forked from pool/oci-cli

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Accepting request 1094620 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.29.1 * Support for the Serial Console Access in the Database service * ``oci db console-connection create`` * ``oci db console-connection delete`` * ``oci db console-connection update`` * ``oci db node update`` * Database Migration Service * Support for creating a new connection with Network Security Group (NSG) Id's * ``oci database-migration connection create --nsg-ids`` * Support for updating a connection with new Network Security Group (NSG) Id's * ``oci database-migration connection update --nsg-ids`` * Support for new optional parameter in the Functions service * ``oci fn application create --shape`` * Data Flow service * Support for creating and managing Data Flow Pools * ``oci data-flow pool`` * Support for additional optional parameters for using Data Flow pools * ``oci data-flow application create --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow application update --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run create --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run submit --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run list --pool-id`` * Rover Node Service * Support for the following in the Roving Edge Infrastructure Service * ``oci rover node create --cert-compartment-id --cert-key-algorithm --cert-signature-algorithm --common-name --issuer-certificate-authority-id --time-cert-validity-end`` * ``oci rover node update --cert-compartment-id --cert-key-algorithm --cert-signature-algorithm --certificate-authority-id --common-name --time-cert-validity-end`` * Commands for rover upgrade bundle support * ``oci rover node rover-bundle copy-to-customer`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-06-22 11:42:30 +00:00
diff -Nru oci-cli-3.29.1.orig/requirements.txt oci-cli-3.29.1/requirements.txt
--- oci-cli-3.29.1.orig/requirements.txt 2023-06-21 00:54:35.000000000 +0200
+++ oci-cli-3.29.1/requirements.txt 2023-06-22 12:01:51.334890518 +0200
Accepting request 1071500 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.23.3 * Support for Identity Domains service * ``oci identity-domains`` * Database Service * Support for Long Term Backup for Autonomous Databases on Exadata Cloud at Customer * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup create --backup-destination-details`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup list --type`` * Container Engine for Kubernetes service * Support for enhanced cluster * ``oci ce cluster create --type`` * ``oci ce cluster update --type`` * Support for Cluster AddOns * ``oci ce addon`` * Support for Serverless * ``oci ce virtual-node-pool`` * Data integration service * Support for copy objects and template retrieval * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request create`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request get`` * ``oci data-integration workspace delete-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace update-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request-summary-collection list-copy-object-requests`` * ``oci data-integration template get`` * ``oci data-integration template list`` * Goldengate service * Support for managing available deployment version in the system * ``oci goldengate deployment-version`` * Support for listing deployment versions * ``oci goldengate deployment-version list`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-03-15 08:21:50 +00:00
@@ -2,44 +2,44 @@
# (,
# you may need to use the --extra-index-url option instead.
Accepting request 903053 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.25.4 * Users can authenticate the CLI with only environment variables, a config does not need to exist * The following environment variables need to be set, OCI_CLI_USER, OCI_CLI_TENANCY, OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT, OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE, OCI_CLI_REGION * Optional variable for passphrase, OCI_CLI_PASSPHRASE * Support for VMBM Pluggable Database feature as a part of the Database Service * ``oci db pluggable-database`` * Support for cross-tenancy volume clone in Block Storage service * ``oci bv volume create --source-volume-id`` * ``oci bv boot-volume create --source-volume-id`` * Changed allowed versions of cryptography package to a range from 3.2.1 to 3.4.7 * Following updates in installer scripts: * Use dnf, if available, to install python * Updated check for ubuntu/debian systems to use ID_LIKE/ID instead of NAME in /etc/os-release * oci setup bootstrap was causing a ``AttributeError: module 'oci' has no attribute 'identity'`` - from version 2.25.3 * Support for migrating an OKE cluster not integrated with your VCN to a VCN-Native cluster in Container Engine * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn`` * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn-status`` * Support for filtering of applications based on spark version in Data Flow service * ``oci data-flow application list --spark-version`` * Support for registration and management of target databases in Data Safe service. * ``oci data-safe target-database create`` * Support for Elastic Storage feature for Exadata Infrastructure resources for ExaCC in Database service. * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure create --compute-count`` * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure update --additional-storage-count`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-30 09:24:12 +00:00
Accepting request 927780 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.2.0 * Support for Node subsetting feature for vmcluster resources for ExaCC in Database Service * ``oci db vm-cluster add --db-servers`` * ``oci db vm-cluster create --db-servers`` * ``oci db vm-cluster remove --db-servers`` * Support for convert to pdb, rollback, sync, sync-rollback, list-pdb-conversion-history, get-pdb-conversion-history in Database Service * ``oci db database convert-to-new-pdb`` * ``oci db database convert-to-new-pdb-precheck`` * ``oci db database convert-to-pdb-sync`` * ``oci db database convert-to-pdb-sync-rollback`` * ``oci db database list-pdb-conversion-history`` * ``oci db pdb-conversion-history get --history-id`` * Support to optionally provide peer database unique name AND SID prefix during database creation in ExaCS and ExaCC in Database Service * ``oci db database create --sid-prefix`` * ``oci db database create-from-backup --sid-prefix`` * ``oci db data-guard-association create from-existing-db-system --peer-db-unique-name --peer-sid-prefix`` * ``oci db data-guard-association create from-existing-vm-cluster --peer-db-unique-name --peer-sid-prefix`` * Support for a parameter for creating db system from the backup with database software image in Database Service * ``oci db system launch-from-backup --database-software-image-id`` * Support for preference get/update/remove in Log Analytics Service * ``oci log-analytics preference get`` * ``oci log-analytics preference update`` * ``oci log-analytics preference remove`` * Support for unprocessed data bucket in Log Analytics Service OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-10-27 13:46:23 +00:00
Accepting request 1071500 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.23.3 * Support for Identity Domains service * ``oci identity-domains`` * Database Service * Support for Long Term Backup for Autonomous Databases on Exadata Cloud at Customer * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup create --backup-destination-details`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup list --type`` * Container Engine for Kubernetes service * Support for enhanced cluster * ``oci ce cluster create --type`` * ``oci ce cluster update --type`` * Support for Cluster AddOns * ``oci ce addon`` * Support for Serverless * ``oci ce virtual-node-pool`` * Data integration service * Support for copy objects and template retrieval * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request create`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request get`` * ``oci data-integration workspace delete-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace update-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request-summary-collection list-copy-object-requests`` * ``oci data-integration template get`` * ``oci data-integration template list`` * Goldengate service * Support for managing available deployment version in the system * ``oci goldengate deployment-version`` * Support for listing deployment versions * ``oci goldengate deployment-version list`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-03-15 08:21:50 +00:00
Accepting request 785669 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.9.6 + New option for load balancer listener create/update. * ``oci lb listener create --connection-configuration-backend-tcp-proxy-protocol-version`` * ``oci lb listener update --connection-configuration-backend-tcp-proxy-protocol-version`` + COMMON_ISSUES.rst file: includes common user installation issues and how to fix them. + Bulk VNIC Data Fetch by compartment-id. * ``--instance-id`` is optional for ``oci compute instance list-vnics --compartment-id`` + Creating a budgets alert rule. * ``--recipients`` is optional for ``oci budgets alert-rule create`` + Improved Installation experience by checking if Curl and Python are working in the system before using them. - from version 2.9.5 + Support for updating the shape of a Database System in the Database service * ``oci db system update --shape`` + Support for generating CPE Configuration for customer to download in the Networking service * ``oci network cpe get-cpe-device-config-content`` * ``oci network cpe-device-shape list`` * ``oci network cpe-device-shape-detail get-cpe-device-shape`` * ``oci network tunnel-cpe-device-config`` * ``oci network cpe create --cpe-device-shape-id`` * ``oci network cpe update --cpe-device-shape-id`` * ``oci network ip-sec-connection get-ipsec-cpe-device-config-content`` + Private IP and Fault Domain for Kubernetes cluster nodes in the NodePool response + Support for calling Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services in the Montreal region (``--region ca-montreal-1``) + The following for the Data Transfer service * Notifications setup - ``oci dts job create`` has a new option called ``--setup-notificaitons`` - ``oci dts appliance request`` has a new option called ``--setup-notificaitons`` * Bug fixes in ``oci dts export configure-physical-appliance`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2020-03-16 16:10:29 +00:00
Accepting request 1074632 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.24.0 * Database Service * Support for changing Disaster Recovery configuration of a remote Autonomous Database in remote region of its Disaster Recovery Association * ``oci db autonomous-database change-disaster-recovery-configuration`` * Support for creating a remote Disaster Recovery Association clone of an Autonomous Database * ``oci db autonomous-database create-autonomous-database-create-cross-region-disaster-recovery-details`` * Support for OCI DevOps Managed Build stage to use custom shape build runner in the DevOps service * ``oci devops build-pipeline-stage create-build-stage --build-runner-config`` * ``oci devops build-pipeline-stage update-build-stage ---build-runner-config`` * Support for listing Pre-Built Functions and creating Functions from Pre-Built Functions in the Functions service * ``oci fn function create --source-details`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing get`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing list`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing-version get`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing-version list`` * ``oci fn trigger list`` * Support for creating/updating new connection types in the Golden Gate service * ``oci goldengate connection create-amazon-s3-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-amazon-s3-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-hdfs-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-hdfs-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-microsoft-sqlserver-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-microsoft-sqlserver-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-jms-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-jms-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-mongo-db-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-mongo-db-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-oracle-nosql-connection`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-03-29 06:50:55 +00:00
Accepting request 965382 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.6.2 * Support for virtual machines, bare metal machines, and Exadata databases with private endpoints in the Operations Insights service * ``oci opsi opsi-private-endpoint`` * ``oci opsi database-insights change-pe-comanaged-database-detail`` * Support for setting deletion policies on database systems in the MySQL Database service * ``oci mysql db-system clone--deletion-policy`` * ``oci mysql db-system create --deletion-policy`` * ``oci mysql db-system import --deletion-policy`` * ``oci mysql db-system update --deletion-policy`` * Changed existing database insight operations updated in the Operations Insights service * ``oci opsi database-insights create-pe-comanged-database`` * ``oci opsi database-insights enable-pe-comanaged-database`` * ``oci opsi database-insights update-pe-comanaged-database`` - from version 3.6.1 * Support for DI application resource in the Data Integration service * ``oci data-integration dis-application`` * Support for enabling shielded instances feature in create SDDC in the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution service * ``oci ocvs sddc create --is-shielded-instance-enabled`` * Vulnerability Scanning Service * Support for Optional param ``--image-count`` in container scan recipe create and update * ``oci vulnerability-scanning container scan recipe create --image-count`` * ``oci vulnerability-scanning container scan recipe update --image-count`` * Support for vulnerabilities list and get * ``oci vulnerability-scanning vulnerability get`` * ``oci vulnerability-scanning vulnerability list`` * ``oci vulnerability-scanning vulnerability list-vulnerability-impacted-containers`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-04-08 07:48:50 +00:00
Accepting request 833318 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.12.10 * Support for searching Oracle Cloud resources across tenancies in the Search Service * ``oci search resource free-text-search --tenant-id`` * ``oci search resource structured-search --tenant-id`` * Support for Management Agent Cloud Service * ``oci management-agent`` * Support for sending diagnostic interrupt to a VM instance in the Compute Service * ``oci compute instance action --action SENDDIAGNOSTICINTERRUPT --instance-id`` * Support for custom Database Software Images in the Database Service * ``oci db database-software-image`` * Support for Management Dashboard Service * ``oci management-dashboard`` * Support for Logging Analytics Service * `oci log-analytics` * Support for Logging Service * ``oci logging`` * Support for Logging Ingestion Service * ``oci logging-ingestion`` * Support for Logging Search Service * ``oci logging-search`` * Support for Service Connector Hub service * ``oci sch`` * Support for getting and listing container database patches for Autonomous Container Database resources in the Database Service * ``oci db autonomous-patch get --autonomous-patch-id`` * ``oci db autonomous-patch list-container-database-patches --autonomous-container-database-id`` * Support for updating patch id on maintenance run for Autonomous Container Database resources in the Database Service * ``oci db maintenance-run update --patch-id`` * Support for Policy based Request/Response transformation OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2020-09-09 18:32:27 +00:00
Accepting request 1094620 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.29.1 * Support for the Serial Console Access in the Database service * ``oci db console-connection create`` * ``oci db console-connection delete`` * ``oci db console-connection update`` * ``oci db node update`` * Database Migration Service * Support for creating a new connection with Network Security Group (NSG) Id's * ``oci database-migration connection create --nsg-ids`` * Support for updating a connection with new Network Security Group (NSG) Id's * ``oci database-migration connection update --nsg-ids`` * Support for new optional parameter in the Functions service * ``oci fn application create --shape`` * Data Flow service * Support for creating and managing Data Flow Pools * ``oci data-flow pool`` * Support for additional optional parameters for using Data Flow pools * ``oci data-flow application create --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow application update --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run create --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run submit --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run list --pool-id`` * Rover Node Service * Support for the following in the Roving Edge Infrastructure Service * ``oci rover node create --cert-compartment-id --cert-key-algorithm --cert-signature-algorithm --common-name --issuer-certificate-authority-id --time-cert-validity-end`` * ``oci rover node update --cert-compartment-id --cert-key-algorithm --cert-signature-algorithm --certificate-authority-id --common-name --time-cert-validity-end`` * Commands for rover upgrade bundle support * ``oci rover node rover-bundle copy-to-customer`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-06-22 11:42:30 +00:00
Accepting request 833318 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.12.10 * Support for searching Oracle Cloud resources across tenancies in the Search Service * ``oci search resource free-text-search --tenant-id`` * ``oci search resource structured-search --tenant-id`` * Support for Management Agent Cloud Service * ``oci management-agent`` * Support for sending diagnostic interrupt to a VM instance in the Compute Service * ``oci compute instance action --action SENDDIAGNOSTICINTERRUPT --instance-id`` * Support for custom Database Software Images in the Database Service * ``oci db database-software-image`` * Support for Management Dashboard Service * ``oci management-dashboard`` * Support for Logging Analytics Service * `oci log-analytics` * Support for Logging Service * ``oci logging`` * Support for Logging Ingestion Service * ``oci logging-ingestion`` * Support for Logging Search Service * ``oci logging-search`` * Support for Service Connector Hub service * ``oci sch`` * Support for getting and listing container database patches for Autonomous Container Database resources in the Database Service * ``oci db autonomous-patch get --autonomous-patch-id`` * ``oci db autonomous-patch list-container-database-patches --autonomous-container-database-id`` * Support for updating patch id on maintenance run for Autonomous Container Database resources in the Database Service * ``oci db maintenance-run update --patch-id`` * Support for Policy based Request/Response transformation OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2020-09-09 18:32:27 +00:00
Accepting request 893103 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.24.4 * Support for database maintenance run patchMode feature as a part of the Database Service * ``oci db maintenance-run`` * PyYAML was upgraded to version 5.4.1 to address a vulnerability identified on GitHub as CVE-2020-14343 * Py was upgraded to version 1.10.0 to address a vulnerability identified on GitHub as CVE-2020-29651. Py isn't used in our run-time system but as part of our documentation build process. - from version 2.24.3 * Options for configuring config path and profile name for session authentication * ``oci session authenticate --profile-name --config-location`` * Support for the Operator Access Control service * ``oci opctl`` * Support for the Service Catalog service * ``oci service-catalog`` * Support for the AI Language service * ``oci ai language`` * Wait for state parameter for the following database commands were returning on incorrect states * oci db database create --wait-for-state * oci db database create-from-backup --wait-for-state * oci db database create-from-database --wait-for-state * oci db db-home create --wait-for-state - from version 2.24.2 * Support for data masking and other enhancements in the Cloud Guard service * ``oci cloud-guard data-mask-rule`` * ``oci cloud-guard policy-summary list-policies`` * ``oci cloud-guard problem update-bulk-problem-status --comment`` * Support for opting out of DNS records during instance launch, as well as attaching secondary VNICs, in the Compute service * ``oci compute instance attach-vnic --assign-private-dns-record`` * ``oci compute instance launch --assign-private-dns-record`` * Support for mutable sizes on cluster networks in the Compute Management service. Argument (instance-pools) OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-05-15 19:55:47 +00:00
Accepting request 1074632 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.24.0 * Database Service * Support for changing Disaster Recovery configuration of a remote Autonomous Database in remote region of its Disaster Recovery Association * ``oci db autonomous-database change-disaster-recovery-configuration`` * Support for creating a remote Disaster Recovery Association clone of an Autonomous Database * ``oci db autonomous-database create-autonomous-database-create-cross-region-disaster-recovery-details`` * Support for OCI DevOps Managed Build stage to use custom shape build runner in the DevOps service * ``oci devops build-pipeline-stage create-build-stage --build-runner-config`` * ``oci devops build-pipeline-stage update-build-stage ---build-runner-config`` * Support for listing Pre-Built Functions and creating Functions from Pre-Built Functions in the Functions service * ``oci fn function create --source-details`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing get`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing list`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing-version get`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing-version list`` * ``oci fn trigger list`` * Support for creating/updating new connection types in the Golden Gate service * ``oci goldengate connection create-amazon-s3-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-amazon-s3-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-hdfs-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-hdfs-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-microsoft-sqlserver-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-microsoft-sqlserver-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-jms-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-jms-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-mongo-db-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-mongo-db-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-oracle-nosql-connection`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-03-29 06:50:55 +00:00
Accepting request 1060960 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.22.3 * Support for the Cloud Migrations service * ``oci cloud-migrations`` * Support for new optional parameter to set Custom Private IP during Private End Point provisioning in the Database service * ``oci db autonomous-database create --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-adb-cross-region-data-guard-details --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-backup-id --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-backup-timestamp --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-clone --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-refreshable-clone --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database update --private-endpoint-ip`` * Support for Machine Learning pipelines for the Data Science Service * ``oci data-science pipeline`` * ``oci data-science pipeline-run`` * Support for the language PII (Personal Identifiable Information) detection in the AI Language service * ``oci ai language batch-detect-pii-entities`` * Support for cross region replication in the File Storage service * ``oci fs replication create`` * ``oci fs replication get`` * ``oci fs replication list`` * ``oci fs replication delete`` * ``oci fs replication change-compartment`` * ``oci fs file-system estimate-replication`` - from version 3.22.2 * Database service * Support for Private DNS in ExaCS systems during provisioning * ``oci db cloud-vm-cluster create --private-zone-id`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-01-26 13:37:12 +00:00
Accepting request 1071500 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.23.3 * Support for Identity Domains service * ``oci identity-domains`` * Database Service * Support for Long Term Backup for Autonomous Databases on Exadata Cloud at Customer * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup create --backup-destination-details`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup list --type`` * Container Engine for Kubernetes service * Support for enhanced cluster * ``oci ce cluster create --type`` * ``oci ce cluster update --type`` * Support for Cluster AddOns * ``oci ce addon`` * Support for Serverless * ``oci ce virtual-node-pool`` * Data integration service * Support for copy objects and template retrieval * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request create`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request get`` * ``oci data-integration workspace delete-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace update-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request-summary-collection list-copy-object-requests`` * ``oci data-integration template get`` * ``oci data-integration template list`` * Goldengate service * Support for managing available deployment version in the system * ``oci goldengate deployment-version`` * Support for listing deployment versions * ``oci goldengate deployment-version list`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-03-15 08:21:50 +00:00
-pytest==4.6.10; python_version <= '3.9'
-pytest==7.1.2; python_version >= '3.10'
Accepting request 1060960 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.22.3 * Support for the Cloud Migrations service * ``oci cloud-migrations`` * Support for new optional parameter to set Custom Private IP during Private End Point provisioning in the Database service * ``oci db autonomous-database create --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-adb-cross-region-data-guard-details --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-backup-id --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-backup-timestamp --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-clone --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-refreshable-clone --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database update --private-endpoint-ip`` * Support for Machine Learning pipelines for the Data Science Service * ``oci data-science pipeline`` * ``oci data-science pipeline-run`` * Support for the language PII (Personal Identifiable Information) detection in the AI Language service * ``oci ai language batch-detect-pii-entities`` * Support for cross region replication in the File Storage service * ``oci fs replication create`` * ``oci fs replication get`` * ``oci fs replication list`` * ``oci fs replication delete`` * ``oci fs replication change-compartment`` * ``oci fs file-system estimate-replication`` - from version 3.22.2 * Database service * Support for Private DNS in ExaCS systems during provisioning * ``oci db cloud-vm-cluster create --private-zone-id`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-01-26 13:37:12 +00:00
Accepting request 1071500 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.23.3 * Support for Identity Domains service * ``oci identity-domains`` * Database Service * Support for Long Term Backup for Autonomous Databases on Exadata Cloud at Customer * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup create --backup-destination-details`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup list --type`` * Container Engine for Kubernetes service * Support for enhanced cluster * ``oci ce cluster create --type`` * ``oci ce cluster update --type`` * Support for Cluster AddOns * ``oci ce addon`` * Support for Serverless * ``oci ce virtual-node-pool`` * Data integration service * Support for copy objects and template retrieval * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request create`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request get`` * ``oci data-integration workspace delete-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace update-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request-summary-collection list-copy-object-requests`` * ``oci data-integration template get`` * ``oci data-integration template list`` * Goldengate service * Support for managing available deployment version in the system * ``oci goldengate deployment-version`` * Support for listing deployment versions * ``oci goldengate deployment-version list`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-03-15 08:21:50 +00:00
Accepting request 903053 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.25.4 * Users can authenticate the CLI with only environment variables, a config does not need to exist * The following environment variables need to be set, OCI_CLI_USER, OCI_CLI_TENANCY, OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT, OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE, OCI_CLI_REGION * Optional variable for passphrase, OCI_CLI_PASSPHRASE * Support for VMBM Pluggable Database feature as a part of the Database Service * ``oci db pluggable-database`` * Support for cross-tenancy volume clone in Block Storage service * ``oci bv volume create --source-volume-id`` * ``oci bv boot-volume create --source-volume-id`` * Changed allowed versions of cryptography package to a range from 3.2.1 to 3.4.7 * Following updates in installer scripts: * Use dnf, if available, to install python * Updated check for ubuntu/debian systems to use ID_LIKE/ID instead of NAME in /etc/os-release * oci setup bootstrap was causing a ``AttributeError: module 'oci' has no attribute 'identity'`` - from version 2.25.3 * Support for migrating an OKE cluster not integrated with your VCN to a VCN-Native cluster in Container Engine * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn`` * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn-status`` * Support for filtering of applications based on spark version in Data Flow service * ``oci data-flow application list --spark-version`` * Support for registration and management of target databases in Data Safe service. * ``oci data-safe target-database create`` * Support for Elastic Storage feature for Exadata Infrastructure resources for ExaCC in Database service. * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure create --compute-count`` * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure update --additional-storage-count`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-30 09:24:12 +00:00
Accepting request 990997 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.11.1 * Support for 2 new global parameters to provide connection and read timeout value * ``oci --connection-timeout --read-timeout`` * Support for Container Databases (CDBs) and Pluggable Databases (PDBs) discovery in the Stack Monitoring service * ``oci stack-monitoring discovery-job create --compartment-id --discovery-details`` * Support for the Fusion Apps service * ``oci fusion-apps`` * Support for the Oracle Process Automation service * ``oci opa`` * Support for ingress routing tables to NAT Gateway and Internet Gateway in the VCN Routing service * ``oci network nat-gateway create --route-table-id`` * ``oci network nat-gateway update --route-table-id`` * ``oci network internet-gateway create --route-table-id`` * ``oci network internet-gateway update --route-table-id`` * Support for maintenance reboot due date extension on Virtual Machine instances in the core service * ``oci compute instance-maintenance-reboot get`` * ``oci compute instance update --time-maintenance-reboot-due`` * Support for Oracle Managed Access service * ``oci oma`` * Support for grapePeriod for wallet rotation feature in the Autonomous Database service * ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate --grace-period`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate-regional-wallet --grace-period`` * Support for the Media service * ``oci media-services`` * Modified supported version for the following package: cryptography (>=3.2.1, <=37.0.2), pyOpenSSL (>=17.5.0, <=22.0.0) - from version 3.11.0 OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-07-25 14:05:08 +00:00
Accepting request 903053 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.25.4 * Users can authenticate the CLI with only environment variables, a config does not need to exist * The following environment variables need to be set, OCI_CLI_USER, OCI_CLI_TENANCY, OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT, OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE, OCI_CLI_REGION * Optional variable for passphrase, OCI_CLI_PASSPHRASE * Support for VMBM Pluggable Database feature as a part of the Database Service * ``oci db pluggable-database`` * Support for cross-tenancy volume clone in Block Storage service * ``oci bv volume create --source-volume-id`` * ``oci bv boot-volume create --source-volume-id`` * Changed allowed versions of cryptography package to a range from 3.2.1 to 3.4.7 * Following updates in installer scripts: * Use dnf, if available, to install python * Updated check for ubuntu/debian systems to use ID_LIKE/ID instead of NAME in /etc/os-release * oci setup bootstrap was causing a ``AttributeError: module 'oci' has no attribute 'identity'`` - from version 2.25.3 * Support for migrating an OKE cluster not integrated with your VCN to a VCN-Native cluster in Container Engine * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn`` * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn-status`` * Support for filtering of applications based on spark version in Data Flow service * ``oci data-flow application list --spark-version`` * Support for registration and management of target databases in Data Safe service. * ``oci data-safe target-database create`` * Support for Elastic Storage feature for Exadata Infrastructure resources for ExaCC in Database service. * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure create --compute-count`` * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure update --additional-storage-count`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-30 09:24:12 +00:00
Accepting request 965382 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.6.2 * Support for virtual machines, bare metal machines, and Exadata databases with private endpoints in the Operations Insights service * ``oci opsi opsi-private-endpoint`` * ``oci opsi database-insights change-pe-comanaged-database-detail`` * Support for setting deletion policies on database systems in the MySQL Database service * ``oci mysql db-system clone--deletion-policy`` * ``oci mysql db-system create --deletion-policy`` * ``oci mysql db-system import --deletion-policy`` * ``oci mysql db-system update --deletion-policy`` * Changed existing database insight operations updated in the Operations Insights service * ``oci opsi database-insights create-pe-comanged-database`` * ``oci opsi database-insights enable-pe-comanaged-database`` * ``oci opsi database-insights update-pe-comanaged-database`` - from version 3.6.1 * Support for DI application resource in the Data Integration service * ``oci data-integration dis-application`` * Support for enabling shielded instances feature in create SDDC in the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution service * ``oci ocvs sddc create --is-shielded-instance-enabled`` * Vulnerability Scanning Service * Support for Optional param ``--image-count`` in container scan recipe create and update * ``oci vulnerability-scanning container scan recipe create --image-count`` * ``oci vulnerability-scanning container scan recipe update --image-count`` * Support for vulnerabilities list and get * ``oci vulnerability-scanning vulnerability get`` * ``oci vulnerability-scanning vulnerability list`` * ``oci vulnerability-scanning vulnerability list-vulnerability-impacted-containers`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-04-08 07:48:50 +00:00
Accepting request 903053 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.25.4 * Users can authenticate the CLI with only environment variables, a config does not need to exist * The following environment variables need to be set, OCI_CLI_USER, OCI_CLI_TENANCY, OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT, OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE, OCI_CLI_REGION * Optional variable for passphrase, OCI_CLI_PASSPHRASE * Support for VMBM Pluggable Database feature as a part of the Database Service * ``oci db pluggable-database`` * Support for cross-tenancy volume clone in Block Storage service * ``oci bv volume create --source-volume-id`` * ``oci bv boot-volume create --source-volume-id`` * Changed allowed versions of cryptography package to a range from 3.2.1 to 3.4.7 * Following updates in installer scripts: * Use dnf, if available, to install python * Updated check for ubuntu/debian systems to use ID_LIKE/ID instead of NAME in /etc/os-release * oci setup bootstrap was causing a ``AttributeError: module 'oci' has no attribute 'identity'`` - from version 2.25.3 * Support for migrating an OKE cluster not integrated with your VCN to a VCN-Native cluster in Container Engine * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn`` * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn-status`` * Support for filtering of applications based on spark version in Data Flow service * ``oci data-flow application list --spark-version`` * Support for registration and management of target databases in Data Safe service. * ``oci data-safe target-database create`` * Support for Elastic Storage feature for Exadata Infrastructure resources for ExaCC in Database service. * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure create --compute-count`` * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure update --additional-storage-count`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-30 09:24:12 +00:00
Accepting request 1094620 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.29.1 * Support for the Serial Console Access in the Database service * ``oci db console-connection create`` * ``oci db console-connection delete`` * ``oci db console-connection update`` * ``oci db node update`` * Database Migration Service * Support for creating a new connection with Network Security Group (NSG) Id's * ``oci database-migration connection create --nsg-ids`` * Support for updating a connection with new Network Security Group (NSG) Id's * ``oci database-migration connection update --nsg-ids`` * Support for new optional parameter in the Functions service * ``oci fn application create --shape`` * Data Flow service * Support for creating and managing Data Flow Pools * ``oci data-flow pool`` * Support for additional optional parameters for using Data Flow pools * ``oci data-flow application create --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow application update --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run create --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run submit --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run list --pool-id`` * Rover Node Service * Support for the following in the Roving Edge Infrastructure Service * ``oci rover node create --cert-compartment-id --cert-key-algorithm --cert-signature-algorithm --common-name --issuer-certificate-authority-id --time-cert-validity-end`` * ``oci rover node update --cert-compartment-id --cert-key-algorithm --cert-signature-algorithm --certificate-authority-id --common-name --time-cert-validity-end`` * Commands for rover upgrade bundle support * ``oci rover node rover-bundle copy-to-customer`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-06-22 11:42:30 +00:00
Accepting request 903053 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.25.4 * Users can authenticate the CLI with only environment variables, a config does not need to exist * The following environment variables need to be set, OCI_CLI_USER, OCI_CLI_TENANCY, OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT, OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE, OCI_CLI_REGION * Optional variable for passphrase, OCI_CLI_PASSPHRASE * Support for VMBM Pluggable Database feature as a part of the Database Service * ``oci db pluggable-database`` * Support for cross-tenancy volume clone in Block Storage service * ``oci bv volume create --source-volume-id`` * ``oci bv boot-volume create --source-volume-id`` * Changed allowed versions of cryptography package to a range from 3.2.1 to 3.4.7 * Following updates in installer scripts: * Use dnf, if available, to install python * Updated check for ubuntu/debian systems to use ID_LIKE/ID instead of NAME in /etc/os-release * oci setup bootstrap was causing a ``AttributeError: module 'oci' has no attribute 'identity'`` - from version 2.25.3 * Support for migrating an OKE cluster not integrated with your VCN to a VCN-Native cluster in Container Engine * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn`` * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn-status`` * Support for filtering of applications based on spark version in Data Flow service * ``oci data-flow application list --spark-version`` * Support for registration and management of target databases in Data Safe service. * ``oci data-safe target-database create`` * Support for Elastic Storage feature for Exadata Infrastructure resources for ExaCC in Database service. * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure create --compute-count`` * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure update --additional-storage-count`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-30 09:24:12 +00:00
Accepting request 1060960 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.22.3 * Support for the Cloud Migrations service * ``oci cloud-migrations`` * Support for new optional parameter to set Custom Private IP during Private End Point provisioning in the Database service * ``oci db autonomous-database create --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-adb-cross-region-data-guard-details --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-backup-id --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-backup-timestamp --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-clone --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-refreshable-clone --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database update --private-endpoint-ip`` * Support for Machine Learning pipelines for the Data Science Service * ``oci data-science pipeline`` * ``oci data-science pipeline-run`` * Support for the language PII (Personal Identifiable Information) detection in the AI Language service * ``oci ai language batch-detect-pii-entities`` * Support for cross region replication in the File Storage service * ``oci fs replication create`` * ``oci fs replication get`` * ``oci fs replication list`` * ``oci fs replication delete`` * ``oci fs replication change-compartment`` * ``oci fs file-system estimate-replication`` - from version 3.22.2 * Database service * Support for Private DNS in ExaCS systems during provisioning * ``oci db cloud-vm-cluster create --private-zone-id`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-01-26 13:37:12 +00:00
Accepting request 903053 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.25.4 * Users can authenticate the CLI with only environment variables, a config does not need to exist * The following environment variables need to be set, OCI_CLI_USER, OCI_CLI_TENANCY, OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT, OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE, OCI_CLI_REGION * Optional variable for passphrase, OCI_CLI_PASSPHRASE * Support for VMBM Pluggable Database feature as a part of the Database Service * ``oci db pluggable-database`` * Support for cross-tenancy volume clone in Block Storage service * ``oci bv volume create --source-volume-id`` * ``oci bv boot-volume create --source-volume-id`` * Changed allowed versions of cryptography package to a range from 3.2.1 to 3.4.7 * Following updates in installer scripts: * Use dnf, if available, to install python * Updated check for ubuntu/debian systems to use ID_LIKE/ID instead of NAME in /etc/os-release * oci setup bootstrap was causing a ``AttributeError: module 'oci' has no attribute 'identity'`` - from version 2.25.3 * Support for migrating an OKE cluster not integrated with your VCN to a VCN-Native cluster in Container Engine * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn`` * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn-status`` * Support for filtering of applications based on spark version in Data Flow service * ``oci data-flow application list --spark-version`` * Support for registration and management of target databases in Data Safe service. * ``oci data-safe target-database create`` * Support for Elastic Storage feature for Exadata Infrastructure resources for ExaCC in Database service. * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure create --compute-count`` * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure update --additional-storage-count`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-30 09:24:12 +00:00
Accepting request 1071500 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.23.3 * Support for Identity Domains service * ``oci identity-domains`` * Database Service * Support for Long Term Backup for Autonomous Databases on Exadata Cloud at Customer * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup create --backup-destination-details`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup list --type`` * Container Engine for Kubernetes service * Support for enhanced cluster * ``oci ce cluster create --type`` * ``oci ce cluster update --type`` * Support for Cluster AddOns * ``oci ce addon`` * Support for Serverless * ``oci ce virtual-node-pool`` * Data integration service * Support for copy objects and template retrieval * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request create`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request get`` * ``oci data-integration workspace delete-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace update-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request-summary-collection list-copy-object-requests`` * ``oci data-integration template get`` * ``oci data-integration template list`` * Goldengate service * Support for managing available deployment version in the system * ``oci goldengate deployment-version`` * Support for listing deployment versions * ``oci goldengate deployment-version list`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-03-15 08:21:50 +00:00
+pytest>=4.6.10; python_version <= '3.9'
+pytest>=7.1.2; python_version >= '3.10'
Accepting request 903053 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.25.4 * Users can authenticate the CLI with only environment variables, a config does not need to exist * The following environment variables need to be set, OCI_CLI_USER, OCI_CLI_TENANCY, OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT, OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE, OCI_CLI_REGION * Optional variable for passphrase, OCI_CLI_PASSPHRASE * Support for VMBM Pluggable Database feature as a part of the Database Service * ``oci db pluggable-database`` * Support for cross-tenancy volume clone in Block Storage service * ``oci bv volume create --source-volume-id`` * ``oci bv boot-volume create --source-volume-id`` * Changed allowed versions of cryptography package to a range from 3.2.1 to 3.4.7 * Following updates in installer scripts: * Use dnf, if available, to install python * Updated check for ubuntu/debian systems to use ID_LIKE/ID instead of NAME in /etc/os-release * oci setup bootstrap was causing a ``AttributeError: module 'oci' has no attribute 'identity'`` - from version 2.25.3 * Support for migrating an OKE cluster not integrated with your VCN to a VCN-Native cluster in Container Engine * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn`` * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn-status`` * Support for filtering of applications based on spark version in Data Flow service * ``oci data-flow application list --spark-version`` * Support for registration and management of target databases in Data Safe service. * ``oci data-safe target-database create`` * Support for Elastic Storage feature for Exadata Infrastructure resources for ExaCC in Database service. * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure create --compute-count`` * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure update --additional-storage-count`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-30 09:24:12 +00:00
Accepting request 785669 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.9.6 + New option for load balancer listener create/update. * ``oci lb listener create --connection-configuration-backend-tcp-proxy-protocol-version`` * ``oci lb listener update --connection-configuration-backend-tcp-proxy-protocol-version`` + COMMON_ISSUES.rst file: includes common user installation issues and how to fix them. + Bulk VNIC Data Fetch by compartment-id. * ``--instance-id`` is optional for ``oci compute instance list-vnics --compartment-id`` + Creating a budgets alert rule. * ``--recipients`` is optional for ``oci budgets alert-rule create`` + Improved Installation experience by checking if Curl and Python are working in the system before using them. - from version 2.9.5 + Support for updating the shape of a Database System in the Database service * ``oci db system update --shape`` + Support for generating CPE Configuration for customer to download in the Networking service * ``oci network cpe get-cpe-device-config-content`` * ``oci network cpe-device-shape list`` * ``oci network cpe-device-shape-detail get-cpe-device-shape`` * ``oci network tunnel-cpe-device-config`` * ``oci network cpe create --cpe-device-shape-id`` * ``oci network cpe update --cpe-device-shape-id`` * ``oci network ip-sec-connection get-ipsec-cpe-device-config-content`` + Private IP and Fault Domain for Kubernetes cluster nodes in the NodePool response + Support for calling Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services in the Montreal region (``--region ca-montreal-1``) + The following for the Data Transfer service * Notifications setup - ``oci dts job create`` has a new option called ``--setup-notificaitons`` - ``oci dts appliance request`` has a new option called ``--setup-notificaitons`` * Bug fixes in ``oci dts export configure-physical-appliance`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2020-03-16 16:10:29 +00:00
Accepting request 903053 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.25.4 * Users can authenticate the CLI with only environment variables, a config does not need to exist * The following environment variables need to be set, OCI_CLI_USER, OCI_CLI_TENANCY, OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT, OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE, OCI_CLI_REGION * Optional variable for passphrase, OCI_CLI_PASSPHRASE * Support for VMBM Pluggable Database feature as a part of the Database Service * ``oci db pluggable-database`` * Support for cross-tenancy volume clone in Block Storage service * ``oci bv volume create --source-volume-id`` * ``oci bv boot-volume create --source-volume-id`` * Changed allowed versions of cryptography package to a range from 3.2.1 to 3.4.7 * Following updates in installer scripts: * Use dnf, if available, to install python * Updated check for ubuntu/debian systems to use ID_LIKE/ID instead of NAME in /etc/os-release * oci setup bootstrap was causing a ``AttributeError: module 'oci' has no attribute 'identity'`` - from version 2.25.3 * Support for migrating an OKE cluster not integrated with your VCN to a VCN-Native cluster in Container Engine * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn`` * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn-status`` * Support for filtering of applications based on spark version in Data Flow service * ``oci data-flow application list --spark-version`` * Support for registration and management of target databases in Data Safe service. * ``oci data-safe target-database create`` * Support for Elastic Storage feature for Exadata Infrastructure resources for ExaCC in Database service. * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure create --compute-count`` * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure update --additional-storage-count`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-30 09:24:12 +00:00
Accepting request 914250 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.0.2 * Support to generate recommended vm cluster network and create vm cluster network with given customer listener port in the Database service * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure generate-recommended-vm-cluster-network --scan-listener-port-tcp, --scan-listener-port-tcp-ssl`` * ``oci db vm-cluster-network create --scans`` * Prompt to create a config file with a CLI session profile if a CLI command is run with a nonexistent config file and --auth security_token * Prompt to re-authenticate a CLI session profile if a CLI command is run with an expired session token and --auth security_token * Modified supported versions for the following packages: cryptography (>3.2.1, <=3.4.7), click (7.1.2). - from version 3.0.1 * Support for identifying Management Agent hosts eligible to create Operations Insights Host resources on * ``oci opsi host-insights list-importable-agent-entities`` * Support for summarize-agen-counts and summarize-plugin-counts in Management Agent service * ``oci management-agent agent summarize-agent-counts`` * ``oci management-agent agent summarize-plugin-counts`` * Support for additional filters when listing management agents in Management Agent service * ``oci management-agent agent list --availability-status, --host-id, --is-customer-deployed`` * Modified supported versions for the following packages: six (>=0.15.0). * Check the bucket exists before bulk and sync operations in Object Storage service * ``oci os object bulk-upload`` * ``oci os object bulk-download`` * ``oci os object sync`` * Session authentication now has no private key passphrase prompt by default; private key OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-08-30 07:56:47 +00:00
Accepting request 949352 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.4.4 * Below services were added to support the Account Management finance data * One Subscription Billing Schedule service * ``oci osub-billing-schedule billing-schedule-summary`` * One Subscription Subscription service * ``oci osub-subscription commitment`` * ``oci osub-subscription ratecard`` * ``oci osub-subscription subscription`` * One Subscription Usage service * ``oci osub-usage computed-usage`` * ``oci osub-usage computed-usage-aggregated-summary`` * One Subscription Organization subscription service * ``oci osub-organization-subscription subscription`` * Support for new field 'type' to specify if a run or application is streaming or batch in the Data Flow service * ``oci data-flow application create --type`` * ``oci data-flow run create --type`` * ``oci data-flow run submit --type`` - from version 3.4.3 * Support for calling Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services in the me-dcc-muscat-1 region * Support for the Visual Builder service * ``oci visual-builder`` * Support for cross-region replication of volume groups in the Block Storage service * ``oci bv volume-group create --volume-group-replicas`` * ``oci bv volume-group update --volume-group-replicas`` * Support for boot volume encryption in the Container Engine for Kubernetes service * ``oci ce node-pool create --is-pv-encryption-in-transit-enabled, --kms-key-id`` * ``oci ce node-pool update --is-pv-encryption-in-transit-enabled, --kms-key-id`` * Support for adding metadata to records when creating and OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-01-27 08:01:30 +00:00
Accepting request 914250 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.0.2 * Support to generate recommended vm cluster network and create vm cluster network with given customer listener port in the Database service * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure generate-recommended-vm-cluster-network --scan-listener-port-tcp, --scan-listener-port-tcp-ssl`` * ``oci db vm-cluster-network create --scans`` * Prompt to create a config file with a CLI session profile if a CLI command is run with a nonexistent config file and --auth security_token * Prompt to re-authenticate a CLI session profile if a CLI command is run with an expired session token and --auth security_token * Modified supported versions for the following packages: cryptography (>3.2.1, <=3.4.7), click (7.1.2). - from version 3.0.1 * Support for identifying Management Agent hosts eligible to create Operations Insights Host resources on * ``oci opsi host-insights list-importable-agent-entities`` * Support for summarize-agen-counts and summarize-plugin-counts in Management Agent service * ``oci management-agent agent summarize-agent-counts`` * ``oci management-agent agent summarize-plugin-counts`` * Support for additional filters when listing management agents in Management Agent service * ``oci management-agent agent list --availability-status, --host-id, --is-customer-deployed`` * Modified supported versions for the following packages: six (>=0.15.0). * Check the bucket exists before bulk and sync operations in Object Storage service * ``oci os object bulk-upload`` * ``oci os object bulk-download`` * ``oci os object sync`` * Session authentication now has no private key passphrase prompt by default; private key OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-08-30 07:56:47 +00:00
Accepting request 785669 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.9.6 + New option for load balancer listener create/update. * ``oci lb listener create --connection-configuration-backend-tcp-proxy-protocol-version`` * ``oci lb listener update --connection-configuration-backend-tcp-proxy-protocol-version`` + COMMON_ISSUES.rst file: includes common user installation issues and how to fix them. + Bulk VNIC Data Fetch by compartment-id. * ``--instance-id`` is optional for ``oci compute instance list-vnics --compartment-id`` + Creating a budgets alert rule. * ``--recipients`` is optional for ``oci budgets alert-rule create`` + Improved Installation experience by checking if Curl and Python are working in the system before using them. - from version 2.9.5 + Support for updating the shape of a Database System in the Database service * ``oci db system update --shape`` + Support for generating CPE Configuration for customer to download in the Networking service * ``oci network cpe get-cpe-device-config-content`` * ``oci network cpe-device-shape list`` * ``oci network cpe-device-shape-detail get-cpe-device-shape`` * ``oci network tunnel-cpe-device-config`` * ``oci network cpe create --cpe-device-shape-id`` * ``oci network cpe update --cpe-device-shape-id`` * ``oci network ip-sec-connection get-ipsec-cpe-device-config-content`` + Private IP and Fault Domain for Kubernetes cluster nodes in the NodePool response + Support for calling Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services in the Montreal region (``--region ca-montreal-1``) + The following for the Data Transfer service * Notifications setup - ``oci dts job create`` has a new option called ``--setup-notificaitons`` - ``oci dts appliance request`` has a new option called ``--setup-notificaitons`` * Bug fixes in ``oci dts export configure-physical-appliance`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2020-03-16 16:10:29 +00:00
Accepting request 893103 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.24.4 * Support for database maintenance run patchMode feature as a part of the Database Service * ``oci db maintenance-run`` * PyYAML was upgraded to version 5.4.1 to address a vulnerability identified on GitHub as CVE-2020-14343 * Py was upgraded to version 1.10.0 to address a vulnerability identified on GitHub as CVE-2020-29651. Py isn't used in our run-time system but as part of our documentation build process. - from version 2.24.3 * Options for configuring config path and profile name for session authentication * ``oci session authenticate --profile-name --config-location`` * Support for the Operator Access Control service * ``oci opctl`` * Support for the Service Catalog service * ``oci service-catalog`` * Support for the AI Language service * ``oci ai language`` * Wait for state parameter for the following database commands were returning on incorrect states * oci db database create --wait-for-state * oci db database create-from-backup --wait-for-state * oci db database create-from-database --wait-for-state * oci db db-home create --wait-for-state - from version 2.24.2 * Support for data masking and other enhancements in the Cloud Guard service * ``oci cloud-guard data-mask-rule`` * ``oci cloud-guard policy-summary list-policies`` * ``oci cloud-guard problem update-bulk-problem-status --comment`` * Support for opting out of DNS records during instance launch, as well as attaching secondary VNICs, in the Compute service * ``oci compute instance attach-vnic --assign-private-dns-record`` * ``oci compute instance launch --assign-private-dns-record`` * Support for mutable sizes on cluster networks in the Compute Management service. Argument (instance-pools) OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-05-15 19:55:47 +00:00
Accepting request 1071500 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.23.3 * Support for Identity Domains service * ``oci identity-domains`` * Database Service * Support for Long Term Backup for Autonomous Databases on Exadata Cloud at Customer * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup create --backup-destination-details`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup list --type`` * Container Engine for Kubernetes service * Support for enhanced cluster * ``oci ce cluster create --type`` * ``oci ce cluster update --type`` * Support for Cluster AddOns * ``oci ce addon`` * Support for Serverless * ``oci ce virtual-node-pool`` * Data integration service * Support for copy objects and template retrieval * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request create`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request get`` * ``oci data-integration workspace delete-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace update-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request-summary-collection list-copy-object-requests`` * ``oci data-integration template get`` * ``oci data-integration template list`` * Goldengate service * Support for managing available deployment version in the system * ``oci goldengate deployment-version`` * Support for listing deployment versions * ``oci goldengate deployment-version list`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-03-15 08:21:50 +00:00
-vcrpy==1.13.0; python_version <= '3.9'
-vcrpy==4.2.1; python_version >= '3.10'
Accepting request 949352 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.4.4 * Below services were added to support the Account Management finance data * One Subscription Billing Schedule service * ``oci osub-billing-schedule billing-schedule-summary`` * One Subscription Subscription service * ``oci osub-subscription commitment`` * ``oci osub-subscription ratecard`` * ``oci osub-subscription subscription`` * One Subscription Usage service * ``oci osub-usage computed-usage`` * ``oci osub-usage computed-usage-aggregated-summary`` * One Subscription Organization subscription service * ``oci osub-organization-subscription subscription`` * Support for new field 'type' to specify if a run or application is streaming or batch in the Data Flow service * ``oci data-flow application create --type`` * ``oci data-flow run create --type`` * ``oci data-flow run submit --type`` - from version 3.4.3 * Support for calling Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services in the me-dcc-muscat-1 region * Support for the Visual Builder service * ``oci visual-builder`` * Support for cross-region replication of volume groups in the Block Storage service * ``oci bv volume-group create --volume-group-replicas`` * ``oci bv volume-group update --volume-group-replicas`` * Support for boot volume encryption in the Container Engine for Kubernetes service * ``oci ce node-pool create --is-pv-encryption-in-transit-enabled, --kms-key-id`` * ``oci ce node-pool update --is-pv-encryption-in-transit-enabled, --kms-key-id`` * Support for adding metadata to records when creating and OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-01-27 08:01:30 +00:00
Accepting request 785669 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.9.6 + New option for load balancer listener create/update. * ``oci lb listener create --connection-configuration-backend-tcp-proxy-protocol-version`` * ``oci lb listener update --connection-configuration-backend-tcp-proxy-protocol-version`` + COMMON_ISSUES.rst file: includes common user installation issues and how to fix them. + Bulk VNIC Data Fetch by compartment-id. * ``--instance-id`` is optional for ``oci compute instance list-vnics --compartment-id`` + Creating a budgets alert rule. * ``--recipients`` is optional for ``oci budgets alert-rule create`` + Improved Installation experience by checking if Curl and Python are working in the system before using them. - from version 2.9.5 + Support for updating the shape of a Database System in the Database service * ``oci db system update --shape`` + Support for generating CPE Configuration for customer to download in the Networking service * ``oci network cpe get-cpe-device-config-content`` * ``oci network cpe-device-shape list`` * ``oci network cpe-device-shape-detail get-cpe-device-shape`` * ``oci network tunnel-cpe-device-config`` * ``oci network cpe create --cpe-device-shape-id`` * ``oci network cpe update --cpe-device-shape-id`` * ``oci network ip-sec-connection get-ipsec-cpe-device-config-content`` + Private IP and Fault Domain for Kubernetes cluster nodes in the NodePool response + Support for calling Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services in the Montreal region (``--region ca-montreal-1``) + The following for the Data Transfer service * Notifications setup - ``oci dts job create`` has a new option called ``--setup-notificaitons`` - ``oci dts appliance request`` has a new option called ``--setup-notificaitons`` * Bug fixes in ``oci dts export configure-physical-appliance`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2020-03-16 16:10:29 +00:00
Accepting request 1089018 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.28.0 * Logging Management service * New optional parameter for CRI-O parser * ``oci logging service list --service-stage`` * Added new CRI-O parser in the option ``--service-configuration`` * [BREAKING] Commands removed * ``oci logging log-included-search get`` * ``oci logging log-included-search list`` * Database Service * Added availability domain information in get VM cluster and Exadata Infrastructure. * ``oci db vm-cluster get --vm-cluster-id`` * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure get --exadata-infrastructure-id`` * Support for new optional parameter dbservers in the autonomous database dedicated service * ``oci db cloud-autonomous-vm-cluster create --dbservers`` * DNS service * Support for secondary egress zones API operations * ``oci dns zone create --compartment-id --name --zone-type --external-downstreams `` * Support to create zone from zone-file * ``oci dns zone create-zone-from-zone-file --compartment-id --create-zone-from-zone-file-details`` * Support for new optional parameter external-downstream in zone-update * ``oci dns zone update --external-downstreams`` - from version 3.27.1 * Support for Self Service Integration in the Fusion Application service * ``oci fusion-apps service-attachment create`` * ``oci fusion-apps service-attachment delete`` * ``oci fusion-apps service-attachment verify`` - from version 3.27.0 * Support for the Access Governance cloud service * ``oci access-governance-cp`` * Database Service OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-06-05 11:15:16 +00:00
Accepting request 1063791 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.22.5 * Support for Autonomous Container Database role in the Database service * Support for new command * ``oci db autonomous-container-database change-dataguard-role`` * ``oci db autonomous-container-database-version list`` * Support for new optional parameter * ``oci db autonomous-container-database create --fast-start-fail-over-lag-limit-in-seconds --version-preference --db-version`` * ``oci db autonomous-container-database-dataguard update --fast-start-fail-over-lag-limit-in-seconds --protection-mode`` * ``oci db autonomous-container-database update --version-preference`` * Devops Deploy service * Support for new optional parameters * ``oci devops deploy-stage create-oke-helm-chart-stage --cleanup-on-fail --debug-helm --force-helm --history-max --no-hooks --render-subchart-notes --reset-values --reuse-values --set-string --set-values --skip-crds --wait-helm`` * ``oci devops deploy-stage update-oke-helm-chart-stage --cleanup-on-fail --debug-helm --force-helm --history-max --no-hooks --render-subchart-notes --reset-values --reuse-values --set-string --set-values --skip-crds --wait-helm`` * Support for new optional helm-verification-key-source parameter * ``oci devops deploy-artifact --create-helm-repository-artifact --helm-verification-key-source`` * ``oci devops deploy-artifact --update-helm-repository-artifact --helm-verification-key-source`` * Support for new optional dry-run parameter * ``oci devops deployment create-pipeline-deployment --dry-run`` * ``oci devops deployment create-single-stage-deployment --dry-run`` * Support for new Uploading MasterKey Wallets commands in the OCI GoldenGate Deployments service * ``oci goldengate deployment wallet-exists`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-02-09 11:23:27 +00:00
Accepting request 949352 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.4.4 * Below services were added to support the Account Management finance data * One Subscription Billing Schedule service * ``oci osub-billing-schedule billing-schedule-summary`` * One Subscription Subscription service * ``oci osub-subscription commitment`` * ``oci osub-subscription ratecard`` * ``oci osub-subscription subscription`` * One Subscription Usage service * ``oci osub-usage computed-usage`` * ``oci osub-usage computed-usage-aggregated-summary`` * One Subscription Organization subscription service * ``oci osub-organization-subscription subscription`` * Support for new field 'type' to specify if a run or application is streaming or batch in the Data Flow service * ``oci data-flow application create --type`` * ``oci data-flow run create --type`` * ``oci data-flow run submit --type`` - from version 3.4.3 * Support for calling Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services in the me-dcc-muscat-1 region * Support for the Visual Builder service * ``oci visual-builder`` * Support for cross-region replication of volume groups in the Block Storage service * ``oci bv volume-group create --volume-group-replicas`` * ``oci bv volume-group update --volume-group-replicas`` * Support for boot volume encryption in the Container Engine for Kubernetes service * ``oci ce node-pool create --is-pv-encryption-in-transit-enabled, --kms-key-id`` * ``oci ce node-pool update --is-pv-encryption-in-transit-enabled, --kms-key-id`` * Support for adding metadata to records when creating and OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-01-27 08:01:30 +00:00
Accepting request 914250 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.0.2 * Support to generate recommended vm cluster network and create vm cluster network with given customer listener port in the Database service * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure generate-recommended-vm-cluster-network --scan-listener-port-tcp, --scan-listener-port-tcp-ssl`` * ``oci db vm-cluster-network create --scans`` * Prompt to create a config file with a CLI session profile if a CLI command is run with a nonexistent config file and --auth security_token * Prompt to re-authenticate a CLI session profile if a CLI command is run with an expired session token and --auth security_token * Modified supported versions for the following packages: cryptography (>3.2.1, <=3.4.7), click (7.1.2). - from version 3.0.1 * Support for identifying Management Agent hosts eligible to create Operations Insights Host resources on * ``oci opsi host-insights list-importable-agent-entities`` * Support for summarize-agen-counts and summarize-plugin-counts in Management Agent service * ``oci management-agent agent summarize-agent-counts`` * ``oci management-agent agent summarize-plugin-counts`` * Support for additional filters when listing management agents in Management Agent service * ``oci management-agent agent list --availability-status, --host-id, --is-customer-deployed`` * Modified supported versions for the following packages: six (>=0.15.0). * Check the bucket exists before bulk and sync operations in Object Storage service * ``oci os object bulk-upload`` * ``oci os object bulk-download`` * ``oci os object sync`` * Session authentication now has no private key passphrase prompt by default; private key OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-08-30 07:56:47 +00:00
Accepting request 903053 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.25.4 * Users can authenticate the CLI with only environment variables, a config does not need to exist * The following environment variables need to be set, OCI_CLI_USER, OCI_CLI_TENANCY, OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT, OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE, OCI_CLI_REGION * Optional variable for passphrase, OCI_CLI_PASSPHRASE * Support for VMBM Pluggable Database feature as a part of the Database Service * ``oci db pluggable-database`` * Support for cross-tenancy volume clone in Block Storage service * ``oci bv volume create --source-volume-id`` * ``oci bv boot-volume create --source-volume-id`` * Changed allowed versions of cryptography package to a range from 3.2.1 to 3.4.7 * Following updates in installer scripts: * Use dnf, if available, to install python * Updated check for ubuntu/debian systems to use ID_LIKE/ID instead of NAME in /etc/os-release * oci setup bootstrap was causing a ``AttributeError: module 'oci' has no attribute 'identity'`` - from version 2.25.3 * Support for migrating an OKE cluster not integrated with your VCN to a VCN-Native cluster in Container Engine * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn`` * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn-status`` * Support for filtering of applications based on spark version in Data Flow service * ``oci data-flow application list --spark-version`` * Support for registration and management of target databases in Data Safe service. * ``oci data-safe target-database create`` * Support for Elastic Storage feature for Exadata Infrastructure resources for ExaCC in Database service. * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure create --compute-count`` * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure update --additional-storage-count`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-30 09:24:12 +00:00
Accepting request 1071500 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.23.3 * Support for Identity Domains service * ``oci identity-domains`` * Database Service * Support for Long Term Backup for Autonomous Databases on Exadata Cloud at Customer * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup create --backup-destination-details`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup list --type`` * Container Engine for Kubernetes service * Support for enhanced cluster * ``oci ce cluster create --type`` * ``oci ce cluster update --type`` * Support for Cluster AddOns * ``oci ce addon`` * Support for Serverless * ``oci ce virtual-node-pool`` * Data integration service * Support for copy objects and template retrieval * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request create`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request get`` * ``oci data-integration workspace delete-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace update-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request-summary-collection list-copy-object-requests`` * ``oci data-integration template get`` * ``oci data-integration template list`` * Goldengate service * Support for managing available deployment version in the system * ``oci goldengate deployment-version`` * Support for listing deployment versions * ``oci goldengate deployment-version list`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-03-15 08:21:50 +00:00
+vcrpy>=1.13.0; python_version <= '3.9'
+vcrpy>=4.2.1; python_version >= '3.10'
Accepting request 949352 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.4.4 * Below services were added to support the Account Management finance data * One Subscription Billing Schedule service * ``oci osub-billing-schedule billing-schedule-summary`` * One Subscription Subscription service * ``oci osub-subscription commitment`` * ``oci osub-subscription ratecard`` * ``oci osub-subscription subscription`` * One Subscription Usage service * ``oci osub-usage computed-usage`` * ``oci osub-usage computed-usage-aggregated-summary`` * One Subscription Organization subscription service * ``oci osub-organization-subscription subscription`` * Support for new field 'type' to specify if a run or application is streaming or batch in the Data Flow service * ``oci data-flow application create --type`` * ``oci data-flow run create --type`` * ``oci data-flow run submit --type`` - from version 3.4.3 * Support for calling Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services in the me-dcc-muscat-1 region * Support for the Visual Builder service * ``oci visual-builder`` * Support for cross-region replication of volume groups in the Block Storage service * ``oci bv volume-group create --volume-group-replicas`` * ``oci bv volume-group update --volume-group-replicas`` * Support for boot volume encryption in the Container Engine for Kubernetes service * ``oci ce node-pool create --is-pv-encryption-in-transit-enabled, --kms-key-id`` * ``oci ce node-pool update --is-pv-encryption-in-transit-enabled, --kms-key-id`` * Support for adding metadata to records when creating and OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-01-27 08:01:30 +00:00
Accepting request 903053 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 2.25.4 * Users can authenticate the CLI with only environment variables, a config does not need to exist * The following environment variables need to be set, OCI_CLI_USER, OCI_CLI_TENANCY, OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT, OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE, OCI_CLI_REGION * Optional variable for passphrase, OCI_CLI_PASSPHRASE * Support for VMBM Pluggable Database feature as a part of the Database Service * ``oci db pluggable-database`` * Support for cross-tenancy volume clone in Block Storage service * ``oci bv volume create --source-volume-id`` * ``oci bv boot-volume create --source-volume-id`` * Changed allowed versions of cryptography package to a range from 3.2.1 to 3.4.7 * Following updates in installer scripts: * Use dnf, if available, to install python * Updated check for ubuntu/debian systems to use ID_LIKE/ID instead of NAME in /etc/os-release * oci setup bootstrap was causing a ``AttributeError: module 'oci' has no attribute 'identity'`` - from version 2.25.3 * Support for migrating an OKE cluster not integrated with your VCN to a VCN-Native cluster in Container Engine * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn`` * ``oci ce cluster cluster-migrate-to-native-vcn-status`` * Support for filtering of applications based on spark version in Data Flow service * ``oci data-flow application list --spark-version`` * Support for registration and management of target databases in Data Safe service. * ``oci data-safe target-database create`` * Support for Elastic Storage feature for Exadata Infrastructure resources for ExaCC in Database service. * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure create --compute-count`` * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure update --additional-storage-count`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-06-30 09:24:12 +00:00
Accepting request 1063791 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.22.5 * Support for Autonomous Container Database role in the Database service * Support for new command * ``oci db autonomous-container-database change-dataguard-role`` * ``oci db autonomous-container-database-version list`` * Support for new optional parameter * ``oci db autonomous-container-database create --fast-start-fail-over-lag-limit-in-seconds --version-preference --db-version`` * ``oci db autonomous-container-database-dataguard update --fast-start-fail-over-lag-limit-in-seconds --protection-mode`` * ``oci db autonomous-container-database update --version-preference`` * Devops Deploy service * Support for new optional parameters * ``oci devops deploy-stage create-oke-helm-chart-stage --cleanup-on-fail --debug-helm --force-helm --history-max --no-hooks --render-subchart-notes --reset-values --reuse-values --set-string --set-values --skip-crds --wait-helm`` * ``oci devops deploy-stage update-oke-helm-chart-stage --cleanup-on-fail --debug-helm --force-helm --history-max --no-hooks --render-subchart-notes --reset-values --reuse-values --set-string --set-values --skip-crds --wait-helm`` * Support for new optional helm-verification-key-source parameter * ``oci devops deploy-artifact --create-helm-repository-artifact --helm-verification-key-source`` * ``oci devops deploy-artifact --update-helm-repository-artifact --helm-verification-key-source`` * Support for new optional dry-run parameter * ``oci devops deployment create-pipeline-deployment --dry-run`` * ``oci devops deployment create-single-stage-deployment --dry-run`` * Support for new Uploading MasterKey Wallets commands in the OCI GoldenGate Deployments service * ``oci goldengate deployment wallet-exists`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-02-09 11:23:27 +00:00
Accepting request 914250 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.0.2 * Support to generate recommended vm cluster network and create vm cluster network with given customer listener port in the Database service * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure generate-recommended-vm-cluster-network --scan-listener-port-tcp, --scan-listener-port-tcp-ssl`` * ``oci db vm-cluster-network create --scans`` * Prompt to create a config file with a CLI session profile if a CLI command is run with a nonexistent config file and --auth security_token * Prompt to re-authenticate a CLI session profile if a CLI command is run with an expired session token and --auth security_token * Modified supported versions for the following packages: cryptography (>3.2.1, <=3.4.7), click (7.1.2). - from version 3.0.1 * Support for identifying Management Agent hosts eligible to create Operations Insights Host resources on * ``oci opsi host-insights list-importable-agent-entities`` * Support for summarize-agen-counts and summarize-plugin-counts in Management Agent service * ``oci management-agent agent summarize-agent-counts`` * ``oci management-agent agent summarize-plugin-counts`` * Support for additional filters when listing management agents in Management Agent service * ``oci management-agent agent list --availability-status, --host-id, --is-customer-deployed`` * Modified supported versions for the following packages: six (>=0.15.0). * Check the bucket exists before bulk and sync operations in Object Storage service * ``oci os object bulk-upload`` * ``oci os object bulk-download`` * ``oci os object sync`` * Session authentication now has no private key passphrase prompt by default; private key OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-08-30 07:56:47 +00:00
Accepting request 986330 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.10.5 * Support for the Network Monitoring service * ``oci vn-monitoring`` * Support for EmWarehouse Service * ``oci em-warehouse`` * Support for specifying application scan settings when creating or updating host scan recipes in the Vulnerability Scanning service * ``oci vulnerability-scanning host scan recipe create --application-settings`` * ``oci vulnerability-scanning host scan recipe update --application-settings`` * Support for shared infrastructure autonomous database character sets in the Database service * ``oci db autonomous-database-character-sets list`` * Support for safe-deleting nodes in the Container Engine for Kubernetes service * ``oci ce node-pool create --is-force-deletion-after-override-grace-duration-query-param`` * ``oci ce node-pool update --is-force-deletion-after-override-grace-duration-query-param`` * ``oci ce node-pool delete --is-force-deletion-after-override-grace-duration-query-param`` * ``oci ce node-pool delete-node --is-force-deletion-after-override-grace-duration-query-param`` * Support for ``ncharacter-set`` and ``ncharacter-set`` in Autonomous database service * ``oci db autonomous-database create --character-set "AL32UTF8" --ncharacter-set "AL16UTF16"`` - from version 3.10.4 * Support for the Network Firewall service * ``oci network-firewall`` * Support for CSV file type datasets for text labeling and JSONL in the Data Labeling service * ``oci data-labeling-service dataset create-dataset-text-dataset-format-details --dataset-format-details-text-file-type-metadata`` * Support for diagnostics in the Database Management service * ``oci database-management diagnosability`` * ``oci database-management sql-tuning-task`` * Fixed following command/operations input, output filenames and path for windows OS in object storage service * ``oci os object sync`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-07-03 15:29:37 +00:00
Accepting request 1060960 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.22.3 * Support for the Cloud Migrations service * ``oci cloud-migrations`` * Support for new optional parameter to set Custom Private IP during Private End Point provisioning in the Database service * ``oci db autonomous-database create --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-adb-cross-region-data-guard-details --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-backup-id --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-backup-timestamp --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-clone --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-refreshable-clone --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database update --private-endpoint-ip`` * Support for Machine Learning pipelines for the Data Science Service * ``oci data-science pipeline`` * ``oci data-science pipeline-run`` * Support for the language PII (Personal Identifiable Information) detection in the AI Language service * ``oci ai language batch-detect-pii-entities`` * Support for cross region replication in the File Storage service * ``oci fs replication create`` * ``oci fs replication get`` * ``oci fs replication list`` * ``oci fs replication delete`` * ``oci fs replication change-compartment`` * ``oci fs file-system estimate-replication`` - from version 3.22.2 * Database service * Support for Private DNS in ExaCS systems during provisioning * ``oci db cloud-vm-cluster create --private-zone-id`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-01-26 13:37:12 +00:00
setuptools>65.5.1; python_version > '3.6'
-setuptools==59.6.0; python_version == '3.6'
\ No newline at end of file
+setuptools>=59.6.0; python_version >= '3.6'
Accepting request 1094620 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.29.1 * Support for the Serial Console Access in the Database service * ``oci db console-connection create`` * ``oci db console-connection delete`` * ``oci db console-connection update`` * ``oci db node update`` * Database Migration Service * Support for creating a new connection with Network Security Group (NSG) Id's * ``oci database-migration connection create --nsg-ids`` * Support for updating a connection with new Network Security Group (NSG) Id's * ``oci database-migration connection update --nsg-ids`` * Support for new optional parameter in the Functions service * ``oci fn application create --shape`` * Data Flow service * Support for creating and managing Data Flow Pools * ``oci data-flow pool`` * Support for additional optional parameters for using Data Flow pools * ``oci data-flow application create --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow application update --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run create --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run submit --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run list --pool-id`` * Rover Node Service * Support for the following in the Roving Edge Infrastructure Service * ``oci rover node create --cert-compartment-id --cert-key-algorithm --cert-signature-algorithm --common-name --issuer-certificate-authority-id --time-cert-validity-end`` * ``oci rover node update --cert-compartment-id --cert-key-algorithm --cert-signature-algorithm --certificate-authority-id --common-name --time-cert-validity-end`` * Commands for rover upgrade bundle support * ``oci rover node rover-bundle copy-to-customer`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-06-22 11:42:30 +00:00
diff -Nru oci-cli-3.29.1.orig/ oci-cli-3.29.1/
--- oci-cli-3.29.1.orig/ 2023-06-21 00:54:35.000000000 +0200
+++ oci-cli-3.29.1/ 2023-06-22 12:00:40.878177225 +0200
@@ -30,23 +30,23 @@
Accepting request 990997 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.11.1 * Support for 2 new global parameters to provide connection and read timeout value * ``oci --connection-timeout --read-timeout`` * Support for Container Databases (CDBs) and Pluggable Databases (PDBs) discovery in the Stack Monitoring service * ``oci stack-monitoring discovery-job create --compartment-id --discovery-details`` * Support for the Fusion Apps service * ``oci fusion-apps`` * Support for the Oracle Process Automation service * ``oci opa`` * Support for ingress routing tables to NAT Gateway and Internet Gateway in the VCN Routing service * ``oci network nat-gateway create --route-table-id`` * ``oci network nat-gateway update --route-table-id`` * ``oci network internet-gateway create --route-table-id`` * ``oci network internet-gateway update --route-table-id`` * Support for maintenance reboot due date extension on Virtual Machine instances in the core service * ``oci compute instance-maintenance-reboot get`` * ``oci compute instance update --time-maintenance-reboot-due`` * Support for Oracle Managed Access service * ``oci oma`` * Support for grapePeriod for wallet rotation feature in the Autonomous Database service * ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate --grace-period`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate-regional-wallet --grace-period`` * Support for the Media service * ``oci media-services`` * Modified supported version for the following package: cryptography (>=3.2.1, <=37.0.2), pyOpenSSL (>=17.5.0, <=22.0.0) - from version 3.11.0 OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-07-25 14:05:08 +00:00
readme =
requires = [
Accepting request 1094620 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.29.1 * Support for the Serial Console Access in the Database service * ``oci db console-connection create`` * ``oci db console-connection delete`` * ``oci db console-connection update`` * ``oci db node update`` * Database Migration Service * Support for creating a new connection with Network Security Group (NSG) Id's * ``oci database-migration connection create --nsg-ids`` * Support for updating a connection with new Network Security Group (NSG) Id's * ``oci database-migration connection update --nsg-ids`` * Support for new optional parameter in the Functions service * ``oci fn application create --shape`` * Data Flow service * Support for creating and managing Data Flow Pools * ``oci data-flow pool`` * Support for additional optional parameters for using Data Flow pools * ``oci data-flow application create --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow application update --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run create --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run submit --pool-id`` * ``oci data-flow run list --pool-id`` * Rover Node Service * Support for the following in the Roving Edge Infrastructure Service * ``oci rover node create --cert-compartment-id --cert-key-algorithm --cert-signature-algorithm --common-name --issuer-certificate-authority-id --time-cert-validity-end`` * ``oci rover node update --cert-compartment-id --cert-key-algorithm --cert-signature-algorithm --certificate-authority-id --common-name --time-cert-validity-end`` * Commands for rover upgrade bundle support * ``oci rover node rover-bundle copy-to-customer`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-06-22 11:42:30 +00:00
- 'oci==2.104.3',
+ 'oci>=2.104.3',
Accepting request 990997 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.11.1 * Support for 2 new global parameters to provide connection and read timeout value * ``oci --connection-timeout --read-timeout`` * Support for Container Databases (CDBs) and Pluggable Databases (PDBs) discovery in the Stack Monitoring service * ``oci stack-monitoring discovery-job create --compartment-id --discovery-details`` * Support for the Fusion Apps service * ``oci fusion-apps`` * Support for the Oracle Process Automation service * ``oci opa`` * Support for ingress routing tables to NAT Gateway and Internet Gateway in the VCN Routing service * ``oci network nat-gateway create --route-table-id`` * ``oci network nat-gateway update --route-table-id`` * ``oci network internet-gateway create --route-table-id`` * ``oci network internet-gateway update --route-table-id`` * Support for maintenance reboot due date extension on Virtual Machine instances in the core service * ``oci compute instance-maintenance-reboot get`` * ``oci compute instance update --time-maintenance-reboot-due`` * Support for Oracle Managed Access service * ``oci oma`` * Support for grapePeriod for wallet rotation feature in the Autonomous Database service * ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate --grace-period`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate-regional-wallet --grace-period`` * Support for the Media service * ``oci media-services`` * Modified supported version for the following package: cryptography (>=3.2.1, <=37.0.2), pyOpenSSL (>=17.5.0, <=22.0.0) - from version 3.11.0 OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-07-25 14:05:08 +00:00
Accepting request 1071500 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.23.3 * Support for Identity Domains service * ``oci identity-domains`` * Database Service * Support for Long Term Backup for Autonomous Databases on Exadata Cloud at Customer * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup create --backup-destination-details`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup list --type`` * Container Engine for Kubernetes service * Support for enhanced cluster * ``oci ce cluster create --type`` * ``oci ce cluster update --type`` * Support for Cluster AddOns * ``oci ce addon`` * Support for Serverless * ``oci ce virtual-node-pool`` * Data integration service * Support for copy objects and template retrieval * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request create`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request get`` * ``oci data-integration workspace delete-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace update-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request-summary-collection list-copy-object-requests`` * ``oci data-integration template get`` * ``oci data-integration template list`` * Goldengate service * Support for managing available deployment version in the system * ``oci goldengate deployment-version`` * Support for listing deployment versions * ``oci goldengate deployment-version list`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-03-15 08:21:50 +00:00
- 'click==8.0.4',
Accepting request 1074632 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.24.0 * Database Service * Support for changing Disaster Recovery configuration of a remote Autonomous Database in remote region of its Disaster Recovery Association * ``oci db autonomous-database change-disaster-recovery-configuration`` * Support for creating a remote Disaster Recovery Association clone of an Autonomous Database * ``oci db autonomous-database create-autonomous-database-create-cross-region-disaster-recovery-details`` * Support for OCI DevOps Managed Build stage to use custom shape build runner in the DevOps service * ``oci devops build-pipeline-stage create-build-stage --build-runner-config`` * ``oci devops build-pipeline-stage update-build-stage ---build-runner-config`` * Support for listing Pre-Built Functions and creating Functions from Pre-Built Functions in the Functions service * ``oci fn function create --source-details`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing get`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing list`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing-version get`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing-version list`` * ``oci fn trigger list`` * Support for creating/updating new connection types in the Golden Gate service * ``oci goldengate connection create-amazon-s3-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-amazon-s3-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-hdfs-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-hdfs-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-microsoft-sqlserver-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-microsoft-sqlserver-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-jms-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-jms-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-mongo-db-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-mongo-db-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-oracle-nosql-connection`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-03-29 06:50:55 +00:00
- 'cryptography>=3.2.1,<40.0.0',
Accepting request 990997 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.11.1 * Support for 2 new global parameters to provide connection and read timeout value * ``oci --connection-timeout --read-timeout`` * Support for Container Databases (CDBs) and Pluggable Databases (PDBs) discovery in the Stack Monitoring service * ``oci stack-monitoring discovery-job create --compartment-id --discovery-details`` * Support for the Fusion Apps service * ``oci fusion-apps`` * Support for the Oracle Process Automation service * ``oci opa`` * Support for ingress routing tables to NAT Gateway and Internet Gateway in the VCN Routing service * ``oci network nat-gateway create --route-table-id`` * ``oci network nat-gateway update --route-table-id`` * ``oci network internet-gateway create --route-table-id`` * ``oci network internet-gateway update --route-table-id`` * Support for maintenance reboot due date extension on Virtual Machine instances in the core service * ``oci compute instance-maintenance-reboot get`` * ``oci compute instance update --time-maintenance-reboot-due`` * Support for Oracle Managed Access service * ``oci oma`` * Support for grapePeriod for wallet rotation feature in the Autonomous Database service * ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate --grace-period`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate-regional-wallet --grace-period`` * Support for the Media service * ``oci media-services`` * Modified supported version for the following package: cryptography (>=3.2.1, <=37.0.2), pyOpenSSL (>=17.5.0, <=22.0.0) - from version 3.11.0 OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-07-25 14:05:08 +00:00
- 'jmespath==0.10.0',
- 'python-dateutil>=2.5.3,<3.0.0',
Accepting request 1071500 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.23.3 * Support for Identity Domains service * ``oci identity-domains`` * Database Service * Support for Long Term Backup for Autonomous Databases on Exadata Cloud at Customer * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup create --backup-destination-details`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-backup list --type`` * Container Engine for Kubernetes service * Support for enhanced cluster * ``oci ce cluster create --type`` * ``oci ce cluster update --type`` * Support for Cluster AddOns * ``oci ce addon`` * Support for Serverless * ``oci ce virtual-node-pool`` * Data integration service * Support for copy objects and template retrieval * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request create`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request get`` * ``oci data-integration workspace delete-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace update-copy-object-request`` * ``oci data-integration workspace copy-object-request-summary-collection list-copy-object-requests`` * ``oci data-integration template get`` * ``oci data-integration template list`` * Goldengate service * Support for managing available deployment version in the system * ``oci goldengate deployment-version`` * Support for listing deployment versions * ``oci goldengate deployment-version list`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-03-15 08:21:50 +00:00
+ 'click>=8.0.4',
Accepting request 990997 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.11.1 * Support for 2 new global parameters to provide connection and read timeout value * ``oci --connection-timeout --read-timeout`` * Support for Container Databases (CDBs) and Pluggable Databases (PDBs) discovery in the Stack Monitoring service * ``oci stack-monitoring discovery-job create --compartment-id --discovery-details`` * Support for the Fusion Apps service * ``oci fusion-apps`` * Support for the Oracle Process Automation service * ``oci opa`` * Support for ingress routing tables to NAT Gateway and Internet Gateway in the VCN Routing service * ``oci network nat-gateway create --route-table-id`` * ``oci network nat-gateway update --route-table-id`` * ``oci network internet-gateway create --route-table-id`` * ``oci network internet-gateway update --route-table-id`` * Support for maintenance reboot due date extension on Virtual Machine instances in the core service * ``oci compute instance-maintenance-reboot get`` * ``oci compute instance update --time-maintenance-reboot-due`` * Support for Oracle Managed Access service * ``oci oma`` * Support for grapePeriod for wallet rotation feature in the Autonomous Database service * ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate --grace-period`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate-regional-wallet --grace-period`` * Support for the Media service * ``oci media-services`` * Modified supported version for the following package: cryptography (>=3.2.1, <=37.0.2), pyOpenSSL (>=17.5.0, <=22.0.0) - from version 3.11.0 OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-07-25 14:05:08 +00:00
+ 'cryptography>=3.2.1',
+ 'jmespath>=0.10.0',
+ 'python-dateutil>=2.5.3',
- 'terminaltables==3.1.0',
Accepting request 1074632 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.24.0 * Database Service * Support for changing Disaster Recovery configuration of a remote Autonomous Database in remote region of its Disaster Recovery Association * ``oci db autonomous-database change-disaster-recovery-configuration`` * Support for creating a remote Disaster Recovery Association clone of an Autonomous Database * ``oci db autonomous-database create-autonomous-database-create-cross-region-disaster-recovery-details`` * Support for OCI DevOps Managed Build stage to use custom shape build runner in the DevOps service * ``oci devops build-pipeline-stage create-build-stage --build-runner-config`` * ``oci devops build-pipeline-stage update-build-stage ---build-runner-config`` * Support for listing Pre-Built Functions and creating Functions from Pre-Built Functions in the Functions service * ``oci fn function create --source-details`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing get`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing list`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing-version get`` * ``oci fn pbf-listing-version list`` * ``oci fn trigger list`` * Support for creating/updating new connection types in the Golden Gate service * ``oci goldengate connection create-amazon-s3-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-amazon-s3-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-hdfs-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-hdfs-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-microsoft-sqlserver-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-microsoft-sqlserver-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-jms-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-jms-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-mongo-db-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection update-mongo-db-connection`` * ``oci goldengate connection create-oracle-nosql-connection`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-03-29 06:50:55 +00:00
- 'pyOpenSSL>=17.5.0,<24.0.0',
Accepting request 1089018 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.28.0 * Logging Management service * New optional parameter for CRI-O parser * ``oci logging service list --service-stage`` * Added new CRI-O parser in the option ``--service-configuration`` * [BREAKING] Commands removed * ``oci logging log-included-search get`` * ``oci logging log-included-search list`` * Database Service * Added availability domain information in get VM cluster and Exadata Infrastructure. * ``oci db vm-cluster get --vm-cluster-id`` * ``oci db exadata-infrastructure get --exadata-infrastructure-id`` * Support for new optional parameter dbservers in the autonomous database dedicated service * ``oci db cloud-autonomous-vm-cluster create --dbservers`` * DNS service * Support for secondary egress zones API operations * ``oci dns zone create --compartment-id --name --zone-type --external-downstreams `` * Support to create zone from zone-file * ``oci dns zone create-zone-from-zone-file --compartment-id --create-zone-from-zone-file-details`` * Support for new optional parameter external-downstream in zone-update * ``oci dns zone update --external-downstreams`` - from version 3.27.1 * Support for Self Service Integration in the Fusion Application service * ``oci fusion-apps service-attachment create`` * ``oci fusion-apps service-attachment delete`` * ``oci fusion-apps service-attachment verify`` - from version 3.27.0 * Support for the Access Governance cloud service * ``oci access-governance-cp`` * Database Service OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-06-05 11:15:16 +00:00
- 'PyYAML>=5.4,<=6',
Accepting request 990997 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.11.1 * Support for 2 new global parameters to provide connection and read timeout value * ``oci --connection-timeout --read-timeout`` * Support for Container Databases (CDBs) and Pluggable Databases (PDBs) discovery in the Stack Monitoring service * ``oci stack-monitoring discovery-job create --compartment-id --discovery-details`` * Support for the Fusion Apps service * ``oci fusion-apps`` * Support for the Oracle Process Automation service * ``oci opa`` * Support for ingress routing tables to NAT Gateway and Internet Gateway in the VCN Routing service * ``oci network nat-gateway create --route-table-id`` * ``oci network nat-gateway update --route-table-id`` * ``oci network internet-gateway create --route-table-id`` * ``oci network internet-gateway update --route-table-id`` * Support for maintenance reboot due date extension on Virtual Machine instances in the core service * ``oci compute instance-maintenance-reboot get`` * ``oci compute instance update --time-maintenance-reboot-due`` * Support for Oracle Managed Access service * ``oci oma`` * Support for grapePeriod for wallet rotation feature in the Autonomous Database service * ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate --grace-period`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate-regional-wallet --grace-period`` * Support for the Media service * ``oci media-services`` * Modified supported version for the following package: cryptography (>=3.2.1, <=37.0.2), pyOpenSSL (>=17.5.0, <=22.0.0) - from version 3.11.0 OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-07-25 14:05:08 +00:00
- 'prompt-toolkit==3.0.29'
Accepting request 1060960 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.22.3 * Support for the Cloud Migrations service * ``oci cloud-migrations`` * Support for new optional parameter to set Custom Private IP during Private End Point provisioning in the Database service * ``oci db autonomous-database create --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-adb-cross-region-data-guard-details --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-backup-id --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-backup-timestamp --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-from-clone --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database create-refreshable-clone --private-endpoint-ip`` * ``oci db autonomous-database update --private-endpoint-ip`` * Support for Machine Learning pipelines for the Data Science Service * ``oci data-science pipeline`` * ``oci data-science pipeline-run`` * Support for the language PII (Personal Identifiable Information) detection in the AI Language service * ``oci ai language batch-detect-pii-entities`` * Support for cross region replication in the File Storage service * ``oci fs replication create`` * ``oci fs replication get`` * ``oci fs replication list`` * ``oci fs replication delete`` * ``oci fs replication change-compartment`` * ``oci fs file-system estimate-replication`` - from version 3.22.2 * Database service * Support for Private DNS in ExaCS systems during provisioning * ``oci db cloud-vm-cluster create --private-zone-id`` OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2023-01-26 13:37:12 +00:00
+ 'terminaltables>=3.1.0',
+ 'pyOpenSSL>=17.5.0',
Accepting request 990997 from home:glaubitz:branches:Cloud:Tools - Update to version 3.11.1 * Support for 2 new global parameters to provide connection and read timeout value * ``oci --connection-timeout --read-timeout`` * Support for Container Databases (CDBs) and Pluggable Databases (PDBs) discovery in the Stack Monitoring service * ``oci stack-monitoring discovery-job create --compartment-id --discovery-details`` * Support for the Fusion Apps service * ``oci fusion-apps`` * Support for the Oracle Process Automation service * ``oci opa`` * Support for ingress routing tables to NAT Gateway and Internet Gateway in the VCN Routing service * ``oci network nat-gateway create --route-table-id`` * ``oci network nat-gateway update --route-table-id`` * ``oci network internet-gateway create --route-table-id`` * ``oci network internet-gateway update --route-table-id`` * Support for maintenance reboot due date extension on Virtual Machine instances in the core service * ``oci compute instance-maintenance-reboot get`` * ``oci compute instance update --time-maintenance-reboot-due`` * Support for Oracle Managed Access service * ``oci oma`` * Support for grapePeriod for wallet rotation feature in the Autonomous Database service * ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate --grace-period`` * ``oci db autonomous-database-wallet rotate-regional-wallet --grace-period`` * Support for the Media service * ``oci media-services`` * Modified supported version for the following package: cryptography (>=3.2.1, <=37.0.2), pyOpenSSL (>=17.5.0, <=22.0.0) - from version 3.11.0 OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-07-25 14:05:08 +00:00
+ 'PyYAML>=5.4',
+ 'prompt-toolkit>=3.0.29'
extras = {
- 'db': ['cx_Oracle==8.3']
+ 'db': ['cx_Oracle>=8.3']
fips_libcrypto_file = os.getenv("OCI_CLI_FIPS_LIBCRYPTO_FILE")