# # spec file for package linbox # # Copyright (c) 2014 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/ # Name: linbox %define lname liblinbox0 Version: 1.4.2 Release: 0 Summary: C++ library for computation with matrices over ints and finite fields License: LGPL-2.1+ Group: Productivity/Scientific/Math Url: http://linalg.org/ Source: https://github.com/linbox-team/linbox/releases/download/v%version/linbox-%version.tar.gz BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.61 BuildRequires: automake >= 1.8 BuildRequires: fflas-ffpack-devel BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: gmp-devel BuildRequires: iml-devel BuildRequires: libm4ri-devel BuildRequires: libm4rie-devel BuildRequires: libtool BuildRequires: mpfr-devel BuildRequires: ntl-devel BuildRequires: openblas-devel BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build %description LinBox is a C++ template library for exact, high-performance linear algebra computation with dense, sparse, and structured matrices over the integers and over finite fields. %package -n %lname Summary: C++ library for computation with matrices over ints and finite fields Group: System/Libraries %description -n %lname LinBox is a C++ template library for exact, high-performance linear algebra computation with dense, sparse, and structured matrices over the integers and over finite fields. %package devel Summary: Development files for LinBox, a library for computation over finite fields Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++ Requires: %lname = %version %description devel LinBox is a C++ template library for exact, high-performance linear algebra computation with dense, sparse, and structured matrices over the integers and over finite fields. This subpackage contains the include files and library links for developing against the Givaro library. %prep %setup -q %build autoreconf -fi %configure --disable-static make %{?_smp_mflags} %install %make_install rm -f "%buildroot/%_libdir"/*.la %post -n %lname -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n %lname -p /sbin/ldconfig %files -n %lname %defattr(-,root,root) %_libdir/liblinbox.so.0* %files devel %defattr(-,root,root) %_bindir/*-config %_includedir/%name/ %_libdir/liblinbox.so %_libdir/pkgconfig/*.pc %_mandir/man1/*.1* %doc COPYING* %changelog