To support accurate specification generation, this changeset includes a quick and dirty tool to generate a markdown table of error codes generated by the registry API. Equivalent supports for routes will likely follow. Exported descriptors could be used to generate other documentation, as well.
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// registry-api-doctable-gen uses various descriptors within the registry code
// base to generate markdown tables for use in documentation. This is only
// meant to facilitate updates to documentation and not as an automated tool.
// For now, this only includes support for error codes:
// $ registry-api-doctable-gen errors
package main
import (
func main() {
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
log.Fatalln("please specify a table to generate: (errors)")
switch os.Args[1] {
case "errors":
log.Fatalln("unknown descriptor table:", os.Args[1])
func dumpErrors(wr io.Writer) {
writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 8, 8, 0, '\t', 0)
defer writer.Flush()
fmt.Fprint(writer, "|")
dtype := reflect.TypeOf(errors.ErrorDescriptor{})
var fieldsPrinted int
for i := 0; i < dtype.NumField(); i++ {
field := dtype.Field(i)
if field.Name == "Value" {
fmt.Fprint(writer, field.Name, "|")
divider := strings.Repeat("-", 8)
var parts []string
for i := 0; i < fieldsPrinted; i++ {
parts = append(parts, divider)
divider = strings.Join(parts, "|")
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "\n"+divider)
for _, descriptor := range errors.Descriptors {
fmt.Fprint(writer, "|")
v := reflect.ValueOf(descriptor)
for i := 0; i < dtype.NumField(); i++ {
value := v.Field(i).Interface()
field := v.Type().Field(i)
if field.Name == "Value" {
} else if field.Name == "Description" {
value = strings.Replace(value.(string), "\n", " ", -1)
} else if field.Name == "Code" {
value = fmt.Sprintf("`%s`", value)
} else if field.Name == "HTTPStatusCodes" {
if len(value.([]int)) > 0 {
var codes []string
for _, code := range value.([]int) {
codes = append(codes, fmt.Sprint(code))
value = strings.Join(codes, ", ")
} else {
value = "Any"
fmt.Fprint(writer, value, "|")
fmt.Fprint(writer, "\n")