#!/bin/sh Port_Server_1='5000' Port_Server_2='5001' Green='\033[1;32m' GreenBG='\033[42m' Nc='\033[0m' # No Color wait_for_key_press() { echo "Press any key to continue" while [ true ] ; do read -t 3 -n 1 if [ $? = 0 ] ; then return ; fi done } echo -e "" echo -e "${Green}Pulling the SLE BCI busybox image from the SUSE registry${Nc}" echo -e "${GreenBG}docker pull registry.suse.com/bci/bci-busybox${Nc}" docker pull registry.suse.com/bci/bci-busybox echo -e "" echo -e "" echo -e "${Green}Pulling the SLE BCI init image from the SUSE registry${Nc}" echo -e "${GreenBG}docker pull registry.suse.com/bci/bci-init${Nc}" docker pull registry.suse.com/bci/bci-init echo -e "" wait_for_key_press echo -e "${Green}Retagging the image so that it can be pushed to our local registry${Nc}" echo -e "${GreenBG}docker image tag registry.suse.com/bci/bci-busybox localhost:${Port_Server_1}/bci/bci-busybox${Nc}" docker image tag registry.suse.com/bci/bci-busybox localhost:${Port_Server_1}/bci/bci-busybox echo -e "" echo -e "${Green}Retagging the image so that it can be pushed to our local registry${Nc}" echo -e "${GreenBG}docker image tag registry.suse.com/bci/bci-init localhost:${Port_Server_2}/bci/bci-init${Nc}" docker image tag registry.suse.com/bci/bci-busybox localhost:${Port_Server_2}/bci/bci-init echo -e "" wait_for_key_press echo -e "${Green}Listing all available images to our docker instance${Nc}" echo -e "${GreenBG}docker images -a${Nc}" docker images -a echo "" wait_for_key_press echo -e "${Green}Pushing the SLE BCI busybox image to the local registry${Nc}" echo -e "${GreenBG}docker image push localhost:${Port_Server_1}/bci/bci-busybox${Nc}" docker image push localhost:${Port_Server_1}/bci/bci-busybox echo "" echo -e "${Green}Pushing the SLE BCI init image to the local registry${Nc}" echo -e "${GreenBG}docker image push localhost:${Port_Server_2}/bci/bci-init${Nc}" docker image push localhost:${Port_Server_2}/bci/bci-init echo "" wait_for_key_press echo -e "${Green}Removing the SLE BCI busybox image from the local docker cache${Nc}" echo -e "${GreenBG}docker image rm localhost:${Port_Server_1}/bci/bci-busybox${Nc}" docker image rm localhost:${Port_Server_1}/bci/bci-busybox echo -e "${GreenBG}docker image rm registry.suse.com/bci/bci-busybox${Nc}" docker image rm registry.suse.com/bci/bci-busybox echo "" echo -e "${Green}Removing the SLE BCI init image from the local docker cache${Nc}" echo -e "${GreenBG}docker image rm localhost:${Port_Server_2}/bci/bci-init${Nc}" docker image rm localhost:${Port_Server_2}/bci/bci-init echo -e "${GreenBG}docker image rm registry.suse.com/bci/bci-init${Nc}" docker image rm registry.suse.com/bci/bci-init echo "" wait_for_key_press echo -e "${Green}Listing all available images to our docker instance${Nc}" echo -e "${GreenBG}docker images -a${Nc}" docker images -a echo "" wait_for_key_press echo -e "${Green}Pulling the SLE BCI busybox image from our local registry${Nc}" echo -e "${GreenBG}docker pull localhost:${Port_Server_1}/bci/bci-busybox${Nc}" docker pull localhost:${Port_Server_1}/bci/bci-busybox echo "" echo -e "${Green}Pulling the SLE BCI init image from our local registry${Nc}" echo -e "${GreenBG}docker pull localhost:${Port_Server_2}/bci/bci-init${Nc}" docker pull localhost:${Port_Server_2}/bci/bci-init echo "" wait_for_key_press echo -e "${Green}Listing all available images to our docker instance${Nc}" echo -e "${GreenBG}docker images -a${Nc}" docker images -a echo "" echo "That's all, folks! :)"