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package s3test
import (
const debug = false
var rangePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^bytes=([\d]*)-([\d]*)$`)
type s3Error struct {
statusCode int
XMLName struct{} `xml:"Error"`
Code string
Message string
BucketName string
RequestId string
HostId string
type action struct {
srv *Server
w http.ResponseWriter
req *http.Request
reqId string
// A Clock reports the current time.
type Clock interface {
Now() time.Time
type realClock struct{}
func (c *realClock) Now() time.Time {
return time.Now()
// Config controls the internal behaviour of the Server. A nil config is the default
// and behaves as if all configurations assume their default behaviour. Once passed
// to NewServer, the configuration must not be modified.
type Config struct {
// Send409Conflict controls how the Server will respond to calls to PUT on a
// previously existing bucket. The default is false, and corresponds to the
// us-east-1 s3 enpoint. Setting this value to true emulates the behaviour of
// all other regions.
// http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/ErrorResponses.html
Send409Conflict bool
// Address on which to listen. By default, a random port is assigned by the
// operating system and the server listens on localhost.
ListenAddress string
// Clock used to set mtime when updating an object. If nil,
// use the real clock.
Clock Clock
func (c *Config) send409Conflict() bool {
if c != nil {
return c.Send409Conflict
return false
// Server is a fake S3 server for testing purposes.
// All of the data for the server is kept in memory.
type Server struct {
url string
reqId int
listener net.Listener
mu sync.Mutex
buckets map[string]*bucket
config *Config
closed bool
type bucket struct {
name string
acl s3.ACL
ctime time.Time
objects map[string]*object
multipartUploads map[string][]*multipartUploadPart
multipartMeta map[string]http.Header
type object struct {
name string
mtime time.Time
meta http.Header // metadata to return with requests.
checksum []byte // also held as Content-MD5 in meta.
data []byte
type multipartUploadPart struct {
index uint
data []byte
etag string
lastModified time.Time
type multipartUploadPartByIndex []*multipartUploadPart
func (x multipartUploadPartByIndex) Len() int {
return len(x)
func (x multipartUploadPartByIndex) Swap(i, j int) {
x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i]
func (x multipartUploadPartByIndex) Less(i, j int) bool {
return x[i].index < x[j].index
// A resource encapsulates the subject of an HTTP request.
// The resource referred to may or may not exist
// when the request is made.
type resource interface {
put(a *action) interface{}
get(a *action) interface{}
post(a *action) interface{}
delete(a *action) interface{}
func NewServer(config *Config) (*Server, error) {
listenAddress := "localhost:0"
if config == nil {
config = &Config{}
if config.ListenAddress != "" {
listenAddress = config.ListenAddress
if config.Clock == nil {
config.Clock = &realClock{}
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", listenAddress)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot listen on localhost: %v", err)
srv := &Server{
listener: l,
url: "http://" + l.Addr().String(),
buckets: make(map[string]*bucket),
config: config,
go http.Serve(l, http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
srv.serveHTTP(w, req)
return srv, nil
// Quit closes down the server.
func (srv *Server) Quit() {
srv.closed = true
// URL returns a URL for the server.
func (srv *Server) URL() string {
return srv.url
func fatalf(code int, codeStr string, errf string, a ...interface{}) {
statusCode: code,
Code: codeStr,
Message: fmt.Sprintf(errf, a...),
// serveHTTP serves the S3 protocol.
func (srv *Server) serveHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// ignore error from ParseForm as it's usually spurious.
defer srv.mu.Unlock()
if srv.closed {
hj := w.(http.Hijacker)
conn, _, _ := hj.Hijack()
if debug {
log.Printf("s3test %q %q", req.Method, req.URL)
a := &action{
srv: srv,
w: w,
req: req,
reqId: fmt.Sprintf("%09X", srv.reqId),
var r resource
defer func() {
switch err := recover().(type) {
case *s3Error:
switch r := r.(type) {
case objectResource:
err.BucketName = r.bucket.name
case bucketResource:
err.BucketName = r.name
err.RequestId = a.reqId
// TODO HostId
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", `xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"`)
xmlMarshal(w, err)
case nil:
r = srv.resourceForURL(req.URL)
var resp interface{}
switch req.Method {
case "PUT":
resp = r.put(a)
case "GET", "HEAD":
resp = r.get(a)
case "DELETE":
resp = r.delete(a)
case "POST":
resp = r.post(a)
fatalf(400, "MethodNotAllowed", "unknown http request method %q", req.Method)
if resp != nil && req.Method != "HEAD" {
xmlMarshal(w, resp)
// xmlMarshal is the same as xml.Marshal except that
// it panics on error. The marshalling should not fail,
// but we want to know if it does.
func xmlMarshal(w io.Writer, x interface{}) {
if err := xml.NewEncoder(w).Encode(x); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("error marshalling %#v: %v", x, err))
// In a fully implemented test server, each of these would have
// its own resource type.
var unimplementedBucketResourceNames = map[string]bool{
"acl": true,
"lifecycle": true,
"policy": true,
"location": true,
"logging": true,
"notification": true,
"versions": true,
"requestPayment": true,
"versioning": true,
"website": true,
"uploads": true,
var unimplementedObjectResourceNames = map[string]bool{
"acl": true,
"torrent": true,
var pathRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("/(([^/]+)(/(.*))?)?")
// resourceForURL returns a resource object for the given URL.
func (srv *Server) resourceForURL(u *url.URL) (r resource) {
m := pathRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(u.Path)
if m == nil {
fatalf(404, "InvalidURI", "Couldn't parse the specified URI")
bucketName := m[2]
objectName := m[4]
if bucketName == "" {
return nullResource{} // root
b := bucketResource{
name: bucketName,
bucket: srv.buckets[bucketName],
q := u.Query()
if objectName == "" {
for name := range q {
if unimplementedBucketResourceNames[name] {
return nullResource{}
return b
if b.bucket == nil {
fatalf(404, "NoSuchBucket", "The specified bucket does not exist")
objr := objectResource{
name: objectName,
version: q.Get("versionId"),
bucket: b.bucket,
for name := range q {
if unimplementedObjectResourceNames[name] {
return nullResource{}
if obj := objr.bucket.objects[objr.name]; obj != nil {
objr.object = obj
return objr
// nullResource has error stubs for all resource methods.
type nullResource struct{}
func notAllowed() interface{} {
fatalf(400, "MethodNotAllowed", "The specified method is not allowed against this resource")
return nil
func (nullResource) put(a *action) interface{} { return notAllowed() }
func (nullResource) get(a *action) interface{} { return notAllowed() }
func (nullResource) post(a *action) interface{} { return notAllowed() }
func (nullResource) delete(a *action) interface{} { return notAllowed() }
const timeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"
const lastModifiedTimeFormat = "Mon, 2 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT"
type bucketResource struct {
name string
bucket *bucket // non-nil if the bucket already exists.
// GET on a bucket lists the objects in the bucket.
// http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGET.html
func (r bucketResource) get(a *action) interface{} {
if r.bucket == nil {
fatalf(404, "NoSuchBucket", "The specified bucket does not exist")
delimiter := a.req.Form.Get("delimiter")
marker := a.req.Form.Get("marker")
maxKeys := -1
if s := a.req.Form.Get("max-keys"); s != "" {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil || i < 0 {
fatalf(400, "invalid value for max-keys: %q", s)
maxKeys = i
prefix := a.req.Form.Get("prefix")
a.w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/xml")
if a.req.Method == "HEAD" {
return nil
var objs orderedObjects
// first get all matching objects and arrange them in alphabetical order.
for name, obj := range r.bucket.objects {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, prefix) {
objs = append(objs, obj)
if maxKeys <= 0 {
maxKeys = 1000
type commonPrefix struct {
Prefix string
type serverListResponse struct {
CommonPrefixes []commonPrefix
resp := &serverListResponse{
ListResp: s3.ListResp{
Name: r.bucket.name,
Prefix: prefix,
Delimiter: delimiter,
Marker: marker,
MaxKeys: maxKeys,
var prefixes []commonPrefix
var lastName string
for _, obj := range objs {
if !strings.HasPrefix(obj.name, prefix) {
name := obj.name
isPrefix := false
if delimiter != "" {
if i := strings.Index(obj.name[len(prefix):], delimiter); i >= 0 {
name = obj.name[:len(prefix)+i+len(delimiter)]
if prefixes != nil && prefixes[len(prefixes)-1].Prefix == name {
isPrefix = true
if name <= marker {
if len(resp.Contents)+len(prefixes) >= maxKeys {
resp.IsTruncated = true
resp.NextMarker = lastName
if isPrefix {
prefixes = append(prefixes, commonPrefix{Prefix: name})
} else {
// Contents contains only keys not found in CommonPrefixes
resp.Contents = append(resp.Contents, obj.s3Key())
lastName = name
resp.CommonPrefixes = prefixes
return resp
// orderedObjects holds a slice of objects that can be sorted
// by name.
type orderedObjects []*object
func (s orderedObjects) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s orderedObjects) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
func (s orderedObjects) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s[i].name < s[j].name
func (obj *object) s3Key() s3.Key {
return s3.Key{
Key: obj.name,
LastModified: obj.mtime.UTC().Format(timeFormat),
Size: int64(len(obj.data)),
ETag: fmt.Sprintf(`"%x"`, obj.checksum),
// TODO StorageClass
// TODO Owner
// DELETE on a bucket deletes the bucket if it's not empty.
func (r bucketResource) delete(a *action) interface{} {
b := r.bucket
if b == nil {
fatalf(404, "NoSuchBucket", "The specified bucket does not exist")
if len(b.objects) > 0 {
fatalf(400, "BucketNotEmpty", "The bucket you tried to delete is not empty")
delete(a.srv.buckets, b.name)
return nil
// PUT on a bucket creates the bucket.
// http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUT.html
func (r bucketResource) put(a *action) interface{} {
var created bool
if r.bucket == nil {
if !validBucketName(r.name) {
fatalf(400, "InvalidBucketName", "The specified bucket is not valid")
if loc := locationConstraint(a); loc == "" {
fatalf(400, "InvalidRequets", "The unspecified location constraint is incompatible for the region specific endpoint this request was sent to.")
// TODO validate acl
r.bucket = &bucket{
name: r.name,
// TODO default acl
objects: make(map[string]*object),
multipartUploads: make(map[string][]*multipartUploadPart),
multipartMeta: make(map[string]http.Header),
a.srv.buckets[r.name] = r.bucket
created = true
if !created && a.srv.config.send409Conflict() {
fatalf(409, "BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou", "Your previous request to create the named bucket succeeded and you already own it.")
r.bucket.acl = s3.ACL(a.req.Header.Get("x-amz-acl"))
return nil
func (r bucketResource) post(a *action) interface{} {
if _, multiDel := a.req.URL.Query()["delete"]; multiDel {
return r.multiDel(a)
fatalf(400, "Method", "bucket operation not supported")
return nil
func (b bucketResource) multiDel(a *action) interface{} {
type multiDelRequestObject struct {
Key string
VersionId string
type multiDelRequest struct {
Quiet bool
Object []*multiDelRequestObject
type multiDelDelete struct {
XMLName struct{} `xml:"Deleted"`
Key string
type multiDelError struct {
XMLName struct{} `xml:"Error"`
Key string
Code string
Message string
type multiDelResult struct {
XMLName struct{} `xml:"DeleteResult"`
Deleted []*multiDelDelete
Error []*multiDelError
req := &multiDelRequest{}
if err := xml.NewDecoder(a.req.Body).Decode(req); err != nil {
fatalf(400, "InvalidRequest", err.Error())
res := &multiDelResult{
Deleted: []*multiDelDelete{},
Error: []*multiDelError{},
for _, o := range req.Object {
if _, exists := b.bucket.objects[o.Key]; exists {
delete(b.bucket.objects, o.Key)
res.Deleted = append(res.Deleted, &multiDelDelete{
Key: o.Key,
} else {
res.Error = append(res.Error, &multiDelError{
Key: o.Key,
Code: "AccessDenied",
Message: "Access Denied",
return res
// validBucketName returns whether name is a valid bucket name.
// Here are the rules, from:
// http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/2006-03-01/dev/BucketRestrictions.html
// Can contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), underscores (_),
// and dashes (-). You can use uppercase letters for buckets only in the
// US Standard region.
// Must start with a number or letter
// Must be between 3 and 255 characters long
// There's one extra rule (Must not be formatted as an IP address (e.g.,
// but the real S3 server does not seem to check that rule, so we will not
// check it either.
func validBucketName(name string) bool {
if len(name) < 3 || len(name) > 255 {
return false
r := name[0]
if !(r >= '0' && r <= '9' || r >= 'a' && r <= 'z') {
return false
for _, r := range name {
switch {
case r >= '0' && r <= '9':
case r >= 'a' && r <= 'z':
case r == '_' || r == '-':
case r == '.':
return false
return true
var responseParams = map[string]bool{
"content-type": true,
"content-language": true,
"expires": true,
"cache-control": true,
"content-disposition": true,
"content-encoding": true,
type objectResource struct {
name string
version string
bucket *bucket // always non-nil.
object *object // may be nil.
// GET on an object gets the contents of the object.
// http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGET.html
func (objr objectResource) get(a *action) interface{} {
obj := objr.object
if obj == nil {
fatalf(404, "NoSuchKey", "The specified key does not exist.")
h := a.w.Header()
// add metadata
for name, d := range obj.meta {
h[name] = d
// override header values in response to request parameters.
for name, vals := range a.req.Form {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "response-") {
name = name[len("response-"):]
if !responseParams[name] {
h.Set(name, vals[0])
data := obj.data
status := http.StatusOK
if r := a.req.Header.Get("Range"); r != "" {
// s3 ignores invalid ranges
if matches := rangePattern.FindStringSubmatch(r); len(matches) == 3 {
var err error
start := 0
end := len(obj.data) - 1
if matches[1] != "" {
start, err = strconv.Atoi(matches[1])
if err == nil && matches[2] != "" {
end, err = strconv.Atoi(matches[2])
if err == nil && start >= 0 && end >= start {
if start >= len(obj.data) {
fatalf(416, "InvalidRequest", "The requested range is not satisfiable")
if end > len(obj.data)-1 {
end = len(obj.data) - 1
data = obj.data[start : end+1]
status = http.StatusPartialContent
h.Set("Content-Range", fmt.Sprintf("bytes %d-%d/%d", start, end, len(obj.data)))
// TODO Last-Modified-Since
// TODO If-Modified-Since
// TODO If-Unmodified-Since
// TODO If-Match
// TODO If-None-Match
// TODO Connection: close ??
// TODO x-amz-request-id
h.Set("Content-Length", fmt.Sprint(len(data)))
h.Set("ETag", "\""+hex.EncodeToString(obj.checksum)+"\"")
h.Set("Last-Modified", obj.mtime.UTC().Format(lastModifiedTimeFormat))
if status != http.StatusOK {
if a.req.Method == "HEAD" {
return nil
// TODO avoid holding the lock when writing data.
_, err := a.w.Write(data)
if err != nil {
// we can't do much except just log the fact.
log.Printf("error writing data: %v", err)
return nil
var metaHeaders = map[string]bool{
"Content-MD5": true,
"x-amz-acl": true,
"Content-Type": true,
"Content-Encoding": true,
"Content-Disposition": true,
// PUT on an object creates the object.
func (objr objectResource) put(a *action) interface{} {
// TODO Cache-Control header
// TODO Expires header
// TODO x-amz-server-side-encryption
// TODO x-amz-storage-class
var res interface{}
uploadId := a.req.URL.Query().Get("uploadId")
var partNumber uint
// Check that the upload ID is valid if this is a multipart upload
if uploadId != "" {
if _, ok := objr.bucket.multipartUploads[uploadId]; !ok {
fatalf(404, "NoSuchUpload", "The specified multipart upload does not exist. The upload ID might be invalid, or the multipart upload might have been aborted or completed.")
partNumberStr := a.req.URL.Query().Get("partNumber")
if partNumberStr == "" {
fatalf(400, "InvalidRequest", "Missing partNumber parameter")
number, err := strconv.ParseUint(partNumberStr, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
fatalf(400, "InvalidRequest", "partNumber is not a number")
partNumber = uint(number)
var expectHash []byte
if c := a.req.Header.Get("Content-MD5"); c != "" {
var err error
expectHash, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(c)
if err != nil || len(expectHash) != md5.Size {
fatalf(400, "InvalidDigest", "The Content-MD5 you specified was invalid")
sum := md5.New()
// TODO avoid holding lock while reading data.
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.TeeReader(a.req.Body, sum))
if err != nil {
fatalf(400, "TODO", "read error")
gotHash := sum.Sum(nil)
if expectHash != nil && bytes.Compare(gotHash, expectHash) != 0 {
fatalf(400, "BadDigest", "The Content-MD5 you specified did not match what we received")
if a.req.ContentLength >= 0 && int64(len(data)) != a.req.ContentLength {
fatalf(400, "IncompleteBody", "You did not provide the number of bytes specified by the Content-Length HTTP header")
etag := fmt.Sprintf("\"%x\"", gotHash)
a.w.Header().Add("ETag", etag)
if uploadId == "" {
// For traditional uploads
// TODO is this correct, or should we erase all previous metadata?
obj := objr.object
if obj == nil {
obj = &object{
name: objr.name,
meta: make(http.Header),
// PUT request has been successful - save data and metadata
for key, values := range a.req.Header {
key = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(key)
if metaHeaders[key] || strings.HasPrefix(key, "X-Amz-Meta-") {
obj.meta[key] = values
obj.mtime = a.srv.config.Clock.Now()
if copySource := a.req.Header.Get("X-Amz-Copy-Source"); copySource != "" {
idx := strings.IndexByte(copySource, '/')
if idx == -1 {
fatalf(400, "InvalidRequest", "Wrongly formatted X-Amz-Copy-Source")
sourceBucketName := copySource[0:idx]
sourceKey := copySource[1+idx:]
sourceBucket := a.srv.buckets[sourceBucketName]
if sourceBucket == nil {
fatalf(404, "NoSuchBucket", "The specified source bucket does not exist")
sourceObject := sourceBucket.objects[sourceKey]
if sourceObject == nil {
fatalf(404, "NoSuchKey", "The specified source key does not exist")
obj.data = make([]byte, len(sourceObject.data))
copy(obj.data, sourceObject.data)
obj.checksum = make([]byte, len(sourceObject.checksum))
copy(obj.checksum, sourceObject.checksum)
obj.meta = make(http.Header, len(sourceObject.meta))
for k, v := range sourceObject.meta {
obj.meta[k] = make([]string, len(v))
copy(obj.meta[k], v)
res = &s3.CopyObjectResult{
ETag: etag,
LastModified: obj.mtime.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
} else {
obj.data = data
obj.checksum = gotHash
objr.bucket.objects[objr.name] = obj
} else {
// For multipart commit
parts := objr.bucket.multipartUploads[uploadId]
part := &multipartUploadPart{
index: partNumber,
data: data,
etag: etag,
lastModified: a.srv.config.Clock.Now(),
objr.bucket.multipartUploads[uploadId] = append(parts, part)
return res
func (objr objectResource) delete(a *action) interface{} {
uploadId := a.req.URL.Query().Get("uploadId")
if uploadId == "" {
// Traditional object delete
delete(objr.bucket.objects, objr.name)
} else {
// Multipart commit abort
_, ok := objr.bucket.multipartUploads[uploadId]
if !ok {
fatalf(404, "NoSuchUpload", "The specified multipart upload does not exist. The upload ID might be invalid, or the multipart upload might have been aborted or completed.")
delete(objr.bucket.multipartUploads, uploadId)
return nil
func (objr objectResource) post(a *action) interface{} {
// Check if we're initializing a multipart upload
if _, ok := a.req.URL.Query()["uploads"]; ok {
type multipartInitResponse struct {
XMLName struct{} `xml:"InitiateMultipartUploadResult"`
Bucket string
Key string
UploadId string
uploadId := strconv.FormatInt(rand.Int63(), 16)
objr.bucket.multipartUploads[uploadId] = []*multipartUploadPart{}
objr.bucket.multipartMeta[uploadId] = make(http.Header)
for key, values := range a.req.Header {
key = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(key)
if metaHeaders[key] || strings.HasPrefix(key, "X-Amz-Meta-") {
objr.bucket.multipartMeta[uploadId][key] = values
return &multipartInitResponse{
Bucket: objr.bucket.name,
Key: objr.name,
UploadId: uploadId,
// Check if we're completing a multipart upload
if uploadId := a.req.URL.Query().Get("uploadId"); uploadId != "" {
type multipartCompleteRequestPart struct {
XMLName struct{} `xml:"Part"`
PartNumber uint
ETag string
type multipartCompleteRequest struct {
XMLName struct{} `xml:"CompleteMultipartUpload"`
Part []multipartCompleteRequestPart
type multipartCompleteResponse struct {
XMLName struct{} `xml:"CompleteMultipartUploadResult"`
Location string
Bucket string
Key string
ETag string
parts, ok := objr.bucket.multipartUploads[uploadId]
if !ok {
fatalf(404, "NoSuchUpload", "The specified multipart upload does not exist. The upload ID might be invalid, or the multipart upload might have been aborted or completed.")
req := &multipartCompleteRequest{}
if err := xml.NewDecoder(a.req.Body).Decode(req); err != nil {
fatalf(400, "InvalidRequest", err.Error())
if len(req.Part) != len(parts) {
fatalf(400, "InvalidRequest", fmt.Sprintf("Number of parts does not match: expected %d, received %d", len(parts), len(req.Part)))
sum := md5.New()
data := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := io.MultiWriter(sum, data)
for i, p := range parts {
reqPart := req.Part[i]
if reqPart.PartNumber != p.index {
fatalf(400, "InvalidRequest", "Bad part number")
if reqPart.ETag != p.etag {
fatalf(400, "InvalidRequest", fmt.Sprintf("Invalid etag for part %d", reqPart.PartNumber))
delete(objr.bucket.multipartUploads, uploadId)
obj := objr.object
if obj == nil {
obj = &object{
name: objr.name,
meta: make(http.Header),
obj.data = data.Bytes()
obj.checksum = sum.Sum(nil)
obj.mtime = time.Now()
objr.bucket.objects[objr.name] = obj
obj.meta = objr.bucket.multipartMeta[uploadId]
objectLocation := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/%s/%s", a.srv.listener.Addr().String(), objr.bucket.name, objr.name)
return &multipartCompleteResponse{
Location: objectLocation,
Bucket: objr.bucket.name,
Key: objr.name,
ETag: uploadId,
fatalf(400, "MethodNotAllowed", "The specified method is not allowed against this resource")
return nil
type CreateBucketConfiguration struct {
LocationConstraint string
// locationConstraint parses the <CreateBucketConfiguration /> request body (if present).
// If there is no body, an empty string will be returned.
func locationConstraint(a *action) string {
var body bytes.Buffer
if _, err := io.Copy(&body, a.req.Body); err != nil {
fatalf(400, "InvalidRequest", err.Error())
if body.Len() == 0 {
return ""
var loc CreateBucketConfiguration
if err := xml.NewDecoder(&body).Decode(&loc); err != nil {
fatalf(400, "InvalidRequest", err.Error())
return loc.LocationConstraint