Update Named reference with validation of conversions
Signed-off-by: Tonis Tiigi <tonistiigi@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,9 +7,7 @@ import (
distreference "github.com/docker/distribution/reference"
registrytypes "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/registry"
flag "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/mflag"
@ -182,28 +180,15 @@ func ValidateMirror(val string) (string, error) {
// ValidateIndexName validates an index name.
func ValidateIndexName(val string) (string, error) {
// 'index.docker.io' => 'docker.io'
if val == "index."+IndexName {
val = IndexName
if val == reference.LegacyDefaultHostname {
val = reference.DefaultHostname
if strings.HasPrefix(val, "-") || strings.HasSuffix(val, "-") {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid index name (%s). Cannot begin or end with a hyphen.", val)
// *TODO: Check if valid hostname[:port]/ip[:port]?
return val, nil
func validateRemoteName(remoteName reference.Named) error {
remoteNameStr := remoteName.Name()
if !strings.Contains(remoteNameStr, "/") {
// the repository name must not be a valid image ID
if err := v1.ValidateID(remoteNameStr); err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid repository name (%s), cannot specify 64-byte hexadecimal strings", remoteName)
return nil
func validateNoSchema(reposName string) error {
if strings.Contains(reposName, "://") {
// It cannot contain a scheme!
@ -212,29 +197,6 @@ func validateNoSchema(reposName string) error {
return nil
// ValidateRepositoryName validates a repository name
func ValidateRepositoryName(reposName reference.Named) error {
_, _, err := loadRepositoryName(reposName)
return err
// loadRepositoryName returns the repo name splitted into index name
// and remote repo name. It returns an error if the name is not valid.
func loadRepositoryName(reposName reference.Named) (string, reference.Named, error) {
if err := validateNoSchema(reposName.Name()); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
indexName, remoteName, err := splitReposName(reposName)
if indexName, err = ValidateIndexName(indexName); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if err = validateRemoteName(remoteName); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return indexName, remoteName, nil
// newIndexInfo returns IndexInfo configuration from indexName
func newIndexInfo(config *registrytypes.ServiceConfig, indexName string) (*registrytypes.IndexInfo, error) {
var err error
@ -267,75 +229,14 @@ func GetAuthConfigKey(index *registrytypes.IndexInfo) string {
return index.Name
// splitReposName breaks a reposName into an index name and remote name
func splitReposName(reposName reference.Named) (indexName string, remoteName reference.Named, err error) {
var remoteNameStr string
indexName, remoteNameStr = distreference.SplitHostname(reposName)
if indexName == "" || (!strings.Contains(indexName, ".") &&
!strings.Contains(indexName, ":") && indexName != "localhost") {
// This is a Docker Index repos (ex: samalba/hipache or ubuntu)
// 'docker.io'
indexName = IndexName
remoteName = reposName
} else {
remoteName, err = reference.WithName(remoteNameStr)
// newRepositoryInfo validates and breaks down a repository name into a RepositoryInfo
func newRepositoryInfo(config *registrytypes.ServiceConfig, reposName reference.Named) (*RepositoryInfo, error) {
if err := validateNoSchema(reposName.Name()); err != nil {
return nil, err
repoInfo := &RepositoryInfo{}
var (
indexName string
err error
indexName, repoInfo.RemoteName, err = loadRepositoryName(reposName)
func newRepositoryInfo(config *registrytypes.ServiceConfig, name reference.Named) (*RepositoryInfo, error) {
index, err := newIndexInfo(config, name.Hostname())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
repoInfo.Index, err = newIndexInfo(config, indexName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if repoInfo.Index.Official {
repoInfo.LocalName, err = normalizeLibraryRepoName(repoInfo.RemoteName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
repoInfo.RemoteName = repoInfo.LocalName
// If the normalized name does not contain a '/' (e.g. "foo")
// then it is an official repo.
if strings.IndexRune(repoInfo.RemoteName.Name(), '/') == -1 {
repoInfo.Official = true
// Fix up remote name for official repos.
repoInfo.RemoteName, err = reference.WithName("library/" + repoInfo.RemoteName.Name())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
repoInfo.CanonicalName, err = reference.WithName("docker.io/" + repoInfo.RemoteName.Name())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
repoInfo.LocalName, err = localNameFromRemote(repoInfo.Index.Name, repoInfo.RemoteName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
repoInfo.CanonicalName = repoInfo.LocalName
return repoInfo, nil
official := !strings.ContainsRune(name.Name(), '/')
return &RepositoryInfo{name, index, official}, nil
// ParseRepositoryInfo performs the breakdown of a repository name into a RepositoryInfo, but
@ -354,70 +255,3 @@ func ParseSearchIndexInfo(reposName string) (*registrytypes.IndexInfo, error) {
return indexInfo, nil
// NormalizeLocalName transforms a repository name into a normalized LocalName
// Passes through the name without transformation on error (image id, etc)
// It does not use the repository info because we don't want to load
// the repository index and do request over the network.
func NormalizeLocalName(name reference.Named) reference.Named {
indexName, remoteName, err := loadRepositoryName(name)
if err != nil {
return name
var officialIndex bool
// Return any configured index info, first.
if index, ok := emptyServiceConfig.IndexConfigs[indexName]; ok {
officialIndex = index.Official
if officialIndex {
localName, err := normalizeLibraryRepoName(remoteName)
if err != nil {
return name
return localName
localName, err := localNameFromRemote(indexName, remoteName)
if err != nil {
return name
return localName
// normalizeLibraryRepoName removes the library prefix from
// the repository name for official repos.
func normalizeLibraryRepoName(name reference.Named) (reference.Named, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(name.Name(), "library/") {
// If pull "library/foo", it's stored locally under "foo"
return reference.WithName(strings.SplitN(name.Name(), "/", 2)[1])
return name, nil
// localNameFromRemote combines the index name and the repo remote name
// to generate a repo local name.
func localNameFromRemote(indexName string, remoteName reference.Named) (reference.Named, error) {
return reference.WithName(indexName + "/" + remoteName.Name())
// NormalizeLocalReference transforms a reference to use a normalized LocalName
// for the name poriton. Passes through the reference without transformation on
// error.
func NormalizeLocalReference(ref reference.Named) reference.Named {
localName := NormalizeLocalName(ref)
if tagged, isTagged := ref.(reference.NamedTagged); isTagged {
newRef, err := reference.WithTag(localName, tagged.Tag())
if err != nil {
return ref
return newRef
} else if digested, isCanonical := ref.(reference.Canonical); isCanonical {
newRef, err := reference.WithDigest(localName, digested.Digest())
if err != nil {
return ref
return newRef
return localName
@ -356,7 +356,6 @@ func handlerGetDeleteTags(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
apiError(w, "Could not parse repository", 400)
repositoryName = NormalizeLocalName(repositoryName)
tags, exists := testRepositories[repositoryName.String()]
if !exists {
apiError(w, "Repository not found", 404)
@ -380,7 +379,6 @@ func handlerGetTag(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
apiError(w, "Could not parse repository", 400)
repositoryName = NormalizeLocalName(repositoryName)
tagName := vars["tag"]
tags, exists := testRepositories[repositoryName.String()]
if !exists {
@ -405,7 +403,6 @@ func handlerPutTag(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
apiError(w, "Could not parse repository", 400)
repositoryName = NormalizeLocalName(repositoryName)
tagName := vars["tag"]
tags, exists := testRepositories[repositoryName.String()]
if !exists {
@ -307,71 +307,24 @@ func TestPushImageLayerRegistry(t *testing.T) {
func TestValidateRepositoryName(t *testing.T) {
validRepoNames := []string{
invalidRepoNames := []string{
for _, name := range invalidRepoNames {
named, err := reference.WithName(name)
if err == nil {
err := ValidateRepositoryName(named)
assertNotEqual(t, err, nil, "Expected invalid repo name: "+name)
for _, name := range validRepoNames {
named, err := reference.WithName(name)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not parse valid name: %s", name)
err = ValidateRepositoryName(named)
assertEqual(t, err, nil, "Expected valid repo name: "+name)
func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
withName := func(name string) reference.Named {
named, err := reference.WithName(name)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not parse reference %s", name)
return named
type staticRepositoryInfo struct {
Index *registrytypes.IndexInfo
RemoteName string
CanonicalName string
LocalName string
Official bool
expectedRepoInfos := map[string]RepositoryInfo{
expectedRepoInfos := map[string]staticRepositoryInfo{
"fooo/bar": {
Index: ®istrytypes.IndexInfo{
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: withName("fooo/bar"),
LocalName: withName("fooo/bar"),
CanonicalName: withName("docker.io/fooo/bar"),
RemoteName: "fooo/bar",
LocalName: "fooo/bar",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/fooo/bar",
Official: false,
"library/ubuntu": {
@ -379,9 +332,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: withName("library/ubuntu"),
LocalName: withName("ubuntu"),
CanonicalName: withName("docker.io/library/ubuntu"),
RemoteName: "library/ubuntu",
LocalName: "ubuntu",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu",
Official: true,
"nonlibrary/ubuntu": {
@ -389,9 +342,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: withName("nonlibrary/ubuntu"),
LocalName: withName("nonlibrary/ubuntu"),
CanonicalName: withName("docker.io/nonlibrary/ubuntu"),
RemoteName: "nonlibrary/ubuntu",
LocalName: "nonlibrary/ubuntu",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/nonlibrary/ubuntu",
Official: false,
"ubuntu": {
@ -399,9 +352,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: withName("library/ubuntu"),
LocalName: withName("ubuntu"),
CanonicalName: withName("docker.io/library/ubuntu"),
RemoteName: "library/ubuntu",
LocalName: "ubuntu",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu",
Official: true,
"other/library": {
@ -409,9 +362,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: withName("other/library"),
LocalName: withName("other/library"),
CanonicalName: withName("docker.io/other/library"),
RemoteName: "other/library",
LocalName: "other/library",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/other/library",
Official: false,
"": {
@ -419,9 +372,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: "",
Official: false,
RemoteName: withName("private/moonbase"),
LocalName: withName(""),
CanonicalName: withName(""),
RemoteName: "private/moonbase",
LocalName: "",
CanonicalName: "",
Official: false,
"": {
@ -429,9 +382,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: "",
Official: false,
RemoteName: withName("privatebase"),
LocalName: withName(""),
CanonicalName: withName(""),
RemoteName: "privatebase",
LocalName: "",
CanonicalName: "",
Official: false,
"localhost:8000/private/moonbase": {
@ -439,9 +392,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: "localhost:8000",
Official: false,
RemoteName: withName("private/moonbase"),
LocalName: withName("localhost:8000/private/moonbase"),
CanonicalName: withName("localhost:8000/private/moonbase"),
RemoteName: "private/moonbase",
LocalName: "localhost:8000/private/moonbase",
CanonicalName: "localhost:8000/private/moonbase",
Official: false,
"localhost:8000/privatebase": {
@ -449,9 +402,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: "localhost:8000",
Official: false,
RemoteName: withName("privatebase"),
LocalName: withName("localhost:8000/privatebase"),
CanonicalName: withName("localhost:8000/privatebase"),
RemoteName: "privatebase",
LocalName: "localhost:8000/privatebase",
CanonicalName: "localhost:8000/privatebase",
Official: false,
"example.com/private/moonbase": {
@ -459,9 +412,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: "example.com",
Official: false,
RemoteName: withName("private/moonbase"),
LocalName: withName("example.com/private/moonbase"),
CanonicalName: withName("example.com/private/moonbase"),
RemoteName: "private/moonbase",
LocalName: "example.com/private/moonbase",
CanonicalName: "example.com/private/moonbase",
Official: false,
"example.com/privatebase": {
@ -469,9 +422,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: "example.com",
Official: false,
RemoteName: withName("privatebase"),
LocalName: withName("example.com/privatebase"),
CanonicalName: withName("example.com/privatebase"),
RemoteName: "privatebase",
LocalName: "example.com/privatebase",
CanonicalName: "example.com/privatebase",
Official: false,
"example.com:8000/private/moonbase": {
@ -479,9 +432,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: "example.com:8000",
Official: false,
RemoteName: withName("private/moonbase"),
LocalName: withName("example.com:8000/private/moonbase"),
CanonicalName: withName("example.com:8000/private/moonbase"),
RemoteName: "private/moonbase",
LocalName: "example.com:8000/private/moonbase",
CanonicalName: "example.com:8000/private/moonbase",
Official: false,
"example.com:8000/privatebase": {
@ -489,9 +442,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: "example.com:8000",
Official: false,
RemoteName: withName("privatebase"),
LocalName: withName("example.com:8000/privatebase"),
CanonicalName: withName("example.com:8000/privatebase"),
RemoteName: "privatebase",
LocalName: "example.com:8000/privatebase",
CanonicalName: "example.com:8000/privatebase",
Official: false,
"localhost/private/moonbase": {
@ -499,9 +452,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: "localhost",
Official: false,
RemoteName: withName("private/moonbase"),
LocalName: withName("localhost/private/moonbase"),
CanonicalName: withName("localhost/private/moonbase"),
RemoteName: "private/moonbase",
LocalName: "localhost/private/moonbase",
CanonicalName: "localhost/private/moonbase",
Official: false,
"localhost/privatebase": {
@ -509,9 +462,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: "localhost",
Official: false,
RemoteName: withName("privatebase"),
LocalName: withName("localhost/privatebase"),
CanonicalName: withName("localhost/privatebase"),
RemoteName: "privatebase",
LocalName: "localhost/privatebase",
CanonicalName: "localhost/privatebase",
Official: false,
IndexName + "/public/moonbase": {
@ -519,9 +472,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: withName("public/moonbase"),
LocalName: withName("public/moonbase"),
CanonicalName: withName("docker.io/public/moonbase"),
RemoteName: "public/moonbase",
LocalName: "public/moonbase",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/public/moonbase",
Official: false,
"index." + IndexName + "/public/moonbase": {
@ -529,9 +482,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: withName("public/moonbase"),
LocalName: withName("public/moonbase"),
CanonicalName: withName("docker.io/public/moonbase"),
RemoteName: "public/moonbase",
LocalName: "public/moonbase",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/public/moonbase",
Official: false,
"ubuntu-12.04-base": {
@ -539,9 +492,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: withName("library/ubuntu-12.04-base"),
LocalName: withName("ubuntu-12.04-base"),
CanonicalName: withName("docker.io/library/ubuntu-12.04-base"),
RemoteName: "library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
LocalName: "ubuntu-12.04-base",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
Official: true,
IndexName + "/ubuntu-12.04-base": {
@ -549,9 +502,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: withName("library/ubuntu-12.04-base"),
LocalName: withName("ubuntu-12.04-base"),
CanonicalName: withName("docker.io/library/ubuntu-12.04-base"),
RemoteName: "library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
LocalName: "ubuntu-12.04-base",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
Official: true,
"index." + IndexName + "/ubuntu-12.04-base": {
@ -559,9 +512,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
Name: IndexName,
Official: true,
RemoteName: withName("library/ubuntu-12.04-base"),
LocalName: withName("ubuntu-12.04-base"),
CanonicalName: withName("docker.io/library/ubuntu-12.04-base"),
RemoteName: "library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
LocalName: "ubuntu-12.04-base",
CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
Official: true,
@ -577,9 +530,9 @@ func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
} else {
checkEqual(t, repoInfo.Index.Name, expectedRepoInfo.Index.Name, reposName)
checkEqual(t, repoInfo.RemoteName.String(), expectedRepoInfo.RemoteName.String(), reposName)
checkEqual(t, repoInfo.LocalName.String(), expectedRepoInfo.LocalName.String(), reposName)
checkEqual(t, repoInfo.CanonicalName.String(), expectedRepoInfo.CanonicalName.String(), reposName)
checkEqual(t, repoInfo.RemoteName(), expectedRepoInfo.RemoteName, reposName)
checkEqual(t, repoInfo.Name(), expectedRepoInfo.LocalName, reposName)
checkEqual(t, repoInfo.FullName(), expectedRepoInfo.CanonicalName, reposName)
checkEqual(t, repoInfo.Index.Official, expectedRepoInfo.Index.Official, reposName)
checkEqual(t, repoInfo.Official, expectedRepoInfo.Official, reposName)
@ -806,82 +759,6 @@ func TestSearchRepositories(t *testing.T) {
assertEqual(t, results.Results[0].StarCount, 42, "Expected 'fakeimage' to have 42 stars")
func TestValidRemoteName(t *testing.T) {
validRepositoryNames := []string{
// Sanity check.
// Allow 64-character non-hexadecimal names (hexadecimal names are forbidden).
// Allow embedded hyphens.
// Allow multiple hyphens as well.
//Username doc and image name docker being tested.
// single character names are now allowed.
// Consecutive underscores.
for _, repositoryName := range validRepositoryNames {
repositoryRef, err := reference.WithName(repositoryName)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Repository name should be valid: %v. Error: %v", repositoryName, err)
if err := validateRemoteName(repositoryRef); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Repository name should be valid: %v. Error: %v", repositoryName, err)
invalidRepositoryNames := []string{
// Disallow capital letters.
// Only allow one slash.
// Disallow 64-character hexadecimal.
// Disallow leading and trailing hyphens in namespace.
// Don't allow underscores everywhere (as opposed to hyphens).
// Disallow consecutive periods.
// No repository.
//namespace too long
for _, repositoryName := range invalidRepositoryNames {
repositoryRef, err := reference.ParseNamed(repositoryName)
if err != nil {
if err := validateRemoteName(repositoryRef); err == nil {
t.Errorf("Repository name should be invalid: %v", repositoryName)
func TestTrustedLocation(t *testing.T) {
for _, url := range []string{"http://example.com", "https://example.com:7777", "http://docker.io", "http://test.docker.com", "https://fakedocker.com"} {
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
func (s *Service) lookupV1Endpoints(repoName reference.Named) (endpoints []APIEndpoint, err error) {
var cfg = tlsconfig.ServerDefault
tlsConfig := &cfg
nameString := repoName.Name()
nameString := repoName.FullName()
if strings.HasPrefix(nameString, DefaultNamespace+"/") {
endpoints = append(endpoints, APIEndpoint{
URL: DefaultV1Registry,
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import (
func (s *Service) lookupV2Endpoints(repoName reference.Named) (endpoints []APIEndpoint, err error) {
var cfg = tlsconfig.ServerDefault
tlsConfig := &cfg
nameString := repoName.Name()
nameString := repoName.FullName()
if strings.HasPrefix(nameString, DefaultNamespace+"/") {
// v2 mirrors
for _, mirror := range s.Config.Mirrors {
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ func (r *Session) GetRemoteImageLayer(imgID, registry string, imgSize int64) (io
// argument, and returns data from the first one that answers the query
// successfully.
func (r *Session) GetRemoteTag(registries []string, repositoryRef reference.Named, askedTag string) (string, error) {
repository := repositoryRef.Name()
repository := repositoryRef.RemoteName()
if strings.Count(repository, "/") == 0 {
// This will be removed once the registry supports auto-resolution on
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ func (r *Session) GetRemoteTag(registries []string, repositoryRef reference.Name
// the first one that answers the query successfully. It returns a map with
// tag names as the keys and image IDs as the values.
func (r *Session) GetRemoteTags(registries []string, repositoryRef reference.Named) (map[string]string, error) {
repository := repositoryRef.Name()
repository := repositoryRef.RemoteName()
if strings.Count(repository, "/") == 0 {
// This will be removed once the registry supports auto-resolution on
@ -403,8 +403,8 @@ func buildEndpointsList(headers []string, indexEp string) ([]string, error) {
// GetRepositoryData returns lists of images and endpoints for the repository
func (r *Session) GetRepositoryData(remote reference.Named) (*RepositoryData, error) {
repositoryTarget := fmt.Sprintf("%srepositories/%s/images", r.indexEndpoint.VersionString(1), remote.Name())
func (r *Session) GetRepositoryData(name reference.Named) (*RepositoryData, error) {
repositoryTarget := fmt.Sprintf("%srepositories/%s/images", r.indexEndpoint.VersionString(1), name.RemoteName())
logrus.Debugf("[registry] Calling GET %s", repositoryTarget)
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ func (r *Session) GetRepositoryData(remote reference.Named) (*RepositoryData, er
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Error reading response body: %s", err)
return nil, httputils.NewHTTPRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Error: Status %d trying to pull repository %s: %q", res.StatusCode, remote.Name(), errBody), res)
return nil, httputils.NewHTTPRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Error: Status %d trying to pull repository %s: %q", res.StatusCode, name.RemoteName(), errBody), res)
var endpoints []string
@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ func (r *Session) PushImageLayerRegistry(imgID string, layer io.Reader, registry
func (r *Session) PushRegistryTag(remote reference.Named, revision, tag, registry string) error {
// "jsonify" the string
revision = "\"" + revision + "\""
path := fmt.Sprintf("repositories/%s/tags/%s", remote.Name(), tag)
path := fmt.Sprintf("repositories/%s/tags/%s", remote.RemoteName(), tag)
req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", registry+path, strings.NewReader(revision))
if err != nil {
@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ func (r *Session) PushRegistryTag(remote reference.Named, revision, tag, registr
if res.StatusCode != 200 && res.StatusCode != 201 {
return httputils.NewHTTPRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Internal server error: %d trying to push tag %s on %s", res.StatusCode, tag, remote.Name()), res)
return httputils.NewHTTPRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Internal server error: %d trying to push tag %s on %s", res.StatusCode, tag, remote.RemoteName()), res)
return nil
@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ func (r *Session) PushImageJSONIndex(remote reference.Named, imgList []*ImgData,
if validate {
suffix = "images"
u := fmt.Sprintf("%srepositories/%s/%s", r.indexEndpoint.VersionString(1), remote.Name(), suffix)
u := fmt.Sprintf("%srepositories/%s/%s", r.indexEndpoint.VersionString(1), remote.RemoteName(), suffix)
logrus.Debugf("[registry] PUT %s", u)
logrus.Debugf("Image list pushed to index:\n%s", imgListJSON)
headers := map[string][]string{
@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ func (r *Session) PushImageJSONIndex(remote reference.Named, imgList []*ImgData,
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Error reading response body: %s", err)
return nil, httputils.NewHTTPRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Error: Status %d trying to push repository %s: %q", res.StatusCode, remote.Name(), errBody), res)
return nil, httputils.NewHTTPRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Error: Status %d trying to push repository %s: %q", res.StatusCode, remote.RemoteName(), errBody), res)
tokens = res.Header["X-Docker-Token"]
logrus.Debugf("Auth token: %v", tokens)
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ func (r *Session) PushImageJSONIndex(remote reference.Named, imgList []*ImgData,
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Error reading response body: %s", err)
return nil, httputils.NewHTTPRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Error: Status %d trying to push checksums %s: %q", res.StatusCode, remote.Name(), errBody), res)
return nil, httputils.NewHTTPRequestError(fmt.Sprintf("Error: Status %d trying to push checksums %s: %q", res.StatusCode, remote.RemoteName(), errBody), res)
@ -60,17 +60,9 @@ const (
// RepositoryInfo describes a repository
type RepositoryInfo struct {
// Index points to registry information
Index *registrytypes.IndexInfo
// RemoteName is the remote name of the repository, such as
// "library/ubuntu-12.04-base"
RemoteName reference.Named
// LocalName is the local name of the repository, such as
// "ubuntu-12.04-base"
LocalName reference.Named
// CanonicalName is the canonical name of the repository, such as
// "docker.io/library/ubuntu-12.04-base"
CanonicalName reference.Named
// Official indicates whether the repository is considered official.
// If the registry is official, and the normalized name does not
// contain a '/' (e.g. "foo"), then it is considered an official repo.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user