Sun Mar 24 15:46:12 UTC 2013 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com

- Update to new upstream release 1.0.6
* protocol: remove implicit attach semantics
* client: Invoke new_id closure arguments as pointers instead of integers
* client: Check reference count only for destroyed proxies
* client: add wl_proxy_get_class()
* scanner: Fix 'destroy)' typo in check for destroy request presence
* scanner: remove list_length in favor of wl_list_length
* connection.c: Align pointer extra storage correctly

Tue Dec 18 12:46:10 UTC 2012 - jengelh@inai.de

- Update to new upstream release 1.0.3
* a couple of documentation fixes
* the test suite now cleans up its temporary files

Sat Dec  1 06:18:11 UTC 2012 - jengelh@inai.de

- Update to new upstream release 1.0.2
* new wl_display_dispatch_queue_pending() entry point that allows
  avoiding triple buffering in Mesa
* avoid premature exit and potential memory corruption in
- Put all include files in a separate directory so that we see
  when downstream users forget to use pkgconfig

Mon Nov 26 20:45:44 UTC 2012 - tobias.johannes.klausmann@mni.thm.de

- Add initial baselibs.conf
  With this we can provide 32bit x86_64.rpm

Tue Nov 20 10:28:39 UTC 2012 - jengelh@inai.de

- Update to new upstream release 1.0.1
* Supply a fix for out-of-order delete_id events, which allows
  to fix a crash that happens during EGLSurface destruction.

Fri Nov  2 11:08:51 UTC 2012 - cfarrell@suse.com

- license update: HPND

Tue Oct 23 12:17:02 UTC 2012 - jengelh@inai.de

- Update to new upstream release 1.0
* more consistent error checking

Fri Oct 19 21:33:55 UTC 2012 - tobias.johannes.klausmann@mni.thm.de

- Update to version 0.99.0
* responsible error handling
* well-defined atomic update mechanism and event dispatching
  (thread safe)
* Some API breakage

Sat Feb 11 15:55:16 UTC 2012 - jengelh@inai.de

- Initial package for build.opensuse.org (0.85)