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2015-01-02 10:14:42 -08:00
# Pony-up!
2014-12-05 19:04:00 -08:00
2015-01-02 10:14:42 -08:00
# Install gvm
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
- bash < <(curl -s -S -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moovweb/gvm/1.0.22/binscripts/gvm-installer)
Storage Driver: Ceph Object Storage (RADOS) This driver implements the storagedriver.StorageDriver interface and uses Ceph Object Storage as storage backend. Since RADOS is an object storage and no hierarchy notion, the following convention is used to keep the filesystem notions stored in this backend: * All the objects data are stored with opaque UUID names prefixed (e.g. "blob:d3d232ff-ab3a-4046-9ab7-930228d4c164). * All the hierarchy information are stored in rados omaps, where the omap object identifier is the virtual directory name, the keys in a specific are the relative filenames and the values the blob object identifier (or empty value for a sub directory). e.g. For the following hierarchy: /directory1 /directory1/object1 /directory1/object2 /directory1/directory2/object3 The omap "/directory1" will contains the following key / values: - "object1" "blob:d3d232ff-ab3a-4046-9ab7-930228d4c164" - "object2" "blob:db2e359d-4af0-4bfb-ba1d-d2fd029866a0" - "directory2" "" The omap "/directory1/directory2" will contains: - "object3" "blob:9ae2371c-81fc-4945-80ac-8bf7f566a5d9" * The MOVE is implemented by changing the reference to a specific blob in its parent virtual directory omap. This driver stripes rados objects to a fixed size (e.g. 4M). The idea is to keep small objects (as done by RBD on the top of RADOS) that will be easily synchronized accross OSDs. The information of the original object (i.e total size of the chunks) is stored as a Xattr in the first chunk object. Signed-off-by: Vincent Giersch <vincent.giersch@ovh.net>
2015-04-23 16:13:52 +00:00
# Install ceph to test rados driver & create pool
- sudo -i ~/distribution/contrib/ceph/ci-setup.sh
- ceph osd pool create docker-distribution 1
# Install codecov for coverage
- pip install --user codecov
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
# go
- gvm install go1.5 --prefer-binary --name=stable
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
2015-01-02 10:14:42 -08:00
# Convenient shortcuts to "common" locations
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
2015-01-02 10:14:42 -08:00
# Trick circle brainflat "no absolute path" behavior
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
BASE_STABLE: ../../../$HOME/.gvm/pkgsets/stable/global/$BASE_DIR
DOCKER_BUILDTAGS: "include_rados include_oss include_gcs"
2015-01-02 10:14:42 -08:00
# Workaround Circle parsing dumb bugs and/or YAML wonkyness
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
CIRCLE_PAIN: "mode: set"
Storage Driver: Ceph Object Storage (RADOS) This driver implements the storagedriver.StorageDriver interface and uses Ceph Object Storage as storage backend. Since RADOS is an object storage and no hierarchy notion, the following convention is used to keep the filesystem notions stored in this backend: * All the objects data are stored with opaque UUID names prefixed (e.g. "blob:d3d232ff-ab3a-4046-9ab7-930228d4c164). * All the hierarchy information are stored in rados omaps, where the omap object identifier is the virtual directory name, the keys in a specific are the relative filenames and the values the blob object identifier (or empty value for a sub directory). e.g. For the following hierarchy: /directory1 /directory1/object1 /directory1/object2 /directory1/directory2/object3 The omap "/directory1" will contains the following key / values: - "object1" "blob:d3d232ff-ab3a-4046-9ab7-930228d4c164" - "object2" "blob:db2e359d-4af0-4bfb-ba1d-d2fd029866a0" - "directory2" "" The omap "/directory1/directory2" will contains: - "object3" "blob:9ae2371c-81fc-4945-80ac-8bf7f566a5d9" * The MOVE is implemented by changing the reference to a specific blob in its parent virtual directory omap. This driver stripes rados objects to a fixed size (e.g. 4M). The idea is to keep small objects (as done by RBD on the top of RADOS) that will be easily synchronized accross OSDs. The information of the original object (i.e total size of the chunks) is stored as a Xattr in the first chunk object. Signed-off-by: Vincent Giersch <vincent.giersch@ovh.net>
2015-04-23 16:13:52 +00:00
# Ceph config
RADOS_POOL: "docker-distribution"
2014-12-05 19:04:00 -08:00
2015-01-02 10:14:42 -08:00
# Not used yet
2014-12-05 19:04:00 -08:00
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
2015-01-02 10:14:42 -08:00
# Copy the code to the gopath of all go versions
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
- >
gvm use stable &&
mkdir -p "$(dirname $BASE_STABLE)" &&
2015-01-02 10:14:42 -08:00
# Install dependencies for every copied clone/go version
2015-01-22 14:25:28 -08:00
- gvm use stable && go get github.com/tools/godep:
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
2014-12-05 19:04:00 -08:00
2015-01-02 10:14:42 -08:00
# For the stable go version, additionally install linting tools
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
- >
gvm use stable &&
go get github.com/axw/gocov/gocov github.com/golang/lint/golint
2014-12-05 19:04:00 -08:00
2015-01-02 10:14:42 -08:00
# Output the go versions we are going to test
# - gvm use old && go version
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
- gvm use stable && go version
# First thing: build everything. This will catch compile errors, and it's
# also necessary for go vet to work properly (see #807).
- gvm use stable && godep go install ./...:
2015-01-02 10:14:42 -08:00
- gvm use stable && test -z "$(gofmt -s -l . | grep -v Godeps/_workspace/src/ | tee /dev/stderr)":
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
- gvm use stable && go vet ./...:
2015-01-02 10:14:42 -08:00
- gvm use stable && test -z "$(golint ./... | grep -v Godeps/_workspace/src/ | tee /dev/stderr)":
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
2014-12-05 19:04:00 -08:00
2015-01-02 10:14:42 -08:00
# Test stable, and report
- gvm use stable; export ROOT_PACKAGE=$(go list .); go list -tags "$DOCKER_BUILDTAGS" ./... | xargs -L 1 -I{} bash -c 'export PACKAGE={}; godep go test -tags "$DOCKER_BUILDTAGS" -test.short -coverprofile=$GOPATH/src/$PACKAGE/coverage.out -coverpkg=$(./coverpkg.sh $PACKAGE $ROOT_PACKAGE) $PACKAGE':
timeout: 600
2014-12-05 19:04:00 -08:00
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
# Report to codecov
- bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash):
2014-12-17 11:55:24 -08:00
2014-12-16 11:38:08 -08:00
2015-01-02 10:14:42 -08:00
## Notes
# Disabled the -race detector due to massive memory usage.
# Do we want these as well?
# - go get code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/goimports
# - test -z "$(goimports -l -w ./... | tee /dev/stderr)"
# http://labix.org/gocheck