------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 7 21:15:14 UTC 2021 - Aaron Puchert - Update to release 2.13.1. Fixes the following bugs: * GC error in idealinv. * qfminim inefficiency (initial bound from non-LLL-reduced matrix). * mfshimura in weight 3/2 => infinite loop * matsolve([1,1,1/2; 1,0,1/2; 2,1,0], [-1;1;-1]) -> SEGV. * qfminim(Mat(1),,,2) -> precision error. * subst(p, v, t_SER) very slow if p contains many variables. * mfsymboleval for trivial path returned 0 instead of a vector of 0s when f has multiple embeddings. * 2^(1 + O(3^4)) -> type error. * Zn_quad_roots(8,0,-1) to compute roots of x^2-1 mod 8 -> [4,[1,3]] (1 or 3 mod 4) instead of the expected [2,[1]] (1 mod 2). * tan(1+10^20*I) -> overflow (same for cotan and psi). * Mod(2,3)^1000000000000000000001 -> Mod(-1,3). * subst(O(y) + x, x, (1 - y + O(y^2))*x + O(x^2)) -> SEGV. * (Mod(0,3) + x) + O(x^2) -> x + O(x^2) [now Mod(1,3)*x + O(x^2)]. * Precision too low for units in mfgaloisprojrep. * Missing GC at the end of RgXn_inv. * (-1)^(1/3) -> -1 instead of exp(log(-1)/3). * mfeisenstein(k, trivial characters mod N > 1) was incorrect. * Missing GC in qfsolve. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 26 15:03:47 UTC 2020 - Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 2.13.0 * New libpari functions: perm_sqr, perm_powu, perm_orderu, quodif. * Added asymptotically fast quadunit. * Faster intnumgaussinit and change default number of points to B/4, suitable when b - a ~ distance to the nearest pole. * In libpari, perm_pow now takes a t_INT exponent, permorder and perm_order return a t_INT. * sizebyte(objects containing t_LIST): would assign size 3 to all lists * permorder returned incorrect results for large orders * cure SIGSEGV on [Map(Mat([0, 0])), [0, 0, 1]] * cure SIGSEGV on zeta(I+2^(-64)) * cure infinite loop on p=[4,54];lfunmf(mfinit(p,0), mftraceform(p,0)) * printf("%5.2f",M) transposed M * bnfinit instability at low accuracy. E.g., at \p38 P=x^7+22*x^6+184*x^5+764*x^4+2020*x^3+3792*x^2+5712*x+4; bnfinit(P,1).no -> 4 times too large * Accuracy problems in bnfisunit after bnfinit(P,1). E.g., P=x^7-22*x^6+169*x^5-568*x^4+1263*x^3-1506*x^2+2295*x+2; setrand(1); K=bnfinit(P,1); U=bnfunits(K,idealprimedec(K,2)); bnfisunit(K,4*(x^2-18*x+85)/x^2*Mod(1,K.pol),U) -> error - Update to release 2.12.1. * New functions in GP: asympnumraw, bnrmap, bnfunits, dirpowerssum, ellpadiclambdamu, eulerianpol, eulerfrac, eulerpol, eulervec, fft, fftinv, halfgcd, lfundual, lfunshift, matreduce, mfisetaquo, mscosets, msfarey, nfsubfieldscm, nfsubfieldsmax, parforeach, parforprimestep, parplothexport, permcycles, polylogmult, rootsof1, zetamultdual. * New libpari functions: absZ_factor_limit_strict, bnf_build_cheapfu, bnf_compactfu, bnf_compactfu_mat, bnf_get_sunits, bnf_has_fu, bnrchar_primitive_raw, bnrconductor_factored, bnrconductor_raw, bnrisprincipalmod, bnr_subgroup_check, checkbnr_i, checkfarey_i, closure_callgen0prec, cmpss, cmpuu, cyc_get_expo, div_content, ellQtwist_bsdperiod, etaquotype, expIPiC, expIPiR, F2m_row, F2Ms_colelim, F2Ms_ker, F2Ms_to_F2m, F2m_to_F2Ms, F2m_transpose, F2v_and_inplace, F2v_hamming, F2v_negimply_inplace, F2v_or_inplace, F2xn_inv, F2xn_red, F2xqX_halfgcd, F2xX_to_F2xC, F2xXV_to_F2xM, factorial_Fl, factorial_Fp, famat_div, famat_idealfactor, famat_nfvalrem, famat_remove_trivial, famatV_factorback, famatV_zv_factorback, ff_parse_Tp, FFX_add, FFX_halfgcd, Flv_factorback, Flx_blocks, Flx_Fl_sub, Flx_is_totally_split, Flxn_expint, Flxq_autpowers, FlxqV_factorback, FlxqX_fromNewton, FlxqX_Newton, FlxqXn_expint, FlxqXn_inv, FlxqXn_mul, FlxqXn_sqr, Flx_translate1_basecase, FlxV_Flv_multieval, FlxX_blocks, FlxX_invLaplace, FlxX_Laplace, FlxXn_red, FlxX_translate1, forqfvec1, FpV_prod, FpXC_to_mod, FpX_divu, FpX_Fp_div, FpX_FpXV_multirem, FpXM_to_mod, FpXn_expint, FpXQXn_expint, FpXV_chinese, FpXY_FpXQ_evaly, FqC_FqV_mul, FqC_to_mod, FqV_factorback, FqXC_to_mod, FqX_expint, FqXM_to_mod, galoismatrixapply, gc_const, gen_sort_shallow, gen_ZpM_Newton, groupelts_conj_set, groupelts_quotient, groupelts_to_group, group_subgroup_is_faithful, halfgcdii, hash_zv, idealfactor_partial, ideallogmod, ideallog_units, ideallog_units0, idealpseudominvec, Idealstarmod, init_Flxq, is_qfb_t, Kronecker_to_ZXQX, lfunquadneg, minim_zm, mseval2_ooQ, mspadic_parse_chi, mspadic_unit_eigenvalue, nf_cxlog, nf_cxlog_normalize, nfhyperellpadicfrobenius, nflogembed, nfsign_fu, nfsign_tu, nfV_cxlog, nfX_disc, nfX_resultant, pariplot, pari_realloc_ip, pow2Pis, pow2Pis, powPis, powPis, QabM_tracerel, Qab_tracerel, QabV_tracerel, Qdivis, Qdiviu, Q_lval, Q_lvalrem, QM_gauss_i, QM_image, QM_image_shallow, QM_ImQ, QM_ImQ_all, QM_ImZ, QM_ImZ_all, QM_sqr, quotient_groupelts, QXQ_to_mod_shallow, QXQX_gcd, QXQX_mul, QXQX_powers, QXQX_QXQ_mul, QXQX_sqr, radicalu, random_zv, rfracrecip, RgM_ZM_mul, RgV_type, RgV_type2, RgX_halfgcd, RgXn_expint, RgXV_to_FlxV, rnf_get_ramified_primes, SL2_inv_shallow, sumdivmultexpr, sunits_makecoprime, uis2psp, uispsp, upowers, vec_equiv, vecfactorsquarefreeu_coprime, vec_reduce, vecsmall_is1to1, vecsmall_isconst, vecvecsmall_sort_inplace, vecvecsmall_sort_shallow, Vgaeasytheta, ZC_u_divexact, zlx_translate1, zlxX_translate1, ZMrow_equal0, ZpM_invlift, ZpX_primedec, ZV_lcm, ZV_snf_gcd, zv_sumpart, ZX_compositum, zx_lval, ZXQ_minpoly, ZXQ_powers, ZXQX_gcd, ZXQX_ZXQ_mul, ZX_realroots_irred, ZX_sturm_irred, ZXX_evalx0, ZXX_Q_mul, zx_z_divexact, * Allow nfinit([T, basis, ramified primes]). * Allow nf.p, rnf.p [rational ramified primes]. * Add flag bit to ZM_snfall_i. * Allow real t_QUAD in floor, ceil, divrem, %, \, \/. * Parallel support for lfuninit. * Direct formulas for quadratic Dirichlet L-functions at integers. * lfuncreate: support for closures of arity 0. * Compact representation of units in bnf (bnfinit(pol,1)) and of principal ideal generators (bnfisprincipal(bnf,id,4)). * lfuncreate(znstar or bnr,): allow a vector of characters => vector-valued L-function. * Holes in multi-assignement: [a,,c]=[1,2,3]. * nfisincl: new flag: return a single embedding. * qflll(x,3) in place reduction: return x * qflll(x) (faster). * galoisinit: support for group (3x3):4 (GAP4(36,9)). * Removed obsolete function rootsof1_kannan: use nfrootsof1. * Removed obsolete function checkbnrgen: use bnr_get_gen. * For additional changes, see the included changelog. - Update to release 2.12.0. * New functions in GP: airy, arity, bnrclassfield, derivn, dirpowers, ellE, ellK, export, exportall, ffmaprel, getlocalbitprec, getlocalprec, hypergeom, idealdown, idealismaximal, mfgaloisprojrep, nfdiscfactors, pollaguerre, polteichmuller, strjoin, strsplit, strtime, unexport, unexportall. * New libpari functions: bid_get_fact2, closure_derivn, constzeta, divisorsu_fact_factored, divisorsu_moebius, F2xqX_disc, F2xqX_resultant, F2x_recip, F2x_Teichmuller, FF_preimagerel, FF_var, FFX_disc, FFX_extgcd, FFX_gcd, FFXQ_minpoly, FFX_resultant, Flx_fromNewton, Flx_integ, Flx_invLaplace, Flx_Laplace, Flx_Newton, Flxn_exp, Flxn_red, Flxn_sqr, FlxqX_disc, FlxqX_resultant, Flx_Teichmuller, Fp_divu, FpXC_FpXQ_eval, FpXQX_disc, FpXQX_resultant, gc_bool, gc_double, gc_int, gc_long, gc_NULL, gc_ulong, gluncloneNULL_deep, guncloneNULL, hash_init, hash_init_ulong, has_str_len, identity_zv, identity_ZV, maxprimeN, mpsinhcosh, mulu_interval_step, nfX_to_monic, nonsquare_Fl, pari_get_histrtime, polint_i, polintspec, pollegendre_reduced, psi1series, qfiseven, rfrac_deflate, rfrac_deflate_max, rfrac_deflate_order, RgV_is_arithprog, RgV_isin_i, set_avma, setunion_i, walltimer_delay, walltimer_start, ZpXQX_liftroots, zv_cyc_minimal, zv_cyc_minimize, ZXQ_powu. * qfbsolve(Q,n) now supports arbitrary integer n. * limitnum/asympnum: allow closures of the form N->[u(1),...,u(N)], which allows to handle efficiently sums, recursions, continued fractions, etc. * Optional flag to pollegendre and polhermite. * Allow subst(e, x, vector v) for vector(subst(e, x, v[i])). * Optional v argument to nfmodprinit. * Support call by reference in GP function: f(~L,x)=listput(~L,x+1). * Generic fast linear algebra using CUP decomposition. * Implement lfunmfspec in odd weight. * Support for rational model in ellratpoints and hyperellratpoints. * Fast algorithm for zeta([a + b*n | n<-[0..N]]). * ellheight(E) now returns the Faltings height of E. * lfun now allows non-integral weights. * example/parigp.sty to re-enable PARI's \pmatrix with amsmath. * Removed member functions .futu and .tufu (deprecated since 2.2). * Removed inferior hash function hash_str2: use hash_str. * Removed obsolete binary flag '2' in matsnf (make it a no no-op). * For additional changes, see the included changelog. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 6 23:59:38 UTC 2020 - Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 2.11.4 * fixed "factor((x-1)*(x-y)^2)" going into an infinite loop * "ellap" could fail with division by 0 * cure wrong results from "bnfsunit" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 5 16:44:44 UTC 2020 - Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 2.11.3 * Avoid division by zero in Flx_extresultant when one input is 0. * Fix crashes executing "ispower(27,2^60)", "issquare(non square t_FFELT, &x)", "polcompositum(x^2+x/3+1,x^2+x/3+1)", "polrootsreal(x+0.)", "qflllgram([2,2,3;4,5,6])", or printf("%10.6f\n",2^-100). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 23 13:49:16 UTC 2019 - Jan Engelhardt - Enable pthreads [boo#1142714] - Avoid duplicate shipping of documentation. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jul 28 22:37:35 UTC 2019 - Simon Puchert - Update to new upstream release 2.11.2 * Fixed minpoly(Mod(1,t^2)) causing SIGSEGV. * Fixed segfault in ffinvmap(m) on bad input. * Fixed factormod(x^3+1,[y^2+1,2]) causing SIGSEGV. * Fixed incorrect use of graphcolors leading to a SIGSEGV. * Fixed [a,b]=a possibly leading to memory corruption. * Fixed a memory leak in cgetalloc when lg overflows. * Fixed a possible segfault in padicappr. * Fixed core() possibly destroying its input, if stored in a GP variable. * Fixed stack corruption in quad_disc. * Fixed an infinite loop and stack corruption in ellmoddegree. - Drop the separate changelog as RPMLINT warns about it being a duplicate of the file CHANGES (which is already included). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 25 19:08:37 UTC 2019 - Christophe Giboudeaux - Prepare the KDE4/Qt4 removal in factory. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 10 23:51:20 UTC 2018 - Jan Engelhardt - Update to new upstream release 2.11.1 * Fixed a heap buffer overflow * Fixed mfsplit(mf,,flag) could return uninitialized objects causing SIGSEGV * Fixed incgam(-1000.4,2) causing SIGSEGV * Fixed mfcoefs(mfDelta(),0) causing SIGSEGV * Fixed segfault in rnfidealup ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 7 21:14:49 UTC 2018 - Todd R - Use %macro instead of %{macro} wherever possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 7 16:38:08 UTC 2018 - Todd R - Fix building on SLE 15 - Use %license macro ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 29 20:32:25 UTC 2018 - Jan Engelhardt - Update to new upstream release 2.11.0 * fixed uninitialized memory reads in lgcdii and red_montgomery * fixed memory leaks on pari_close [s_dbginfo, s_frame, colormap/graphcolor * polcoeff is deprecated and renamed polcoef: it now only applies to scalars, polynomials, series and rational functions; no longer to vector/matrices or quadratic forms (use [] or "component") * libpari: rename polcoeff0 -> polcoef, polcoeff_i -> polcoef_i, truecoeff -> truecoef ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Sep 9 12:33:24 UTC 2017 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.9.3 * Expression "issquare(Mod(1,67)*x^4+Mod(14,67)*x^2+Mod(49,67))" and "polroots(t_POL whose coeffs vary by a factor > 2^100000)" had caused SIGSEGV ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 21 00:00:10 UTC 2017 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.9.1 * lfunartin was using too much stack * fflog in char 3 or 5 was slower than intended * modular algorithms could fail for very large input ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 29 11:45:37 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.9.0 * fixed nfisisom(x,x^0) causing a crash * fixed crash on BIB in ellpointtoz(t_PADIC) * fixed wrong result for nfroots(non-monic t_POL) * fixed division by zero on doing e=ellinit([1,-1,1,98,126],O(5^10)); ellpointtoz(e,[1,14]) * fixed rare crash in bnfisprincipal ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jul 31 16:46:14 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.7.6 * fixed O(1)==O(x) returning 0 * matsolve(a,b) and a^(-1) gave wrong results [or SEGV] when t_MAT a was not square and a,b "modular"; same for x^(-1) * fixed a memory leak in pari_close: sopath was not freed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 12 20:32:55 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.7.5 * forprime engine could skip (fast) sieve in favour of (slow) * corrected return values/exceptions of functions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 26 12:42:06 UTC 2015 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.7.3 * "??bnrL1" and "??ellL1" did not work anymore and were fixed * thue(f^e*g, ...), e even, (f,g)=1 missed solutions such that f<0 * nfisincl(t_POL, t_POL) could lead to wrong negative results * ellcard over non-prime fields could return wrong results * weber(1+I) was missing its imaginary part ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Oct 12 08:15:21 UTC 2014 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.7.2. Fixed were: * (gp -p N) or (primelimit=N in gprc_ for N >= 436273290 resulted in an incorrect primetable. * monomial(exact zero, d, v) returned an invalid t_POL / t_RFRAC * contfracpnqn(v, n) returned partial quotients p[-1]/q[-1] ... p[n-1]/q[n-1], instead of the documented p[0]/q[0] ... p[n]/q[n] * iferr() could crash if some component of the t_ERROR were clones * nffactor() could overflow the stack when default accuracy too low * obsolete use of E=[a1,a2,a3,a4,a6] in ellmul crashed * incorrect rounding in mulrr/divrr for one-word precision reals * multiif did not handle correctly return() in conditions * is_gener_Fp could return wrong results * Fq_sqrtn(t_INT,..,&zeta) could return a wrong root of 1 * bnfinit: SEGV due to precision issues * zm_zc_mul only worked for square zm matrices * [gphelp] infinite loop when $COLUMNS too small * factoru(1) returned a t_MAT instead of the expected "matsmall" * when compatible = 3; series() used a random precision * isprime() could crash on large input * gphelp did not handle === correctly ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 6 05:14:57 UTC 2014 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.7.1 * Q_pvalrem(t_FRAC) returned a wrong result * The "ellheegner" function was using too much memory in some cases * nfhilbert(K,x,y, P above 2) could give wrong results * nfpow_u didn't handle non-integral rational numbers * nfroots(, t_POL with leading coeff -1) could miss solutions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 18 14:53:48 UTC 2014 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.7.0 * added new library functions FlxX_to_FlxC, FlxXV_to_FlxM, polx_FlxX, Flx_lead, RgV_to_RgM ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 5 01:56:32 UTC 2014 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.5.5 * sin'(1) with default(compatible,3) caused a crash * add missing call to normalize() in lift(t_POL/t_SER) * galoisinit(x^3+x^2-2*x-1) led to uninitialized read * polred() could return non-squarefree polynomials * bnrdisc could return a wrong result if the modulus had more than 2 prime divisors * FFT mulii relied on unspecified order of evaluation * local() could corrupt polynomial variable of the same name - Add pari-nodate.diff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 6 20:10:01 UTC 2013 - jengelh@inai.de - Restore original library filename after confirming with upstream (This change is transparent to all users) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 29 19:09:42 UTC 2012 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.5.3 * Fixed a bug whereby calling a GP function with a lot of omitted arguments could crash * idealramgroups() and idealfrobenius() did not accept a bnf ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 26 22:13:05 UTC 2012 - scorot@free.fr - fix build requirement to allow build on SLE-11 - recompress source file to bzip2 format to allow build on SLE-11 - add missing %%post and %%postun scriptlets ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 26 08:52:28 UTC 2011 - jengelh@medozas.de - Initial package (version 2.5.0) for build.opensuse.org