forked from pool/cockpit-tukit

16550 lines
536 KiB

diff --git a/.babelrc.json b/.babelrc.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 66be253..0000000
--- a/.babelrc.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- "presets": [
- [
- "@babel/env",
- {
- "targets": {
- "chrome": "57",
- "firefox": "52",
- "safari": "10.3",
- "edge": "16",
- "opera": "44"
- }
- }
- ],
- "@babel/preset-react",
- "@babel/preset-typescript"
- ],
- "plugins": ["@babel/plugin-transform-runtime"]
diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe0174d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.eslintignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e91fb76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.eslintrc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ "root": true,
+ "env": {
+ "browser": true,
+ "es6": true
+ },
+ "extends": [
+ "eslint:recommended",
+ "standard",
+ "standard-jsx",
+ "standard-react"
+ ],
+ "parserOptions": {
+ "ecmaVersion": 2022,
+ "sourceType": "module"
+ },
+ "plugins": ["react", "react-hooks"],
+ "rules": {
+ "indent": [
+ "error",
+ 4,
+ {
+ "ObjectExpression": "first",
+ "CallExpression": { "arguments": "first" },
+ "MemberExpression": 2,
+ "ignoredNodes": ["JSXAttribute"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "newline-per-chained-call": ["error", { "ignoreChainWithDepth": 2 }],
+ "no-var": "error",
+ "lines-between-class-members": [
+ "error",
+ "always",
+ { "exceptAfterSingleLine": true }
+ ],
+ "prefer-promise-reject-errors": ["error", { "allowEmptyReject": true }],
+ "react/jsx-indent": ["error", 4],
+ "semi": ["error", "always", { "omitLastInOneLineBlock": true }],
+ "react-hooks/rules-of-hooks": "error",
+ "react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": "error",
+ "camelcase": "off",
+ "comma-dangle": "off",
+ "curly": "off",
+ "jsx-quotes": "off",
+ "key-spacing": "off",
+ "no-console": "off",
+ "quotes": "off",
+ "react/jsx-curly-spacing": "off",
+ "react/jsx-indent-props": "off",
+ "react/jsx-no-useless-fragment": "error",
+ "react/prop-types": "off",
+ "space-before-function-paren": "off",
+ "standard/no-callback-literal": "off"
+ },
+ "globals": {
+ "require": "readonly",
+ "module": "readonly"
+ },
+ "overrides": [
+ {
+ "files": ["**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"],
+ "plugins": ["@typescript-eslint"],
+ "extends": [
+ "eslint:recommended",
+ "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended"
+ ],
+ "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
+ "parserOptions": {
+ "project": ["./tsconfig.json"]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/.github/workflows/pull.yaml b/.github/workflows/pull.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10f042e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/pull.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+name: Pull Request
+ pull_request:
+ types:
+ - opened
+ - edited
+ - synchronize
+ - reopened
+ checks:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ container:
+ image: registry.opensuse.org/opensuse/bci/nodejs:latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
+ with:
+ node-version: 20
+ cache: npm
+ - name: install deps
+ run: npm ci && zypper install -y cockpit-devel make
+ - name: git workaround
+ run: git config --global --add safe.directory /__w/cockpit-tukit/cockpit-tukit
+ - name: build
+ run: make && npm run build
+ - name: lint & format check
+ run: npm run ci
diff --git a/.stylelintrc.json b/.stylelintrc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03c3585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.stylelintrc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ "extends": "stylelint-config-standard-scss",
+ "rules": {
+ "at-rule-empty-line-before": null,
+ "declaration-empty-line-before": null,
+ "custom-property-empty-line-before": null,
+ "comment-empty-line-before": null,
+ "scss/double-slash-comment-empty-line-before": null,
+ "scss/dollar-variable-colon-space-after": null,
+ "custom-property-pattern": null,
+ "declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties": null,
+ "declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties": null,
+ "declaration-block-no-shorthand-property-overrides": null,
+ "declaration-block-single-line-max-declarations": null,
+ "font-family-no-duplicate-names": null,
+ "function-url-quotes": null,
+ "keyframes-name-pattern": null,
+ "no-descending-specificity": null,
+ "no-duplicate-selectors": null,
+ "scss/at-extend-no-missing-placeholder": null,
+ "scss/at-import-partial-extension": null,
+ "scss/at-import-no-partial-leading-underscore": null,
+ "scss/load-no-partial-leading-underscore": true,
+ "scss/at-mixin-pattern": null,
+ "scss/comment-no-empty": null,
+ "scss/dollar-variable-pattern": null,
+ "scss/double-slash-comment-whitespace-inside": null,
+ "scss/no-global-function-names": null,
+ "scss/operator-no-unspaced": null,
+ "selector-class-pattern": null,
+ "selector-id-pattern": null
+ }
diff --git a/build.js b/build.js
index 924cab7..80df00f 100755
--- a/build.js
+++ b/build.js
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
import fs from "node:fs";
import path from "node:path";
+import process from "node:process";
+import os from "node:os";
import copy from "esbuild-plugin-copy";
@@ -11,10 +13,27 @@ import { cockpitPoEsbuildPlugin } from "./pkg/lib/cockpit-po-plugin.js";
import { cockpitRsyncEsbuildPlugin } from "./pkg/lib/cockpit-rsync-plugin.js";
import { esbuildStylesPlugins } from "./pkg/lib/esbuild-common.js";
+const production = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production";
const esbuild = (await import("esbuild")).default;
-const production = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production";
-const watchMode = process.env.ESBUILD_WATCH === "true";
+const parser = (await import("argparse")).default.ArgumentParser();
+parser.add_argument("-r", "--rsync", {
+ help: "rsync bundles to ssh target after build",
+ metavar: "HOST",
+parser.add_argument("-w", "--watch", {
+ action: "store_true",
+ help: "Enable watch mode",
+ default: process.env.ESBUILD_WATCH === "true",
+parser.add_argument("-m", "--metafile", {
+ help: "Enable bundle size information file",
+ metavar: "FILE",
+const args = parser.parse_args();
+if (args.rsync) process.env.RSYNC = args.rsync;
// List of directories to use when using import statements
const nodePaths = ["pkg/lib"];
const outdir = "dist";
@@ -23,103 +42,105 @@ const outdir = "dist";
const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("package.json"));
function notifyEndPlugin() {
- return {
- name: "notify-end",
- setup(build) {
- let startTime;
- build.onStart(() => {
- startTime = new Date();
- });
- build.onEnd(() => {
- const endTime = new Date();
- const timeStamp = endTime.toTimeString().split(" ")[0];
- console.log(
- `${timeStamp}: Build finished in ${endTime - startTime} ms`,
- );
- });
- },
- };
+ return {
+ name: "notify-end",
+ setup(build) {
+ let startTime;
+ build.onStart(() => {
+ startTime = new Date();
+ });
+ build.onEnd(() => {
+ const endTime = new Date();
+ const timeStamp = endTime.toTimeString().split(" ")[0];
+ console.log(
+ `${timeStamp}: Build finished in ${endTime - startTime} ms`,
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ };
-const cwd = process.cwd();
// similar to fs.watch(), but recursively watches all subdirectories
function watch_dirs(dir, on_change) {
- const callback = (ev, dir, fname) => {
- // only listen for "change" events, as renames are noisy
- // ignore hidden files
- const isHidden = /^\./.test(fname);
- if (ev !== "change" || isHidden) {
- return;
- }
- on_change(path.join(dir, fname));
- };
- fs.watch(dir, {}, (ev, path) => callback(ev, dir, path));
- // watch all subdirectories in dir
- const d = fs.opendirSync(dir);
- let dirent;
- while ((dirent = d.readSync()) !== null) {
- if (dirent.isDirectory())
- watch_dirs(path.join(dir, dirent.name), on_change);
- }
- d.closeSync();
+ const callback = (ev, dir, fname) => {
+ // only listen for "change" events, as renames are noisy
+ // ignore hidden files
+ const isHidden = /^\./.test(fname);
+ if (ev !== "change" || isHidden) {
+ return;
+ }
+ on_change(path.join(dir, fname));
+ };
+ fs.watch(dir, {}, (ev, path) => callback(ev, dir, path));
+ // watch all subdirectories in dir
+ const d = fs.opendirSync(dir);
+ let dirent;
+ while ((dirent = d.readSync()) !== null) {
+ if (dirent.isDirectory())
+ watch_dirs(path.join(dir, dirent.name), on_change);
+ }
+ d.closeSync();
const context = await esbuild.context({
- ...(!production ? { sourcemap: "linked" } : {}),
- bundle: true,
- entryPoints: ["./src/index.ts"],
- external: ["*.woff", "*.woff2", "*.jpg", "*.svg", "../../assets*"], // Allow external font files which live in ../../static/fonts
- legalComments: "external", // Move all legal comments to a .LEGAL.txt file
- loader: { ".ts": "tsx" },
- minify: production,
- nodePaths,
- outdir,
- target: ["es2020"],
- plugins: [
- cleanPlugin(),
- // Esbuild will only copy assets that are explicitly imported and used
- // in the code. This is a problem for index.html and manifest.json which are not imported
- copy({
- assets: [
- { from: ["./src/manifest.json"], to: ["./manifest.json"] },
- { from: ["./src/index.html"], to: ["./index.html"] },
- ],
- }),
- ...esbuildStylesPlugins,
- cockpitPoEsbuildPlugin(),
- ...(production ? [cockpitCompressPlugin()] : []),
- cockpitRsyncEsbuildPlugin({ dest: packageJson.name }),
- notifyEndPlugin(),
- ],
+ ...(!production ? { sourcemap: "linked" } : {}),
+ bundle: true,
+ entryPoints: ["./src/index.js"],
+ external: ["*.woff", "*.woff2", "*.jpg", "*.svg", "../../assets*"], // Allow external font files which live in ../../static/fonts
+ legalComments: "external", // Move all legal comments to a .LEGAL.txt file
+ loader: { ".js": "jsx" },
+ metafile: !!args.metafile,
+ minify: production,
+ nodePaths,
+ outdir,
+ target: ["es2020"],
+ plugins: [
+ cleanPlugin(),
+ // Esbuild will only copy assets that are explicitly imported and used
+ // in the code. This is a problem for index.html and manifest.json which are not imported
+ copy({
+ assets: [
+ { from: ["./src/manifest.json"], to: ["./manifest.json"] },
+ { from: ["./src/index.html"], to: ["./index.html"] },
+ ],
+ }),
+ ...esbuildStylesPlugins,
+ cockpitPoEsbuildPlugin(),
+ ...(production ? [cockpitCompressPlugin()] : []),
+ cockpitRsyncEsbuildPlugin({ dest: packageJson.name }),
+ notifyEndPlugin(),
+ ],
try {
- await context.rebuild();
+ const result = await context.rebuild();
+ if (args.metafile) {
+ fs.writeFileSync(args.metafile, JSON.stringify(result.metafile));
+ }
} catch (e) {
- if (!watchMode) process.exit(1);
- // ignore errors in watch mode
+ if (!args.watch) process.exit(1);
+ // ignore errors in watch mode
-if (watchMode) {
- const on_change = async (path) => {
- console.log("change detected:", path);
- await context.cancel();
+if (args.watch) {
+ const on_change = async (path) => {
+ console.log("change detected:", path);
+ await context.cancel();
- try {
- await context.rebuild();
- } catch (e) {} // ignore in watch mode
- };
+ try {
+ await context.rebuild();
+ } catch (e) {} // ignore in watch mode
+ };
- watch_dirs("src", on_change);
+ watch_dirs("src", on_change);
- // wait forever until Control-C
- await new Promise(() => {});
+ // wait forever until Control-C
+ await new Promise(() => {});
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index c77506f..eff0857 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -1,4852 +1,7842 @@
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--- a/src/app.tsx
+++ b/src/app.tsx
@@ -25,19 +25,19 @@ import "cockpit-dark-theme";
import { page_status } from "notifications";
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import {
- Button,
- Card,
- CardBody,
- CardTitle,
- DataList,
- EmptyState,
- EmptyStateBody,
- EmptyStateIcon,
- Gallery,
- Page,
- PageSection,
- Spinner,
- Title,
+ Button,
+ Card,
+ CardBody,
+ CardTitle,
+ DataList,
+ EmptyState,
+ EmptyStateBody,
+ EmptyStateIcon,
+ Gallery,
+ Page,
+ PageSection,
+ Spinner,
+ Title,
} from "@patternfly/react-core";
import { ExclamationCircleIcon, RedoIcon } from "@patternfly/react-icons";
@@ -46,221 +46,227 @@ import UpdatesItem from "./components/UpdatesItem";
import StatusPanel from "./components/StatusPanel";
import UpdatesPanel from "./components/UpdatesPanel";
-import { Snapshot, createSnapshot, snapshotsProxy, tukitdProxy } from "./tukit";
-import { Status, mostSevereStatus } from "./status";
-import { Update } from "./update";
+import {
+ type Snapshot,
+ createSnapshot,
+ snapshotsProxy,
+ tukitdProxy,
+} from "./tukit";
+import { type Status, mostSevereStatus } from "./status";
+import type { Update } from "./update";
const _ = cockpit.gettext;
const Application = () => {
- const [status, setStatus] = useState<Status[]>([]);
+ const [status, setStatus] = useState<Status[]>([]);
- const [snapshots, setSnapshots] = useState<Snapshot[]>([]);
- const [snapshotsWaiting, setSnapshotsWaiting] = useState<string | null>(null);
- const [snapshotsDirty, setSnapshotsDirty] = useState(true);
+ const [snapshots, setSnapshots] = useState<Snapshot[]>([]);
+ const [snapshotsWaiting, setSnapshotsWaiting] = useState<string | null>(null);
+ const [snapshotsDirty, setSnapshotsDirty] = useState(true);
- const [updates, setUpdates] = useState<Update[]>([]);
- const [updatesWaiting, setUpdatesWaiting] = useState<string | null>(null);
- const [updatesError, setUpdatesError] = useState<string | null>(null);
- const [updatesDirty, setUpdatesDirty] = useState(true);
+ const [updates, setUpdates] = useState<Update[]>([]);
+ const [updatesWaiting, setUpdatesWaiting] = useState<string | null>(null);
+ const [updatesError, setUpdatesError] = useState<string | null>(null);
+ const [updatesDirty, setUpdatesDirty] = useState(true);
- const [serviceReady, setServiceReady] = useState(false);
+ const [serviceReady, setServiceReady] = useState(false);
- useEvent(superuser, "changed");
+ useEvent(superuser, "changed");
- const setDirty = (v: boolean) => {
- setSnapshotsDirty(v);
- setUpdatesDirty(v);
- };
+ const setDirty = (v: boolean) => {
+ setSnapshotsDirty(v);
+ setUpdatesDirty(v);
+ };
- useEffect(() => {
- if (superuser.allowed)
- getSnapshots();
- // TODO: FIX!
- // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
- }, [snapshotsDirty, superuser.allowed]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (superuser.allowed) getSnapshots();
+ // TODO: FIX!
+ // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
+ }, [snapshotsDirty, superuser.allowed]);
- // forward status to Cockpit
- useEffect(() => {
- if (status.length > 0) {
- // page_status can show only one status
- // use most important one
- page_status.set_own(mostSevereStatus(status));
- } else {
- page_status.set_own(null);
- }
- }, [status]);
+ // forward status to Cockpit
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (status.length > 0) {
+ // page_status can show only one status
+ // use most important one
+ page_status.set_own(mostSevereStatus(status));
+ } else {
+ page_status.set_own(null);
+ }
+ }, [status]);
- const showServiceDetails = () => {
- cockpit.jump("/system/services#/tukitd.service", cockpit.transport.host);
- };
+ const showServiceDetails = () => {
+ cockpit.jump("/system/services#/tukitd.service", cockpit.transport.host);
+ };
- const loading = () => {
- return (
- <EmptyState>
- <EmptyStateIcon icon={Spinner} />
- <Title headingLevel="h2">{_("Loading...")}</Title>
- </EmptyState>
- );
- };
+ const loading = () => {
+ return (
+ <EmptyState>
+ <EmptyStateIcon icon={Spinner} />
+ <Title headingLevel="h2">{_("Loading...")}</Title>
+ </EmptyState>
+ );
+ };
- const serviceProblem = () => {
- // service proxy not ready yet?
- if (!serviceReady) {
- tukitdProxy().wait(() => {
- setServiceReady(true);
- });
- return loading();
- }
- if (!tukitdProxy().exists) {
- return (
- <EmptyState>
- <EmptyStateIcon
- className="serviceError"
- icon={ExclamationCircleIcon}
- />
- <Title headingLevel="h2" size="md">
- {_("Transactional update service not installed")}
- </Title>
- <EmptyStateBody>
- {_("Please ensure package tukitd is installed.")}
- </EmptyStateBody>
- </EmptyState>
- );
- }
- if (tukitdProxy().state !== "running") {
- return (
- <EmptyState>
- <EmptyStateIcon
- className="serviceError"
- icon={ExclamationCircleIcon}
- />
- <Title headingLevel="h2" size="md">
- {_("Transactional update service not running")}
- </Title>
- <EmptyStateBody>
- <Button variant="link" isInline onClick={showServiceDetails}>
- {_("more details")}
- </Button>
- </EmptyStateBody>
- </EmptyState>
- );
- }
- if (!superuser.allowed) {
- return (
- <EmptyState>
- <EmptyStateIcon
- className="serviceError"
- icon={ExclamationCircleIcon}
- />
- <Title headingLevel="h1" size="xl">
- {_("Administrative access is required to access updates and snapshots.")}
- </Title>
- </EmptyState>
- );
- }
- return false;
- };
+ const serviceProblem = () => {
+ // service proxy not ready yet?
+ if (!serviceReady) {
+ tukitdProxy().wait(() => {
+ setServiceReady(true);
+ });
+ return loading();
+ }
+ if (!tukitdProxy().exists) {
+ return (
+ <EmptyState>
+ <EmptyStateIcon
+ className="serviceError"
+ icon={ExclamationCircleIcon}
+ />
+ <Title headingLevel="h2" size="md">
+ {_("Transactional update service not installed")}
+ </Title>
+ <EmptyStateBody>
+ {_("Please ensure package tukitd is installed.")}
+ </EmptyStateBody>
+ </EmptyState>
+ );
+ }
+ if (tukitdProxy().state !== "running") {
+ return (
+ <EmptyState>
+ <EmptyStateIcon
+ className="serviceError"
+ icon={ExclamationCircleIcon}
+ />
+ <Title headingLevel="h2" size="md">
+ {_("Transactional update service not running")}
+ </Title>
+ <EmptyStateBody>
+ <Button variant="link" isInline onClick={showServiceDetails}>
+ {_("more details")}
+ </Button>
+ </EmptyStateBody>
+ </EmptyState>
+ );
+ }
+ if (!superuser.allowed) {
+ return (
+ <EmptyState>
+ <EmptyStateIcon
+ className="serviceError"
+ icon={ExclamationCircleIcon}
+ />
+ <Title headingLevel="h1" size="xl">
+ {_(
+ "Administrative access is required to access updates and snapshots.",
+ )}
+ </Title>
+ </EmptyState>
+ );
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
- const getSnapshots = () => {
- if (!snapshotsDirty) {
- return;
- }
- setSnapshotsDirty(false);
+ const getSnapshots = () => {
+ if (!snapshotsDirty) {
+ return;
+ }
+ setSnapshotsDirty(false);
- setSnapshotsWaiting(_("Fetching snapshots..."));
- const proxy = snapshotsProxy();
- proxy.wait(async () => {
- try {
- const snaps = (
- await proxy.List("number,default,active,date,description")
- ).map((snap) => createSnapshot(snap));
- // remove "current" snapshot
- snaps.shift();
- snaps.sort((a, b) => b.number - a.number);
- // mark old snapshots
- let active: Snapshot | null = null;
- snaps.forEach((s) => {
- if (active) s.old = true;
- if (s.active) active = s;
- });
- setSnapshots(snaps);
- } catch (e) {
- // service problems are reported in serviceProblem()
- if (serviceReady && tukitdProxy().state === "running") {
- alert(`ERROR ${e}`);
- }
- }
- setSnapshotsWaiting(null);
- });
- };
+ setSnapshotsWaiting(_("Fetching snapshots..."));
+ const proxy = snapshotsProxy();
+ proxy.wait(async () => {
+ try {
+ const snaps = (
+ await proxy.List("number,default,active,date,description")
+ ).map((snap) => createSnapshot(snap));
+ // remove "current" snapshot
+ snaps.shift();
+ snaps.sort((a, b) => b.number - a.number);
+ // mark old snapshots
+ let active: Snapshot | null = null;
+ for (const snap of snaps) {
+ if (active) snap.old = true;
+ if (snap.active) active = snap;
+ }
+ setSnapshots(snaps);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // service problems are reported in serviceProblem()
+ if (serviceReady && tukitdProxy().state === "running") {
+ alert(`ERROR ${e}`);
+ }
+ }
+ setSnapshotsWaiting(null);
+ });
+ };
- return (
- <Page>
- <PageSection>
- <Gallery className="ct-cards-grid" hasGutter>
- <StatusPanel
- waiting={snapshotsWaiting || updatesWaiting}
- status={status}
- setStatus={setStatus}
- updates={!superuser.allowed ? [] : updates}
- updatesError={updatesError}
- snapshots={!superuser.allowed ? [] : snapshots}
- />
- <UpdatesPanel
- adminAccess={!!superuser.allowed}
- setUpdates={setUpdates}
- setError={setUpdatesError}
- dirty={updatesDirty}
- setDirty={setUpdatesDirty}
- waiting={updatesWaiting || snapshotsWaiting}
- setWaiting={setUpdatesWaiting}
- />
- <Card>
- <CardTitle>
- {_("Snapshots & Updates")}
- <Button
- isDisabled={!!snapshotsWaiting || !!updatesWaiting}
- size="sm"
- variant="plain"
- onClick={() => {
- setDirty(true);
- }}
- >
- <RedoIcon />
- </Button>
- </CardTitle>
- <CardBody>
- {serviceProblem() || (snapshotsWaiting && loading()) || (
- <DataList isCompact aria-label="data-list">
- {updates.length > 0 && (
- <UpdatesItem
- updates={updates}
- setError={setUpdatesError}
- setDirty={setDirty}
- setWaiting={setUpdatesWaiting}
- waiting={snapshotsWaiting || updatesWaiting}
- />
- )}
- {snapshots.map((item) => (
- <SnapshotItem
- key={item.number}
- item={item}
- setDirty={setSnapshotsDirty}
- setWaiting={setSnapshotsWaiting}
- waiting={snapshotsWaiting || updatesWaiting}
- />
- ))}
- </DataList>
- )}
- </CardBody>
- </Card>
- </Gallery>
- </PageSection>
- </Page>
- );
+ return (
+ <Page>
+ <PageSection>
+ <Gallery className="ct-cards-grid" hasGutter>
+ <StatusPanel
+ waiting={snapshotsWaiting || updatesWaiting}
+ status={status}
+ setStatus={setStatus}
+ updates={!superuser.allowed ? [] : updates}
+ updatesError={updatesError}
+ snapshots={!superuser.allowed ? [] : snapshots}
+ />
+ <UpdatesPanel
+ adminAccess={!!superuser.allowed}
+ setUpdates={setUpdates}
+ setError={setUpdatesError}
+ dirty={updatesDirty}
+ setDirty={setUpdatesDirty}
+ waiting={updatesWaiting || snapshotsWaiting}
+ setWaiting={setUpdatesWaiting}
+ />
+ <Card>
+ <CardTitle>
+ {_("Snapshots & Updates")}
+ <Button
+ isDisabled={!!snapshotsWaiting || !!updatesWaiting}
+ size="sm"
+ variant="plain"
+ onClick={() => {
+ setDirty(true);
+ }}
+ >
+ <RedoIcon />
+ </Button>
+ </CardTitle>
+ <CardBody>
+ {serviceProblem() || (snapshotsWaiting && loading()) || (
+ <DataList isCompact aria-label="data-list">
+ {updates.length > 0 && (
+ <UpdatesItem
+ updates={updates}
+ setError={setUpdatesError}
+ setDirty={setDirty}
+ setWaiting={setUpdatesWaiting}
+ waiting={snapshotsWaiting || updatesWaiting}
+ />
+ )}
+ {snapshots.map((item) => (
+ <SnapshotItem
+ key={item.number}
+ item={item}
+ setDirty={setSnapshotsDirty}
+ setWaiting={setSnapshotsWaiting}
+ waiting={snapshotsWaiting || updatesWaiting}
+ />
+ ))}
+ </DataList>
+ )}
+ </CardBody>
+ </Card>
+ </Gallery>
+ </PageSection>
+ </Page>
+ );
export default Application;
diff --git a/src/components/SnapshotItem.tsx b/src/components/SnapshotItem.tsx
index 8e728a0..f0ff9f9 100644
--- a/src/components/SnapshotItem.tsx
+++ b/src/components/SnapshotItem.tsx
@@ -20,206 +20,207 @@
import cockpit from "cockpit";
import * as timeformat from "timeformat";
+// biome-ignore lint/style/useImportType: this is not used as a type
import React, { useState } from "react";
import {
- Badge,
- Button,
- DataListItem,
- DataListToggle,
- DataListItemRow,
- DataListItemCells,
- DataListCell,
- DataListAction,
- DataListContent,
- Dropdown,
- DropdownItem,
- Label,
- Tooltip,
- MenuToggleElement,
- MenuToggle,
- DropdownList,
+ Badge,
+ Button,
+ DataListItem,
+ DataListToggle,
+ DataListItemRow,
+ DataListItemCells,
+ DataListCell,
+ DataListAction,
+ DataListContent,
+ Dropdown,
+ DropdownItem,
+ Label,
+ Tooltip,
+ type MenuToggleElement,
+ MenuToggle,
+ DropdownList,
} from "@patternfly/react-core";
import { DropdownPosition } from "@patternfly/react-core/deprecated";
import { CheckCircleIcon, EllipsisVIcon } from "@patternfly/react-icons";
-import { Snapshot } from "@/tukit";
+import type { Snapshot } from "@/tukit";
const _ = cockpit.gettext;
type SnapshotItemProps = {
- item: Snapshot;
- waiting: string | null;
- setWaiting: (waiting: string | null) => void;
- setDirty: (dirty: boolean) => void;
+ item: Snapshot;
+ waiting: string | null;
+ setWaiting: (waiting: string | null) => void;
+ setDirty: (dirty: boolean) => void;
const SnapshotItem = ({
- item,
- setDirty,
- setWaiting,
- waiting,
+ item,
+ setDirty,
+ setWaiting,
+ waiting,
}: SnapshotItemProps) => {
- const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false);
- const [menuOpen, setMenuOpen] = useState(false);
+ const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false);
+ const [menuOpen, setMenuOpen] = useState(false);
- const rollback = async (snap: Snapshot, msg: string, reboot: boolean) => {
- setWaiting(msg);
- try {
- let script = `transactional-update rollback ${snap.number}`;
- if (reboot) {
- script = `${script} && reboot`;
- }
- const out = await cockpit.script(script, {
- superuser: "require",
- err: "message",
- });
- console.log(`rollback output: ${out}`);
- setDirty(true);
- } catch (e) {
- console.log(`rollback error: ${e}`);
- // TODO: better error handling
- alert(e);
- }
- setWaiting(null);
- };
- const rollbackAndReboot = (snap: Snapshot) => {
- rollback(snap, _("Rolling back..."), true);
- };
- const rollbackOnly = (snap: Snapshot) => {
- rollback(snap, _("Rolling back..."), false);
- };
- const activateAndReboot = (snap: Snapshot) => {
- rollback(snap, _("Activating..."), true);
- };
- const activateOnly = (snap: Snapshot) => {
- rollback(snap, _("Activating..."), false);
- };
- const actions = (item: Snapshot): JSX.Element[] | undefined => {
- if (item.old) {
- return [
- <DropdownItem
- key="rollback"
- isDisabled={!!waiting}
- onClick={() => {
- rollbackOnly(item);
- }}
- >
- {_("Rollback without Reboot")}
- </DropdownItem>,
- ];
- }
- if (!item.active && !item.old) {
- return [
- <DropdownItem
- key="activate"
- isDisabled={!!waiting}
- onClick={() => {
- activateOnly(item);
- }}
- >
- {_("Activate without Reboot")}
- </DropdownItem>,
- ];
- }
- return undefined;
- };
- return (
- <DataListItem isExpanded={expanded}>
- <DataListItemRow>
- <DataListToggle
- id="TODO_TYPE"
- // hide extension part until we find some good use for it
- style={{ display: "none" }}
- onClick={() => {
- setExpanded(!expanded);
- }}
- isExpanded={expanded}
- />
- <DataListItemCells
- dataListCells={[
- <DataListCell isIcon key="number">
- <Badge isRead={item.old}>#{item.number}</Badge>
- </DataListCell>,
- <DataListCell key="description">
- <b>{item.description}</b>
- </DataListCell>,
- <DataListCell key="date">
- <Tooltip content={timeformat.dateTimeSeconds(item.date)}>
- <span>{timeformat.distanceToNow(item.date, false)}</span>
- </Tooltip>
- </DataListCell>,
- <DataListCell key="labels">
- {item.active && (
- <Label color="green" icon={<CheckCircleIcon />}>
- {_("Active")}
- </Label>
- )}
- {item.default && <Label color="blue">{_("Default")}</Label>}
- </DataListCell>,
- <DataListCell key="buttons">
- {!item.active && !item.old && (
- <Button
- variant="primary"
- isDisabled={!!waiting}
- onClick={() => {
- activateAndReboot(item);
- }}
- size="sm"
- >
- {_("Activate and Reboot")}
- </Button>
- )}
- {item.old && (
- <Button
- variant="secondary"
- isDisabled={!!waiting}
- onClick={() => {
- rollbackAndReboot(item);
- }}
- size="sm"
- >
- {_("Rollback and Reboot")}
- </Button>
- )}
- </DataListCell>,
- ]}
- />
- <DataListAction
- aria-label="TODO_TYPE"
- aria-labelledby="TODO_TYPE"
- id="TODO_TYPE"
- >
- {actions(item) && (
- <Dropdown
- isPlain
- isOpen={menuOpen}
- toggle={(toggleRef: React.Ref<MenuToggleElement>) => (
- <MenuToggle
- variant="plain"
- ref={toggleRef}
- onClick={() => {
- setMenuOpen(!menuOpen);
- }}
- isExpanded={menuOpen}
- >
- <EllipsisVIcon />
- </MenuToggle>
- )}
- popperProps={{
- position: DropdownPosition.right,
- }}
- >
- <DropdownList>{actions(item)}</DropdownList>
- </Dropdown>
- )}
- </DataListAction>
- </DataListItemRow>
- <DataListContent isHidden={!expanded} aria-label="TODO_TYPE">
- More details about selected snapshot More details about selected
- snapshot More details about selected snapshot More details about
- selected snapshot
- </DataListContent>
- </DataListItem>
- );
+ const rollback = async (snap: Snapshot, msg: string, reboot: boolean) => {
+ setWaiting(msg);
+ try {
+ let script = `transactional-update rollback ${snap.number}`;
+ if (reboot) {
+ script = `${script} && reboot`;
+ }
+ const out = await cockpit.script(script, {
+ superuser: "require",
+ err: "message",
+ });
+ console.log(`rollback output: ${out}`);
+ setDirty(true);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.log(`rollback error: ${e}`);
+ // TODO: better error handling
+ alert(e);
+ }
+ setWaiting(null);
+ };
+ const rollbackAndReboot = (snap: Snapshot) => {
+ rollback(snap, _("Rolling back..."), true);
+ };
+ const rollbackOnly = (snap: Snapshot) => {
+ rollback(snap, _("Rolling back..."), false);
+ };
+ const activateAndReboot = (snap: Snapshot) => {
+ rollback(snap, _("Activating..."), true);
+ };
+ const activateOnly = (snap: Snapshot) => {
+ rollback(snap, _("Activating..."), false);
+ };
+ const actions = (item: Snapshot): JSX.Element[] | undefined => {
+ if (item.old) {
+ return [
+ <DropdownItem
+ key="rollback"
+ isDisabled={!!waiting}
+ onClick={() => {
+ rollbackOnly(item);
+ }}
+ >
+ {_("Rollback without Reboot")}
+ </DropdownItem>,
+ ];
+ }
+ if (!item.active && !item.old) {
+ return [
+ <DropdownItem
+ key="activate"
+ isDisabled={!!waiting}
+ onClick={() => {
+ activateOnly(item);
+ }}
+ >
+ {_("Activate without Reboot")}
+ </DropdownItem>,
+ ];
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ };
+ return (
+ <DataListItem isExpanded={expanded}>
+ <DataListItemRow>
+ <DataListToggle
+ id="TODO_TYPE"
+ // hide extension part until we find some good use for it
+ style={{ display: "none" }}
+ onClick={() => {
+ setExpanded(!expanded);
+ }}
+ isExpanded={expanded}
+ />
+ <DataListItemCells
+ dataListCells={[
+ <DataListCell isIcon key="number">
+ <Badge isRead={item.old}>#{item.number}</Badge>
+ </DataListCell>,
+ <DataListCell key="description">
+ <b>{item.description}</b>
+ </DataListCell>,
+ <DataListCell key="date">
+ <Tooltip content={timeformat.dateTimeSeconds(item.date)}>
+ <span>{timeformat.distanceToNow(item.date, false)}</span>
+ </Tooltip>
+ </DataListCell>,
+ <DataListCell key="labels">
+ {item.active && (
+ <Label color="green" icon={<CheckCircleIcon />}>
+ {_("Active")}
+ </Label>
+ )}
+ {item.default && <Label color="blue">{_("Default")}</Label>}
+ </DataListCell>,
+ <DataListCell key="buttons">
+ {!item.active && !item.old && (
+ <Button
+ variant="primary"
+ isDisabled={!!waiting}
+ onClick={() => {
+ activateAndReboot(item);
+ }}
+ size="sm"
+ >
+ {_("Activate and Reboot")}
+ </Button>
+ )}
+ {item.old && (
+ <Button
+ variant="secondary"
+ isDisabled={!!waiting}
+ onClick={() => {
+ rollbackAndReboot(item);
+ }}
+ size="sm"
+ >
+ {_("Rollback and Reboot")}
+ </Button>
+ )}
+ </DataListCell>,
+ ]}
+ />
+ <DataListAction
+ aria-label="TODO_TYPE"
+ aria-labelledby="TODO_TYPE"
+ id="TODO_TYPE"
+ >
+ {actions(item) && (
+ <Dropdown
+ isPlain
+ isOpen={menuOpen}
+ toggle={(toggleRef: React.Ref<MenuToggleElement>) => (
+ <MenuToggle
+ variant="plain"
+ ref={toggleRef}
+ onClick={() => {
+ setMenuOpen(!menuOpen);
+ }}
+ isExpanded={menuOpen}
+ >
+ <EllipsisVIcon />
+ </MenuToggle>
+ )}
+ popperProps={{
+ position: DropdownPosition.right,
+ }}
+ >
+ <DropdownList>{actions(item)}</DropdownList>
+ </Dropdown>
+ )}
+ </DataListAction>
+ </DataListItemRow>
+ <DataListContent isHidden={!expanded} aria-label="TODO_TYPE">
+ More details about selected snapshot More details about selected
+ snapshot More details about selected snapshot More details about
+ selected snapshot
+ </DataListContent>
+ </DataListItem>
+ );
export default SnapshotItem;
diff --git a/src/components/StatusPanel.tsx b/src/components/StatusPanel.tsx
index a2efff3..d92ad40 100644
--- a/src/components/StatusPanel.tsx
+++ b/src/components/StatusPanel.tsx
@@ -21,132 +21,132 @@
import cockpit from "cockpit";
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import {
- Card,
- CardBody,
- CardTitle,
- List,
- ListItem,
- Tooltip,
+ Card,
+ CardBody,
+ CardTitle,
+ List,
+ ListItem,
+ Tooltip,
} from "@patternfly/react-core";
import {
- CheckCircleIcon,
- ExclamationCircleIcon,
- ExclamationTriangleIcon,
- InfoCircleIcon,
- PendingIcon,
+ CheckCircleIcon,
+ ExclamationCircleIcon,
+ ExclamationTriangleIcon,
+ InfoCircleIcon,
+ PendingIcon,
} from "@patternfly/react-icons";
import "./StatusPanel.scss";
-import { Update } from "@/update";
+import type { Update } from "@/update";
import type { Status } from "@/status";
-import { Snapshot } from "@/tukit";
+import type { Snapshot } from "@/tukit";
const _ = cockpit.gettext;
type StatusPanelProps = {
- updates: Update[];
- waiting: string | null | boolean;
- status: Status[];
- setStatus: (status: Status[]) => void;
- updatesError: string | null;
- snapshots: Snapshot[];
+ updates: Update[];
+ waiting: string | null | boolean;
+ status: Status[];
+ setStatus: (status: Status[]) => void;
+ updatesError: string | null;
+ snapshots: Snapshot[];
const StatusPanel = ({
- waiting,
- status,
- setStatus,
- updates,
- updatesError,
- snapshots,
+ waiting,
+ status,
+ setStatus,
+ updates,
+ updatesError,
+ snapshots,
}: StatusPanelProps) => {
- // update page status
- useEffect(() => {
- if (waiting) {
- setStatus([
- {
- type: "",
- key: "wait",
- title: waiting,
- details: { icon: "pending" },
- },
- ]);
- return;
- }
- const s: Status[] = [];
- if (updatesError) {
- s.push({
- key: "updates-error",
- type: "error",
- title: updatesError,
- });
- }
- if (snapshots.length > 0 && !snapshots[0].active) {
- s.push({
- key: "new-snapshot",
- type: "info",
- title: cockpit.format(
- _("New snapshot #$1 available: $0"),
- snapshots[0].description,
- snapshots[0].number,
- ),
- });
- }
- if (updates.length > 0) {
- const security_updates = updates.filter((u) => u.category === "security");
- const [t, msg] =
- security_updates.length > 0
- ? (["warning", _("Security updates available")] as const)
- : (["info", _("Updates available")] as const);
- s.push({
- key: "updates",
- type: t,
- title: msg,
- });
- }
- // no status? it's good!
- if (s.length === 0) {
- s.push({
- type: "",
- key: "system-ok",
- title: _("System is up to date"),
- details: { icon: "check" },
- });
- }
- setStatus(s);
- }, [waiting, snapshots, updates, updatesError, setStatus]);
+ // update page status
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (waiting) {
+ setStatus([
+ {
+ type: "",
+ key: "wait",
+ title: waiting,
+ details: { icon: "pending" },
+ },
+ ]);
+ return;
+ }
+ const s: Status[] = [];
+ if (updatesError) {
+ s.push({
+ key: "updates-error",
+ type: "error",
+ title: updatesError,
+ });
+ }
+ if (snapshots.length > 0 && !snapshots[0].active) {
+ s.push({
+ key: "new-snapshot",
+ type: "info",
+ title: cockpit.format(
+ _("New snapshot #$1 available: $0"),
+ snapshots[0].description,
+ snapshots[0].number,
+ ),
+ });
+ }
+ if (updates.length > 0) {
+ const security_updates = updates.filter((u) => u.category === "security");
+ const [t, msg] =
+ security_updates.length > 0
+ ? (["warning", _("Security updates available")] as const)
+ : (["info", _("Updates available")] as const);
+ s.push({
+ key: "updates",
+ type: t,
+ title: msg,
+ });
+ }
+ // no status? it's good!
+ if (s.length === 0) {
+ s.push({
+ type: "",
+ key: "system-ok",
+ title: _("System is up to date"),
+ details: { icon: "check" },
+ });
+ }
+ setStatus(s);
+ }, [waiting, snapshots, updates, updatesError, setStatus]);
- const icon = (s: Status) => {
- const i = s.details?.icon || s.type;
- const c = `tukit-status-${i}`;
- if (i === "error") return <ExclamationCircleIcon className={c} />;
- else if (i === "warning") return <ExclamationTriangleIcon className={c} />;
- else if (i === "check") return <CheckCircleIcon className={c} />;
- else if (i === "pending") return <PendingIcon className={c} />;
- else return <InfoCircleIcon className={c} />;
- };
- return (
- <Card className="ct-card-info tukit-status-panel">
- <CardTitle>{_("Status")}</CardTitle>
- <CardBody>
- <List isPlain iconSize="large">
- {status.map((s) => (
- <ListItem icon={icon(s)} key={s.key}>
- <Tooltip
- className="tukit-tooltip-pre"
- isContentLeftAligned
- maxWidth="30rem"
- position="auto"
- content={s.title}
- >
- <span className="tukit-status-text">{s.title}</span>
- </Tooltip>
- </ListItem>
- ))}
- </List>
- </CardBody>
- </Card>
- );
+ const icon = (s: Status) => {
+ const i = s.details?.icon || s.type;
+ const c = `tukit-status-${i}`;
+ if (i === "error") return <ExclamationCircleIcon className={c} />;
+ if (i === "warning") return <ExclamationTriangleIcon className={c} />;
+ if (i === "check") return <CheckCircleIcon className={c} />;
+ if (i === "pending") return <PendingIcon className={c} />;
+ return <InfoCircleIcon className={c} />;
+ };
+ return (
+ <Card className="ct-card-info tukit-status-panel">
+ <CardTitle>{_("Status")}</CardTitle>
+ <CardBody>
+ <List isPlain iconSize="large">
+ {status.map((s) => (
+ <ListItem icon={icon(s)} key={s.key}>
+ <Tooltip
+ className="tukit-tooltip-pre"
+ isContentLeftAligned
+ maxWidth="30rem"
+ position="auto"
+ content={s.title}
+ >
+ <span className="tukit-status-text">{s.title}</span>
+ </Tooltip>
+ </ListItem>
+ ))}
+ </List>
+ </CardBody>
+ </Card>
+ );
export default StatusPanel;
diff --git a/src/components/UpdatesItem.tsx b/src/components/UpdatesItem.tsx
index 7d48610..f971f96 100644
--- a/src/components/UpdatesItem.tsx
+++ b/src/components/UpdatesItem.tsx
@@ -19,37 +19,38 @@
import cockpit from "cockpit";
+// biome-ignore lint/style/useImportType: this is not used as a type
import React, { useState } from "react";
import {
- Button,
- DataList,
- DataListItem,
- DataListToggle,
- DataListItemRow,
- DataListItemCells,
- DataListCell,
- DataListAction,
- DataListContent,
- Dropdown,
- DropdownItem,
- Label,
- Modal,
- ModalVariant,
- Tooltip,
- DropdownList,
- MenuToggleElement,
- MenuToggle,
+ Button,
+ DataList,
+ DataListItem,
+ DataListToggle,
+ DataListItemRow,
+ DataListItemCells,
+ DataListCell,
+ DataListAction,
+ DataListContent,
+ Dropdown,
+ DropdownItem,
+ Label,
+ Modal,
+ ModalVariant,
+ Tooltip,
+ DropdownList,
+ type MenuToggleElement,
+ MenuToggle,
} from "@patternfly/react-core";
import { DropdownPosition } from "@patternfly/react-core/deprecated";
import {
- BugIcon,
- ExclamationTriangleIcon,
- InfoCircleIcon,
- PackageIcon,
- EllipsisVIcon,
+ BugIcon,
+ ExclamationTriangleIcon,
+ InfoCircleIcon,
+ PackageIcon,
+ EllipsisVIcon,
} from "@patternfly/react-icons";
import { transactionsProxy } from "../tukit";
-import { Update, categoryProps, severityProps } from "../update";
+import { type Update, categoryProps, severityProps } from "../update";
import { linkify } from "../utils";
import "./UpdatesItem.scss";
@@ -57,313 +58,313 @@ import "./UpdatesItem.scss";
const _ = cockpit.gettext;
const UpdateDetails = ({ u }: { u: Update }) => {
- const [dialogVisible, setDialogVisible] = useState(false);
- return (
- <>
- <Button
- className="tukit-update-details-button"
- variant="plain"
- onClick={() => {
- setDialogVisible(true);
- }}
- >
- <InfoCircleIcon />
- </Button>
- {dialogVisible && (
- <Modal
- isOpen
- variant={ModalVariant.medium}
- title={_("Update Details")}
- onClose={() => setDialogVisible(false)}
- actions={[
- <Button
- key="close"
- variant="primary"
- onClick={() => {
- setDialogVisible(false);
- }}
- >
- {_("Close")}
- </Button>,
- ]}
- >
- <DataList isCompact aria-label="TODO_TYPE">
- {Object.entries(u).map(([k, v]) => (
- <DataListItem key={k}>
- <DataListItemRow>
- <DataListItemCells
- dataListCells={[
- <DataListCell key="name" width={1}>
- <strong>{k}</strong>
- </DataListCell>,
- <DataListCell key="value" width={4}>
- <span className="tukit-update-details-text">
- {v ? linkify(v) : ""}
- </span>
- </DataListCell>,
- ]}
- />
- </DataListItemRow>
- </DataListItem>
- ))}
- </DataList>
- </Modal>
- )}
- </>
- );
+ const [dialogVisible, setDialogVisible] = useState(false);
+ return (
+ <>
+ <Button
+ className="tukit-update-details-button"
+ variant="plain"
+ onClick={() => {
+ setDialogVisible(true);
+ }}
+ >
+ <InfoCircleIcon />
+ </Button>
+ {dialogVisible && (
+ <Modal
+ isOpen
+ variant={ModalVariant.medium}
+ title={_("Update Details")}
+ onClose={() => setDialogVisible(false)}
+ actions={[
+ <Button
+ key="close"
+ variant="primary"
+ onClick={() => {
+ setDialogVisible(false);
+ }}
+ >
+ {_("Close")}
+ </Button>,
+ ]}
+ >
+ <DataList isCompact aria-label="TODO_TYPE">
+ {Object.entries(u).map(([k, v]) => (
+ <DataListItem key={k}>
+ <DataListItemRow>
+ <DataListItemCells
+ dataListCells={[
+ <DataListCell key="name" width={1}>
+ <strong>{k}</strong>
+ </DataListCell>,
+ <DataListCell key="value" width={4}>
+ <span className="tukit-update-details-text">
+ {v ? linkify(v) : ""}
+ </span>
+ </DataListCell>,
+ ]}
+ />
+ </DataListItemRow>
+ </DataListItem>
+ ))}
+ </DataList>
+ </Modal>
+ )}
+ </>
+ );
const UpdateItem = ({ u }: { u: Update }) => {
- const icon = () => {
- if (u.kind === "package") return <PackageIcon />;
- else if (u.kind === "patch") return <BugIcon />;
- else return <InfoCircleIcon />;
- };
- const updateCells = (u: Update) => {
- // package
- if (u.kind === "package")
- return [
- <DataListCell key="name">
- <Tooltip
- className="tukit-tooltip-pre"
- isContentLeftAligned
- maxWidth="30rem"
- content={u.description}
- >
- <span>{u.name}</span>
- </Tooltip>
- </DataListCell>,
- <DataListCell key="version">
- <Tooltip content={_("New Version")}>
- <span>{u.edition}</span>
- </Tooltip>
- </DataListCell>,
- <DataListCell key="oldversion">
- <Tooltip content={_("Old Version")}>
- <span>{u["edition-old"]}</span>
- </Tooltip>
- </DataListCell>,
- ];
- // patch
- return [
- <DataListCell key="name" width={3}>
- <Tooltip
- className="tukit-tooltip-pre"
- isContentLeftAligned
- maxWidth="30rem"
- content={u.description}
- >
- <span>{u.name}</span>
- </Tooltip>
- </DataListCell>,
- <DataListCell key="summary" width={2}>
- {u.summary}
- </DataListCell>,
- <DataListCell key="details" width={2}>
- <Label isCompact {...categoryProps(u)}>
- {u.category}
- </Label>
- <Label isCompact {...severityProps(u)}>
- {u.severity}
- </Label>
- </DataListCell>,
- ];
- };
- return (
- <DataListItem>
- <DataListItemRow>
- <DataListItemCells
- dataListCells={[
- <DataListCell isIcon key="icon">
- <Tooltip content={_(u.kind)}>{icon()}</Tooltip>
- </DataListCell>,
- ...updateCells(u),
- ]}
- />
- <DataListAction
- isPlainButtonAction
- aria-label="TODO_TYPE"
- aria-labelledby="TODO_TYPE"
- id="TODO_TYPE"
- >
- <UpdateDetails u={u} />
- </DataListAction>
- </DataListItemRow>
- </DataListItem>
- );
+ const icon = () => {
+ if (u.kind === "package") return <PackageIcon />;
+ if (u.kind === "patch") return <BugIcon />;
+ return <InfoCircleIcon />;
+ };
+ const updateCells = (u: Update) => {
+ // package
+ if (u.kind === "package")
+ return [
+ <DataListCell key="name">
+ <Tooltip
+ className="tukit-tooltip-pre"
+ isContentLeftAligned
+ maxWidth="30rem"
+ content={u.description}
+ >
+ <span>{u.name}</span>
+ </Tooltip>
+ </DataListCell>,
+ <DataListCell key="version">
+ <Tooltip content={_("New Version")}>
+ <span>{u.edition}</span>
+ </Tooltip>
+ </DataListCell>,
+ <DataListCell key="oldversion">
+ <Tooltip content={_("Old Version")}>
+ <span>{u["edition-old"]}</span>
+ </Tooltip>
+ </DataListCell>,
+ ];
+ // patch
+ return [
+ <DataListCell key="name" width={3}>
+ <Tooltip
+ className="tukit-tooltip-pre"
+ isContentLeftAligned
+ maxWidth="30rem"
+ content={u.description}
+ >
+ <span>{u.name}</span>
+ </Tooltip>
+ </DataListCell>,
+ <DataListCell key="summary" width={2}>
+ {u.summary}
+ </DataListCell>,
+ <DataListCell key="details" width={2}>
+ <Label isCompact {...categoryProps(u)}>
+ {u.category}
+ </Label>
+ <Label isCompact {...severityProps(u)}>
+ {u.severity}
+ </Label>
+ </DataListCell>,
+ ];
+ };
+ return (
+ <DataListItem>
+ <DataListItemRow>
+ <DataListItemCells
+ dataListCells={[
+ <DataListCell isIcon key="icon">
+ <Tooltip content={_(u.kind)}>{icon()}</Tooltip>
+ </DataListCell>,
+ ...updateCells(u),
+ ]}
+ />
+ <DataListAction
+ isPlainButtonAction
+ aria-label="TODO_TYPE"
+ aria-labelledby="TODO_TYPE"
+ id="TODO_TYPE"
+ >
+ <UpdateDetails u={u} />
+ </DataListAction>
+ </DataListItemRow>
+ </DataListItem>
+ );
type UpdatesItemProps = {
- updates: Update[];
- waiting: string | null | boolean;
- setWaiting: (waiting: string | null) => void;
- setError: (error: string | null) => void;
- setDirty: (dirty: boolean) => void;
+ updates: Update[];
+ waiting: string | null | boolean;
+ setWaiting: (waiting: string | null) => void;
+ setError: (error: string | null) => void;
+ setDirty: (dirty: boolean) => void;
const UpdatesItem = ({
- updates,
- setError,
- setDirty,
- setWaiting,
- waiting,
+ updates,
+ setError,
+ setDirty,
+ setWaiting,
+ waiting,
}: UpdatesItemProps) => {
- const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false);
- const [menuOpen, setMenuOpen] = useState(false);
+ const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false);
+ const [menuOpen, setMenuOpen] = useState(false);
- const update = async (reboot: boolean) => {
- setWaiting(_("Installing updates..."));
- const proxy = transactionsProxy();
+ const update = async (reboot: boolean) => {
+ setWaiting(_("Installing updates..."));
+ const proxy = transactionsProxy();
- function finishedHandler(
- ev: CustomEvent<unknown>,
- snapID: string,
- exitcode: number,
- output: string,
- ) {
- console.log("command finished");
- console.log(`exit ${exitcode}`);
- console.log(`output: ${output}`);
- setWaiting(null);
- setDirty(true);
- // run once (no {once: true} support in cockpit's event_mixin)
- proxy.removeEventListener("CommandExecuted", finishedHandler);
- }
+ function finishedHandler(
+ ev: CustomEvent<unknown>,
+ snapID: string,
+ exitcode: number,
+ output: string,
+ ) {
+ console.log("command finished");
+ console.log(`exit ${exitcode}`);
+ console.log(`output: ${output}`);
+ setWaiting(null);
+ setDirty(true);
+ // run once (no {once: true} support in cockpit's event_mixin)
+ proxy.removeEventListener("CommandExecuted", finishedHandler);
+ }
- function errorHandler(
- ev: CustomEvent<unknown>,
- snapID: string,
- exitcode: number,
- output: string,
- ) {
- console.log(`exit ${exitcode}`);
- console.log(`output: ${output}`);
- setError(
- cockpit.format(
- _("Error installing updates: command exited with code $0"),
- exitcode,
- ),
- );
- setWaiting(null);
- // don't reload to not loose the error status
- // setDirty(true);
- // run once (no {once: true} support in cockpit's event_mixin)
- proxy.removeEventListener("Error", errorHandler);
- }
+ function errorHandler(
+ ev: CustomEvent<unknown>,
+ snapID: string,
+ exitcode: number,
+ output: string,
+ ) {
+ console.log(`exit ${exitcode}`);
+ console.log(`output: ${output}`);
+ setError(
+ cockpit.format(
+ _("Error installing updates: command exited with code $0"),
+ exitcode,
+ ),
+ );
+ setWaiting(null);
+ // don't reload to not loose the error status
+ // setDirty(true);
+ // run once (no {once: true} support in cockpit's event_mixin)
+ proxy.removeEventListener("Error", errorHandler);
+ }
- proxy.wait(async () => {
- try {
- // You can find the "CommandExecuted" | "Error" events and `ExecuteAndReboot` function from here:
- // https://github.com/openSUSE/transactional-update/blob/master/dbus/org.opensuse.tukit.Transaction.xml
- proxy.addEventListener("CommandExecuted", finishedHandler);
- proxy.addEventListener("Error", errorHandler);
- const cmd = "zypper --non-interactive up";
- const rebootMethod = reboot ? "systemd" : "none";
- // base: default, active or number of base snapshot
- // reboot: auto, rebootmgr, systemd, kured, kexec, none
- const snapID = await proxy.ExecuteAndReboot(
- "default",
- cmd,
- rebootMethod,
- );
- console.log(`new snapshot: ${snapID}`);
- } catch (_e) {
- const e = _e as Error;
- setWaiting(null);
- // this is "early" error returned directly from method
- setError(e.toString());
- }
- });
- };
+ proxy.wait(async () => {
+ try {
+ // You can find the "CommandExecuted" | "Error" events and `ExecuteAndReboot` function from here:
+ // https://github.com/openSUSE/transactional-update/blob/master/dbus/org.opensuse.tukit.Transaction.xml
+ proxy.addEventListener("CommandExecuted", finishedHandler);
+ proxy.addEventListener("Error", errorHandler);
+ const cmd = "zypper --non-interactive up";
+ const rebootMethod = reboot ? "systemd" : "none";
+ // base: default, active or number of base snapshot
+ // reboot: auto, rebootmgr, systemd, kured, kexec, none
+ const snapID = await proxy.ExecuteAndReboot(
+ "default",
+ cmd,
+ rebootMethod,
+ );
+ console.log(`new snapshot: ${snapID}`);
+ } catch (_e) {
+ const e = _e as Error;
+ setWaiting(null);
+ // this is "early" error returned directly from method
+ setError(e.toString());
+ }
+ });
+ };
- const updateAndReboot = () => {
- update(true);
- };
- const updateOnly = () => {
- update(false);
- };
+ const updateAndReboot = () => {
+ update(true);
+ };
+ const updateOnly = () => {
+ update(false);
+ };
- return (
- <DataListItem key="updates" isExpanded={expanded}>
- <DataListItemRow>
- <DataListToggle
- id="TODO_TYPE"
- onClick={() => {
- setExpanded(!expanded);
- }}
- isExpanded={expanded}
- />
- <DataListItemCells
- dataListCells={[
- <DataListCell isIcon key="icon">
- <ExclamationTriangleIcon color="var(--pf-global--warning-color--100)" />
- </DataListCell>,
- <DataListCell key="description" width={3}>
- <b>
- {cockpit.format(_("Available updates ($0)"), updates.length)}
- </b>
- </DataListCell>,
- <DataListCell key="buttons">
- <Button
- variant="primary"
- isDisabled={!!waiting}
- onClick={() => {
- updateAndReboot();
- }}
- size="sm"
- >
- {_("Update and Reboot")}
- </Button>
- </DataListCell>,
- ]}
- />
- <DataListAction
- aria-label="TODO_TYPE"
- aria-labelledby="TODO_TYPE"
- id="TODO_TYPE"
- >
- <Dropdown
- isPlain
- isOpen={menuOpen}
- toggle={(toggleRef: React.Ref<MenuToggleElement>) => (
- <MenuToggle
- variant="plain"
- ref={toggleRef}
- onClick={() => {
- setMenuOpen(!menuOpen);
- }}
- isExpanded={menuOpen}
- >
- <EllipsisVIcon />
- </MenuToggle>
- )}
- popperProps={{
- position: DropdownPosition.right,
- }}
- >
- <DropdownList>
- <DropdownItem
- key="update"
- isDisabled={!!waiting}
- onClick={() => {
- updateOnly();
- }}
- >
- {_("Update without Reboot")}
- </DropdownItem>
- </DropdownList>
- </Dropdown>
- </DataListAction>
- </DataListItemRow>
- <DataListContent hasNoPadding isHidden={!expanded} aria-label="TODO_TYPE">
- <DataList isCompact aria-label="TODO_TYPE">
- {updates.map((u: Update) => (
- <UpdateItem key={u.name} u={u} />
- ))}
- </DataList>
- </DataListContent>
- </DataListItem>
- );
+ return (
+ <DataListItem key="updates" isExpanded={expanded}>
+ <DataListItemRow>
+ <DataListToggle
+ id="TODO_TYPE"
+ onClick={() => {
+ setExpanded(!expanded);
+ }}
+ isExpanded={expanded}
+ />
+ <DataListItemCells
+ dataListCells={[
+ <DataListCell isIcon key="icon">
+ <ExclamationTriangleIcon color="var(--pf-global--warning-color--100)" />
+ </DataListCell>,
+ <DataListCell key="description" width={3}>
+ <b>
+ {cockpit.format(_("Available updates ($0)"), updates.length)}
+ </b>
+ </DataListCell>,
+ <DataListCell key="buttons">
+ <Button
+ variant="primary"
+ isDisabled={!!waiting}
+ onClick={() => {
+ updateAndReboot();
+ }}
+ size="sm"
+ >
+ {_("Update and Reboot")}
+ </Button>
+ </DataListCell>,
+ ]}
+ />
+ <DataListAction
+ aria-label="TODO_TYPE"
+ aria-labelledby="TODO_TYPE"
+ id="TODO_TYPE"
+ >
+ <Dropdown
+ isPlain
+ isOpen={menuOpen}
+ toggle={(toggleRef: React.Ref<MenuToggleElement>) => (
+ <MenuToggle
+ variant="plain"
+ ref={toggleRef}
+ onClick={() => {
+ setMenuOpen(!menuOpen);
+ }}
+ isExpanded={menuOpen}
+ >
+ <EllipsisVIcon />
+ </MenuToggle>
+ )}
+ popperProps={{
+ position: DropdownPosition.right,
+ }}
+ >
+ <DropdownList>
+ <DropdownItem
+ key="update"
+ isDisabled={!!waiting}
+ onClick={() => {
+ updateOnly();
+ }}
+ >
+ {_("Update without Reboot")}
+ </DropdownItem>
+ </DropdownList>
+ </Dropdown>
+ </DataListAction>
+ </DataListItemRow>
+ <DataListContent hasNoPadding isHidden={!expanded} aria-label="TODO_TYPE">
+ <DataList isCompact aria-label="TODO_TYPE">
+ {updates.map((u: Update) => (
+ <UpdateItem key={u.name} u={u} />
+ ))}
+ </DataList>
+ </DataListContent>
+ </DataListItem>
+ );
export default UpdatesItem;
diff --git a/src/components/UpdatesPanel.tsx b/src/components/UpdatesPanel.tsx
index 5781bf6..7a821f4 100644
--- a/src/components/UpdatesPanel.tsx
+++ b/src/components/UpdatesPanel.tsx
@@ -20,24 +20,24 @@
import cockpit from "cockpit";
import * as timeformat from "timeformat";
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
-import XMLParser, { XMLElement } from "react-xml-parser";
+import XMLParser, { type XMLElement } from "react-xml-parser";
import {
- Button,
- Card,
- CardBody,
- CardTitle,
- Flex,
- FlexItem,
- Text,
+ Button,
+ Card,
+ CardBody,
+ CardTitle,
+ Flex,
+ FlexItem,
+ Text,
} from "@patternfly/react-core";
import {
- kindPrio,
- categoryPrio,
- severityPrio,
- KindValues,
- CategoryValues,
- SeverityValues,
- Update,
+ kindPrio,
+ categoryPrio,
+ severityPrio,
+ type KindValues,
+ type CategoryValues,
+ type SeverityValues,
+ type Update,
} from "../update";
import { decodeHTMLEntities } from "../utils";
@@ -45,148 +45,149 @@ const _ = cockpit.gettext;
// simplify structure of XMLParser return values
const flattenXMLData = (data: XMLElement, prefix = ""): Update => {
- // TODO: safer parsing to make sure we actually have a valid Update object
- const values: any = {};
- // NOTE: this will make {"": value} for root item
- if (data.value) values[prefix] = data.value;
- if (prefix !== "") prefix = `${prefix}_`;
- Object.keys(data.attributes).forEach((a) => {
- values[`${prefix}${a}`] = data.attributes[a];
- });
- data.children.forEach((c) => {
- Object.assign(values, flattenXMLData(c, `${prefix}${c.name}`));
- });
- return values as Update;
+ // TODO: safer parsing to make sure we actually have a valid Update object
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ const values: any = {};
+ // NOTE: this will make {"": value} for root item
+ if (data.value) values[prefix] = data.value;
+ if (prefix !== "") prefix = `${prefix}_`;
+ for (const key of Object.keys(data.attributes)) {
+ values[`${prefix}${key}`] = data.attributes[key];
+ }
+ for (const child of data.children) {
+ Object.assign(values, flattenXMLData(child, `${prefix}${child.name}`));
+ }
+ return values as Update;
type UpdatesPanelProps = {
- dirty: boolean;
- adminAccess: boolean;
- waiting: string | null;
- setUpdates: (updates: Update[]) => void;
- setError: (error: string | null) => void;
- setWaiting: (waiting: string | null) => void;
- setDirty: (dirty: boolean) => void;
+ dirty: boolean;
+ adminAccess: boolean;
+ waiting: string | null;
+ setUpdates: (updates: Update[]) => void;
+ setError: (error: string | null) => void;
+ setWaiting: (waiting: string | null) => void;
+ setDirty: (dirty: boolean) => void;
const UpdatesPanel = ({
- adminAccess,
- setUpdates,
- setError,
- dirty,
- setDirty,
- waiting,
- setWaiting,
+ adminAccess,
+ setUpdates,
+ setError,
+ dirty,
+ setDirty,
+ waiting,
+ setWaiting,
}: UpdatesPanelProps) => {
- const [lastCheck, setLastCheck] = useState<Date>();
+ const [lastCheck, setLastCheck] = useState<Date>();
- const getUpdates = async (arg: string) => {
- const cmd = ["zypper", "-q", "--xmlout", arg];
- let out: string = await cockpit.spawn(cmd, {
- superuser: "require",
- err: "message", // TODO: check if it works as expected
- });
- // convert line breaks in descriptions to not loose them during
- // xml parsing
- out = out.replaceAll(/<description>[^<]+<\/description>/g, (d) =>
- d
- // only keep newlines followed by space (indent) or bullet char
- .replaceAll(/\n([-* ])/g, (_, fc) => `&#10;${fc}`)
- // escape percentage sign to avoid URI decoding problems in XMLParser
- .replaceAll(/%/g, "%25"),
- );
- const xml = new XMLParser().parseFromString(out);
- return xml
- .getElementsByTagName("update")
- .map((e) => flattenXMLData(e))
- .map((u) => {
- return {
- ...u,
- description: decodeHTMLEntities(u.description),
- };
- });
- };
- const updateKey = (
- u: Update,
- ): [KindValues, CategoryValues, SeverityValues, string] => {
- return [
- kindPrio[u.kind],
- categoryPrio[u.category],
- severityPrio[u.severity],
- u.name,
- ];
- };
- const updateCmp = (a: Update, b: Update) => {
- const ak = updateKey(a);
- const bk = updateKey(b);
- if (ak > bk) return 1;
- if (ak < bk) return -1;
- return 0;
- };
- const checkUpdates = async () => {
- if (!dirty) {
- return;
- }
- setDirty(false);
+ const getUpdates = async (arg: string) => {
+ const cmd = ["zypper", "-q", "--xmlout", arg];
+ let out: string = await cockpit.spawn(cmd, {
+ superuser: "require",
+ err: "message", // TODO: check if it works as expected
+ });
+ // convert line breaks in descriptions to not loose them during
+ // xml parsing
+ out = out.replaceAll(/<description>[^<]+<\/description>/g, (d) =>
+ d
+ // only keep newlines followed by space (indent) or bullet char
+ .replaceAll(/\n([-* ])/g, (_, fc) => `&#10;${fc}`)
+ // escape percentage sign to avoid URI decoding problems in XMLParser
+ .replaceAll(/%/g, "%25"),
+ );
+ const xml = new XMLParser().parseFromString(out);
+ return xml
+ .getElementsByTagName("update")
+ .map((e) => flattenXMLData(e))
+ .map((u) => {
+ return {
+ ...u,
+ description: decodeHTMLEntities(u.description),
+ };
+ });
+ };
+ const updateKey = (
+ u: Update,
+ ): [KindValues, CategoryValues, SeverityValues, string] => {
+ return [
+ kindPrio[u.kind],
+ categoryPrio[u.category],
+ severityPrio[u.severity],
+ u.name,
+ ];
+ };
+ const updateCmp = (a: Update, b: Update) => {
+ const ak = updateKey(a);
+ const bk = updateKey(b);
+ if (ak > bk) return 1;
+ if (ak < bk) return -1;
+ return 0;
+ };
+ const checkUpdates = async () => {
+ if (!dirty) {
+ return;
+ }
+ setDirty(false);
- setError(null);
- setWaiting(_("Checking for updates..."));
- try {
- const refcmd = ["zypper", "ref"];
- await cockpit.spawn(refcmd, { superuser: true, err: "message" });
- const updates = Array.prototype.concat(
- await getUpdates("list-updates"),
- await getUpdates("list-patches"),
- );
- updates.sort(updateCmp);
- setUpdates(updates);
- setLastCheck(new Date());
- } catch (_e) {
- const e: Error = _e as Error;
- setError(
- cockpit.format(_("Error checking for updates: $0"), e.toString()),
- );
- }
- setWaiting(null);
- };
+ setError(null);
+ setWaiting(_("Checking for updates..."));
+ try {
+ const refcmd = ["zypper", "ref"];
+ await cockpit.spawn(refcmd, { superuser: true, err: "message" });
+ const updates = Array.prototype.concat(
+ await getUpdates("list-updates"),
+ await getUpdates("list-patches"),
+ );
+ updates.sort(updateCmp);
+ setUpdates(updates);
+ setLastCheck(new Date());
+ } catch (_e) {
+ const e: Error = _e as Error;
+ setError(
+ cockpit.format(_("Error checking for updates: $0"), e.toString()),
+ );
+ }
+ setWaiting(null);
+ };
- useEffect(() => {
- // auto-check updates on initial load
- checkUpdates();
- // TODO: FIX!
- // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
- }, [dirty]);
- return (
- <Card className="ct-card-info">
- <CardTitle>{_("Updates")}</CardTitle>
- <CardBody>
- <Flex>
- <FlexItem>
- {lastCheck && (
- <Text component="small">
- {cockpit.format(
- _("Last Checked: $0"),
- timeformat.dateTime(lastCheck),
- )}
- </Text>
- )}
- </FlexItem>
- <FlexItem align={{ default: "alignRight" }}>
- <Button
- variant="primary"
- isLoading={!!waiting}
- isDisabled={!adminAccess || !!waiting}
- onClick={() => {
- setDirty(true);
- }}
- >
- {waiting || _("Check for Updates")}
- </Button>
- </FlexItem>
- </Flex>
- </CardBody>
- </Card>
- );
+ useEffect(() => {
+ // auto-check updates on initial load
+ checkUpdates();
+ // TODO: FIX!
+ // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
+ }, [dirty]);
+ return (
+ <Card className="ct-card-info">
+ <CardTitle>{_("Updates")}</CardTitle>
+ <CardBody>
+ <Flex>
+ <FlexItem>
+ {lastCheck && (
+ <Text component="small">
+ {cockpit.format(
+ _("Last Checked: $0"),
+ timeformat.dateTime(lastCheck),
+ )}
+ </Text>
+ )}
+ </FlexItem>
+ <FlexItem align={{ default: "alignRight" }}>
+ <Button
+ variant="primary"
+ isLoading={!!waiting}
+ isDisabled={!adminAccess || !!waiting}
+ onClick={() => {
+ setDirty(true);
+ }}
+ >
+ {waiting || _("Check for Updates")}
+ </Button>
+ </FlexItem>
+ </Flex>
+ </CardBody>
+ </Card>
+ );
export default UpdatesPanel;
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index f5da17a..bfe5a65 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* along with Cockpit; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import "../pkg/lib/patternfly/patternfly-5-cockpit.scss";
+import "patternfly/patternfly-5-cockpit.scss";
import React from "react";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ import Application from "./app";
* out of the dist/index.js and since it will maintain the order of the imported CSS,
* the overrides will be correctly in the end of our stylesheet.
-import "../pkg/lib/patternfly/patternfly-5-overrides.scss";
+import "patternfly/patternfly-5-overrides.scss";
import "./app.scss";
-document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
- const container = document.getElementById("app");
- if (container) {
- const root = createRoot(container);
- root.render(React.createElement(Application, {}));
- }
+document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
+ const container = document.getElementById("app");
+ if (container) {
+ const root = createRoot(container);
+ root.render(React.createElement(Application, {}));
+ }
diff --git a/src/manifest.json b/src/manifest.json
index 9857830..522ba2b 100644
--- a/src/manifest.json
+++ b/src/manifest.json
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
- "name": "updates",
- "requires": {
- "cockpit": "251"
- },
- "tools": {
- "index": {
- "label": "Software Updates",
- "docs": [
- {
- "label": "Transactional Update",
- "url": "https://documentation.suse.com/sle-micro/html/SLE-Micro-all/article-administration-slemicro.html#sec-transactional-udate"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "preload": ["index"]
+ "name": "updates",
+ "requires": {
+ "cockpit": "251"
+ },
+ "tools": {
+ "index": {
+ "label": "Software Updates",
+ "docs": [
+ {
+ "label": "Transactional Update",
+ "url": "https://documentation.suse.com/sle-micro/html/SLE-Micro-all/article-administration-slemicro.html#sec-transactional-udate"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "preload": ["index"]
diff --git a/src/status.ts b/src/status.ts
index bdebe35..ebf2f05 100644
--- a/src/status.ts
+++ b/src/status.ts
@@ -19,26 +19,26 @@
const statusSeverity = {
- "": -1,
- info: 0,
- warning: 1,
- error: 2,
+ "": -1,
+ info: 0,
+ warning: 1,
+ error: 2,
} as const;
type StatusSeverity = keyof typeof statusSeverity;
export type Status = {
- key: "wait" | "updates" | "updates-error" | "new-snapshot" | "system-ok";
- title: string | null | boolean;
- type: StatusSeverity;
- details?: { icon: string };
+ key: "wait" | "updates" | "updates-error" | "new-snapshot" | "system-ok";
+ title: string | null | boolean;
+ type: StatusSeverity;
+ details?: { icon: string };
export const mostSevereStatus = (statuses: Status[]): Status | null => {
- if (statuses.length === 0) return null;
- let ret = statuses[0];
- statuses.forEach((s) => {
- if (statusSeverity[s.type] > statusSeverity[ret.type]) ret = s;
- });
- return ret;
+ if (statuses.length === 0) return null;
+ let ret = statuses[0];
+ for (const status of statuses) {
+ if (statusSeverity[status.type] > statusSeverity[ret.type]) ret = status;
+ }
+ return ret;
diff --git a/src/tukit.ts b/src/tukit.ts
index 57c58f1..4b1c8e1 100644
--- a/src/tukit.ts
+++ b/src/tukit.ts
@@ -18,153 +18,152 @@
* find current contact information at www.suse.com.
-import cockpit, { DbusClient, Proxy } from "cockpit";
-import { ServiceProxy, proxy as serviceProxy } from "service";
+import cockpit, { type DbusClient, type Proxy } from "cockpit";
+import { type ServiceProxy, proxy as serviceProxy } from "service";
import { stringToBool } from "./utils";
let _dbusClient: DbusClient;
const dbusClient = (): DbusClient => {
- if (!_dbusClient) {
- _dbusClient = cockpit.dbus("org.opensuse.tukit", {
- bus: "system",
- superuser: "try",
- });
- }
- return _dbusClient;
+ if (!_dbusClient) {
+ _dbusClient = cockpit.dbus("org.opensuse.tukit", {
+ bus: "system",
+ superuser: "try",
+ });
+ }
+ return _dbusClient;
type SnapshotRecordKeys<T extends string> = T extends `${infer K},${infer Rest}`
- ? K | SnapshotRecordKeys<Rest>
- : T extends `${infer K}`
- ? K
- : never;
+ ? K | SnapshotRecordKeys<Rest>
+ : T extends `${infer K}`
+ ? K
+ : never;
export type SnapshotRecord<T extends string> = {
- [k in SnapshotRecordKeys<T>]: string;
+ [k in SnapshotRecordKeys<T>]: string;
type SnapshotMethods = {
- List: <T extends string>(args: T) => SnapshotRecord<T>[];
+ List: <T extends string>(args: T) => SnapshotRecord<T>[];
let _snapshotProxy: Proxy<SnapshotMethods>;
const snapshotsProxy = () => {
- if (!_snapshotProxy) {
- _snapshotProxy = dbusClient().proxy<SnapshotMethods>(
- "org.opensuse.tukit.Snapshot",
- "/org/opensuse/tukit/Snapshot",
- );
- }
- return _snapshotProxy;
+ if (!_snapshotProxy) {
+ _snapshotProxy = dbusClient().proxy<SnapshotMethods>(
+ "org.opensuse.tukit.Snapshot",
+ "/org/opensuse/tukit/Snapshot",
+ );
+ }
+ return _snapshotProxy;
type SnapIn = {
- number: string;
- default: string;
- active: string;
- date: string;
- description: string;
+ number: string;
+ default: string;
+ active: string;
+ date: string;
+ description: string;
export type Snapshot = {
- number: number;
- default: boolean;
- active: boolean;
- date: Date;
- description: string;
- old?: boolean;
+ number: number;
+ default: boolean;
+ active: boolean;
+ date: Date;
+ description: string;
+ old?: boolean;
const createSnapshot = (snap: SnapIn): Snapshot => {
- if (Array.isArray(snap)) {
- const [number, dflt, active, date, description] = snap;
- return {
- number: parseInt(number),
- default: stringToBool(dflt),
- active: stringToBool(active),
- date: new Date(`${date}Z`), // dates are UTC but have no marking
- description,
- };
- } else {
- return {
- number: parseInt(snap.number),
- default: stringToBool(snap.default),
- active: stringToBool(snap.active),
- date: new Date(`${snap.date}Z`), // dates are UTC but have no marking
- description: snap.description,
- };
- }
+ if (Array.isArray(snap)) {
+ const [number, dflt, active, date, description] = snap;
+ return {
+ number: Number.parseInt(number),
+ default: stringToBool(dflt),
+ active: stringToBool(active),
+ date: new Date(`${date}Z`), // dates are UTC but have no marking
+ description,
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ number: Number.parseInt(snap.number),
+ default: stringToBool(snap.default),
+ active: stringToBool(snap.active),
+ date: new Date(`${snap.date}Z`), // dates are UTC but have no marking
+ description: snap.description,
+ };
type TransactionEvent = "TransactionOpened" | "CommandExecuted" | "Error";
type TransactionEventCallback<T extends TransactionEvent> =
- T extends "TransactionOpened"
- ? (event: CustomEvent<unknown>, snapshot: string) => void
- : T extends "Error"
- ? (
- event: CustomEvent<unknown>,
- snapshot: string,
- returncode: number,
- output: string,
- ) => void
- : T extends "CommandExecuted"
- ? (
- event: CustomEvent<unknown>,
- snapshot: string,
- returncode: number,
- output: string,
- ) => void
- : never;
+ T extends "TransactionOpened"
+ ? (event: CustomEvent<unknown>, snapshot: string) => void
+ : T extends "Error"
+ ? (
+ event: CustomEvent<unknown>,
+ snapshot: string,
+ returncode: number,
+ output: string,
+ ) => void
+ : T extends "CommandExecuted"
+ ? (
+ event: CustomEvent<unknown>,
+ snapshot: string,
+ returncode: number,
+ output: string,
+ ) => void
+ : never;
// https://kubic.opensuse.org/documentation/man-pages/transactional-update.conf.5.html#REBOOT_METHOD
type TransactionReboot =
- | "auto"
- | "cured"
- | "rebootmgr"
- | "systemd"
- | "kexec"
- | "notify"
- | "none";
+ | "auto"
+ | "cured"
+ | "rebootmgr"
+ | "systemd"
+ | "kexec"
+ | "notify"
+ | "none";
type TransactionsMethods = {
- addEventListener: <T extends TransactionEvent>(
- event: T,
- callback: TransactionEventCallback<T>,
- ) => void;
- removeEventListener: <T extends TransactionEvent>(
- event: T,
- callback: TransactionEventCallback<T>,
- ) => void;
- ExecuteAndReboot: (
- base: "default" | "base" | string,
- command: string,
- rebootmethod: TransactionReboot,
- ) => Promise<string>;
+ addEventListener: <T extends TransactionEvent>(
+ event: T,
+ callback: TransactionEventCallback<T>,
+ ) => void;
+ removeEventListener: <T extends TransactionEvent>(
+ event: T,
+ callback: TransactionEventCallback<T>,
+ ) => void;
+ ExecuteAndReboot: (
+ base: "default" | "base" | string,
+ command: string,
+ rebootmethod: TransactionReboot,
+ ) => Promise<string>;
let _transactionsProxy: Proxy<TransactionsMethods>;
const transactionsProxy = () => {
- if (!_transactionsProxy) {
- _transactionsProxy = dbusClient().proxy(
- "org.opensuse.tukit.Transaction",
- "/org/opensuse/tukit/Transaction",
- );
- }
- return _transactionsProxy;
+ if (!_transactionsProxy) {
+ _transactionsProxy = dbusClient().proxy(
+ "org.opensuse.tukit.Transaction",
+ "/org/opensuse/tukit/Transaction",
+ );
+ }
+ return _transactionsProxy;
let _tukitdProxy: ServiceProxy;
const tukitdProxy = () => {
- if (!_tukitdProxy) {
- _tukitdProxy = serviceProxy("tukitd");
- }
- return _tukitdProxy;
+ if (!_tukitdProxy) {
+ _tukitdProxy = serviceProxy("tukitd");
+ }
+ return _tukitdProxy;
export {
- dbusClient,
- snapshotsProxy,
- createSnapshot,
- transactionsProxy,
- tukitdProxy,
+ dbusClient,
+ snapshotsProxy,
+ createSnapshot,
+ transactionsProxy,
+ tukitdProxy,
diff --git a/src/update.tsx b/src/update.tsx
index 19afa86..15cfb26 100644
--- a/src/update.tsx
+++ b/src/update.tsx
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
import React from "react";
import {
- ExclamationCircleIcon,
- ExclamationTriangleIcon,
- InfoCircleIcon,
+ ExclamationCircleIcon,
+ ExclamationTriangleIcon,
+ InfoCircleIcon,
} from "@patternfly/react-icons";
type ConstValues<T> = T[keyof T];
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ export const kindPrio = { patch: 0, package: 1 } as const;
export type KindKeys = keyof typeof kindPrio;
export type KindValues = ConstValues<typeof kindPrio>;
export const categoryPrio = {
- security: 0,
- recommended: 1,
- feature: 2,
+ security: 0,
+ recommended: 1,
+ feature: 2,
} as const;
export type CategoryKeys = keyof typeof categoryPrio;
export type CategoryValues = ConstValues<typeof categoryPrio>;
@@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ export type SeverityKeys = keyof typeof severityPrio;
export type SeverityValues = ConstValues<typeof severityPrio>;
export type Update = {
- kind: KindKeys;
- category: CategoryKeys;
- severity: SeverityKeys;
- name: string;
- description: string | null;
- edition: string;
- "edition-old": string;
- summary: string;
+ kind: KindKeys;
+ category: CategoryKeys;
+ severity: SeverityKeys;
+ name: string;
+ description: string | null;
+ edition: string;
+ "edition-old": string;
+ summary: string;
const prioLabelColor = { 0: "red", 1: "blue", 2: "auto" } as const;
@@ -61,23 +61,23 @@ type Undefined<T, E> = T extends E ? undefined : T;
type FAKE_LABEL_TYPE2<T> = Undefined<T[keyof T], "auto">;
const prioIcon = {
- 0: <ExclamationCircleIcon />,
- 1: <ExclamationTriangleIcon />,
- 2: <InfoCircleIcon />,
+ 0: <ExclamationCircleIcon />,
+ 1: <ExclamationTriangleIcon />,
+ 2: <InfoCircleIcon />,
} as const;
// remove _disabled to enable props
const prioProps = (p: keyof typeof prioLabelColor) => {
- return {
- color: prioLabelColor[p] as unknown as FAKE_LABEL_TYPE2<
- typeof prioLabelColor
- >,
- icon_disabled: prioIcon[p],
- variant: "outline" as "outline",
- };
+ return {
+ color: prioLabelColor[p] as unknown as FAKE_LABEL_TYPE2<
+ typeof prioLabelColor
+ >,
+ icon_disabled: prioIcon[p],
+ variant: "outline" as const,
+ };
export const categoryProps = (u: { category: CategoryKeys }) =>
- prioProps(categoryPrio[u.category]);
+ prioProps(categoryPrio[u.category]);
export const severityProps = (u: { severity: SeverityKeys }) =>
- prioProps(severityPrio[u.severity]);
+ prioProps(severityPrio[u.severity]);
diff --git a/src/utils.tsx b/src/utils.tsx
index be04309..b395f6a 100644
--- a/src/utils.tsx
+++ b/src/utils.tsx
@@ -17,47 +17,46 @@
* To contact SUSE LLC about this file by physical or electronic mail, you may
* find current contact information at www.suse.com.
-import React, { Key } from "react";
+import React, { type Key } from "react";
export const stringToBool = (s: string) => {
- return ["yes", "true", "1"].includes(s.toLowerCase());
+ return ["yes", "true", "1"].includes(s.toLowerCase());
// decode selected named html entities found in zypper's xml output and generic
// numeric ones.
// see: https://github.com/openSUSE/libzypp/blob/master/zypp-core/parser/xml/XmlEscape.cc
export const decodeHTMLEntities = (s: string | null): string | null => {
- if (!s)
- return null;
+ if (!s) return null;
- const entities = { lt: "<", gt: ">", amp: "&", apos: "'", quot: '"' };
- return s
- .replaceAll(/&#(\d+);/g, (_, num) => String.fromCharCode(num))
- .replaceAll(
- /&([a-z]+);/g,
- (m, e: keyof typeof entities) => entities[e] || m,
- );
+ const entities = { lt: "<", gt: ">", amp: "&", apos: "'", quot: '"' };
+ return s
+ .replaceAll(/&#(\d+);/g, (_, num) => String.fromCharCode(num))
+ .replaceAll(
+ /&([a-z]+);/g,
+ (m, e: keyof typeof entities) => entities[e] || m,
+ );
const tagURLPrefix = {
- bsc: "https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=",
- boo: "https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=",
+ bsc: "https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=",
+ boo: "https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=",
// convert tagged items found in text to clickable links
export const linkify = (s: string) => {
- const parts = s.split(/((?:bsc|boo)#\d+)/);
- return parts.map((p) => {
- const m = p.match(/(bsc|boo)#(\d+)/);
- if (m === null) return p;
- return (
- <a
- key={m as unknown as Key}
- href={tagURLPrefix[m[1] as keyof typeof tagURLPrefix] + m[2]}
- target="_blank"
- rel="noreferrer"
- >
- {m[0]}
- </a>
- );
- });
+ const parts = s.split(/((?:bsc|boo)#\d+)/);
+ return parts.map((p) => {
+ const m = p.match(/(bsc|boo)#(\d+)/);
+ if (m === null) return p;
+ return (
+ <a
+ key={m as unknown as Key}
+ href={tagURLPrefix[m[1] as keyof typeof tagURLPrefix] + m[2]}
+ target="_blank"
+ rel="noreferrer"
+ >
+ {m[0]}
+ </a>
+ );
+ });
diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json
index 11160c8..59efb8d 100644
--- a/tsconfig.json
+++ b/tsconfig.json
@@ -14,26 +14,11 @@
"jsx": "react",
"allowJs": true,
"paths": {
- "@/*": [
- "src/*"
- ],
+ "@/*": ["src/*"],
"*": ["types/*"]
- "lib": [
- "dom",
- "dom.iterable",
- "ES2021.String",
- "ES2021"
- ]
+ "lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "ES2021.String", "ES2021"]
- "include": [
- "src/*.ts",
- "src/*.tsx",
- "src/**/*.ts",
- "src/**/*.tsx"
- ],
- "exclude": [
- "node_modules",
- "types"
- ]
+ "include": ["src/*.ts", "src/*.tsx", "src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.tsx"],
+ "exclude": ["node_modules", "types"]
diff --git a/types/cockpit.d.ts b/types/cockpit.d.ts
index 5ecd9a3..1c8e98c 100644
--- a/types/cockpit.d.ts
+++ b/types/cockpit.d.ts
@@ -1,114 +1,112 @@
// https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/13214
declare module "cockpit" {
- interface Func1<T, R = void> {
- (arg: T): R;
- }
- type DbusOptions = {
- bus: "session" | "user" | "system" | "none";
- address?: string;
- superuser?: "require" | "try";
- track?: boolean;
- };
- type Fail = {
- message: string;
- problem?: string;
- };
- type SpawnFail = Fail & {
- exit_status?: number;
- exit_signal?: number;
- };
- type ErrorConfig = "message" | "out" | "ignore" | "pty";
- /**
- * https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/blob/main/src/bridge/cockpitrouter.c#L615-L621
- * @deprecated boolean is tecnically valid but it's not well documented
- */
- type SuperUserBool = boolean;
- type Superuser = "require" | "try" | SuperUserBool;
- type ProblemCodes =
- | "access-denied"
- | "authentication-failed"
- | "internal-error"
- | "no-cockpit"
- | "no-session"
- | "not-found"
- | "terminated"
- | "timeout"
- | "unknown-hostkey"
- | "no-forwarding";
- type SpawnConfig = {
- err?: ErrorConfig;
- binary?: boolean;
- directory?: string;
- host?: string;
- environ?: string[];
- pty?: boolean;
- batch?: boolean;
- latency?: number;
- superuser?: Superuser;
- };
- type ProxyMethods<T extends Record<string, (...args: any[]) => any>> = {
- [k in keyof T]: T[k];
- };
- type Proxy<T extends Record<string, (...args: any[]) => any> = {}> =
- ProxyMethods<T> & {
- client: DbusClient;
- path: string;
- iface: string;
- valid: boolean;
- data: Object;
- wait: (callback: () => void) => Promise<void>;
- };
- type DbusEvent = "close" | "owner";
- type DBusEventCallback<T extends DbusEvent> = T extends "close"
- ? (event: CustomEvent<unknown>, options: { problem?: string }) => void
- : T extends "owner"
- ? (event: CustomEvent<unknown>, owner?: string | null) => void
- : never;
- interface DbusClient {
- wait: (callback: () => void) => Promise<void>;
- close(problem?: string): void;
- proxy<T extends Record<string, (...args: any[]) => any> = {}>(
- interface?: string,
- path?: string,
- ): Proxy<T>;
- proxies(interface?: string[], path?: string[]): Proxy[];
- addEventListener<T extends DbusEvent>(
- event: T,
- callback: DBusEventCallback<T>,
- ): void;
- options: DbusOptions;
- unique_name: string;
- }
- interface ClosableWithProblem {
- close(problem?: ProblemCodes): void;
- }
- interface SpawnPromise extends Promise<string>, ClosableWithProblem {
- stream(callback: Func1<string>): SpawnPromise;
- input(data?: string | Uint8Array, stream?: boolean): SpawnPromise;
- }
- function gettext(text: string): string;
- function gettext(context: string, text: string): string;
- function format(template: string, args: string | Object): string;
- function format(template: string, ...args: string[] | Object[]): string;
- function dbus(name: string, options?: DbusOptions): DbusClient;
- function jump(todo: string, host?: string | null): void;
- function script(execute: string, args: SpawnConfig): SpawnPromise;
- function spawn(args: string | string[], options?: SpawnConfig): SpawnPromise;
- const transport: { host?: string | null };
+ type Func1<T, R = void> = (arg: T) => R;
+ type DbusOptions = {
+ bus: "session" | "user" | "system" | "none";
+ address?: string;
+ superuser?: "require" | "try";
+ track?: boolean;
+ };
+ type Fail = {
+ message: string;
+ problem?: string;
+ };
+ type SpawnFail = Fail & {
+ exit_status?: number;
+ exit_signal?: number;
+ };
+ type ErrorConfig = "message" | "out" | "ignore" | "pty";
+ /**
+ * https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/blob/main/src/bridge/cockpitrouter.c#L615-L621
+ * @deprecated boolean is tecnically valid but it's not well documented
+ */
+ type SuperUserBool = boolean;
+ type Superuser = "require" | "try" | SuperUserBool;
+ type ProblemCodes =
+ | "access-denied"
+ | "authentication-failed"
+ | "internal-error"
+ | "no-cockpit"
+ | "no-session"
+ | "not-found"
+ | "terminated"
+ | "timeout"
+ | "unknown-hostkey"
+ | "no-forwarding";
+ type SpawnConfig = {
+ err?: ErrorConfig;
+ binary?: boolean;
+ directory?: string;
+ host?: string;
+ environ?: string[];
+ pty?: boolean;
+ batch?: boolean;
+ latency?: number;
+ superuser?: Superuser;
+ };
+ type ProxyMethods<T extends Record<string, (...args: any[]) => any>> = {
+ [k in keyof T]: T[k];
+ };
+ type Proxy<T extends Record<string, (...args: any[]) => any> = {}> =
+ ProxyMethods<T> & {
+ client: DbusClient;
+ path: string;
+ iface: string;
+ valid: boolean;
+ data: Object;
+ wait: (callback: () => void) => Promise<void>;
+ };
+ type DbusEvent = "close" | "owner";
+ type DBusEventCallback<T extends DbusEvent> = T extends "close"
+ ? (event: CustomEvent<unknown>, options: { problem?: string }) => void
+ : T extends "owner"
+ ? (event: CustomEvent<unknown>, owner?: string | null) => void
+ : never;
+ interface DbusClient {
+ wait: (callback: () => void) => Promise<void>;
+ close(problem?: string): void;
+ proxy<T extends Record<string, (...args: any[]) => any> = {}>(
+ interface?: string,
+ path?: string,
+ ): Proxy<T>;
+ proxies(interface?: string[], path?: string[]): Proxy[];
+ addEventListener<T extends DbusEvent>(
+ event: T,
+ callback: DBusEventCallback<T>,
+ ): void;
+ options: DbusOptions;
+ unique_name: string;
+ }
+ interface ClosableWithProblem {
+ close(problem?: ProblemCodes): void;
+ }
+ interface SpawnPromise extends Promise<string>, ClosableWithProblem {
+ stream(callback: Func1<string>): SpawnPromise;
+ input(data?: string | Uint8Array, stream?: boolean): SpawnPromise;
+ }
+ function gettext(text: string): string;
+ function gettext(context: string, text: string): string;
+ function format(template: string, args: string | Object): string;
+ function format(template: string, ...args: string[] | Object[]): string;
+ function dbus(name: string, options?: DbusOptions): DbusClient;
+ function jump(todo: string, host?: string | null): void;
+ function script(execute: string, args: SpawnConfig): SpawnPromise;
+ function spawn(args: string | string[], options?: SpawnConfig): SpawnPromise;
+ const transport: { host?: string | null };
diff --git a/types/hooks.d.ts b/types/hooks.d.ts
index a656971..b38d4f7 100644
--- a/types/hooks.d.ts
+++ b/types/hooks.d.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { Superuser } from "superuser";
declare module "hooks" {
- function useEvent(obj: Superuser, event: "changed"): void;
+ function useEvent(obj: Superuser, event: "changed"): void;
diff --git a/types/notifications.d.ts b/types/notifications.d.ts
index b147491..8bc69a8 100644
--- a/types/notifications.d.ts
+++ b/types/notifications.d.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
// TODO: reorganise code so `Status` is part of notifications module
-import { Status } from "@/status";
+import type { Status } from "@/status";
declare module "notifications" {
- class PageStatus {
- constructor();
- get(page: string, host: string): string | null;
- set_own(status: Status | null): void;
- }
+ class PageStatus {
+ constructor();
+ get(page: string, host: string): string | null;
+ set_own(status: Status | null): void;
+ }
- const page_status: PageStatus;
+ const page_status: PageStatus;
diff --git a/types/react-xml-parser.d.ts b/types/react-xml-parser.d.ts
index 8fd59ab..b502cc3 100644
--- a/types/react-xml-parser.d.ts
+++ b/types/react-xml-parser.d.ts
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
// Copied and modified from https://github.com/matanshiloah/xml-parser/pull/42
declare module "react-xml-parser" {
- interface XMLElement {
- name: string;
- attributes: {
- [name: string]: string;
- };
- value: string;
- children: XMLElement[];
- }
+ interface XMLElement {
+ name: string;
+ attributes: {
+ [name: string]: string;
+ };
+ value: string;
+ children: XMLElement[];
+ }
- export default class XMLParser {
- constructor();
- public parseFromString(string: string): XMLParser;
- public toString(xml: XMLElement): string;
- public getElementsByTagName(tagName: string): XMLElement[];
- }
+ export default class XMLParser {
+ constructor();
+ public parseFromString(string: string): XMLParser;
+ public toString(xml: XMLElement): string;
+ public getElementsByTagName(tagName: string): XMLElement[];
+ }
diff --git a/types/service.d.ts b/types/service.d.ts
index f3a2975..88b452e 100644
--- a/types/service.d.ts
+++ b/types/service.d.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
declare module "service" {
- type ServiceProxy = {
- exists: boolean | null;
- state:
- | "starting"
- | "running"
- | "stopping"
- | "stopped"
- | "failed"
- | null
- | undefined;
- enabled: boolean | null | undefined;
- wait: (callback: () => void) => Promise<void>;
+ type ServiceProxy = {
+ exists: boolean | null;
+ state:
+ | "starting"
+ | "running"
+ | "stopping"
+ | "stopped"
+ | "failed"
+ | null
+ | undefined;
+ enabled: boolean | null | undefined;
+ wait: (callback: () => void) => Promise<void>;
- /*
+ /*
start: start,
stop: stop,
restart: restart,
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ declare module "service" {
disable: disable,
getRunJournal: getRunJournal, */
- };
+ };
- function proxy(name: string, kind?: string): ServiceProxy;
+ function proxy(name: string, kind?: string): ServiceProxy;
diff --git a/types/superuser.d.ts b/types/superuser.d.ts
index ff13f07..a31dfa6 100644
--- a/types/superuser.d.ts
+++ b/types/superuser.d.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
declare module "superuser" {
- type Superuser = {
- allowed: boolean | null;
- reload_page_on_change(): void;
- };
+ type Superuser = {
+ allowed: boolean | null;
+ reload_page_on_change(): void;
+ };
- const superuser: Superuser;
+ const superuser: Superuser;
diff --git a/types/timeformat.d.ts b/types/timeformat.d.ts
index 9f0a6d4..b0fb400 100644
--- a/types/timeformat.d.ts
+++ b/types/timeformat.d.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
declare module "timeformat" {
- function dateFormatLang(): string;
- function formatter(options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions | undefined): string;
- function time(t: Date | number): string;
- function timeSeconds(t: Date | number): string;
- function date(t: Date | number): string;
- function dateShort(t: Date | number): string;
- function dateTime(t: Date | number): string;
- function dateTimeSeconds(t: Date | number): string;
- function dateTimeNoYear(t: Date | number): string;
- function weekdayDate(t: Date | number): string;
- function dateShortFormat(): string;
- function distanceToNow(t: Date | number, addSuffix?: boolean): string;
+ function dateFormatLang(): string;
+ function formatter(options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions | undefined): string;
+ function time(t: Date | number): string;
+ function timeSeconds(t: Date | number): string;
+ function date(t: Date | number): string;
+ function dateShort(t: Date | number): string;
+ function dateTime(t: Date | number): string;
+ function dateTimeSeconds(t: Date | number): string;
+ function dateTimeNoYear(t: Date | number): string;
+ function weekdayDate(t: Date | number): string;
+ function dateShortFormat(): string;
+ function distanceToNow(t: Date | number, addSuffix?: boolean): string;
diff --git a/webpack.config.js b/webpack.config.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b7f77b..0000000
--- a/webpack.config.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-const fs = require("fs");
-const path = require("path");
-const copy = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
-const extract = require("mini-css-extract-plugin");
-const TerserJSPlugin = require("terser-webpack-plugin");
-const CssMinimizerPlugin = require("css-minimizer-webpack-plugin");
-const CompressionPlugin = require("compression-webpack-plugin");
-const CockpitPoPlugin = require("./src/lib/cockpit-po-plugin");
-const CockpitRsyncPlugin = require("./src/lib/cockpit-rsync-plugin");
-/* A standard nodejs and webpack pattern */
-const production = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production";
-// Obtain package name from package.json
-const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("package.json"));
-// Non-JS files which are copied verbatim to dist/
-const copy_files = ["./src/index.html", "./src/manifest.json"];
-const plugins = [
- new copy({ patterns: copy_files }),
- new extract({ filename: "[name].css" }),
- new CockpitPoPlugin(),
- new CockpitRsyncPlugin({ dest: packageJson.name }),
-/* Only minimize when in production mode */
-if (production) {
- plugins.unshift(
- new CompressionPlugin({
- test: /\.(js|html|css)$/,
- deleteOriginalAssets: true,
- }),
- );
-module.exports = {
- mode: production ? "production" : "development",
- resolve: {
- // extensions:['.ts','.tsx'],
- extensions: ["*", ".js", ".jsx", ".tsx", ".ts"],
- modules: ["node_modules", path.resolve(__dirname, "src/lib")],
- alias: { "font-awesome": "font-awesome-sass/assets/stylesheets" },
- },
- resolveLoader: {
- modules: ["node_modules", path.resolve(__dirname, "src/lib")],
- },
- watchOptions: {
- ignored: /node_modules/,
- },
- entry: {
- index: "./src/index.ts",
- },
- // cockpit.js gets included via <script>, everything else should be bundled
- externals: { cockpit: "cockpit" },
- devtool: "source-map",
- stats: "errors-warnings",
- optimization: {
- minimize: production,
- minimizer: [
- new TerserJSPlugin({
- extractComments: {
- condition: true,
- filename: "[file].LICENSE.txt?query=[query]&filebase=[base]",
- banner(licenseFile) {
- return `License information can be found in ${licenseFile}`;
- },
- },
- }),
- new CssMinimizerPlugin(),
- ],
- },
- module: {
- rules: [
- {
- exclude: /node_modules/,
- use: "babel-loader",
- test: /\.(js|ts|jsx|tsx)$/,
- },
- /* {
- test: /\.(js|ts|jsx|tsx)$/,
- use: 'ts-loader',
- exclude:/node_modules/,
- }, */
- /* HACK: remove unwanted fonts from PatternFly's css */
- {
- test: /patternfly-4-cockpit.scss$/,
- use: [
- extract.loader,
- {
- loader: "css-loader",
- options: {
- sourceMap: true,
- url: false,
- },
- },
- {
- loader: "string-replace-loader",
- options: {
- multiple: [
- {
- search: /src:url\("patternfly-icons-fake-path\/pficon[^}]*/g,
- replace:
- 'src:url("../base1/fonts/patternfly.woff") format("woff");',
- },
- {
- search: /@font-face[^}]*patternfly-fonts-fake-path[^}]*}/g,
- replace: "",
- },
- ],
- },
- },
- {
- loader: "sass-loader",
- options: {
- sourceMap: !production,
- sassOptions: {
- outputStyle: production ? "compressed" : undefined,
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- },
- {
- test: /\.s?css$/,
- exclude: /patternfly-4-cockpit.scss/,
- use: [
- extract.loader,
- {
- loader: "css-loader",
- options: {
- sourceMap: true,
- url: false,
- },
- },
- {
- loader: "sass-loader",
- options: {
- sourceMap: !production,
- sassOptions: {
- outputStyle: production ? "compressed" : undefined,
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- },
- ],
- },
- plugins: plugins,