Build with at least the following flags, choosing a sanitizer as needed. A somewhat recent version of [clang]( is recommended.
$ CC=clang CXX=clang++ meson DIR -Db_sanitize=<address|undefined> -Db_lundef=false
Afterwards run the affected target against the provided test case.
$ DIR/fuzzing/fuzz_target_name FILE
#### FAQs
###### What about Memory Sanitizer (MSAN)?
Correct MSAN instrumentation is [difficult to achieve]( locally, so false positives are very likely to mask the actual bug.
If need be, [you can still reproduce]( those bugs with the oss-fuzz provided docker images.
###### There are no file/function names in the stack trace.
`llvm-symbolizer` must be in `PATH`.
###### UndefinedBehavior Sanitizer (UBSAN) doesn't provide a stack trace.
Set environment variable `UBSAN_OPTIONS` to `print_stacktrace=1` prior to running the target.