project('glib', 'c', version : '2.83.0', # NOTE: See the policy in docs/ before changing the Meson dependency meson_version : '>= 1.4.0', default_options : [ 'buildtype=debugoptimized', 'warning_level=3', # FIXME: After is # fixed, change this to # meson.version().version_compare('>=FIXED_MESON_VERSION') ? 'c_std=gnu99,c99' : 'c_std=gnu99' # to avoid a warning on MSVC. 'c_std=gnu99' ] ) fs = import('fs') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') c_standards = {} foreach std : ['89', '99', '11', '17'] arg = (cc.get_id() == 'msvc' ? '/std:' : '-std=') + 'c' + std if cc.has_argument(arg) c_standards += { std: arg } endif endforeach have_cxx = add_languages('cpp', native: false, required: get_option('oss_fuzz').enabled()) if have_cxx cxx = meson.get_compiler('cpp') cxx_standards = {} foreach std : ['98', '03', '11', '14', '17', '20', '2b', 'latest'] arg = (cxx.get_id() == 'msvc' ? '/std:' : '-std=') + 'c++' + std if cxx.has_argument(arg) cxx_standards += { std: arg } endif endforeach endif cc_can_run = meson.can_run_host_binaries() if cc.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc' # Ignore several spurious warnings for things glib does very commonly # (also for clang-cl) add_project_arguments('/FIglib/msvc_recommended_pragmas.h', language : 'c') endif if cc.get_id() == 'msvc' # Set the input and exec encoding to utf-8, like is the default with GCC add_project_arguments(cc.get_supported_arguments(['/utf-8']), language: 'c') # Disable SAFESEH with MSVC for plugins and libs that use external deps that # are built with MinGW noseh_link_args = ['/SAFESEH:NO'] else noseh_link_args = [] # -mms-bitfields vs -fnative-struct ? endif host_system = host_machine.system() if host_system == 'darwin' ios_test_code = '''#include #if ! TARGET_OS_IPHONE #error "Not iOS/tvOS/watchOS/iPhoneSimulator" #endif''' if cc.compiles(ios_test_code, name : 'building for iOS') host_system = 'ios' endif endif linux_libc = '' if host_system == 'linux' musl_test_code = '''#include #if defined __GLIBC__ || defined __UCLIBC__ #error "Not in glibc or uclibc" #endif''' if cc.compiles(musl_test_code, name : 'building for musl libc') linux_libc = 'musl' endif endif glib_version = meson.project_version() glib_api_version = '2.0' version_arr = glib_version.split('.') major_version = version_arr[0].to_int() minor_version = version_arr[1].to_int() micro_version = version_arr[2].to_int() interface_age = minor_version.is_odd() ? 0 : micro_version binary_age = 100 * minor_version + micro_version soversion = 0 # Maintain compatibility with previous libtool versioning # current = minor * 100 + micro current = binary_age - interface_age library_version = '@0@.@1@.@2@'.format(soversion, current, interface_age) darwin_versions = [current + 1, '@0@.@1@'.format(current + 1, interface_age)] configinc = include_directories('.') glibinc = include_directories('glib') gobjectinc = include_directories('gobject') gmoduleinc = include_directories('gmodule') gioinc = include_directories('gio') girepoinc = include_directories('girepository') glib_prefix = get_option('prefix') glib_bindir = join_paths(glib_prefix, get_option('bindir')) glib_libdir = join_paths(glib_prefix, get_option('libdir')) glib_libexecdir = join_paths(glib_prefix, get_option('libexecdir')) glib_datadir = join_paths(glib_prefix, get_option('datadir')) glib_pkgdatadir = join_paths(glib_datadir, 'glib-2.0') glib_includedir = join_paths(glib_prefix, get_option('includedir'), 'glib-2.0') if get_option('gio_module_dir') != '' glib_giomodulesdir = join_paths(glib_prefix, get_option('gio_module_dir')) else glib_giomodulesdir = join_paths(glib_libdir, 'gio', 'modules') endif if get_option('multiarch') # For multiarch/multilib distributions, install each architecture's # build of executables used in packaging triggers (like gio-querymodules) # to an architecture-dependent location, with a compatibility symlink # in the PATH. multiarch_bindir = get_option('libdir') / 'glib-2.0' multiarch_libexecdir = multiarch_bindir pkgconfig_multiarch_bindir = '${libdir}/glib-2.0' else # For single-architecture distributions, just install them into the PATH # as was traditionally done. multiarch_bindir = get_option('bindir') multiarch_libexecdir = get_option('libexecdir') pkgconfig_multiarch_bindir = '${bindir}' endif glib_pkgconfigreldir = join_paths(glib_libdir, 'pkgconfig') if get_option('charsetalias_dir') != '' glib_charsetaliasdir = join_paths(glib_prefix, get_option('charsetalias_dir')) else glib_charsetaliasdir = glib_libdir endif glib_localstatedir = glib_prefix / get_option('localstatedir') if get_option('runtime_dir') != '' glib_runstatedir = glib_prefix / get_option('runtime_dir') else # While we’d normally prefix directories like this with, for example, # glib_localstatedir, `/run` is a bit different in that it’s for runtime state # rather than data files, so it’s typically functionally useless to use a # prefixed version. No other processes will be using it. So we default to the # unprefixed system `/run` directory. glib_runstatedir = '/run' endif # When building glib and gobject-introspection with subprojects, gobject-introspection # requires to know the path of the sources and the build directory for the subproject. # We provide it here with a variable. glib_source_dir = meson.current_source_dir() glib_build_dir = meson.current_build_dir() installed_tests_metadir = join_paths(glib_datadir, 'installed-tests', meson.project_name()) installed_tests_execdir = join_paths(glib_libexecdir, 'installed-tests', meson.project_name()) installed_tests_enabled = get_option('installed_tests') installed_tests_template = files('tests/') installed_tests_template_tap = files('tests/') # Don’t build the tests unless we can run them (either natively, in an exe wrapper, or by installing them for later use) build_tests = get_option('tests') and (meson.can_run_host_binaries() or installed_tests_enabled) common_test_env = [ 'G_DEBUG=gc-friendly', 'G_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC=1', 'MALLOC_CHECK_=2', ] if get_option('werror') common_test_env += 'LINT_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS=1' endif # Note: this may cause the tests output not to be printed when running in # verbose mode, see # Can be changed it to 'exitcode' if required during development. test_protocol = 'tap' test_timeout = 30 test_timeout_slow = 90 add_test_setup('default', is_default: true, exclude_suites: ['flaky', 'failing'], env: common_test_env, timeout_multiplier: 2, ) add_test_setup('unstable_tests', env: common_test_env, timeout_multiplier: 2, # Empty test setup, used for having different results set for flaky tests # Sadly we can't use ( #suites: ['flaky', 'unstable'] ) add_test_setup('thorough', exclude_suites: ['flaky', 'failing', 'performance'], env: common_test_env, timeout_multiplier: 20, exe_wrapper: [find_program('./.gitlab-ci/', required: true)], ) # Allow the tests to be easily run under valgrind using --setup=valgrind valgrind = find_program('valgrind', required: false) valgrind_suppression_file = files('tools' / 'glib.supp')[0] valgrind_suppression_file_install_subdir = 'glib-2.0' / 'valgrind' if valgrind.found() add_test_setup('valgrind', exclude_suites: [ 'no-valgrind', 'flaky' ], exe_wrapper: [ valgrind, '--tool=memcheck', '--error-exitcode=1', '--track-origins=yes', '--leak-check=full', '--leak-resolution=high', '--num-callers=50', '--show-leak-kinds=definite,possible', '--show-error-list=yes', '--suppressions=' + valgrind_suppression_file.full_path(), ], env: common_test_env, timeout_multiplier: 20, ) endif add_project_arguments('-D_GNU_SOURCE', language: 'c') if host_system == 'qnx' add_project_arguments('-D_QNX_SOURCE', language: 'c') elif host_system == 'sunos' add_project_arguments('-D__EXTENSIONS__', language: 'c') endif # dummy/empty dependency() object to declare fallbacks and simpler dependencies not_found = dependency('', required: false) get_dll_paths_script = not_found if host_system == 'windows' add_project_arguments(['-DUNICODE', '-D_UNICODE'], language: 'c') # Script to obtain paths where the DLLs that we will reside for g-ir-scanner get_dll_paths_script = find_program('tools/', native: true) endif # Disable strict aliasing; # see if cc.has_argument('-fno-strict-aliasing') add_project_arguments('-fno-strict-aliasing', language: 'c') endif ######################## # Configuration begins # ######################## glib_conf = configuration_data() glibconfig_conf = configuration_data() # accumulated list of defines as we check for them, so we can easily # use them later in test programs (autoconf does this automatically) glib_conf_prefix = '' glib_conf.set('GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION', major_version) glib_conf.set('GLIB_MINOR_VERSION', minor_version) glib_conf.set('GLIB_MICRO_VERSION', micro_version) glib_conf.set('GLIB_INTERFACE_AGE', interface_age) glib_conf.set('GLIB_BINARY_AGE', binary_age) glib_conf.set_quoted('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', 'glib20') glib_conf.set_quoted('PACKAGE_BUGREPORT', '') glib_conf.set_quoted('PACKAGE_NAME', 'glib') glib_conf.set_quoted('PACKAGE_STRING', 'glib @0@'.format(meson.project_version())) glib_conf.set_quoted('PACKAGE_TARNAME', 'glib') glib_conf.set_quoted('PACKAGE_URL', '') glib_conf.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', meson.project_version()) glib_conf.set('ENABLE_NLS', 1) # used by the files glibconfig_conf.set('LT_CURRENT_MINUS_AGE', soversion) glib_conf.set('_GNU_SOURCE', 1) if host_system in ['windows', 'darwin'] # Poll doesn't work on devices on Windows, and macOS's poll() implementation is known to be broken glib_conf.set('BROKEN_POLL', true) endif if host_system == 'windows' and cc.get_id() != 'msvc' and cc.get_id() != 'clang-cl' # FIXME: Ideally we shouldn't depend on this on Windows and should use # 64 bit capable Windows API that also works with MSVC. # The autotools build did set this for mingw and while meson sets it # for gcc/clang by default, it doesn't do so on Windows. glib_conf.set('_FILE_OFFSET_BITS', 64) endif glib_build_shared = false glib_build_static = false if get_option('default_library') == 'both' glib_build_static = true glib_build_shared = true elif get_option('default_library') == 'static' glib_build_static = true elif get_option('default_library') == 'shared' glib_build_shared = true endif glib_build_both = glib_build_static and glib_build_shared glib_build_static_only = glib_build_static and not glib_build_shared glib_build_shared_only = glib_build_shared and not glib_build_static if glib_build_shared and glib_build_static and ( host_system == 'windows' or host_system == 'cygwin') error('On Windows default_library must be "shared" or "static" but not "both"') endif if glib_build_static_only glibconfig_conf.set('GLIB_STATIC_COMPILATION', '1') glibconfig_conf.set('GOBJECT_STATIC_COMPILATION', '1') glibconfig_conf.set('GIO_STATIC_COMPILATION', '1') glibconfig_conf.set('GMODULE_STATIC_COMPILATION', '1') glibconfig_conf.set('GI_STATIC_COMPILATION', '1') glibconfig_conf.set('G_INTL_STATIC_COMPILATION', '1') glibconfig_conf.set('FFI_STATIC_BUILD', '1') endif # Cygwin glib port maintainers made it clear # (via the patches they apply) that they want no # part of glib W32 code, therefore we do not define # G_PLATFORM_WIN32 for host_system == 'cygwin'. # This makes G_PLATFORM_WIN32 a synonym for # G_OS_WIN32. if host_system == 'windows' glib_os = '''#define G_OS_WIN32 #define G_PLATFORM_WIN32''' elif host_system == 'cygwin' glib_os = '''#define G_OS_UNIX #define G_WITH_CYGWIN''' else glib_os = '#define G_OS_UNIX' endif glibconfig_conf.set('glib_os', glib_os) # We need to know the CRT being used to determine what .lib files we need on # Visual Studio for dependencies that don't normally come with pkg-config files vs_crt = 'release' vs_crt_opt = get_option('b_vscrt') if vs_crt_opt in ['mdd', 'mtd'] vs_crt = 'debug' elif vs_crt_opt == 'from_buildtype' if get_option('buildtype') == 'debug' vs_crt = 'debug' endif endif # Use debug/optimization flags to determine whether to enable debug or disable # cast checks. We have a non-production (debug) build if debug is true and if # optimization is 0 or g; otherwise, we have a production build. glib_debug_cflags = [] glib_debug = get_option('glib_debug') if (glib_debug.enabled() or ( and get_option('debug') and get_option('optimization') in [ '0', 'g' ])) glib_debug_cflags += ['-DG_ENABLE_DEBUG'] message('Enabling various debug infrastructure') else glib_debug_cflags += ['-DG_DISABLE_CAST_CHECKS'] message('Disabling cast checks') endif if not get_option('glib_assert') glib_debug_cflags += ['-DG_DISABLE_ASSERT'] message('Disabling GLib asserts') endif if not get_option('glib_checks') glib_debug_cflags += ['-DG_DISABLE_CHECKS'] message('Disabling GLib checks') endif add_project_arguments(glib_debug_cflags, language: 'c') # check for header files headers = [ 'alloca.h', 'afunix.h', 'crt_externs.h', 'dirent.h', # MSC does not come with this by default 'float.h', 'fstab.h', 'ftw.h', 'grp.h', 'inttypes.h', 'libproc.h', 'limits.h', 'locale.h', 'mach/mach_time.h', 'memory.h', 'mntent.h', 'poll.h', 'pwd.h', 'sched.h', 'spawn.h', 'stdatomic.h', 'stdint.h', 'stdlib.h', 'string.h', 'strings.h', 'sys/auxv.h', 'sys/event.h', 'sys/uio.h', 'sys/filio.h', 'sys/inotify.h', 'sys/mkdev.h', 'sys/mntctl.h', 'sys/mnttab.h', 'sys/mount.h', 'sys/param.h', 'sys/prctl.h', 'sys/resource.h', 'sys/select.h', 'sys/statfs.h', 'sys/stat.h', 'sys/statvfs.h', 'sys/sysctl.h', 'sys/time.h', # MSC does not come with this by default 'sys/times.h', 'sys/types.h', 'sys/uio.h', 'sys/vfs.h', 'sys/vfstab.h', 'sys/vmount.h', 'sys/wait.h', 'syslog.h', 'termios.h', 'unistd.h', 'values.h', 'wchar.h', 'xlocale.h', ] foreach h : headers if cc.has_header(h) define = 'HAVE_' + h.underscorify().to_upper() glib_conf.set(define, 1) glib_conf_prefix = glib_conf_prefix + '#define @0@ 1\n'.format(define) endif endforeach # FreeBSD includes a malloc.h which always throws compilation error, so we have # to use check_header() rather than has_header(). if cc.check_header('malloc.h') glib_conf.set('HAVE_MALLOC_H', 1) glib_conf_prefix = glib_conf_prefix + '#define HAVE_MALLOC_H 1\n' endif if cc.check_header('linux/netlink.h') glib_conf.set('HAVE_NETLINK', 1) endif # Is statx() supported? Android systems don’t reliably support it as of August 2020. statx_code = ''' #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include int main (void) { struct statx stat_buf; return statx (AT_FDCWD, "/", AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW, STATX_BASIC_STATS | STATX_BTIME, &stat_buf); } ''' if host_system != 'android' and cc.compiles(statx_code, name : 'statx() test') glib_conf.set('HAVE_STATX', 1) endif if glib_conf.has('HAVE_LOCALE_H') if cc.has_header_symbol('locale.h', 'LC_MESSAGES') glib_conf.set('HAVE_LC_MESSAGES', 1) endif endif struct_stat_blkprefix = ''' #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STATFS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MOUNT_H #include #endif ''' struct_members = [ [ 'stat', 'st_mtimensec' ], [ 'stat', 'st_mtim.tv_nsec' ], [ 'stat', 'st_atimensec' ], [ 'stat', 'st_atim.tv_nsec' ], [ 'stat', 'st_ctimensec' ], [ 'stat', 'st_ctim.tv_nsec' ], [ 'stat', 'st_birthtime' ], [ 'stat', 'st_birthtimensec' ], [ 'stat', 'st_birthtim' ], [ 'stat', 'st_birthtim.tv_nsec' ], [ 'stat', 'st_blksize', struct_stat_blkprefix ], [ 'stat', 'st_blocks', struct_stat_blkprefix ], [ 'statfs', 'f_fstypename', struct_stat_blkprefix ], [ 'statfs', 'f_bavail', struct_stat_blkprefix ], [ 'dirent', 'd_type', '''#include #include ''' ], [ 'statvfs', 'f_basetype', '#include ' ], [ 'statvfs', 'f_fstypename', '#include ' ], [ 'statvfs', 'f_type', '#include ' ], [ 'tm', 'tm_gmtoff', '#include ' ], [ 'tm', '__tm_gmtoff', '#include ' ], ] foreach m : struct_members header_check_prefix = glib_conf_prefix if m.length() == 3 header_check_prefix = header_check_prefix + m[2] else header_check_prefix = header_check_prefix + '#include ' endif # Reimplement cc.has_member() to workaround compiler warning # FIXME: code = header_check_prefix + ''' void bar(void) { struct ''' + m[0] + ''' foo; (void) ( foo.''' + m[1] + ''' ); (void) foo; } ''' if cc.compiles(code, name : 'type "struct ' + m[0] + '" has member "' + m[1] + '"') define = 'HAVE_STRUCT_@0@_@1@'.format(m[0].to_upper(), m[1].underscorify().to_upper()) glib_conf.set(define, 1) glib_conf_prefix = glib_conf_prefix + '#define @0@ 1\n'.format(define) else endif endforeach # Compiler flags if cc.get_id() == 'gcc' or cc.get_id() == 'clang' warning_common_args = [ '-Wduplicated-branches', '-Wfloat-conversion', '-Wimplicit-fallthrough', '-Wmisleading-indentation', '-Wmissing-field-initializers', '-Wnonnull', '-Wnull-dereference', '-Wunused', # Due to maintained deprecated code, we do not want to see unused parameters '-Wno-unused-parameter', # Due to pervasive use of things like GPOINTER_TO_UINT(), we do not support # building with -Wbad-function-cast. '-Wno-cast-function-type', # Due to function casts through (void*) we cannot support -Wpedantic: # ./docs/ '-Wno-pedantic', # A zero-length format string shouldn't be considered an issue. '-Wno-format-zero-length', # We explicitly require variadic macros '-Wno-variadic-macros', '-Werror=format=2', '-Werror=init-self', '-Werror=missing-include-dirs', '-Werror=pointer-arith', '-Werror=unused-result', ] warning_c_args = warning_common_args + [ '-Wstrict-prototypes', # Due to pervasive use of things like GPOINTER_TO_UINT(), we do not support # building with -Wbad-function-cast. '-Wno-bad-function-cast', '-Werror=implicit-function-declaration', '-Werror=missing-prototypes', '-Werror=pointer-sign', '-Wno-string-plus-int', # We require a compiler that supports C11 even though it's not yet a # strict requirement, so allow typedef redefinition not to break clang and # older gcc versions. '-Wno-typedef-redefinition', ] warning_cxx_args = warning_common_args warning_objc_args = warning_c_args warning_c_link_args = [ '-Wl,-z,nodelete', ] if get_option('bsymbolic_functions') warning_c_link_args += ['-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions'] endif elif cc.get_id() == 'msvc' warning_c_args = [ # If a warning is completely useless and spammy, use '/wdXXXX' to suppress it # If a warning is harmless but hard to fix, use '/woXXXX' so it's shown once # NOTE: Only add warnings here if you are sure they're spurious '/wo4057', # 'operator': 'identifier1' differs in indirection to slightly different base types from 'identifier2' '/wd4068', # unknown pragma '/wo4090', # 'operation': different 'modifier' qualifiers '/wd4100', # 'identifier': unreferenced formal parameter '/wd4116', # unnamed type definition in parentheses '/wo4125', # decimal digit terminates octal escape sequence '/wd4127', # conditional expression is constant '/wd4146', # unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned '/wd4152', # nonstandard extension, function/data pointer conversion in expression '/wd4201', # nonstandard extension used: nameless struct/union '/wd4232', # nonstandard extension used: 'identifier': address of dllimport 'dllimport' is not static, identity not guaranteed '/wo4245', # 'conversion_type': conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', signed/unsigned mismatch '/wo4267', # 'variable': conversion from 'size_t' to 'type', possible loss of data '/wd4334', # 'shift_operator': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) '/wo4389', # 'operator': signed/unsigned mismatch '/wo4702', # unreachable code '/wd4706', # assignment within conditional expression ] warning_cxx_args = [] warning_objc_args = [] warning_c_link_args = [] else warning_c_args = [] warning_cxx_args = [] warning_objc_args = [] warning_c_link_args = [] endif add_project_arguments(cc.get_supported_arguments(warning_c_args), language: 'c') if have_cxx add_project_arguments(cxx.get_supported_arguments(warning_cxx_args), language: 'cpp') endif # FIXME: We cannot build some of the GResource tests with -z nodelete, which # means we cannot use that flag in add_project_link_arguments(), and must add # it to the relevant targets manually. We do the same with -Bsymbolic-functions # because that is what the autotools build did. # See for a way to eventually # improve this. glib_link_flags = cc.get_supported_link_arguments(warning_c_link_args) glib_sanitizers = get_option('b_sanitize').split(',') if glib_sanitizers == ['none'] glib_sanitizers = [] endif # Windows SDK requirements and checks if host_system == 'windows' # Check whether we're building for UWP apps code = ''' #include #if !(WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_APP) && !WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP)) #error "Not building for UWP" #endif''' if cc.compiles(code, name : 'building for UWP') glib_conf.set('G_WINAPI_ONLY_APP', true) # We require Windows 10+ on WinRT glib_conf.set('_WIN32_WINNT', '0x0A00') uwp_gio_deps = [cc.find_library('shcore'), cc.find_library('runtimeobject')] else # We require Windows 7+ on Win32 glib_conf.set('_WIN32_WINNT', '0x0601') uwp_gio_deps = [] endif endif functions = [ 'accept4', 'close_range', 'copy_file_range', 'endmntent', 'endservent', 'epoll_create1', 'faccessat', 'fallocate', 'fchmod', 'fchown', 'fdwalk', 'free_aligned_sized', 'free_sized', 'fsync', 'ftruncate64', 'getauxval', 'getc_unlocked', 'getfsstat', 'getgrgid_r', 'getmntent_r', 'getpwuid_r', 'getresuid', 'getvfsstat', 'gmtime_r', 'hasmntopt', 'inotify_init1', 'issetugid', 'kevent', 'kqueue', 'lchmod', 'lchown', 'link', 'localtime_r', 'lstat', 'mbrtowc', 'memalign', 'memmem', 'mmap', 'newlocale', 'pipe2', 'poll', 'prlimit', 'readlink', 'recvmmsg', 'sendmmsg', 'setenv', 'setmntent', 'strerror_r', 'strnlen', 'strsignal', 'strtod_l', 'strtoll_l', 'strtoull_l', 'symlink', 'timegm', 'unsetenv', 'uselocale', 'utimes', 'utimensat', 'valloc', 'vasprintf', 'vsnprintf', 'wcrtomb', 'wcslen', 'wcsnlen', 'sysctlbyname', ] # _NSGetEnviron is available on iOS too, but its usage gets apps rejected from # the app store since it's considered 'private API' if host_system == 'darwin' functions += ['_NSGetEnviron'] endif if glib_conf.has('HAVE_SYS_STATVFS_H') functions += ['statvfs'] else have_func_statvfs = false endif if glib_conf.has('HAVE_SYS_STATFS_H') or glib_conf.has('HAVE_SYS_MOUNT_H') functions += ['statfs'] else have_func_statfs = false endif if glib_conf.has('HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H') functions += ['prctl'] else have_func_prctl = false endif if host_system == 'windows' iphlpapi_dep = cc.find_library('iphlpapi') iphlpapi_funcs = ['if_nametoindex', 'if_indextoname'] foreach ifunc : iphlpapi_funcs iphl_prefix = '''#define _WIN32_WINNT @0@ #include #include '''.format(glib_conf.get('_WIN32_WINNT')) if cc.has_function(ifunc, prefix : iphl_prefix, dependencies : iphlpapi_dep) idefine = 'HAVE_' + ifunc.underscorify().to_upper() glib_conf.set(idefine, 1) glib_conf_prefix = glib_conf_prefix + '#define @0@ 1\n'.format(idefine) set_variable('have_func_' + ifunc, true) else set_variable('have_func_' + ifunc, false) endif endforeach else functions += ['if_indextoname', 'if_nametoindex'] endif # AIX splice is something else if host_system != 'aix' functions += ['splice'] endif foreach f : functions if cc.has_function(f) define = 'HAVE_' + f.underscorify().to_upper() glib_conf.set(define, 1) glib_conf_prefix = glib_conf_prefix + '#define @0@ 1\n'.format(define) set_variable('have_func_' + f, true) else set_variable('have_func_' + f, false) endif endforeach # Export the information about free_sized() so we can correctly define a macro # wrapper around g_free()/g_free_sized() depending on whether it’s available glibconfig_conf.set('G_HAVE_FREE_SIZED', have_func_free_sized) # Check that stpcpy() is usable; must use header. # See: # if cc.has_function('stpcpy', prefix : '#include ') glib_conf.set('HAVE_STPCPY', 1) endif if cc.has_function('memalign', prefix: '#include \n#include ') glib_conf.set('HAVE_MEMALIGN', 1) endif # For example on Openbsd, getservbyname_r() has a different signature. # if cc.compiles('''#include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { int (*fcn)(const char *, const char *, struct servent *, char *, size_t, struct servent **) = getservbyname_r; (void) fcn; return 0; }''', name : 'getservbyname_r()', args: '-Werror=incompatible-pointer-types') glib_conf.set('HAVE_GETSERVBYNAME_R', 1) endif if cc.has_function('_aligned_malloc', prefix: '#include ') glib_conf.set('HAVE__ALIGNED_MALLOC', 1) endif if host_system != 'windows' and cc.has_function('aligned_alloc', prefix: '#include ') glib_conf.set('HAVE_ALIGNED_ALLOC', 1) endif if host_system != 'windows' and cc.has_function('posix_memalign', prefix: '#include ') glib_conf.set('HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN', 1) endif # Check that posix_spawn() is usable; must use header if cc.has_function('posix_spawn', prefix : '#include ') glib_conf.set('HAVE_POSIX_SPAWN', 1) endif # Check whether strerror_r returns char * if have_func_strerror_r if cc.compiles('''#define _GNU_SOURCE #include int func (void) { char error_string[256]; char *ptr = strerror_r (-2, error_string, 256); char c = *strerror_r (-2, error_string, 256); return c != 0 && ptr != (void*) 0L; } ''', name : 'strerror_r() returns char *') glib_conf.set('STRERROR_R_CHAR_P', 1, description: 'Defined if strerror_r returns char *') endif endif # Special-case these functions that have alternative names on Windows/MSVC if cc.has_function('snprintf') or cc.has_header_symbol('stdio.h', 'snprintf') glib_conf.set('HAVE_SNPRINTF', 1) glib_conf_prefix = glib_conf_prefix + '#define HAVE_SNPRINTF 1\n' elif cc.has_function('_snprintf') or cc.has_header_symbol('stdio.h', '_snprintf') hack_define = '1\n#define snprintf _snprintf' glib_conf.set('HAVE_SNPRINTF', hack_define) glib_conf_prefix = glib_conf_prefix + '#define HAVE_SNPRINTF ' + hack_define endif if cc.has_function('strcasecmp', prefix: '#include ') glib_conf.set('HAVE_STRCASECMP', 1) glib_conf_prefix = glib_conf_prefix + '#define HAVE_STRCASECMP 1\n' elif cc.has_function('_stricmp') hack_define = '1\n#define strcasecmp _stricmp' glib_conf.set('HAVE_STRCASECMP', hack_define) glib_conf_prefix = glib_conf_prefix + '#define HAVE_STRCASECMP ' + hack_define endif if cc.has_function('strncasecmp', prefix: '#include ') glib_conf.set('HAVE_STRNCASECMP', 1) glib_conf_prefix = glib_conf_prefix + '#define HAVE_STRNCASECMP 1\n' elif cc.has_function('_strnicmp') hack_define = '1\n#define strncasecmp _strnicmp' glib_conf.set('HAVE_STRNCASECMP', hack_define) glib_conf_prefix = glib_conf_prefix + '#define HAVE_STRNCASECMP ' + hack_define endif if cc.has_header_symbol('sys/sysmacros.h', 'major') glib_conf.set('MAJOR_IN_SYSMACROS', 1) elif cc.has_header_symbol('sys/mkdev.h', 'major') glib_conf.set('MAJOR_IN_MKDEV', 1) elif cc.has_header_symbol('sys/types.h', 'major') glib_conf.set('MAJOR_IN_TYPES', 1) endif if cc.has_header_symbol('dlfcn.h', 'RTLD_LAZY') glib_conf.set('HAVE_RTLD_LAZY', 1) endif if cc.has_header_symbol('dlfcn.h', 'RTLD_NOW') glib_conf.set('HAVE_RTLD_NOW', 1) endif if cc.has_header_symbol('dlfcn.h', 'RTLD_GLOBAL') glib_conf.set('HAVE_RTLD_GLOBAL', 1) endif have_rtld_next = false if cc.has_header_symbol('dlfcn.h', 'RTLD_NEXT', args: '-D_GNU_SOURCE') have_rtld_next = true glib_conf.set('HAVE_RTLD_NEXT', 1) endif if cc.has_type('loff_t', prefix: '#include ') glib_conf.set('HAVE_LOFF_T', 1) endif # Check whether to use statfs or statvfs # Some systems have both statfs and statvfs, pick the most "native" for these if have_func_statfs and have_func_statvfs # on solaris and irix, statfs doesn't even have the f_bavail field if not glib_conf.has('HAVE_STRUCT_STATFS_F_BAVAIL') have_func_statfs = false else # at least on linux, statfs is the actual syscall have_func_statvfs = false endif endif if have_func_statfs glib_conf.set('USE_STATFS', 1) stat_func_to_use = 'statfs' elif have_func_statvfs glib_conf.set('USE_STATVFS', 1) stat_func_to_use = 'statvfs' else stat_func_to_use = 'neither' endif message('Checking whether to use statfs or statvfs .. ' + stat_func_to_use) if host_system == 'linux' if cc.has_function('mkostemp', prefix: '''#define _GNU_SOURCE #include ''') glib_conf.set('HAVE_MKOSTEMP', 1) endif endif osx_ldflags = [] glib_have_os_x_9_or_later = false glib_have_carbon = false glib_have_cocoa = false if host_system == 'darwin' add_languages('objc', native: false, required: true) objcc = meson.get_compiler('objc') add_project_arguments(objcc.get_supported_arguments(warning_objc_args), language: 'objc') # Mac OS X Carbon support glib_have_carbon = objcc.compiles('''#include #include ''', name : 'Mac OS X Carbon support') if glib_have_carbon glib_conf.set('HAVE_CARBON', true) glib_have_os_x_9_or_later = objcc.compiles('''#include #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 1090 #error Compiling for minimum OS X version before 10.9 #endif''', name : 'OS X 9 or later') endif # Mac OS X Cocoa support glib_have_cocoa = objcc.compiles('''#include #ifdef GNUSTEP_BASE_VERSION #error "Detected GNUstep, not Cocoa" #endif''', name : 'Mac OS X Cocoa support') if glib_have_cocoa glib_conf.set('HAVE_COCOA', true) osx_ldflags += ['-Wl,-framework,Foundation', '-Wl,-framework,AppKit'] endif endif if host_system == 'qnx' glib_conf.set('HAVE_QNX', 1) endif # Check for futex(2) if cc.compiles('''#include #include #include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { syscall (__NR_futex, NULL, FUTEX_WAKE, FUTEX_WAIT); return 0; }''', name : 'futex(2) system call') glib_conf.set('HAVE_FUTEX', 1) endif if cc.compiles('''#include #include #include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { syscall (__NR_futex_time64, NULL, FUTEX_WAKE, FUTEX_WAIT); return 0; }''', name : 'futex_time64(2) system call') glib_conf.set('HAVE_FUTEX_TIME64', 1) endif # Check for eventfd(2) if cc.links('''#include #include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { eventfd (0, EFD_CLOEXEC); return 0; }''', name : 'eventfd(2) system call') glib_conf.set('HAVE_EVENTFD', 1) endif # Check for ppoll(2) if cc.links('''#define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { struct pollfd fds[1] = {{0}}; struct timespec ts = {0}; ppoll (fds, 1, NULL, NULL); return 0; }''', name : 'ppoll(2) system call') glib_conf.set('HAVE_PPOLL', 1) endif # Check for pidfd_open(2) if cc.links('''#include #include #include #include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { siginfo_t child_info = { 0, }; syscall (SYS_pidfd_open, 0, 0); waitid (P_PIDFD, 0, &child_info, WEXITED | WNOHANG); return 0; }''', name : 'pidfd_open(2) system call') glib_conf.set('HAVE_PIDFD', 1) endif # Check for __uint128_t (gcc) by checking for 128-bit division uint128_t_src = '''int main() { static __uint128_t v1 = 100; static __uint128_t v2 = 10; static __uint128_t u; u = v1 / v2; (void) u; }''' if cc.compiles(uint128_t_src, name : '__uint128_t available') glib_conf.set('HAVE_UINT128_T', 1) endif clock_gettime_test_code = ''' #include struct timespec t; int main (int argc, char ** argv) { return clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t); }''' librt = [] if cc.links(clock_gettime_test_code, name : 'clock_gettime') glib_conf.set('HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME', 1) elif cc.links(clock_gettime_test_code, args : '-lrt', name : 'clock_gettime in librt') glib_conf.set('HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME', 1) librt = cc.find_library('rt') endif dlopen_dlsym_test_code = ''' #include #include int r; int glib_underscore_test (void) { return 42; } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { void *f1 = (void*)0, *f2 = (void*)0, *handle; handle = dlopen ((void*)0, 0); if (handle) { f1 = dlsym (handle, "glib_underscore_test"); f2 = dlsym (handle, "_glib_underscore_test"); } r = (!f2 || f1) ? puts ("1") : puts ("0"); return r > 0 ? 0 : r; }''' libdl_dep = [] if cc.links(dlopen_dlsym_test_code, name : 'dlopen() and dlsym() in system libraries') have_dlopen_dlsym = true elif cc.links(dlopen_dlsym_test_code, args : '-ldl', name : 'dlopen() and dlsym() in libdl') have_dlopen_dlsym = true libdl_dep = cc.find_library('dl') else have_dlopen_dlsym = false endif # if statfs() takes 2 arguments (Posix) or 4 (Solaris) if have_func_statfs if cc.compiles(glib_conf_prefix + ''' #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_VFS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MOUNT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STATFS_H #include #endif void some_func (void) { struct statfs st; statfs("/", &st); }''', name : 'number of arguments to statfs() (n=2)') glib_conf.set('STATFS_ARGS', 2) elif cc.compiles(glib_conf_prefix + ''' #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_VFS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MOUNT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STATFS_H #include #endif void some_func (void) { struct statfs st; statfs("/", &st, sizeof (st), 0); }''', name : 'number of arguments to statfs() (n=4)') glib_conf.set('STATFS_ARGS', 4) else error('Unable to determine number of arguments to statfs()') endif endif # open takes O_DIRECTORY as an option #AC_MSG_CHECKING([]) if cc.compiles('''#include #include #include void some_func (void) { open(".", O_DIRECTORY, 0); }''', name : 'open() option O_DIRECTORY') glib_conf.set('HAVE_OPEN_O_DIRECTORY', 1) endif # fcntl takes F_FULLFSYNC as an option # See if cc.compiles('''#include #include #include void some_func (void) { fcntl(0, F_FULLFSYNC, 0); }''', name : 'fcntl() option F_FULLFSYNC') glib_conf.set('HAVE_FCNTL_F_FULLFSYNC', 1) endif # Check whether there is a vsnprintf() function with C99 semantics installed. # (similar tests to AC_FUNC_VSNPRINTF_C99) # Check whether there is a snprintf() function with C99 semantics installed. # (similar tests to AC_FUNC_SNPRINTF_C99) # Check whether there is a printf() function with Unix98 semantics installed. # (similar tests to AC_FUNC_PRINTF_UNIX98) have_good_vsnprintf = false have_good_snprintf = false have_good_printf = false if host_system == 'windows' and (cc.get_id() == 'msvc' or cc.get_id() == 'clang-cl') # Unfortunately the Visual Studio 2015+ implementations of C99-style # snprintf and vsnprintf don't seem to be quite good enough. # (Sorry, I don't know exactly what is the problem, # but it is related to floating point formatting and decimal point vs. comma.) # The simple tests in AC_FUNC_VSNPRINTF_C99 and AC_FUNC_SNPRINTF_C99 aren't # rigorous enough to notice, though. glib_conf.set('HAVE_C99_SNPRINTF', false) glib_conf.set('HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF', false) glib_conf.set('HAVE_UNIX98_PRINTF', false) elif not cc_can_run and host_system in ['ios', 'darwin'] # All these are true when compiling natively on macOS, so we should use good # defaults when building for iOS and tvOS. glib_conf.set('HAVE_C99_SNPRINTF', true) glib_conf.set('HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF', true) glib_conf.set('HAVE_UNIX98_PRINTF', true) have_good_vsnprintf = true have_good_snprintf = true have_good_printf = true else vsnprintf_c99_test_code = ''' #include #include #include int doit(char * s, ...) { char buffer[32]; va_list args; int r; va_start(args, s); r = vsnprintf(buffer, 5, s, args); va_end(args); if (r != 7) exit(1); /* AIX 5.1 and Solaris seems to have a half-baked vsnprintf() implementation. The above will return 7 but if you replace the size of the buffer with 0, it borks! */ va_start(args, s); r = vsnprintf(buffer, 0, s, args); va_end(args); if (r != 7) exit(1); exit(0); } int main(void) { doit("1234567"); exit(1); }''' if cc_can_run rres =, name : 'C99 vsnprintf') if rres.compiled() and rres.returncode() == 0 glib_conf.set('HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF', 1) have_good_vsnprintf = true endif else have_good_vsnprintf = meson.get_external_property('have_c99_vsnprintf', false) glib_conf.set('HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF', have_good_vsnprintf) endif snprintf_c99_test_code = ''' #include #include #include int doit() { char buffer[32]; int r; r = snprintf(buffer, 5, "1234567"); if (r != 7) exit(1); r = snprintf(buffer, 0, "1234567"); if (r != 7) exit(1); r = snprintf(NULL, 0, "1234567"); if (r != 7) exit(1); exit(0); } int main(void) { doit(); exit(1); }''' if cc_can_run rres =, name : 'C99 snprintf') if rres.compiled() and rres.returncode() == 0 glib_conf.set('HAVE_C99_SNPRINTF', 1) have_good_snprintf = true endif else have_good_snprintf = meson.get_external_property('have_c99_snprintf', false) glib_conf.set('HAVE_C99_SNPRINTF', have_good_snprintf) endif printf_unix98_test_code = ''' #include #include #include int main (void) { char buffer[128]; sprintf (buffer, "%2\$d %3\$d %1\$d", 1, 2, 3); if (strcmp ("2 3 1", buffer) == 0) exit (0); exit (1); }''' if cc_can_run rres =, name : 'Unix98 printf positional parameters') if rres.compiled() and rres.returncode() == 0 glib_conf.set('HAVE_UNIX98_PRINTF', 1) have_good_printf = true endif else have_good_printf = meson.get_external_property('have_unix98_printf', false) glib_conf.set('HAVE_UNIX98_PRINTF', have_good_printf) endif endif if host_system == 'windows' glib_conf.set_quoted('EXEEXT', '.exe') else glib_conf.set('EXEEXT', '') endif # Our printf is 'good' only if vsnpintf()/snprintf()/printf() supports C99 well enough use_system_printf = have_good_vsnprintf and have_good_snprintf and have_good_printf glib_conf.set('USE_SYSTEM_PRINTF', use_system_printf) glibconfig_conf.set('GLIB_USING_SYSTEM_PRINTF', use_system_printf) if not use_system_printf # gnulib has vasprintf so override the previous check glib_conf.set('HAVE_VASPRINTF', 1) endif # Check for nl_langinfo and CODESET if cc.links('''#include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { char *codeset = nl_langinfo (CODESET); (void) codeset; return 0; }''', name : 'nl_langinfo and CODESET') glib_conf.set('HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET', 1) glib_conf.set('HAVE_CODESET', 1) endif # Check for nl_langinfo and LC_TIME parts that are needed in gdatetime.c have_langinfo_time = false if cc.links('''#include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { char *str; str = nl_langinfo (PM_STR); str = nl_langinfo (D_T_FMT); str = nl_langinfo (D_FMT); str = nl_langinfo (T_FMT); str = nl_langinfo (T_FMT_AMPM); str = nl_langinfo (MON_1); str = nl_langinfo (ABMON_12); str = nl_langinfo (DAY_1); str = nl_langinfo (ABDAY_7); (void) str; return 0; }''', name : 'nl_langinfo (PM_STR)') have_langinfo_time = true glib_conf.set('HAVE_LANGINFO_TIME', 1) endif # Linux glibc supports ERA, but FreeBSD and macOS don’t if cc.links('''#include int main (int argc, char **argv) { char *str; str = nl_langinfo (ERA); str = nl_langinfo (ERA_D_T_FMT); str = nl_langinfo (ERA_D_FMT); str = nl_langinfo (ERA_T_FMT); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_TIME_ERA_NUM_ENTRIES); (void) str; return 0; }''', name : 'nl_langinfo (ERA)') glib_conf.set('HAVE_LANGINFO_ERA', 1) if not have_langinfo_time error('nl_langinfo(ERA) is supported but more basic nl_langinfo() functionality like PM_STR is not') endif endif if cc.links('''#include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { char *str; str = nl_langinfo (_NL_CTYPE_OUTDIGIT0_MB); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_CTYPE_OUTDIGIT1_MB); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_CTYPE_OUTDIGIT2_MB); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_CTYPE_OUTDIGIT3_MB); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_CTYPE_OUTDIGIT4_MB); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_CTYPE_OUTDIGIT5_MB); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_CTYPE_OUTDIGIT6_MB); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_CTYPE_OUTDIGIT7_MB); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_CTYPE_OUTDIGIT8_MB); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_CTYPE_OUTDIGIT9_MB); (void) str; return 0; }''', name : 'nl_langinfo (_NL_CTYPE_OUTDIGITn_MB)') glib_conf.set('HAVE_LANGINFO_OUTDIGIT', 1) if not have_langinfo_time error('nl_langinfo(_NL_CTYPE_OUTDIGITn_MB) is supported but more basic nl_langinfo() functionality like PM_STR is not') endif endif # Check for nl_langinfo and alternative month names if cc.links('''#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE # define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { char *str; str = nl_langinfo (ALTMON_1); str = nl_langinfo (ALTMON_2); str = nl_langinfo (ALTMON_3); str = nl_langinfo (ALTMON_4); str = nl_langinfo (ALTMON_5); str = nl_langinfo (ALTMON_6); str = nl_langinfo (ALTMON_7); str = nl_langinfo (ALTMON_8); str = nl_langinfo (ALTMON_9); str = nl_langinfo (ALTMON_10); str = nl_langinfo (ALTMON_11); str = nl_langinfo (ALTMON_12); (void) str; return 0; }''', name : 'nl_langinfo (ALTMON_n)') glib_conf.set('HAVE_LANGINFO_ALTMON', 1) if not have_langinfo_time error('nl_langinfo(ALTMON_n) is supported but more basic nl_langinfo() functionality like PM_STR is not') endif endif # Check for nl_langinfo and abbreviated alternative month names if cc.links('''#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE # define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { char *str; str = nl_langinfo (_NL_ABALTMON_1); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_ABALTMON_2); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_ABALTMON_3); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_ABALTMON_4); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_ABALTMON_5); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_ABALTMON_6); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_ABALTMON_7); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_ABALTMON_8); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_ABALTMON_9); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_ABALTMON_10); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_ABALTMON_11); str = nl_langinfo (_NL_ABALTMON_12); (void) str; return 0; }''', name : 'nl_langinfo (_NL_ABALTMON_n)') glib_conf.set('HAVE_LANGINFO_ABALTMON', 1) if not have_langinfo_time error('nl_langinfo(_NL_ABALTMON_n) is supported but more basic nl_langinfo() functionality like PM_STR is not') endif endif # Check for nl_langinfo and _NL_TIME_CODESET if cc.links('''#include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { char *codeset = nl_langinfo (_NL_TIME_CODESET); (void) codeset; return 0; }''', name : 'nl_langinfo and _NL_TIME_CODESET') glib_conf.set('HAVE_LANGINFO_TIME_CODESET', 1) if not have_langinfo_time error('nl_langinfo(_NL_TIME_CODESET) is supported but more basic nl_langinfo() functionality like PM_STR is not') endif endif # Check if C compiler supports the 'signed' keyword if not cc.compiles('''signed char x;''', name : 'signed') glib_conf.set('signed', '/* NOOP */') endif # Check if the ptrdiff_t type exists if cc.has_header_symbol('stddef.h', 'ptrdiff_t') glib_conf.set('HAVE_PTRDIFF_T', 1) endif # Check for sig_atomic_t type if cc.links('''#include #include sig_atomic_t val = 42; int main (int argc, char ** argv) { return val == 42 ? 0 : 1; }''', name : 'sig_atomic_t') glib_conf.set('HAVE_SIG_ATOMIC_T', 1) endif # Check if 'long long' works # jm_AC_TYPE_LONG_LONG if cc.compiles('''long long ll = 1LL; int i = 63; int some_func (void) { long long llmax = (long long) -1; return ll << i | ll >> i | llmax / ll | llmax % ll; }''', name : 'long long') glib_conf.set('HAVE_LONG_LONG', 1) have_long_long = true else have_long_long = false endif # Test whether the compiler supports the 'long double' type. if cc.compiles('''/* The Stardent Vistra knows sizeof(long double), but does not support it. */ long double foo = 0.0; /* On Ultrix 4.3 cc, long double is 4 and double is 8. */ int array [2*(sizeof(long double) >= sizeof(double)) - 1];''', name : 'long double') glib_conf.set('HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE', 1) endif # Test whether has the 'wchar_t' type. if cc.has_header_symbol('stddef.h', 'wchar_t') glib_conf.set('HAVE_WCHAR_T', 1) endif # Test whether has the 'wint_t' type. if cc.has_header_symbol('wchar.h', 'wint_t') glib_conf.set('HAVE_WINT_T', 1) endif found_uintmax_t = false # Define HAVE_INTTYPES_H_WITH_UINTMAX if exists, # doesn't clash with , and declares uintmax_t. # jm_AC_HEADER_INTTYPES_H if cc.compiles('''#include #include void some_func (void) { uintmax_t i = (uintmax_t) -1; (void) i; }''', name : 'uintmax_t in inttypes.h') glib_conf.set('HAVE_INTTYPES_H_WITH_UINTMAX', 1) found_uintmax_t = true endif # Define HAVE_STDINT_H_WITH_UINTMAX if exists, # doesn't clash with , and declares uintmax_t. # jm_AC_HEADER_STDINT_H if cc.compiles('''#include #include void some_func (void) { uintmax_t i = (uintmax_t) -1; (void) i; }''', name : 'uintmax_t in stdint.h') glib_conf.set('HAVE_STDINT_H_WITH_UINTMAX', 1) found_uintmax_t = true endif # Define intmax_t to 'long' or 'long long' # if it is not already defined in or . # For simplicity, we assume that a header file defines 'intmax_t' if and # only if it defines 'uintmax_t'. if found_uintmax_t glib_conf.set('HAVE_INTMAX_T', 1) elif have_long_long glib_conf.set('intmax_t', 'long long') else glib_conf.set('intmax_t', 'long') endif char_size = cc.sizeof('char') short_size = cc.sizeof('short') int_size = cc.sizeof('int') voidp_size = cc.sizeof('void*') long_size = cc.sizeof('long') if have_long_long long_long_size = cc.sizeof('long long') else long_long_size = 0 endif sizet_size = cc.sizeof('size_t') if cc.get_id() == 'msvc' or cc.get_id() == 'clang-cl' ssizet_size = cc.sizeof('SSIZE_T', prefix : '#include ') else ssizet_size = cc.sizeof('ssize_t', prefix : '#include ') endif # Some platforms (Apple) hard-code int64_t to long long instead of # using long on 64-bit architectures. This can cause type mismatch # warnings when trying to interface with code using the standard # library type. Test for the warnings and set gint64 to whichever # works. if long_long_size == long_size if cc.compiles('''#if defined(_AIX) && !defined(__GNUC__) #pragma options langlvl=stdc99 #endif #pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wincompatible-pointer-types" #include #include int main () { int64_t i1 = 1; long *i2 = &i1; (void) i2; return 1; }''', name : 'int64_t is long') int64_t_typedef = 'long' elif cc.compiles('''#if defined(_AIX) && !defined(__GNUC__) #pragma options langlvl=stdc99 #endif #pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wincompatible-pointer-types" #include #include int main () { int64_t i1 = 1; long long *i2 = &i1; (void) i2; return 1; }''', name : 'int64_t is long long') int64_t_typedef = 'long long' else error('Cannot detect int64_t typedef') endif endif int64_m = 'll' char_align = cc.alignment('char') short_align = cc.alignment('short') int_align = cc.alignment('int') voidp_align = cc.alignment('void*') long_align = cc.alignment('long') long_long_align = cc.alignment('long long') # NOTE: We don't check for size of __int64 because long long is guaranteed to # be 64-bit in C99, and it is available on all supported compilers sizet_align = cc.alignment('size_t') glib_conf.set('SIZEOF_CHAR', char_size) glib_conf.set('SIZEOF_INT', int_size) glib_conf.set('SIZEOF_SHORT', short_size) glib_conf.set('SIZEOF_LONG', long_size) glib_conf.set('SIZEOF_LONG_LONG', long_long_size) glib_conf.set('SIZEOF_SIZE_T', sizet_size) glib_conf.set('SIZEOF_SSIZE_T', ssizet_size) glib_conf.set('SIZEOF_VOID_P', voidp_size) glib_conf.set('SIZEOF_WCHAR_T', cc.sizeof('wchar_t', prefix: '#include ')) if short_size == 2 gint16 = 'short' gint16_modifier='h' gint16_format='hi' guint16_format='hu' elif int_size == 2 gint16 = 'int' gint16_modifier='' gint16_format='i' guint16_format='u' else error('Compiler provides no native 16-bit integer type') endif glibconfig_conf.set('gint16', gint16) glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gint16_modifier', gint16_modifier) glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gint16_format', gint16_format) glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('guint16_format', guint16_format) if short_size == 4 gint32 = 'short' gint32_modifier='h' gint32_format='hi' guint32_format='hu' guint32_align = short_align elif int_size == 4 gint32 = 'int' gint32_modifier='' gint32_format='i' guint32_format='u' guint32_align = int_align elif long_size == 4 gint32 = 'long' gint32_modifier='l' gint32_format='li' guint32_format='lu' guint32_align = long_align else error('Compiler provides no native 32-bit integer type') endif glibconfig_conf.set('gint32', gint32) glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gint32_modifier', gint32_modifier) glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gint32_format', gint32_format) glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('guint32_format', guint32_format) if int_size == 8 gint64 = 'int' gint64_modifier='' gint64_format='i' guint64_format='u' glib_extension='' gint64_constant='(val)' guint64_constant='(val)' guint64_align = int_align elif long_size == 8 and (long_long_size != long_size or int64_t_typedef == 'long') gint64 = 'long' glib_extension='' gint64_modifier='l' gint64_format='li' guint64_format='lu' gint64_constant='(val##L)' guint64_constant='(val##UL)' guint64_align = long_align elif long_long_size == 8 and (long_long_size != long_size or int64_t_typedef == 'long long') gint64 = 'long long' glib_extension='G_GNUC_EXTENSION ' gint64_modifier=int64_m gint64_format=int64_m + 'i' guint64_format=int64_m + 'u' gint64_constant='(G_GNUC_EXTENSION (val##LL))' guint64_constant='(G_GNUC_EXTENSION (val##ULL))' guint64_align = long_long_align else error('Compiler provides no native 64-bit integer type') endif glibconfig_conf.set('glib_extension', glib_extension) glibconfig_conf.set('gint64', gint64) glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gint64_modifier', gint64_modifier) glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gint64_format', gint64_format) glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('guint64_format', guint64_format) glibconfig_conf.set('gint64_constant', gint64_constant) glibconfig_conf.set('guint64_constant', guint64_constant) if host_system == 'windows' glibconfig_conf.set('g_pid_type', 'void*') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('g_pid_format', 'p') if host_machine.cpu_family() in ['x86_64', 'aarch64'] glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('g_pollfd_format', '%#' + int64_m + 'x') else glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('g_pollfd_format', '%#x') endif glibconfig_conf.set('g_dir_separator', '\\\\') glibconfig_conf.set('g_searchpath_separator', ';') else glibconfig_conf.set('g_pid_type', 'int') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('g_pid_format', 'i') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('g_pollfd_format', '%d') glibconfig_conf.set('g_dir_separator', '/') glibconfig_conf.set('g_searchpath_separator', ':') endif g_sizet_compatibility = { 'short': sizet_size == short_size, 'int': sizet_size == int_size, 'long': sizet_size == long_size, 'long long': sizet_size == long_long_size, } # Do separate checks for gcc/clang (and ignore other compilers for now), since # we need to explicitly pass -Werror to the compilers. # FIXME: if cc.get_id() == 'gcc' or cc.get_id() == 'clang' foreach type_name, size_compatibility : g_sizet_compatibility g_sizet_compatibility += { type_name: size_compatibility and cc.compiles( '''#include static size_t f (size_t *i) { return *i + 1; } int main (void) { unsigned ''' + type_name + ''' i = 0; f (&i); return 0; }''', args: ['-Werror'], name : 'GCC size_t typedef is ' + type_name), } endforeach endif if g_sizet_compatibility['short'] glibconfig_conf.set('glib_size_type_define', 'short') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gsize_modifier', 'h') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gssize_modifier', 'h') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gsize_format', 'hu') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gssize_format', 'hi') glibconfig_conf.set('glib_msize_type', 'SHRT') elif g_sizet_compatibility['int'] glibconfig_conf.set('glib_size_type_define', 'int') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gsize_modifier', '') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gssize_modifier', '') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gsize_format', 'u') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gssize_format', 'i') glibconfig_conf.set('glib_msize_type', 'INT') elif g_sizet_compatibility['long'] glibconfig_conf.set('glib_size_type_define', 'long') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gsize_modifier', 'l') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gssize_modifier', 'l') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gsize_format', 'lu') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gssize_format', 'li') glibconfig_conf.set('glib_msize_type', 'LONG') elif g_sizet_compatibility['long long'] glibconfig_conf.set('glib_size_type_define', 'long long') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gsize_modifier', int64_m) glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gssize_modifier', int64_m) glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gsize_format', int64_m + 'u') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gssize_format', int64_m + 'i') glibconfig_conf.set('glib_msize_type', 'INT64') else error('Could not determine size of size_t.') endif if voidp_size == int_size glibconfig_conf.set('glib_intptr_type_define', 'int') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gintptr_modifier', '') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gintptr_format', 'i') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('guintptr_format', 'u') glibconfig_conf.set('glib_gpi_cast', '(gint)') glibconfig_conf.set('glib_gpui_cast', '(guint)') elif voidp_size == long_size glibconfig_conf.set('glib_intptr_type_define', 'long') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gintptr_modifier', 'l') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gintptr_format', 'li') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('guintptr_format', 'lu') glibconfig_conf.set('glib_gpi_cast', '(glong)') glibconfig_conf.set('glib_gpui_cast', '(gulong)') elif voidp_size == long_long_size glibconfig_conf.set('glib_intptr_type_define', 'long long') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gintptr_modifier', int64_m) glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('gintptr_format', int64_m + 'i') glibconfig_conf.set_quoted('guintptr_format', int64_m + 'u') glibconfig_conf.set('glib_gpi_cast', '(gint64)') glibconfig_conf.set('glib_gpui_cast', '(guint64)') else error('Could not determine size of void *') endif if long_size != 8 and long_long_size != 8 and int_size != 8 error('GLib requires a 64-bit type. You might want to consider using the GNU C compiler.') endif glibconfig_conf.set('gintbits', int_size * 8) glibconfig_conf.set('glongbits', long_size * 8) glibconfig_conf.set('gsizebits', sizet_size * 8) glibconfig_conf.set('gssizebits', ssizet_size * 8) # XXX: if host_system == 'windows' g_module_suffix = 'dll' else g_module_suffix = 'so' endif glibconfig_conf.set('g_module_suffix', g_module_suffix) glibconfig_conf.set('GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION', major_version) glibconfig_conf.set('GLIB_MINOR_VERSION', minor_version) glibconfig_conf.set('GLIB_MICRO_VERSION', micro_version) glibconfig_conf.set('GLIB_VERSION', glib_version) glibconfig_conf.set('glib_void_p', voidp_size) glibconfig_conf.set('glib_long', long_size) glibconfig_conf.set('glib_size_t', sizet_size) glibconfig_conf.set('glib_ssize_t', ssizet_size) if host_machine.endian() == 'big' glibconfig_conf.set('g_byte_order', 'G_BIG_ENDIAN') glibconfig_conf.set('g_bs_native', 'BE') glibconfig_conf.set('g_bs_alien', 'LE') else glibconfig_conf.set('g_byte_order', 'G_LITTLE_ENDIAN') glibconfig_conf.set('g_bs_native', 'LE') glibconfig_conf.set('g_bs_alien', 'BE') endif # === va_copy checks === glib_vacopy = '' # We check for G_VA_COPY_AS_ARRAY for historical reasons, but we no longer # use it: use Standard C va_copy() instead. va_list_val_copy_prog = ''' #include #include void f (int i, ...) { va_list args1, args2; va_start (args1, i); args2 = args1; if (va_arg (args2, int) != 42 || va_arg (args1, int) != 42) exit (1); va_end (args1); va_end (args2); } int main() { f (0, 42); return 0; }''' if cc_can_run rres =, name : 'va_lists can be copied as values') glib_va_val_copy = rres.compiled() and rres.returncode() == 0 else glib_va_val_copy = meson.get_external_property('va_val_copy', true) endif if not glib_va_val_copy glib_vacopy = glib_vacopy + '\n#define G_VA_COPY_AS_ARRAY 1' glib_conf.set('G_VA_COPY_AS_ARRAY', 1) endif glibconfig_conf.set('glib_vacopy', glib_vacopy) # check for flavours of varargs macros g_have_iso_c_varargs = cc.compiles(''' void some_func (void) { int a(int p1, int p2, int p3); #define call_a(...) a(1,__VA_ARGS__) call_a(2,3); }''', name : 'ISO C99 varargs macros in C') if not g_have_iso_c_varargs error('GLib requires a C compiler with support for C99 __VA_ARG__ in macros.') endif if have_cxx g_have_iso_cxx_varargs = cxx.compiles(''' void some_func (void) { int a(int p1, int p2, int p3); #define call_a(...) a(1,__VA_ARGS__) call_a(2,3); }''', name : 'ISO C99 varargs macros in C++') if not g_have_iso_cxx_varargs error('GLib requires a C++ compiler with support for C99 __VA_ARG__ in macros.') endif endif g_have_gnuc_varargs = cc.compiles(''' void some_func (void) { int a(int p1, int p2, int p3); #define call_a(params...) a(1,params) call_a(2,3); }''', name : 'GNUC varargs macros') if cc.has_header('alloca.h') glibconfig_conf.set('GLIB_HAVE_ALLOCA_H', true) endif has_syspoll = cc.has_header('sys/poll.h') has_systypes = cc.has_header('sys/types.h') if has_syspoll glibconfig_conf.set('GLIB_HAVE_SYS_POLL_H', true) endif has_winsock2 = cc.has_header('winsock2.h') if has_syspoll and has_systypes poll_includes = ''' #include #include''' elif has_winsock2 poll_includes = ''' #define _WIN32_WINNT @0@ #include '''.format(glib_conf.get('_WIN32_WINNT')) else # FIXME? error('FIX POLL* defines') endif poll_defines = [ [ 'POLLIN', 'g_pollin', 1 ], [ 'POLLOUT', 'g_pollout', 4 ], [ 'POLLPRI', 'g_pollpri', 2 ], [ 'POLLERR', 'g_pollerr', 8 ], [ 'POLLHUP', 'g_pollhup', 16 ], [ 'POLLNVAL', 'g_pollnval', 32 ], ] if has_syspoll and has_systypes foreach d : poll_defines val = cc.compute_int(d[0], prefix: poll_includes) glibconfig_conf.set(d[1], val) endforeach elif has_winsock2 # Due to a missed bug in the poll test # never succeeded on Windows and used some pre-defined # values as a fallback. Keep using them to maintain # ABI compatibility with autotools builds of glibs # and with *any* glib-using code compiled against them, # since these values end up in a public header glibconfig.h. foreach d : poll_defines glibconfig_conf.set(d[1], d[2]) endforeach endif # Internet address families # FIXME: what about Cygwin (G_WITH_CYGWIN) if host_system == 'windows' inet_includes = ''' #include ''' else inet_includes = ''' #include #include ''' endif inet_defines = [ [ 'AF_UNIX', 'g_af_unix' ], [ 'AF_INET', 'g_af_inet' ], [ 'AF_INET6', 'g_af_inet6' ], [ 'MSG_OOB', 'g_msg_oob' ], [ 'MSG_PEEK', 'g_msg_peek' ], [ 'MSG_DONTROUTE', 'g_msg_dontroute' ], ] foreach d : inet_defines val = cc.compute_int(d[0], prefix: inet_includes) glibconfig_conf.set(d[1], val) endforeach if host_system == 'windows' have_ipv6 = true else have_ipv6 = cc.has_type('struct in6_addr', prefix: '#include ') endif glib_conf.set('HAVE_IPV6', have_ipv6) # We need to decide at configure time if GLib will use real atomic # operations ("lock free") or emulated ones with a mutex. This is # because we must put this information in glibconfig.h so we know if # it is safe or not to inline using compiler intrinsics directly from # the header. # # We also publish the information via G_ATOMIC_LOCK_FREE in case the # user is interested in knowing if they can use the atomic ops across # processes. # # We can currently support the atomic ops natively when building GLib # with recent versions of GCC or MSVC. # # Note that the atomic ops are only available with GCC on x86 when # using -march=i486 or higher. If we detect that the atomic ops are # not available but would be available given the right flags, we want # to abort and advise the user to fix their CFLAGS. It's better to do # that then to silently fall back on emulated atomic ops just because # the user had the wrong build environment. atomictest = '''int main() { int atomic = 2; __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&atomic, 2, 3); return 0; } ''' atomicdefine = ''' #ifndef __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4 #error "compiler has atomic ops, but doesn't define __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4" #endif ''' # We know that we can always use real ("lock free") atomic operations with MSVC if cc.get_id() == 'msvc' or cc.get_id() == 'clang-cl' or cc.links(atomictest, name : 'atomic ops') have_atomic_lock_free = true if cc.get_id() == 'gcc' and not cc.compiles(atomicdefine, name : 'atomic ops define') # Old gcc release may provide # __sync_bool_compare_and_swap but doesn't define # __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4 glib_conf.set('__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4', true) endif if cc.get_id() == 'gcc' or cc.get_id() == 'clang' sync_swap_test = ''' int main() { int atomic = 2; __sync_swap (&atomic, 2); return 0; } ''' glib_conf.set('_GLIB_GCC_HAVE_SYNC_SWAP', cc.links(sync_swap_test, name : 'sync swap')) endif else have_atomic_lock_free = false if host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86' and cc.links(atomictest, args : '-march=i486') error('GLib must be built with -march=i486 or later.') endif endif glibconfig_conf.set('G_ATOMIC_LOCK_FREE', have_atomic_lock_free) # === Threads === if get_option('force_posix_threads') warning('DEPRECATION: Option \'force_posix_threads\' is deprecated and will be removed after GLib 2.72; please file an issue with your use case if you still require it') endif # Determination of thread implementation if host_system == 'windows' and not get_option('force_posix_threads') thread_dep = [] threads_implementation = 'win32' glibconfig_conf.set('g_threads_impl_def', 'WIN32') glib_conf.set('THREADS_WIN32', 1) else thread_dep = dependency('threads') threads_implementation = 'posix' pthread_prefix = ''' #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE # define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include ''' glibconfig_conf.set('g_threads_impl_def', 'POSIX') glib_conf.set('THREADS_POSIX', 1) if cc.has_header_symbol('pthread.h', 'pthread_attr_setstacksize') glib_conf.set('HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSTACKSIZE', 1) endif if cc.has_header_symbol('pthread.h', 'pthread_attr_setinheritsched') glib_conf.set('HAVE_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETINHERITSCHED', 1) endif if cc.has_header_symbol('pthread.h', 'pthread_condattr_setclock') glib_conf.set('HAVE_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_SETCLOCK', 1) endif if cc.has_header_symbol('pthread.h', 'pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np') glib_conf.set('HAVE_PTHREAD_COND_TIMEDWAIT_RELATIVE_NP', 1) endif if cc.has_header_symbol('pthread.h', 'pthread_getname_np', prefix : pthread_prefix) glib_conf.set('HAVE_PTHREAD_GETNAME_NP', 1) endif if cc.has_header_symbol('pthread.h', 'pthread_getaffinity_np', prefix : pthread_prefix) glib_conf.set('HAVE_PTHREAD_GETAFFINITY_NP', 1) endif # Assume that pthread_setname_np is available in some form; same as configure if cc.links(pthread_prefix + ''' int main() { pthread_setname_np("example"); return 0; }''', name : 'pthread_setname_np(const char*)', dependencies : thread_dep) # macOS and iOS glib_conf.set('HAVE_PTHREAD_SETNAME_NP_WITHOUT_TID', 1) elif cc.links(pthread_prefix + ''' int main() { pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "example"); return 0; }''', name : 'pthread_setname_np(pthread_t, const char*)', dependencies : thread_dep) # Linux, Solaris, etc. glib_conf.set('HAVE_PTHREAD_SETNAME_NP_WITH_TID', 1) elif cc.links(pthread_prefix + ''' int main() { pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "%s", "example"); return 0; }''', name : 'pthread_setname_np(pthread_t, const char*, void*)', dependencies : thread_dep) # NetBSD glib_conf.set('HAVE_PTHREAD_SETNAME_NP_WITH_TID_AND_ARG', 1) elif cc.links(pthread_prefix + ''' #include int main() { pthread_set_name_np(pthread_self(), "example"); return 0; }''', name : 'pthread_set_name_np(pthread_t, const char*)', dependencies : thread_dep) # FreeBSD, DragonFlyBSD, OpenBSD, etc. glib_conf.set('HAVE_PTHREAD_SET_NAME_NP', 1) endif endif # FIXME: we should make it print the result and always return 0, so that # the output in meson shows up as green # volatile is needed here to avoid optimisations in the test stack_grows_check_prog = ''' volatile int *a = 0, *b = 0; void f (int i) { volatile int x = 5; if (i == 0) b = &x; else f (i - 1); } int main () { volatile int y = 7; a = &y; f (100); return b > a ? 0 : 1; }''' if cc_can_run rres =, name : 'stack grows check') growing_stack = rres.compiled() and rres.returncode() == 0 else growing_stack = meson.get_external_property('growing_stack', false) endif glibconfig_conf.set10('G_HAVE_GROWING_STACK', growing_stack) # Tests for iconv # # We should never use the MinGW C library's iconv because it may not be # available in the actual runtime environment. On Windows, we always use # the built-in implementation if host_system == 'windows' # We have a #include "win_iconv.c" in gconvert.c on Windows, so we don't need # any external library for it libiconv = [] else libiconv = dependency('iconv') endif pcre2_req = '>=10.32' # Pick up pcre from the system, or if "--force-fallback-for libpcre2-8" was specified pcre2 = dependency('libpcre2-8', version: pcre2_req, required: false, default_options: ['default_library=static']) if not pcre2.found() if cc.get_id() == 'msvc' or cc.get_id() == 'clang-cl' # MSVC: Search for the PCRE2 library by the configuration, which corresponds # to the output of CMake builds of PCRE2. Note that debugoptimized # is really a Release build with .PDB files. if vs_crt == 'debug' pcre2 = cc.find_library('pcre2d-8', required : false) else pcre2 = cc.find_library('pcre2-8', required : false) endif endif endif # Try again with the fallback if not pcre2.found() pcre2 = dependency('libpcre2-8', version: pcre2_req, allow_fallback: true, default_options: ['default_library=static']) assert(pcre2.type_name() == 'internal') # static flags are automatically enabled by the subproject if it's built # with default_library=static use_pcre2_static_flag = false elif host_system == 'windows' and pcre2.type_name() != 'internal' pcre2_static = cc.links('''#define PCRE2_STATIC #define PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH 8 #include int main() { void *p = NULL; pcre2_code_free(p); return 0; }''', dependencies: pcre2, name : 'Windows system PCRE2 is a static build') use_pcre2_static_flag = pcre2_static else use_pcre2_static_flag = false endif # Import the gvdb sources as a subproject to avoid having the copylib in-tree subproject('gvdb', default_options: {'tests': false}) gvdb_dep = dependency('gvdb') libm = cc.find_library('m', required : false) libffi_dep = dependency('libffi', version : '>= 3.0.0') libz_dep = dependency('zlib') libatomic_test_code = ''' int main (int argc, char ** argv) { return 0; }''' atomic_dep = [] if cc.links(libatomic_test_code, args : '-latomic', name : 'check for -latomic') atomic_dep = cc.find_library('atomic') endif # First check in libc, fallback to libintl, and as last chance build # proxy-libintl subproject. # FIXME: glib-gettext.m4 has much more checks to detect broken/uncompatible # implementations. This could be extended if issues are found in some platforms. libintl_deps = [] libintl_prefix = '#include ' libintl = dependency('intl', required: false) if libintl.found() and libintl.type_name() != 'internal' # libintl supports different threading APIs, which may not # require additional flags, but it defaults to using pthreads if # found. Meson's "threads" dependency does not allow you to # prefer pthreads. We may not be using pthreads for glib itself # either so just link the library to satisfy libintl rather than # also defining the macros with the -pthread flag. # # Meson's builtin dependency lookup as of 0.60.0 doesn't check for # pthread, so we do this manually here. if cc.has_function('ngettext', dependencies : libintl, prefix: libintl_prefix) libintl_deps += [libintl] else libintl_iconv = cc.find_library('iconv', required : false) if libintl_iconv.found() and cc.has_function('ngettext', args : osx_ldflags, dependencies : [libintl, libintl_iconv]) libintl_deps += [libintl, libintl_iconv] else libintl_pthread = cc.find_library('pthread', required : false) if libintl_pthread.found() and cc.has_function('ngettext', dependencies : [libintl, libintl_pthread], prefix: libintl_prefix) libintl_deps += [libintl, libintl_pthread] else libintl = disabler() endif endif endif endif if libintl.found() and libintl.type_name() != 'internal' have_bind_textdomain_codeset = cc.has_function('bind_textdomain_codeset', dependencies: libintl_deps, prefix: libintl_prefix) else # using proxy-libintl fallback libintl = dependency('intl', allow_fallback: true) assert(libintl.type_name() == 'internal') libintl_deps = [libintl] have_bind_textdomain_codeset = true # proxy-libintl supports it endif glib_conf.set('HAVE_BIND_TEXTDOMAIN_CODESET', have_bind_textdomain_codeset) # We require gettext to always be present glib_conf.set('HAVE_DCGETTEXT', 1) glib_conf.set('HAVE_GETTEXT', 1) glib_conf.set_quoted('GLIB_LOCALE_DIR', join_paths(glib_datadir, 'locale')) glib_conf.set_quoted('GLIB_LOCALSTATEDIR', glib_localstatedir) glib_conf.set_quoted('GLIB_RUNSTATEDIR', glib_runstatedir) # libmount is only used by gio, but we need to fetch the libs to generate the # pkg-config file below libmount_dep = [] if host_system == 'linux' libmount_dep = dependency('mount', version : '>=2.23', required : get_option('libmount')) glib_conf.set('HAVE_LIBMOUNT', libmount_dep.found()) if libmount_dep.found() and cc.has_function('mnt_monitor_veil_kernel', dependencies: libmount_dep) glib_conf.set('HAVE_MNT_MONITOR_VEIL_KERNEL', 1) endif endif if host_system == 'windows' winsock2 = cc.find_library('ws2_32') else winsock2 = not_found endif selinux_dep = [] if host_system == 'linux' selinux_dep = dependency('libselinux', version: '>=2.2', required: get_option('selinux')) glib_conf.set('HAVE_SELINUX', selinux_dep.found()) endif xattr_dep = [] if host_system != 'windows' and get_option('xattr') # either glibc or libattr can provide xattr support # for both of them, we check for getxattr being in # the library and a valid xattr header. # try glibc if cc.has_function('getxattr') and cc.has_header('sys/xattr.h') glib_conf.set('HAVE_SYS_XATTR_H', 1) glib_conf_prefix = glib_conf_prefix + '#define @0@ 1\n'.format('HAVE_SYS_XATTR_H') #failure. try libattr elif cc.has_header_symbol('attr/xattr.h', 'getxattr') glib_conf.set('HAVE_ATTR_XATTR_H', 1) glib_conf_prefix = glib_conf_prefix + '#define @0@ 1\n'.format('HAVE_ATTR_XATTR_H') xattr_dep = [cc.find_library('xattr')] else error('No getxattr implementation found in C library or libxattr') endif glib_conf.set('HAVE_XATTR', 1) if cc.compiles(glib_conf_prefix + ''' #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_XATTR_H #include #elif HAVE_ATTR_XATTR_H #include #endif int main (void) { ssize_t len = getxattr("", "", NULL, 0, 0, XATTR_NOFOLLOW); return len; }''', name : 'XATTR_NOFOLLOW') glib_conf.set('HAVE_XATTR_NOFOLLOW', 1) endif endif # If strlcpy is present (BSD and similar), check that it conforms to the BSD # specification. Specifically Solaris 8's strlcpy() does not, see # for further context. if cc.has_function('strlcpy') if cc_can_run rres ='''#include #include int main() { char p[10]; (void) strlcpy (p, "hi", 10); if (strlcat (p, "bye", 0) != 3) return 1; return 0; }''', name : 'OpenBSD strlcpy/strlcat') if rres.compiled() and rres.returncode() == 0 glib_conf.set('HAVE_STRLCPY', 1) endif elif meson.get_external_property('have_strlcpy', false) glib_conf.set('HAVE_STRLCPY', 1) endif endif cmdline_test_code = ''' #include #include #include #include #include static int __getcmdline (void) { /* This code is a dumbed-down version of g_file_get_contents() */ #ifndef O_BINARY #define O_BINARY 0 #endif #define BUFSIZE 1024 char result[BUFSIZE]; struct stat stat_buf; int fd = open ("/proc/self/cmdline", O_RDONLY|O_BINARY); if (fd < 0) exit (1); if (fstat (fd, &stat_buf)) exit (1); if (stat_buf.st_size > 0 && S_ISREG (stat_buf.st_mode)) { if (read (fd, result, BUFSIZE) <= 0) exit (1); } else { FILE *f = fdopen (fd, "r"); if (f == NULL) exit (1); if (fread (result, 1, BUFSIZE, f) <= 0) exit (1); } return 0; } int main (void) { exit (__getcmdline ()); }''' if cc_can_run rres =, name : '/proc/self/cmdline') have_proc_self_cmdline = rres.compiled() and rres.returncode() == 0 else have_proc_self_cmdline = meson.get_external_property('have_proc_self_cmdline', false) endif glib_conf.set('HAVE_PROC_SELF_CMDLINE', have_proc_self_cmdline) python = import('python').find_installation() python_version = python.language_version() python_version_req = '>=3.7' if not python_version.version_compare(python_version_req) error('Requires Python @0@, @1@ found.'.format(python_version_req, python_version)) endif # Determine which user environment-dependent files that we want to install bash = find_program('bash', required : false) have_bash = bash.found() # For completion scripts bash_comp_dep = dependency('bash-completion', version: '>=2.0', required: false) have_sh = find_program('sh', required : false).found() # For glib-gettextize have_pkg_config = find_program('pkg-config', required: false).found() # Some installed tests require a custom environment env_program = find_program('env', required: installed_tests_enabled) # illumos & Solaris may need extra definitions to expose some SUS/POSIX # interfaces in headers that conflict with previous Solaris headers. # But if we define them to request an older version of the standards, # we may hide things introduced in newer versions. We only check the # versions that are supported on systems new enough that meson runs on them. if host_system == 'sunos' xopen_test_code = '''#include #if _XOPEN_VERSION != _XOPEN_SOURCE #error "XOPEN_SOURCE of _XOPEN_SOURCE not supported" #endif''' foreach std : ['800', '700', '600'] if cc.compiles(xopen_test_code, args: '-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=' + std, name: 'building with _XOPEN_SOURCE=' + std) xopen_version = std break endif endforeach glib_conf.set('_XOPEN_SOURCE', xopen_version) glib_conf.set('__EXTENSIONS__',1) endif # Sadly Meson does not expose this value: # if host_system == 'windows' # Autotools explicitly removed --Wl,--export-all-symbols from windows builds, # with no explanation. Do the same here for now but this could be revisited if # if causes issues. export_dynamic_ldflags = [] elif host_system == 'cygwin' export_dynamic_ldflags = ['-Wl,--export-all-symbols'] elif host_system in ['darwin', 'ios'] export_dynamic_ldflags = [] elif host_system == 'sunos' export_dynamic_ldflags = [] else export_dynamic_ldflags = ['-Wl,--export-dynamic'] endif win32_cflags = [] win32_ldflags = [] if host_system == 'windows' and cc.get_id() != 'msvc' and cc.get_id() != 'clang-cl' # Ensure MSVC-compatible struct packing convention is used when # compiling for Win32 with gcc. It is used for the whole project and exposed # in glib-2.0.pc. if not cc.compiles(''' struct _GTestMSBitfields { int a : 1; short b : 1; }; typedef char _StaticCheck[sizeof(struct _GTestMSBitfields) != sizeof(int) ? 1 : -1]; ''') warning(''' Your compiler does not have ms-bitfields packing by default. Please use gcc >= 4.7 or clang >= 12: GLib will drop -mms-bitfields in the future. ''') endif win32_cflags = ['-mms-bitfields'] add_project_arguments(win32_cflags, language : 'c') # Win32 API libs, used only by libglib and exposed in glib-2.0.pc win32_ldflags = ['-lws2_32', '-lole32', '-lwinmm', '-lshlwapi', '-luuid'] elif host_system == 'cygwin' win32_ldflags = ['-luser32', '-lkernel32'] endif # Tracing: dtrace dtrace_option = get_option('dtrace') enable_dtrace = dtrace_option.allowed() if glib_have_carbon if dtrace_option.enabled() error('GLib dtrace support not yet compatible with macOS dtrace') else enable_dtrace = false endif endif if enable_dtrace dtrace = find_program('dtrace', required : dtrace_option) if not dtrace.found() enable_dtrace = false endif endif if enable_dtrace if not cc.has_header('sys/sdt.h') if dtrace_option.enabled() error('dtrace support needs sys/sdt.h header') else enable_dtrace = false endif endif endif if enable_dtrace # FIXME: autotools build also passes -fPIC -DPIC but is it needed in this case? dtrace_obj_gen = generator(dtrace, output : '@BASENAME@.o', arguments : ['-G', '-s', '@INPUT@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@']) dtrace_hdr_gen = generator(python, output : '@BASENAME@.h', arguments : ['-c', ''' import subprocess, sys[1:], check=True) output = sys.argv[6] with open(output) as f: contents = contents = contents.replace("define STAP_HAS_SEMAPHORES 1", "undef STAP_HAS_SEMAPHORES") contents = contents.replace("define _SDT_HAS_SEMAPHORES 1", "undef _SDT_HAS_SEMAPHORES") with open(output, "w") as f: f.write(contents) ''', dtrace.full_path(), '-h', '-s', '@INPUT@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@']) glib_conf.set('HAVE_DTRACE', 1) endif if cc.has_header_symbol('sys/ptrace.h', 'PTRACE_O_EXITKILL') glib_conf.set('HAVE_PTRACE_O_EXITKILL', 1) endif # systemtap systemtap = get_option('systemtap').require(enable_dtrace, error_message: 'Cannot enable systemtap because dtrace feature is disabled') enable_systemtap = systemtap.allowed() if enable_systemtap tapset_install_dir = get_option('tapset_install_dir') if tapset_install_dir == '' tapset_install_dir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'systemtap/tapset', host_machine.cpu_family()) endif stp_cdata = configuration_data() stp_cdata.set('ABS_GLIB_RUNTIME_LIBDIR', glib_libdir) stp_cdata.set('LT_CURRENT', minor_version * 100) stp_cdata.set('LT_REVISION', micro_version) endif # Introspection # # We depend on g-ir-scanner from gobject-introspection-1.0 to scan our source # to build GIR files. We then use gi-compile-repository from the local build # tree to build the typelibs (rather than using g-ir-compiler from # gobject-introspection). However, we use Meson’s gnome.generate_gir() function, # which adds a hard dependency on gobject-introspection-1.0, so we’d better # check for that here. gobject_introspection_required_version = '>= 1.80.0' gir_scanner = find_program('g-ir-scanner', required: get_option('introspection'), version: gobject_introspection_required_version) gobject_introspection = dependency('gobject-introspection-1.0', required: get_option('introspection'), version: gobject_introspection_required_version) enable_gir = get_option('introspection').allowed() and gir_scanner.found() and gobject_introspection.found() and meson.can_run_host_binaries() if get_option('introspection').enabled() and not meson.can_run_host_binaries() error('Running binaries on the build host needs to be supported to build with -Dintrospection=enabled') endif gir_args = [ '--quiet', ] pkg = import('pkgconfig') windows = import('windows') gnome = import('gnome') subdir('tools') subdir('glib') subdir('gobject') subdir('gthread') subdir('gmodule') subdir('gio') subdir('girepository') subdir('fuzzing') subdir('tests') # xgettext is optional (on Windows for instance) if find_program('xgettext', required : get_option('nls')).found() subdir('po') endif # Install m4 macros that other projects use install_data('m4macros/glib-2.0.m4', 'm4macros/glib-gettext.m4', 'm4macros/gsettings.m4', install_dir : get_option('datadir') / 'aclocal', install_tag : 'devel', ) # Check whether we support overriding the invalid parameter handler on Windows for _get_osfhandle(), # g_fsync() (i.e. _commit()), etc if host_system == 'windows' if cc.has_function('_set_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler', prefix: '#include ') glib_conf.set('HAVE__SET_THREAD_LOCAL_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLER', 1) endif if cc.has_function('_set_invalid_parameter_handler', prefix: '#include ') glib_conf.set('HAVE__SET_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLER', 1) endif if cc.has_header_symbol('crtdbg.h', '_CrtSetReportMode') glib_conf.set('HAVE__CRT_SET_REPORT_MODE', 1) endif endif configure_file(output : 'config.h', configuration : glib_conf) rst2man = find_program('rst2man', '', required: get_option('man-pages')) if rst2man.found() rst2man_flags = [ '--syntax-highlight=none', ] man1_dir = glib_prefix / get_option('mandir') / 'man1' endif rst2html5 = find_program('rst2html5', '', required: get_option('documentation')) gnome = import('gnome') subdir('docs/reference') summary({ 'host cpu' : host_machine.cpu_family(), 'host endian' : host_machine.endian(), 'host system' : host_system, 'C Compiler' : cc.get_id(), 'C++ Compiler' : have_cxx ? cxx.get_id() : 'none', 'shared build' : glib_build_shared, 'static build' : glib_build_static, }, section: 'Build environment') if build_machine.system() != host_system summary({ 'build cpu' : build_machine.cpu_family(), 'build endian' : build_machine.endian(), 'build system' : build_machine.system(), }, section: 'Build environment') endif if linux_libc != '' summary({ 'linux_libc' : linux_libc }, section: 'Build environment') endif summary({ 'prefix' : glib_prefix, 'bindir' : glib_bindir, 'libexecdir' : glib_libexecdir, 'pkgdatadir' : glib_pkgdatadir, 'datadir' : glib_datadir, 'includedir' : glib_includedir, 'giomodulesdir' : glib_giomodulesdir, 'localstatedir' : glib_localstatedir, 'runstatedir' : glib_runstatedir, }, section: 'Directories') if get_option('multiarch') summary({ 'multiarch bindir' : glib_bindir, 'multiarch libexecdir' : glib_libexecdir, }, section: 'Directories') endif if enable_systemtap summary('tapset dir', get_option('tapset_install_dir'), section: 'Directories') endif if host_system == 'linux' summary({ 'selinux' : selinux_dep.found(), 'libmount' : libmount_dep.found(), }, section: 'Options') endif summary({ 'xattr' : xattr_dep.length() > 0, 'man-pages' : get_option('man-pages'), 'dtrace' : enable_dtrace, 'systemtap' : enable_systemtap, 'sysprof' : libsysprof_capture_dep.found(), 'documentation' : get_option('documentation'), 'bsymbolic_functions' : get_option('bsymbolic_functions'), 'force_posix_threads' : get_option('force_posix_threads'), 'tests' : get_option('tests'), 'installed_tests' : get_option('installed_tests'), 'nls' : get_option('nls'), 'oss_fuzz' : get_option('oss_fuzz'), 'glib_debug' : get_option('glib_debug'), 'glib_assert' : get_option('glib_assert'), 'glib_checks' : get_option('glib_checks'), 'libelf' : get_option('libelf'), 'multiarch' : get_option('multiarch'), 'introspection' : enable_gir, 'file_monitor_backend' : get_option('file_monitor_backend'), }, section: 'Options')