Richard 9c1dd69439 Manifest and layer soft deletion.
Implement the delete API by implementing soft delete for layers
and blobs by removing link files and updating the blob descriptor
cache.  Deletion is configurable - if it is disabled API calls
will return an unsupported error.

We invalidate the blob descriptor cache by changing the linkedBlobStore's
blobStatter to a blobDescriptorService and naming it blobAccessController.

Delete() is added throughout the relevant API to support this functionality.

Signed-off-by: Richard Scothern <richard.scothern@gmail.com>
2015-07-24 09:57:20 -07:00

180 lines
5.2 KiB

package storage
import (
storagedriver "github.com/docker/distribution/registry/storage/driver"
// registry is the top-level implementation of Registry for use in the storage
// package. All instances should descend from this object.
type registry struct {
blobStore *blobStore
blobServer distribution.BlobServer
statter distribution.BlobStatter // global statter service.
blobDescriptorCacheProvider cache.BlobDescriptorCacheProvider
deleteEnabled bool
// NewRegistryWithDriver creates a new registry instance from the provided
// driver. The resulting registry may be shared by multiple goroutines but is
// cheap to allocate.
func NewRegistryWithDriver(ctx context.Context, driver storagedriver.StorageDriver, blobDescriptorCacheProvider cache.BlobDescriptorCacheProvider, deleteEnabled bool) distribution.Namespace {
// create global statter, with cache.
var statter distribution.BlobDescriptorService = &blobStatter{
driver: driver,
pm: defaultPathMapper,
if blobDescriptorCacheProvider != nil {
statter = cache.NewCachedBlobStatter(blobDescriptorCacheProvider, statter)
bs := &blobStore{
driver: driver,
pm: defaultPathMapper,
statter: statter,
return &registry{
blobStore: bs,
blobServer: &blobServer{
driver: driver,
statter: statter,
pathFn: bs.path,
blobDescriptorCacheProvider: blobDescriptorCacheProvider,
deleteEnabled: deleteEnabled,
// Scope returns the namespace scope for a registry. The registry
// will only serve repositories contained within this scope.
func (reg *registry) Scope() distribution.Scope {
return distribution.GlobalScope
// Repository returns an instance of the repository tied to the registry.
// Instances should not be shared between goroutines but are cheap to
// allocate. In general, they should be request scoped.
func (reg *registry) Repository(ctx context.Context, name string) (distribution.Repository, error) {
if err := v2.ValidateRepositoryName(name); err != nil {
return nil, distribution.ErrRepositoryNameInvalid{
Name: name,
Reason: err,
var descriptorCache distribution.BlobDescriptorService
if reg.blobDescriptorCacheProvider != nil {
var err error
descriptorCache, err = reg.blobDescriptorCacheProvider.RepositoryScoped(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &repository{
ctx: ctx,
registry: reg,
name: name,
descriptorCache: descriptorCache,
}, nil
// repository provides name-scoped access to various services.
type repository struct {
ctx context.Context
name string
descriptorCache distribution.BlobDescriptorService
// Name returns the name of the repository.
func (repo *repository) Name() string {
return repo.name
// Manifests returns an instance of ManifestService. Instantiation is cheap and
// may be context sensitive in the future. The instance should be used similar
// to a request local.
func (repo *repository) Manifests(ctx context.Context, options ...distribution.ManifestServiceOption) (distribution.ManifestService, error) {
ms := &manifestStore{
ctx: ctx,
repository: repo,
revisionStore: &revisionStore{
ctx: ctx,
repository: repo,
blobStore: &linkedBlobStore{
ctx: ctx,
blobStore: repo.blobStore,
repository: repo,
deleteEnabled: repo.registry.deleteEnabled,
blobAccessController: &linkedBlobStatter{
blobStore: repo.blobStore,
repository: repo,
linkPath: manifestRevisionLinkPath,
// TODO(stevvooe): linkPath limits this blob store to only
// manifests. This instance cannot be used for blob checks.
linkPath: manifestRevisionLinkPath,
tagStore: &tagStore{
ctx: ctx,
repository: repo,
blobStore: repo.registry.blobStore,
// Apply options
for _, option := range options {
err := option(ms)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ms, nil
// Blobs returns an instance of the BlobStore. Instantiation is cheap and
// may be context sensitive in the future. The instance should be used similar
// to a request local.
func (repo *repository) Blobs(ctx context.Context) distribution.BlobStore {
var statter distribution.BlobDescriptorService = &linkedBlobStatter{
blobStore: repo.blobStore,
repository: repo,
linkPath: blobLinkPath,
if repo.descriptorCache != nil {
statter = cache.NewCachedBlobStatter(repo.descriptorCache, statter)
return &linkedBlobStore{
blobStore: repo.blobStore,
blobServer: repo.blobServer,
blobAccessController: statter,
repository: repo,
ctx: ctx,
// TODO(stevvooe): linkPath limits this blob store to only layers.
// This instance cannot be used for manifest checks.
linkPath: blobLinkPath,
deleteEnabled: repo.registry.deleteEnabled,
func (repo *repository) Signatures() distribution.SignatureService {
return &signatureStore{
repository: repo,
blobStore: repo.blobStore,
ctx: repo.ctx,