// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package trace // This file implements histogramming for RPC statistics collection. import ( "bytes" "fmt" "html/template" "log" "math" "golang.org/x/net/internal/timeseries" ) const ( bucketCount = 38 ) // histogram keeps counts of values in buckets that are spaced // out in powers of 2: 0-1, 2-3, 4-7... // histogram implements timeseries.Observable type histogram struct { sum int64 // running total of measurements sumOfSquares float64 // square of running total buckets []int64 // bucketed values for histogram value int // holds a single value as an optimization valueCount int64 // number of values recorded for single value } // AddMeasurement records a value measurement observation to the histogram. func (h *histogram) addMeasurement(value int64) { // TODO: assert invariant h.sum += value h.sumOfSquares += float64(value) * float64(value) bucketIndex := getBucket(value) if h.valueCount == 0 || (h.valueCount > 0 && h.value == bucketIndex) { h.value = bucketIndex h.valueCount++ } else { h.allocateBuckets() h.buckets[bucketIndex]++ } } func (h *histogram) allocateBuckets() { if h.buckets == nil { h.buckets = make([]int64, bucketCount) h.buckets[h.value] = h.valueCount h.value = 0 h.valueCount = -1 } } func log2(i int64) int { n := 0 for ; i >= 0x100; i >>= 8 { n += 8 } for ; i > 0; i >>= 1 { n += 1 } return n } func getBucket(i int64) (index int) { index = log2(i) - 1 if index < 0 { index = 0 } if index >= bucketCount { index = bucketCount - 1 } return } // Total returns the number of recorded observations. func (h *histogram) total() (total int64) { if h.valueCount >= 0 { total = h.valueCount } for _, val := range h.buckets { total += int64(val) } return } // Average returns the average value of recorded observations. func (h *histogram) average() float64 { t := h.total() if t == 0 { return 0 } return float64(h.sum) / float64(t) } // Variance returns the variance of recorded observations. func (h *histogram) variance() float64 { t := float64(h.total()) if t == 0 { return 0 } s := float64(h.sum) / t return h.sumOfSquares/t - s*s } // StandardDeviation returns the standard deviation of recorded observations. func (h *histogram) standardDeviation() float64 { return math.Sqrt(h.variance()) } // PercentileBoundary estimates the value that the given fraction of recorded // observations are less than. func (h *histogram) percentileBoundary(percentile float64) int64 { total := h.total() // Corner cases (make sure result is strictly less than Total()) if total == 0 { return 0 } else if total == 1 { return int64(h.average()) } percentOfTotal := round(float64(total) * percentile) var runningTotal int64 for i := range h.buckets { value := h.buckets[i] runningTotal += value if runningTotal == percentOfTotal { // We hit an exact bucket boundary. If the next bucket has data, it is a // good estimate of the value. If the bucket is empty, we interpolate the // midpoint between the next bucket's boundary and the next non-zero // bucket. If the remaining buckets are all empty, then we use the // boundary for the next bucket as the estimate. j := uint8(i + 1) min := bucketBoundary(j) if runningTotal < total { for h.buckets[j] == 0 { j++ } } max := bucketBoundary(j) return min + round(float64(max-min)/2) } else if runningTotal > percentOfTotal { // The value is in this bucket. Interpolate the value. delta := runningTotal - percentOfTotal percentBucket := float64(value-delta) / float64(value) bucketMin := bucketBoundary(uint8(i)) nextBucketMin := bucketBoundary(uint8(i + 1)) bucketSize := nextBucketMin - bucketMin return bucketMin + round(percentBucket*float64(bucketSize)) } } return bucketBoundary(bucketCount - 1) } // Median returns the estimated median of the observed values. func (h *histogram) median() int64 { return h.percentileBoundary(0.5) } // Add adds other to h. func (h *histogram) Add(other timeseries.Observable) { o := other.(*histogram) if o.valueCount == 0 { // Other histogram is empty } else if h.valueCount >= 0 && o.valueCount > 0 && h.value == o.value { // Both have a single bucketed value, aggregate them h.valueCount += o.valueCount } else { // Two different values necessitate buckets in this histogram h.allocateBuckets() if o.valueCount >= 0 { h.buckets[o.value] += o.valueCount } else { for i := range h.buckets { h.buckets[i] += o.buckets[i] } } } h.sumOfSquares += o.sumOfSquares h.sum += o.sum } // Clear resets the histogram to an empty state, removing all observed values. func (h *histogram) Clear() { h.buckets = nil h.value = 0 h.valueCount = 0 h.sum = 0 h.sumOfSquares = 0 } // CopyFrom copies from other, which must be a *histogram, into h. func (h *histogram) CopyFrom(other timeseries.Observable) { o := other.(*histogram) if o.valueCount == -1 { h.allocateBuckets() copy(h.buckets, o.buckets) } h.sum = o.sum h.sumOfSquares = o.sumOfSquares h.value = o.value h.valueCount = o.valueCount } // Multiply scales the histogram by the specified ratio. func (h *histogram) Multiply(ratio float64) { if h.valueCount == -1 { for i := range h.buckets { h.buckets[i] = int64(float64(h.buckets[i]) * ratio) } } else { h.valueCount = int64(float64(h.valueCount) * ratio) } h.sum = int64(float64(h.sum) * ratio) h.sumOfSquares = h.sumOfSquares * ratio } // New creates a new histogram. func (h *histogram) New() timeseries.Observable { r := new(histogram) r.Clear() return r } func (h *histogram) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d, %f, %d, %d, %v", h.sum, h.sumOfSquares, h.value, h.valueCount, h.buckets) } // round returns the closest int64 to the argument func round(in float64) int64 { return int64(math.Floor(in + 0.5)) } // bucketBoundary returns the first value in the bucket. func bucketBoundary(bucket uint8) int64 { if bucket == 0 { return 0 } return 1 << bucket } // bucketData holds data about a specific bucket for use in distTmpl. type bucketData struct { Lower, Upper int64 N int64 Pct, CumulativePct float64 GraphWidth int } // data holds data about a Distribution for use in distTmpl. type data struct { Buckets []*bucketData Count, Median int64 Mean, StandardDeviation float64 } // maxHTMLBarWidth is the maximum width of the HTML bar for visualizing buckets. const maxHTMLBarWidth = 350.0 // newData returns data representing h for use in distTmpl. func (h *histogram) newData() *data { // Force the allocation of buckets to simplify the rendering implementation h.allocateBuckets() // We scale the bars on the right so that the largest bar is // maxHTMLBarWidth pixels in width. maxBucket := int64(0) for _, n := range h.buckets { if n > maxBucket { maxBucket = n } } total := h.total() barsizeMult := maxHTMLBarWidth / float64(maxBucket) var pctMult float64 if total == 0 { pctMult = 1.0 } else { pctMult = 100.0 / float64(total) } buckets := make([]*bucketData, len(h.buckets)) runningTotal := int64(0) for i, n := range h.buckets { if n == 0 { continue } runningTotal += n var upperBound int64 if i < bucketCount-1 { upperBound = bucketBoundary(uint8(i + 1)) } else { upperBound = math.MaxInt64 } buckets[i] = &bucketData{ Lower: bucketBoundary(uint8(i)), Upper: upperBound, N: n, Pct: float64(n) * pctMult, CumulativePct: float64(runningTotal) * pctMult, GraphWidth: int(float64(n) * barsizeMult), } } return &data{ Buckets: buckets, Count: total, Median: h.median(), Mean: h.average(), StandardDeviation: h.standardDeviation(), } } func (h *histogram) html() template.HTML { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) if err := distTmpl.Execute(buf, h.newData()); err != nil { buf.Reset() log.Printf("net/trace: couldn't execute template: %v", err) } return template.HTML(buf.String()) } // Input: data var distTmpl = template.Must(template.New("distTmpl").Parse(` <table> <tr> <td style="padding:0.25em">Count: {{.Count}}</td> <td style="padding:0.25em">Mean: {{printf "%.0f" .Mean}}</td> <td style="padding:0.25em">StdDev: {{printf "%.0f" .StandardDeviation}}</td> <td style="padding:0.25em">Median: {{.Median}}</td> </tr> </table> <hr> <table> {{range $b := .Buckets}} {{if $b}} <tr> <td style="padding:0 0 0 0.25em">[</td> <td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.25em">{{.Lower}},</td> <td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.25em">{{.Upper}})</td> <td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.25em">{{.N}}</td> <td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.25em">{{printf "%#.3f" .Pct}}%</td> <td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.25em">{{printf "%#.3f" .CumulativePct}}%</td> <td><div style="background-color: blue; height: 1em; width: {{.GraphWidth}};"></div></td> </tr> {{end}} {{end}} </table> `))