuredRepos = make(map[string][]*common.AutogitConfig)
orgs := make([]string, 0, 1)
for _, c := range configs {
if slices.Contains(c.Workflows, "direct") {
if DebugMode {
log.Printf(" + adding org: '%s', branch: '%s', prjgit: '%s'\n", c.Organization, c.Branch, c.GitProjectName)
configs := configuredRepos[c.Organization]
if configs == nil {
configs = make([]*common.AutogitConfig, 0, 1)
configs = append(configs, c)
configuredRepos[c.Organization] = configs
orgs = append(orgs, c.Organization)
gitea = common.AllocateGiteaTransport(*giteaHost)
CurrentUser, err := gitea.GetCurrentUser()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Cannot fetch current user:", err)
log.Println("Current User:", CurrentUser.UserName)
go consistencyCheckProcess()
var defs common.ListenDefinitions
defs.GitAuthor = GitAuthor
defs.RabbitURL = *rabbitUrl
defs.Handlers = make(map[string]common.RequestProcessor)
defs.Handlers[common.RequestType_Push] = &PushActionProcessor{}
defs.Handlers[common.RequestType_Repository] = &RepositoryActionProcessor{}
log.Fatal(common.ProcessRabbitMQEvents(defs, orgs))