Mary Anthony cf9b4ab5e9 Breaking out README
Adding new material
Adding in template chomped in error
Cover install/deploy in README
Adding in Stephen's comments
Fixing you tabs!
Updating with commentary from pr
Updating with last minute comments

Signed-off-by: Mary Anthony <>
2015-04-09 17:50:46 -07:00

25 lines
852 B

FROM docs/base:latest
MAINTAINER Mary <> (@moxiegirl)
# to get the git info for this repo
COPY . /src
# Reset the /docs dir so we can replace the theme meta with the new repo's git info
RUN git reset --hard
# RUN git describe --match 'v[0-9]*' --dirty='.m' --always > /docs/VERSION
# The above line causes a floating point error in our tools
RUN grep "VERSION =" /src/version/version.go | sed 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/' > /docs/VERSION
COPY docs/* /docs/sources/distribution/
COPY docs/images/* /docs/sources/distribution/images/
COPY docs/spec/* /docs/sources/distribution/spec/
COPY docs/spec/auth/* /docs/sources/distribution/spec/auth/
COPY docs/storage-drivers/* /docs/sources/distribution/storage-drivers/
COPY docs/mkdocs.yml /docs/mkdocs-distribution.yml
# Then build everything together, ready for mkdocs
RUN /docs/