By default Kea stores memfile lease files in /var/lib/kea. This ensures that this directory exists.
I noticed that this directory may get implicitly created by %pre script if kea user doesn’t already exist. If it *does* exist, that did not get created. This change ensures that that directory will exist. Also now it is known that this directory belongs to kea, instead of just having random directory around.
- Update to version 1.6.0~beta2
* Default file locations for lease file, server-duid, log files and lock
files have changed. Files previously stored in `/var/kea` are now stored
in `/var/run/kea`. Server hooks previously installed in `/usr/lib/hooks`
are now installed in `/usr/lib/kea/hooks`. The log files are now stored
in `/var/log/kea`.
* The kea-admin commands (lease-init, lease-version, lease-upgrade) were
renamed to better reflect the fact that the database can store much more
than just leases. They're now called db-init, db-version, db-upgrade.
* The Logging entry in the configuration file has moved to specific
daemon sections. This require a simple configuration file modification.
You need to move Logging entry from its global scope into the Dhcp4,
Dhcp6, DhcpDdns, Control-agent or Netconf scope.
Please see 1.6 migration wiki
For release notes, see
- Fix building of perfdhcp
- Enable building of kea-shell
- Update sonames of all affected libraries and ship only libraries,
allowing `ldconfig` to actually make the symlinks
- Rework spec file to abstract soversions