Round 3 - Add Register function
Signed-off-by: Doug Davis <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
// ErrorCode represents the error type. The errors are serialized via strings
@ -36,49 +37,70 @@ type ErrorDescriptor struct {
var (
errorCodeToDescriptors = map[ErrorCode]ErrorDescriptor{}
idToDescriptors = map[string]ErrorDescriptor{}
groupToDescriptors = map[string][]ErrorDescriptor{}
const (
// ErrorCodeUnknown is a catch-all for errors not defined below.
ErrorCodeUnknown ErrorCode = 10000 + iota
var errorDescriptors = []ErrorDescriptor{
Code: ErrorCodeUnknown,
Value: "UNKNOWN",
Message: "unknown error",
Description: `Generic error returned when the error does not have an
// ErrorCodeUnknown is a generic error that can be used as a last
// resort if there is no situation-specific error message that can be used
var ErrorCodeUnknown = Register("registry.api.errcode", ErrorDescriptor{
Value: "UNKNOWN",
Message: "unknown error",
Description: `Generic error returned when the error does not have an
API classification.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
// LoadErrors will register a new set of Errors into the system
func LoadErrors(errs []ErrorDescriptor) {
for _, descriptor := range errs {
if _, ok := idToDescriptors[descriptor.Value]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ErrorValue %s is already registered", descriptor.Value))
if _, ok := errorCodeToDescriptors[descriptor.Code]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ErrorCode %d is already registered", descriptor.Code))
var nextCode = 1000
var registerLock sync.Mutex
errorCodeToDescriptors[descriptor.Code] = descriptor
idToDescriptors[descriptor.Value] = descriptor
// Register will make the passed-in error known to the environment and
// return a new ErrorCode
func Register(group string, descriptor ErrorDescriptor) ErrorCode {
defer registerLock.Unlock()
code := ErrorCode(nextCode)
descriptor.Code = code
if _, ok := idToDescriptors[descriptor.Value]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ErrorValue %s is already registered", descriptor.Value))
// ParseErrorCode attempts to parse the error code string, returning
// ErrorCodeUnknown if the error is not known.
func ParseErrorCode(s string) ErrorCode {
desc, ok := idToDescriptors[s]
if !ok {
return ErrorCodeUnknown
if _, ok := errorCodeToDescriptors[descriptor.Code]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ErrorCode %d is already registered", descriptor.Code))
return desc.Code
groupToDescriptors[group] = append(groupToDescriptors[group], descriptor)
errorCodeToDescriptors[code] = descriptor
idToDescriptors[descriptor.Value] = descriptor
return code
// ParseErrorCode returns the value by the string error code.
// `ErrorCodeUnknown` will be returned if the error is not known.
func ParseErrorCode(value string) ErrorCode {
ed, ok := idToDescriptors[value]
if ok {
return ed.Code
return ErrorCodeUnknown
// GetGroupNames returns the list of Error group names that are registered
func GetGroupNames() []string {
keys := []string{}
for k := range groupToDescriptors {
keys = append(keys, k)
return keys
// GetErrorCodeGroup returns the named group of error descriptors
func GetErrorCodeGroup(name string) []ErrorDescriptor {
return groupToDescriptors[name]
// Descriptor returns the descriptor for the error code.
@ -183,8 +205,3 @@ func (errs Errors) Error() string {
func (errs Errors) Len() int {
return len(errs)
// init loads the default errors that are part of the errcode package
func init() {
@ -2,67 +2,86 @@ package errcode
import (
// "reflect"
// ""
// TestErrorCodes ensures that error code format, mappings and
// marshaling/unmarshaling. round trips are stable.
func TestErrorCodes(t *testing.T) {
for _, desc := range errorDescriptors {
if desc.Code.String() != desc.Value {
t.Fatalf("error code string incorrect: %q != %q", desc.Code.String(), desc.Value)
if len(errorCodeToDescriptors) == 0 {
t.Fatal("errors aren't loaded!")
for ec, desc := range errorCodeToDescriptors {
if ec != desc.Code {
t.Fatalf("error code in descriptor isn't correct, %q != %q", ec, desc.Code)
if desc.Code.Message() != desc.Message {
t.Fatalf("incorrect message for error code %v: %q != %q", desc.Code, desc.Code.Message(), desc.Message)
if idToDescriptors[desc.Value].Code != ec {
t.Fatalf("error code in idToDesc isn't correct, %q != %q", idToDescriptors[desc.Value].Code, ec)
// Serialize the error code using the json library to ensure that we
// get a string and it works round trip.
p, err := json.Marshal(desc.Code)
if ec.Message() != desc.Message {
t.Fatalf("ec.Message doesn't mtach desc.Message: %q != %q", ec.Message(), desc.Message)
// Test (de)serializing the ErrorCode
p, err := json.Marshal(ec)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error marshaling error code %v: %v", desc.Code, err)
t.Fatalf("couldn't marshal ec %v: %v", ec, err)
if len(p) <= 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected content in marshaled before for error code %v", desc.Code)
t.Fatalf("expected content in marshaled before for error code %v", ec)
// First, unmarshal to interface and ensure we have a string.
var ecUnspecified interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(p, &ecUnspecified); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error unmarshaling error code %v: %v", desc.Code, err)
t.Fatalf("error unmarshaling error code %v: %v", ec, err)
if _, ok := ecUnspecified.(string); !ok {
t.Fatalf("expected a string for error code %v on unmarshal got a %T", desc.Code, ecUnspecified)
t.Fatalf("expected a string for error code %v on unmarshal got a %T", ec, ecUnspecified)
// Now, unmarshal with the error code type and ensure they are equal
var ecUnmarshaled ErrorCode
if err := json.Unmarshal(p, &ecUnmarshaled); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error unmarshaling error code %v: %v", desc.Code, err)
t.Fatalf("error unmarshaling error code %v: %v", ec, err)
if ecUnmarshaled != desc.Code {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error code during error code marshal/unmarshal: %v != %v", ecUnmarshaled, desc.Code)
if ecUnmarshaled != ec {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error code during error code marshal/unmarshal: %v != %v", ecUnmarshaled, ec)
// TestErrorsManagement does a quick check of the Errors type to ensure that
// members are properly pushed and marshaled.
var ErrorCodeTest1 = Register("v2.errors", ErrorDescriptor{
Value: "TEST1",
Message: "test error 1",
Description: `Just a test message #1.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
var ErrorCodeTest2 = Register("v2.errors", ErrorDescriptor{
Value: "TEST2",
Message: "test error 2",
Description: `Just a test message #2.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound,
func TestErrorsManagement(t *testing.T) {
var errs Errors
map[string]digest.Digest{"digest": "sometestblobsumdoesntmatter"})
errs = append(errs, NewError(ErrorCodeTest1))
errs = append(errs, NewError(ErrorCodeTest2,
map[string]interface{}{"digest": "sometestblobsumdoesntmatter"}))
p, err := json.Marshal(errs)
@ -70,15 +89,25 @@ func TestErrorsManagement(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("error marashaling errors: %v", err)
expectedJSON := "{\"errors\":[{\"code\":\"DIGEST_INVALID\",\"message\":\"provided digest did not match uploaded content\"},{\"code\":\"BLOB_UNKNOWN\",\"message\":\"blob unknown to registry\",\"detail\":{\"digest\":\"sometestblobsumdoesntmatter\"}}]}"
expectedJSON := "[{\"code\":\"TEST1\"},{\"code\":\"TEST2\",\"detail\":{\"digest\":\"sometestblobsumdoesntmatter\"}}]"
if string(p) != expectedJSON {
t.Fatalf("unexpected json: %q != %q", string(p), expectedJSON)
expectedJSON = "{\"errors\":[{\"code\":\"UNKNOWN\",\"message\":\"unknown error\"}]}"
// Now test the reverse
var unmarshaled Errors
if err := json.Unmarshal(p, &unmarshaled); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error unmarshaling error envelope: %v", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(unmarshaled, errs) {
t.Fatalf("errors not equal after round trip:\nunmarshaled:\n%#v\n\nerrs:\n%#v", unmarshaled, errs)
// Test again with a single value this time
errs = Errors{NewError(ErrorCodeUnknown)}
expectedJSON = "[{\"code\":\"UNKNOWN\"}]"
p, err = json.Marshal(errs)
if err != nil {
@ -88,80 +117,15 @@ func TestErrorsManagement(t *testing.T) {
if string(p) != expectedJSON {
t.Fatalf("unexpected json: %q != %q", string(p), expectedJSON)
// TestMarshalUnmarshal ensures that api errors can round trip through json
// without losing information.
func TestMarshalUnmarshal(t *testing.T) {
var errors Errors
for _, testcase := range []struct {
description string
err Error
description: "unknown error",
err: Error{
Code: ErrorCodeUnknown,
Message: ErrorCodeUnknown.Descriptor().Message,
description: "unknown manifest",
err: Error{
Code: ErrorCodeManifestUnknown,
Message: ErrorCodeManifestUnknown.Descriptor().Message,
description: "unknown manifest",
err: Error{
Code: ErrorCodeBlobUnknown,
Message: ErrorCodeBlobUnknown.Descriptor().Message,
Detail: map[string]interface{}{"digest": "asdfqwerqwerqwerqwer"},
} {
fatalf := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
t.Fatalf(testcase.description+": "+format, args...)
unexpectedErr := func(err error) {
fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)
p, err := json.Marshal(testcase.err)
if err != nil {
var unmarshaled Error
if err := json.Unmarshal(p, &unmarshaled); err != nil {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(unmarshaled, testcase.err) {
fatalf("errors not equal after round trip: %#v != %#v", unmarshaled, testcase.err)
// Roll everything up into an error response envelope.
p, err := json.Marshal(errors)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error marshaling error envelope: %v", err)
var unmarshaled Errors
// Now test the reverse
unmarshaled = nil
if err := json.Unmarshal(p, &unmarshaled); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error unmarshaling error envelope: %v", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(unmarshaled, errors) {
t.Fatalf("errors not equal after round trip: %#v != %#v", unmarshaled, errors)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(unmarshaled, errs) {
t.Fatalf("errors not equal after round trip:\nunmarshaled:\n%#v\n\nerrs:\n%#v", unmarshaled, errs)
@ -172,13 +172,8 @@ const (
var APIDescriptor = struct {
// RouteDescriptors provides a list of the routes available in the API.
RouteDescriptors []RouteDescriptor
// ErrorDescriptors provides a list of the error codes and their
// associated documentation and metadata.
ErrorDescriptors []errcode.ErrorDescriptor
RouteDescriptors: routeDescriptors,
ErrorDescriptors: errorDescriptors,
// RouteDescriptor describes a route specified by name.
@ -6,81 +6,28 @@ import (
const (
var (
// ErrorCodeUnsupported is returned when an operation is not supported.
ErrorCodeUnsupported = iota
// ErrorCodeUnauthorized is returned if a request is not authorized.
// ErrorCodeDigestInvalid is returned when uploading a blob if the
// provided digest does not match the blob contents.
// ErrorCodeSizeInvalid is returned when uploading a blob if the provided
// size does not match the content length.
// ErrorCodeNameInvalid is returned when the name in the manifest does not
// match the provided name.
// ErrorCodeTagInvalid is returned when the tag in the manifest does not
// match the provided tag.
// ErrorCodeNameUnknown when the repository name is not known.
// ErrorCodeManifestUnknown returned when image manifest is unknown.
// ErrorCodeManifestInvalid returned when an image manifest is invalid,
// typically during a PUT operation. This error encompasses all errors
// encountered during manifest validation that aren't signature errors.
// ErrorCodeManifestUnverified is returned when the manifest fails
// signature verfication.
// ErrorCodeManifestBlobUnknown is returned when a manifest blob is
// unknown to the registry.
// ErrorCodeBlobUnknown is returned when a blob is unknown to the
// registry. This can happen when the manifest references a nonexistent
// layer or the result is not found by a blob fetch.
// ErrorCodeBlobUploadUnknown is returned when an upload is unknown.
// ErrorCodeBlobUploadInvalid is returned when an upload is invalid.
// ErrorDescriptors provides a list of HTTP API Error codes that may be
// encountered when interacting with the registry API.
var errorDescriptors = []errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Code: ErrorCodeUnsupported,
ErrorCodeUnsupported = errcode.Register("registry.api.v2", errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: "The operation is unsupported.",
Description: `The operation was unsupported due to a missing
implementation or invalid set of parameters.`,
Code: ErrorCodeUnauthorized,
// ErrorCodeUnauthorized is returned if a request is not authorized.
ErrorCodeUnauthorized = errcode.Register("registry.api.v2", errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: "access to the requested resource is not authorized",
Description: `The access controller denied access for the operation on
a resource. Often this will be accompanied by a 401 Unauthorized
response status.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden,
Code: ErrorCodeDigestInvalid,
// ErrorCodeDigestInvalid is returned when uploading a blob if the
// provided digest does not match the blob contents.
ErrorCodeDigestInvalid = errcode.Register("registry.api.v2", errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: "provided digest did not match uploaded content",
Description: `When a blob is uploaded, the registry will check that
@ -89,50 +36,60 @@ var errorDescriptors = []errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
invalid digest string. This error may also be returned when a manifest
includes an invalid layer digest.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Code: ErrorCodeSizeInvalid,
// ErrorCodeSizeInvalid is returned when uploading a blob if the provided
ErrorCodeSizeInvalid = errcode.Register("registry.api.v2", errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: "provided length did not match content length",
Description: `When a layer is uploaded, the provided size will be
checked against the uploaded content. If they do not match, this error
will be returned.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Code: ErrorCodeNameInvalid,
// ErrorCodeNameInvalid is returned when the name in the manifest does not
// match the provided name.
ErrorCodeNameInvalid = errcode.Register("registry.api.v2", errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: "invalid repository name",
Description: `Invalid repository name encountered either during
manifest validation or any API operation.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Code: ErrorCodeTagInvalid,
// ErrorCodeTagInvalid is returned when the tag in the manifest does not
// match the provided tag.
ErrorCodeTagInvalid = errcode.Register("registry.api.v2", errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: "manifest tag did not match URI",
Description: `During a manifest upload, if the tag in the manifest
does not match the uri tag, this error will be returned.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Code: ErrorCodeNameUnknown,
// ErrorCodeNameUnknown when the repository name is not known.
ErrorCodeNameUnknown = errcode.Register("registry.api.v2", errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: "repository name not known to registry",
Description: `This is returned if the name used during an operation is
unknown to the registry.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound,
Code: ErrorCodeManifestUnknown,
// ErrorCodeManifestUnknown returned when image manifest is unknown.
ErrorCodeManifestUnknown = errcode.Register("registry.api.v2", errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: "manifest unknown",
Description: `This error is returned when the manifest, identified by
name and tag is unknown to the repository.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound,
Code: ErrorCodeManifestInvalid,
// ErrorCodeManifestInvalid returned when an image manifest is invalid,
// typically during a PUT operation. This error encompasses all errors
// encountered during manifest validation that aren't signature errors.
ErrorCodeManifestInvalid = errcode.Register("registry.api.v2", errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: "manifest invalid",
Description: `During upload, manifests undergo several checks ensuring
@ -140,25 +97,32 @@ var errorDescriptors = []errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
more specific error is included. The detail will contain information
the failed validation.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Code: ErrorCodeManifestUnverified,
// ErrorCodeManifestUnverified is returned when the manifest fails
// signature verfication.
ErrorCodeManifestUnverified = errcode.Register("registry.api.v2", errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: "manifest failed signature verification",
Description: `During manifest upload, if the manifest fails signature
verification, this error will be returned.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Code: ErrorCodeManifestBlobUnknown,
// ErrorCodeManifestBlobUnknown is returned when a manifest blob is
// unknown to the registry.
ErrorCodeManifestBlobUnknown = errcode.Register("registry.api.v2", errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: "blob unknown to registry",
Description: `This error may be returned when a manifest blob is
unknown to the registry.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Code: ErrorCodeBlobUnknown,
// ErrorCodeBlobUnknown is returned when a blob is unknown to the
// registry. This can happen when the manifest references a nonexistent
// layer or the result is not found by a blob fetch.
ErrorCodeBlobUnknown = errcode.Register("registry.api.v2", errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: "blob unknown to registry",
Description: `This error may be returned when a blob is unknown to the
@ -166,27 +130,23 @@ var errorDescriptors = []errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
standard get or if a manifest references an unknown layer during
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound,
Code: ErrorCodeBlobUploadUnknown,
// ErrorCodeBlobUploadUnknown is returned when an upload is unknown.
ErrorCodeBlobUploadUnknown = errcode.Register("registry.api.v2", errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: "blob upload unknown to registry",
Description: `If a blob upload has been cancelled or was never
started, this error code may be returned.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound,
Code: ErrorCodeBlobUploadInvalid,
// ErrorCodeBlobUploadInvalid is returned when an upload is invalid.
ErrorCodeBlobUploadInvalid = errcode.Register("registry.api.v2", errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: "blob upload invalid",
Description: `The blob upload encountered an error and can no
longer proceed.`,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound,
// init registers our errors with the errcode system
func init() {
@ -452,6 +452,7 @@ func (app *App) authorized(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, context *Cont
if err != nil {
switch err := err.(type) {
case auth.Challenge:
// NOTE(duglin):
// Since err.ServeHTTP will set the HTTP status code for us
// we need to set the content-type here. The serveJSON
// func will try to do it but it'll be too late at that point.
@ -186,11 +186,9 @@ func TestNewApp(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected status code during request: %v", err)
if req.Header.Get("Content-Type") != "application/json; charset=utf-8" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected content-type: %v != %v", req.Header.Get("Content-Type"), "application/json; charset=utf-8")
if req.Header.Get("Content-Type") != "application/json; charset=utf-8" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected content-type: %v != %v", req.Header.Get("Content-Type"), "application/json; charset=utf-8")
expectedAuthHeader := "Bearer realm=\"realm-test\",service=\"service-test\""
if e, a := expectedAuthHeader, req.Header.Get("WWW-Authenticate"); e != a {
@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ package handlers
import (
// serveJSON marshals v and sets the content-type header to
Reference in New Issue
Block a user