Add a list of packages no longer existing #22

Ghost merged 1 commits from add_gone into main 2023-02-09 10:23:36 +01:00
First-time contributor

I made this a file and not a DB that is automatically maintained as I think
for now adding an entry in there should be done manually - OBS being OBS
packages might look have gone for a brief moment and reappar the day after.

I made this a file and not a DB that is automatically maintained as I think for now adding an entry in there should be done manually - OBS being OBS packages might look have gone for a brief moment and reappar the day after.
Ghost added 1 commit 2022-12-02 11:02:01 +01:00
I made this a file and not a DB that is automatically maintained as I think
for now adding an entry in there should be done manually - OBS being OBS
packages might look have gone for a brief moment and reappar the day after.
Ghost merged commit 3797ea178a into main 2023-02-09 10:23:36 +01:00
Ghost deleted branch add_gone 2023-02-09 10:23:39 +01:00
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Reference: importers/git-importer#22
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